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Separate sexes can evolve under nuclear inheritance when unisexuals have more than twice the reproductive fitness of hermaphrodites through one sex function (e.g., when females have more than twice the seed fertility of hermaphrodites). Because separate sexes are thought to evolve most commonly via a gynodioecious intermediate (i.e., populations in which females and hermaphrodites cooccur), the conditions under which females can become established in populations of hermaphrodites are of considerable interest. It has been proposed that resource-poor conditions could promote the establishment of females if hermaphrodites are plastic in their sex allocation and allocate fewer resources to seed production under these conditions. If this occurs, the seed fertility of females could exceed the doubling required for the evolution of unisexuality under low-, but not high-resource conditions (the sex-differential plasticity hypothesis). We tested this hypothesis using replicate experimental arrays of the aquatic herb Sagittaria latifolia grown under two fertilizer treatments. The results supported the sex-differential plasticity hypothesis, with females having more than twice the seed fertility of hermaphrodites under low-, but not high-fertilizer conditions. Our findings are consistent with the idea that separate sexes are more likely to evolve under unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

Plant species rarely exhibit both monoecious and dioecious sexual systems. This limits opportunities to investigate the consequences of combined versus separate sex function on mating patterns and genetic variation and the analysis of factors responsible for the evolution and maintenance of the two sexual systems. Populations of the North American clonal aquatic Sagittaria latifolia are usually either monoecious or dioecious and often grow in close geographic proximity. We investigated mating patterns, genetic structure, and relationships between the two sexual systems using allozyme variation in populations from southern Ontario, Canada. As predicted, selfing rates in monoecious populations (n = 6, mean = 0.41) were significantly higher than in dioecious populations (n = 6, mean = 0.11). Moreover, marker-based estimates of inbreeding depression (delta) indicated strong selection against inbred offspring in both monoecious (mean delta = 0.83) and dioecious (mean delta = 0.84) populations. However, the difference in selfing rate between the sexual systems was not reflected in contrasting levels of genetic variation. Our surveys of 12 loci in 15 monoecious and 11 dioecious populations revealed no significant differences in the proportion of polymorphic loci (P), number of alleles per locus (A), or observed and expected heterozygosity (H(o) and H(e), respectively). Strong inbreeding depression favoring survival of outcrossed offspring may act to maintain similar levels of diversity between monoecious and dioecious populations. Despite geographical overlap between the two sexual systems in southern Ontario, a dendrogram of genetic relationships indicated two distinct clusters of populations largely corresponding to monoecious and dioecious populations. Reproductive isolation between monoecious and dioecious populations appears to be governed, in part, by observed differences in habitat and life history. We suggest that selfing and inbreeding depression in monoecious populations are important in the transition from monoecy to dioecy and that the maintenance of distinct sexual systems in S. latifolia is governed by interactions between ecology, life history, and mating.  相似文献   

Clonality is often implicated in models of the evolution of dioecy, but few studies have explicitly compared clonal structure between plant sexual systems, or between the sexes in dioecious populations. Here, we exploit the occurrence of monoecy and dioecy in clonal Sagittaria latifola (Alismataceae) to evaluate two main hypotheses: (i) clone sizes are smaller in monoecious than dioecious populations, because of constraints imposed on clone size by costs associated with geitonogamy; (ii) in dioecious populations, male clones are larger and flower more often than female clones because of sex‐differential reproductive costs. Differences in clone size and flowering could result in discordance between ramet‐ and genet‐based sex ratios. We used spatially explicit sampling to address these hypotheses in 10 monoecious and 11 dioecious populations of S. latifolia at the northern range limit in Eastern North America. In contrast to our predictions, monoecious clones were significantly larger than dioecious clones, probably due to their higher rates of vegetative growth and corm production, and in dioecious populations, there was no difference in clone size between females and males; ramet‐ and genet‐based sex ratios were therefore highly correlated. Genotypic diversity declined with latitude for both sexual systems, but monoecious populations exhibited lower genotypic richness. Differences in life history between the sexual systems of S. latifolia appear to be the most important determinants of clonal structure and diversity.  相似文献   

 Aquatic plants are well known for their high degree of phenotypic plasticity in vegetative structures, particularly leaves. Less well understood is the extent to which their sexuality can be modified by environmental conditions. Here we investigate gender plasticity in the European clonal monoecious aquatic Sagittaria sagittifolia (Alismataceae) to determine how floral sex ratios may vary with plant size and inflorescence order. We sampled two populations from aquatic habitats in East Anglia, U.K. and measured a range of plant attributes including ramet size and the number of female and male flowers per inflorescence. The two populations exhibited similar patterns of phenotypic gender, despite contrasting patterns of total allocation to female and male flower number. Plants produced male-biased floral sex ratios but female flower number increased from the first to the second inflorescence whereas male flower number decreased. Size-dependent gender modification occurred in both populations, but the patterns of allocation to female flower production differed between the two populations. Our results are consistent with the view that monoecy is a sexual strategy that enables plants to adjust female and male allocation in response to changing environmental conditions. Received September 16, 2002; accepted October 23, 2002 Published online: March 20, 2003  相似文献   

The evolution of plant sexual diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Charles Darwin recognized that flowering plants have an unrivalled diversity of sexual systems. Determining the ecological and genetic factors that govern sexual diversification in plants is today a central problem in evolutionary biology. The integration of phylogenetic, ecological and population-genetic studies have provided new insights into the selective mechanisms that are responsible for major evolutionary transitions between reproductive modes.  相似文献   

In clonal plants, vegetative parts may outcompete seeds in the absence of disturbance, limiting the build‐up of genotypic diversity through repeated seedling recruitment (RSR). Herbivory may provide disturbance and trigger establishment of strong colonizers (seeds) at the expense of strong competitors (clonal propagules). In the clonal aquatic fennel pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus, two distinct herbivore guilds may modify the dynamics of propagation. In winter, Bewick's swans may deplete patches of tubers, promoting seedling establishment in spring. In summer, seed consumption by waterfowl can reduce the density of viable seeds but grazing may also reduce tuber production and hence facilitate seedling establishment. This study is among the first to experimentally test herbivore impact on plant genotypic diversity. We assess the separate and combined effects of both herbivore guilds on genotypic diversity and structure of fennel pondweed beds. Using microsatellites, we genotyped P. pectinatus from an exclosure experiment and assessed the contribution of herbivory, dispersal and sexual reproduction to the population genetic structure. Despite the predominance of clonal propagation in P. pectinatus, we found considerable genotypic diversity. Within the experimental blocks, kinship among genets decreased with geographic distance, clearly identifying a role for RSR in the maintenance of genotypic diversity within the fennel pondweed beds. However, over a period of five years, none of the herbivory treatments affected genotypic diversity. Hence, sexual reproduction on a local scale is important in this putatively clonal plant and possibly sufficient to ensure a relatively high genotypic diversity even in the absence of herbivores. Although we cannot preclude a role of herbivory in shaping genotypic diversity of a clonal plant, after five years of exclusion of the two investigated herbivore guilds no measurable effect on genotypic diversity was detected.  相似文献   

In protogynous plants, female flowers of early blooming plants are at a reproductive disadvantage because they cannot set fruit due to the lack of available pollen. To study this phenomenon, gender expression of the monoecious herb Sagittaria trifolia was investigated over the entire flowering season in two field and two cultivated populations in Hubei and Hunan Provinces, China. In racemes of S. trifolia, flowers open sequentially from bottom to top, with female flowers opening first followed by male flowers. This creates a temporal separation of sexes in the species. Under field conditions small plants are often male, with production of both male and female flowers increasing with plant size. Femaleness increased among sequential inflorescences since female flower production increased whereas male flower production did not. Seed production was greater in large inflorescences because they contain more female flowers, and the number of ovules increased in female flowers at basal positions within the raceme. A consistent pattern of high seed set was observed in flowers from both field and cultivated populations. About 1 % of unfertilized ovules resulted from no pollination and 2 % of the seeds produced were only partly developed due to resource limitation. In the first inflorescence of the six experimental populations, 6.7-40.0 % of individuals produced only male flowers, and female flowers of 1.9-6.5 % individuals were aborted. The occurrence of male flowers in early blooming inflorescences could be an adaptive strategy to conserve resources and enhance pollination of female flowers in protogynous S. trifolia.  相似文献   

Most plants combine sexual reproduction with asexual clonal reproduction in varying degrees, yet the genetic consequences of reproductive variation remain poorly understood. The aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus exhibits striking reproductive variation related to ploidy. Diploids produce abundant viable seed whereas triploids are sexually sterile. Diploids also produce hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils, whereas triploids exhibit only limited clonal multiplication through rhizome fragmentation. We investigated whether this marked difference in reproductive strategy influences the diversity of genotypes within populations and their movement between populations by performing two large-scale population surveys (n = 58 populations) and assaying genotypic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Contrary to expectations, sexually fertile populations did not exhibit higher genotypic diversity than sterile populations. For each cytotype, we detected one very common and widespread genotype. This would only occur with a very low probability (< 10-7) under regular sexual recombination. Compatibility analysis also indicated that the pattern of genotypic variation largely conformed to that expected with predominant clonal reproduction. The potential for recombination in diploids is not realized, possibly because seeds are outcompeted by bulbils for safe sites during establishment. We also failed to find evidence for more extensive movement of fertile than sterile genotypes. Aside from the few widespread genotypes, most were restricted to single populations. Genotypes in fertile populations were very strongly differentiated from those in sterile populations, suggesting that new triploids have not arisen during the colonization of North America. The colonization of North America involves two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that, despite striking reproductive differences, exhibit largely clonal population genetic structures.  相似文献   

The rise of sexual dimorphism is thought to coincide with the evolution of sex chromosomes. Yet because sex chromosomes in many species are ancient, we lack empirical evidence of the earliest stages of this transition. We use QTL analysis to examine the genetic architecture of sexual dimorphism in subdioecious octoploid Fragaria virginiana. We demonstrate that the region housing the male-function locus controls the majority of quantitative variation in proportion fruit set, confirming the existence of a proto-sex chromosome, and houses major QTL for eight additional sexually dimorphic traits, consistent with theory and data from animals and plants with more advanced sex chromosomes. We also detected autosomal QTL, demonstrating contributions to phenotypic variation in sexually dimorphic traits outside the sex-determining region. Moreover, for proportion seed set we found significant epistatic interactions between autosomal QTL and the male-function locus, indicating sex-limited QTL. We identified linked QTL reflecting trade-offs between male and female traits expected from theory and positive integration of male traits. These findings indicate the potential for the evolution of greater sexual dimorphism. Involvement of linkage groups homeologous to the proto-sex chromosome in these correlations reflects the polyploid origin of F. virginiana and raises the possibility that chromosomes in this homeologous group were predisposed to become the sex chromosome.  相似文献   

The role of hybridization in evolution   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Hybridization may influence evolution in a variety of ways. If hybrids are less fit, the geographical range of ecologically divergent populations may be limited, and prezygotic reproductive isolation may be reinforced. If some hybrid genotypes are fitter than one or both parents, at least in some environments, then hybridization could make a positive contribution. Single alleles that are at an advantage in the alternative environment and genetic background will introgress readily, although such introgression may be hard to detect. 'Hybrid speciation', in which fit combinations of alleles are established, is more problematic; its likelihood depends on how divergent populations meet, and on the structure of epistasis. These issues are illustrated using Fisher's model of stabilizing selection on multiple traits, under which reproductive isolation evolves as a side-effect of adaptation in allopatry. This confirms a priori arguments that while recombinant hybrids are less fit on average, some gene combinations may be fitter than the parents, even in the parental environment. Fisher's model does predict heterosis in diploid F1s, asymmetric incompatibility in reciprocal backcrosses, and (when dominance is included) Haldane's Rule. However, heterosis arises only when traits are additive, whereas the latter two patterns require dominance. Moreover, because adaptation is via substitutions of small effect, Fisher's model does not generate the strong effects of single chromosome regions often observed in species crosses.  相似文献   

Flowers of animal-pollinated plants are integrated structures shaped by the action of pollinator-mediated selection. It is widely assumed that pollination specialization increases the magnitude of floral integration. However, empirical evidence is still inconclusive. In this study, we explored the role of pollinator diversity in shaping the evolution of corolla-shape integration in Erysimum, a plant genus with generalized pollination systems. We quantified floral integration in Erysimum using geometric morphometrics and explored its evolution using phylogenetic comparative methods. Corolla-shape integration was low but significantly different from zero in all study species. Spatial autocorrelation and phylogenetic signal in corolla-shape integration were not detected. In addition, integration in Erysimum seems to have evolved in a way that is consistent with Brownian motion, but with frequent convergent evolution. Corolla-shape integration was negatively associated with the number of pollinators visiting the flowers of each Erysimum species. That is, it was lower in those species having a more generalized pollination system. This negative association may occur because the co-occurrence of many pollinators imposes conflicting selection and cancels out any consistent selection on specific floral traits, preventing the evolution of highly integrated flowers.  相似文献   

Distyly is a sexual polymorphism in which plant populations contain two floral morphs differing in morphology and physiology. The dimorphism serves to promote animal-mediated cross-pollination between the floral morphs. Clonal propagation can interfere with the functioning of distyly by compromising intermorph pollinations, resulting in reduced fertility. Here, we investigate the relations between clonal growth and sexual reproduction in the aquatic macrophyte Nymphoides peltata (Menyanthaceae). Surveys of morph representation in 30 populations from five regions of China revealed that most populations exhibited strongly biased morph ratios and 30% contained a single floral morph. Experimental pollinations indicate that N. peltata possesses a strong dimorphic incompatibility system preventing self and intramorph fertilizations. An experiment involving the manipulation of morph ratios in an experimental population and an investigation in a natural population with strong morph substructure both provided evidence that compatible pollen dilution limits fertility. Despite constraints on the functioning of distyly in N. peltata we found no evidence for evolutionary changes to the heterostylous syndrome, as reported in Nymphoides, including populations of N. peltata in other parts of its geographical range.  相似文献   

The Ranunculus cassubicus complex, comprising diploids and polyploids, is a good model for studying the role of hybridization and polyploidy in the origin of apomixis. Results from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) analyses performed on 448 individuals were combined with evidence from morphology, isozymes, karyology and distribution. Our results indicated a unique hybrid origin for the apomictic hexaploid R. carpaticola from north-western Slovakia, involving two sexual parents: autotetraploid R. cassubicifolius from the northern pre-Alps, and diploid R. carpaticola from central Slovakia. The hybrids were intermediate to the parents, but unique alleles have resulted from genomic reorganisation in the allopolyploids, which might also have triggered apomixis. Their distribution patterns and estimated ages suggest that hybridization may be correlated with the last glacial period. Hybridization seems to be the major origination for apomicts in the R. cassubicus complex. Polyploidy creates novel sexual genotypes and acts as a springboard for the production of new hybrids, but it only results in a combination with hybridization in apomixis. In turn, asexuality has permitted the perpetuation and establishment of ecologically divergent hybrid genotypes.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Allocation to sexual reproduction is an important life-history trait in clonal plants. Different selection pressures between competitive and competition-free environments are likely to result in the evolution of specialized genotypes and to maintain genetic variation in reproductive allocation. Moreover, selection may also result in the evolution of plastic allocation strategies. The necessary prerequisite for evolution, heritable genetic variation, can best be studied with selection experiments. Starting from a base population of 102 replicated genotypes of the clonal herb Ranunculus reptans , we imposed selection on the proportion of flowering rosettes in the absence of competition (base population: mean = 0.391, broad-sense heritability = 0.307). We also selected on the plasticity in this trait in response to competition with a naturally coexisting grass in a parallel experiment (base population: 14% lower mean in the presence of competition, broad-sense heritability = 0.072). After two generations of bidirectional selection, the proportion of flowering rosettes was 26% higher in the high line than in the low line (realized heritability ± SE = 0.205 ± 0.017). Moreover, genotypes of the high line had 11% fewer carpels per flower, a 22% lower proportion of rooted rosettes, and a 39% smaller average distance between rosettes within a clone. In the second experiment, we found no significant responses to selection for high and low plasticity in the proportion of flowering rosettes (realized heritability ± SE =–0.002 ± 0.013). Our study indicates a high heritability and potential for further evolution of the proportion of flowering rosettes in R. reptans , but not for its plasticity, which may have been fixed by past evolution at its current level. Moreover, our results demonstrate strong genetic correlations between allocation to sexual reproduction and other clonal life-history characteristics.  相似文献   

Hybridization between genetically distinct populations of a single species can serve as an important stimulus for the evolution of invasiveness. Such intraspecific hybridization was examined in Pyrus calleryana, a Chinese tree species commonly planted as an ornamental in residential and commercial areas throughout the United States. This self-incompatible species is now escaping cultivation and appearing in disturbed habitats, where it has the potential to form dense thickets. Using genetic techniques incorporating nine microsatellite markers, we show that abundant fruit set on cultivated trees as well as the subsequent appearance of wild individuals result from crossing between genetically distinct horticultural cultivars of the same species that originated from different areas of China. We conclude that intraspecific hybridization can be a potent but little recognized process impacting the evolution of invasiveness in certain species.  相似文献   

That trade-offs result from the allocation of limited resources is a central concept of life history evolution. We quantified trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction in the aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus, by experimentally manipulating sexual investment in two distinct nutrient environments. Increasing seed production caused a significant but nonlinear trade-off. Pollinating half of all flowers strongly reduced clonal bulbil production, but pollinating the remaining flowers did not cause any further trade-off. Trade-offs were not stronger under low nutrient conditions that clearly limited plant growth. Experimentally induced trade-offs were not reflected in negative phenotypic correlations between sexual and clonal allocation among plants within eight populations grown in a uniform greenhouse environment. Diminishing effects of increased sexual allocation plus a lack of accord between experimental manipulations and phenotypic correlations suggest that trade-offs between sexual and clonal reproduction are unlikely to constrain the evolution of reproductive strategy in this species.  相似文献   

Isolation of populations at the margins of a species range may lead to decreasing genetic diversity via genetic drift and inbreeding. Hybridization between peripheral populations of two species can, however, counteract genetic impoverishment. The mainly clonal, polyploid plant Saxifraga cernua has a wide arctic distribution but also extends southwards into alpine sites. In the Ural Mountains, its peripheral distribution overlaps with that of its sexually reproducing, diploid relative Saxifraga sibirica, and fertile polyploids of more or less intermediate appearance are found in this overlap zone. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis to address the potential impact of interspecific gene flow on genetic diversity in the peripheral populations. A total of 149 plants from 17 populations along a 1650 km south-north gradient were analysed for 253 markers. The results suggest that three Middle Ural populations containing fertile and morphologically more or less intermediate plants have been affected by hybridization. All of these plants formed a strongly supported (100%) group with S. cernua in a neighbour-joining tree, but their AFLP phenotypes assigned either to S. cernua or to artificial (simulated) F(1) hybrids between S. cernua and S. sibirica in multilocus assignment tests. The three populations were highly diverse with virtually every plant representing a distinct AFLP phenotype, providing additional evidence for formation of later-generation hybrids and/or backcrossing to S. cernua. In contrast, other peripheral populations of S. cernua were typically monoclonal, suggesting that hybridization with S. sibirica can increase genetic diversity in S. cernua at its southern periphery.  相似文献   

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