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In Triturus vulgaris meridionalis, the 18S + 28S rDNA sequences have been shown to be located in a number of additional chromosomal sites besides the nucleolus organizing region. The additional ribosomal sites have been found to vary as to their number and chromosomal location in different individuals of the species.—The data presented in this study concern the chromosomal distribution of the ribosomal sequences as analyzed by in situ hybridization technique in two individuals as well as in their offspring. The evidence obtained by this analysis indicates quite clearly that all 18S + 28S rRNA sites present in each individual genome are inherited according to simple mendelian principles.Abbreviations rRNA ribosomal RNA - NOR nucleolus organizer region - rDNA DNA coding for 18S+28S rRNA plus the intervening spacers - SSC 0.15M Sodium chloride, 0.015 M Sodium citrate, pH 7 - RNase ribonuclease  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of the cloaca and spermatheca of 13 female smooth newts ( Triturus vulgaris ) were studied by light microscopy. The cloaca consists of a short, anterior tube (which receives the oviducts), which opens into a larger, more posterior chamber. The spermatheca, which is the only gland in the cloaca, consists of a mass of exocrine, acinar tubules which empty individually and dorsolaterally into the posterior part of the cloacal tube and all but the most posterior part of the cloacal chamber. Stored sperm are most abundant in the spermathecal tubules during the peak of the breeding season (in May and June); during their period of storage, the sperm do not appear to make intimate contact with the epithelial cells lining the spermathecal tubules. Longterm storage of viable sperm from one breeding season to the next is probably absent in the smooth newt. Sperm storage by and multiple insemination of females both occur in this species and are necessary preconditions for competition between the sperm of different males for the fertilization of eggs. However, sperm competition has not been demonstrated in the smooth newt.  相似文献   

Growth of adult newts in southwestern Sweden has been studied from 1969 to 1972 in two ways: (1) The age of alcohol-preserved specimens has been determined by counting dark zones, which are thought to indicate hibernations, on transverse sections of bones (femur or humerus); and average body length and head width of the different age classes have been recorded and compared; (2) Free-living individuals have been identified by their ventral pattern, and body length and head width in different years have been recorded for each specimen. There was generally a small annual increase in body length and in head width, although the individual variation was large because some do not grow at all. Differences in growth were found between years, between populations and between sexes. It is concluded from these results that size should not be used for estimating the age of adult newts.  相似文献   

The 5S ribosomal RNA genes have been localized in mitotic and lampbrush chromosomes of Triturus vulgaris meridionalis by in situ hybridization. These genes are clustered in a single locus in an intercalary position of the long arm of chromosome XI. In lampbrush chromosome XI the 5S genes are located near a loop landmark mapped at 66 units.  相似文献   

The mitotic chromosomes of six specimens from Triturus vulgaris meridionalis have been examined by both in situ hybridization with 3H 18S+28S rRNA and AS-SAT staining method. The results of these two sets of experiments can be summarized as follows: 1) in each specimen the NORs and the additional ribosomal sites, which react positively to in situ hybridization with 3H 18S + 28S rRNA, are also stained by silver; 2) other chromosomal regions, which do not hybridize in situ with 3H 18S+28S rRNA, are on the other hand stained by the AS-SAT method. These latter Ag-positive sites show a species-specific pattern of chromosomal distribution.  相似文献   

Ribosomal genes have been localized on mitotic and lampbrush chromosomes of 20 specimens of Triturus vulgaris meridionalis by in situ hybridization with 3H 18S+28S rRNA. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) each individual shows positive in situ hybridization at the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) on chromosome XI; 2) in addition, many specimens exhibit a positive reaction in chromosomal sites other than the NOR (additional ribosomal sites); 3) the chromosomal distribution of the additional sites appears to be identical in different tissues from the same specimen and to follow a specific individual pattern; 4) the additional ribosomal sites are preferentially found at the telomeric, centromeric or C-band regions of the chromosomes involved.Abbreviations rRNA ribosomal RNA - NOR nucleolus organizer region - rDNA the DNA sequences coding for 18S+28S rRNA plus the intervening spacer sequences - SSC 0.15 M sodium chloride, 0.015 sodium citrate, pH 7  相似文献   

The MspI family of highly repeated sequences is a centromeric satellite DNA representing about 1% of the genome of the Italian smooth newt, Triturus vulgaris meridionalis. We have studied the structure, genomic organization, chromosomal localization and conservation across species of this family. MspI sequences are around 197 bp long, as shown by sequencing of three cloned units. The family is organized in large clusters of tandemly arrayed units, present at almost all the centromeres of T.v. meridionalis, and is well conserved in the T.v. vulgaris subspecies. Conserved MspI sequences are also present in the related species T. helveticus, where they appear to be clustered at the centromeres of only a few chromosomes. MspI sequences are not found in other Triturus species analysed. The correlation of these sequences with the overall distribution pattern of heterochromatin and the extent of their conservation within the genus Triturus, are discussed.  相似文献   

During early embryogenesis of the newt Triturus vulgaris (early gastrula to early neurula) the DNA was characterized by various methods of genome analysis. By preparative CsCl density gradient centrifugation an AT-rich satellite fraction (about 10% of total DNA) was found in all developmental stages studied. An additional GC-rich fraction, with a portion of about 3% of the genome, could be visualized only in the yolk plug stages. Filter hybridization experiments with labelled ribosomal RNA indicate that the number of rRNA cistrons is by a factor of 1.69±0.17 higher in the DNA of the mid-gastrula than of the tailbud stage. In ethidium bromide-CsCl gradients this additional (possibly amplified) rDNA bands at the same density as linear DNA. The analytical cleavage of DNA with ten restriction endonucleases reveals an extreme heterogeneity of the Triturus genome. The methylation pattern of DNA, studied with the aid of the isoschizomers Hpa II and Msp I, remains constant during early development. The reassociation kinetics of DNA, recorded spectrophotometrically, show that the portion of DNA that reassociates until Cot 10 increases significantly from 20% in the gastrula stages to 30% in the early neurula stage.  相似文献   

  • 1 When a male smooth newt encounters a ♀ who is already engaged in courtship, he may mimic her behaviour during the spermatophore deposition and transfer stages of the courtship. He thereby usurps the courting ♂ and may inseminate the ♀ himself. Such sexual interference depresses the short-term, and perhaps long-term, mating success of the courting ♂.
  • 2 In the presence of a potential rival, the courting ♂ alters certain aspects of his sexual behaviour. He displays more intensely to the ♀ and attempts to draw her away from the rival by increasing the duration of his display. He may also “check” that it is the ♀, and not the rival, who will elicit the deposition of a spermatophore from him. These changes in the behaviour of the courting ♂ are interpreted as defense against sexual interference.
  • 3 Female smooth newts may be multiply inseminated as a consequence of sexual interference; this may result in sperm competition. However, ♀♀ seem to find competitive interactions between ♂ ♂ “aversive”.
  • 4 Sexual interference by ♀-mimicry and associated defensive behaviour patterns are common in the urodele amphibians. Interference can be thought of as a “side-payment” conditional mating strategy.

In the present study we investigated sexual isolation between Triturus vulgaris and 77 montandoni in mating experiments run under semi-natural conditions. The two newt species offer a suitable model for studying evolution of reproductive isolation and mating preferences because they arc genetically the most similar species within the genus and readily hybridize in nature. Separate experiments were conducted in which groups of virgin females were placed together (in artificial pools) with groups of homospecific, heterospecific or both types of males. The estimates of reproductive isolation and mating propensity were based on the numbers of females producing hybrids and/or non-hybrid progeny. The levels of reproductive isolation, isolation asymmetry (IA) and propensity asymmetry (PA) were significant only for experiments in which females were given a choice between conspecific and heterospecific males. This implies that mating experiments with no interspecific choice may reduce discrimination and affect patterns of IA and PA. Asymmetry in reproductive isolation was also significant when the analysis was confined to just inseminated females. Differences in habitat preferences and condition of females possibly contributed to the relatively high values of PA.  相似文献   

The spermatogenesis of 9 F1 hybrids of Triturus cristatus carnifex × T. vulgaris meridionalis was studied in squash preparations of testicular fragments, treated by the C-staining method. The chromosome number of these hybrids was examined in spermatogonial metaphases and found to be diploid. The two parental sets were always recognized, which means that a regular, although heterospecific, amphimixis occurred (2n=n+n). Meiotic prophase I is greatly altered owing to a failure of typical chromosome pairing and chiasma formation. At metaphase I and/or meta-anaphase I, the effects of the hybrid combination of the 2 specific parental sets are clearly visible. Most primary spermatocytes contain only univalents. A few show chromosome associations (bivalents, trivalents and, more rarely, quadrivalent chains) besides univalents. Such associations are of 2 types: (a) intragenomal associations = associations of 2 chromosomes by a terminal (a1) or subterminal chiasma (a2); (b) intergenomal associations = associations of 2 chromosomes by a terminal (b1) or subterminal chiasma (b2). Univalents segregate at random while the associations often lag on the equatorial plane or migrate entire to a spindle pole. Primary spermatocytes with chromosome multivalents can encounter greater difficulties in accomplishing the first cytokinesis. Secondary spermatocytes are numerically and qualitatively unbalanced; however, some of them undergo spermiogenesis and can give rise to a small number of sperms, generally abnormal and never united in bundles. — Problems related to the occurrence of anomalous chiasmata and of intra- and inter-genomal homologies are discussed.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis in the F1 hybrid (2n=24=12 +12 ) between the closely related newt species T. cristatus carnifex and T. marmoratus was apparently normal up to pachytene. Many unpaired chromosomes were present at diplotene and a typical diakinesis was lacking. Primary spermatocytes at meta-and meta-anaphase contained up to 12 regular intergenomal bivalents and a corresponding number of univalents when less then 12 II. Most chiasmata were terminal or subterminal, some intercalary. Chiasmata between corresponding heterospecific chromosomes can be reported as true: real crossing over has taken place, proving the presence of primary chromosomal homologies between the 2 sets of the parental species. Evidence for recombination is based on the segregation of particular markers (i.e., subterminal C-bands and NORs) observed in certain chromosomes at metaphase II. One chromatid of single chromosomes can show the T. cristatus phenotype and the other the T. marmoratus phenotype. A few primary spermatocytes contain a certain number of irregular associations (intragenomal or intrahaploid bivalents, irregular intergenomal bivalents, chromosome multivalents) joined by chiasmata which can be defined as anomalous. Other abnormalities concern the occurrence of interlocked bivalents which occasionally show an anomalous exchange between heterologous chromatids. — Cytogenetic criteria useful to evaluate the taxonomic relationships between different species have been discussed as well as some possible trends in chromosome evolution and speciation within the genus Triturus.  相似文献   

The relevance of the temporal spacing of signals to the timing and nature of the receiver's response during a communicative process was studied in the sexual behaviour of the smooth newt Triturus vulgaris. The possibility that a high rate of stimulation allows an accumulation of the effects of successive signals was investigated by comparing sexual interactions leading and not leading to spermatophore deposition. Results showed that the difference between the two types of interactions lay only in temporal features of the stimulation provided by the male to the female. Females, although in a comparable initial state of receptivity and exposed to comparable amounts of stimulation, performed the act triggering spermatophore deposition by the male only in some interactions. Display bouts, in which the male displayed at short intervals (less than 4 s), were longer in interactions where spermatophore deposition took place than in the others. This suggests that courtship was effective if accumulation of the effects of male displays could occur. This proposition was supported by the observation of a progressive change in the immediate female response to a given male display in the group where courtship bouts were longer. Our results indicate the existence of a system of tonic communication (see Schleidt 1973) during the sexual behaviour of the smooth newt, in which the effects of the male displays accumulate over time until some critical threshold is reached in the female.  相似文献   

An account is given of worker characteristics, worker activities and brood characteristics in nests of Vespula vulgaris. Variations in queen productivity and efficiency of reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

The males of Triturus vulgaris and Triturus helveticus can be differentiated by a number of morphological characters whose biological function is unknown. It is suggested that these characters enhance the effectiveness of male displays performed during sexual behaviour. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to the taxonomic and genetic relationships between the two species.  相似文献   

Compared to teleost fishes, a unique character of the myogenesis of the plesiomorphic A. baeri is the fusion of myoblasts derived from the somite, leading to the formation of multinucleate muscle lamellae. Then, the lamellae are converted into cylindrical muscle fibres. The mechanism of transformation of lamellae into fibres is still debatable. Early embryonic muscle growth is mainly due to the hypertrophy of somite-cell derived stock. After hatching, hypertrophic growth occurs parallel to hyperplastic growth. Proliferatively active mesenchymal cells, which migrate from the intermyotomal space into the myotomes, participate in both processes.  相似文献   

The ribosomal RNA genes of Triturus vulgaris meridionalis (Amphibia, Urodela) show the peculiar feature of being clustered not only at the nucleolar organizer, present in the species at a definite chromosome location, but also at "additional ribosomal sites" which are highly variable in number and chromosomal distribution among individuals. The additional ribosomal sites are most often found at specific chromosome regions, such as telomeres, C-bands and centromeres, in virtually all the chromosomes. With increasing numbers of additional clusters, the genomic dosages of ribosomal RNA genes are found to increase over a tenfold range, though not linearly. At a molecular level, the ribosomal DNA repeats differ in size because of discrete variations in the length of the non-transcribed spacers. However, the resulting length heterogeneity of the gene family is rather limited within a single genome as well as within the species. Many of the ribosomal loci appear to be internally homogeneous with respect to the repeat length. Moreover, separate clusters from distant genomic regions can share the same size class of ribosomal repeats even in the same specimen. The nucleolar organizer is mostly endowed with "shorter" ribosomal repeating units, ranging in size from 13.7 X 10(3) to 15.2 X 10(3) base-pairs. The additional ribosomal sites are characterized by the occurrence of "longer" repeats, ranging in size from 16.2 X 10(3) to 19.7 X 10(3) base-pairs. The "shorter" class of ribosomal repeats is always detected in the amplified ribosomal DNA, suggesting that the nucleolar organizer locus is involved in the amplification process in most oocytes. "Longer" ribosomal repeats are also detectable in the amplified ribosomal DNA of a few females.  相似文献   

Fetal rabbit skin between 10 and 26 days of gestation was observed by light and electron microscopy. The present study indicates that rapid epidermal differentiation, including the epidermal downgrowths as primordia of the hair follicles, is induced by aggregation of mesenchymal cells associated with growing capillaries beneath the epidermis. In addition, the transformation of these mesenchymal cells to vasoformative cells for rapid capillary growth is further evidenced by this study. Glycogen-storing cells in the periderm are most numerous between 15 and 18 days of gestation, but disappear almost completely by 20 days when a capillary network develops beneath the epidermis. This may imply an active involvement of the periderm in glucose uptake from the amniotic fluid during early developmental stages of the skin.  相似文献   

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