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The genetically based rover/sitter behavioral difference in Drosophila melanogasterlarval foraging is expressed throughout most of the larval instars when larvae forage on food patches of differing food quality. The amount of locomotor behavior decreases when third-instar larvae of both rover and sitter strains are starved just prior to the behavioral test. Such strain differences in locomotor behavior are maintained despite the starvation-induced decrease in locomotion found in both strains. Measurements of larval body length and width, taken at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h posthatching, reveal that rover and sitter larval growth rates do not differ. The finding that rover/sitter differences are expressed in a variety of environments and throughout the majority of the larval instars should aid in attempts to uncover selection pressures which may differentially affect the two morphs in environmentally heterogeneous natural populations.  相似文献   

A rapid and reliable in vitro bioassay method to test the effects of synthetic and natural compounds on the development of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera Aleyrodidae) is described.Leaf fragments of Nicotiana glauca Graham infested with eggs of whitefly were cultured under aseptic conditions on half-strength Murashige-Skoog medium. The development of the insect in vitro and in vivo were comparable except for a higher mortality rate in the first larval instar.Ecdysteroids from Ajuga reptans L. were applied to leaf fragments by immersion in aqueous solution of the compounds or by addition to the culture medium. A high mortality rate of first larval instars was detected with 29-norsengosterone and ajugalactone treatments. This effect was specially pronounced when the products were incorporated in the medium. A significant increase in mortality was also recorded in the pupal state with a 20-hydroxyecdysone treatment. This effect was never observed before, because all whitefly larvae on A. reptans leaves die in the first larval instar.  相似文献   

Various foods associated with cassava were tested for their effect on the development, fecundity and longevity of Euseius fustis, the most common phytoseiid species found on cassava in Africa. Euseius fustis developed successfully to adulthood on the spider mite prey species Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) and Oligonychus gossypii (Zacher) and on pollen from maize, castor bean and cassava. Euseius fustis also completed development on water-diluted phloem exudate from cassava, diluted honeydew from the cassava mealybug and on various pollen and prey combinations. When reared on Tetranychus urticae Koch prey or free water only, E. fustis did not develop past the deutonymphal stage. All larvae held on clean leaf discs on water-soaked cotton died without moulting, suggesting that E. fustis must feed in order to moult to the nymphal stages. Diets of maize plus castor bean pollen and maize pollen plus M. tanajoa resulted in the highest rate of development, the highest fecundity and the greatest longevity. Castor bean pollen alone and maize pollen alone produced a higher fecundity and greater longevity than M. tanajoa tested alone. A colony of E. fustis reared continuously for seven generations on castor bean pollen produced nine times more adult females than a colony of E. fustis reared continuously on M. tanajoa. No negative effects on the development and fecundity of E. fustis were observed after seven generations were reared on pollen.  相似文献   

The antifeedant activity of a series of lignan lactones, hemiacetals, ethers, and alcohols derived from yatein and cubebin, together with structurally related phenylpropanoids and phenolics possessing a methylenedioxyphenyl (piperonyl) moiety, was tested against selected stored products pests: Sitophilus granarius L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Tribolium confusum Duv. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionideae), and Trogoderma granarium Ev. (Coleoptera: Dermestridae). The relation between molecular structure and antifeedant activity was examined and implication of the piperonyl moiety is assessed. The compounds represent either natural substances isolated from plants (Libocedrus yateensis Guillaumin and Piper cubeba L.) or their structural analogues prepared by simple chemical transformations as well as compounds selected from commercially available sources. Natural lignan lactones with methoxy and/or methylenedioxy substituents showed significant activity that is strong enough to affect plant - insect interactions. Presence of polar substituents, especially hydroxy or glycosyl groups, often reduce the activity. Non-polar substituents, such as methoxy or methylenedioxy groups, enhance the activity not only in lignans but also in simple phenylpropanoids. The most active compound was synthetic piperonylbutoxide.  相似文献   

The insect growth regulator fenoxycarb prompts ovarian development in diapausing winterform pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola (Förster) (Homoptera: Psyllidae). We applied fenoxycarb to caged psylla in September, November, and December to test whether premature ovarian development reduced overwintering survival, spring fecundity, or spring longevity. Fenoxycarb prompted ovarian development in all treated psylla, with the largest effects occurring in the September-treated insects. Recovery of live psylla in spring was 46–95% in treated insects and 72–92% in controls; overwintered insects from the fenoxycarb treatment survived field temperatures below –20°C despite having had mature ovaries. Fecundity and longevity of psylla were the same in treated and untreated insects, indicating that overwintering with mature ovaries did not cause reduced spring egglaying capacity. Several treated insects each deposited over 1900 eggs and survived more than 120 days. Due to their more advanced development, treated insects had higher oviposition rates than controls during the first 5 days after removal from the field. The largest impact on spring fitness was due to the effects of fenoxycarb on egg hatch. Eggs deposited on clean foliage by September-treated females were less likely to hatch than eggs deposited by controls, suggesting that fenoxycarb affected developing eggs within the female. Prospects for using fenoxycarb in fall to control pear psylla appear to be limited.  相似文献   

【目的】本文旨在明确营养状况不同造成的梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)雌、雄蛹重量差异对其羽化的成虫产卵量、产卵期、寿命及下一代(F1)幼虫发育的影响。【方法】室内条件下,通过不同的饲养方法,获得个体重量不同的梨小食心虫雌、雄蛹,待其羽化交配后,记录其产卵量、产卵时间和成虫寿命;卵孵化前后,分别测量卵和初孵幼虫大小,计算卵孵化率,统计幼虫发育历期。【结果】雌蛹重量对梨小食心虫的成虫产卵量影响显著,其重量与产卵量呈正相关(y=15.505x-59.292);同一条件下,雌蛹与雄蛹重量也呈正相关(y=0.823x-0.538)。同时,雌蛹重量对成虫产卵期影响也较大,蛹重大的个体羽化的雌虫比蛹重小的个体羽化的雌虫产卵高峰期提前1 d;较重、中等和较轻蛹羽化出的雌虫个体每天产卵量高于10粒/雌的时间分别为9~10,7和5~6 d;产卵量高于5粒/雌的时间分别为12~13,9和6~7 d。而雄蛹重量对产卵量、雄成虫寿命影响没有明显影响。较轻的蛹羽化的雌成虫寿命比较重蛹羽化的雌成虫短2~3 d;而雄蛹重量对其羽化的雄成虫寿命影响没有明显规律。雌、雄蛹重量对其羽化成虫的卵孵化率、卵和初孵幼虫的大小影响均不显著,对F_1幼虫发育历期影响也不显著。【结论】梨小食心虫雌蛹重对羽化成虫的产卵量和产卵期等影响显著,田间防治时应注意在不同条件下完成发育的个体,尤其是雌虫,由于营养差异引起的个体大小对随后种群增长的影响。  相似文献   

We evaluated the suitability of selected food items for the adult spined stilt bug, Jalysus wickhami Van Duzee (Hemiptera: Berytidae), by providing one of seven diet treatments: (1) prepupae of the parasitoid, Cotesia congregata (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), on a leaf of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., NC 2326) (Solanaceae); (2) C. congregata prepupae alone (i.e., no tobacco leaf); (3) eggs of the parasitoid's host, Manduca sexta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), on a tobacco leaf; (4) M. sexta eggs alone; (5) tobacco aphids, Myzus nicotianae Blackman (Homoptera: Aphididae), on a tobacco leaf; (6) a tobacco leaf alone; and (7) no prey and no tobacco. A tobacco leaf was necessary for the long-term survival of stilt bugs, but prey source did not affect longevity. Regardless of the prey type, stilt bugs with access to a tobacco leaf lived 21–23 days, while stilt bugs without access to tobacco lived less than 12 days. Animal prey provided a protein source required for egg deposition in J. wickhami, and prey species differed in their relative nutritive values. Female stilt bugs that fed on M. sexta eggs or on C. congregata prepupae were significantly more fecund (102 and 106 nymphs per female, respectively) than females that fed on tobacco aphids (24 nymphs per female). Results suggest that stilt bugs may feed on tobacco aphids and C. congregata prepupae when other prey are unavailable.  相似文献   

In Bruschidius atrolineatus (Pic), an increase in larval density inside the seed led to a reduction in the survival rate during post-embryonic development, with only a limited decrease in the weight of adults. A high larval density increased the proportion of adults in reproductive diapause under certain thermoperiodic conditions. Under other conditions that already promote the emergence of a high proportion of diapausing beetles, an increase in larval density had no effect on diapause.There was no correlation between the larval developmental time and the weights of adults in a strain with a very low incidence of diapause. However, such a correlation was observed when both sexuallyactive and diapausing beetles emerged. This correlation was explained by the longer developmental times and lower weights of diapausing beetles.
Résumé Chez Bruchidius atrolineatus, l'accroissement de la densité larvaire à l'intérieur de la graine entraîne une augmentation de la mortalité alors que la réduction de poids des individus à l'émergence est relativement limitée. L'accroissement de la densité larvaire provoque une augmentation du taux d'adultes en diapause reproductrice, dans certaines conditions thermopériodiques. Dans d'autres conditions, permenttant l'émergence d'un fort taux d'adultes diapausants, l'effet de la densité larvaire est nul. Lorsque l'on analyse l'effet de la densité chez les individus d'une souche ne présentant pas de phénomène de diapause, il n'y a pas de corrélation entre la durée de développement et le poids des adultes. Par contre, lorsqu'il y a émergence d'adultes sexuellement actifs et diapausants, il existe une corrélation entre la durée de développement et le poids des adultes émergeants. Cette corrélation est due au fait que les adultes diapausants, qui présentent les durées de développement les plus longues, sont ceux qui ont les poids les plus faibles.

In a study of the quality ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammidae), we compared female wasps emerging from natural hosts, parasitized in the laboratory or the field with those emerging from factitious hosts used for commercial mass production. Females from the natural hosts were larger, more fecund, and longer lived than those from the factitious hosts. Compared to small females, large female wasps are substantially more fecund when honey (carbohydrate) is available but marginally more fecund when honey is unavailable. The size of a femaleT. pretiosum depends on two factors: the size of the host egg from which it emerges even when the wasp was gregarious, and the number of conspecifics that emerge with it. The similarities in the size distribution of female wasps emerging from natural hosts, in conjunction with the mechanism by whichTrichogramma measure host size and allocate eggs accordingly, suggests the hypothesis that size related components of fitness in femaleT. pretiosum are under strong selection in the field.  相似文献   

Larvae of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata were collected in a salt marsh located in the Lagoa dos Patos, Brazil and reared from eclosion to metamorphosis under different dietary regimes. Larvae reared individually in beakers of 40 ml and fed Tetraselmis chuii (zoea III and zoea IV), showed a supplementary stage, here designated as zoea V, with morphological characteristics intermediary between zoea IV and megalopa. No zoeae V molted to megalopa stage. To confirm the occurrence of the supplementary stage, mass cultures of larvae of C. granulata were fed Artemia sp. at high densities, we again detected the fifth zoeal instar. However, when zoeae V were individually placed in beakers and fed Artemia nauplii, they succeeded in molting into megalopae. We observed the occurrence of two types of zoeae IV — a smaller type (from which originated the zoeae V) and a larger type (which directly developed into megalopae). We conclude that stressful nutritional/environmental conditions were responsible for the occurrence of this alternative path of development.  相似文献   

Chronic cadmium toxicity tests were carried out withChironomus riparius Meigen using a static-with-replacement exposure procedure. Significant reductions in larval development, survival and production were detected at 0.15 mg Cd l–1 a value approximately 5000 times lower than the 48 h LC50 for fourth instar larvae. The first instar appears to be the most critical stage in terms of sensitivity, with the number of adults eventually emerging reflecting first instar mortality. Male emergence was slightly delayed at 0.15 mg Cd l–1. The results of this study illustrate the importance of chronic toxicity tests in identifying sensitive life cycle stages and explaining pollutant-induced stress.  相似文献   

Changes in growth and biochemical composition during the transition from egg through zoea to decapodid in the ghost shrimp, Lepidophthalmus louisianensis (Schmitt, 1935), were documented in terms of dry weight, lipid classes, fatty acid composition, and carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios. Larvae of the ghost shrimp were mass-reared in the laboratory (28°C; 20‰ S) from hatching to the decapodid stage. Iatroscan lipid class analysis revealed that major lipid classes in recently produced eggs were phospholipids (80.8±1.3%) and triglycerides (16.0±1.1%), which decreased during the incubation period. Polar lipids (zoea I: 77.4±1.7%; zoea II: 77.5±2.1%; decapodid: 80.0±1.7%) and neutral lipids, of which free fatty acids (zoea I: 10.5±2.7%; zoea II: 13.1±5.2%; decapodid: 7.8±2.1%) were dominant, represented the major lipid classes in the zoeal and decapodid stages. Triglycerides were present in small amounts. The predominant fatty acids of L. louisianensis eggs, zoeae and decapodids were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), eicosapentaenoic (20:5ω3), oleic (18:1ω9), and arachidonic (20:4ω6). Elemental composition of eggs, larvae, and the decapodid stage revealed conspicuous changes in the C:N ratio, with N being relatively stable during larval development but C decreasing during the decapodid stage. These data suggest independence of newly hatched L. louisianensis on external energy resources. This combined with the ability to incorporate saturated fatty acids into polar lipids provides a selective advantage for fast development of new tissue and growth, characteristic of decapod crustacean larvae with lecithotrophic development.  相似文献   

幼虫密度对甜菜夜蛾生长发育与繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了研究甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)幼虫的密度对其发育及繁殖的影响,本实验观察了5种幼虫密度下(1,5,10,20,30头/瓶),幼虫发育和成虫繁殖情况。结果表明:幼虫和蛹历期、存活率和蛹重均差异显著。幼虫和蛹历期均以20头/瓶的最短,1头/瓶的最长,其余随幼虫密度增加而延长;幼虫至蛹存活率以10头/瓶的最高,其余随幼虫密度增加而降低;1头/瓶的蛹最重,显著高于其他密度的,其余随幼虫密度增加而下降。尽管密度间成虫羽化率和产卵前期均无显著差异,但成虫产卵量、寿命和畸形率差异显著。1头/瓶的产卵量最多,其次为10头/瓶的,其余随幼虫密度增加而减少,30头/瓶的产卵量显著少于其他密度的; 密度在1~20头/瓶范围内,雌蛾寿命均较短,显著短于30头/瓶的,而雄蛾寿命以5头/瓶的最短,显著短于其他密度的(10头/瓶除外),10头/瓶的次之,其余密度间差异不显著;不同幼虫密度下羽化的成虫畸形率差异显著,10头/瓶的最低,其余随幼虫密度增加而升高; 生命表结果表明甜菜夜蛾在10头/瓶下世代存活率和种群增长指数均最高,幼虫密度过低或过高均不利于种群增长;世代存活率(S)和种群增长指数(I)与幼虫密度之间的关系均呈抛物线关系:S =-0.2087x2+2.5694x+211.52 (R2=0.88),I=-0.0552x2+0.9166x+54.168 (R2=0.95)。结果提示幼虫密度影响甜菜夜蛾种群动态的重要生态因子之一。  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the differences between sunflower and climbing hempweed leaves for development, fecundity and egg hatchability of Diacrisia casignetum Kollar. Developmental time and weight gains of sunflower-fed larvae were respectively longer and greater than those of hempweed-fed ones. The development time and weight gain, attributable to differences in host plants, were statistically heterogeneous (P<0.05-<0.10). Relative fecundity and egg hatchability of sunflower reared insects were greater than those of hempweed reared ones, and these were also statistically heterogeneous (P<0.1 and <0.05, respectively). Hempweed leaves contained relatively high titres of phenols and low ratios of proteins to phenols. Ovaries were heavier in insects reared on sunflower than on hempweed, whereas the level of phenols incorporated into the ovary was higher in insects fed on hempweed than those on sunflower. The differences in these parameters may be due to variations in nutritional quality of these hosts and incorporation of ingested phenolic materials to ovary and insect biomass.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur l'évaluation de l'influence des feuilles de tournesol (Helianthus annuus) et de Mikana cordata sur le développement, la fécondité et l'éclosion des oeufs de D. casignetum Kollaz. La durée de développement et le gain de poids sur tournesol étaient plus importants que sur M. cordata. La durée de développement était statistiquement hétérogène (P<0.05), ce qui peut être dû à des différences entre plantes. La fécondité et le taux d'éclosion chez les insectes élevés sur tournesol étaient plus élevés que ceux observés sur M. cordata, dont les résultats étaient aussi hétérogènes (P<0.1 et<0.05 respectivement). Les feuilles de M. cordata contenaient des taux relativement élevés de phénols et des rapports protéines sur phénols bas. Tout ceci suggère que les différences observées sont attribuables à des variations dans la qualité nutritive de ces hôtes et dans l'incorporation à la biomasse de l'insecte de matériaux phénologiques ingérés.

Summary Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the development of the flagellar base and the flagellar necklace during spermatogenesis in a moth (Ephestia kuehniella Z.). Until mid-pachytene, two basal body pairs without flagella occur per cell. The basal bodies, which contain a cartwheel complex, give rise to four flagella in late prophase I. The cartwheel complex appears to be involved in the nucleation of the central pair of axonemal microtubules. In spermatids, there is one basal body; this is attached to a flagellum. At this stage, the nine microtubular triplets of the basal body do not terminate at the same proximal level. The juxtanuclear triplets are shifted distally relative to the triplets distant from the nuclear envelope. Transition fibrils and a flagellar necklace are formed at the onset of axoneme elongation. The flagellar necklace includes Y-shaped elements that connect the flagellar membrane and the axonemal doublets. In spindle-containing spermatocytes, the flagellar necklace is no longer detectable. During spermatid differentiation, the transition fibrils move distally along the axoneme and a prominent middle piece appears. Our observations and those in the literature indicate certain trends in sperm structure. In sperms with a short middle piece, we expect the presence of a flagellar necklace. The distal movement of the transition fibrils or equivalent structures is prevented by the presence of radial linkers between the flagellar membrane and the axonemal doublets. On the other hand, the absence of a flagellar necklace at the initiation of spermiogenesis enables the formation of a long middle piece. Thus, in spermatozoa possessing an extended middle piece, a flagellar necklace may be missing.  相似文献   

The developmental rate of immature stages and the reproduction of adults of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), T. neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce and Acarus farris (Oudemans) were examined at 70, 80 and 90% r.h. and a constant temperature of 25°C. At 70% r.h., T. putrescentiae and A. farris immature stages failed to reach the protonymph stage as 100% of the larvae died, whereas T. neiswanderi was able to complete development. The developmental time of all immature stages for the three species was significantly increased as relative humidity was reduced. The mobile stages were particularly susceptible, as the time needed to complete their development at lower relative humidities suffered greater increases than the egg stage. At 70% r.h., T. putrescentiae and A. farris were not able to lay eggs and only 24% of T. neiswanderi pairs were fertile. The reproductive parameters of the three species at the relative humidities at which they were able to lay eggs showed significant differences, except for the percentage of fertile mating at 80 and 90% r.h. As relative humidity increased, preoviposition period was reduced and fecundity and daily fecundity was increased, whereas the oviposition period showed different patterns for the three species. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) of T. neiswanderi at 70% r.h. was negative indicating that, at these conditions, mite populations of this species will diminish until they disappear. As relative humidity increased from 80 to 90% r.h. this parameter was almost twofold for both Tyrophagus species. The r m obtained for A. farris at 90% r.h. was similar to that of T. neiswanderi at the same humidity while at 80% r.h. it was very small so that the population doubling time was more than 84 days. The influence of relative humidity on biology of these mites and its practical application as control measure are discussed.  相似文献   

The fundamental approach to the biological control of Aedes albopictus requires the mass rearing of mosquitoes and the release of highly competitive adults in the field. As the fitness of adults is highly dependent on the development of immatures, we aimed to identify the minimum feeding regime required to produce viable and competitive adults by evaluating three response parameters: development duration, immature mortality, and adult wing length. Our study suggests at least 0.60 mg/larva/day of larval diet composed of dog food, dried beef liver, yeast, and milk powder in a weight ratio of 2:1:1:1 is required to maximize adult fitness. With standardized protocols in mass rearing, intensive studies can be readily conducted on mosquito colonies to facilitate comparisons across laboratories. This study also evaluated the differences in response of laboratory and field strains under different feeding regimes. We found that strain alone did not exert substantial effects on all response parameters. However, the field strain exhibited significantly lower immature mortality than the laboratory strain under the minimum feeding regime. Females and males of the laboratory strain had longer wing lengths under nutritional constraint due to the higher mortality that resulted in reduced interactions with the remaining larvae. Meanwhile, the field strain exhibited heterogeneous duration of immature development compared with the laboratory strain. The disparities demonstrated by the two strains in this study suggest the effect of inbreeding surfaced after a long term of laboratory colonization. Despite the trade‐offs resulting from laboratory colonization, the competitiveness of the laboratory strain of Ae. albopictus is comparable to the field strain, provided the larvae are fed optimally.  相似文献   

六斑月瓢虫取食不同猎物的生长发育及繁殖特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐良德  李飞  赵海燕  吴建辉  任顺祥 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5765-5770
六斑月瓢虫是我国农、林、蔬、果生态系统中重要的捕食性天敌之一,能够捕食多种猎物。不同的猎物质量显著影响捕食性天敌昆虫的活力。为评价取食不同猎物对六斑月瓢虫生物学特性的影响,采用实验种群生命表的方法研究了六斑月瓢虫取食烟粉虱、豆蚜和玉米蚜的生长发育和繁殖情况。结果表明,六斑月瓢虫取食烟粉虱的世代发育历期最长、存活率、雌虫寿命和繁殖力最低,分别为(26.15±0.42)d、(52.95±1.98)%、(53.73±2.17)d和(157.67±16.79)粒/雌;而取食玉米蚜的世代发育历期最短、存活率、雌虫寿命和繁殖力最高,分别为(16.40±0.49)d、(77.93±0.76)%、(68.33±4.31)d和(798.77±44.29)粒/雌;取食豆蚜时的各生物学参数介于两者之间。种群生命表参数也反映了类似的结果,取食烟粉虱的净增殖率(R0)、内禀增长率(r_m)和周限增长率(λ)最低分别为71.216、0.092和1.094,世代平均历期(T)最长为47.377d;取食玉米蚜的R_0、r_m和λ最高分别为290.281、0.131和1.143,T最短为42.428d。总体来看,相对于烟粉虱而言,蚜虫更适合六斑月瓢虫的生长发育和繁殖,且玉米蚜优于豆蚜。  相似文献   

Nutritional indices, development rates, percent dry weights and total lipids were determined in gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar L.) reared on a high wheat germ (HWG) diet or diets prepared from lyophilized, ball-milled oak or pine foliage as the only source of dietary nitrogen (N). With regard to both total and proteinaceous N content, HWG diet>oak diet>pine diet. All nutritional indices measured were significantly lower in second instars fed pine diet vs. oak diet. Protein supplementation of pine diet with either casein or ovalbumin to bring total N up to the level present in oak diet resulted in small increased in approximate digestibility (AD) and effciency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), but relative growth rate (RGR) remained unaffected. The low RGR of larvae fed pine diet (unsupplemented or protein supplemented), as compared to those fed HWG or oak diet, was accompanied by significantly lower larval percent dry weight and percent total lipid. In contrast, RGR, larval percent dry weight and total lipid values were comparable in second instars fed HWG or oak diet. Insects reared from the first through the final instar on oak diet exhibited lower pupal weights compared to those reared on HWG. Casein addition to oak diet generally resulted in even more extended larval development times and further reduced pupal weights, but wheat germ addition to oak diet did not alter development rates and caused an increase in pupal weights.  相似文献   

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