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No definitive explanation for the form of the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem productivity exists nor is there agreement on the mechanisms linking diversity and productivity across scales. Here, we examine changes in the form of the diversity–productivity relationship within and across the plant communities at three observational scales: plots, alliances, and physiognomic vegetation types (PVTs). Vascular plant richness data are from 4,760 20 m2 vegetation field plots. Productivity estimates in grams carbon per square meter are from annual net primary productivity (ANPP) models. Analyses with generalized linear models confirm scale dependence in the species diversity–productivity relationship. At the plot focus, the observed diversity–productivity relationship was weak. When plot data were aggregated to a focus of vegetation alliances, a hump-shaped relationship was observed. Species turnover among plots cannot explain the observed hump-shaped relationship at the alliance focus because we used mean plot richness across plots as our index of species richness for alliances and PVTs. The sorting of alliances along the productivity gradient appears to follow regional patterns of moisture availability, with alliances that occupy dry environments occurring within the increasing phase of the hump-shaped pattern, alliances that occupy mesic to hydric environments occurring near the top or in the decreasing phase of the curve, and alliances that occupy the wettest environments having the fewest species and the highest ANPP. This pattern is consistent with the intermediate productivity theory but appears to be inconsistent with the predictions of water–energy theory.  相似文献   

Fire regimes are strongly related to weather conditions that directly and indirectly influence fire ignition and propagation. Identifying the most important meteorological fire drivers is thus fundamental for daily fire risk forecasting. In this context, several fire weather indices have been developed focussing mainly on fire-related local weather conditions and fuel characteristics. The specificity of the conditions for which fire danger indices are developed makes its direct transfer and applicability problematic in different areas or with other fuel types. In this paper we used the low-to-intermediate fire-prone region of Canton Ticino as a case study to develop a new daily fire danger index by implementing a niche modelling approach (Maxent). In order to identify the most suitable weather conditions for fires, different combinations of input variables were tested (meteorological variables, existing fire danger indices or a combination of both). Our findings demonstrate that such combinations of input variables increase the predictive power of the resulting index and surprisingly even using meteorological variables only allows similar or better performances than using the complex Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). Furthermore, the niche modelling approach based on Maxent resulted in slightly improved model performance and in a reduced number of selected variables with respect to the classical logistic approach. Factors influencing final model robustness were the number of fire events considered and the specificity of the meteorological conditions leading to fire ignition.  相似文献   

Vibrio species are an abundant and diverse group of bacteria that form associations with phytoplankton. Correlations between Vibrio and phytoplankton abundance have been noted, suggesting that growth is enhanced during algal blooms or that association with phytoplankton provides a refuge from predation. Here, we investigated relationships between particle-associated Vibrio spp. and phytoplankton in Delaware''s inland bays (DIB). The relative abundances of particle-associated Vibrio spp. and algal classes that form blooms in DIB (dinoflagellates, diatoms, and raphidophytes) were determined using quantitative PCR. The results demonstrated a significant correlation between particle-associated Vibrio abundance and phytoplankton, with higher correlations to diatoms and raphidophytes than to dinoflagellates. Species-specific associations were examined during a mixed bloom of Heterosigma akashiwo and Fibrocapsa japonica (Raphidophyceae) and indicated a significant positive correlation for particle-associated Vibrio abundance with H. akashiwo but a negative correlation with F. japonica. Changes in Vibrio assemblages during the bloom were evaluated using automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), which revealed significant differences between each size fraction but no significant change in Vibrio assemblages over the course of the bloom. Microzooplankton grazing experiments showed that losses of particle-associated Vibrio spp. may be offset by increased growth in the Vibrio population. Moreover, analysis of Vibrio assemblages by ARISA also indicated an increase in the relative abundance for specific members of the Vibrio community despite higher grazing pressure on the particle-associated population as a whole. The results of this investigation demonstrate links between phytoplankton and Vibrio that may lead to predictions of potential health risks and inform future management practices in this region.  相似文献   

Plant habitat associations are well documented in Bornean lowland tropical forests, but few studies contrast the prevalence of associations across sites. We examined habitat associations and community composition of Dipterocarpaceae trees in two contrasting Bornean lowland mixed dipterocarp forests separated by approximately 100 km: Andulau (uniform topography, lower altitudinal range, sandy soils) and Belalong (highly dissected topography, higher altitudinal range, clay‐rich soils). Dipterocarpaceae trees ≥ 1 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) were censused in 20‐m wide belt transects established along topographic gradients at each site. Dipterocarp density, evenness, species richness, and diversity were significantly higher at Andulau than Belalong. Significant site associations (with either Andulau or Belalong) were detected for 19 (52%) of the 37 dipterocarp species tested. Dipterocarpaceae community composition at Belalong correlated with soil nutrient concentrations as well as measures of vegetation and topographic structure, but community composition at Andulau correlated with fewer habitat variables. Within each site, dipterocarp density, species richness, and diversity were consistently higher on ridges than in slopes and valleys. Significant within‐site associations to topographic habitats were less common at Andulau (10% of species tested) than at Belalong (15%). We conclude that edaphic and other environmental factors influence dipterocarp community composition at a local scale, and are more important drivers of community structure in the more variable environment at Belalong. Species richness and diversity of dipterocarps on small plots, however, were higher at Andulau, suggesting that factors other than environmental heterogeneity contribute to contrasts in dipterocarp tree species richness at small scales.  相似文献   

Defining species guilds in the Central Hardwood Forest,USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tree regeneration outcomes are challenging to generalize and difficult to predict. Many tree species can establish new propagules in a variety of post-disturbance environments and many different reproductive mechanisms may be used. In order to develop conceptual models that accurately reflect reproductive potential, we need a better understanding of the similarities in regeneration ecology among species. We used information from the forest ecology literature to evaluate the reproductive attributes of sixty-two tree species in the central hardwood region of the eastern United States. Each species was classified categorically for features such as flowering, seed production and dispersal, seed dormancy, germination requirements, seedling characteristics, and vegetative reproduction. Cluster analysis (Jaccard's similarity coefficient, complete linkage method) and ordination (homogeneity analysis) were used to separate nine groups (guilds) of species that had similar reproductive attributes. Individual attributes that had high variance in the first and second dimensions included: seed banking, seed dispersal, seedling shade tolerance, and seedbed requirements. Members of each guild had similar levels of reproductive specialization and guilds were either pioneer-like, opportunistic, or persistent. Pioneer guilds included: short-lived or fugitive species that colonize sites rapidly and are too shade intolerant to replace themselves; shade-tolerant species that colonize frequently disturbed sites; and stress-tolerant pioneers that survive on dry or nutrient-poor sites. Opportunistic guilds contained species that are remarkably versatile in their reproductive effort. The most flexible opportunists can colonize new sites, maintain seed in a seed bank, sprout from existing stems and persist as a seedling or sapling bank. Persistent guilds contain species that develop and maintain advance regeneration. These include: species with moderate understory tolerance that regenerate via cycles of dieback and resprouting; and more tolerant species that maintain seedling or sapling banks. Our regeneration guilds may provide a useful approach for more realistically representing large and diverse sets of tree species in forest ecosystem models.  相似文献   

In 1997, coal extraction at the John Henry Mine in western King County, Washington, USA, exposed bedding planes in Eocene sandstone that contained numerous bird and mammal tracks. By the time scientists arrived at the site several months later, the track-bearing surfaces had mostly been obliterated by landslides. Several track specimens were collected but not curated, described, or studied. In 2011, the specimens were found in a storage room at the University of Washington Burke Museum of History and Culture, triggering an investigation that yielded many photographs of the fossil site taken at the time of the 1997 discovery. Perissodactyl mammal tracks are named herein as Oplidcatylapes eocenica ichnogenus and ichnospecies nov. Photographs also show a trackway containing eight footprints that have prominent claw impressions. These tracks are inferred to have been made by a creodont, but because of the absence of specimens or track casts to serve as holotypes, ichnotaxonomic names have not been assigned.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between public land management policy, amenity migration, and socioeconomic well-being using the case of the Northwest Forest Plan—a forest management policy that caused 11.6 million acres of federal land in the US Pacific Northwest to be reallocated from commodity production to biodiversity services. Our analysis focuses on three propositions implicit in much of the amenity migration literature in the USA: land management policies that reduce commodity production and/or increase environmental protection (1) improve the natural amenity values of public lands; (2) increase amenity migration to communities near public lands; and (3) stimulate economic development and increase socioeconomic well-being in these communities. Our findings indicate that all three propositions are problematic and demonstrate the importance of community-scale analysis for understanding the relation between land management policies, amenity migration, and community well-being. We discuss the implications of our findings for public land management and rural community development.
Ellen M. DonoghueEmail:

Abstract. Vegetation maps serve as the basis for spatial analysis of forest ecosystems and provide initial information for simulations of forest landscape change. Because of the limitations of current remote sensing technology, it is not possible to directly measure forest understory attributes across large spatial extents. Instead we used a predictive vegetation mapping approach to model Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis seedling patterns in a 3900‐ha landscape in the Oregon Coast Range, USA, as a function of Landsat TM imagery, aerial photographs, digital elevation models, and stream maps. Because the models explained only moderate amounts of variability (R2 values of 0.24–0.56), we interpreted the predicted patterns as qualitative spatial trends rather than precise maps. P. sitchensis seedling patterns were tightly linked to the riparian network, with highest densities in coastal riparian areas. T. heterophylla seedlings exhibited complex patterns related to topography and overstory forest cover, and were also spatially clustered around patches of old‐growth forest. We hypothesize that the old growth served as refugia for this fire‐sensitive species following wildfires in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Low levels of T. heterophylla regeneration in hardwood‐dominated forests suggest that these patches may succeed to shrublands rather than to conifer forest. Predictive models of seedling patterns could be developed for other landscapes where georeferenced inventory plots, remote sensing data, digital elevation models, and climate maps are available.  相似文献   



Associations between lifetime traumatic event (LTE) exposures and subsequent physical ill-health are well established but it has remained unclear whether these are explained by PTSD or other mental disorders. This study examined this question and investigated whether associations varied by type and number of LTEs, across physical condition outcomes, or across countries.


Cross-sectional, face-to-face household surveys of adults (18+) were conducted in 14 countries (n = 38, 051). The Composite International Diagnostic Interview assessed lifetime LTEs and DSM-IV mental disorders. Chronic physical conditions were ascertained by self-report of physician''s diagnosis and year of diagnosis or onset. Survival analyses estimated associations between the number and type of LTEs with the subsequent onset of 11 physical conditions, with and without adjustment for mental disorders.


A dose-response association was found between increasing number of LTEs and odds of any physical condition onset (OR 1.5 [95% CI: 1.4–1.5] for 1 LTE; 2.1 [2.0–2.3] for 5+ LTEs), independent of all mental disorders. Associations did not vary greatly by type of LTE (except for combat and other war experience), nor across countries. A history of 1 LTE was associated with 7/11 of the physical conditions (ORs 1.3 [1.2–1.5] to 1.7 [1.4–2.0]) and a history of 5+ LTEs was associated with 9/11 physical conditions (ORs 1.8 [1.3–2.4] to 3.6 [2.0–6.5]), the exceptions being cancer and stroke.


Traumatic events are associated with adverse downstream effects on physical health, independent of PTSD and other mental disorders. Although the associations are modest they have public health implications due to the high prevalence of traumatic events and the range of common physical conditions affected. The effects of traumatic stress are a concern for all medical professionals and researchers, not just mental health specialists.  相似文献   

Anthoptilum grandiflorum and Halipteris finmarchica are two deep-sea corals (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea) common on soft bottoms in the North Atlantic where they are believed to act as biogenic habitat. The former also has a worldwide distribution. To assist conservation efforts, this study examines spatial and temporal patterns in the abundance, diversity, and nature of their faunal associates. A total of 14 species were found on A. grandiflorum and 6 species on H. finmarchica during a multi-year and multi-site sampling campaign in eastern Canada. Among those, 7 and 5 species, respectively, were attached to the sea pens and categorized as close associates or symbionts. Rarefaction analyses suggest that the most common associates of both sea pens have been sampled. Biodiversity associated with each sea pen is analyzed according to season, depth and region using either close associates or the broader collection of species. Associated biodiversity generally increases from northern to southern locations and does not vary with depth (∼100–1400 m). Seasonal patterns in A. grandiflorum show higher biodiversity during spring/summer due to the transient presence of early life stages of fishes and shrimps whereas it peaks in fall for H. finmarchica. Two distinct endoparasitic species of highly modified copepods (families Lamippidae and Corallovexiidae) commonly occur in the polyps of A. grandiflorum and H. finmarchica, and a commensal sea anemone frequently associates with H. finmarchica. Stable isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) reveal potential trophic interactions between the parasites and their hosts. Overall, the diversity of obligate/permanent associates of sea pens is moderate; however the presence of mobile/transient associates highlights an ecological role that has yet to be fully elucidated and supports their key contribution to the enhancement of biodiversity in the Northwest Atlantic.  相似文献   

Litterfall and its subsequent decomposition are important feedback mechanisms in the intrasystem cycling of nutrients in forest ecosystems. The amount of litterfall and the rate of decomposition are expected to vary with stand age and climate. Over a 2-year period, decomposition of five litter types were measured in two second-growth forest stands and one old-growth stand in the Cascade Mountains of southern Washington state, USA. Both second-growth stands were dominated by Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.,) Franco] but one had a significant proportion of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), a nitrogen (N) fixer. The old-growth stand was dominated by Douglas-fir and western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.]. All stands had a relatively shallow layer of forest floor mass. The five litter types were placed in each stand to evaluate decomposition patterns. Despite significant differences in stand age, microclimate and mean residence times for carbon (C) and N, the rates of litter mass loss varied only slightly between sites. The relative order of species litter mass loss was: vine maple ≫ salal = western hemlock > Douglas-fir (from the youngest stand) > Douglas-fir (from the N rich stand with red alder). The initial litter lignin concentration, not lignin:N, was the primary determinant of decomposition rates, although the initial N concentration was the predictor for mass loss after 2 years in the N rich Douglas-fir-alder stand. All litter types showed immobilization of N for nearly 2 years. Data for Douglas-fir litter suggest that higher levels of N may retard decomposition of tissues with greater amounts of lignified material. The retention of N by the litter appeared influenced by the nutrient capital of the stands as well as the forest floor C:N ratio. Decomposition was minimal during the cold winter months, but displayed a definitive peak period during early Fall with wet weather, warm soils, and fungal activity. Thus, long-term climatic change effects on forest floor C storage may depend more on changes in seasonality of precipitation changes than just temperature changes.  相似文献   

Forest distribution and site quality in southern Lower Michigan, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The primary objectives of this research were to determine whether current forest patches in southern Lower Michigan are a proportionate sample of forest types present in the pre‐settlement cover and, if not, to establish the degree to which certain types are over‐ or under‐represented in the contemporary landscape. This determination is useful not only because any conservation policy designed to restore the present forest to pre‐settlement biodiversity through preservation of existing stands requires an accurate understanding of the degree to which these stands in sum mirror past forest diversity, but also because it fills a gap in the existing ecological literature. Location The research was conducted within four counties in southern Lower Michigan, USA (Ionia, Livingston, Tuscola and Van Buren). Methods Soil survey data were used to characterize the range of site quality across the study area and the areal extent of each quality category. The geographic locations of all current forest patches in each county were then determined from land use maps and were overlaid on the site quality classification. This procedure yielded the observed distribution of forest relative to site quality. The expected areal extent of forest within each category of site quality on the landscape was determined by assuming a random distribution and multiplying the total area of forestland by the proportion of landscape within each category of site quality. This procedure calculated the expected distribution of forest in terms of site quality by dividing the total forestland among the landscape types, relative to how well represented the landscape types were. The observed and expected distributions were then compared both in terms of absolute difference and normalized difference. Results Overall results indicate that categories of site quality that support a large proportion of the present‐day forest patches are generally composed of agriculturally inferior soil and are over‐represented with forest. Surviving or reforested tracts are concentrated on inferior types of habitat. Main conclusions Results suggest that the present‐day forest patches may not be a proportionate sample of the primeval forest. Rather, they are concentrated on agriculturally‐inferior (coarse‐textured, steeply‐sloped, or poorly‐drained) types of habitat. Unless these stands are for some unknown reason compositionally richer than their pre‐settlement counterparts, these results suggest that the existing forest resource in southern Lower Michigan is an inferior (biased) sample of the primeval cover. Furthermore, because forest types associated with the most heavily‐developed agricultural sites have apparently suffered the most loss of habitat, species more characteristic of these types may have experienced a greater decline in overall importance across the landscape. This study suggests that policy aimed at increasing the potential biodiversity of the area should include provisions that encourage the redevelopment of forest habitat on those sites no longer supporting their equal share of forest.  相似文献   

In the boreal forest, fire, insects, and logging all affect spatial patterns in forest age and species composition. In turn, spatial legacies in age and composition can facilitate or constrain further disturbances and have important consequences for forest spatial structure and sustainability. However, the complex three-way interactions among fire, insects, and logging and their combined effects on forest spatial structure have seldom been investigated. We used a spatially explicit landscape simulation model to examine these interactions. Specifically, we investigated how the amount and the spatial scale of logging (cutblock size) in combination with succession, fire, and spruce budworm outbreaks affect area burned and area defoliated. Simulations included 30 replicates of 300 years for each of 19 different disturbance scenarios. More disturbances increased both the fragmentation and the proportion of coniferous species and imposed additional constraints on the extent of each disturbance. We also found that harvesting legacies affect fire and budworm differently due to differences in forest types consumed by each disturbance. Contrary to expectation, budworm defoliation did not affect area burned at the temporal scales studied and neither amount of logging nor cutblock size influenced defoliation extent. Logging increased fire size through conversion of more of the landscape to early seral, highly flammable forest types. Although logging increased the amount of budworm host species, spruce budworm caused mortality was reduced due to reductions in forest age. In general, we found that spatial legacies do not influence all disturbances equally and the duration of a spatial legacy is limited when multiple disturbances are present. Further information on post-disturbance succession is still needed to refine our understanding of long-term disturbance interactions.  相似文献   

We investigated the taxonomic placement of phenazine-producing fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. in the Inland Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Five distinct species were identified, two of which were provisionally considered to be new. Agroclimatic zone and soil silt content affected the species diversity across the region.  相似文献   

Abstract Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) were listed as threatened in the contiguous United States under the Endangered Species Act in March 2000. Little information on lynx ecology at the southern extent of their range was available at the time of listing, and no ecological studies had been conducted in the eastern USA. Between 1999 and 2004, we investigated habitat selection at natal dens in northern Maine to address questions on the importance of forest conditions to denning requirements. We compared within-stand characteristics of 26 den sites to general characteristics of the stands containing dens. We used logistic regression to identify components within stands that distinguished natal dens from the residual stand and used the information-theoretic approach to select models that best explained lynx den-site selection. The top-ranked model had 2 variables: tip-up mounds of blown-down trees and visual obscurity at 5 m from the den (wi = 0.92). Within-stand structure was useful for predicting lynx den-site selection in managed forests in Maine and suitable denning habitat did not appear to be limiting.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal mats in forest soils have a wide global distribution and have been noted as potentially important elements in forest soil nutrient cycling. To elucidate the relationship between ectomycorrhizal mats and their environment, we undertook field studies and spatial analyses of mat distributions at different spatial scales.We used two experimental approaches to study mat-forming ectomycorrhizal fungi in coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest in the United States. In the first approach, ectomycorrhizal mats and other forest floor features were mapped in 2 × 10 m plots and digitized into a geographical information system (GIS) for spatial pattern analysis. In order to examine larger-scale phenomena, a second approach involving other sites was taken; soil cores were taken along 30-m transects, and distance to the closest living potential host tree was calculated for each core.Mat patterns were studied at two scales: (1) within-stand level (i.e. variability attributed to distribution of other mat species, forest floor attributes, and understory vegetation); and (2) stand level (i.e. variability expressed along a successional gradient). Mat distribution was influenced by: (1) the proximity of one mat to another; (2) the distance from the mat to the closest living tree; (3) the density of living trees in a stand; and (4) the successional stage of the stand.Although GIS analysis indicated that mats of different morphologies did not physically overlap, there was a tendency for clustering of mats. No apparent correlations were observed between forest floor features and mats located within the 2 × 10 m grids. On the scale of tens of meters, mats decreased with distance from the closest potential host tree. Spatial patterns of mat distributions in harvested sites suggest that these mats may persist at least 2 years after their host trees have been cut. For Gautieria mats, total mat area, size, and frequency differed with stand age.This study has demonstrated the importance of both spatial scaling and forest stand age when the natural distribution of mycorrhizal fungi is examined. Results suggest the need for mat research directed at higher-order scales (e.g. stand and watershed) that will provide accurate information for managing forests to ensure their survival and normal function. ei]J H Graham  相似文献   

Snags are used as roosting sites by many bats living in coniferous forests of western North America. Thus, providing sufficient numbers of snags both spatially and temporally in forested landscapes is critical to sustaining populations of these species. One aspect that remains poorly understood is length of time that roost snags persist on the landscape in a form suitable for use by bats. This information is critical for forest-planning efforts in ensuring long-term availability of snag resources on forested landscapes. We monitored condition of 339 snags used as roosting sites by long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) 1–5 years post-discovery from 2001 to 2006 across 6 watersheds in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, USA. Persistence rates (i.e., probability a snag remains standing from year x to x + 1) of roost snags declined with year post-discovery in all study areas. Fir snags (Abies spp.) exhibited lower persistence rates than other conifer species. Data for the Washington area indicated only 4.3% of roost snags likely remain standing 10 years post-discovery, with half-lives of all snag species <3 roost-years. Model ranking of habitat models predicting fall year of roost snags revealed that snag condition models were the most parsimonious in all geographic locations. Roost snags larger in diameter, shorter in height, and with fewer branches on the bole were likely to persist for more years. These data indicate that snags used as roosts by long-legged myotis are suitable as roosting sites for only a few years before falling. We recommend management policies for coniferous forests in the Pacific Northwest, USA, that promote sufficient leave-trees in set-aside areas to provide for future suitable, large-diameter snags for bats in managed, forested landscapes. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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