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We examined latitudinal variation in adult and larval heat tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia. Adults were assessed using static and ramping assays. Basal and hardened static heat knockdown time showed significant linear clines; heat tolerance increased towards the tropics, particularly for hardened flies, suggesting that tropical populations have a greater hardening response. A similar pattern was evident for ramping heat knockdown time at 0.06 °C min?1 increase. There was no cline for ramping heat knockdown temperature (CTmax) at 0.1 °C min?1 increase. Acute (static) heat knockdown temperature increased towards temperate latitudes, probably reflecting a greater capacity of temperate flies to withstand sudden temperature increases during summer in temperate Australia. Larval viability showed a quadratic association with latitude under heat stress. Thus, patterns of heat resistance depend on assay methods. Genetic correlations in thermotolerance across life stages and evolutionary potential for critical thermal limits should be the focus of future studies.  相似文献   

Clinal studies are a powerful tool for understanding the genetic basis of climatic adaptation. However, while clines in quantitative traits and genetic polymorphisms have been observed within and across continents, few studies have attempted to demonstrate direct links between them. The gene methuselah in Drosophila has been shown to have a major effect on stress response and longevity phenotypes based largely on laboratory studies of induced mutations in the mth gene. Clinal patterns in the most common mth haplotype and for lifespan (both increasing with latitude) have been observed in North American populations of D. melanogaster, implicating climatic selection. While these clinal patterns have led some to suggest that mth influences ageing in natural populations, limited evidence on the association between the two has so far been collected. Here, we describe a significant cline in the mth haplotype in eastern Australian D. melanogaster populations that parallel the cline in North America. We also describe a cline in mth gene expression. These findings further support the idea that mth is itself under selection. In contrast, we show that lifespan has a strong nonlinear clinal pattern, increasing southwards from the tropics, but then decreasing again from mid‐latitudes. Furthermore, in association studies, we find no evidence for a direct link between mth haplotype and lifespan. Thus, while our data support a role for mth variation being under natural selection, we found no link to naturally occurring variation in lifespan and ageing in Australian populations of D. melanogaster. Our results indicate that the mth locus likely has genetic background and environment‐specific effects.  相似文献   

Natural populations often exist in spatially diverse environments and may experience variation in the strength and targets of natural selection across their ranges. Drosophila provides an excellent opportunity to study the effects of spatially varying selection in natural populations, as both Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans live across a wide range of environments in North America. Here, we characterize patterns of variation in transposable elements (TEs) from six populations of D. melanogaster and nine populations of D. simulans sampled from multiple latitudes across North America. We find a nearly twofold excess of TEs in D. melanogaster relative to D. simulans, with this difference largely driven by TEs segregating at the lowest and highest allele frequencies. We find no effect of latitude on either total TE abundance or average TE allele frequencies in either species. Moreover, we show that, as a class of mutations, the most common patterns of TE variation do not coincide with the sampled latitudinal gradient, nor are they consistent with local adaptation acting on environmental differences found in the most extreme latitudes. We also do not find a cline in ancestry for North American D. melanogaster—for either TEs or single nucleotide polymorphisms—suggesting a limited role for demography in shaping patterns of TE variation. Though we find little evidence for widespread clinality among TEs in Drosophila, this does not necessarily imply a limited role for TEs in adaptation. We discuss the need for improved models of adaptation to large‐scale environmental heterogeneity, and how these might be applied to TEs.  相似文献   

In insects including Drosophila melanogaster, females can overwinter at the adult stage by adopting a shallow reproductive diapause, but almost nothing is known about male reproductive diapause. In this study, we test for the maintenance of fertility in overwintering males from the eastern Australian D. melanogaster cline. Males from southern temperate populations maintained in field cages in temperate Melbourne had a higher fertility in spring compared with males from tropical locations. Temperate males successfully inseminated more females, and there were also more offspring produced per inseminated female. The resulting linear post‐winter fertility clines were unrelated to male body size. In contrast, there was no clinal variation for fertility in nonoverwintering males held in the laboratory. The cline in overwintering male fertility is likely to have evolved as an adaptive response to latitudinal climatic variation over the last 100 years.  相似文献   

Sequencing of pools of individuals (Pool‐Seq) represents a reliable and cost‐effective approach for estimating genome‐wide SNP and transposable element insertion frequencies. However, Pool‐Seq does not provide direct information on haplotypes so that, for example, obtaining inversion frequencies has not been possible until now. Here, we have developed a new set of diagnostic marker SNPs for seven cosmopolitan inversions in Drosophila melanogaster that can be used to infer inversion frequencies from Pool‐Seq data. We applied our novel marker set to Pool‐Seq data from an experimental evolution study and from North American and Australian latitudinal clines. In the experimental evolution data, we find evidence that positive selection has driven the frequencies of In(3R)C and In(3R)Mo to increase over time. In the clinal data, we confirm the existence of frequency clines for In(2L)t, In(3L)P and In(3R)Payne in both North America and Australia and detect a previously unknown latitudinal cline for In(3R)Mo in North America. The inversion markers developed here provide a versatile and robust tool for characterizing inversion frequencies and their dynamics in Pool‐Seq data from diverse D. melanogaster populations.  相似文献   

The ability of virgin Drosophila melanogaster adults to retain eggs is thought to be an adaptation to persisting in temperate areas, based on differences in this trait between European and African populations, and based on seasonal changes in this trait in France. By retaining eggs in the absence of males and under conditions of poorer nutrition (conditions common in temperate areas during colder months), females reduce the wastage of resources and increase their probability of surviving spring into summer, enabling them to initiate summer population expansions. To test for variation in virgin egg retention along a climatic gradient, we characterized clinal variation in strains collected from eastern Australia extending from temperate Tasmania to tropical northern Queensland. Despite testing a large number of strains and repeated testing of the cline ends, we did not detect any evidence for clinal variation in virgin egg retention. Therefore although D. melanogaster in temperate Australia overwinter at the adult stage, there is no evidence for selection on virgin retention capacity producing clinal patterns. This contrasts with other evidence for clinal variation in egg production patterns over winter.  相似文献   

Chromosomal inversions often contribute to local adaptation across latitudinal clines, but the underlying selective mechanisms remain poorly understood. We and others have previously shown that a clinal inversion polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster, In(3R)Payne, underpins body size clines along the North American and Australian east coasts. Here, we ask whether this polymorphism also contributes to clinal variation in other fitness‐related traits, namely survival traits (lifespan, survival upon starvation and survival upon cold shock). We generated homokaryon lines, either carrying the inverted or standard chromosomal arrangement, isolated from populations approximating the endpoints of the North American cline (Florida, Maine) and phenotyped the flies at two growth temperatures (18 °C, 25 °C). Across both temperatures, high‐latitude flies from Maine lived longer and were more stress resistant than low‐latitude flies from Florida, as previously observed. Interestingly, we find that this latitudinal pattern is partly explained by the clinal distribution of the In(3R)P polymorphism, which is at ~ 50% frequency in Florida but absent in Maine: inverted karyotypes tended to be shorter‐lived and less stress resistant than uninverted karyotypes. We also detected an interaction between karyotype and temperature on survival traits. As In(3R)P influences body size and multiple survival traits, it can be viewed as a ‘supergene’, a cluster of tightly linked loci affecting multiple complex phenotypes. We conjecture that the inversion cline is maintained by fitness trade‐offs and balancing selection across geography; elucidating the mechanisms whereby this inversion affects alternative, locally adapted phenotypes across the cline is an important task for future work.  相似文献   

Natural selection can generate parallel latitudinal clines in traits and gene frequencies across continents, but these have rarely been linked. An amino acid (isoleucine to lysine, or I462K) polymorphism of the couch potato (cpo) gene in Drosophila melanogaster is thought to control female reproductive diapause cline in North America (Schmidt et al. 2008, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 105, 16207-16211). Here, we show that under standard diapause-inducing conditions (12 °C and short photoperiod) (Saunders et al. 1989, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 86, 3748-3752), egg maturation in Australian flies is delayed, but not arrested at previtellogenic stages. At 12 °C, the phenotypic distribution in egg development was bimodal at stages 8 and 14 and showed a strong nonlinear pattern on the east coast of Australia, with incidence of egg maturation delay (ovarian dormancy) increasing both toward tropical and temperate climates. Furthermore, we found no evidence for an association between the cpo I462K polymorphism and ovarian dormancy at either 12 or 10 °C (when egg maturation was often delayed at stage 7). Owing to strong linkage disequilibrium, the latitudinal cline in cpo allele frequencies was no longer evident once variation in the In(3R)P inversion polymorphism was taken into account. Our results suggest that the standard diapause-inducing conditions (12 °C and short photoperiod) were not sufficient to cause the typical previtellogenic developmental arrest in Australian flies and that the cpo I462K polymorphism does not explain the observed delay in egg development. In conclusion, ovarian dormancy does not show a simple latitudinal cline, and the lack of cpo-dormancy association suggests a different genetic basis to reproductive dormancy in North America and Australia.  相似文献   

Widespread pigmentation diversity coupled with a well‐defined genetic system of melanin synthesis and patterning in Drosophila provides an excellent opportunity to study phenotypes undergoing evolutionary change. Pigmentation variation is highly correlated with different ecological variables and is thought to reflect adaptations to different environments. Several studies have linked candidate genes from Drosophila melanogaster to intra‐population variation and interspecific morphological divergence, but less clearly to variation among populations forming pigmentation clines. We characterized a new thoracic trident pigmentation cline in D. melanogaster populations from eastern Australia, and applied a candidate gene approach to explain the majority of the geographically structured phenotypic variation. More melanized populations from higher latitudes tended to express less ebony than their tropical counterparts, and an independent artificial selection experiment confirmed this association. By partitioning temperature dependent effects, we showed that the genetic differences underlying clinal patterns for trident variation at 25 °C do not explain the patterns observed at 16 °C. Changes in thoracic trident pigmentation could be a common evolutionary response to climatically mediated environmental pressures. On the Australian east coast most of the changes appear to be associated with regulatory divergence of the ebony gene but this depends on temperature.  相似文献   

Chromosomal inversions are thought to play a major role in climatic adaptation. In D. melanogaster, the cosmopolitan inversion In(3R)Payne exhibits latitudinal clines on multiple continents. As many fitness traits show similar clines, it is tempting to hypothesize that In(3R)P underlies observed clinal patterns for some of these traits. In support of this idea, previous work in Australian populations has demonstrated that In(3R)P affects body size but not development time or cold resistance. However, similar data from other clines of this inversion are largely lacking; finding parallel effects of In(3R)P across multiple clines would considerably strengthen the case for clinal selection. Here, we have analysed the phenotypic effects of In(3R)P in populations originating from the endpoints of the latitudinal cline along the North American east coast. We measured development time, egg‐to‐adult survival, several size‐related traits (femur and tibia length, wing area and shape), chill coma recovery, oxidative stress resistance and triglyceride content in homokaryon lines carrying In(3R)P or the standard arrangement. Our central finding is that the effects of In(3R)P along the North American cline match those observed in Australia: standard arrangement lines were larger than inverted lines, but the inversion did not influence development time or cold resistance. Similarly, In(3R)P did not affect egg‐to‐adult survival, oxidative stress resistance and lipid content. In(3R)P thus seems to specifically affect size traits in populations from both continents. This parallelism strongly suggests an adaptive pattern, whereby the inversion has captured alleles associated with growth regulation and clinal selection acts on size across both continents.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster from Australia, Europe and North America enter an adult ovarian dormancy in response to short days and low temperatures. The independent effects of temperature and day length in the determination of dormancy have been examined only in one long-established laboratory line (Canton-S). In all other studies of natural or laboratory populations, dormancy has been assessed at either a single short day or a single moderately low temperature. Herein, we determine the relative roles of temperature, photoperiod, and their interaction in the control of ovarian dormancy in D. melanogaster from two natural populations representing latitudinal extremes in eastern North America (Florida at 27°N and Maine at 44°N). In both natural populations, temperature is the main determinant of dormancy, alone explaining 67% of the total variation among replicate isofemale lines, whereas photoperiod has no significant effect. We conclude that ovarian dormancy in D. melanogaster is a temperature-initiated syndrome of winter-tolerant traits that represents an adaptive phenotypic plasticity in temperate seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Aim This paper aims at determining how different floristic elements (e.g. cosmopolitan, tropical, and temperate) change with latitude and major climate factors, and how latitude affects the floristic relationships between East Asia and the other parts of the world. Location East Asia from the Arctic to tropical regions, an area crossing over 50° of latitudes and covering the eastern part of China, Korea, Japan and the eastern part of Russia. Methods East Asia is divided into forty‐five geographical regions. Based on the similarity of their world‐wide distributional patterns, a total of 2808 indigenous genera of seed plants found in East Asia were grouped into fourteen geographical elements, belonging to three major categories (cosmopolitan, tropical and temperate). The 50°‐long latitudinal gradient of East Asia was divided into five latitudinal zones, each of c. 10°. Phytogeographical relationships of East Asia to latitude and climatic variables were examined based on the forty‐five regional floras. Results Among all geographical and climatic variables considered, latitude showed the strongest relationship to phytogeographical composition. Tropical genera (with pantropical, amphi‐Pacific tropical, palaeotropical, tropical Asia–tropical Australia, tropical Asia–tropical Africa and tropical Asia geographical elements combined) accounted for c. 80% of the total genera at latitude 20°N and for c. 0% at latitude 55–60°N. In contrast, temperate genera (including holarctic, eastern Asia–North America, temperate Eurasia, temperate Asia, Mediterranean, western Asia to central Asia, central Asia and eastern Asia geographical elements) accounted for 15.5% in the southernmost latitude and for 80% at 55–60°N, from where northward the percentage tended to level off. The proportion of cosmopolitan genera increased gradually with latitude from 5% at the southernmost latitude to 21% at 55–60°N, where it levelled off northward. In general, the genera present in a more northerly flora are a subset of the genera present in a more southerly flora. Main conclusions The large‐scale patterns of phytogeography in East Asia are strongly related to latitude, which covaries with several climatic variables such as temperature. Evolutionary processes such as the adaptation of plants to cold climates and current and past land connections are likely responsible for the observed latitudinal patterns.  相似文献   

Life history traits are critical components of fitness and frequently reflect adaptive responses to environmental pressures. However, few genes that contribute to natural life history variation have been identified. Insulin signalling mediates the determination of life history traits in many organisms, and single gene manipulation in Drosophila melanogaster suggests that individual genes in the pathway have the potential to produce major effects on these quantitative traits. We evaluated allelic variation at two insulin signalling genes, the Insulin‐like Receptor (InR) and its substrate, chico, in natural populations of D. melanogaster. We found different patterns of variation: InR shows evidence of positive selection and clines in allele frequency across latitude; chico exhibits neutral patterns of evolution. The clinal patterns at InR are replicated between North America and Australia, showing striking similarity in the distribution of specific alleles and the rate at which allele frequencies change across latitude. Moreover, we identified a polymorphism at InR that appears to be functionally significant and consistent with hypothetical patterns of selection across geography. This polymorphism provides new characterization of genic regions of functionality within InR, and is likely a component in a suite of genes and traits that respond adaptively to climatic variation.  相似文献   

Water availability is a major environmental challenge to a variety of terrestrial organisms. In insects, desiccation tolerance varies predictably over spatial and temporal scales and is an important physiological determinant of fitness in natural populations. Here, we examine the dynamics of desiccation tolerance in North American populations of Drosophila melanogaster using: (a) natural populations sampled across latitudes and seasons; (b) experimental evolution in field mesocosms over seasonal time; (c) genome‐wide associations to identify SNPs/genes associated with variation for desiccation tolerance; and (d) subsequent analysis of patterns of clinal/seasonal enrichment in existing pooled sequencing data of populations sampled in both North America and Australia. A cline in desiccation tolerance was observed, for which tolerance exhibited a positive association with latitude; tolerance also varied predictably with culture temperature, demonstrating a significant degree of thermal plasticity. Desiccation tolerance evolved rapidly in field mesocosms, although only males showed differences in desiccation tolerance between spring and autumn collections from natural populations. Water loss rates did not vary significantly among latitudinal or seasonal populations; however, changes in metabolic rates during prolonged exposure to dry conditions are consistent with increased tolerance in higher latitude populations. Genome‐wide associations in a panel of inbred lines identified twenty‐five SNPs in twenty‐one loci associated with sex‐averaged desiccation tolerance, but there is no robust signal of spatially varying selection on genes associated with desiccation tolerance. Together, our results suggest that desiccation tolerance is a complex and important fitness component that evolves rapidly and predictably in natural populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim To investigate whether the latitudinal distribution of rainforest trees in Australia can be explained by their growth responses to temperature. Methods The rainforest canopy trees Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merrill & Perry, Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br., Castanospermum australe Cunn. & C. Fraser ex Hook., Eucryphia lucida (Labill.) Baill., Heritiera trifoliolata (F. Muell.) Kosterm., Nothofagus cunninghamii (Hook.) Oerst., Sloanea woollsii F. Muell. and Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Wilson & Waterhouse were selected to cover the latitudinal range of rainforests in eastern Australia. Seedlings of these species were grown under a range of day/night temperature regimes (14/6, 19/11, 22/14, 25/17, and 30/22 °C) in controlled‐environment cabinets. These seedlings were harvested after 16 weeks to determine differences in growth rate and biomass allocation among species and temperature regimes. Results The temperate species showed maximum growth at lower temperatures than the tropical species. However, there was considerable overlap in the growth rates of the temperate and tropical rainforest types across the temperature range used. Maximum growth of the tropical rainforest types was associated with changes in biomass allocation whereas the temperate rainforest types showed no significant changes in biomass allocation across the temperature range. Main conclusions All species showed temperatures for maximum growth that were considerably higher than those previously shown for maximum net photosynthesis. The growth responses to temperature of the rainforest species under these experimental conditions provided limited evidence for their restriction to certain latitudes. These growth responses to temperature showed that the physiological assumptions used in various types of vegetation‐climate models may not be true of Australian rainforest trees.  相似文献   

Maternally transmitted Wolbachia bacteria infect about half of all insect species. Many Wolbachia cause cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) and reduced egg hatch when uninfected females mate with infected males. Although CI produces a frequency‐dependent fitness advantage that leads to high equilibrium Wolbachia frequencies, it does not aid Wolbachia spread from low frequencies. Indeed, the fitness advantages that produce initial Wolbachia spread and maintain non‐CI Wolbachia remain elusive. wMau Wolbachia infecting Drosophila mauritiana do not cause CI, despite being very similar to CI‐causing wNo from Drosophila simulans (0.068% sequence divergence over 682,494 bp), suggesting recent CI loss. Using draft wMau genomes, we identify a deletion in a CI‐associated gene, consistent with theory predicting that selection within host lineages does not act to increase or maintain CI. In the laboratory, wMau shows near‐perfect maternal transmission; but we find no significant effect on host fecundity, in contrast to published data. Intermediate wMau frequencies on the island of Mauritius are consistent with a balance between unidentified small, positive fitness effects and imperfect maternal transmission. Our phylogenomic analyses suggest that group‐B Wolbachia, including wMau and wPip, diverged from group‐A Wolbachia, such as wMel and wRi, 6–46 million years ago, more recently than previously estimated.  相似文献   

The physiological ability to survive climatic extremes, such as low temperature, is a major determinant of species distribution. Research suggests that tropically restricted insect populations may possess low to zero variation in stress tolerance, thereby limiting any potential to adapt to colder climates. This paradigm derives largely from contrasts among Drosophila populations and species along the tropical–temperate cline of eastern Australia. Butterfly groups, such as the variously distributed representatives of the genus Eurema, offer opportunities to test the taxonomic breadth of this paradigm. We contribute here by investigating plasticity, repeatability and heritability (h2) for cold tolerance in Eurema smilax. This continentally widespread species (extending from the Torres Strait to the south coast of Victoria) offers an important comparative basis for evaluating stress tolerance in geographically restricted congenerics. We reared two generations of E. smilax under laboratory conditions and measured recovery from a chill‐coma assay, which is one of the commonly used methods for characterizing adult cold stress tolerance. Trials on F2s conducted over three consecutive days revealed individual repeatability (r = 0.405). However, recovery time decreased systematically across trials, which is characteristic of a phenotypically plastic ‘hardening’ response to prior cold exposure. Generalized linear modelling, wherein genetic variance was estimated via an ‘animal model’ approach, indicated no difference between sexes and no effect of body size, but a significant additive genetic term, corresponding to a heritability estimate of h2 = 0.414 ± 0.100. These data suggest significant adaptive potential for cold tolerance in E. smilax but show that individuals may also respond directly to extremes of cold via phenotypic plasticity. This indicates the potential to adapt to varied thermal extremes, which would be expected for a broadly distributed species that is resilient to climate change.  相似文献   

Body size often shows adaptive clines in many ectotherms across altitude and latitude, but little is known about the genetic basis of these adaptive clines. Here we identify a polymorphism in the Dca (Drosophila cold acclimation) gene in Drosophila melanogaster that influences wing size, affects wing:thorax allometry and also controls a substantial proportion of the clinal wing‐size variation. A polymorphism in the promoter region of Dca had two common alleles showing strong reciprocal clinal variation in frequency with latitude along the east coast of Australia. The Dca‐237 allele increased towards the tropics where wing size is smaller. A within‐population association study highlighted that an increase in the frequency of this allele decreased wing size but did not influence thorax size. A manipulated increase in the level of expression of Dca achieved through UAS‐GAL4 was associated with a decrease in wing size but had no effect on thorax size. This was consistent with higher Dca expression levels in family lines with higher frequency of the Dca‐237 allele. Genetic variation in the promoter region of the Dca gene appears to influence adaptive size variation in the eastern Australian cline of Drosophila melanogaster and accounts for more than 10% of the genetic variation in size within and between populations.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii recently invaded North America and Europe. Populations in Hawaii, California, New York and Nova Scotia are polymorphic for Wolbachia, typically with <20% infection frequency. The Wolbachia in D. suzukii, denoted wSuz, is closely related to wRi, the variant prevalent in continental populations of D. simulans. wSuz is also nearly identical to Wolbachia found in D. subpulchrella, plausibly D. suzukii's sister species. This suggests vertical Wolbachia transmission through cladogenesis (‘cladogenic transmission’). The widespread occurrence of 7–20% infection frequencies indicates a stable polymorphism. wSuz is imperfectly maternally transmitted, with wild infected females producing on average 5–10% uninfected progeny. As expected from its low frequency, wSuz produces no cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), that is, no increased embryo mortality when infected males mate with uninfected females, and no appreciable sex‐ratio distortion. The persistence of wSuz despite imperfect maternal transmission suggests positive fitness effects. Assuming a balance between selection and imperfect transmission, we expect a fitness advantage on the order of 20%. Unexpectedly, Wolbachia‐infected females produce fewer progeny than do uninfected females. We do not yet understand the maintenance of wSuz in D. suzukii. The absence of detectable CI in D. suzukii and D. subpulchrella makes it unlikely that CI‐based mechanisms could be used to control this species without transinfection using novel Wolbachia. Contrary to their reputation as horizontally transmitted reproductive parasites, many Wolbachia infections are acquired through introgression or cladogenesis and many cause no appreciable reproductive manipulation. Such infections, likely to be mutualistic, may be central to understanding the pervasiveness of Wolbachia among arthropods.  相似文献   

Rako L  Anderson AR  Sgrò CM  Stocker AJ  Hoffmann AA 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):373-384
In Drosophila melanogaster, inversion In(3R)Payne increases in frequency towards low latitudes and has been putatively associated with variation in size and thermal resistance, traits that also vary clinally. To assess the association between size and inversion, we obtained isofemale lines of inverted and standard karyotype of In(3R)Payne from the ends of the Australian D. melanogaster east coast cline. In the northern population, there was a significant association between In(3R)Payne and body size, with standard lines from this population being relatively larger than inverted lines. In contrast, the inversion had no influence on development time or cold resistance. We strengthened our findings further in a separate study with flies from populations from the middle of the cline as well as from the cline ends. These flies were scored for wing size and the presence of In(3R)Payne using a molecular marker. In females, the inversion accounted for around 30% of the size difference between cline ends, while in males the equivalent figure was 60%. Adaptive shifts in size but not in the other traits are therefore likely to have involved genes closely associated with In(3R)Payne. Because the size difference between karyotypes was similar in different populations, there was no evidence for coadaptation within populations.  相似文献   

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