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The onset of metabolic dysregulation in type 1 diabetes (T1D) occurs after autoimmune destruction of the majority of pancreatic insulin-producing beta cells. We previously demonstrated that the DNA encoding the insulin gene is uniquely unmethylated in these cells and then developed a methylation-specific PCR (MSP) assay to identify circulating beta cell DNA in streptozotocin-treated mice prior to the rise in blood glucose. The current study extends to autoimmune non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice and humans, showing in NOD mice that beta cell death occurs six weeks before the rise in blood sugar and coincides with the onset of islet infiltration by immune cells, demonstrating the utility of MSP for monitoring T1D. We previously reported unique patterns of methylation of the human insulin gene, and now extend this to other human tissues. The methylation patterns of the human insulin promoter, intron 1, exon 2, and intron 2 were determined in several normal human tissues. Similar to our previous report, the human insulin promoter was unmethylated in beta cells, but methylated in all other tissues tested. In contrast, intron 1, exon 2 and intron 2 did not exhibit any tissue-specific DNA methylation pattern. Subsequently, a human MSP assay was developed based on the methylation pattern of the insulin promoter and human islet DNA was successfully detected in circulation of T1D patients after islet transplantation therapy. Signal levels of normal controls and pre-transplant samples were shown to be similar, but increased dramatically after islet transplantation. In plasma the signal declines with time but in whole blood remains elevated for at least two weeks, indicating that association of beta cell DNA with blood cells prolongs the signal. This assay provides an effective method to monitor beta cell destruction in early T1D and in islet transplantation therapy.  相似文献   

DNA methylation, and consequent down-regulation, of tumour suppressor genes occurs in response to epigenetic stimuli during cancer development. Similarly, human oncoviruses, including human papillomavirus (HPV), up-regulate and augment DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) activities, thereby decreasing tumour suppressor genes (TSGs) expression. Ubiquitin-like containing PHD and RING finger domain 1 (UHRF1), an epigenetic regulator of DNA methylation, is overexpressed in HPV-induced cervical cancers. Here, we investigated the role of UHRF1 in cervical cancer by knocking down its expression in HeLa cells using lentiviral-encoded short hairpin (sh)RNA and performing cDNA microarrays. We detected significantly elevated expression of thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP), a known TSG, in UHRF1-knockdown cells, and this gene is hypermethylated in cervical cancer tissue and cell lines, as indicated by whole-genome methylation analysis. Up-regulation of UHRF1 and decreased TXNIP were further detected in cervical cancer by western blot and immunohistochemistry and confirmed by Oncomine database analysis. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we identified the inverted CCAAT domain-containing UHRF1-binding site in the TXNIP promoter and demonstrated UHRF1 knockdown decreases UHRF1 promoter binding and enhances TXNIP expression through demethylation of this region. TXNIP promoter CpG methylation was further confirmed in cervical cancer tissue by pyrosequencing and methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. Critically, down-regulation of UHRF1 by siRNA or UHRF1 antagonist (thymoquinone) induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, and ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7), which stabilises and promotes UHRF1 function, is increased by HPV viral protein E6/E7 overexpression. These results indicate HPV might induce carcinogenesis through UHRF1-mediated TXNIP promoter methylation, thus suggesting a possible link between CpG methylation and cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Astrocytes contain glycogen, an energy buffer, which can bridge local short term energy requirements in the brain. Glycogen levels reflect a dynamic equilibrium between glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis. Many factors that include hormones and neuropeptides, such as insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) likely modulate glycogen stores in astrocytes, but detailed mechanisms at the cellular level are sparse. We used a glucose nanosensor based on Förster resonance energy transfer to monitor cytosolic glucose concentration with high temporal resolution and a cytochemical approach to determine glycogen stores in single cells. The results show that after glucose depletion, glycogen stores are replenished. Insulin and IGF-1 boost the process of glycogen formation. Although astrocytes appear to express glucose transporter GLUT4, glucose entry across the astrocyte plasma membrane is not affected by insulin. Stimulation of cells with insulin and IGF-1 decreased cytosolic glucose concentration, likely because of elevated glucose utilization for glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Fission and fusion of mitochondrial tubules are the major processes regulating mitochondrial morphology. However, the physiological significance of mitochondrial shape change is poorly understood. Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in pancreatic β-cells requires mitochondrial ATP production which evokes Ca2+ influx through plasma membrane depolarization, triggering insulin vesicle exocytosis. Therefore, GSIS reflects mitochondrial function and can be used for evaluating functional changes associated with morphological alterations of mitochondria. Using the insulin-secreting cell line INS-1E, we found that glucose stimulation induced rapid mitochondrial shortening and recovery. Inhibition of mitochondrial fission through expression of the dominant-negative mutant DLP1-K38A eliminated this dynamic mitochondrial shape change and, importantly, blocked GSIS. We found that abolishing mitochondrial morphology change in glucose stimulation increased the mitochondrial inner membrane proton leak, and thus significantly diminished the mitochondrial ATP producing capacity in response to glucose stimulation. These results demonstrate that dynamic change of mitochondrial morphology is a previously unrecognized component for metabolism-secretion coupling of pancreatic β-cells by participating in efficient ATP production in response to elevated glucose levels.  相似文献   

细胞增殖核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)基因是DNA聚合酶δ的辅助因子,在真核细胞DNA复制及其损伤修复中发挥着重要的作用.采用高效热不对称交互PCR法(high-efficiency thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR,hiTAIL PCR)从小麦西农1 376基因组中扩增得到小麦PCNA基因启动子片段,并命名为TaPCNA启动子. PlantCARE启动子在线分析软件预测含有光应答调控元件(Box I)、脱落酸应答元件(ABRE)、花粉发育应答元件(GGTT motif,GTGA motif)及细胞周期转换结合位点(E2F-binding site)等.为了分析其启动子活性, 通过替换pBI121载体上的CaMV35S启动子,构建了TaPCNA启动子与β-葡糖醛酸酶(GUS)基因的融合表达载体,通过农杆菌介导法在烟草叶片中进行瞬时表达. GUS组织化学染色结果表明,TaPCNA基因启动子能够驱动GUS基因在烟草叶片中表达,证实了所获得的启动子序列具有启动活性.本研究通过hiTAIL-PCR法克隆得到TaPCNA基因的启动子,为深入研究该基因的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为了研究 C B P在胰岛 H I T 细胞中调节基因转录的机制,将不同的 C B P片段瞬时转染到细胞中,观察其转录活性.实验表明,在胰岛 H I T 细胞中,膜去极化及 c A M P 均可诱导 C B P30( C R E B结合功能区)转录活性增强,并有协同效应. P K C对 C B P30 的转录活性无影响;与 C R E B有更强结合力的 C B P K I X S/ B(氨基酸序列短于 C B P30 的 C R E B结合功能区)其基本转录活性及膜去极化、c A M P诱导下的转录活性均比 C B P30 更强.反义 C R E B 的过度表达可降低 c A M P诱导的 C B P的转录活性.提示在胰岛 H I T 细胞中,膜去极化及 c A M P对共转录因子 C B P转录活性的调节作用通过 C R E B介导.  相似文献   


This study investigates changes of adenylyl cyclase activity in the heart of young and adult Wistar rats exposed to experimental conditions simulating high altitude hypoxia as a model for interpretation of some adaptive changes of adenylyl cyclase observed in human. The exposure of rats to intermittent high altitude (IHA) hypoxia (5000 m) showed significant adaptive changes. The right ventricular weight and the ratio of right/left ventricular weights of adult rats exposed to IHA were significantly increased when compared to appropriate controls; adaptive changes of cardiac adenylyl cyclase being dependent on the age of the animals. The isoprenaline‐stimulated activity was higher in the left than in the right ventricle, and in both ventricles it was higher in young rats than in adult rats. When compared to controls, isoprenaline stimulation was decreased in the right ventricles of adapted young rats and, by contrast, it was increased in the left ventricles of adapted adult rats. This decrease and increase of adenylyl cyclase activity evoked by isoprenaline was paralleled by forskolin‐induced adenylyl cyclase activity in these experimental groups. It seems therefore that the changes in the pattern of total adenylyl cyclase activity observed under IHA hypoxia may at least be partially explained by the changes of beta‐adrenergic receptor susceptibility following IHA hypoxia.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid (GC)-based therapies can cause insulin resistance (IR), glucose intolerance, hyperglycemia and, occasionally, overt diabetes. Understanding the mechanisms behind these metabolic disorders could improve the management of glucose homeostasis in patients undergoing GC treatment. For this purpose, adult rats were treated with a daily injection of dexamethasone (1 mg/kg b.w., i.p.) (DEX) or saline as a control for 5 consecutive days. The DEX rats developed IR, augmented glycemia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperglucagonemia. Treatment of the DEX rats with a glucagon receptor antagonist normalized their blood glucose level. The characteristic inhibitory effect of glucose on glucagon secretion was impaired in the islets of the DEX rats, while no direct effects were found on α-cells in islets that were incubated with DEX in vitro. A higher proportion of docked secretory granules was found in the DEX α-cells as well as a trend towards increased α-cell mass. Additionally, insulin secretion in the presence of glucagon was augmented in the islets of the DEX rats, which was most likely due to their higher glucagon receptor content. We also found that the enzyme 11βHSD-1, which participates in GC metabolism, contributed to the insulin hypersecretion in the DEX rats under basal glucose conditions. Altogether, we showed that GC treatment induces hyperglucagonemia, which contributes to an imbalance in glucose homeostasis and compensatory β-cell hypersecretion. This hyperglucagonemia may result from altered α-cell function and, likely, α-cell mass. Additionally, blockage of the glucagon receptor seems to be effective in preventing the elevation in blood glucose levels induced by GC administration.  相似文献   

Both wild-type (S21-WT) and hrpD- (S21-533) strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv phaseolicola induced the formation of large paramural papillae in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) mesophyll cells adjacent to bacterial colonies. Localized alterations to the plant cell wall included deposition of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, phe-nolics, and callose, and were associated with proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum and multivesicular bodies. Tissue collapse during the hypersensitive reaction caused by S21-WT was associated with electrolyte leakage and rapid accumulation of the phy-toalexin lettucenin A, both of which followed membrane damage indicated by the failure of mesophyll cells to plasmolyze. A few cells lost the ability to plasmolyze after inoculation with S21-533, and low levels of lettucenin A were recorded, but neither leakage of electrolytes nor tissue collapse were detected. Dysfunction of the plasma membrane in cells adjacent to colonies of S21-WT led to extensive vacuolation of the cytoplasm, organelle disruption, and cytoplasmic collapse[mdash]changes unlike those occurring in cells undergoing apoptosis. Strain S21-533 remained viable within symptomless tissue, whereas cells of S21-WT were killed as a consequence of the hypersensitive reaction. Our observations emphasize the subtle coordination of the plant's response occurring at the subcellular level.  相似文献   

DNA methylation disturbance is associated with defective human sperm. However, oligozoospermia (OZ) and asthenozoospermia (AZ) usually present together, and the relationship between the single-phenotype defects in human sperm and DNA methylation is poorly understood. In this study, 20 infertile OZ patients and 20 infertile AZ patients were compared with 20 fertile normozoospermic men. Bisulfate-specific PCR was used to analyze DNA methylation of the H19-DMR and the DAZL promoter in these subjects. A similar DNA methylation pattern of the H19-DMR was detected in AZ and NZ(control), with only complete methylation and mild hypomethylation(<50% unmethylated CpGs) identified, and there was no significant difference in the occurrence of these two methylation patterns between AZ and NZ (P>0.05). However, the methylation pattern of severe hypomethylation (>50% unmethylated CpGs ) and complete unmethylation was only detected in 5 OZ patients, and the occurrence of these two methylation patterns was 8.54±10.86% and 9±6.06%, respectively. Loss of DNA methylation of the H19-DMR in the OZ patients was found to mainly occur in CTCF-binding site 6, with occurrence of 18.15±14.71%, which was much higher than that in patients with NZ (0.84±2.05%) and AZ (0.58±1.77%) (P<0.001).Additional, our data indicated the occurrence of >20% methylated clones in the DAZL promoter only in infertile patients, there was no significant difference between the AZ and OZ patients in the proportion of moderately-to-severely hypermethylated clones (p>0.05). In all cases, global sperm genome methylation analyses, using LINE1 transposon as the indicator, showed that dysregulation of DNA methylation is specifically associated with the H19-DMR and DAZL promoter. Therefore, abnormal DNA methylation status of H19-DMR, especially at the CTCF-binding site 6, is closely associated with OZ. Abnormal DNA methylation of the DAZL promoter might represent an epigenetic marker of male infertility.  相似文献   

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