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In this study, we developed a large-scale screening of bacterial strains in order to identify novel candidate probiotics with immunomodulatory properties. For this, 158 strains, including a majority of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), were screened by two different cellular models: tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)-activated HT-29 cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Different strains responsive to both models (pro- and anti-inflammatory strains) were selected, and their protective effects were tested in vivo in a murine model of influenza virus infection. Daily intragastric administrations during 10 days before and 10 days after viral challenge (100 PFU of influenza virus H1N1 strain A Puerto Rico/8/1934 [A/PR8/34]/mouse) of Lactobacillus plantarum CNRZ1997, one potentially proinflammatory probiotic strain, led to a significant improvement in mouse health by reducing weight loss, alleviating clinical symptoms, and inhibiting significantly virus proliferation in lungs. In conclusion, in this study, we have combined two cellular models to allow the screening of a large number of LAB for their immunomodulatory properties. Moreover, we identified a novel candidate probiotic strain, L. plantarum CNRZ1997, active against influenza virus infection in mice.  相似文献   

Nipah (NiV) and Hendra (HeV) viruses are emerging zoonotic paramyxoviruses that cause encephalitis in humans, with fatality rates of up to 75%. We designed a new high-throughput screening (HTS) assay for inhibitors of infection based on envelope glycoprotein pseudotypes. The assay simulates multicycle replication and thus identifies inhibitors that target several stages of the viral life cycle, but it still can be carried out under biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) conditions. These features permit a screen for antivirals for emerging viruses and select agents that otherwise would require BSL-4 HTS facilities. The screening of a small compound library identified several effective molecules, including the well-known compound chloroquine, as highly active inhibitors of pseudotyped virus infection. Chloroquine inhibited infection with live HeV and NiV at a concentration of 1 μM in vitro (50% inhibitory concentration, 2 μM), which is less than the plasma concentrations present in humans receiving chloroquine treatment for malaria. The mechanism for chloroquine''s antiviral action likely is the inhibition of cathepsin L, a cellular enzyme that is essential for the processing of the viral fusion glycoprotein and the maturation of newly budding virions. Without this processing step, virions are not infectious. The identification of a compound that inhibits a known cellular target that is important for viral maturation but that had not previously been shown to have antiviral activity for henipaviruses highlights the validity of this new screening assay. Given the established safety profile and broad experience with chloroquine in humans, the results described here provide an option for treating individuals infected by these deadly viruses.Nipah (NiV) and Hendra (HeV) viruses are newly emerging zoonoses that cause encephalitis in humans, with fatality rates of up to 75% (3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 30). NiV has caused at least nine significant outbreaks in Bangladesh and India since its emergence in Malaysia in 1998 (3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 30). The virus emerged from the fruit bat (flying fox) mammalian reservoir, via the pig, into the human population. However, direct transmission from bats to humans can bypass the pig host, and person-to-person transmission also has now become a primary mode of NiV spread (2, 5). HeV, via the same bat host, has caused disease in horses, with transmission to horse-handlers and veterinarians, and since 1995 has caused sporadic illness in Australia (12). Both viruses, in addition to acute disease, may cause asymptomatic infection in up to 60% of exposed people and may lead to late-onset disease or the relapse of encephalitis years after initial infection (25), as well as persistent or delayed neurological sequelae (11). The vast geographic range of the fruit bat mammalian reservoir raises the possibility of a wide spread of these human diseases, which presently have no clinical treatment or vaccine.The first step in infection with HeV or NiV is binding to the target cells, via the interaction of the viral envelope protein (G) with specific receptor molecules on the cell surface. The receptor for HeV is Ephrin B2 (EFNB2) and for NiV is either EFNB2 or EFNB3 (11). The fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane of the cell is then mediated by the viral fusion protein (F). The F protein is synthesized as a precursor protein (F0) that is proteolytically processed posttranslationally to form a trimer of disulfide-linked heterodimers (F1 + F2). This cleavage event places the fusion peptide at the F1 terminus in the mature F protein and is essential for membrane fusion activity. During viral entry, the fusion peptides, which are buried in the F trimer, must be exposed transiently so that they can insert into the target cell membrane. The conformational change that leads to the exposure of the fusion peptides requires an activation step (22), which is initiated by the interaction of G with its receptor. Only virions bearing the mature, cleaved F can undergo activation and thus are infectious (4, 14, 15).We introduce here a biosafety level 2 (BSL-2)-amenable high-throughput screening (HTS) assay (9) for inhibitors that target several stages of the henipavirus viral cycle, based on envelope glycoprotein pseudotypes. The cell-based assay allows for the simultaneous evaluation of antiviral activity and the cytotoxicity of compounds. We have validated the method with several different classes of henipavirus entry inhibitors as well as protease inhibitors. For this assay, HeV envelope glycoproteins were pseudotyped onto a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) that expresses red fluorescent protein (RFP) but lacks its attachment protein, G (19, 20). The resulting pseudotyped virus bears the HeV binding and fusion proteins. The infection of target cells by pseudotyped virus in the absence and presence of compounds is quantified by assessing the production of red fluorescence. This pseudotyped viral entry assay, unlike previous ones (31), simulates multicycle replication because the monolayer cells, which express viral glycoproteins, will generate more pseudotyped particles when infected. Compounds found to be active in this assay may be those that either block binding, interfere with F activation or fusion, or interfere with the protease processing of F. However, the assay is safe, because these particles can only produce infectious progeny in cells expressing HeV G/F. These features allow experimentation and antiviral assessment for emerging viruses and select agents that otherwise would require BSL-4 HTS facilities. We report the use of this screen to discover effective inhibitors of henipavirus replication and the evaluation of a well-known compound with previously unidentified properties that may allow its immediate use for henipaviruses.  相似文献   

Bunyamwera virus replication was examined in Aedes albopictus (mosquito) cell cultures in which a persistent infection is established and in cytopathically infected BHK cells. During primary infection of A. albopictus cells, Bunyamwera virus reached relatively high titers (107 PFU/ml), and autointerference was not observed. Three virus-specific RNAs (L, M, and S) and two virion proteins (N and G1) were detected in infected cells. Maximum rates of viral RNA synthesis and viral protein synthesis were extremely low, corresponding to <2% of the synthetic capacities of uninfected control cells. Viral protein synthesis was maximal at 12 h postinfection and was shut down to barely detectable levels at 24 h postinfection. Virus-specific RNA and nucleocapsid syntheses showed similar patterns of change, but later in infection. The proportions of cells able to release a single PFU at 3, 6, and 54 days postinfection were 100, 50, and 1.5%, respectively. Titers fell to 103 to 105 PFU/ml in carrier cultures. Persistently infected cultures were resistant to superinfection with homologous virus but not with heterologous virus. No changes in host cell protein synthesis or other cytopathic effects were observed at any stage of infection. Small-plaque variants of Bunyamwera virus appeared at approximately 7 days postinfection and increased gradually until they were 75 to 95% of the total infectious virus at 66 days postinfection. Temperature-sensitive mutants appeared between 23 and 49 days postinfection. No antiviral activity similar to that reported in A. albopictus cell cultures persistently infected with Sindbis virus (R. Riedel and D. T. Brown, J. Virol. 29: 51-60, 1979) was detected in culture fluids by 3 months after infection. Bunyamwera virus replicated more rapidly in BHK cells than in mosquito cells but reached lower titers. Autointerference occurred at multiplicities of infection of 10. Virus-specific RNA and protein syntheses were at least 20% of the levels in uninfected control cells. Host cell protein synthesis was completely shut down, and nucleocapsid protein accumulated until it was 4% of the total cell protein. We discuss these results in relation to possible mechanisms involved in determining the outcome of arbovirus infection of vertebrate and mosquito cells.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is well-established to be one of the most important bacterial pathogens for which new antimicrobial therapies are needed. Herein, we describe the development of a high throughput screening assay for the identification of molecules that are bactericidal against Mycobacteria. The assay utilizes the release of the intracellular enzyme adenylate kinase into the culture medium as a reporter of mycobacterial cell death. We demonstrate that the assay is selective for mycobactericidal molecules and detects anti-mycobacterial activity at concentrations below the minimum inhibitory concentration of many molecules. Thus, the AK assay is more sensitive than traditional growth assays. We have validated the AK assay in the HTS setting using the Mtb surrogate organism M. smegmatis and libraries of FDA approved drugs as well as a commercially available Diversity set. The screen of the FDA-approved library demonstrated that the AK assay is able to identify the vast majority of drugs with known mycobactericidal activity. Importantly, our screen of the Diversity set revealed that the increased sensitivity of the AK assay increases the ability of M. smegmatis-based screens to detect molecules with relatively poor activity against M. smegmatis but good to excellent activity against Mtb.  相似文献   

利用小鼠淋巴瘤细胞L5178Y tk+/--3.7.2C和阴性化合物Glc、NaCl及阳性化合物EMS、ENU、4-NQO、B(a)P建立并验证基于哺乳动物细胞的体外Pig-a基因突变检测方法。计算细胞相对倍增速率评价细胞毒性,抗体标记突变型细胞确定流式检测模板,L5178Y细胞经EMS处理后第4、8、12、16、20天检测Pig-a基因突变频率,确定最大突变频率发生时间点,免疫荧光技术检测CD90蛋白在细胞中的定位情况,采用PCR方法进行突变位点分析。结果表明(:1)Glc、NaCl、EMS、ENU、B(a)P、4-NQO所设浓度组RPD均大于50%。(2)Pig-a基因突变频率在给药后第8天出现峰值。Glc和NaCl致Pig-a基因突变频率均小于200×10-6,各浓度组与溶剂对照组间不存在显著性差异(P>0.05),EMS、ENU、B(a)P、4-NQO均可引起Pig-a基因突变频率增加,且与溶剂对照组相比存在显著性差异。(3)免疫荧光成像显示突变型细胞表面无CD90蛋白,野生型细胞正常表达CD45,CD90蛋白。(4)基因突变位点检测显示存在G→C、A→C、C→T三种突变类型。基于小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y细胞分别在有无S9代谢活化条件下成功建立体外Pig-a基因突变的遗传毒性检测方法,旨为化合物体外遗传毒性评价或药物研发早期遗传毒性筛选提供新方法。  相似文献   

To elucidate the physiological function of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors 1–3 (S1P1?3) we aimed to identify selective ligands for these GPCRs. S1P2 and S1P3 are coupled to Gq, and are, therefore, linked to the phospholipase C/IP3/calcium pathway. S1P1 is solely coupled to Gi and was artificially linked to calcium signaling by coexpression of Gα 16. The three receptors desensitized on challenge of cells with an agonist (i.e., agonists appeared as antagonists in a second calcium measurement). We screened a compound library for inhibitors of S1P-stimulated calcium signals, and we could identify agonists and antagonists with a single measurement. Agonism and antagonism were confirmed by recording compound-and S1P-induced calcium signals from the same assay well. For the three receptors, we found a reciprocal correlation of agonism and “apparent” antagonism of agonists. In addition, agonists indirectly discovered by this approach do not promote calcium mobilization through endogenous GPCRs.  相似文献   

The peptides bradykinin and kallidin are released in response to noxious stimuli and mediate various physiological effects, including a direct stimulation of nociceptive afferent neurones. The nature of the receptor molecules through which these ligands act is presently unknown. We synthesised an iodinatable photoaffinity probe, N epsilon-4-azidosalicylylkallidin, and used it in an attempt to identify candidate bradykinin receptors on the NG108-15 neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cell line. The ligand bound in subdued light to a particulate fraction of NG108-15 tumours and could be displaced by bradykinin with an IC50 of 0.33 nM. In a physiological assay, it behaved as an agonist equipotent with bradykinin. Gel analysis of the labelled products after photolysis of the iodinated ligand in the presence of NG108-15 cells or tumour membranes revealed bradykinin-blockable labelling of a glycoprotein with an Mr of 166,000. The probe was also able to label purified commercial angiotensin converting enzyme. The band labelled in NG108-15 cells was immunoprecipitable with a polyclonal antiserum to angiotensin converting enzyme, an enzyme shown to be present in low amounts in these preparations by direct binding using the iodinatable specific ligand MK351A.  相似文献   

Gibberellins A4, A9, and A24 were isolated and identified from the new gibberellin-producing fungus, Phaeosphaeria sp. L487 (Loculoascomycetes), cultivated in a chemically defined medium; their yields from the culture filtrate were ca. 1. 7, 0. 3, and 0.4 μg/ml, respectively. Gibberellins A4 and A9 significantly stimulated the hypocotyl growth of Chinese cabbage seedlings at a very low concentration of less than 0.01 μg/ml.  相似文献   

We have developed a method of isolating morphologically intactproplastid-nuclei (nucleoids) in large quantities from Nicotianatabacum cultured cells (line BY-2) without contamination bymitochondria and cell-nuclei. Fluorescence microscopy using 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI) revealed that the compact structure of the isolated proplastid-nuclei(pp-nuclei) was disorganized by DNase I, micrococcal nuclease,proteinase K, 2 M NaCl and 2 M KC1, but was not affected byRNase A, suggesting that the pp-nuclei are compactly organizedby an electrostatic interaction between the proplastid- DNA(pp-DNA) and some protein(s). Although SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis showed that the isolated pp-nuclear fractionstill contained a number of polypeptides, only four of them(mol wt: 69 kDa, 31 kDa, 30 kDa and 14 kDa) were found to besolubilized by treatments of the pelletable pp-nuclear fractionwith DNase I, micrococcal nuclease and 2 M NaCl. Furthermore,when the supernatant of the pp-nuclei treated with DNase I wasapplied onto a denatured or a native DNA-cellulose affinitycolumn, these four polypeptides were bound to both DNAs andeluted by raising the NaCl concentration. These findings, taken together, show that these proteins areproplastid DNA-binding proteins and strongly suggest that thepp-nuclei are compactly organized by interaction between thepp-DNA and these proteins. 4Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan. 5Present address: School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Universityof Shizuoka, Yata, Shizuoka 422, Japan. (Received August 13, 1987; Accepted November 9, 1987)  相似文献   

目的建立CAR杆菌的PCR监测方法 ,筛查国内部分实验动物样本中CAR杆菌携带状况。方法利用CAR杆菌的特有16SrRNA基因序列片段267bp设计引物,通过从日本实验动物中央研究所获取的CAR标准株DNA,建立实验动物CAR杆菌16SrRNA基因PCR监测方法。结果利用建立的CAR杆菌16SrRNA基因PCR监测方法对国内455份实验动物样本进行筛查,未检出CAR杆菌感染。结论建立了敏感性好,特异性高的实验动物CAR杆菌PCR监测方法 ,未见动物携带CAR杆菌。  相似文献   

Polymorphism of five tandem repeats that are monomorphic in Bacillus anthracis was investigated in 230 isolates of the B. cereus group and in 5 sequenced B. cereus genomes in search for markers allowing identification of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains most closely related to B. anthracis. Using this multiple-locus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), a cluster of 30 strains was selected for further characterization. Eventually, six of these were characterized by multilocus sequence type analysis. One of the strains is only six point mutations (of almost 3,000 bp) away from B. anthracis and was also proposed to be closest to B. anthracis by MLVA analysis. However, this strain remains separated from B. anthracis by a number of significant genetic events observed in B. anthracis, including the loss of the hemolysin activity, the presence of four prophages, and the presence of the two virulence plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2. One particular minisatellite marker provides an efficient assay to identify the subset of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains closely related to B. anthracis. Based on these results, a very simple assay is proposed that allows the screening of hundreds of strains from the B. cereus complex, with modest equipment and at a low cost, to eventually fill the gap with B. anthracis and better understand the origin and making of this dangerous pathogen.  相似文献   

Six water-jacketed 500-ml Bellco spinner flasks were equipped to monitor and control environmental variables to study their effects on the growth and metabolism of mammalian cells. Studies with automated control of pO(2) levels of l-cell cultures, grown at pH 6.9 +/- 0.1, showed that dissolved O(2) tensions of ca. 9% were optimal for cell growth. At pO(2) values of 5 and 20%, maximum cell yields as well as growth rates were reduced by approximately 20%. Peak yields of L-cell cultures exceeded 5 x 10(6) cells/ml when grown for 4 days without medium renewal from inocula of ca. 10(6) cells/ml in a defined medium sparged with 5% CO(2) and maintained at 9% dissolved O(2) tension. The redox potentials of L-cell cultures reflected the pO(2) levels in the medium and ranged from -45 to +160 mv (versus calomel reference) for O(2) values ranging from 2 to 20% dissolved oxygen tension. Increased utilization of glucose per cell occurred in the presence of increased pO(2), whereas minimal accumulation of ammonia occurred with a pO(2) value maintained at 9%.  相似文献   

Selenoneine is the major selenium compound in fish muscles, and fish appears to be an important source of selenium in the fish-eating population. Selenoneine has strong antioxidant activity and a detoxifying function against methylmercury (MeHg) toxicity. Dietary intake, bioaccumulation, and metabolism of selenoneine have not been characterized in humans. A nutritional survey was conducted in remote islands of the Kagoshima Prefecture in Japan. To evaluate the potential risks and benefits of fish consumption for health, we measured concentrations of selenoneine, total selenium, MeHg, inorganic mercury, and polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) in the blood of a fish-eating human population. The erythrocyte, leukocyte, and platelet residues following removal of serum (cellular fraction) contained 0.510 μg Se/g, 0.212 μg selenoneine Se/g, and 0.262 μg Se-containing proteins Se/g, whereas the serum contained 0.174 μg total Se/g. Selenoneine was highly concentrated in the cellular fraction in a manner that was dependent on subjects' frequency of fish consumption. Concentrations of selenoneine were closely correlated with concentrations of MeHg in the cellular fraction. Selenoneine is the major chemical form of selenium in the blood cells of this fish-eating human population and may be an important biomarker for selenium redox status.  相似文献   

Fresh preparations of micro-isolated sarcosysts from skeletal muscle of 5 wild reindeer were examined by light microscopy. Slender, spindelshaped cysts measuring 821 × 60 µm, and having short knob-like cyst wall protrusions were found in all animals. In 1 animal cysts different in structure from the cysts of the 4 previously known Sarcocystis spp. of reindeer were found, These cysts are considered to be cysts of a new Sarcocystis sp. of reindeer, for which the name Sarcocystis hardangeri has been proposed. S. hardangeri n. sp. had macroscopic, ovoid to cylindrical cysts measuring 1667 (900–2570) × 819 (450–1575) µm. The cysts were surrounded by a 8–10 µm thick layer of fibrillar material. After removal of this layer, relatively few and irregularly spaced, slanting protrusions became visible. The 20–30 µm long protrusions were tongue-like, and were lying close to the surface of the cyst. Cysts of S. grueneri, S. rangiferi and S. tarandi were not demonstrated in the 5 wild reindeer examined.  相似文献   

The ubiA gene from E. coli codes for 4-hydroxybenzoate: polyprenyldiphosphate 3-polyprenyltransferase, an integral membrane protein involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis. This prokaryotic membrane protein was stably expressed in tobacco using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Transgenic lines containing a direct fusion of the ubiA structural gene to a 35S-derived promoter gave very low enzyme activity levels (average 0.16pkat/mg). Inclusion of an N-terminal ER-specific signal peptide from a lectin gene from Phaseolus vulgaris resulted in an average activity of 1.08pkat/mg in the transgenic tobacco lines. The additional inclusion of a C-terminal HDEL tetrapeptide, responsible for the retention of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells, increased the activity to 18.6pkat/mg. When the promotor of this construct was changed from the 35S derivative to the recently described very strong plant promoter (ocs)3mas, the activity increased further to 128.6pkat/mg. The most active tobacco line showed activities of the introduced enzyme which exceeded those of wild-type E. coli (the source of ubiA) by a factor of 1100. These results demonstrate the efficacy of plant ER-specific signal peptides for the active expression of a prokaryotic membrane protein in plants.  相似文献   

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