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Summary Tomato plants were grown in water-culture with a different supply of Ca (10, 100 ppm) and B (0, 0.2 ppm), and the effects of B deficiency on the translocation and subcellular distribution of Ca in tomato plants were studied by using45CaCl2 as a carrier of Ca. Boron deficiency slight increased the total Ca uptake by the plant and inhibited the Ca translocation to the upper leaves. The incorporation of45Ca into the cell wall in the upper leaves was increased by B deficiency at both Ca levels. As Ca supply decreased, the distribution of45Ca in the 1N NaCl fraction of the cell wall increased only at 0.2 ppm B. As B supply decreased, the distribution of45Ca in the 0.6N HCl fraction increased at both Ca levels. These results suggest that B deficiency inhibit the translocation of Ca, and induce the abnormal changes of the Ca metabolism in the cell wall.  相似文献   

A. E. Hall 《Oecologia》1979,43(3):299-316
Summary A model of leaf photosynthesis and repiration was developed which adequately predicted carbon dioxide assimilation responses by a C 3 species, Atriplex patula, to light, [CO2], [O2] and temperature in controlled environments. Methods were developed for estimating input parameters using laboratory, controlled environment and field data.  相似文献   

Addition of ammonia to Chlorella pyrenoidosa, respiring in the dark following a period of photosynthesis, causes a stimulation of the flow of carbon into the synthesis of amino acids similar to that observed upon addition of ammonia during photosynthesis. In both cases, this stimulation is due not only to the increased availability of NH4+ for reductive amination of -ketoglutarate to glutamate but is also due to stimulation of the rate of conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate. Addition of NH4+in the dark causes a large increase in the formation of 6-phosphogluconate, beyond the increase in 6-phosphogluconate already seen when the light is turned off. When the light is turned off, the level of starch begins to decrease, and the rate of this decrease is not changed by the subsequent addition of ammonia. In contrast, the level of sucrose becomes nearly constant when the light is turned off, but begins immediately to decline when ammonia is added. As observed before, the level of ATP drops temporarily when the light is turned off and then rises to a steady state similar to that seen in the light. Upon the addition of ammonia, a similar transient drop and re-establishment in the level of ATP is seen.

These and other reported results are discussed with respect to sites and mechanisms of light-dark metabolic regulation leading to increased flow of carbon from carbohydrate reserves into mitochondrial metabolism in the dark, and the sites and mechanisms by which ammonia affects the rate of this flow.  相似文献   

In spinach (Spinacia oleracea Hybrid 102 [New World seeds]) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Gabo) leaves, O2 uptake rates in the dark were faster after the plants had been allowed to photosynthesize for a period of several hours. Alternative path activity also increased following a period of photosynthesis in these leaves. No such effects were observed with isolated mitochondria. In spinach and wheat leaves, the level of fructose plus glucose decreased during a period of darkness. In pea (Pisum sativum cv Alaska) leaves, the level of these sugars did not vary significantly during the day, and respiratory rates were also constant. In slices cut from wheat leaves harvested at the end of the night, addition of sugars increased the rate of respiration and engaged the previously latent alternative oxidase. In pea leaves, O2 uptake in the first few minutes following illumination was faster than that observed before illumination, but declined during the next 15 to 20 minutes. Adding the alternative oxidase inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid, or imposing high bicarbonate concentrations during the period of photosynthesis, prevented the rise in O2 uptake rate during the immediate post illumination period.

We conclude that the level of respiratory substrate in leaves determines their rate of O2 uptake, and the degree to which the alternative path contributes to that O2 uptake.


M. M. Ludlow 《Planta》1970,91(4):285-290
Summary Net photosynthesis of tropical legume leaves increased by 44% and that of tropical grass leaves was unaffected when oxygen concentration was reduced from 21 to 0.2%. Stomatal resistance to carbon dioxide diffusion was unaltered in both cases but mesophyll resistance of legume leaves decreased with oxygen concentration. It is proposed that the decrease in mesophyll resistance is accompanied by decreases in excitation and carboxylation resistances.  相似文献   

番茄叶片光合作用对快速水分胁迫的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)溶液控制番茄根际水势和叶片离体的方式设置了水分胁迫处理,测算了光合诱导过程中净光合速率、暗呼吸速率和CO2补偿点等光合参数的变化.结果表明:在1000μmol·m-2·s-1光诱导下,水分胁迫处理的番茄叶片净光合速率(Pn)达到最大值所需时间缩短为对照的1/3,气孔导度(gs)快速增大为对照的1.5倍.水分胁迫处理的番茄叶片光饱和点(LSP)比对照降低了65%~85%,而光补偿点(LCP)比对照增加了75% ~100%,缩小了番茄叶片利用光能的有效范围.水分胁迫处理的番茄叶片最大光合能力(Amax)低于对照40%以上,暗呼吸速率(Rd)增大了约45%.可见,快速水分胁迫处理使番茄叶片气孔迅速开放,光合诱导初始阶段消失.水分胁迫导致植物利用光能的效率和潜力降低是植物生产力下降的重要原因,而气孔调节是番茄适应快速水分胁迫的重要生理机制.  相似文献   

Six Lolium genotypes with contrasting apparent photorespiration and COa compensation concentration, [C02]c, were compared for net photosynthesis, dark respiration, leaf starch accumulation, rate of leaf expansion and shoot regrowth. Plants were grown in day/night temperatures of 15/10 and 25/20 oC. There were significant (P < 0–05) differences between the genotypes in all these parameters. At 25/20 oC apparent photorespiration was correlated with [CO2]c. Correlation coefficients, pooled from both temperature regimes, revealed that genotypes with high rates of net photosynthesis accumulated more leaf starch during light periods than genotypes with slow photosynthesis, but rates of leaf expansion and dry matter increase were only correlated, negatively, with dark respiration. Apparent photorespiration was negatively correlated with dark respiration. These findings suggest that attributes related to photorespiration such as [CO2]c and O2 uptake from CO2-free air in the light are unlikely to be useful selection criteria for growth of C3 grasses, that net photosynthesis was probably not limiting growth and that maintenance respiration may have been an important determinant of genotypic differences in growth rate. Selections for slow and fast rates of dark respiration of mature leaves were therefore made at 8 and at 25 oC from within two different populations of L. perenne, S.23. This characteristic showed repeatabilities (broad-sense heritability) of from 0–41 to o-66. Six independent comparisons of simulated swards of the slow- and fast-respiring selections were made under periodic cutting regimes, either in a growth room at 25 oC or in a glasshouse from August to May. Growth of all plots of slow-respiring genotypes was consistently more rapid than that of the fast-respiring, at 25 oC in the growth room, and during autumn and spring in the glasshouse. There was no difference in winter growth. The implications of these results for the use of gas exchange measurements as selection criteria in plant breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

Potassium deficient (−K) and potassium sufficient (+K) plants were exposed to four days of water stress. Well watered −K and +K plants had comparable rates of transpiration. But +K plants had a larger leaf area and depleted the soil moisture to a greater extent on day 1 of stress. For days 2 and 3 their transpiration rate, leaf water potential and relative water content fell below those of −K plants. Well watered −K plants had a significantly lower rate of photosynthesis than +K plants. Photosynthesis of −K plants was more sensitive to reduction in plant water potential than that of +K plants. Reduction of photosythesis in −K leaves was due to impairment of photosynthetic capacity and not to stomatal closure. Growth was significantly reduced in −K plants.  相似文献   

The relationship between net photosynthetic (P N) and leaf respiration (R) rates of Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia, Myrtus communis, Arbutus unedo, and Cistus incanus was monitored in the period February 2006 to February 2007. The species investigated had low R and P N during winter, increasing from March to May, when mean air temperature reached 19.2 °C. During the favourable period, C. incanus and A. unedo had a higher mean P N (16.4±2.4 μmol m−2 s−1) than P. latifolia, Q. ilex, and M. communis (10.0±1.3 μmol m−2 s−1). The highest R (1.89±0.30 μmol m−2 s−1, mean of the species), associated to a significant P N decrease (62 % of the maximum, mean value of the species), was measured in July (mean R/P N ratio 0.447±0.091). Q10, indicating the respiration sensitivity to short-term temperature increase, was in the range 1.49 to 2.21. Global change might modify R/P N determining differences in dry matter accumulation among the species, and Q. ilex and P. latifolia might be the most favoured species by their ability to maintain sufficiently higher P N and lower R during stress periods.  相似文献   

An assessment of the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) infection on photosynthesis, carbon (C) allocation, translocation and biomass production of cucumber, grown in sand culture, was made using a previously determined phosphorus (P) supply (0·13 mol m?3 P) which had a significant impact on AM infection. Separation of a direct effect of AM infection from an indirect one due to an enhanced leaf P status was achieved using a comparable non‐mycorrhizal treatment (NAM + P) supplemented with extra P (0·19 mol m?3 P). Total leaf P concentration, specific leaf mass, photosynthetic capacity, and incorporation of 14C into non‐structural carbohydrate pools were dependent on leaf age. Both maximum and ambient photosynthetic rates were significantly higher in the youngest fully expanded leaves from AM and NAM + P plants which also had the higher leaf P concentrations. There were no differences in the total concentrations of starch, sucrose, raffinose or stachyose in young or old leaves among AM, non‐mycorrhizal (NAM) and NAM + P treatments. However, younger leaves of NAM plants showed a shift in 14C‐partitioning from stachyose and raffinose synthesis to starch accumulation. Determination of ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), sucrose synthase and sucrose phosphate synthase enzyme activities revealed that only AGPase activity was correlated with the increased incorporation rate of 14C into starch in young leaves of NAM plants. Although there were significant AM‐specific effects on C translocation to the root system, AM plants had similar rate of photosynthesis to NAM + P plants. These results suggest that the increase in photosynthetic rate in leaves of AM‐infected cucumber was due to an increased P status, rather than a consequence of a mycorrhizal ‘sink’ for assimilates.  相似文献   

Terry N  Ulrich A 《Plant physiology》1973,51(4):783-786
Sugar beet plants (Beta vulgaris L. var. F5855441) were germinated and cultured under standardized environmental conditions for 28 days. Potassium deficiency was then induced by withholding K from the culture solution. Changes in CO2 and water vapor exchange rates and surface temperatures of individual attached leaves were measured with time after K cut-off, along with changes in the concentrations of the leaf minerals K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn. During the 1st week after K cut-off the concentration of Na in the leaf blade increased from 200 to 1000 milliequivalents per kilogram dry matter while K decreased from 1500 to 300 milliequivalents per kilogram. During the subsequent 2 weeks, both Na and K concentrations decreased. The concentrations of other leaf minerals, except Mn, were little affected by K cut-off. Photosynthetic CO2 uptake per unit area decreased linearly with time after cut-off and attained one-third of the control rate after 21 days. Low K apparently decreased photosynthesis through an increase in mesophyll resistance to CO2 (rm) from 2.8 to 5.3 seconds per centimeter in 21 days. Leaf (mainly stomatal) diffusion resistance (r1) increased only slowly during the first 15 days from 0.3 to 0.5 second per centimeter, eventually reaching 1.6 seconds per centimeter at 21 days. Low K progressively decreased the photorespiratory evolution of CO2 into CO2-free air, but steadily increased the rate of CO2 evolution in dark.  相似文献   

Terry N  Ulrich A 《Plant physiology》1974,54(3):379-381
The effects of Mg deficiency on the photosynthesis and respiration of sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L. cv. F58-554H1) were studied by withholding Mg from the culture solution and by following changes in CO2 and water vapor exchange of attached leaves. Leaf blade Mg concentration decreased from about 1200 to less than 200 meq kg−1 dry matter without change in the rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake per unit leaf area, while from 200 to 50 meq kg−1 the rate decreased to one-third. Rates of photorespiratory evolution of CO2 into CO2-free air responded to Mg like those of photosynthetic CO2 uptake, the rates decreasing to one-half, below 200 meq kg−1. Respiratory CO2 evolution in the dark increased almost 2-fold in low Mg leaves. Magnesium deficiency had less effect on leaf (mainly stomatal) diffusion resistance (r1) than on mesophyll resistance (rm); in Mg-deficient plants rm increased from 2.9 to 7.1 sec cm−1, whereas r1 became significantly greater than the control value only in the most severe instances of Mg deficiency.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency was induced in sugar beet plants (Beta vulgaris L. var. F5855441), cultured hydroponically under standardized environmental conditions, by removal of phosphorus from the nutrient supply at the ten leaf stage 28 days after germination. CO2 and water vapor exchange rates of individual attached leaves were determined at intervals after P cutoff. Leaves grown with an adequate nutrient supply attained net rates of photosynthetic CO2 fixation of 125 ng CO2 cm−2 sec−1 at saturating irradiance, 25 C, and an ambient CO2 concentration of about 250 μl l−1. After P cutoff, leaf phosphorus concentrations decreased as did net rates of photosynthetic CO2 uptake, photorespiratory evolution of CO2 into CO2-free air, and dark respiration, so that 30 days after cutoff these rates were about one-third of the control rates. The decrease in photosynthetic rates during the first 15 days after cutoff was associated with increased mesophyll resistance (rm) which increased from 2.4 to 4.9 sec cm−1, while from 15 to 30 days there was an increase in leaf (mainly stomatal) diffusion resistance (rl′) from 0.3 to 0.9 sec cm−1, as well as further increases in rm to 8.5 sec cm−1. Leaf diffusion resistance (rl′) was increased greatly by low P at low but not at high irradiance, rl′ for plants at low P reaching values as high as 9 sec cm−1.  相似文献   

Green plant cells can generate ATP in both chloroplasts and mitochondria. Hence the effect of photosynthesis on dark mitochondrial respiration can be considered at a variety of levels. Turnover of ceitric acid cycle dehydrogenases, which is essential for supply of carbon skeletons for amino acid synthesis, seems to be largely unaffected during photosynthesis. The source of carbon for the anaplerotic function of the citric acid cycle in light is however, not known with certainty. NADH generated in these reactions is probably not oxidised via the mitochondrial electron transfer chain coupled to ATP synthesis. However, it may be oxidised by the alternative cyanide-insensitive pathway, exported to the cytosol via the oxaloacetate-malate dicarboxylate shuttle or directly utilised for cytosolic nitrate reduction. Oxidation of succinate via cytochrome oxidase may also be similarly inhibited in light. Whether increase in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio in light is responsible for the inhibition of mitochondrial electron transfer to O2 is not clearly established, because the ATP/ADP ratio is reported to be already quite high in the dark. Effective collaboration between photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation in order to maintain the cytosolic energy charge at a present high level is discussed.  相似文献   

施氮对不同抗旱性冬小麦叶片光合与呼吸的调控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在大田条件下对两个不同抗旱特性的冬小麦品种全生育期叶片光合气体交换参数、光合色素含量和呼吸值及其对氮素水平的响应进行了研究.结果表明,施氮180 kg·hm-2处理旱地品种叶片气孔导度、总光合色素含量、光合速率较不施氮处理在全生育期分别提高了43.75%、18.54%和49.66%,水地品种分别提高了12.12%、20.88%和29.25%;而旱地品种总呼吸速率降低了4.8%,水地品种降低了4.5%.适量施氮,增强了小麦叶片的气体交换能力,提高了光合色素含量,并降低了呼吸速率,从而提高了小麦叶片光合碳同化能力.小麦品种间光合的差异主要由非气孔因素引起.旱地品种呼吸速率较低,吸收的光能较多地用于光合碳同化作用.不施氮处理叶片光合速率较高的生育时期其呼吸速率也高,而施氮处理叶片光合速率高的生育时期呼吸值较低.施氮增加了光能向光合碳同化方向的分配.施氮对提高冬小麦抗旱能力有积极作用,其机理在于氮素改善了叶片气体交换状况,提高了光合色素含量,并优化了叶片对光能吸收的分配.  相似文献   

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