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An individual's phenotype will usually influence its probability of survival. However, when evaluating the dynamics of populations, the role of selective mortality is not always clear. Not all mortality is selective, patterns of selective mortality may vary, and it is often unknown how selective mortality compares or interacts with other sources of mortality. As a result, there is seldom a clear expectation for how changes in the phenotypic composition of populations will translate into differences in average survival. We address these issues by evaluating how selective mortality affects recruitment of fish populations. First, we provide a quantitative review of selective mortality. Our results show that most of the mortality during early life is selective, and that variation in phenotypes can have large effects on survival. Next, we describe an analytical framework that accounts for variation in selection, while also describing the amount of selective mortality experienced by different cohorts recruiting to a single population. This framework is based on reconstructing fitness surfaces from phenotypic selection measurements, and can be employed for either single or multiple traits. Finally, we show how this framework can be integrated with models of density‐dependent survival to improve our understanding of recruitment variability and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can lead to a decline of genetic diversity, a potential risk for the survival of natural populations. Fragmented populations can become highly differentiated due to reduced gene flow and genetic drift. A decline in number of individuals can result in lower reproductive fitness due to inbreeding effects. We investigated genetic variation within and between 11 populations of the rare and endangered plant Silene chlorantha in northeastern Germany to support conservation strategies. Genetic diversity was evaluated using AFLP techniques and the results were correlated to fitness traits. Fitness evaluation in nature and in a common garden approach was conducted. Our analysis revealed population differentiation was high and within population genetic diversity was intermediate. A clear population structure was supported by a Bayesian approach, AMOVA and neighbour-joining analysis. No correlation between genetic and geographic distance was found. Our results indicate that patterns of population differentiation were mainly caused by temporal and/or spatial isolation and genetic drift. The fitness evaluation revealed that pollinator limitation and habitat quality seem, at present, to be more important to reproductive fitness than genetic diversity by itself. Populations of S. chlorantha with low genetic diversity have the potential to increase in individual number if habitat conditions improve. This was detected in a single large population in the investigation area, which was formerly affected by bottleneck effects.  相似文献   

Different species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) alter plant growth and affect plant coexistence and diversity. Effects of within-AMF species or within-population variation on plant growth have received less attention. High genetic variation exists within AMF populations. However, it is unknown whether genetic variation contributes to differences in plant growth. In our study, a population of AMF was cultivated under identical conditions for several generations prior to the experiments thus avoiding environmental maternal effects. We show that genetically different Glomus intraradices isolates from one AMF population significantly alter plant growth in an axenic system and in greenhouse experiments. Isolates increased or reduced plant growth meaning that plants potentially receive benefits or are subject to costs by forming associations with different individuals in the AMF population. This shows that genetic variability in AMF populations could affect host-plant fitness and should be considered in future research to understand these important soil organisms.  相似文献   

Russell AL  Woodruff RC 《Genetica》1999,105(2):149-164
We have studied both the frequency and biogeographical distribution of the transposable DNA element mariner in natural populations of Drosophila simulans and the short-term evolutionary characteristics of mariner in experimental populations. The mariner element has been identified in natural populations of D. simulans from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Australia, several Pacific islands, North America, and South America. Only four lines out of 296 were devoid of active mariner elements, as measured by the presence of functional mariner transposase. A slight correlation was found between the latitudinal coordinate of the collection sites and the level of mariner activity in the population; this correlation became highly significant in Australia where a cline in mariner activity was observed along the eastern coast of the continent. We also observed that wild-type laboratory strains kept for several years as small populations might lose mariner activity over time. Using experimental populations, we modeled what might happen when naturally occurring populations exhibiting high and low levels of mariner activity encounter one another. We found that active mariner elements either will tend to lose their activity over time and gradually become inactive or possibly will be lost from the population; in either case, this will lead to the pattern seen in this experiment of a significant loss of mariner activity over time. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although there is substantial evidence that skeletal measures of body size are heritable in wild animal populations, it is frequently assumed that the nonskeletal component of body weight (or ‘condition’) is determined primarily by environmental factors, in particular nutritional state. We tested this assumption by quantifying the genetic and environmental components of variance in fledgling body condition index (=relative body weight) in a natural population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), and compared the strength of natural selection on individual breeding values with that on phenotypic values. A mixed model analysis of the components of variance, based on an ‘animal model’ and using 18 years of data on 17 717 nestlings, revealed a significant additive genetic component of variance in body condition, which corresponded to a narrow sense heritability (h2) of 0.30 (SE=0.03). Nongenetic contributions to variation in body condition were large, but there was no evidence of dominance variance nor of contributions from early maternal or common environment effects (pre‐manipulation environment) in condition at fledging. Comparison of pre‐ and post‐selection samples revealed virtually identical h2 of body condition index, despite the fact that there was a significant decrease (35%) in the levels of additive genetic variance from fledging to breeding. The similar h2 in the two samples occurred because the environmental component of variance was also reduced by selection, suggesting that natural selection was acting on both genotypic and environmental variation. The effects of selection on genetic variance were confirmed by calculation of the selection differentials for both phenotypic values and best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) estimates of breeding values: there was positive directional selection on condition index both at the phenotypic and the genotypic level. The significant h2 of body condition index is consistent with data from human and rodent populations showing significant additive genetic variance in relative body mass and adiposity, but contrasts with the common assumption in ecology that body condition reflects an individual’s nongenetic nutritional state. Furthermore, the substantial reduction in the additive genetic component of variance in body condition index suggests that selection on environmental deviations cannot alone explain the maintenance of additive genetic variation in heritable traits, but that other mechanisms are needed to explain the moderate to high heritabilities of traits under consistent and strong directional selection.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics at the population level play a central role in creating the diversity of life on our planet. In this study, we sought to understand the origins of such population-level variation in mating systems and defensive acylsugar chemistry in Solanum habrochaites—a wild tomato species found in diverse Andean habitats in Ecuador and Peru. Using Restriction-site-Associated-DNA-Sequencing (RAD-seq) of 50 S. habrochaites accessions, we identified eight population clusters generated via isolation and hybridization dynamics of 4–6 ancestral populations. Detailed characterization of mating systems of these clusters revealed emergence of multiple self-compatible (SC) groups from progenitor self-incompatible populations in the northern part of the species range. Emergence of these SC groups was also associated with fixation of deleterious alleles inactivating acylsugar acetylation. The Amotape-Huancabamba Zone—a geographical landmark in the Andes with high endemism and isolated microhabitats—was identified as a major driver of differentiation in the northern species range, whereas large geographical distances contributed to population structure and evolution of a novel SC group in the central and southern parts of the range, where the species was also inferred to have originated. Findings presented here highlight the role of the diverse ecogeography of Peru and Ecuador in generating population differentiation, and enhance our understanding of the microevolutionary processes that create biological diversity.  相似文献   

The correlation between genetic variation and recombination rate was investigated in a structured mouse population. Nucleotide sequence data from 19 autosomal DNA loci from eight inbred strains of mouse (Mus musculus) sampled from three major subspecies were analyzed. The recombination rate was estimated from the comparison of genetic and physical map distances between markers flanking a 10-cM region of each locus. The strains were categorized into four groups (subpopulations) based on geography. By partitioning the genetic diversity into within-group and among-group variation, we detected a positive correlation between the recombination rate and nucleotide diversity within groups. The level of nucleotide differentiation among groups (G(ST)) showed a negative correlation with the rate of recombination. There was no significant correlation between recombination rate and nucleotide diversity when data from different subpopulations were pooled. No correlation was detected between recombination rate and nucleotide divergence of M. musculus and M. spicilegus. These patterns deviate from the strict neutral expectation under the constant nucleotide substitution rate, and they are likely to have been formed either by a hitchhiking effect of positively selected mutants or by background selection of deleterious mutants occurring in a subdivided population. Our series of comparisons show that because a real population always has some structure, incorporation of its information is important in detecting non-neutral evolution.  相似文献   

The mapping of environment, through variation in individuals' life histories, to dynamics can be complex and often poorly known. Consequently, it is not clear how important it is dynamically. To explore this, I incorporated lessons from an empirical system, a soil mite, into an individual-based model. Individuals compete for resource and allocate this according to eight 'genetic' rules that specify investment in growth or reserves (which influences survival or fecundity), size at maturation and reproductive allocation. Density dependence, therefore, emerges from competition for food, limiting individual's growth and fecundity. We use this model to examine the role that genetic and phenotypically plastic variation plays in dynamics, by fixing phenotypes, by allowing phenotypes to vary plastically and by creating genetic variation between individuals. Variation, and how it arises, influences short- and long-run dynamics in a way comparable in magnitude with halving food supply. In particular, by switching variation on and off, it is possible to identify a range of processes necessary to capture the dynamics of the 'full model'. Exercises like this can help identify key processes and parameters, but a concerted effort is needed across many different systems to search for shared understanding of both process and modelling.  相似文献   

An individual's or a population's fitness is the result of a large number of interacting life history traits and the environment. Little information is available on the phenotypic correlations among fitness components and fitness itself, especially outside of Drosophila melanogaster. We also lack detailed information on trade-offs among life history traits. Here we present the relationship between adult progeny production and eight components of fitness, as well as some observed trade-offs between life history traits in the housefly (Musca domestica). We briefly discuss some of the ramifications of these relationships.  相似文献   

Many songbirds are socially monogamous but genetically polyandrous, mating with individuals outside their pair bonds. Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) varies within and across species, but reasons for this variation remain unclear. One possible source of variation is population genetic diversity, which has been shown in interspecific meta‐analyses to correlate with EPP but which has limited support from intraspecific tests. Using eight populations of the genetically polyandrous red‐winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), including an island population, we investigated whether population‐level differences in genetic diversity led to differences in EPP. We first measured genetic diversity over 10 microsatellite loci and found, as predicted, low genetic diversity in the island population. Additional structure analyses with multilocus genotypes and mtDNA showed the island population to be distinct from the continental populations. However, the island population's EPP rate fell in the middle of the continental populations' distribution, whereas the continental populations themselves showed significant variation in EPP. This result suggests that genetic diversity by itself is not a predictor of EPP rate. We discuss reasons for the departure from previous results, including hypotheses for EPP that do not solely implicate female‐driven behaviour.  相似文献   

Chen B  Harbach RE  Butlin RK 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(10):3051-3056
Genetic differentiation among populations of Anopheles jeyporiensis was examined using 76 mtDNA COII sequences from 16 sites throughout southern China and northern Vietnam. The COII sequences are AT-rich (74.58%) and reveal high levels of diversity with 39 of 685 sites polymorphic and 50 different haplotypes present. Genetic variation is high within populations and significant geographical structure was detected at both population and regional levels. In the larger samples, the distributions of haplotypes suggest recent population expansion.  相似文献   

In migratory songbirds, older individuals are thought to be more efficient migrants than younger individuals. Age‐specific differences in migratory efficiency have been reported mainly in respect of arrival timing, energy stores, rate of energy accumulation, departure behaviour, and departure direction. Yet, these traits were rarely assessed simultaneously in a single species. We further lack information whether age‐specific differences in behavioural traits present in autumn still manifest to the same degree in spring. Here we used the northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe, a long‐distance nocturnal songbird migrant, and investigated age‐specific differences in energy stores at capture (autumn: 1059 birds/spring: 803 birds), rate of energy accumulation (168/147), nocturnal departure timing (126/105), and departure direction (94/77) for both seasons. We found that in autumn, young northern wheatears departed significantly later in the night than older birds. This difference was not observed in spring. The resulting advance in nocturnal departure timing by young birds from autumn to spring may be due to learning based on experience gained during autumn, and/or to selective disappearance of those young individuals showing late departure times during autumn. We found no age‐specific difference in any of the other migratory traits investigated. To get a better understanding of age effects in songbird migrants, we need to study the potential adjustments of migratory behaviour within the individual over its life time. By individually tracking songbirds throughout their lifetime, we could start estimating whether a certain migratory decision (fuelling, departure, orientation) translates into higher (or lower) fitness, and whether individuals adjust their migratory behaviour based on learning from ‘wrong decisions’.  相似文献   

The symbiosis between marine bioluminescent Vibrio bacteria and the sepiolid squid Euprymna is a model for studying animal-bacterial Interactions. Vibrio symbionts native to particular Euprymna species are competitively dominant, capable of outcompeting foreign Vibrio strains from other Euprymna host species. Despite competitive dominance, secondary colonization events by invading nonnative Vibrio fischeri have occurred. Competitive dominance can be offset through superior nonnative numbers and advantage of early start host colonization by nonnatives, granting nonnative vibrios an opportunity to establish beachheads in foreign Euprymna hosts. Here, we show that nonnative V. fischeri are capable of rapid adaptation to novel sepiolid squid hosts by serially passaging V. fischeri JRM200 (native to Hawaiian Euprymna scolopes) lines through the novel Australian squid host E. tasmanica for 500 generations. These experiments were complemented by a temporal population genetics survey of V. fischeri, collected from E. tasmanica over a decade, which provided a perspective from the natural history of V. fischeri evolution over 15,000-20,000 generations in E. tasmanica. No symbiont anagenic evolution within squids was observed, as competitive dominance does not purge V. fischeri genetic diversity through time. Instead, abiotic factors affecting abundance of V. fischeri variants in the planktonic phase sustain temporal symbiont diversity, a property itself of ecological constraints imposed by V. fischeri host adaptation.  相似文献   

We have developed the first comprehensive simulator for polyploid genomes (PolySim) and demonstrated its value by performing large‐scale simulations to examine the effect of different population parameters on the evolution of polyploids. PolySim is unlimited in terms of ploidy, population size or number of simulated loci. Our process considered the evolution of polyploids from diploid ancestors, polysomic inheritance, inbreeding, recombination rate change in polyploids and gene flow from lower to higher ploidies. We compared the number of segregating single nucleotide polymorphisms, minor allele frequency, heterozygosity, R2 and average kinship relatedness between different simulated scenarios, and to real data from polyploid species. As expected, allotetraploid populations showed no difference from their ancestral diploids when population size remained constant and there was no gene flow or multivalent (MV) pairing between subgenomes. Autotetraploid populations showed significant differences from their ancestors for most parameters and diverged from their ancestral populations faster than allotetraploids. Autotetraploids can have significantly higher heterozygosity, relatedness and extended linkage disequilibrium compared with allotetraploids. Interestingly, autotetraploids were more sensitive to increasing selfing rate and decreasing population size. MV formation can homogenize allotetraploid subgenomes, but this homogenization requires a higher MV rate than previously proposed. Our results can be considered as the first building block to understand polyploid population evolutionary dynamics. PolySim can be used to simulate a wide variety of polyploid organisms that mimic empirical populations, which, in combination with quantitative genetics tools, can be used to investigate the power of genomewide association, genomic selection or breeding programme designs in these species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Life-history traits and density were assayed in seven populations of two sympatric species of wolf spider for three consecutive years. The goal of the study was to quantify population dynamics and its relation to spatial and temporal life-history variation.
2. Adult female body size and fecundity varied significantly, among field sites and among years, in both species. Female spiders of both species differed in mean relative reproductive effort among sites, but not among years. The size of offspring was invariable, with no significant differences due to site or year.
3. All populations of both species tended to either decrease or increase in density during a given year and this was tightly correlated with changes in prey consumption rates.
4. Since life-history patterns are determined primarily by selection, it is concluded that size at sexual maturity for females is phenotypically plastic and responds to changes in prey availability. Offspring size however is not plastic and it is likely that other selection forces have determined offspring size. Temporal fluctuations in population size are correlated over a large area relative to dispersal capabilities for these species and conservation efforts for invertebrates must take this into consideration.  相似文献   

On the basis of established knowledge of microbial genetics one can distinguish three major natural strategies in the spontaneous generation of genetic variations in bacteria. These strategies are: (1) small local changes in the nucleotide sequence of the genome, (2) intragenomic reshuffling of segments of genomic sequences and (3) the acquisition of DNA sequences from another organism. The three general strategies differ in the quality of their contribution to microbial evolution. Besides a number of non-genetic factors, various specific gene products are involved in the generation of genetic variation and in the modulation of the frequency of genetic variation. The underlying genes are called evolution genes. They act for the benefit of the biological evolution of populations as opposed to the action of housekeeping genes and accessory genes which are for the benefit of individuals. Examples of evolution genes acting as variation generators are found in the transposition of mobile genetic elements and in so-called site-specific recombination systems. DNA repair systems and restriction-modification systems are examples of modulators of the frequency of genetic variation. The involvement of bacterial viruses and of plasmids in DNA reshuffling and in horizontal gene transfer is a hint for their evolutionary functions. Evolution genes are thought to undergo biological evolution themselves, but natural selection for their functions is indirect, at the level of populations, and is called second-order selection. In spite of an involvement of gene products in the generation of genetic variations, evolution genes do not programmatically direct evolution towards a specific goal. Rather, a steady interplay between natural selection and mixed populations of genetic variants gives microbial evolution its direction.  相似文献   

The brain is a trait of central importance for organismal performance and fitness. To date, evolutionary studies of brain size variation have mainly utilized comparative methods applied at the level of species or higher taxa. However, these studies suffer from the difficulty of separating causality from correlation. In the other extreme, studies of brain plasticity have focused mainly on within‐population patterns. Between these extremes lie interpopulational studies, focusing on brain size variation among populations of the same species that occupy different habitats or selective regimes. These studies form a rapidly growing field of investigations which can help us to understand brain evolution by providing a test bed for ideas born out of interspecific studies, as well as aid in uncovering the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors shaping variation in brain size and architecture. Aside from providing the first in depth review of published intraspecific studies of brain size variation, we discuss the prospects embedded with interpopulational studies of brain size variation. In particular, the following topics are identified as deserving further attention: (i) studies focusing on disentangling the contributions of genes, environment, and their interactions on brain variation within and among populations, (ii) studies applying quantitative genetic tools to evaluate the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors on brain features at different ontogenetic stages, (iii) apart from utilizing simple gross estimates of brain size, future studies could benefit from use of neuroanatomical, neurohistological, and/or molecular methods in characterizing variation in brain size and architecture.  相似文献   

The process and consequences of hybridization are of interest to evolutionary biologists because of the importance of hybridization in understanding reproductive isolation, speciation, and the influence of introgression on population genetic structure. Recent studies of hybridization have been enhanced by the advent of sensitive, genetic marker-based techniques for inferring the degree of admixture occurring within individuals. Here we present a genetic marker-based analysis of hybridization in a large-bodied, long-lived mammal over multiple generations. We analysed patterns of hybridization between yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) and anubis baboons (Papio anubis) in a well-studied natural population in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, using genetic samples from 450 individuals born over the last 36 years. We assigned genetic hybrid scores based on genotypes at 14 microsatellite loci using the clustering algorithm implemented in STRUCTURE 2.0, and assessed the robustness of these scores by comparison to pedigree information and through simulation. The genetic hybrid scores showed generally good agreement with previous morphological assessments of hybridity, but suggest that genetic methods may be more sensitive for identification of low levels of hybridity. The results of our analysis indicate that the proportion of hybrids in the Amboseli population has grown over time, but that the average proportion of anubis ancestry within hybrids is gradually decreasing. We argue that these patterns are probably a result of both selective and nonselective processes, including differences in the timing of life-history events for hybrid males relative to yellow baboon males, and stochasticity in long-distance dispersal from the source anubis population into Amboseli.  相似文献   

The timing of reproduction in birds varies considerably within populations and is often under strong natural selection. Individual timing within years is dependent on a range of environmental factors in addition to having an additive genetic basis. In vertebrates, an increasing amount is known about the molecular basis for variation in biological timing. The Clock gene includes a variable poly-glutamine (poly-Q) repeat influencing behaviour and physiology. Recent work in birds, fish and insects has demonstrated associations between Clock genotype and latitude across populations, which match latitudinal variation in breeding time. In this study, we investigated the phenotypic correlates of variation in Clock genotype within a single blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus population over two successive breeding seasons. In females, but not in males, we observed a general trend for birds with fewer poly-Q repeats to breed earlier in the season. Incubation duration was shorter in both females and males with fewer repeats at the polymorphic Clock locus. Poly-Q Clock allele-frequency was homogenously distributed within the study population and did not exhibit any consistent environment-related variation. We further tested for effects of Clock genotype on reproductive success and survival, and found that females with fewer poly-Q repeats produced a higher number of fledged offspring. Our results therefore suggest that (i) selection in females, but not in males, for fewer poly-Q repeats may be operating, (ii) the across–population associations in timing of breeding involving this locus could be linked to variation within populations, and (iii) the Clock gene might be involved in local adaptation to seasonal environments.  相似文献   

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