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The 65-kDa protein (p65) was previously identified as a phosphorylated protein in activated macrophages, and has turned out to be a member of a plastin protein family characterized by a series of Ca2+-, calmodulin-, and β-actin-binding domains. In mice, two isoforms, p65/L-plastin and T-plastin, have so far been identified; p65/L-plastin is expressed in hemopoietic cells and cancer cells, and T-plastin in solid tissue cells. We generated monoclonal antibodies to p65/L-plastin, examined the isoform-specificity by using recombinant (r) T-plastin, and found that the antibodies were specific for rp65/L-plastin, whereas immune sera to rp65/L-plastin showed cross-reactions to rT-plastin. One of the antibodies, p65-7B5, was demonstrated to react to native p65/L-plastin by Western blot, flow cytometric, and immunohistochemical analysis. Furthermore, p65-7B5 has made it possible to detect p65/L-plastin-expressing cells in tissues where T-plastin is abundantly expressed. These reagents and procedures should provide specific tools to investigate the role of p65/L-plastin in leukocytes.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis acquires iron and heme from the host environment using gingipains, lipoproteins, and outer-membrane receptors. Recently, we identified and characterized a heme receptor HmuR. The hmuR gene is localized in an operon together with a hmuY gene encoding a putative heme-binding protein. The aim of this study was to overexpress and perform a preliminary analysis of the recombinant HmuY protein. We constructed and examined several recombinant HmuY variants which were overexpressed and purified from Escherichia coli and insect cells. Recombinant HmuY protein was expressed in insect cells at levels similar to those in E. coli cells. This protein is predominantly present in a monomeric form but also dimerizes and several other oligomerization forms were found. Hemin and ATP binding to the purified HmuY showed that this protein may play a regulatory function in hemin utilization in P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of protein–protein interaction is a fundamental problem with many practical applications. The fact that different proteins can bind similar partners suggests that convergently evolved binding interfaces are reused in different complexes. A set of protein complexes composed of non-homologous domains interacting with homologous partners at equivalent binding sites was collected in 2006, offering an opportunity to investigate this point. We considered 433 pairs of protein–protein complexes from the ABAC database (AB and AC binary protein complexes sharing a homologous partner A) and analyzed the extent of physico-chemical similarity at the atomic and residue level at the protein–protein interface. Homologous partners of the complexes were superimposed using Multiprot, and similar atoms at the interface were quantified using a five class grouping scheme and a distance cut-off. We found that the number of interfacial atoms with similar properties is systematically lower in the non-homologous proteins than in the homologous ones. We assessed the significance of the similarity by bootstrapping the atomic properties at the interfaces. We found that the similarity of binding sites is very significant between homologous proteins, as expected, but generally insignificant between the non-homologous proteins that bind to homologous partners. Furthermore, evolutionarily conserved residues are not colocalized within the binding sites of non-homologous proteins. We could only identify a limited number of cases of structural mimicry at the interface, suggesting that this property is less generic than previously thought. Our results support the hypothesis that different proteins can interact with similar partners using alternate strategies, but do not support convergent evolution.  相似文献   

The importance of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) in protection against hepatitis C virus (HCV) remains controversial. We infused a chimpanzee with H06 immunoglobulin from a genotype 1a HCV-infected patient and challenged with genotype strains efficiently neutralized by H06 in vitro. Genotype 1a NAbs afforded no protection against genotype 4a or 5a. Protection against homologous 1a lasted 18 weeks, but infection emerged when NAb titers waned. However, 6a infection was prevented. The differential in vivo neutralization patterns have implications for HCV vaccine development.  相似文献   

Abstract: Human m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor mutants were screened to determine receptor domains and cellular pathways relevant to down-regulation. Mutations in the second intracellular loop and the junctions of the third intracellular loop of the receptor, where a role for receptor activation or internalization had been previously demonstrated in HEK293 cells, were selected for this study. To assess receptor down-regulation, the m1 receptor mutants were transfected into Chinese hamster ovary cells. Because receptor internalization is expected to precede down-regulation, mutants displaying intact internalization were selected to permit interpretation of mutational effects on down-regulation alone. Four mutations were identified that specifically impaired down-regulation without altering receptor internalization: V127A, I211A, E360A, and K362A. The results define new receptor domains in the second intracellular loop and the junctions of the third intracellular loop that are involved in down-regulation. These same four mutants were also defective in signaling via the phospholipase C and the adenylyl cyclase pathways and in G protein activation, as measured by [35S]GTPγS binding. However, the level of second messenger stimulation correlated poorly with the extent of down-regulation. In summary, several mutations of the m1 receptor selectively affect down-regulation, demonstrating that internalization and down-regulation represent distinct events driven by different cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Prions are infectious agents causing fatal neurodegenerative diseases of humans and animals. In humans, these have sporadic, acquired and inherited aetiologies. The inherited prion diseases are caused by one of over 30 coding mutations in the human prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP) and many of these generate infectious prions as evidenced by their experimental transmissibility by inoculation to laboratory animals. However, some, and in particular an extensively studied type of Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS) caused by a PRNP A117V mutation, are thought not to generate infectious prions and instead constitute prion proteinopathies with a quite distinct pathogenetic mechanism. Multiple attempts to transmit A117V GSS have been unsuccessful and typical protease-resistant PrP (PrPSc), pathognomonic of prion disease, is not detected in brain. Pathogenesis is instead attributed to production of an aberrant topological form of PrP, C-terminal transmembrane PrP (CtmPrP). Barriers to transmission of prion strains from one species to another appear to relate to structural compatibility of PrP in host and inoculum and we have therefore produced transgenic mice expressing human 117V PrP. We found that brain tissue from GSS A117V patients did transmit disease to these mice and both the neuropathological features of prion disease and presence of PrPSc was demonstrated in the brains of recipient transgenic mice. This PrPSc rapidly degraded during laboratory analysis, suggesting that the difficulty in its detection in patients with GSS A117V could relate to post-mortem proteolysis. We conclude that GSS A117V is indeed a prion disease although the relative contributions of CtmPrP and prion propagation in neurodegeneration and their pathogenetic interaction remains to be established.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies to ganglioside GM1 have been prepared and characterised by direct and competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay. An immunoglobulin fraction was prepared from a rabbit antisera showing high specificity and antibody titre for GM1 relative to the other major brain gangliosides. The anti-GM1 immunoglobulin fraction and B-cholera toxin specifically labelled neurons in primary cultures of embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia and there was a good correlation between the relative increase in binding of anti-GM1 immunoglobulin and B-cholera toxin following neuraminidase treatment of a variety of cell types. At antibody concentrations that show saturable binding to endogenous ganglioside in the neuronal membrane, the anti-GM1 immunoglobulin fraction did not interfere with the nerve growth factor (NGF)-mediated fibre outgrowth and neuronal survival as indexed by measurement of neurofilament protein levels. Similarly, at levels in excess of those shown to stimulate thymocyte proliferation, B-cholera toxin was also without effect. These data are not consistent with GM1 in the neuronal membrane functioning as a receptor molecule for NGF and/or other differentiation factors present in the tissue culture media.  相似文献   

The promotion of membrane fusion by most paramyxoviruses requires an interaction between the viral attachment and fusion (F) proteins to enable receptor binding by the former to trigger the activation of the latter for fusion. Numerous studies demonstrate that the F-interactive sites on the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and measles virus (MV) hemagglutinin (H) proteins reside entirely within the stalk regions of those proteins. Indeed, stalk residues of NDV HN and MV H that likely mediate the F interaction have been identified. However, despite extensive efforts, the F-interactive site(s) on the Nipah virus (NiV) G attachment glycoprotein has not been identified. In this study, we have introduced individual N-linked glycosylation sites at several positions spaced at intervals along the stalk of the NiV G protein. Five of the seven introduced sites are utilized as established by a retardation of electrophoretic mobility. Despite surface expression, ephrinB2 binding, and oligomerization comparable to those of the wild-type protein, four of the five added N-glycans completely eliminate the ability of the G protein to complement the homologous F protein in the promotion of fusion. The most membrane-proximal added N-glycan reduces fusion by 80%. However, unlike similar NDV HN and MV H mutants, the NiV G glycosylation stalk mutants retain the ability to bind F, indicating that the fusion deficiency of these mutants is not due to prevention of the G-F interaction. These findings suggest that the G-F interaction is not mediated entirely by the stalk domain of G and may be more complex than that of HN/H-F.  相似文献   

Rad52 plays a pivotal role in double-strand break (DSB) repair and genetic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where mutation of this gene leads to extreme X-ray sensitivity and defective recombination. Yeast Rad51 and Rad52 interact, as do their human homologues, which stimulates Rad51-mediated DNA strand exchange in vitro, suggesting that Rad51 and Rad52 act cooperatively. To define the role of Rad52 in vertebrates, we generated RAD52−/− mutants of the chicken B-cell line DT40. Surprisingly, RAD52−/− cells were not hypersensitive to DNA damages induced by γ-irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate, or cis-platinum(II)diammine dichloride (cisplatin). Intrachromosomal recombination, measured by immunoglobulin gene conversion, and radiation-induced Rad51 nuclear focus formation, which is a putative intermediate step during recombinational repair, occurred as frequently in RAD52−/− cells as in wild-type cells. Targeted integration frequencies, however, were consistently reduced in RAD52−/− cells, showing a clear role for Rad52 in genetic recombination. These findings reveal striking differences between S. cerevisiae and vertebrates in the functions of RAD51 and RAD52.  相似文献   

Many protein activities are driven by ATP binding and hydrolysis. Here, we explore the ATP binding proteome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana using acyl-ATP (AcATP)1 probes. These probes target ATP binding sites and covalently label lysine residues in the ATP binding pocket. Gel-based profiling using biotinylated AcATP showed that labeling is dependent on pH and divalent ions and can be competed by nucleotides. The vast majority of these AcATP-labeled proteins are known ATP binding proteins. Our search for labeled peptides upon in-gel digest led to the discovery that the biotin moiety of the labeled peptides is oxidized. The in-gel analysis displayed kinase domains of two receptor-like kinases (RLKs) at a lower than expected molecular weight, indicating that these RLKs lost the extracellular domain, possibly as a result of receptor shedding. Analysis of modified peptides using a gel-free platform identified 242 different labeling sites for AcATP in the Arabidopsis proteome. Examination of each individual labeling site revealed a preference of labeling in ATP binding pockets for a broad diversity of ATP binding proteins. Of these, 24 labeled peptides were from a diverse range of protein kinases, including RLKs, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and calcium-dependent kinases. A significant portion of the labeling sites could not be assigned to known nucleotide binding sites. However, the fact that labeling could be competed with ATP indicates that these labeling sites might represent previously uncharacterized nucleotide binding sites. A plot of spectral counts against expression levels illustrates the high specificity of AcATP probes for protein kinases and known ATP binding proteins. This work introduces profiling of ATP binding activities of a large diversity of proteins in plant proteomes. The data have been deposited in ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD000188.ATP binding and hydrolysis are the driving processes in all living organisms. Hundreds of cellular proteins are able to bind and hydrolyze ATP to unfold proteins, transport molecules over membranes, or phosphorylate small molecules or proteins. Proteins with very different structures are able to bind ATP. A large and important class of ATP binding proteins is that of the kinases, which transfer the gamma phosphate from ATP to substrates. Kinases, and particularly protein kinases, play pivotal roles in signaling and protein regulation.The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes for over 1099 protein kinases and hundreds of other ATP binding proteins (1, 2). Protein kinases are involved in nearly all signaling cascades and regulate processes ranging from cell cycle to flowering and from immunity to germination. Many protein kinases in plants are receptor-like kinases (RLKs), often carrying extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). The RLK class contains at least 610 members (3), including famous examples such as receptors involved in development (e.g. BRI1, ER, CLV1) and immunity (e.g. FLS2, EFR). Other important classes are mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases (MPKs) (20 different members), MPK kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks) (60 different members (4)), and calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) (34 different members (5)). Because of their diverse and important roles, protein kinases have been intensively studied in plant science. The current approach is to study protein kinases individually—a daunting task, considering the remaining hundreds of uncharacterized protein kinases. New approaches are necessary in order to study protein kinases and other ATP binding proteins globally rather than individually.ATP binding activities of protein kinases and other proteins can be detected globally by acyl-ATP (AcATP) probes (6, 7) (Fig. 1A). AcATP binds to the ATP pocket of ATP binding proteins and places the acyl group in close proximity to conserved lysine residues in the ATP binding pocket. The acyl phosphonate moiety serves as an electrophilic warhead that can be nucleophilically attacked by the amino group of the lysine, resulting in a covalent attachment of the acyl reporter of the AcATP probe on the lysine and a concomitant release of ATP. The reporter tag is usually a biotin to capture and identify the labeled proteins. Labeled proteins can be displayed on protein blots using streptavidin-HRP. However, because AcATP labels many ATP binding proteins and protein kinases are of relatively low abundance, mass spectrometry is more often used to identify and quantify labeling with AcATP probes. The analysis is preferably done using Xsite, a procedure that involves trypsination of the entire labeled proteome, followed by analysis of the biotinylated peptides rather than the biotinylated proteins (8). This “KiNativ ” approach provides enough depth and resolving power to monitor ∼160 protein kinases in a crude mammalian proteome (7). Of the 518 human protein kinases (9), 394 (76%) have been detected via AcATP labeling (6).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Structure and mechanism of labeling with BHAcATP. A, BHAcATP contains ATP, an acyl phosphate reactive group, and a biotin tag. When BHAcATP binds to the ATP binding pocket of a protein, the amino group of the nearby lysine reacts with the carbonyl carbon, which results in the covalent binding of the biotin tag to the protein while ATP is released. B, typical BHAcATP labeling profile of Arabidopsis leaf proteome. Arabidopsis leaf extracts were labeled with BHAcATP and the biotinylated proteins were detected on protein blots using streptavidin-HRP. Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining indicates equal loading. Asterisks indicate endogenously biotinylated proteins MCCA and BCCP. White, black, and gray arrowheads indicate bands containing ATBP+RBCL, PGK1, and a mix of ATP binding proteins, respectively. Abbreviations: MCCA, 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase; BCCP, biotin carboxyl carrier protein; ATPB, chloroplastic ATPase; RBCL, ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase; PGK1, phosphoglycerate kinase-1.KiNativ has mostly been used to validate targets of human drugs that target protein kinases using competitive labeling experiments. This approach has been used to identify selective inhibitors of, for example, Parkinson''s disease protein kinase LRRK2 (10), the BMK1 and JNK MAP kinases (11, 12), and the mTOR kinase (13). Importantly, the correlation of the biological activity of protein-kinase-inhibiting drugs with inhibitor affinity detected using KiNativ is better than that achieved when affinities are determined by assays using heterologously expressed protein kinases (7). This improved correlation illustrates that assays in the native environment provide a more realistic measure of protein kinase function.In addition to characterizing inhibitors selectively, AcATP probes can also display differential ATP binding activities of protein kinases. For example, labeling with AcATP probes during infection with dengue virus displayed a 2- to 8-fold activation of a DNA-dependent protein kinase (14) Similarly, AcATP labeling revealed an unexpected Raf kinase activation in extracts upon protein kinase inhibitor treatment (7). In conclusion, profiling with AcATP probes is a powerful approach for monitoring protein kinases and offers unprecedented opportunities to identify selective protein kinase inhibitors and discover protein kinases with differential ATP binding activities.In this work, we introduce AcATP profiling of plant proteomes. In addition to the analysis of labeled peptides, we characterized labeling using gel-based approaches and discovered that biotin is often oxidized in this procedure. We also performed an in-depth analysis of labeling sites in proteins other than protein kinases, which had not been done before. We discuss labeling outside known nucleotide binding pockets and investigate the correlation of labeling sites with protein abundance. We describe 63 labeling sites of known nucleotide binding pockets, of which 24 represent a remarkable diversity of protein kinases, including several LRR-RLKs. This work launches a new approach to study ATP binding proteins in plant science.  相似文献   

The unknown protein family 0224 (UPF0224) includes three members that are expressed in germ-line cells in mice: Gtsf1, Gtsf1l, and BC048502 (Gtsf2). These genes produce proteins with two repeats of the CHHC Zn-finger domain, a predicted RNA-binding motif, in the N terminus. We previously reported that Gtsf1 is essential for spermatogenesis and retrotransposon suppression. In this study, we investigated the expression patterns and functions of Gtsf1l and Gtsf2. Interestingly, Gtsf1l and Gtsf2 were found to be sequentially but not simultaneously expressed in gonocytes and spermatids. Pull-down experiments showed that both GTSF1L and GTSF2 can interact with PIWI-protein complexes. Nevertheless, knocking out Gtsf1, Gtsf2, or both did not cause defects in spermatogenesis or retrotransposon suppression in mice.  相似文献   

The first step in the directed movement of cells toward a chemotactic source involves the extension of pseudopods initiated by the focal nucleation and polymerization of actin at the leading edge of the cell. We have previously isolated a chemoattractant-regulated barbed-end capping activity from Dictyostelium that is uniquely associated with capping protein, also known as cap32/34. Although uncapping of barbed ends by capping protein has been proposed as a mechanism for the generation of free barbed ends after stimulation, in vitro and in situ analysis of the association of capping protein with the actin cytoskeleton after stimulation reveals that capping protein enters, but does not exit, the cytoskeleton during the initiation of actin polymerization. Increased association of capping protein with regions of the cell containing free barbed ends as visualized by exogenous rhodamine-labeled G-actin is also observed after stimulation. An approximate threefold increase in the number of filaments with free barbed ends is accompanied by increases in absolute filament number, whereas the average filament length remains constant. Therefore, a mechanism in which preexisting filaments are uncapped by capping protein, in response to stimulation leading to the generation of free barbed ends and filament elongation, is not supported. A model for actin assembly after stimulation, whereby free barbed ends are generated by either filament severing or de novo nucleation is proposed. In this model, exposure of free barbed ends results in actin assembly, followed by entry of free capping protein into the actin cytoskeleton, which acts to terminate, not initiate, the actin polymerization transient.  相似文献   

The enzyme-labeled antigen method was applied to visualize plasma cells producing antibodies to Porphyromonas gingivalis, flora of the human oral cavity. Antibodies to P. gingivalis have reportedly been detected in sera of patients with periodontitis. Biotinylated bacterial antigens, Ag53, and four gingipain domains (Arg-pro, Arg-hgp, Lys-pro, and Lys-hgp) were prepared by the cell-free protein synthesis system using the wheat germ extract. In paraformaldehyde-fixed frozen sections of rat lymph nodes experimentally immunized with Ag53-positive and Ag53-negative P. gingivalis, plasma cells were labeled with biotinylated Arg-hgp and Lys-hgp. Antibodies to Ag53 were detected only in the nodes immunized with Ag53-positive bacteria. In two of eight lesions of gingival radicular cyst with inflammatory infiltration, CD138-positive plasma cells in frozen sections were signalized for Arg-hgp and Lys-hgp. An absorption study using unlabeled antigens confirmed the specificity of staining. The AlphaScreen method identified the same-type antibodies in tissue extracts but not in sera. Antibodies to Ag53, Arg-pro, and Lys-pro were undetectable. In two cases, serum antibodies to Arg-hgp and Lys-hgp were AlphaScreen positive, whereas plasma cells were scarcely observed within the lesions. These findings indicate the validity of the enzyme-labeled antigen method. This is the very first application of this novel histochemical technique to human clinical samples.  相似文献   

Energetic frustration is becoming an important topic for understanding the mechanisms of protein folding, which is a long-standing big biological problem usually investigated by the free energy landscape theory. Despite the significant advances in probing the effects of folding frustrations on the overall features of protein folding pathways and folding intermediates, detailed characterizations of folding frustrations at an atomic or residue level are still lacking. In addition, how and to what extent folding frustrations interact with protein topology in determining folding mechanisms remains unclear. In this paper, we tried to understand energetic frustrations in the context of protein topology structures or native-contact networks by comparing the energetic frustrations of five homologous Im9 alpha-helix proteins that share very similar topology structures but have a single hydrophilic-to-hydrophobic mutual mutation. The folding simulations were performed using a coarse-grained Gō-like model, while non-native hydrophobic interactions were introduced as energetic frustrations using a Lennard-Jones potential function. Energetic frustrations were then examined at residue level based on φ-value analyses of the transition state ensemble structures and mapped back to native-contact networks. Our calculations show that energetic frustrations have highly heterogeneous influences on the folding of the four helices of the examined structures depending on the local environment of the frustration centers. Also, the closer the introduced frustration is to the center of the native-contact network, the larger the changes in the protein folding. Our findings add a new dimension to the understanding of protein folding the topology determination in that energetic frustrations works closely with native-contact networks to affect the protein folding.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(9):3171-3182.e6
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Several studies reported that the pregnancy-specific hormone placental lactogen (hPL) is expressed at both mRNA and protein levels in breast cancer. The overall objective was to establish hPL, the product of the CSH1 and CSH2 genes, as a biomarker for breast cancer.


CSH expression was determined at the mRNA level in breast cancer cell lines (BCC) and primary carcinomas by real-time and conventional PCR and the products verified as CSH1 by sequencing. Expression of hPL protein was examined by western blots and immuno-histochemistry, using commercial and custom-made polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.


Variable levels of CSH mRNA were detected in several BCC, and in some primary tumors. We detected a protein, slightly larger than recombinant hPL by western blotting using several antibodies, leading us to postulate that it represents an hPL variant (‘hPL’). Furthermore, some monoclonal antibodies detected ‘hPL’ by immunohistochemistry in breast carcinomas but not in normal breast. However, further examination revealed that these antibodies were non-specific, as efficient suppression of CSH mRNA by shRNA did not abolish the ‘hPL’ band. Custom-made monoclonal antibodies against recombinant hPL detected hPL of the correct size in placental lysate and hPL-overexpressing BCC, but not in unmodified cells or primary carcinomas. hPL protein was detected only when mRNA was increased several thousand fold.


We call into question previous reports of hPL expression in breast cancer which relied on mRNA levels as surrogates for protein and/or used improperly validated antibodies to measure hPL protein levels. Our data suggests that an inhibitory mechanism(s) prevents translation of CSH mRNA in breast cancer when not highly expressed. The mechanism by which translation of CSH mRNA is inhibited is intriguing and should be further investigated.  相似文献   

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