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Many large raptors exploit or rely on anabatic and orographic winds which provide vertical lift, to supplement or provide the energy fuelling flight. Airspace is therefore a critical habitat for such large raptors and its use is subject to the underlying terrestrial topography, because particular topographical features are more likely to provide wind-energetic lift. Accordingly, ridges and/or ‘rugged topography’ are common preferred features in habitat use by large raptors. Our study aimed to provide a simple model of space use for a large raptor, the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos, based on thousands of GPS telemetry records during juvenile dispersal of 92 birds tagged as nestlings between 2007 and 2016 across upland Scotland. Model development was based on the hypothesis that four topographical variables would be influential: slope, aspect, altitude and distance from ridge. The telemetry dataset was divided into training and two testing components. The first testing set was derived by a temporal split resulting in approximately equal sample size on records and some temporal overlap in individuals’ records with training data. The second testing set involved no individuals from the training set. Aspect was removed early in training model development because it was not influential. The model found that young Golden Eagles preferred, or used according to availability, space above slopes greater than 10°, at an altitude of ≥ 300 m, and within 300 m of a ridge. The test data were highly correlated with those from the training data in the model variables, and performance as regard to expected preferences from the model was improved in both test datasets, indicating the model was robust. Given the apparent universal nature of large raptor dependence on topography, that topography is relatively immutable according to time and use, and that topographical data are readily available, we commend our approach to other habitat preference studies of Golden Eagles and other large raptors elsewhere.  相似文献   

We investigated the association of habitat fragmentation with genetic structure of male black grouse Tetrao tetrix. Using 14 microsatellites, we compared the genetic differentiation of males among nine localities in continuous lowland habitats in Finland to the genetic differentiation among 14 localities in fragmented habitats in the Alps (France, Switzerland and Italy). In both areas, we found significant genetic differentiation. However, the average differentiation, measured as theta, was more than three times higher in the Alps than in Finland. The greater differentiation found in the Alps is probably due to the presence of mountain ridges rising above natural habitats of the species, which form barriers to gene flow, and to a higher influence of genetic drift resulting from lower effective sizes in highly fragmented habitats. The detection of isolation by distance in the Alps suggests that gene flow among populations does occur. The genetic variability measured as gene diversity HE and allelic richness A was lower in the Alps than in Finland. This could result from the higher fragmentation and/or from the fact that populations in the Alps are isolated from the main species range and have a lower effective size than in Finland. This study suggests that habitat fragmentation can affect genetic structure of avian species with relatively high dispersal propensities.  相似文献   

Detailed data on juvenile survival are rare in the literature. Although many studies estimate recruitment, if you cannot distinguish between permanent dispersal and mortality, the management implications for a population may be unclear. We estimated juvenile survival in a reintroduced North Island robin (Petroica longipes) population in a protected sanctuary surrounded by an unprotected landscape where the species is extirpated. The population has had marginal population growth due to poor recruitment so we modeled 3 types of data (resighting of fledglings, radio-telemetry of independent juveniles, resighting of adults) in an integrated framework to determine the life stages where high mortality was occurring, and to distinguish mortality from dispersal. Approximately 16% of birds that fledged (n = 109) were present at the start of the next breeding season, consistent with recruitment rates from previous years. Low survival in the first 6 weeks after fledging was the primary cause of poor recruitment. Only 50% survived to independence (4 weeks after fledging), and 18% survived to the end of the radio-tracking period (14 weeks), after which juvenile survival matched adult survival. No dispersal from the sanctuary occurred during the radio-tracking period. Juveniles moved between adjacent forest fragments within the sanctuary, but did not leave the sanctuary. This information, which demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between natal mortality and dispersal, is important for ongoing management of the site and selection of future reintroduction sites for this species. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In lekking species, males cluster on specific areas for display (the leks) and females generally prefer to copulate with males on large aggregations. The maintenance of leks in which only a few males reproduce might be explained if subordinate males gain indirect fitness benefits. By joining a lek on which relatives are displaying, subordinates might attract more females to the lek thereby increasing the mating opportunities of their kin. In black grouse, a genetic structure among leks has previously been found suggesting that relatives could display together. Using 11 microsatellite loci, we extended this result by testing for the presence of kin structures in nine black grouse leks (101 males). The genetic differentiation among flocks was higher in males than in females, suggesting female-biased dispersal and male philopatry. Because of this genetic structure, males were more related within than among leks. However, the mean relatedness within each lek hardly differed from zero. The lekking males were not more related than random assortments of males from the winter flocks and there were no kin clusters within leks. Thus, black grouse males do not choose to display with and close to relatives. Male philopatry alone was not sufficient to induce elevated levels of relatedness on the leks either because of male partial dispersal or a rapid turnover of the successful males. The indirect fitness benefits associated with males' settlement decision are probably limited compared to the direct benefits of joining large aggregations such as increased current and future mating opportunities.  相似文献   

1.  In a 1-month outdoor stream channel experiment, we investigated the relative importance of habitat complexity (i.e. cobbled area) and the presence of adult signal crayfish ( Pacifastacus leniusculus ) males on the survival and growth of juveniles.
2.  In treatments with high habitat complexity, more juveniles survived, more were newly moulted and they had a higher specific growth rate (SGR) at the end of the experiment than juveniles in treatments with low habitat complexity. The presence of adult males did not affect survival, moulting stage or growth of the juveniles.
3.  The presence of adult males decreased juvenile activity during night. Juveniles in treatments with low habitat complexity were more active than juveniles in high habitat complexity during both day and night.
4.  There was no difference in total invertebrate biomass between treatments. However, some invertebrate taxa, such as Chironomidae larvae, were affected by habitat complexity or the presence of adult crayfish. Juvenile crayfish in all channels had consumed detritus, algae and Chironomidae larvae and there were no differences in gut contents or stable isotope signals (carbon and nitrogen) between treatments, indicating a similar diet among the juveniles across treatments. However, the biomass of chironomids was significantly higher in channels with adult crayfish present, indicating a decreased consumption of chironomids by juveniles in the presence of adults.
5.  Our results suggest that the recruitment of juvenile crayfish is mostly affected by habitat complexity. The competition for food and shelter and aggressive interactions between the juveniles were most pronounced in low habitat complexity, indicating that habitats with a good access to shelter will enhance recruitment of juvenile crayfish in streams.  相似文献   

A population of the poorly known riparian frog Eleutherodactylus cuneatus was studied for 1 yr along a mountain stream in eastern Cuba. We examined population structure, seasonal and daily activity, growth, and habitat use using mark-recapture and call-point counts. Juveniles were observed during all survey periods with a spike in March. Higher numbers of adults were present in May–July, associated with longer day length, warmer temperatures, and the onset of the rainy season. This was coincident with higher calling activity away from the stream, suggesting an increase in both reproductive and nonreproductive activity in the warmer months between May and September. The number of individuals peaked at 2000–2200 h, but high numbers of individuals were visible throughout the night. Lower activity levels were observed throughout the day. Population size estimates were 84–131 adults and 124–304 juveniles, with averages of 110 and 236 individuals, survival rates were high but capture probabilities were low for a 5-d period in March 2004. Growth rate was negatively related to the size of recaptured individuals, although decreases in growth rate were slight. Frogs were found either in the water (49.7%), or in the banks and on the ground adjacent to the stream where most individuals were found on the ground under the cover of rocks, leaf litter, or large palm fronds. These results provide baseline knowledge of E. cuneatus population dynamics and ecology needed for a rapid detection of any decline this population may undergo in the future.  相似文献   

Past tracking studies of marine animals have primarily targeted adults, biasing our understanding of at‐sea habitat use toward older life stages. Anthropogenic threats persist throughout the at‐sea ranges of all life stages and it is therefore of interest to population ecologists and managers alike to understand spatiotemporal distributions and possible niche differentiation between age‐classes. In albatrosses, particularly little is known about the juvenile life stage when fledglings depart the colonies and venture to sea with no prior experience or parental guidance. We compared the dispersal of 22 fledgling Black‐footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes between 2006 and 2008 using satellite telemetry and 16 adults between 2008 and 2009 using geolocaters from Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Hawaiian Islands. Following tag deployment, all fledglings spent several days within the calm atoll waters, then travelled northward until reaching 750–900 km from the colony. At this point, fledgling distributions approached the productive North Pacific Transition Zone (NPTZ). Rather than reaching the high chlorophyll a densities on the leading edge of this zone, however, fledglings remained in areas of low productivity in the subtropical gyre. In contrast, adult albatrosses from the same breeding colony did not utilize the NPTZ at this time of year but rather ranged throughout the highly productive northern periphery of the Pacific Ocean Basin among the shelf regions off Japan and the Aleutian Islands. The dichotomy in habitat use between fledglings and adults from Midway Atoll results in complete spatial segregation between age‐classes and suggests ontogenetic niche separation in this species. This research fills a large knowledge gap in at‐sea habitat use during a little known yet critical life stage of albatrosses, and contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of differential mortality pressure between age‐classes and overall conservation status for the vulnerable Black‐footed Albatross.  相似文献   

Populations of red grouse ( Lagopus lagopus scoticus ) undergo regular multiannual cycles in abundance. The 'kinship hypothesis' posits that such cycles are caused by changes in kin structure among territorial males producing delayed density-dependent changes in aggressiveness, which in turn influence recruitment and regulate density. The kinship hypothesis makes several specific predictions about the levels of kinship, aggressiveness and recruitment through a population cycle: (i) kin structure will build up during the increase phase of a cycle, but break down prior to peak density; (ii) kin structure influences aggressiveness, such that there will be a negative relationship between kinship and aggressiveness over the years; (iii) as aggressiveness regulates recruitment and density, there will be a negative relationship between aggressiveness in one year and both recruitment and density in the next; (iv) as kin structure influences recruitment via an affect on aggressiveness, there will be a positive relationship between kinship in one year and recruitment the next. Here we test these predictions through the course of an 8-year cycle in a natural population of red grouse in northeast Scotland, using microsatellite DNA markers to resolve changing patterns of kin structure, and supra-orbital comb height of grouse as an index of aggressiveness. Both kin structure and aggressiveness were dynamic through the course of the cycle, and changing patterns were entirely consistent with the expectations of the kinship hypothesis. Results are discussed in relation to potential drivers of population regulation and implications of dynamic kin structure for population genetics.  相似文献   

An example of density-dependent regulation is provided by a long-term investigation (1966-present) of a population of migratory trout (estuarine and sea trout), Salmo trutta L., in a Lake District stream. Evidence for the concept of a critical period for the survival of young fish is briefly reviewed and found to be rather equivocal. The concept is, however, relevant to the trout population. Loss rates were high before but low after a critical survival time ( tc days after fry emergence) that varied between year-classes (range 33-70 days) and was inversely density-dependent on egg density. Survivor density and loss rates were strongly density-dependent on egg density before t c, but proportionate survival with stable loss-rates occurred after t c. Some trout established feeding territories soon after emergence and the number of fish without territories decreased from a high initial value to a negligible value at t c. Fish size at tc was not constant but increased as t c increased. The range of t c for the different year-classes was similar to that for survival times of unfed fry in the laboratory. A new stock-recruitment model, incorporating t c, has been developed for the trout population and shown to be related to the model (Ricker curve) used in the long-term study. The critical time can also be regarded as the critical age for survival in young trout; this concept may be relevant to other fish species.  相似文献   

张琼  钱法文 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7236-7243
2012年10月至2013年5月,采用焦点取样法对在吉林莫莫格国家级自然保护区内秋季和春季迁徙停歇的以及在江西鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区内越冬的白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)幼鹤行为进行了研究。结果表明,幼鹤取食行为比例从秋季迁徙时的23.0%增加到越冬晚期时的82.7%,但春季迁徙期减少为61.9%;幼鹤乞食行为比例从秋季迁徙时的58.2%减少至春季迁徙时的1.2%;幼鹤警戒行为比例从秋季迁徙时的1.0%增加至春季迁徙时的7.1%。幼鹤在春季迁徙期的理羽及静栖行为显著高于越冬期,这种行为的差异可能与食物的丰富度相关。环境因子中,风速对幼鹤静栖行为有显著影响,幼鹤取食及警戒行为与气温呈显著正相关。秋季迁徙及越冬晚期,幼鹤行为日节律在13:00—14:00时出现明显的取食低谷期,而春季迁徙期时则推后1小时。整个观察期间,幼鹤从雄鹤和雌鹤获得食物频次无显著差异,但不同时间段幼鹤从雄、雌成鹤处获得食物频次差异是显著的。研究从行为学的角度展示白鹤幼鹤的生长过程及不同性别成鹤对幼鹤生长的贡献。  相似文献   

This study quantified the use of cool water sources by wild 0+, 1+ and 2+ year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during high water temperatures ( i.e. >23° C) in summer 1995 and 2004. During these events, 0+ year Atlantic salmon did not aggregate or increase in abundance in cool water sites. Interestingly, 1+ and 2+ year Atlantic salmon numbers increased in cool water sites. In addition, these older juveniles formed numerous, discrete aggregations along the plume created by a tributary with aggregation locations being similar between years. Aged 2+ year fish aggregations were at the coolest sources whereas 1+ year aggregations were in locations cooler than the main river. Fish in aggregations on average used deeper sections (average depth: 380 mm) compared with the coolest available habitat in the thermal plume (average depth: 230 mm). Hence, during high temperature events, older juvenile Atlantic salmon moved to cooler water sites and then aggregated in deeper microhabitats.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was used to monitor the movements and landscape scale habitat use of age 2–3 year juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Newman Sound, a coastal fjord of Newfoundland, during late autumn and early winter (24 October 1999 to 22 January 2000). Substratum, bathymetric relief and depth use were studied to determine if it differed from the pattern expected given an absence of selectivity (habitat use proportional to habitat availability). Prior to winter migrations, most Atlantic cod maintained small home ranges (0·5–33·4 ha, median = 2·1 ha) although a few individuals moved more widely. No relationship between total length (LT) and home range size was detected. In Inner Newman Sound, Atlantic cod occupied depths of 10–29 m more than expected given availability, while depths of 0–9 and 40–59 m were underutilized. No significant relationship between depth and LT was detected. Areas of medium (5–10%) or high (>10%) bathymetric relief and boulder or kelp habitats were used significantly more than expected given the availability of these habitats. Sand and eelgrass substrata were underutilized given availability, although many Atlantic cod used sandy‐bottomed areas to some degree. Flexibility in habitat use by the individuals that were studied suggested reduced predation risk relative to younger conspecifics. Winter migrations to deeper water beyond Newman Sound began in mid‐November, coinciding with the disappearance of the thermocline, and continued until 27 December. Approximately 30% of monitored individuals did not migrate and maintained their home ranges into the winter season. No significant differences in LT between migrating and resident groups were detected, however, the condition of migrating fish was significantly higher than in resident fish. This finding supports the theory that feeding history plays a role in the decision to undertake migration.  相似文献   

Ecologists often assume that dispersing individuals experienceincreased predation risk owing to increased exposure to predatorswhile moving. To test the hypothesis that predation risk isa function of movement distance or rate of movement, we usedradio-telemetry data collected from 193 ruffed grouse (Bonasaumbellus) during 1996–1999 in southeastern Ohio. Cox'sproportional hazards model was used to examine whether the riskof predation was affected by the rate of movement and site familiarity.We found evidence indicating that increased movement rates mayincrease the risk of predation for adult birds but not juveniles.We also found juvenile and adult birds inhabiting unfamiliarspace were consistently at a much higher risk of predation (threeto 7.5 times greater) than those in familiar space. Our resultsindicate that although movement itself may have some effecton the risk of being preyed upon, moving through unfamiliarspace has a much greater effect on risk for ruffed grouse. Thissupports the hypothesis that increased predation risk may bean important cost of dispersal for birds.  相似文献   

1.  Thirgood & Redpath (2008) propose ways in which red grouse : hen harrier conflicts could be resolved. It has also been suggested that grouse management could accept lower bag sizes (number of birds shot) thus reducing the need for intensive management of predators and habitats. This would allow hen harriers to co-exist more easily on grouse moors.
2.  We compare the bags, costs and incomes from these less intensive forms of grouse shooting with the more intensive driven shooting.
3.  Allowing high density grouse moors to decline to low density ones will result in greater loss of income than the corresponding saving of costs. This can result in moor owners abandoning grouse management and thus gamekeepers losing their employment.
4.  Losing gamekeepers from the uplands would jeopardize the protection of heather moorland and Special Protection Areas for birds, large areas of which are keepered and which currently support high numbers of breeding waders.
5.   Synthesis and applications . We agree with the study by Thirgood & Redpath that consideration of social and economic factors will be needed to resolve conflict but a reduction in management effort from driven to walked-up shooting is not the answer. A more satisfactory approach to the harrier : grouse conflict could be to try to reduce harrier predation by means of diversionary feeding and to address the problem of the rapid build-up in harrier numbers by exploring the use of a ceiling on harrier densities.  相似文献   

Species associated with early successional habitats have experienced dramatic declines in the eastern United States as a result of land use changes and human disruption of natural disturbance regimes. Consequently, active management is required to create early successional habitat and promote plant and animal communities that depend on periodic forest disturbance. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) depend on recently disturbed forest habitat, and have experienced dramatic declines over the last half-century. Although ruffed grouse are extensively studied, little effort has been made to link population dynamics with habitat management at landscape scales. We used stochastic, spatially explicit population models that combined landscape conditions derived from a Geographic Information System with demographic data, and applied the model to a declining ruffed grouse population in Rhode Island, USA. We identified vital rates that influence ruffed grouse population dynamics using baseline models constructed with current demographic rates and landscape conditions, and assessed the effect of landscape-scale forest management alternatives on population persistence by running multiple management simulations. Baseline models typically predicted population decline, and we concluded that vital rates (survival and recruitment) had a greater influence on population persistence than did dispersal capability, carrying capacity, or initial population size. Management simulations predicted greater population persistence under a scenario where high-quality habitat was provided in fewer large blocks as opposed to many small blocks, and the rate at which we allowed ruffed grouse to colonize newly created habitat had a substantial impact on management success. Populations of ruffed grouse in the eastern United States are likely to continue to decline given current disturbance regimes, and our work provides a link between ruffed grouse demography and landscape-scale habitat conditions to support management decisions. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Grassland birds have exhibited dramatic and widespread declines since the mid‐20th century. Greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) are considered an umbrella species for grassland conservation and are frequent targets of management, but their responses to land use and management can be quite variable. We used data collected during 2007–2009 and 2014–2015 to investigate effects of land use and grassland management practices on habitat selection and survival rates of greater prairie chickens in central Wisconsin, USA. We examined habitat, nest‐site, and brood‐rearing site selection by hens and modeled effects of land cover and management on survival rates of hens, nests, and broods. Prairie chickens consistently selected grassland over other cover types, but selection or avoidance of management practices varied among life‐history stages. Hen, nest, and brood survival rates were influenced by different land cover types and management practices. At the landscape scale, hens selected areas where brush and trees had been removed during the previous year, which increased hen survival. Hens selected nest sites in hay fields and brood‐rearing sites in burned areas, but prescribed fire had a negative influence on hen survival. Brood survival rates were positively associated with grazing and were highest when home ranges contained ≈15%–20% shrub/tree cover. The effects of landscape composition on nest survival were ambiguous. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of evaluating responses to management efforts across a range of life‐history stages and suggest that a variety of management practices are likely necessary to provide structurally heterogeneous, high‐quality habitat for greater prairie chickens. Brush and tree removal, grazing, hay cultivation, and prescribed fire may be especially beneficial for prairie chickens in central Wisconsin, but trade‐offs among life‐history stages and the timing of management practices must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

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