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A photoautotrophic cell-suspension culture of Euphorbia characias L. grown at 70 [mu]mol photons m-2 s-1 was very sensitive to light stress: the gross photosynthesis measured by using a mass spectrometric 16O2/18O2 isotope technique showed a fast decrease at a rather low light intensity of 100 [mu]mol photons m-2 s-1, far below the photosynthetic saturation level. The contribution of activated oxygen species on photosystem II photoinhibition was examined for a given light intensity. A protective effect on gross photosynthesis was observed with 1% oxygen. When light stress was applied to a methyl viologen-adapted cell suspension, photoinhibition was reduced. When 50 [mu]mol L-1 methyl viologen was added, photoinhibition was slightly enhanced. These responses suggested an involvement of superoxide radicals in the photoinhibition process of E. characias photoautotrophic cells. The long-term (16 h) effects of photoinhibition were then studied. Aldehyde (malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxyalcenals) production resulting from lipid peroxidation was stimulated in long-term stressed cells. When 50 [mu]mol L-1 methyl viologen were added, increased aldehyde production was measured. Under 1% oxygen, the aldehyde production was comparable to that of nonstressed cells. The relationship among lipid peroxidation, light intensity, and net photosynthesis suggests that aldehyde production may result from cell death provoked by a prolonged energy deficit due to the inhibition of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Growth of photomixotrophic cell culture of Euphorbia characias L. is described; oxygen exchange rates were measured along this growth cycle using a mass-spectrometric technique. During the exponential and mid-stationary phases, photosynthesis was strongly increasing, the major part of oxygen uptake in the light was due to mitochondrial respiration. In the late stationary phase, gross photosynthesis was decreasing; this could not be explained by an alteration of Rubisco because photorespiratory process could be observed; in addition the Mehler reaction must be called upon to explain whole oxygen uptake in the light.  相似文献   

Changes in various components of photosynthetic activity duringthe dark induced senescence of detached wheat leaves, maintainedat 25°C (control) and 35°C (mildly elevated temperaturetreatment), were examined. Senescence-associated decline measuredup to 96 h, in photosynthetic activity was appreciably hastenedat 35°C, than at 25°C as evident by the relative higherlosses of chlorophyll, photosystem (PS) II and PS I catalyzedphotochemical activities and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)carboxylase activity. In addition, a comparatively higher risein light scattering profile of isolated chloroplasts was notedat 35°C than at 25°C. Senescence-induced degradationof chlorophyll was faster at 35°C than at 25°C; on theother hand, the degradation of carotenoids was faster at 25°Cthan at 35°C. Furthermore, the ratio of carotenoids to chlorophyllincreased with senescence up to 96 hours, higher ratio beingobtained at 35°C than at 25°C. Both PS II and PS I activitiesshowed a transient rise in the beginning phase of dark incubation,whereas loss in chlorophyll was continuous throughout the periodof senescence. The initial rise observed in photochemical activitieswas attributable to the uncoupling of electron transport fromphotophosphorylation. Elevated temperature treatment resultedin greater inactivation of RuBP carboxylase than control. Itappears that during senescence the loss in chlorophyll and RuBPcarboxylase activity are triggered simultaneously. (Received June 7, 1985; Accepted October 30, 1985)  相似文献   

The chemical forms of inorganic carbon, CO2 or HCO3-, incorporated during photosynthesis in photoautotrophic Euphorbia characias cell suspension cultures were determined in experiments using 13CO2 and a mass spectrometry technique. From the equations of the CO2 hydration reaction, a kinetic model was first developed, and the effect of photosynthesis on the external CO2 concentration was simulated. It was predicted from this model that CO2 and HCO3- uptakes could be differentiated by recording only the CO2 variation rate in the external medium, successively in absence then in presence of an exogenous carbonic anhydrase activity. The results obtained with either CO2-grown or air-grown photoautotrophic cells were in good agreement with the model and demonstrated that CO2 was the sole species taken up during photosynthesis. In addition no accumulation of inorganic carbon within the cells was observed in the light. Similarly, in dark, CO2 was the only species released by respiration in the external medium.  相似文献   

The rate of carbon dioxide exchange in both light and darkness by detached tobacco leaves placed at various oxygen concentrations was measured by an Infra-Red CO2 Analyzer and a Clark oxygen electrode. It was observed that during illumination oxygen had two different effects. One was to stimulate carbon dioxide evolution and the other to inhibit carbon dioxide absorption. Concentration of carbon dioxide at compensation point was found to be a linear function of oxygen concentration and this has been explained as due mainly to an increased evolution of carbon dioxide. Such an evolution during illumination has been called photorespiration. Increased concentrations of oxygen also had a stimulating effect on the magnitude of the initial post-illumination burst of carbon dioxide in darkness, but no effect on the subsequent steady rates. These data have been explained as due to the suspension of regular respiration in darkness and its replacement by a different process, tentatively called photorespiration. A second effect of oxygen was to reduce the efficiency (called “carboxylation efficiency”) with which a leaf was able to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Jia  H.S.  Han  Y.Q.  Li  D.Q. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(1):151-156
In the course of dehydration, the gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence were measured under irradiance of 800 mol m–2 s–1 in detached apple leaves, and the production of active oxygen species (AOS), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide (O2 ), hydroxyl radical (–OH), and singlet oxygen (1O2), were determined. Leaf net photosynthetic rate (P N) was limited by stomatal and non-stomatal factors at slight (2–3 h dehydration) and moderate (4–5 h dehydration) water deficiency, respectively. Photoinhibition occurred after 3-h dehydration, which was defined by the decrease of photosystem 2 (PS2) non-cyclic electron transport (P-rate). After 2-h dehydration, an obvious rise in H2O2 production was found as a result of photorespiration rise. If photorespiration was inhibited by sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3), the rate of post-irradiation transient increase in Chl fluorescence (Rfp) was enhanced in parallel with a slight decline in P-rate and with an increase in Mehler reaction. At 3-h dehydration, leaf P-rate decrease could be blocked by glycine (Gly) or methyl viologen (MV) pre-treatment, and MV was more effective than Gly at moderate drought time. AOS (H2O2 and O2 ), prior to photoinhibition produced from photorespiration and Mehler reaction in detached apple leaves at slight water deficiency, were important in dissipating photon energy which was excess to the demand of CO2 assimilation. So photoinhibition could be effectively prevented by the way of AOS production.  相似文献   

Effect of phosphorus deficiency on photosynthetic and respiratory CO2 exchanges were analysed in primary leaves of 2-week-old bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Golden Saxa) plants under non-photorespiratory (2 % O2) and photorespiratory (21 % O2) conditions. Low P decreased maximum net photosynthetic rate (PNmax) and increased the time necessary to reach it. In the leaves of P-deficient plants the relative decrease of PNmax at 2 % O2 was larger than at 21 % O2. The results suggested the influence of photorespiration in the cellular turnover of phosphates.  相似文献   

Activity assays, conformational changes and transitional switches between secondary structures of a peroxidase from Euphorbia characias were studied in the presence of trifluoroethanol and in the presence or absence of calcium ions. The addition of trifluoroethanol up to 10–20% first induced a drastic decrease of α-helix content followed by an increase of tryptophan fluorescence emission intensity, a progressive re-induction of the formation of α-helical elements concomitant with loss of enzyme activity. In the presence of calcium ions, the fluorescence of the enzyme almost remained unchanged in the trifluoroethanol concentration range 5–20%. Further increase in trifluoroethanol concentration led to a protein structure characterized by a progressive re-induction of α-helical elements, a remarkable increase of the tryptophan fluorescence and a loss of enzyme activity. These results indicate that calcium ions in Euphorbia peroxidase play an essential role in maintaining the hydrophobic interactions on the protein structure preserving enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

A natural rubber was identified and characterized for the first time in the latex of the perennial Mediterranean shrub Euphorbia characias. Four different methods, i.e., acetone, acetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, and Triton® X‐100, followed by successive treatments with cyclohexane/ethanol, were employed to extract the natural rubber. The rubber content was shown to be 14% (w/v) of the E. characias latex, a low content compared with that of Hevea brasiliensis (30–35%) but a similar content to other rubber producing plants. E. characias rubber showed a molecular weight of 93,000 with a Mw/Mn of 2.9. 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and FTIR analysis revealed the characteristic of the cis‐1,4‐polyisoprene typical of natural rubber. These results provided novel insight into latex components and will ultimately benefit the broader understanding of E. characias latex composition. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97: 589–594, 2012.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, O2, and CO2 on titratable acid content and on CO2 exchange were measured in detached pineapple (Ananas comosus) leaves during the daily 15-hour light period. Comparative measurements were made in air and in CO2-free air. Increasing the leaf temperature from 20 to 35 C decreased the total CO2 uptake in air and slightly increased the total CO2 released into CO2-free air. Between 25 and 35 C, the activation energy for daily acid loss was near 12 kcal mol−1, but at lower temperatures the activation energy was much greater.  相似文献   

Gamma-irradiation (250 Gy) applied to photoautotrophic cell suspensions of Euphorbia characias L. in the exponential growth phase led to the arrest of cell division and to a subsequent overaccumulation of sucrose and dry matter. From the fourth day of culture, the chlorophyll content and gross photosynthesis were not depressed by gamma-treatment nor by sugar accumulation. In both cultures, no difference was observed between oxygen uptake in the light at CO2 saturating concentration and in the dark, suggesting that no change in energy-dissipative reactions took place after irradiation. A slight increase in oxygen uptake in both light and dark was observed in irradiated cells during the first four days. However, in the absence of limiting factors, the photosynthetic capacities of the dividing and irradiated non-dividing photoautotrophic cells were identical but higher than that of the non-dividing cells in the stationary growth phase. This suggests that gamma-irradiation arrests cell division by a mechanism different to that occuring in stationary-phase cultures. This may be of value in investigating the metabolism of secondary products.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding for a copper containing amine oxidase has been isolated and sequenced from young leaves of Euphorbia characias, a perennial mediterranean shrub. A single long open reading frame of 2068 pb encodes a protein composed of 653 amino acids with a molecular mass of about 74 kDa. A putative 24-aminoacid signal peptide precedes the sequence of the mature protein, with characteristics of a secretion signal peptide. Alignments of Euphorbia amine oxidase cDNA nucleotide sequence with that of amine oxidase from the seedlings of the pulses lentil, pea, and chickpea reveal several conserved regions, especially in the C-terminus, with a homology 90%–97%. The near 5 region shows several insertions, deletions, and different nucleotide sequence with ca. 60% homology. The enzyme contains 1%–2% carbohydrate deduced by deglycosylation experiments. Five cysteine residues are present in the deduced aminoacid sequence with a single disulfide bridge as judged by titration with cysteine reagents.  相似文献   

Aharoni N 《Plant physiology》1978,61(4):658-662
The pattern of changes in the internal concentration of ethylene in response to water stress was investigated in species with leaves that do abscise and leaves that do not abscise. When leaves which abscise were detached and exposed to dry air for up to 6 hours, a continuous increase of internal ethylene was observed. In water-stressed leaves which do not abscise only a transient rise in ethylene occurred. The peak, which was attained after 30 to 120 minutes, depending on the species studied, was followed by a sharp decline to the initial level. The principal site of ethylene production in response to a short period of water stress was in the blades rather than the petioles in both types of leaves. The internal ethylene level in leaves was reduced by pretreatment with the ethoxy analog of rhizobitoxine (an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis) or by maintaining the leaves under subatmospheric pressure. The results obtained by these methods showed that ethylene was not involved in the mechanism of stomatal movement in either turgid or in stressed leaves. Also, the increase in leaf abscisic acid content and the depletion of gibberellins induced by water stress were not related to the internal concentration of ethylene in the detached leaf. The different patterns of drought-induced ethylene production observed in the blades of leaves which exhibit abscission compared with those which do not exhibit abscission may indicate the involvement of ethylene in a primary event in the process of leaf abscission induced by water stress.  相似文献   

An action spectrum within the wavelength region 430–700 nm has been determined for an oxygen Iransient isolated from the main photosynthetic oxygen evolution in wheat leaves. the spectrum follows the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll b. In order to compare this oxygen evolving process with the normal photosynthetic oxygen evolution, an action spectrum for this later process was also determined but only in the wavelength region 600–700 nm. This action spectrum closely corresponds to other action spectra for the photosynthetic oxygen evolution found in the literature. The behaviour of the oxygen transient after various treatments was also studied. It was found that the transient oxygen evolution was influenced by the dark period between irradiations, and by a previous irradiation with a wavelength longer than 695 nm, both conditions having a promoting effect on the oxygen evolution. The action spectra and the other findings are discussed on the basis of the two-pigment hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relation between abscisic acid (ABA) and proline accumulation was investigated in detached rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves. In darkness, proline content increased about 2-, 2,5- and 6-fold after 24, 48 and 72 h. ABA content reached maximum after 48 h. In the light, proline content remained almost unchanged until 48 h and subsequently increased slightly. ABA content in the light was lower than in darkness, but the maximum was also after 48 h. During 12-h exposure to decreased air humidity, proline content gradually increased, but ABA content increased about 25-fold after 4 h and declined thereafter. Exogenous application of ABA resulted in an increase in proline content in detached rice leaves under both light and darkness.  相似文献   

A cationic peroxidase was isolated and characterized from the latex of the perennial Mediterranean plant Euphorbia characias. The purified enzyme contained one heme prosthetic group identified as ferric iron-protoporphyrin IX. In addition, the purified peroxidase contained 1 mol of endogenous calcium per mol of enzyme; removal of this calcium ion resulted in almost complete loss of the enzyme activity. However, when excess Ca(2+) was added to the native enzyme the catalytic efficiency was enhanced by 3 orders of magnitude. The mechanism of activation was studied using a wide range of spectroscopic and analytic techniques. Analysis of the steady state by stopped-flow measurements suggests that the main effect of calcium ions is to favor the oxidation of the ferric enzyme by hydrogen peroxide to form compound I, whereas the other steps of the catalytic cycle seem to be affected to a lesser extent. UV/vis absorption spectra and CD measurements show that the heme iron is pentacoordinated high-spin in native enzyme and remains so after the binding of Ca(2+). Only minor changes in the secondary or tertiary structure of the protein could be detected by fluorescence or CD measurements in the presence of Ca(2+) ions, except for a significant perturbation of the Fe(3+) inner sphere geometry, as detected by EPR measurements. We propose that Ca(2+) binding to a low affinity site induces a reorientation of the distal histidine changing the almost inactive form of Euphorbia peroxidase to a high activity form. This is the first example of a peroxidase that responds as an on/off switch to variations in the external Ca(2+) level.  相似文献   

Seed production of a population of 193 reproductive individuals of Euphorbia characias from the north-east Iberian peninsula was estimated at 155 000 seeds per year The dehiscence period lasts for four weeks The timing of ballistic dispersal is uniformly distributed throughout the day Seeds remain on the surface a mean time (± SE) of 52.3 ± 6.7 mm Several and species take the seeds in varying proportions Messor barbarus (0 225), a granivorous ant which eats the seeds, Aphaenogaster senilis (0 313), Pheidolc pallidula (0 296) and Tapinoma nigerrimum (0 162) which take the seeds to their nests but do not eat them Half a million ant foraging trips per day indicate a very strong short term influence of ants on fate of Euphorbia seeds Ants as a group have a dual role of predation and dispersal of Euphorbia characias seeds The characteristics of this Euphorbia (sclerophylly, diplochory, firmness of elaiosome, absence of subsidiary myrmecochorous features) better fit the syndrome described for Australian myrmecochores than the one proposed for European and North American myrmecochores  相似文献   

Callus and suspension cultures of Theobroma cacao L., initiatedfrom immature cotyledons of beans from pods harvested 120–130days after pollination were established. A modified B-5 or Murashige—Skoogagar medium sustained growth of callus without loss of vigourafter each sub-culture. A 15-fold weight increase occurred duringthe 4 week culture periods at 30 ± 1 °C. Coconutwater improved callus growth substantially. The optimum hormonalconcentrations for growth of suspensions were 0.5 mg 1–1of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.1 mg I–1 of kinetinin a Murashige—Skoog basal medium liquid medium. The optimumtemperature for growth of suspensions was 25–30 °C.The cell number and cell mass of suspensions increased 20-foldin 14 days. No organogenesis or embryogenesis was observed. Theobroma cacao L., acao, cell culture, suspension culture, tissue culture.  相似文献   

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