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In animal cells, Golgi apparatus is located near the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) and its position is determined partly by 58K protein. By sodium dodecyl-sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immuno-blotting methods, a 58K-like protein has been found in pollen grains and pollen tubes of Lilium davidii. Its molecular weight is very similar to that of the 58K protein of animal cells. By immunofluorescence labeling, under a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM), the animal 58K antibody revealed a punctate staining in pollen grains and pollen tubes, which is consistent with the distribution of Golgi apparatus in plant cells. In addition, immuno-gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy showed that the 58K-like protein bound mainly to the membrane of vesicles-like structure near Golgi apparatus. This is the first demonstration of the 58K-like protein in plant cells.  相似文献   

In vertebrate cells, the centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles and surrounding pericentriolar material. Using anti-Golgi 58K protein antibodies that recognize formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase (FTCD), we investigated its localization to the centrosome in various cultured cells and human oviductal secretory cells by immunohistochemistry. In addition to the Golgi apparatus, FTCD was localized to the centrosome, more abundantly around the mother centriole. The centrosome localization of FTCD continued throughout the cell cycle and was not disrupted after Golgi fragmentation, which was induced by colcemid and brefeldin A. Centriole microtubules are polyglutamylated and stable against tubulin depolymerizing drugs. FTCD in the centrosome may be associated with polyglutamylated residues of centriole microtubules and may play a role in providing centrioles with glutamate produced by cyclodeaminase domains of FTCD.  相似文献   

Wang L  Liu YM  Li Y 《Plant cell reports》2005,24(5):266-270
Fluorescence labeling of F-actin in pollen tubes by various methods has produced inconsistent results in the literature. Here, we report that EGTA, which was always used in fixative buffers in the past and thought to help cytoskeleton stabilization, can significantly affect F-actin distribution and lead to the formation of thick F-actin bundles at the tip of the pollen tube. We also found that vacuum-infiltration for the first 5 min during pollen tube fixation can better preserve normal cytoplasm structure and F-actin distribution. In contrast, m-maleimidobenzoic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (MBS) treatment before chemical fixation resulted in a shortening of the free zone of thick F-actin bundles in the pollen tube tip. Taken together, our results suggest that exclusion of EGTA and MBS from the fixative buffer, in combination with vacuum-infiltration in the first 5 min of fixation, can improve F-actin fluorescence labeling in pollen tubes of Lilium davidii.Li Wang and Yi-Min Liu are considered joint first authors  相似文献   

The distribution of and relationship between F-actin and G-actin were investigated in pollen grains and pollen tubes of Lilium davidii Duch. using a confocal laser scanning microscope after fluorescence and immunofluorescence labeling. Circular F-actin bundles were found to be the main form of microfilament cytoskeleton in pollen grains and pollen tubes. Consistent with cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes, there were no obvious F-actin bundles in the 10- to 20-microm tip region of long pollen tubes, only a few short F-actin fragments. Labeling with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-DNase I at first established the presence of a tip-focused gradient of intracellular G-actin concentration at the extreme apex of the tube, the concentration of G-actin being about twice as high in the 10- to 20-microm region of the tip as in other regions of the pollen tube. We also found that the distribution of G-actin was related negatively to that of the F-actin in pollen tubes of L. davidii. Caffeine treatment caused the G-actin tip-focused gradient to disappear, and F-actin to extend into the pollen tube tip. Based on these results, we speculate that the circular F-actin bundles may be the track for bidirectional cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes, and that in the pollen tube tip most of the F-actin is depolymerized into G-actin, leading to the absence of F-actin bundles in this region.  相似文献   

Multi-vesicular bodies in endocytosis and protoplasts are special cellular structures that are consid-ered to be originated from invagination of plasma membranes. However, the genesis and function of multi-vesicular bodies, the relationship with Golgi bodies and cell walls, and their secretory pathways remain controversial and ambiguous. Using a monoclonal antibody against an animal 58K protein, we have detected, by Western blotting and confocal microscopy, that a 58K-like protein is present in the calli of Arabidopsis thaliana and Hypericum perforatum. The results of immuno-electron microscopy showed that the 58K-like protein was located in the cisternae of Golgi bodies, secretory vesicles, multi-vesicular bodies, cell walls and vacuoles in callus of Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting that the multi-vesicular bodies may be originated from Golgi bodies and function as a transporter carrying substances synthesized in Golgi bodies to cell walls and vacuoles. It seems that multi-vesicular bodies have a close relationship with the development of the cell wall and vacuole. The possible secretory pathways of multi-vesicular bodies might be in exocytosis, in which multi-vesicular bodies carry sub-stances to the cell wall for its construction, and in endocytosis, in which multi-vesicular bodies carry substances to the vacuole for its development, depending on what they carry and where the materials are transported. We hence propose that there is more than one pathway for the secretion of multi-vesicular bodies. In addition, our results provided a paradigm that a plant molecule, such as the 58k-like protein in callus of Arabidopsis thaliana, can be detected using a cross-reactive monoclonal antibody induced by an animal protein, and illustrate the existence of analog molecules in both animal and plant kingdoms.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the mammalian Golgi apparatus during mitosis requires the phosphorylation of a specific subset of Golgi-associated proteins. We have used a biochemical approach to characterize these proteins and report here the identification of golgin-84 as a novel mitotic target. Using cryoelectron microscopy we could localize golgin-84 to the cis-Golgi network and found that it is enriched on tubules emanating from the lateral edges of, and often connecting, Golgi stacks. Golgin-84 binds to active rab1 but not cis-Golgi matrix proteins. Overexpression or depletion of golgin-84 results in fragmentation of the Golgi ribbon. Strikingly, the Golgi ribbon is converted into mini-stacks constituting only approximately 25% of the volume of a normal Golgi apparatus upon golgin-84 depletion. These mini-stacks are able to carry out protein transport, though with reduced efficiency compared with a normal Golgi apparatus. Our results suggest that golgin-84 plays a key role in the assembly and maintenance of the Golgi ribbon in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

兰州百合小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常现象的观察   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
对兰州百合(Lilium davidii var.unicolor)小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常进行了研究,发现存在不等二价体、同源染色体早分离、染色体桥、不均等分离、滞后染色体、核外染色体、微核等。分析了这些异常形成的可能机制及对正常小孢子形成的影响。人工花粉萌发实验表明:小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常是导致花粉败育的主要原因。认为兰州百合长期行无性繁殖引起染色体结构变异,导致减数分裂异常。  相似文献   

The higher plant Golgi apparatus, comprising many individual stacks of membrane bounded cisternae, is one of the most enigmatic of the cytoplasmic organelles. Not only can the stacks receive material from the endoplasmic reticulum, process it and target it to the correct cellular destination, but they can also synthesise and export complex carbohydrates and lipids and most likely act as one end point of the endocytic pathway. In many cells such processing and sorting can take place while the stacks are moving within the cytoplasm and, remarkably, the organelle manages to retain its structural integrity. This review considers some of the latest data and views on transport both to and from the Golgi and the mechanisms by which such activity is regulated.  相似文献   

In previous studies, collagen XI mRNA has been detected in colon cancer, but its location in human colon tissue has not been determined. The heterotrimeric collagen XI consists of three alpha chains. While it is known that collagen XI plays a regulatory role in collagen fibril formation, its function in the colon is unknown. The characterization of normal human colon tissue will allow a better understanding of the variance of collagen XI in abnormal tissues. Grossly normal and malignant human colon tissue was obtained from pathology archives. Immunohistochemical staining with a 58K Golgi marker and alpha1(XI) and alpha2(XI) antisera was used to specifically locate their presence in normal colon tissue. A comparative bright field microscopic analysis showed the presence of collagen XI in human colon. The juxtanuclear, dot-like collagen XI staining in the Golgi apparatus of goblet cells in normal tissue paralleled the staining of the 58K Golgi marker. Ultra light microscopy verified these results. Staining was also confirmed in malignant colon tissue. This study is the first to show that collagen XI is present in the Golgi apparatus of normal human colon goblet cells and localizes collagen XI in both normal and malignant tissue. Although the function of collagen XI in the colon is unknown, our immunohistochemical characterization provides the foundation for future immunohistopathology studies of the colon.  相似文献   

The protein kinase CK2 is composed of two catalytic - or - and two regulatory -subunits. In mammalian cells there is ample evidence for the presence of individual CK2 subunits beside the holoenzyme. By immunofluorescence studies using peptide antibodies which allow us to detect the CK2-, - and -subunits we found all three subunits to be co-localized with a 58 KDa Golgi protein which is specific for the Golgi complex. Subfractionation studies using dog pancreas cells revealed the presence of all three subunits of CK2 at the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER)/Golgi fraction whereas the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) harboured only the catalytic - and -subunits. We found that the microsomal preparation from dog pancreas cells contained CK2 which phosphorylated a CK2 specific synthetic peptide and which was heparin sensitive. Furthermore, we could immunoprecipitate the CK2-subunit that exhibited a kinase activity which phosphorylated a CK2 specific substrate and which was heparin sensitive. Protease digestion experiments revealed that the CK2 subunits were located on the cytosolic side of the rER and the sER/Golgi complex. Thus, we could demonstrate an asymmetric distribution of the CK2 subunits at the rER and sER/Golgi complex. Since the CK2- and -subunits exhibit a substrate specificity which is different from the CK2 holoenzyme one might speculate that the asymmetric distribution of the CK2 holoenzyme and the CK2 catalytic subunits may have regulatory functions.  相似文献   

川百合与朱顶红花粉管中的生殖细胞分裂行为非常不同。诸如:染色体行为、微管的组织形式和分布、包括着丝点、微管形成的时间,纺锤体的形状及间期周质微管网络在生殖细胞分裂过程中消失与否等。但这两种细胞具有某些共性,包括在有丝分裂前期缺乏早前期带微管(PPB),末期形成细胞板等。这两种植物精细胞的结构应有较大差异。我们曾报道了朱顶红精细胞的超微结构,本文详细从超微结构方面描述了川百合精细胞的特征。川百合花粉管的萌发采用半离体活体培养方式。11~18小时后,DNA荧光染料Hoechst33258和醋酸地衣红染色检查花粉管中生殖细胞和精细胞发育时期。切取含有分裂的生殖细胞和精细胞的花柱部分,按曾报道的方法固定、包埋、切片、染色及观察。在所有检查的花粉管中,两精子均前后排列(Fig.1~3),营养核前导并靠近花粉管顶端(Fig.2,3)。H33258染色可见两精核间以DNA联系(Fig.3)。两个新形成的精核彼此分离(Fig.1),后来又相互靠近,并维持一定距离(Fig.3)。偶尔一对精子与营养核靠近(Fig.2)。两精细胞被一共同的细胞壁连接,他们不仅被自己的质膜也被营养细胞的质膜包围构成周质。周质平坦光滑。共同壁横向  相似文献   

A role for heterotrimeric G proteins in the regulation of Golgi function and formation of secretory granules is generally accepted. We set out to study the effect of activation of heterotrimeric G proteins by aluminum fluoride on secretory granule formation in AtT-20 corticotropic tumor cells and in melanotrophs from the rat pituitary. In AtT-20 cells, treatment with aluminum fluoride or fluoride alone for 60 min induced complete dispersal of Golgi, ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and Golgi matrix markers, while betaCOP immunoreactiviy retained a juxtanuclear position and TGN38 was unaffected. Electron microscopy showed compression of Golgi cisternae followed by conversion of the Golgi stacks into clusters of tubular and vesicular elements. In the melanotroph of the rat pituitary a similar compression of Golgi cisternae was observed, followed by a progressive loss of cisternae from the stacks. As shown in other cells, brefeldin A induced redistribution of the Golgi matrix protein GM130 to punctate structures in the cytoplasm in AtT-20 cells, while mannosidase II immunoreactivity was completely dispersed. Fluoride induced a complete dispersal of mannosidase II and GM130 immunoreactivity. The effect of fluoride was fully reversible with reestablishment of normal mannosidase II and GM130 immunoreactivity within 2 h. After 1 h of recovery, showing varying stages of reassembly, the patterns of mannosidase II and GM130 immunoreactivity were identical in individual cells, indicating that Golgi matrix and cisternae reassemble with similar kinetics during recovery from fluoride treatment. Instead of a specific aluminum fluoride effect on secretory granule formation in the trans-Golgi network, we thus observe a unique form of Golgi dispersal induced by fluoride alone, possibly via its action as a phosphatase inhibitor.  相似文献   

We tested whether the entire Golgi apparatus is a dynamic structure in interphase mammalian cells by assessing the response of 12 different Golgi region proteins to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit block. The proteins chosen spanned the Golgi apparatus and included both Golgi glycosyltransferases and putative matrix proteins. Protein exit from ER was blocked either by microinjection of a GTP-restricted Sar1p mutant protein in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor, or by plasmid-encoded expression of the same dominant negative Sar1p. All Golgi region proteins examined lost juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus-like distribution as scored by conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopy in response to an ER exit block, albeit with a differential dependence on Sar1p concentration. Redistribution of GalNAcT2 was more sensitive to low Sar1p(dn) concentrations than giantin or GM130. Redistribution was most rapid for p27, COPI, and p115. Giantin, GM130, and GalNAcT2 relocated with approximately equal kinetics. Distinct ER accumulation could be demonstrated for all integral membrane proteins. ER-accumulated Golgi region proteins were functional. Photobleaching experiments indicated that Golgi-to-ER protein cycling occurred in the absence of any ER exit block. We conclude that the entire Golgi apparatus is a dynamic structure and suggest that most, if not all, Golgi region-integral membrane proteins cycle through ER in interphase cells.  相似文献   

The mammalian Golgi complex is comprised of a ribbon of stacked cisternal membranes often located in the pericentriolar region of the cell. Here, we report that during apoptosis the Golgi ribbon is fragmented into dispersed clusters of tubulo-vesicular membranes. We have found that fragmentation is caspase dependent and identified GRASP65 (Golgi reassembly and stacking protein of 65 kD) as a novel caspase substrate. GRASP65 is cleaved specifically by caspase-3 at conserved sites in its membrane distal COOH terminus at an early stage of the execution phase. Expression of a caspase-resistant form of GRASP65 partially preserved cisternal stacking and inhibited breakdown of the Golgi ribbon in apoptotic cells. Our results suggest that GRASP65 is an important structural component required for maintenance of Golgi apparatus integrity.  相似文献   

Abstract Germination and protein synthesis of lily pollen subjected to a short heat shock after imbibition are strongly inhibited. The proteins synthesized after the heat shock were analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The patterns obtained from heat-treated pollen are strikingly different from those of control samples. The difference is nearly completely climinated by a high concentration of proline in the incubation medium. This proline effect correlates with the protection of pollen germination from high temperature by the amino acid.  相似文献   

Compared with other eukaryotic cell types, malaria parasites appear to possess a more rudimentary Golgi apparatus being composed of dispersed, unstacked cis and trans‐cisternae. Despite playing a central role in the secretory pathway of the parasite, few Plasmodium Golgi resident proteins have been characterised. We had previously identified a new Golgi resident protein of unknown function, which we had named Golgi Protein 1, and now show that it forms a complex with a previously uncharacterised transmembrane protein (Golgi Protein 2, GP2). The Golgi Protein complex localises to the cis‐Golgi throughout the erythrocytic cycle and potentially also during the mosquito stages. Analysis of parasite strains where GP1 expression is conditionally repressed and/or the GP2 gene is inactivated reveals that though the Golgi protein complex is not essential at any stage of the parasite life cycle, it is important for optimal asexual development in the blood stages.  相似文献   

The imino sugar N-butyldeoxynojirimycin inhibits the N-linked oligosaccharide processing enzymes α-glucosidases I and II, and the ceramide specific glucosyltransferase which catalyses the first step in glucosphingolipid biosynthesis. We have studied the effects of this compound on the ultrastructure of HL-60 cells to identify novel activities of this compound. Treatment of HL-60 cells with this imino sugar results in several morphological changes within the cell, none of which result in cytotoxicity. The plasma membrane stains heavily with potassium ferrocyanide within 30 min following addition of the compound to the medium, and there is then a time dependent involvement of all other intracellular membranes. Secretory granules become enlarged and lose their dense core morphology and appear either empty and vacuolated or have low density contents. However, the most striking effect of NB-DNJ treatment is on the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi exhibits a time-dependent change from typical Golgi morphology to a structure almost completely devoid of cisternae and consisting predominantly of vesicles. All the observed changes are fully reversible on withdrawal of the compound.  相似文献   

Developing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) endosperm was examined using ultrathin sections prepared from tissues harvested at 5, 9, 16 and 25 d after flowering. Protein bodies were evident by 9 d and displayed a variety of membranous structures and inclusions. The Golgi apparatus was a prominent organelle at all stages, and by 9 d was associated with small electron-dense inclusions. By immunocytochemical techniques, gliadin (wheat prolamine) was localized within these vesicles and in homogeneous regions of protein bodies, but not in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The protein bodies appear to enlarge by fusion of smaller protein bodies resulting in larger, irregular-shaped organelles. The affinity of the Golgi-derived vesicles for gliadin-specific probes during the period of maximal storage-protein synthesis and deposition indicates that this organelle includes the bulk, if not all, of the gliadin produced. The involvement of the Golgi apparatus in the packaging of gliadins into protein bodies indicates a pathway which differs from the mode of prolamine deposition in other cereals such as maize, rice and sorghum, and resembles the mechanism employed for the storage of rice glutelin and legume globulins.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - IgG immunoglobulin G - DAF days after flowering  相似文献   

A novel pollen‐specific LEA‐like protein, LP28, was detected in Lilium longiflorum using two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D‐PAGE). Immunoblot analysis using antiserum raised against LP28 revealed that the protein was not found in somatic tissues or uninucleate microspores, but accumulated gradually in developing pollen following microspore mitosis. Furthermore, LP28 was abundant in germinated pollen after hydration. The cDNA clone corresponding to LP28 encoded a putative protein of 238 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 24·2 kDa and a pI of 4·7. The amino acid sequence is highly hydrophilic except for the N‐terminal hydrophobic signal peptide. The sequence has similarities with group 3 LEA (late embryogenesis abundant) proteins. Immunocytochemical analyses demonstrated that LP28 was mainly found in cytoplasmic granules of the vegetative cell until pollen maturation, but after hydration it appeared in the elongating pollen tube wall. LP28 might be a unique pollen‐specific protein that is transported to the pollen tube wall after germination. Therefore, it is assumed that LP28 plays a role not only in pollen maturation, but also in the growth of the pollen tube, which penetrates the stylar matrix.  相似文献   

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