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The neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL, also known as LCN2) and its cellular receptor (LCN2-R, SLC22A17) are involved in many physiological and pathological processes such as cell differentiation, apoptosis, and inflammation. These pleiotropic functions mainly rely on NGAL''s siderophore-mediated iron transport properties. However, the molecular determinants underlying the interaction between NGAL and its cellular receptor remain largely unknown. Here, using solution-state biomolecular NMR in conjunction with other biophysical methods, we show that the N-terminal domain of LCN2-R is a soluble extracellular domain that is intrinsically disordered and interacts with NGAL preferentially in its apo state to form a fuzzy complex. The relatively weak affinity (≈10 μm) between human LCN2-R-NTD and apoNGAL suggests that the N terminus on its own cannot account for the internalization of NGAL by LCN2-R. However, human LCN2-R-NTD could be involved in the fine-tuning of the interaction between NGAL and its cellular receptor or in a biochemical mechanism allowing the receptor to discriminate between apo- and holo-NGAL.  相似文献   

The intense interest in the intrinsically disordered proteins in the life science community, together with the remarkable advancements in predictive technologies, have given rise to the development of a large number of computational predictors of intrinsic disorder from protein sequence. While the growing number of predictors is a positive trend, we have observed a considerable difference in predictive quality among predictors for individual proteins. Furthermore, variable predictor performance is often inconsistent between predictors for different proteins, and the predictor that shows the best predictive performance depends on the unique properties of each protein sequence. We propose a computational approach, DISOselect, to estimate the predictive performance of 12 selected predictors for individual proteins based on their unique sequence‐derived properties. This estimation informs the users about the expected predictive quality for a selected disorder predictor and can be used to recommend methods that are likely to provide the best quality predictions. Our solution does not depend on the results of any disorder predictor; the estimations are made based solely on the protein sequence. Our solution significantly improves predictive performance, as judged with a test set of 1,000 proteins, when compared to other alternatives. We have empirically shown that by using the recommended methods the overall predictive performance for a given set of proteins can be improved by a statistically significant margin. DISOselect is freely available for non‐commercial users through the webserver at http://biomine.cs.vcu.edu/servers/DISOselect/ .  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are key components of regulatory networks that control crucial aspects of cell decision making. The intrinsically disordered transactivation domain (TAD) of tumor suppressor p53 mediates its interactions with multiple regulatory pathways to control the p53 homeostasis during the cellular response to genotoxic stress. Many cancer-associated mutations have been discovered in p53-TAD, but their structural and functional consequences are poorly understood. Here, by combining atomistic simulations, NMR spectroscopy, and binding assays, we demonstrate that cancer-associated mutations can significantly perturb the balance of p53 interactions with key activation and degradation regulators. Importantly, the four mutations studied in this work do not all directly disrupt the known interaction interfaces. Instead, at least three of these mutations likely modulate the disordered state of p53-TAD to perturb its interactions with regulators. Specifically, NMR and simulation analysis together suggest that these mutations can modulate the level of conformational expansion as well as rigidity of the disordered state. Our work suggests that the disordered conformational ensemble of p53-TAD can serve as a central conduit in regulating the response to various cellular stimuli at the protein–protein interaction level. Understanding how the disordered state of IDPs may be modulated by regulatory signals and/or disease associated perturbations will be essential in the studies on the role of IDPs in biology and diseases.  相似文献   

Canonical mechanisms of protein evolution include the duplication and diversification of pre-existing folds through genetic alterations that include point mutations, insertions, deletions, and copy number amplifications, as well as post-translational modifications that modify processes such as folding efficiency and cellular localization. Following a survey of the human mutation database, we have identified an additional mechanism that we term “structural capacitance,” which results in the de novo generation of microstructure in previously disordered regions. We suggest that the potential for structural capacitance confers select proteins with the capacity to evolve over rapid timescales, facilitating saltatory evolution as opposed to gradualistic canonical Darwinian mechanisms. Our results implicate the elements of protein microstructure generated by this distinct mechanism in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of human diseases. The benefits of rapidly furnishing the potential for evolutionary change conferred by structural capacitance are consequently counterbalanced by this accompanying risk. The phenomenon of structural capacitance has implications ranging from the ancestral diversification of protein folds to the engineering of synthetic proteins with enhanced evolvability.  相似文献   

Missing regions in X‐ray crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) have played a foundational role in the study of intrinsically disordered protein regions (IDPRs), especially in the development of in silico predictors of intrinsic disorder. However, a missing region is only a weak indication of intrinsic disorder, and this uncertainty is compounded by the presence of ambiguous regions, where more than one structure of the same protein sequence “disagrees” in terms of the presence or absence of missing residues. The question is this: are these ambiguous regions intrinsically disordered, or are they the result of static disorder that arises from experimental conditions, ensembles of structures, or domain wobbling? A novel way of looking at ambiguous regions in terms of the pattern between multiple PDB structures has been demonstrated. It was found that the propensity for intrinsic disorder increases as the level of ambiguity decreases. However, it is also shown that ambiguity is more likely to occur as the protein region is placed within different environmental conditions, and even the most ambiguous regions as a set display compositional bias that suggests flexibility. The results suggested that ambiguity is a natural result for many IDPRs crystallized under different conditions and that static disorder and wobbling domains are relatively rare. Instead, it is more likely that ambiguity arises because many of these regions were conditionally or partially disordered.  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s, numerous computational tools have been created and used to predict intrinsic disorder in proteins. At present, the output from these algorithms is difficult to interpret in the absence of standards or references for comparison. There are many reasons to establish a set of standard‐based guidelines to evaluate computational protein disorder predictions. This viewpoint explores a handful of these reasons, including standardizing nomenclature to improve communication, rigor and reproducibility, and making it easier for newcomers to enter the field. An approach for reporting predicted disorder in single proteins with respect to whole proteomes is discussed. The suggestions are not intended to be formulaic; they should be viewed as a starting point to establish guidelines for interpreting and reporting computational protein disorder predictions.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of Hepatitis E infections across the world. Intrinsically disordered protein regions (IDPRs) or intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are regions or proteins that are characterized by lack of definite structure. These IDPRs or IDPs play significant roles in a wide range of biological processes, such as cell cycle regulation, control of signaling pathways, etc. IDPR/IDP in proteins is associated with the virus''s pathogenicity and infectivity. The prevalence of IDPR/IDP in rat HEV proteome remains undetermined. Hence, we examined the unstructured/disordered regions of the open reading frame (ORF) encoded proteins of rat HEV by analyzing the prevalence of intrinsic disorder. The intrinsic disorder propensity analysis showed that the different ORF proteins consisted of varying fraction of intrinsic disorder. The protein ORF3 was identified with maximum propensity for intrinsic disorder while the ORF6 protein had the least fraction of intrinsic disorder. The analysis revealed ORF6 as a structured protein (ORDP); ORF1 and ORF4 as moderately disordered proteins (IDPRs); and ORF3 and ORF5 as highly disordered proteins (IDPs). The protein ORF2 was found to be moderately as well as highly disordered using different predictors, thus, was categorized into both IDPR and IDP. Such disordered regions have important roles in pathogenesis and replication of viruses.  相似文献   

Amelogenin, the major extracellular matrix protein of developing tooth enamel is intrinsically disordered. Through its interaction with other proteins and mineral, amelogenin assists enamel biomineralization by controlling the formation of highly organized enamel crystal arrays. We used circular dichroism (CD), dynamic light scattering (DLS), fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy to investigate the folding propensity of recombinant porcine amelogenin rP172 following its interaction with SDS, at levels above critical micelle concentration. The rP172‐SDS complex formation was confirmed by DLS, while an increase in the structure moiety of rP172 was noted through CD and fluorescence experiments. Fluorescence quenching analyses performed on several rP172 mutants where all but one Trp was replaced by Tyr at different sequence regions confirmed that the interaction of amelogenin with SDS micelles occurs via the N‐terminal region close to Trp25 where helical segments can be detected by NMR. NMR spectroscopy and structural refinement calculations using CS‐Rosetta modeling confirm that the highly conserved N‐terminal domain is prone to form helical structure when bound to SDS micelles. Our findings reported here reveal interactions leading to significant changes in the secondary structure of rP172 upon treatment with SDS. These interactions may reflect the physiological relevance of the flexible nature of amelogenin and its sequence specific helical propensity that might enable it to structurally adapt with charged and potential targets such as cell surface, mineral, and other proteins during enamel biomineralization. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 525–535, 2014.  相似文献   

The neuronal SNARE protein SNAP25a (isoform 2) forms part of the SNARE complex eliciting synaptic vesicle fusion during neuronal exocytosis. While the post-fusion cis-SNARE complex has been studied extensively, little is known about the pre-fusion conformation of SNAP25a. Here we analyze monomeric SNAP25a by NMR spectroscopy, further supported by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. SAXS data indicate that monomeric SNAP25 is more compact than a Gaussian chain but still a random coil. NMR shows that for monomeric SNAP25a, before SNAP25a interacts with its SNARE partners to drive membrane fusion, only the N-terminal part (region A5 to V36) of the first SNARE motif, SN1 (L11 - L81), is helical, comprising two α-helices (ranging from A5 to Q20 and S25 toV36). From E37 onwards, SNAP25a is mostly disordered and displays high internal flexibility, including the C-terminal part of SN1, almost the entire second SNARE motif (SN2, N144-A199), and the connecting loop region. Apart from the N-terminal helices, only the C-termini of both SN1 (E73 - K79) and SN2 (region T190 - A199), as well as two short regions in the connecting loop (D99 - K102 and E123 - M127) show a weak α-helical propensity (α-helical population < 25%). We speculate that the N-terminal helices (A5 to Q20 and S25 to V36) which constitute the N-terminus of SN1 act as a nucleation site for initiating SNARE zippering.  相似文献   

Previous studies based on bioinformatics showed that there is a sharp distinction of structural features and residue composition between the intrinsically disordered proteins and the folded proteins. What induces such a composition-related structural transition? How do various kinds of interactions work in such processes? In this work, we investigate these problems based on a survey on peptides randomly composed of charged residues (including glutamic acids and lysines) and the residues with different hydrophobicity, such as alanines, glycines, or phenylalanines. Based on simulations using all-atom model and replica-exchange Monte Carlo method, a coil-globule transition is observed for each peptide. The corresponding transition temperature is found to be dependent on the contents of the hydrophobic and charged residues. For several cases, when the mean hydrophobicity is larger than a certain threshold, the transition temperature is higher than the room temperature, and vise versa. These thresholds of hydrophobicity and net charge are quantitatively consistent with the border line observed from the study of bioinformatics. These results outline the basic physical reasons for the compositional distinction between the intrinsically disordered proteins and the folded proteins. Furthermore, the contributions of various interactions to the structural variation of peptides are analyzed based on the contact statistics and the charge-pattern dependence of the gyration radii of the peptides. Our observations imply that the hydrophobicity contributes essentially to such composition-related transitions. Thus, we achieve a better understanding on composition–structure relation of the natural proteins and the underlying physics.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) and its interaction with the human chaperone cyclophilin A are both targets for highly potent and promising antiviral drugs that are in the late stages of clinical development. Despite its high interest in regards to the development of drugs to counteract the worldwide HCV burden, NS5A is still an enigmatic multifunctional protein poorly characterized at the molecular level. NS5A is required for HCV RNA replication and is involved in viral particle formation and regulation of host pathways. Thus far, no enzymatic activity or precise molecular function has been ascribed to NS5A that is composed of a highly structured domain 1 (D1), as well as two intrinsically disordered domains 2 (D2) and 3 (D3), representing half of the protein. Here, we identify a short structural motif in the disordered NS5A-D2 and report its NMR structure. We show that this structural motif, a minimal Pro314–Trp316 turn, is essential for HCV RNA replication, and its disruption alters the subcellular distribution of NS5A. We demonstrate that this Pro-Trp turn is required for proper interaction with the host cyclophilin A and influences its peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity on residue Pro314 of NS5A-D2. This work provides a molecular basis for further understanding of the function of the intrinsically disordered domain 2 of HCV NS5A protein. In addition, our work highlights how very small structural motifs present in intrinsically disordered proteins can exert a specific function.  相似文献   

Mint3 is known to enhance aerobic ATP production, known as the Warburg effect, by binding to FIH-1. Since this effect is considered to be beneficial for cancer cells, the interaction is a promising target for cancer therapy. However, previous research has suggested that the interacting region of Mint3 with FIH-1 is intrinsically disordered, which makes investigation of this interaction challenging. Therefore, we adopted thermodynamic and structural studies in solution to clarify the structural and thermodynamical changes of Mint3 binding to FIH-1. First, using a combination of circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic resonance, and hydrogen/deuterium exchange–mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), we confirmed that the N-terminal half, which is the interacting part of Mint3, is mostly disordered. Next, we revealed a large enthalpy and entropy change in the interaction of Mint3 using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The profile is consistent with the model that the flexibility of disordered Mint3 is drastically reduced upon binding to FIH-1. Moreover, we performed a series of ITC experiments with several types of truncated Mint3s, an effective approach since the interacting part of Mint3 is disordered, and identified amino acids 78 to 88 as a novel core site for binding to FIH-1. The truncation study of Mint3 also revealed the thermodynamic contribution of each part of Mint3 to the interaction with FIH-1, where the core sites contribute to the affinity (ΔG), while other sites only affect enthalpy (ΔH), by forming noncovalent bonds. This insight can serve as a foothold for further investigation of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) and drug development for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Recently developed quantitative redox proteomic studies enable the direct identification of redox‐sensing cysteine residues that regulate the functional behavior of target proteins in response to changing levels of reactive oxygen species. At the molecular level, redox regulation can directly modify the active sites of enzymes, although a growing number of examples indicate the importance of an additional underlying mechanism that involves conditionally disordered proteins. These proteins alter their functional behavior by undergoing a disorder‐to‐order transition in response to changing redox conditions. However, the extent to which this mechanism is used in various proteomes is currently unknown. Here, a recently developed sequence‐based prediction tool incorporated into the IUPred2A web server is used to estimate redox‐sensitive conditionally disordered regions at a large scale. It is shown that redox‐sensitive conditional disorder is fairly widespread in various proteomes and that its presence strongly correlates with the expansion of specific domains in multicellular organisms that largely rely on extra stability provided by disulfide bonds or zinc ion binding. The analyses of yeast redox proteomes and human disease data further underlie the significance of this phenomenon in the regulation of a wide range of biological processes, as well as its biomedical importance.  相似文献   

Many biologically active proteins, which are usually called intrinsically disordered or natively unfolded proteins, lack stable tertiary and/or secondary structure under physiological conditions in vitro. Their functions complement the functional repertoire of ordered proteins, with intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) often being involved in regulation, signaling and control. Their amino acid sequences and compositions are very different from those of ordered proteins, making reliable identification of IDPs possible at the proteome level. IDPs are highly abundant in various human diseases, including neurodegeneration and other protein dysfunction maladies and, therefore, represent attractive novel drug targets. Some of the aspects of IDPs, as well as their roles in neurodegeneration and protein dysfunction diseases, are discussed in this article, together with the peculiarities of IDPs as potential drug targets.  相似文献   

Solution techniques such as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) play a central role in structural studies of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs); yet, due to low resolution, it is generally necessary to combine SAXS with additional experimental sources of data and to use molecular simulations. Computational methods for the calculation of theoretical SAXS intensity profiles can be separated into two groups, depending on whether the solvent is modeled implicitly as continuous electron density or considered explicitly. The former offers reduced computational cost but requires the definition of a number of free parameters to account for, for example, the excess density of the solvation layer. Overfitting can thus be an issue, particularly when the structural ensemble is unknown. Here, we investigate and show how small variations of the contrast of the hydration shell, δρ, severely affect the outcome, analysis and interpretation of computed SAXS profiles for folded and disordered proteins. For both the folded and disordered proteins studied here, using a default δρ may, in some cases, result in the calculation of non-representative SAXS profiles, leading to an overestimation of their size and a misinterpretation of their structural nature. The solvation layer of the different IDP simulations also impacts their size estimates differently, depending on the protein force field used. The same is not true for the folded protein simulations, suggesting differences in the solvation of the two classes of proteins, and indicating that different force fields optimized for IDPs may cause expansion of the polypeptide chain through different physical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Among intrinsically disordered proteins, conditionally disordered proteins undergo dramatic structural disorder rearrangements upon environmental changes and/or post-translational modifications that directly modulate their function. Quantifying the dynamics of these fluctuating proteins is extremely challenging but paramount to understanding the regulation of their function. The chloroplast protein CP12 is a model of such proteins and acts as a redox switch by formation/disruption of its two disulfide bridges. It regulates the Calvin cycle by forming, in oxidized conditions, a supramolecular complex with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and then phosphoribulokinase. In this complex, both enzymes are inactive. The highly dynamic nature of CP12 has so far hindered structural characterization explaining its mode of action. Thanks to a synergistic combination of small-angle X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance and circular dichroism that drove the molecular modeling of structural ensembles, we deciphered the structural behavior of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii oxidized CP12 alone and in the presence of GAPDH. Contrary to sequence-based structural predictions, the N-terminal region is unstable, oscillates at the ms timescale between helical and random conformations, and is connected through a disordered linker to its C-terminus, which forms a stable helical turn. Upon binding to GAPDH, oxidized CP12 undergoes an induced unfolding of its N-terminus. This phenomenon called cryptic disorder contributes to decrease the entropy cost and explains CP12 unusual high affinity for its partners.  相似文献   

Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) encodes for CASPR2, a multidomain single transmembrane protein belonging to the neurexin superfamily that has been implicated in a broad range of human phenotypes including autism and language impairment. Using a combination of biophysical techniques, including small angle x-ray scattering, single particle electron microscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, and bio-layer interferometry, we present novel structural and functional data that relate the architecture of the extracellular domain of CASPR2 to a previously unknown ligand, Contactin1 (CNTN1). Structurally, CASPR2 is highly glycosylated and has an overall compact architecture. Functionally, we show that CASPR2 associates with micromolar affinity with CNTN1 but, under the same conditions, it does not interact with any of the other members of the contactin family. Moreover, by using dissociated hippocampal neurons we show that microbeads loaded with CASPR2, but not with a deletion mutant, co-localize with transfected CNTN1, suggesting that CNTN1 is an endogenous ligand for CASPR2. These data provide novel insights into the structure and function of CASPR2, suggesting a complex role of CASPR2 in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Milk caseins and dental amelogenins are intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) that associate with themselves and others. Paradoxically, they are also described as hydrophobic proteins, which is difficult to reconcile with a solvent-exposed conformation. We attempt to resolve this paradox. We show that caseins and amelogenins are not hydrophobic proteins but they are more hydrophobic than most IDPs. Remarkably, uncharged residues from different regions of these mature proteins have a nearly constant average hydropathy but these regions exhibit different charged residue frequencies. A novel sequence analysis method was developed to identify hydrophobic and order-promoting regions that would favor conformational collapse. We found that such regions were uncommon; most hydrophobic and order-promoting residues were adjacent to hydrophilic or disorder-promoting residues. A further reason why caseins and amelogenins do not collapse is their high proportion of disorder-promoting proline residues. We conclude that in these proteins the hydrophobic effect is not large enough to cause conformational collapse but it can contribute, along with polar interactions, to protein-protein interactions. This behaviour is similar to the interaction of the disordered N-terminal region of small heat-shock proteins with either themselves during oligomer formation or other, unfolding, proteins during chaperone action.  相似文献   

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