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Prosopagnosia is a deficit in recognizing people from their faces. Acquired prosopagnosia results after brain damage, developmental or congenital prosopagnosia (CP) is not caused by brain lesion, but has presumably been present from early childhood onwards. Since other sensory, perceptual, and cognitive abilities are largely spared, CP is considered to be a stimulus-specific deficit, limited to face processing. Given that recent behavioral and imaging studies indicate a close relationship of face and biological-motion perception in healthy adults, we hypothesized that biological motion processing should be impaired in CP. Five individuals with CP and ten matched healthy controls were tested with diverse biological-motion stimuli and tasks. Four of the CP individuals showed severe deficits in biological-motion processing, while one performed within the lower range of the controls. A discriminant analysis classified all participants correctly with a very high probability for each participant. These findings demonstrate that in CP, impaired perception of faces can be accompanied by impaired biological-motion perception. We discuss implications for dedicated and shared mechanisms involved in the perception of faces and biological motion.  相似文献   

Theories of the origin of life have proposed hypotheses to link inanimate to animate matter. The theory proposed here derived the crucial stages in the origin of animate matter directly from the basic properties of inanimate matter. It asked what were the general characteristics of the link, rather than what might have been its chemical details. Life and its origin are shown to be one continuous physicochemical process of replication, random variation, and natural selection. Since life exists here and now, animate properties must have been initiated in the past somewhere. According to the theory, life originated from an as yet unknown elementary autocatalyst which occurred spontaneously, then replicated autocatalytically. As it multiplied to macroscopic abundance, its replicas gradually exhausted their reactants. Random chemical drift initiated diversity among autocatalysts. Diversity led to competition. Competition and depletion of reactants slowed down the rates of net replication of the autocatalysts. Some reached negative rates and became extinct, while those which stayed positive ``survived.' Thus chemical natural selection appeared, the first step in the transition from inanimate to animate matter. It initiated the first animate property, fitness, i.e., the capacity to adapt to the environment and to survive. As the environment was depleted of reactants, it was enriched with sequels—namely, with decomposition products and all other products which accompany autocatalysis. The changing environment exerted a selective pressure on autocatalysts to replace dwindling reactants by accumulating sequels. Sequels that were incorporated into the autocatalytic process became internal components of complex autocatalytic systems. Primitive forms of metabolism and organization were thus initiated. They evolved further by the same mechanism to ever higher levels of complexity, such as homochirality (handedness) and membranal enclosure. Subsequent evolution by the same mechanism generated cellular metabolism, cell division, information carriers, and a genetic code. Theories of self-organization without natural selection are refuted. Received: 29 March 1996 / Accepted: 30 May 1996  相似文献   


The current study was designed to examine whether preschool children categorize picture stimuli differentially in the presence of a real dog compared with a stuffed dog or a human. Seventeen preschool children (age in months; M = 51.67, SD = 8.06), both Typical and those with a developmental delay (“Identified”), were asked to categorize Animate and Inanimate objects into two environments (Farm and Ocean) in each of three Collaborator conditions (Real Dog, Stuffed Dog, and Human). As predicted, there was a main effect of animation: the children more accurately categorized Animate (e.g., cow) exemplars than Inanimate ones (e.g., tractor). Additionally, the Animation variable interacted with Collaborator, such that in the presence of the real dog the impact of animation was significant, but this effect was not significant in the presence of the stuffed dog or human. This result indicates that the presence of the real dog served as a highly salient stimulus which encouraged the children to focus more of their attention on other animate objects in the list. This result provides additional evidence that the presence of a dog helps preschool children to restrict their attention to the demands of the task. This is a new and interesting finding that indicates that the presence of a real dog does have an impact on cognitive task performance.  相似文献   

Fridman  M. V.  Namiot  V. A. 《Biophysics》2021,66(5):867-868
Biophysics - Questions about the nature of life and the ability of living things to evolve are still attracting attention of scientists from different backgrounds. The idea that all living...  相似文献   

BackgroundPatients with schizophrenia are deficient in multiple aspects of social cognition, including biological motion perception. In the present study we investigated the ability to read social information from point-light stimuli in schizophrenia.Conclusions/SignificanceThese findings are consistent with theories of “overmentalizing” (excessive attribution of intentionality) in schizophrenia, and suggest that processing social information from biological motion does rely on social cognition abilities.  相似文献   

Herein, we address the time evolution of brain functional networks computed from electroencephalographic activity driven by visual stimuli. We describe how these functional network signatures change in fast scale when confronted with point-light display stimuli depicting biological motion (BM) as opposed to scrambled motion (SM). Whereas global network measures (average path length, average clustering coefficient, and average betweenness) computed as a function of time did not discriminate between BM and SM, local node properties did. Comparing the network local measures of the BM condition with those of the SM condition, we found higher degree and betweenness values in the left frontal (F7) electrode, as well as a higher clustering coefficient in the right occipital (O2) electrode, for the SM condition. Conversely, for the BM condition, we found higher degree values in central parietal (Pz) electrode and a higher clustering coefficient in the left parietal (P3) electrode. These results are discussed in the context of the brain networks involved in encoding BM versus SM.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to investigate activation of the multimodal areas in the cerebral cortex–supramarginal and angular gyri, precuneus, and middle temporal visual cortex (MT/V5)–in response to motion of biologically significant sounds (human footsteps). The subjects listened to approaching or receding footstep sounds during 45 s, and such stimulation was supposed to evoke auditory adaptation to biological motion. Listening conditions alternated with stimulation-free control. To reveal activity in the regions of interest, the periods before and during stimulation were compared. Most stable and voluminous activation was detected in the supramarginal and angular gyri, being registered for all footstep sound types–approaching, receding and steps in place. Listening to human approaching steps activated the precuneus area, with the volume of activation clusters varying considerably between subjects. In the MT/V5 area, activation was revealed in 5 of 21 subjects. The involvement of the tested multimodal cortical areas in analyzing biological motion is discussed.  相似文献   

Biological motion stimuli, such as orthographically projected stick figure walkers, are ambiguous about their orientation in depth. The projection of a stick figure walker oriented towards the viewer, therefore, is the same as its projection when oriented away. Even though such figures are depth-ambiguous, however, observers tend to interpret them as facing towards them more often than facing away. Some have speculated that this facing-the-viewer bias may exist for sociobiological reasons: Mistaking another human as retreating when they are actually approaching could have more severe consequences than the opposite error. Implied in this hypothesis is that the facing-towards percept of biological motion stimuli is potentially more threatening. Measures of anxiety and the facing-the-viewer bias should therefore be related, as researchers have consistently found that anxious individuals display an attentional bias towards more threatening stimuli. The goal of this study was to assess whether physical exercise (Experiment 1) or an anxiety induction/reduction task (Experiment 2) would significantly affect facing-the-viewer biases. We hypothesized that both physical exercise and progressive muscle relaxation would decrease facing-the-viewer biases for full stick figure walkers, but not for bottom- or top-half-only human stimuli, as these carry less sociobiological relevance. On the other hand, we expected that the anxiety induction task (Experiment 2) would increase facing-the-viewer biases for full stick figure walkers only. In both experiments, participants completed anxiety questionnaires, exercised on a treadmill (Experiment 1) or performed an anxiety induction/reduction task (Experiment 2), and then immediately completed a perceptual task that allowed us to assess their facing-the-viewer bias. As hypothesized, we found that physical exercise and progressive muscle relaxation reduced facing-the-viewer biases for full stick figure walkers only. Our results provide further support that the facing-the-viewer bias for biological motion stimuli is related to the sociobiological relevance of such stimuli.  相似文献   



When a moving stimulus and a briefly flashed static stimulus are physically aligned in space the static stimulus is perceived as lagging behind the moving stimulus. This vastly replicated phenomenon is known as the Flash-Lag Effect (FLE). For the first time we employed biological motion as the moving stimulus, which is important for two reasons. Firstly, biological motion is processed by visual as well as somatosensory brain areas, which makes it a prime candidate for elucidating the interplay between the two systems with respect to the FLE. Secondly, discussions about the mechanisms of the FLE tend to recur to evolutionary arguments, while most studies employ highly artificial stimuli with constant velocities.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Since biological motion is ecologically valid it follows complex patterns with changing velocity. We therefore compared biological to symbolic motion with the same acceleration profile. Our results with 16 observers revealed a qualitatively different pattern for biological compared to symbolic motion and this pattern was predicted by the characteristics of motor resonance: The amount of anticipatory processing of perceived actions based on the induced perspective and agency modulated the FLE.


Our study provides first evidence for an FLE with non-linear motion in general and with biological motion in particular. Our results suggest that predictive coding within the sensorimotor system alone cannot explain the FLE. Our findings are compatible with visual prediction (Nijhawan, 2008) which assumes that extrapolated motion representations within the visual system generate the FLE. These representations are modulated by sudden visual input (e.g. offset signals) or by input from other systems (e.g. sensorimotor) that can boost or attenuate overshooting representations in accordance with biased neural competition (Desimone & Duncan, 1995).  相似文献   

One of the prerequisites of making ecological conclusions derived from genetic fingerprints is that bacterial community profiles reflect the live portion of the sample of interest. Propidium monoazide is a membrane-impermeant dye that selectively penetrates cells with compromised membranes, which can be considered dead. Once inside the cells, PMA intercalates into the DNA and can be covalently cross-linked to it, which strongly inhibits PCR amplification. By using PCR after PMA treatment, the analysis of bacterial communities can theoretically be limited to cells with intact cell membranes. Four experiments were performed to study the usefulness of PMA treatment of mixed bacterial communities comprising both intact and compromised cells in combination with end-point PCR by generating community profiles from the following samples: (i) defined mixtures of live and isopropanol-killed cells from pure cultures of random environmental isolates, (ii) wastewater treatment plant influent spiked with defined ratios of live and dead cells, (iii) selected environmental communities, and (iv) a water sediment sample exposed to increasing heat stress. Regions of 16S rRNA genes were PCR amplified from extracted genomic DNA, and PCR products were analyzed by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Results from the first two experiments show that PMA treatment can be of value with end-point PCR by suppressing amplification of DNA from killed cells. The last two experiments suggest that PMA treatment can affect banding patterns in DGGE community profiles and their intensities, although the intrinsic limitations of end-point PCR have to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Taxonomic markers for differentiation of the anamorph genera Aureobasidium, Hormonema and Kabatiella were developed using PCR-ribotyping with the primers 5.8S-R and LR7 for amplification and the restriction enzymes Alul, DdeI, Hhal, MspI and RsaI for digestion. Aureobasidium and Hormonema are optimally differentiated with MspI; DdeI is particularly useful to distinguish aureobasidium, Kabatiella and Selenophoma. Relationships of the anamorph genera Aureobasidium, Hormoneng and Kabatiella with the teleomorph genera Pringsheimia and Dothiora are discussed.  相似文献   

Klippel-Trenaunay综合征(KTS)又称先天性静脉畸形骨肥大综合征,好发于儿童及青少年。临床以多发性皮肤血管瘤、肢体静脉曲张、骨及软组织肥大为特征。其病因尚不清楚,可能为遗传性血管壁间质组织发育异常所致。目前尚无特异的治疗方法,手术及介入治疗主要是减轻症状和治疗并发症。对于婴儿期出现偏侧肢体肥大并血管瘤的患儿应长期随访,早期诊断,早期干预以防止并发症。近年来有报道利用超声进行产前诊断,对及时发现和处理有重要意义。本文报道1例婴儿期KTS,以口腔黏膜血管瘤伴出血、颜面及肢体不对称性肥大为特点,并伴精神运动发育迟缓,CT见侧脑室、三脑室扩张。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that children with autism orient towards audiovisual synchrony (AVS) rather than biological motion and that the opposite pattern is to be expected in typical development. Here, we challenge this notion by showing that 3-year-old neurotypical children orient to AVS and to biological motion in point-light displays but that 3-year-old children with autism orient to neither of these types of information. Thus, our data suggest that two fundamental mechanisms are disrupted in young children with autism: one that supports orienting towards others’ movements and one that supports orienting towards multimodally specified events. These impairments may have consequences for socio-cognitive development and brain organization.  相似文献   

The present study, as a part of our longitudinal study on the development of the nasopharyngeal microflora, investigates the nasopharyngeal carriage of anaerobes during 75 episodes of acute otitis media (AOM) experienced by 34 infants during their first 2 years of life. Special emphasis was put on adequate methods of detecting anaerobic bacteria from carefully collected nasopharyngeal aspirates. During the follow-up period, two-thirds of the infants carried anaerobes in the nasopharynx at least once. Anaerobic species were recovered from 47% of the nasopharyngeal aspirates. Environmental/ecological changes in the nasopharynx during infection favour the growth of anaerobes. Their significance in the pathogenesis of AOM, if any, warrants further study.  相似文献   

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