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A genetic interpretation of ecologically dependent isolation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Hybrids may suffer a reduced fitness both because they fall between ecological niches (ecologically dependent isolation) and as a result of intrinsic genetic incompatibilities between the parental genomes (ecologically independent isolation). Whereas genetic incompatibilities are common to all theories of speciation, ecologically dependent isolation is a unique prediction of the ecological model of speciation. This prediction can be tested using reciprocal transplants in which the fitness of various genotypes is evaluated in both parental habitats. Here we expand a quantitative genetic model of Lynch (1991) to include two parental environments. We ask whether a sufficient experimental design exists for detecting ecologically dependent isolation. Analysis of the model reveals that by using both backcrosses in both parental environments, environment-specific additive genetic effects can be estimated while correcting for any intrinsic genetic isolation. Environment-specific dominance effects can also be estimated by including the F1 and F2 in the reciprocal transplant. In contrast, a reciprocal transplant comparing only F1s or F2s to the parental species cannot separate ecologically dependent from intrinsic genetic isolation. Thus, a reduced fitness of F1 or F2 hybrids relative to the parental species is not sufficient to demonstrate ecological speciation. The model highlights the importance of determining the contribution of genetic and ecological mechanisms to hybrid fitness if inferences concerning speciation mechanisms are to be made.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contribution of multiple isolation barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species is essential for understanding speciation processes. In parapatric populations, local adaptation is thought to be a major contributor to the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, extrinsic postzygotic barriers assessed in reciprocal transplant experiments are often neglected in empirical assessments of multiple isolation barriers. We analyzed multiple isolation barriers between two closely related species of the plant genus Dianthus, a genus characterized by the most rapid species diversification in plants reported so far. Although D. carthusianorum L. and D. sylvestris Wulf. can easily be hybridized in crossing experiments, natural hybrids are rare. We found that in parapatry, pollinator‐mediated prezygotic reproductive isolation barriers are important for both D. carthusianorum (0.761) and D. sylvestris (0.468). In contrast to D. carthusianorum, high hybrid viability in D. sylvestris (–0.491) was counteracted by strong extrinsic postzygotic isolation (0.900). Our study highlights the importance of including reciprocal transplant experiments for documenting extrinsic postzygotic isolation and demonstrates clearly divergent strategies and hence asymmetric pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation between closely related species. It also suggests that pollinator‐mediated and ecological isolation could have interacted in synergistic ways, further stimulating rapid speciation in Dianthus.  相似文献   

We present a likelihood-based statistical method for examining the pattern or rate of evolution of reproductive isolation. The method uses large empirical datasets to estimate, for a given clade, the average duration of two phases in the divergence of populations. The first phase is a lag phase and refers to the period during which lineages diverge but no detectable reproductive isolation evolves. The second is an accumulation phase, referring to the period during which the magnitude of reproductive isolation between diverging lineages increases. The pattern of evolution is inferred from the relative durations of these two phases. Results of analyses of postzygotic isolation data indicate significant differences among taxa in the pattern of evolution of postzygotic isolation that are consistent with predictions based on genetic differences among these groups. We also examine whether the evolution of postzygotic isolation is best explained by either of two models for the rate of accumulation: a linear model or a quadratic function as may be suggested by recent studies. Our analysis indicates that the appropriateness of either model varies among taxa.  相似文献   

Using experimental evolution, we investigated the contributions of ecological divergence, sexual selection, and genetic drift to the evolution of reproductive isolation in Caenorhabditis remanei. The nematodes were reared on two different environments for 100 generations. They were assayed for fitness on both environments after 30, 64, and 100 generations, and hybrid fitness were analyzed after 64 and 100 generations. Mating propensity within and between populations was also analyzed. The design allowed us to determine whether local adaptation was synchronous with pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation. Prezygotic isolation evolved quickly but was unconnected with adaptation to the divergent environments. Instead, prezygotic isolation was driven by mate preferences favoring individuals from the same replicate population. A bottleneck treatment, meant to enhance the opportunity for genetic drift, had no effect on prezygotic isolation. Postzygotic isolation occurred in crosses where at least one population had a large fitness advantage in its “home” environment. Taken together, our results suggest that prezygotic isolation did not depend on drift or adaptation to divergent environments, but instead resulted from differences in sexual interactions within individual replicates. Furthermore, our results suggest that postzygotic isolation can occur between populations even when only one population has greater fitness in its home environment.  相似文献   

Speciation proceeds when gene exchange is prevented between populations. Determining the different barriers preventing gene flow can therefore give insights into the factors driving and maintaining species boundaries. These reproductive barriers may result from intrinsic genetic incompatibilities between populations, from extrinsic environmental differences between populations, or a combination of both mechanisms. We investigated the potential barriers to gene exchange between three adjacent ecotypes of an Australian wildflower to determine the strength of individual barriers and the degree of overall isolation between populations. We found almost complete isolation between the three populations mainly due to premating extrinsic barriers. Intrinsic genetic barriers were weak and variable among populations. There were asymmetries in some intrinsic barriers due to the origin of cytoplasm in hybrids. Overall, these results suggest that reproductive isolation between these three populations is almost complete despite the absence of geographic barriers, and that the main drivers of this isolation are ecologically based, consistent with the mechanisms underlying ecological speciation.  相似文献   

The build‐up of the phenotypic differences that distinguish species has long intrigued biologists. These differences are often inherited as stable polymorphisms that allow the cosegregation of adaptive variation within species, and facilitate the differentiation of complex phenotypes between species. It has been suggested that the clustering of adaptive loci could facilitate this process, but evidence is still scarce. Here, we used QTL analysis to study the genetic basis of phenotypic differentiation between coastal populations of the Australian wildflower Senecio lautus. We found that a genomic region consistently governs variation in several of the traits that distinguish these contrasting forms. Additionally, some of the taxon‐specific traits controlled by this QTL cluster have evolved repeatedly during the adaptation to the same habitats, suggesting that it could mediate divergence between locally adapted forms. This cluster contains footprints of divergent natural selection across the range of S. lautus, which suggests that it could have been instrumental for the rapid diversification of this species.  相似文献   

How species evolve reproductive isolation in the species-rich Amazon basin is poorly understood in vertebrates. Here, we sequenced a reference genome and used a genome-wide sample of SNPs to analyze a hybrid zone between two highly cryptic species of Hypocnemis warbling-antbirds—the Rondonia warbling-antbird (H. ochrogyna) and Spix's warbling-antbird (H. striata)—in a headwater region of southern Amazonia. We found that both species commonly hybridize, producing F1s and a variety of backcrosses with each species but we detected only one F2-like hybrid. Patterns of heterozygosity, hybrid index, and interchromosomal linkage disequilibrium in hybrid populations closely match expectations under strong postzygotic isolation. Hybrid zone width (15.4 km) was much narrower than expected (211 km) indicating strong selection against hybrids. A remarkably high degree of concordance in cline centers and widths across loci, and a lack of reduced interspecific Fst between populations close to versus far from the contact zone, suggest that genetic incompatibilities have rendered most of the genome immune to introgression. These results support intrinsic postzygotic isolation as a driver of speciation in a moderately young cryptic species pair from the Amazon and suggest that species richness of the Amazon may be grossly underestimated.  相似文献   

Decades of theoretical work on the evolution of adaptive prezygotic isolation have led to an interesting finding—namely that stable partial reproductive isolation is a relatively common outcome. This conclusion is generally lost, however, in the desire to pinpoint when exactly speciation occurs. Here, we argue that the evolution of partial reproductive isolation is of great interest in its own right and matches empirical findings that ongoing hybridization is taxonomically widespread. We present the mechanisms by which partial reproductive isolation can be a stable evolutionary endpoint, concentrating on insights from theoretical studies. We focus not on cases in which hybridization results from constraints imposed by ongoing migration or mutation, but on the intriguing idea that partial reproductive isolation may instead be an adaptive optimum. We identify three general categories of selective mechanisms that can lead to partial reproductive isolation: context-dependent hybrid advantage, indirect selection due to the varying actions of sexual selection in different geographic contexts, and a balance of costs of choosiness with indirect selection for stronger mating preferences. By any of these mechanisms, stable partial reproductive isolation can potentially provide a robust evolutionary alternative to either complete speciation or population fusion.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive isolation in spatially structured populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.— Recent models of speciation have incorporated population structure and migration into the classic model of speciation in which reproductive isolation arises as a by-product of divergence. In this paper, we expanded these models to explore the joint effects of migration and population subdivision on speciation in a spatially explicit context. The results of our simulation support previous results concerning the influence of population subdivision on the accumulation of reproductive isolation. The simulation also shows that speciation in subdivided populations occurs most rapidly when subpopulations are not strictly allopatric. These results counter the widespread notion that speciation is most likely to occur in allopatric populations and suggest that there are useful insights to be gained by incorporating increasingly realistic types of population structure into models of speciation.  相似文献   

The classification of reproductive isolating barriers laid out by Dobzhansky and Mayr has motivated and structured decades of research on speciation. We argue, however, that this classification is incomplete and that the unique contributions of a major source of reproductive isolation have often been overlooked. Here, we describe reproductive barriers that derive from the reduced survival of immigrants upon reaching foreign habitats that are ecologically divergent from their native habitat. This selection against immigrants reduces encounters and thus mating opportunities between individuals from divergently adapted populations. It also reduces the likelihood that successfully mated immigrant females will survive long enough to produce their hybrid offspring. Thus, natural selection against immigrants results in distinctive elements of premating and postmating reproductive isolation that we hereby dub "immigrant inviability." We quantify the contributions of immigrant inviability to total reproductive isolation by examining study systems where multiple components of reproductive isolation have been measured and demonstrate that these contributions are frequently greater than those of traditionally recognized reproductive barriers. The relevance of immigrant inviability is further illustrated by a consideration of population-genetic theory, a review of selection against immigrant alleles in hybrid zone studies, and an examination of its participation in feedback loops that influence the evolution of additional reproductive barriers. Because some degree of immigrant inviability will commonly exist between populations that exhibit adaptive ecological divergence, we emphasize that these barriers play critical roles in ecological modes of speciation. We hope that the formal recognition of immigrant inviability and our demonstration of its evolutionary importance will stimulate more explicit empirical studies of its contributions to speciation.  相似文献   

How natural selection might be involved in speciation remains a fundamental question in evolutionary biology. When two or more species co-occur in the same areas, natural selection may favor divergence in mating traits. By acting in sympatric but not allopatric populations, natural selection can also affect mate choice within species and ultimately initiate speciation among conspecific populations. Here, we address this potential effect in the sea rock-pool beetles Ochthebius quadricollis and O. urbanelliae. The two species, which inhabit the Mediterranean coasts, co-occurr syntopically in an area along the Italian Tyrrhenian coast and completed reproductive isolation by reinforcement. In this article, through mating trials under laboratory conditions between conspecific populations, we found in O. quadricollis no deviations from random mating. Conversely, in O. urbanelliae, we found a clear pattern of premating isolation between the reinforced populations sympatric with O. quadricollis and those nonreinforced allopatric. This pattern is consistent with the view that natural selection, which completed the reproductive isolation between the two species in sympatry, led incidentally also to partial premating reproductive isolation (I(PSI) estimator from 0.683 to 0.792) between conspecific populations of O. urbanelliae. This case study supports an until recently underappreciated role of natural selection resulting from species interactions in initiating speciation.  相似文献   

We examined reproductive isolating barriers at four postmating stages among 11 species from the morphologically diverse genus Nolana (Solanaceae). At least one stage was positively correlated with both genetic and geographic distance between species. Postzygotic isolation was generally stronger and faster evolving than postmating prezygotic isolation. In addition, there was no evidence for mechanical isolation, or for reproductive character displacement in floral traits that can influence pollinator isolation. In general, among the potential isolating stages examined here, postzygotic barriers appear to be more effective contributors to reducing gene flow, including between sympatric species.  相似文献   

Abstract Most work on adaptive speciation to date has focused on the role of low hybrid fitness as the force driving reinforcement (the evolution of premating isolation after secondary contact that reduces the likelihood of matings between populations). However, recent theoretical work has shown that postmating, prezygotic incompatibilities may also be important in driving premating isolation. We quantified premating, postmating-prezygotic, and early postzygotic fitness effects in crosses among three populations: Drosophila persimilis, D. pseudoobscura USA (sympatric to D. persimilis ), and D. pseudoobscura Bogotá (allopatric to D. persimilis ). Interspecific matings were more likely to fail when they involved the sympatric populations than when they involved the allopatric populations, consistent with reinforcement. We also found that failure rate in sympatric mating trials depended on whether D. persimilis females were paired with D. pseudoobscura males or the reverse. This asymmetry most likely indicates differences in discrimination against heterospecific males by females. By measuring egg laying rate, fertilization success and hatching success, we also compared components of postmating-prezygotic and early postzygotic isolation. Postmating-prezygotic fitness costs were small and not distinguishable between hetero- and conspecific crosses. Early postzygotic fitness effects due to hatching success differences were also small in between-population crosses. There was, however, a postzygotic fitness effect that may have resulted from an X-linked allele found in one of the two strains of D. pseudoobscura USA. We conclude that the postmating-prezygotic fitness costs we measured probably did not drive premating isolation in these species. Premating isolation is most likely driven in sympatric populations by previously known hybrid male sterility.  相似文献   

Evolutionists have long recognized the role of reproductive isolation in speciation, but the relative contributions of different reproductive barriers are poorly understood. We examined the nature of isolation between Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis, sister species of monkeyflowers. Studied reproductive barriers include: ecogeographic isolation; pollinator isolation (pollinator fidelity in a natural mixed population); pollen competition (seed set and hybrid production from experimental interspecific, intraspecific, and mixed pollinations in the greenhouse); and relative hybrid fitness (germination, survivorship, percent flowering, biomass, pollen viability, and seed mass in the greenhouse). Additionally, the rate of hybridization in nature was estimated from seed collections in a sympatric population. We found substantial reproductive barriers at multiple stages in the life history of M. lewisii and M. cardinalis. Using range maps constructed from herbarium collections, we estimated that the different ecogeographic distributions of the species result in 58.7% reproductive isolation. Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis are visited by different pollinators, and in a region of sympatry 97.6% of pollinator foraging bouts were specific to one species or the other. In the greenhouse, interspecific pollinations generated nearly 50% fewer seeds than intraspecific controls. Mixed pollinations of M. cardinalis flowers yielded >75% parentals even when only one-quarter of the pollen treatment consisted of M. cardinalis pollen. In contrast, both species had similar siring success on M. lewisii flowers. The observed 99.915% occurrence of parental M. lewisii and M. cardinalis in seeds collected from a sympatric population is nearly identical to that expected, based upon our field observations of pollinator behavior and our laboratory experiments of pollen competition. F1 hybrids exhibited reduced germination rates, high survivorship and reproduction, and low pollen and ovule fertility. In aggregate, the studied reproductive barriers prevent, on average, 99.87% of gene flow, with most reproductive isolation occurring prior to hybrid formation. Our results suggest that ecological factors resulting from adaptive divergence are the primary isolating barriers in this system. Additional studies of taxa at varying degrees of evolutionary divergence are needed to identify the relative importance of pre- and postzygotic isolating mechanisms in speciation.  相似文献   

Analyses among animal species have found that reproductive isolation increases monotonically with genetic distance, evolves more quickly for prezygotic than postzygotic traits, and is stronger among sympatric than allopatric species pairs. The latter pattern is consistent with expectations under the reinforcement hypothesis. To determine whether similar trends are found among plant species, patterns of reproductive isolation (postpollination prezygotic, postzygotic, and "total" isolation) in three plant genera (Glycine, Silene, Streptanthus) were examined using data from previously published artificial hybridization experiments. In Silene, all measures of reproductive isolation were positively correlated with genetic distance. In contrast, in Glycine and Streptanthus, correlations between reproductive isolation and genetic distance were weak or nonsignificant, possibly due to the influence of biologically unusual taxa, variable evolutionary forces acting in different lineages, or insufficient time to accumulate reproductive isolation. There was no evidence that postpollination prezygotic reproductive isolation evolved faster than postzygotic isolation in Glycine or Silene. We also detected no evidence for faster accumulation of postmating prezygotic isolation between sympatric than allopatric species pairs; thus we found no evidence for the operation of speciation via reinforcement. In Silene, which included six polyploid species, results suggest that changes in ploidy disrupt a simple monotonic relationship between isolation and genetic distance.  相似文献   

To understand how new species form and what causes their collapse, we examined how reproductive isolation evolves during the speciation process, considering species pairs with little to extensive divergence, including a recently collapsed pair. We estimated many reproductive barriers in each of five sets of stickleback fish species pairs using our own data and decades of previous work. We found that the types of barriers important early in the speciation process differ from those important late. Two premating barriers—habitat and sexual isolation—evolve early in divergence and remain two of the strongest barriers throughout speciation. Premating isolation evolves before postmating isolation, and extrinsic isolation is far stronger than intrinsic. Completing speciation, however, may require postmating intrinsic incompatibilities. Reverse speciation in one species pair was characterized by significant loss of sexual isolation. We present estimates of barrier strengths before and after collapse of a species pair; such detail regarding the loss of isolation has never before been documented. Additionally, despite significant asymmetries in individual barriers, which can limit speciation, total isolation was essentially symmetric between species. Our study provides important insight into the order of barrier evolution and the relative importance of isolating barriers during speciation and tests fundamental predictions of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Mate discrimination is a key mechanism restricting gene flow between species. While studied extensively with respect to female mate choice, mechanisms of male mate choice between species are far less studied. Thus, we have little knowledge of the relative frequency, importance, or overall contribution of male mate discrimination to reproductive isolation. In the present study, we estimated the relative contributions of male and female choice to reproductive isolation between Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia, and show that male mate discrimination accounts for the majority of the current isolation between these species. We further demonstrate that males discriminate based on female cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones, and collect evidence supporting the hypothesis that male mate discrimination may alleviate the costs associated with heterospecific courtship and mating. Our findings highlight the potentially significant contribution of male mate choice to the formation of reproductive isolating barriers, and thus the speciation process.  相似文献   

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