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Murine small intestinal crypt development is initiated during the first postnatal week. Soon after formation, overall increases in the number of crypts occurs through a bifurcating process called crypt fission, which is believed to be driven by developmental increases in the number of intestinal stem cells (ISCs). Recent evidence suggests that a heterogeneous population of ISCs exists within the adult intestine. Actively cycling ISCs are labeled by Lgr5, Ascl2 and Olfm4; whereas slowly cycling or quiescent ISC are marked by Bmi1 and mTert. The goal of this study was to correlate the expression of these markers with indirect measures of ISC expansion during development, including quantification of crypt fission and side population (SP) sorting. Significant changes were observed in the percent of crypt fission and SP cells consistent with ISC expansion between postnatal day 14 and 21. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the various ISC marker mRNAs demonstrated divergent patterns of expression. mTert surged earliest, during the first week of life as crypts are initially being formed, whereas Lgr5 and Bmi1 peaked on day 14. Olfm4 and Ascl2 had variable expression patterns. To assess the number and location of Lgr5-expressing cells during this period, histologic sections from intestines of Lgr5-EGFP mice were subjected to quantitative analysis. There was attenuated Lgr5-EGFP expression at birth and through the first week of life. Once crypts were formed, the overall number and percent of Lgr5-EGFP positive cells per crypt remain stable throughout development and into adulthood. These data were supported by Lgr5 in situ hybridization in wild-type mice. We conclude that heterogeneous populations of ISCs are expanding as measured by SP sorting and mRNA expression at distinct developmental time points.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal (GI) mucosal damage is a devastating adverse effect of radiation therapy. We have recently reported that expression of Dclk1, a Tuft cell and tumor stem cell (TSC) marker, 24h after high dose total-body gamma-IR (TBI) can be used as a surrogate marker for crypt survival. Dietary pectin has been demonstrated to possess chemopreventive properties, whereas its radioprotective property has not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary pectin on ionizing radiation (IR)-induced intestinal stem cell (ISC) deletion, crypt and overall survival following lethal TBI. C57BL/6 mice received a 6% pectin diet and 0.5% pectin drinking water (pre-IR mice received pectin one week before TBI until death; post-IR mice received pectin after TBI until death). Animals were exposed to TBI (14 Gy) and euthanized at 24 and 84h post-IR to assess ISC deletion and crypt survival respectively. Animals were also subjected to overall survival studies following TBI. In pre-IR treatment group, we observed a three-fold increase in ISC/crypt survival, a two-fold increase in Dclk1+ stem cells, increased overall survival (median 10d vs. 7d), and increased expression of Dclk1, Msi1, Lgr5, Bmi1, and Notch1 (in small intestine) post-TBI in pectin treated mice compared to controls. We also observed increased survival of mice treated with pectin (post-IR) compared to controls. Dietary pectin is a radioprotective agent; prevents IR-induced deletion of potential reserve ISCs; facilitates crypt regeneration; and ultimately promotes overall survival. Given the anti-cancer activity of pectin, our data support a potential role for dietary pectin as an agent that can be administered to patients receiving radiation therapy to protect against radiation-induces mucositis.  相似文献   

Factors regulating the proliferation and apoptosis of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) remain incompletely understood. Because ISCs exist among microbial ligands, immune receptors such as toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) could play a role. We now hypothesize that ISCs express TLR4 and that the activation of TLR4 directly on the intestinal stem cells regulates their ability to proliferate or to undergo apoptosis. Using flow cytometry and fluorescent in situ hybridization for the intestinal stem cell marker Lgr5, we demonstrate that TLR4 is expressed on the Lgr5-positive intestinal stem cells. TLR4 activation reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis in ISCs both in vivo and in ISC organoids, a finding not observed in mice lacking TLR4 in the Lgr5-positive ISCs, confirming the in vivo significance of this effect. To define molecular mechanisms involved, TLR4 inhibited ISC proliferation and increased apoptosis via the p53-up-regulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), as TLR4 did not affect crypt proliferation or apoptosis in organoids or mice lacking PUMA. In vivo effects of TLR4 on ISCs required TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β (TRIF) but were independent of myeloid-differentiation primary response-gene 88 (MYD88) and TNFα. Physiological relevance was suggested, as TLR4 activation in necrotizing enterocolitis led to reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis of the intestinal crypts in a manner that could be reversed by inhibition of PUMA, both globally or restricted to the intestinal epithelium. These findings illustrate that TLR4 is expressed on ISCs where it regulates their proliferation and apoptosis through activation of PUMA and that TLR4 regulation of ISCs contributes to the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis.  相似文献   

A frequent complication in colorectal cancer (CRC) is regeneration of the tumor after therapy. Here, we report that a gene signature specific for adult intestinal stem cells (ISCs) predicts disease relapse in CRC patients. ISCs are marked by high expression of the EphB2 receptor, which becomes gradually silenced as cells differentiate. Using EphB2 and the ISC marker Lgr5, we have FACS-purified and profiled mouse ISCs, crypt proliferative progenitors, and late transient amplifying cells to define a gene program specific for normal ISCs. Furthermore, we discovered that ISC-specific genes identify a stem-like cell population positioned at the bottom of tumor structures reminiscent of crypts. EphB2 sorted ISC-like tumor cells display robust tumor-initiating capacity in immunodeficient mice as well as long-term self-renewal potential. Taken together, our data suggest that the ISC program defines a cancer stem cell niche within colorectal tumors and plays a central role in CRC relapse.  相似文献   

The epithelial surface of the mammalian intestine is a dynamic tissue that renews every 3 - 7 days. Understanding this renewal process identified a population of rapidly cycling intestinal stem cells (ISCs) characterized by their expression of the Lgr5 gene. These are supported by a quiescent stem cell population, marked by Bmi-1 expression, capable of replacing them in the event of injury. Investigating the interactions between these populations is crucial to understanding their roles in disease and cancer. The ISCs exist within crypts on the intestinal surface, these niches support the ISC in replenishing the epithelia. The interaction between active and quiescent ISCs likely involves other differentiated cells within the niche, as it has previously been demonstrated that the ‘‘stemness’’ of the Lgr5 ISC is closely tied to the presence of their neighboring Paneth cells. Using conditional cre-lox mouse models we tested the effect of deleting the majority of active ISCs in the presence or absence of the Paneth cells. Here we describe the techniques and analysis undertaken to characterize the intestine and demonstrate that the Paneth cells play a crucial role within the ISC niche in aiding recovery following substantial insult.  相似文献   

Since aberrant wound healing and chronic inflammation can promote malignant transformation, we determined whether dietary bioactive fish oil (FO)-derived n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) modulate stem cell kinetics in a colitis-wounding model. Lgr5-LacZ and Lgr5-EGFP-IRES-creER(T2) mice were fed diets enriched with n-3 PUFA vs n-6 PUFA (control) and exposed to dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) for 5days in order to induce crypt damage and colitis throughout the colon. Stem cell number, cell proliferation, apoptosis, expression of stem cell (Lgr5, Sox9, Bmi1, Hopx, mTert, Ascl2, and DCAMKL-1) and inflammation (STAT3) markers were quantified. DSS treatment resulted in the ablation of Lgr5(+) stem cells in the distal colon, concurrent with the loss of distal crypt structure and proliferating cells. Lgr5, Ascl2 and Hopx mRNA expression levels were decreased in damaged colonic mucosa. Lgr5(+) stem cells reappeared at day 5 of DSS recovery, with normal levels attained by day 6 of recovery. There was no effect of diet on the recovery of stem cells. FO fed animals exhibited higher levels of phospho-STAT3 at all time points, consistent with a higher wounding by DSS in FO feeding. n-3 PUFA-fed mice exhibited a reduction in stem cell associated factors, Ascl2, Axin2 and EphB3. These results indicate that rapidly cycling Lgr5(+) stem cells residing at position 1 in the colon epithelium are highly susceptible to DSS-induced damage and that dietary cues can impact stem cell regulatory networks.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium holds an immense regenerative capacity mobilized by intestinal stem cells (ISCs), much of it supported by Wnt pathway activation. Several unique regulatory mechanisms ensuring optimal levels of Wnt signaling have been recognized in ISCs. Here, we identify another Wnt signaling amplifier, CKIε, which is specifically upregulated in ISCs and is essential for ISC maintenance, especially in the absence of its close isoform CKIδ. Co‐ablation of CKIδ/ε in the mouse gut epithelium results in rapid ISC elimination, with subsequent growth arrest, crypt–villous shrinking, and rapid mouse death. Unexpectedly, Wnt activation is preserved in all CKIδ/ε‐deficient enterocyte populations, with the exception of Lgr5+ ISCs, which exhibit Dvl2‐dependent Wnt signaling attenuation. CKIδ/ε‐depleted gut organoids cease proliferating and die rapidly, yet survive and resume self‐renewal upon reconstitution of Dvl2 expression. Our study underscores a unique regulation mode of the Wnt pathway in ISCs, possibly providing new means of stem cell enrichment for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

The loss of stem cells residing in the base of the intestinal crypt has a key role in radiation-induced intestinal injury. In particular, Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are indispensable for intestinal regeneration following exposure to radiation. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have previously been shown to improve intestinal epithelial repair in a mouse model of radiation injury, and, therefore, it was hypothesized that this protective effect is related to Lgr5+ ISCs. In this study, it was found that, following exposure to radiation, transplantation of MSCs improved the survival of the mice, ameliorated intestinal injury and increased the number of regenerating crypts. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in Lgr5+ ISCs and their daughter cells, including Ki67+ transient amplifying cells, Vil1+ enterocytes and lysozyme+ Paneth cells, in response to treatment with MSCs. Crypts isolated from mice treated with MSCs formed a higher number of and larger enteroids than those from the PBS group. MSC transplantation also reduced the number of apoptotic cells within the small intestine at 6 h post-radiation. Interestingly, Wnt3a and active β-catenin protein levels were increased in the small intestines of MSC-treated mice. In addition, intravenous delivery of recombinant mouse Wnt3a after radiation reduced damage in the small intestine and was radioprotective, although not to the same degree as MSC treatment. Our results show that MSCs support the growth of endogenous Lgr5+ ISCs, thus promoting repair of the small intestine following exposure to radiation. The molecular mechanism of action mediating this was found to be related to increased activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.The epithelium of the small intestine contains crypts and villi. Intestinal stem cells (ISCs) reside in the base of the crypts and are responsible for maintaining intestinal epithelial homeostasis and regeneration following injury.1, 2 Recent studies have identified two populations of stem cells in the small intestine of mice called Lgr5+ and Bmi1+ ISCs.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Lgr5+ ISCs, also known as crypt base columnar cells (CBCs), are interspersed among the Paneth cells and are active rapidly cycling stem cells.12 A single Lgr5+ ISC can grow to form ‘enteroids'' in vitro that develop into all the differentiated cell types found in the intestinal crypt.13 Conversely, Bmi1+ cells are a population of ISCs located at position +4 relative to the base of the crypt, and are quiescent, slowly cycling stem cells.14 The loss of ISCs has a critical role in radiation-induced intestinal injury (RIII).15, 16, 17, 18 Apoptosis of stem cells because of exposure to radiation prevents normal re-epithelialization of the intestines. Therefore, enhancing the survival of ISCs following radiation is a potential effective treatment for RIII.Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess significant potential as a therapeutic for tissue damage because of their ability to regulate inflammation, inhibit apoptosis, promote angiogenesis, and support the growth and differentiation of local stem and progenitor cells.19, 20 However, the mechanisms by which MSCs mediate these beneficial effects remain unclear, although it has been suggested that MSCs may actively secrete a broad range of bioactive molecules with immunomodulatory (PGE2, IDO, NO, HLA-G5, TSG-6, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-1RA), mitogenic (TGFα/β, HGF, IGF-1, bFGF and EGF), angiogenic (VEGF and TGF-β1) and/or anti-apoptotic (STC-1 and SFRP2) properties that function to modulate the regenerative environment at the site of injury.21 Upon re-establishment of the microenvironment following damage, the surviving endogenous stem and progenitor cells can then regenerate the injured tissue completely.Our previous study, as well as other published studies, has found that systemic administration of MSCs improves intestinal epithelial repair in an animal model of radiation injury.22, 23, 24, 25 Following MSC treatment, radiation-induced lesions in mice were significantly smaller than those in the control group. However, the mechanism behind this protective effect is not fully understood. Lgr5+ ISCs have been previously shown to be indispensable for radiation-induced intestinal regeneration.26 Therefore, in this study, we tested whether the therapeutic effects of MSCs in response to RIII are related to the Lgr5+ population of resident ISCs.  相似文献   

It is well known that exposure of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to intestine immediately induces villus damage with severe diarrhea, which is mediated by toll-like receptor 3 signaling activation. However, the role of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) remains obscure during the pathology. In the present study, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly[I:C]), mimicking viral dsRNA, was used to establish intestinal damage model. Mice were acutely and chronically exposed to poly(I:C), and ISCs in jejunum were analyzed. The results showed that the height of villus was shorter 48 hr after acute poly(I:C) exposure compared with that of controls, while chronic poly(I:C) treatment increased both villus height and crypt depth in jejunum compared with control animals. The numbers of ISCs in jejunum were significantly increased after acute and chronic poly(I:C) exposure. Poly (I:C)-stimulated ISCs have stronger capacities to differentiate into intestine endocrine cells. Mechanistically, poly(I:C) treatment increased expression of Stat1 and Axin2 in the intestinal crypt, which was along with increased expression of Myc, Bcl2, and ISC proliferation. These findings suggest that dsRNA exposure could induce ISC proliferation to ameliorate dsRNA-induced intestinal injury.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction has been recently shown to increase intestinal stem cell competition and to reduce mutation fixation in young mice. However, the impact of aging on this process is unknown. By employing Confetti reporter mice, here we show that, unexpectedly, old mice have more intestinal stem cell (ISC) competition than young mice. Moreover, differently from what observed in young mice, calorie restriction, when applied at late-life, decreases this process. Importantly, we also observed a strong correlation between the ISC competition and Paneth cell number. In vivo analysis and in vitro organoid experiments indicated that Paneth cells play a major role in driving intestinal stem cell competition and crypt clonality. Taken together, our results provide evidence that increasing the number of Paneth cells can increase the number of competitive ISCs, representing a valuable therapeutic target to delay fixation of mutated intestinal stem cells.  相似文献   



In vivo studies of high dose radiation-induced crypt and intestinal stem cell (ISC) loss and subsequent regeneration are typically restricted to 5–8 days after radiation due to high mortality and immune failure. This study aimed to develop murine radiation models of complete crypt loss that permit longer-term studies of ISC and crypt regeneration, repair and normalization of the intestinal epithelium.


In C57Bl/6J mice, a predetermined small intestinal segment was exteriorized and exposed to 14Gy-radiation, while a lead shield protected the rest of the body from radiation. Sham controls had segment exteriorization but no radiation. Results were compared to C57Bl/6J mice given 14 Gy-abdominal radiation. Effects of elemental liquid diet feeding from the day prior to radiation until day 7 post-radiation were assessed in both models. Body weight and a custom-developed health score was assessed every day until day 21 post-radiation. Intestine was assessed histologically.


At day 3 after segment radiation, complete loss of crypts occurred in the targeted segment, while adjacent and remaining intestine in segment-radiated mice, and entire intestine of sham controls, showed no detectable epithelial damage. Liquid diet feeding was required for survival of mice after segment radiation. Liquid diet significantly improved survival, body weight recovery and normalization of intestinal epithelium after abdominal radiation. Mice given segment radiation combined with liquid diet feeding showed minimal body weight loss, increased food intake and enhanced health score.


The segment radiation method provides a useful model to study ISC/crypt loss and long-term crypt regeneration and epithelial repair, and may be valuable for future application to ISC transplantation or to genetic mutants that would not otherwise survive radiation doses that lead to complete crypt loss. Liquid diet is a simple intervention that improves survival and facilitates long-term studies of intestine in mice after high dose abdominal or segment radiation.  相似文献   

The development of “mini-guts” organoid originates from the identification of Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and circumambient signalings within their specific niche at the crypt bottom. These in vitro self-renewing “mini-guts”, also named enteroids or colonoids, undergo perpetual proliferation and regulated differentiation, which results in a high-performance, self-assembling and physiological organoid platform in diverse areas of intestinal research and therapy. The triumphant reconstitution of ISC niche in vitro also relies on Matrigel, a heterogeneous sarcoma extract. Despite the promising prospect of organoids research, their expanding applications are hampered by the canonical culture pattern, which reveals limitations such as inaccessible lumen, confine scale, batch to batch variation and low reproducibility. The tumor-origin of Matrigel also raises biosafety concerns in clinical treatment. However, the convergence of breakthroughs in cellular biology and bioengineering contribute to multiform reconstitution of the ISC niche. Herein, we review the recent advances in the microfabrication of intestinal organoids on hydrogel systems.  相似文献   

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