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The phylogenetic relationship of Eurasian species of the Drosophila obscura species group remains ambiguous in spite of intensive analyses based on morphology, allozymes and DNA sequences. The present analysis based on sequence data for cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and a-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh) suggests that the phylogenetic position of D. alpina is also ambiguous. These ambiguities have been considered to be attributable to rapid phyletic radiation in this group at an early stage of its evolution. Overwintering strategies are diversified among these species: D. alpina and D. subsihestris pass the winter in pupal diapause, D. bifasciata and D. obscura in reproductive diapause, and D. subobscura and D. guanche without entering diapause. This diversity may also suggest rapid radiation at an early phase of adaptations to temperate climates. On the other hand, adult tolerance of cold was closely related to overwintering strategy and distribution: D. obscura and D. bifasciata with reproductive diapause were very tolerant; D. alpina and D. subsilvestris which pass the winter in pupal diapause were less tolerant; D. subobscura having no diapause was moderately tolerant and D. guanche occurring in the Canary Islands was rather susceptible. Tolerance of high temperature at the preimaginal stages seemed to be also associated with overwintering strategy; i.e. lower in the species with pupal diapause than in those with reproductive diapause or without diapause mechanism.  相似文献   

The Ty3/gypsy family of retroelements is closely related to retroviruses, and some of their members have an open reading frame resembling the retroviral gene env. Sequences homologous to the gypsy element from Drosophila melanogaster are widely distributed among Drosophila species. In this work, we report a phylogenetic study based mainly on the analysis of the 5' region of the env gene from several species of the obscura group, and also from sequences already reported of D. melanogaster, Drosophila virilis, and Drosophila hydei. Our results indicate that the gypsy elements from species of the obscura group constitute a monophyletic group which has strongly diverged from the prototypic D. melanogaster gypsy element. Phylogenetic relationships between gypsy sequences from the obscura group are consistent with those of their hosts, indicating vertical transmission. However, D. hydei and D. virilis gypsy sequences are closely related to those of the affinis subgroup, which could be indicative of horizontal transmission.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) has been purified from Drosophila hydei. Biochemical investigations show that the native enzyme is a dimer consisting of two identical subunits with molecular weight 27,000. The pH optimum values of pure enzyme preparations are 7.9 and 9.4. The pI values are 8.83 and 8.41. Substrate specificities have been characterized. Km(app) values are lowest for propan-2-ol and butan-2-ol and Vmax(app) values are highest for these two substrates. The amino acid composition has been determined. Peptide mapping experiments performed after trypsin digestion of the enzyme allow the identification of 24 peptides. Peptides comprising 64% of the amino acid residues have also been purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and their N-terminal residues and amino acid composition determined. Results are compared with the amino acid sequence of ADH from D. melanogaster Adhs [Thatcher, D. R. (1980). Biochem. J. 187:875]. When data on the biochemical and structural characterization of ADH from D. hydei are compared with data from other species of Drosophila, clear homologies are observed.  相似文献   

P. Hatzopoulos  M. Loukas 《Genetica》1986,71(2):119-122
The three female specific vitellogenin proteins of eight Drosophila species of the obscura group were detected in discontinuous SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The molecular weights of these proteins were estimated. These three genetic markers represent an useful addition to the electrophoretic variation that has been used to construct phylogenies in the genus Drosophila.  相似文献   

The polytene chromosome puffing patterns of Drosophila guanche were established and compared with those of Drosophila subobscura. A total of 150 loci, active in some of the 17 developmental stages studied, were described and 23 of them were found to form the characteristic puffing pattern of D. guanche. Taking into account the number of puffs as well as the gene activity of each chromosome and the total gene activity, D. guanche seems to be less active than D. subobscura. Although both species show a degree of homology in their puffing patterns lower than that found for sibling species, the degree of homology is stronger than that between species belonging to the same group but to different subgroups. Thus, D. guanche and D. subobscura must be considered as phylogenetically closely related species, belonging to the same subgroup.  相似文献   

SGM (Drosophila subobscura, Drosophila guanche, and Drosophila madeirensis) transposons are a family of transposable elements (TEs) in Drosophila with some functional and structural similarities to miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs). These elements were recently active in D. subobscura and D. madeirensis (1-2 MYA), but in D. guanche (3-4 MYA), they gave rise to a species-specifically amplified satellite DNA making up approximately 10% of its genome. SGM elements were already active in the common ancestor of all three species, giving rise to the A-type specific promoter section of the P:-related neogene cluster. SGM sequences are similar to elements found in other obscura group species, such as the ISY elements in D. miranda and the ISamb elements in Drosophila ambigua. SGM elements are composed of different sequence modules, and some of them, i.e., LS and LS-core, are found throughout the Drosophila and Sophophora radiation with similarity to more distantly related TEs. The LS-core module is highly enriched in the noncoding sections of the Drosophila melanogaster genome, suggesting potential regulatory host gene functions. The SGM elements can be considered as a model system elucidating the evolutionary dynamics of mobile elements in their arms race with host-directed silencing mechanisms and their evolutionary impact on the structure and composition of their respective host genomes.  相似文献   

Fifteen species belonging to the obscura group of the genus Drosophila were screened for sequences homologous to Drosophila melanogaster transposable elements (TEs) as an initial step in the examination of the possible occurrence of TEs at chromosomal inversion breakpoints. Blots of genomic DNAs from species of the obscura group were hybridized at three different stringencies with 14 probes representing the major families of TEs described in D. melanogaster. The probe DNAs included copia, gypsy, 412, 297, mdg1, mdg3, 3S18, F, G, I, jockey, P, hobo, and FB3. D. melanogaster TEs were not well represented in the species of the obscura group analyzed. The TEs that were observed generally exhibited heterogeneous distributions, with the exception of F, gypsy and 412 which were ubiquitous, and 297, G, Sancho 2, hobo and FB which were not detected.by A. Bird  相似文献   

Approximately 2 kb corresponding to different regions of the mtDNA of 14 different species of the obscura group of Drosophila have been sequenced. In spite of the uncertainties arising in the phylogenetic reconstruction due to a restrictive selection toward a high mtDNA A+T content, all the phylogenetic analysis carried out clearly indicate that the obscura group is formed by, at least, four well-defined lineages that would have appeared as the consequence of a rapid phyletic radiation. Two of the lineages correspond to monophyletic subgroups (i.e., afftnis and pseudoobscura), whereas the obscura subgroup remains heterogeneous assemblage that could be reasonably subdivided into at least two complexes (i.e., subobscura and obscura).  相似文献   

Thirteen Drosophila Adh variants have been characterized with respect to gene expression, substrate preference, thermostability, and specific activity. The results suggest that the variants may be grouped into two biochemical classes, typified by the properties of the two most common enzyme forms, ADH-F and ADH-S. Membership of these classes cannot be predicted from electrophoretic mobility, nor is any simple classification possible with regard to the characteristics of level of gene expression (in terms of ADH activity or ADH protein) or thermostability of the gene product.  相似文献   

Five morphometrical traits (wing and thorax length, ovariole number, and thoracic and female abdomen pigmentation) were investigated in laboratory stocks of 20 species belonging to the Drosophila obscura group (subgenus Sophophora). These species originated from four biogeographical regions and represent all five of the presently recognized, taxonomic subgroups. Size‐related traits (wing and thorax length) were highly variable across species, and interspecific variation explained more than 90% of total variability. In both traditional and phylogenetic analyses, wing size was positively correlated with latitude of origin. These interspecific correlations were however notably weaker than those for intraspecific correlations. Wing/thorax ratio, which may be related to flight capacity, showed little variation. Ovariole number was highly variable (range 27–53) both within and between species, and was positively correlated with the wing/thorax ratio, suggesting that species with relatively large ovaries have relatively low wing loading. Although many species are completely dark, 11 had some regions of light coloration. A light thorax with a median darkening was observed in six species. A variable pigmentation of abdominal tergites, in females only, was found in nine species, belonging to three subgroups only. With respect to both molecular phylogeny and morphometrical evolution, the D. obscura subgroup is probably now the best investigated clade in Drosophila.  相似文献   

A new species of the Drosophila obscura species group is described here, namely Drosophila glabra sp. nov. It was recently found from the Maoershan National Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China. The characteristics of the new species are based not only on morphological characters but also on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COII(cytochrome c oxidase subunit II) gene.  相似文献   

We analyse in this paper the evolutionary patterns of two types of Drosophila retrotransposons, gypsy (a virus-like element), and bilbo (a LINE-like element), in host species from the Drosophila and Scaptomyza genus. Phylogenetic analysis of the retrotransposon sequences amplified by PCR, revealed concordance with the phylogeny of the Drosophila host species from the obscura group, which is consistent with vertical transmission during differentiation of the species. However, in the species outside of the obscura group, horizontal transmission can be considered. The amplified sequences that presented intact open reading frames were used in an analysis of the evolutionary constraints on the amino acid sequences. The analysed sequences seem to be functional, and the selective constraints are evidenced, especially when sequences from distant species are compared. Comparison of the evolutionary rates of both retrotransposons in the same species, suggests that bilbo seems to evolve more rapidly than gypsy.  相似文献   

The bilbo element is a non-LTR retrotransposon isolated from Drosophila subobscura. We conducted a distribution survey by Southern blot for 52 species of the family Drosophilidae, mainly from the obscura and melanogaster groups. Most of the analyzed species bear sequences homologous to bilbo from D. subobscura. In the obscura group, species from the same species subgroup also share similar Southern blot patterns. To investigate the phylogenetic relationship among these elements, we analyzed eight copies of a short sequence of the element from several species of the obscura group. The obtained phylogram agrees with the phylogeny of the species, which suggests vertical transmission of the element.  相似文献   

We compare the sequences for the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II gene of 13 species of the Drosophila obscura group. The survey includes six members of the D. affinis subgroup, four of the D. pseudoobscura subgroup, and three of the D. obscura subgroup. In all species, the gene is 688 nucleotides in length, encoding a protein of 229 amino acids plus the first position T of the stop codon. The sequences show the typical high-transition bias for closely related species, but that bias is essentially eliminated for species pairs of > 5% sequence divergence. The phylogenetic relationships in the species group are inferred using both neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony. The two procedures give comparable results, showing that the D. affinis and D. pseudoobscura subgroups are monophyletic groupings that appear to have closer affinities to one another than either has to the D. obscura subgroup. We use transversion distances to estimate times of divergence, on the basis of three different estimates of the time of separation of the D. obscura species group from the D. melanogaster group. If that event occurred 35 Mya, then we can estimate the origin of the nearctic forms at approximately 22 Mya and the separation of the D. affinis and D. pseudoobscura subgroups at approximately 17 Mya.   相似文献   

The evolutionary origins of microsatellites are not well understood. Some investigators have suggested that point mutations that expand repeat arrays beyond a threshold size trigger microsatellites to become variable. However, little empirical data has been brought forth on this and related issues. In this study, we examine the evolutionary history of microsatellites in six species within the obscura group of Drosophila, tracing changes in microsatellite alleles using both PCR product size and sequence data. We found little evidence supporting a general role of point mutations triggering initial microsatellite expansion, and no consistent threshold size for expansion was observed. Flanking region length variation was extensive when alleles were sequenced in distantly related species, and some species possessed altogether different repeat arrays between the same primer binding sites. Our results suggest extreme caution in using microsatellite allele sizes for phylogenetic analyses or to infer divergences between populations.  相似文献   

Summary In the twelve Drosophila obscura group species studied, belonging to the affinis, obscura, and pseudoobscura subgroups, the mitochondrial DNA length ranges from 15.8 to 17.2 kb. This length polymorphism is mainly due to insertions/deletions in the variable region of the A+T-rich region. In addition, one species (D. tristis) possess a tandem duplication of a 470-bp fragment that contains the replication origin.The same duplication has occurred at least twice in the Drosophila evolutionary history due to the fact that the repetition is analogous to repetitions found in the four species of the D. melanogaster complex.By comparing the nucleotide sequence of the conserved region in D. ambigua, D. obscura, D. yakuba, D. teissieri, and D. virilis, we show the presence of a secondary structure, likely implied in the replication origin, which could favor the generation of this kind of duplications.Finally, we propose that the high A and T content in the variable region of the A + T-rich region favors the formation of less-stable secondary structures, which could explain the generation of minor insertion/deletions found in this region.Offprint requests to: A. Latorre  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of the histone genes was determined in seven species of the Drosophila obscura group by in situ hybridization. Histone genes occur on more than one site per genome and on non-homologous chromosome elements. In addition, the metaphase karyotypes and the banding pattern of the polytene chromosomes were compared. Based on chromosomal characters, the cladogenesis of the D. obscura group was established. From the distribution of histone sites in different species, analysed in this paper and in previous studies, the phylogenetic history of histone gene transposition was derived. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the generation of new histone sites are discussed.  相似文献   

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