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Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is considered a solitary, territorial felid with a low degree of direct intraspecific interactions. Between 2002 and 2011 we observed four aggressive interactions between five different male Eurasian lynx, where two were lethal. All interactions occurred during the mating season and three of the interactions resulted in takeover of the home range by the intruder. Thus, in this study we demonstrate that aggressive interactions, sometimes with severe consequences, occur in male Eurasian lynx and suggest that they are driven primarily by access to female lynx in the mating season.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an anthropometrical survey conducted on male and female children aged 3, 4 and 5 years in Turkey. A set of 18 body dimensions was taken from 154 males and 132 females. It is considered that the 18 parameters are necessary for the design of school furniture, fittings and equipment in order to minimize musculoskeletal, visual and circulatory problems resulting from badly designed elements. This study identified significant gender differences in a set of 18 anthropometrical measures in this subject group.  相似文献   

Though roles of β-catenin signaling during testis development have been well established, relatively little is known about its role in postnatal testicular physiology. Even less is known about its role in post-meiotic germ cell development and differentiation. Here, we report that β-catenin is highly expressed in post-meiotic germ cells and plays an important role during spermiogenesis in mice. Spermatid-specific deletion of β-catenin resulted in significantly reduced sperm count, increased germ cell apoptosis and impaired fertility. In addition, ultrastructural studies show that the loss of β-catenin in post-meiotic germ cells led to acrosomal defects, anomalous release of immature spermatids and disruption of adherens junctions between Sertoli cells and elongating spermatids (apical ectoplasmic specialization; ES). These defects are likely due to altered expression of several genes reportedly involved in Sertoli cell-germ cell adhesion and germ cell differentiation, as revealed by gene expression analysis. Taken together, our results suggest that β-catenin is an important molecular link that integrates Sertoli cell-germ cell adhesion with the signaling events essential for post-meiotic germ cell development and maturation. Since β-catenin is also highly expressed in the Sertoli cells, we propose that binding of germ cell β-catenin complex to β-catenin complex on Sertoli cell at the apical ES surface triggers a signaling cascade that regulates post-meiotic germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   



Development of a non-hormonal long-acting reversible contraceptive for men could have a significant impact on reducing unintended pregnancies. Vasalgel? is a high molecular weight polymer consisting of styrene-alt-maleic acid (SMA) dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide being developed as a reversible male contraceptive device. It forms a hydrogel when implanted into the vasa deferentia, which prevents the passage of sperm. Previous studies in the rabbit have proven its efficacy, durability and rapid onset. This study evaluates the capacity to restore sperm concentrations in ejaculates after a reversal procedure.


Sodium bicarbonate was injected into the vasa deferentia after fourteen months of azoospermia following the injection of two device variations (Vasalgel 100 and Vasalgel 80). Semen samples were then collected for six months and sperm characteristics were compared to baseline levels. Samples of vasa deferentia were obtained for histological examination.


Spermatozoa were present in all subject ejaculates after the reversal procedure. Sperm concentration and sperm motility were similar to baseline levels after reversal, while sperm forward progression was significantly lower and normal acrosomes were not observed. Forward progression percentages increased linearly during six months of semen collection, however, normal acrosomes were not observed at the conclusion of the study. Histologically, several vasa deferentia were clear of the device and contained an intact epithelial lining. A smaller proportion of tissues contained residual test material. A secondary intraluminal inflammatory response was seen occasionally in the tissues containing residual material. There was no difference between the two device variations for studied parameters.


Vasalgel’s prevention of sperm transport for 14 months was reversed through an intravasal injection of sodium bicarbonate. Post-reversal sperm concentrations and motility returned to baseline levels during the six-month follow up. Residual material in the vas lumen or compromised epididymal and vas deferens function may be resulting in reduced forward progression and loss of acrosomes during transit through the vas. Reduced forward progression and the lack of normal acrosomes strongly suggest impaired sperm function.

Kidney -glucuronidase activity in C57BL/K1 and DBA/2/K1 male mice differs about ten times, C57 giving low and DBA high values. F1 males have intermediate activities. Male liver as well as female kidney and liver invariably give low values. The most likely interpretation for this difference between the two strains is a genetic variation at a single locus.This work was supported by the Nilsson-Ehle fund, the Marcus Borgström fund, and the Hierta memorial fund.  相似文献   


While the basics of testosterone production, effects and metabolism have been known for decades, there has been a flow of novel insights in the genomics of testosterone action on a molecular and cellular level, as well as in the clinical effects from modern clinical trials, improving the understanding of the role of testosterone in male life course. Androgens are produced under the control of an endocrine cascade from GnRH via gonadotropins to the testicular Leydig cells. In some organs, testosterone is reduced to 5á‐dihydrotestosterone prior to the receptor binding by the 5á reductase. The androgen receptor gene is located on the X chromosome in the q11–12 region, each mutation in the gene will induce phenotypic manisfestations. In the first stage of the male life course, testosterone moderates the male embryonic development under the control of a complex molecular genetic network. The next important phase of male maturation is the puberty, in which testosterone levels increase and induce the development of somatic and psychological characteristics of male sexuality. In the adult male, testosterone maintains sexual functions and fertility. In aging men, testosterone levels decrease slowly. Testosterone supplementation in the aging male is able to restore the function of androgen target organs only in part.  相似文献   

The role of the serotonergic mechanism in the regulation of β-endorphin (β-EP) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-like immunoreactivity in plasma was investigated. Increases in β-EP and ACTH-LI produced by quipazine maleate (QPZ), a serotonergic agonist, 1 hr after injection could be completely prevented by the serotonin (5-HT) antagonist, cinanserin (CIN), which when injected alone, decreased basal plasma concentrations of both β-EP-LI and ACTH-LI. Concurrent injections of L-5-HTP with the 5-HT reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine, produced an additive increase in plasma β-EP-LI 1 hr after injection. Injection of the 5-HT antagonist, cyproheptadine, significantly decreased plasma β-EP-LI. Stress by immobilization for 30 min or exposing the rats to 40° ± 1°C for 30 min produced an approximate 4-fold increase in plasma β-EP-LI and ACTH-LI, which was potentiated by I.P. injections of fluoxetine. Furthermore, the stress induced increases in plasma concentrations of β-EP-LI and ACTH-LI were significantly reduced by the serotonin antagonists metergoline and cinanserin. These results suggest that 5-HT is a potent stimulator of both β-EP and ACTH release and the increase in plasma concentrations of ACTH and β-EP induced by stress are probably mediated, at least in part, by central serotonergic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Male dimorphism has been reported across different taxa and is usually expressed as the coexistence of a larger morph with exaggerated male traits and a smaller one with reduced traits. The evolution and maintenance of male dimorphism are still poorly understood for several of the species in which it has been observed. Here, we analyse male dimorphism in several species of reptile parasitic nematodes of the genus Spauligodon, in which a major male morph (exaggerated morph), which presents the traditional male morphological traits reported for this taxon, coexists with a minor morph with reduced morphological traits (i.e. reduced genital papillae) resembling more closely the males of the sister genus Skrjabinodon than Spauligodon major males. Because of the level of uncertainty in the results of ancestral state reconstruction, it is unclear if the existence of male dimorphism in this group represents independent instances of convergent evolution or an ancestral trait lost multiple times. Also, although the number of major males per host was positively correlated with the number of females, the same did not hold true for minor males, whose presence was not associated with any other ecological factor. Nevertheless, the existence of male dimorphism in Spauligodon nematodes is tentatively interpreted as resulting from alternative reproductive tactics, with differences in presence and number of individuals as indicators of differences in fitness, with the lower numbers of minor males per host likely maintained by negative frequency‐dependent selection.  相似文献   

Mating system variation is profound in animals. In insects, female willingness to remate varies from mating with hundreds of males (extreme polyandry) to never remating (monandry). This variation in female behaviour is predicted to affect the pattern of selection on males, with intense pre-copulatory sexual selection under monandry compared to a mix of pre- and post-copulatory forces affecting fitness under polyandry. We tested the hypothesis that differences in female mating biology would be reflected in different costs of pre-copulatory competition between males. We observed that exposure to rival males early in life was highly costly for males of a monandrous species, but had lower costs in the polyandrous species. Males from the monandrous species housed with competitors showed reduced ability to obtain a mate and decreased longevity. These effects were specific to exposure to rivals compared with other types of social interactions (heterospecific male and mated female) and were either absent or weaker in males of the polyandrous species. We conclude that males in monandrous species suffer severe physiological costs from interactions with rivals and note the significance of male–male interactions as a source of stress in laboratory culture.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that parasite prevalence and mortality/health are related to cultural variation in women's preferences for attractive and masculine traits in men. Other studies have suggested that both male–male competition and wealth may also be important correlates of cross-cultural variation in women's masculinity preferences. Here we examined whether exposure to cues of direct male–male competition, violence, or wealth influenced women's face preferences. We showed women slideshows of images with cues of low and high direct male–male competition/violence or wealth and measured their visual preferences for masculine face traits. Recent visual experience changed women's preferences for facial masculinity, with women preferring more masculine male faces after exposure to images of men engaged in direct physical competition, images of weapons, or images depicting items of high monetary value. Recent visual experience had no significant effects on preferences for masculinity in same-sex faces. Given that high levels of direct physical competition and violence among males may increase the importance of direct intra-sexual competition, it may be adaptive for women to shift visual preferences in favor of males with face cues indicating physical strength and dominance over investment in such environments. Similarly, in wealthy environments investment may be less important than other aspects of quality and so it may be adaptive for women to shift visual preferences in favor of males with face cues indicating other aspects of quality over investment. Overall, our data demonstrate that preferences can be strategically flexible according to recent visual experience and support the notion of environment contingent preferences.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can cause reductions in fitness, driving the evolution of pre- and postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. There is now considerable evidence for such processes in females, but few studies have focused on males, particularly in the context of postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance. Here, we address this topic by exposing male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to either full-sibling or unrelated females and determining whether they adjust investment in courtship and ejaculates. Our results revealed that males reduce their courtship but concomitantly exhibit short-term increases in ejaculate quality when paired with siblings. In conjunction with prior work reporting cryptic female preferences for unrelated sperm, our present findings reveal possible sexually antagonistic counter-adaptations that may offset postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance by females.  相似文献   

Sexual selection against immigrants is a mechanism that can regulate premating isolation between populations but, so far, few field studies have examined whether males can discriminate between immigrant and resident females. Males of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens show mate preferences and are able to force pre‐copulatory tandems. We related male mate responses to the ecological characteristics of female origin, geographic distances between populations, and morphological traits of females to identify factors influencing male mate discrimination. Significant heterogeneity between populations in male mate responses towards females was found. In some populations, males discriminated strongly against immigrant females, whereas the pattern was reversed or nonsignificant in other populations. Immigrant females were particularly attractive to males when they came from populations with similar predation pressures and densities of conspecifics. By contrast, immigrant females from populations with strongly dissimilar predation pressures and conspecific densities were not attractive to males. Differences in the abiotic environment appeared to affect mating success to a lesser degree. This suggests that male mate discrimination is context‐dependent and influenced by ecological differences between populations, a key prediction of ecological speciation theory. The results obtained in the present study suggest that gene‐flow is facilitated between ecologically similar populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 506–518.  相似文献   

ΔFosB plays a critical role in drug-induced long-term changes in the brain. In the current study, we evaluated locomotor activity in male and female rats treated with saline or cocaine for 2 weeks and quantitatively mapped ΔFosB expression in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of each animal by using an anti-FosB antibody that recognizes ΔFosB isoforms preferentially. Behavioral analysis showed that while there was little difference between males and females that sensitized to cocaine, nonsensitizing rats showed a large sex difference. Nonsensitizing males showed low behavioral activation in response to cocaine on the first day of treatment, and their activity remained low. In contrast, nonsensitizing females showed high activation on the first day of treatment and their activity remained high. Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses indicated that basal levels of ΔFosB were higher in the nucleus accumbens than the dorsal striatum, but that the effect of cocaine on ΔFosB was greater in the dorsal striatum. Immunostaining showed that the effect of cocaine in both the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens was primarily to increase the intensity of ΔFosB immunoreactivity in individual neurons, rather than to increase the number of cells that express ΔFosB. Detailed mapping of ΔFosB-labeled nuclei showed that basal ΔFosB levels were highest in the medial portion of the dorsal striatum and dorsomedial accumbens, particularly adjacent to the lateral ventricle, whereas the cocaine-induced increase in ΔFosB was most pronounced in the lateral dorsal striatum, where basal ΔFosB expression was lowest. Sex differences in ΔFosB expression were small and independent of cocaine treatment. We discuss implications of the sex difference in locomotor activation and regionally-specific ΔFosB induction by cocaine.  相似文献   

Data on the variation of 12 microsatellite loci of Y-chromosome haplogroup C3 were used to screen lineages included in the cluster of Genghis Khan’s descendants in 18 northern Eurasian populations (Altaian Kazakhs, Altaians-Kizhi, Teleuts, Khakassians, Shorians, Tyvans, Todjins, Tofalars, Sojots, Buryats, Khamnigans, Evenks, Mongols, Kalmyks, Tajiks, Kurds, Persians, and Russians; the total sample size was 1437 people). The highest frequency of haplotypes from the cluster of the Genghis Khan’s descendants was found in Mongols (34.8%). In Russia, this cluster was found in Altaian Kazakhs (8.3%), Altaians (3.4%), Buryats (2.3%), Tyvans (1.9%), and Kalmyks (1.7%).  相似文献   

Summary Trout liver was disaggregated by perfusion with collagenase. Highly purified populations of parenchymal cells were obtained, yielding up to 12×108 viable cells per liver. Culture conditions for providing enhanced attachment and long-term cell survival were defined. The hepatocytes, attached to the plastic and cultured in a serum-free medium, were maintained as monolayers for 10 to 12 d without cell division. Cell viability decreased slightly within 1 wk as shown by intracellular lactic dehydrogenase and DNA content. Furthermore, these primary cultures were demonstrated to retain their competence to respond to estrogens by de novo synthesis of vitellogenin allowing the study of gene expression in vitro. This system, therefore, offers many applications for the study of the regulation of trout liver metabolism. This work was supported by CNRS: ATP Bases biologiques de l'Aquaculture 9.82.101 and INSERM.  相似文献   

Adult male rats with cannulated or ligated bile ducts were given S-(2-hydroxyoestradiol-1-yl)[(35)S]glutathione, S-(2-hydroxy[6,7-(3)H(2)]oestradiol-1-yl)glutathione or S-(2-hydroxyoestradiol-1-yl)[glycine-(3)H]glutathione by intraperitoneal injection. The recovery of radioactivity in the bile of bile duct-cannulated rats was 33-86% and in the urine of bile duct-ligated rats was 54-105%. Oestrogen thioether derivatives of glutathione, cysteinylglycine, cysteine and N-acetylcysteine were isolated from bile; only the N-acetylcysteine derivatives could be identified in the urine. The steroid moiety was characterized by microchemical tests before and after treatment with Raney nickel: 2-hydroxyoestradiol-17beta was released from the glutathione conjugate, and 2-hydroxyoestrone and 2-hydroxyoestrone 3-methyl ether from the other conjugates. From intact rats the recovery of administered radioactivity was about 15% in the urine and 5% in the faeces over a period of several days and the radioactivity appeared to be largely protein-bound. The results demonstrate that injected oestrogen-glutathione conjugate undergoes conversion into N-acetylcysteine derivatives in vivo. Oestrogen-glutathione conjugates formed in the intact rat may be excreted in an apparently non-steroidal, possibly protein-bound form, which would not be detected by current analytical techniques.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare the cumulative 21 year incidence of admission to hospital for osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, and ankle in former élite athletes and control subjects. DESIGN--National population based study. SETTING--Finland. SUBJECTS--2049 male athletes who had represented Finland in international events during 1920-65 and 1403 controls who had been classified healthy at the age of 20. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Hospital admissions for osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, and ankle joints identified from the national hospital discharge registry between 1970 and 1990. RESULTS--Athletes doing endurance sports, mixed sports, and power sports all had higher incidences of admission to hospital for osteoarthritis than controls. Age adjusted odds ratios compared with controls were 1.73 (95% confidence interval 0.99 to 3.01, P = 0.063) in endurance, 1.90 (1.24 to 2.92, P = 0.003) in mixed sports athletes, and 2.17 (1.41 to 3.32, P = 0.0003) in power sports athletes. The mean age at first admission to hospital was higher in endurance athletes (70.6) than in other groups (58.2 in mixed sports, 61.9 in power sports, and 61.2 in controls). Among the 2046 respondents to a questionnaire in 1985, the odds ratios for admission to hospital were similar in all three groups after adjusting for age, occupation, and body mass index at 20 (2.37, 2.42, 2.68). CONCLUSIONS--Athletes from all types of competitive sports are at slightly increased risk of requiring hospital care because of osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, or ankle. Mixed sports and power sports lead to increased admissions for premature osteoarthritis, but in endurance athletes the admissions are at an older age.  相似文献   

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