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Summary A model for the interactions of cortical neurons is derived and analyzed. It is shown that small amplitude spatially inhomogeneous standing oscillations can bifurcate from the rest state. In a periodic domain, traveling wave trains exist. Stability of these patterns is discussed in terms of biological parameters. Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits are demonstrated for the space-clamped system.The research reported in this paper was supported in part by NIH GM2037  相似文献   

The study of correlations in neural circuits of different size, from the small size of cortical microcolumns to the large-scale organization of distributed networks studied with functional imaging, is a topic of central importance to systems neuroscience. However, a theory that explains how the parameters of mesoscopic networks composed of a few tens of neurons affect the underlying correlation structure is still missing. Here we consider a theory that can be applied to networks of arbitrary size with multiple populations of homogeneous fully-connected neurons, and we focus its analysis to a case of two populations of small size. We combine the analysis of local bifurcations of the dynamics of these networks with the analytical calculation of their cross-correlations. We study the correlation structure in different regimes, showing that a variation of the external stimuli causes the network to switch from asynchronous states, characterized by weak correlation and low variability, to synchronous states characterized by strong correlations and wide temporal fluctuations. We show that asynchronous states are generated by strong stimuli, while synchronous states occur through critical slowing down when the stimulus moves the network close to a local bifurcation. In particular, strongly positive correlations occur at the saddle-node and Andronov-Hopf bifurcations of the network, while strongly negative correlations occur when the network undergoes a spontaneous symmetry-breaking at the branching-point bifurcations. These results show how the correlation structure of firing-rate network models is strongly modulated by the external stimuli, even keeping the anatomical connections fixed. These results also suggest an effective mechanism through which biological networks may dynamically modulate the encoding and integration of sensory information.  相似文献   

Decision making in recurrent neuronal circuits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang XJ 《Neuron》2008,60(2):215-234
Decision making has recently emerged as a central theme in neurophysiological studies of cognition, and experimental and computational work has led to the proposal of a cortical circuit mechanism of elemental decision computations. This mechanism depends on slow recurrent synaptic excitation balanced by fast feedback inhibition, which not only instantiates attractor states for forming categorical choices but also long transients for gradually accumulating evidence in favor of or against alternative options. Such a circuit endowed with reward-dependent synaptic plasticity is able to produce adaptive choice behavior. While decision threshold is a core concept for reaction time tasks, it can be dissociated from a general decision rule. Moreover, perceptual decisions and value-based economic choices are described within a unified framework in which probabilistic choices result from irregular neuronal activity as well as iterative interactions of a decision maker with an uncertain environment or other unpredictable decision makers in a social group.  相似文献   

Recurrent neuronal circuits in the neocortex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Spike timing is believed to be a key factor in sensory information encoding and computations performed by the neurons and neuronal circuits. However, the considerable noise and variability, arising from the inherently stochastic mechanisms that exist in the neurons and the synapses, degrade spike timing precision. Computational modeling can help decipher the mechanisms utilized by the neuronal circuits in order to regulate timing precision. In this paper, we utilize semi-analytical techniques, which were adapted from previously developed methods for electronic circuits, for the stochastic characterization of neuronal circuits. These techniques, which are orders of magnitude faster than traditional Monte Carlo type simulations, can be used to directly compute the spike timing jitter variance, power spectral densities, correlation functions, and other stochastic characterizations of neuronal circuit operation. We consider three distinct neuronal circuit motifs: Feedback inhibition, synaptic integration, and synaptic coupling. First, we show that both the spike timing precision and the energy efficiency of a spiking neuron are improved with feedback inhibition. We unveil the underlying mechanism through which this is achieved. Then, we demonstrate that a neuron can improve on the timing precision of its synaptic inputs, coming from multiple sources, via synaptic integration: The phase of the output spikes of the integrator neuron has the same variance as that of the sample average of the phases of its inputs. Finally, we reveal that weak synaptic coupling among neurons, in a fully connected network, enables them to behave like a single neuron with a larger membrane area, resulting in an improvement in the timing precision through cooperation.  相似文献   

Emergence of synchronous oscillatory activity is an inherent feature of the olfactory systems of insects, mollusks and mammals. A class of simple computational models of the mammalian olfactory system consisting of olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex is constructed to explore possible roles of the related neural circuitry in olfactory information processing via synchronous oscillations. In the models, the bulbar neural circuitry is represented by a chain of oscillators and that of cortex is analogous to an associative memory network with horizontal synaptic connections. The models incorporate the backprojection from cortical units to the bulbar oscillators in particular ways. They exhibit rapid and robust synchronous oscillations in the presence of odorant stimuli, while they show either nonoscillatory states or propagating waves in the absence of stimuli, depending on the values of model parameters. In both models, the backprojection is shown to enhance the establishment of large-scale synchrony. The results suggest that the modulation of neural activity through centrifugal inputs may play an important role at the early stage of cortical information processing.  相似文献   

Langendorff perfused rat hearts show synchronous, statistically significant, systematic variations in ATP and ADP. Here we show that AMP and IMP also vary in register with ATP and ADP and we suggest that the synchronizing trigger for these oscillations may be ischaemia. Oscillations in the ATP/ADP ratio were found to be significantly correlated with creatine phosphate content but by contrast these quantities vary quite differently from the GTP/GDP ratio. Cyclic GMP oscillations showed a significant negative correlation with variations in ADP. Epinephrine raised mean cyclic AMP content and stabilized cyclic GMP oscillations, but had little other effect on the purine nucleotide variations.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis and functional plasticity in neuronal circuits   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The adult brain is a plastic place. To ensure that the mature nervous system's control of behaviour is flexible in the face of a varying environment, morphological and physiological changes are possible at many levels, including that of the entire cell. In two areas of the adult brain - the olfactory bulb and the dentate gyrus - new neurons are generated throughout life and form an integral part of the normal functional circuitry. This process is not fixed, but highly modulated, revealing a plastic mechanism by which the brain's performance can be optimized for a given environment. The functional benefits of this whole-cell plasticity, however, remain a matter for debate.  相似文献   

Shen X  De Wilde P 《Bio Systems》2007,88(1-2):127-136
We study a biologically plausible but computationally simplified integrate-and-fire neuronal model. Oscillatory activity is analyzed in the networks with and without self-connections. We perform a detailed scan of four major parameters that represent the properties of neurons and synapses: connection ratio, connection strengths, post-synaptic potential decay rate and soma's potential decay rate. It is observed that networks with different properties exhibit different periods and different patterns of synchrony. We find that generally these oscillations are robust against changes of parameters, meanwhile we also locate the parametric boundaries where oscillations break down.  相似文献   

Mitochondria shape Ca(2+) signaling and exocytosis by taking up calcium during cell activation. In addition, mitochondrial Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](M)) stimulates respiration and ATP synthesis. Insulin secretion by pancreatic beta-cells is coded mainly by oscillations of cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](C)), but mitochondria are also important in excitation-secretion coupling. Here, we have monitored [Ca(2+)](M) in single beta-cells within intact mouse islets by imaging bioluminescence of targeted aequorins. We find an increase of [Ca(2+)](M) in islet-cells in response to stimuli that induce either Ca(2+) entry, such as extracellular glucose, tolbutamide or high K(+), or Ca(2+) mobilization from the intracellular stores, such as ATP or carbamylcholine. Many cells responded to glucose with synchronous [Ca(2+)](M) oscillations, indicating that mitochondrial function is coordinated at the whole islet level. Mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake in permeabilized beta-cells increased exponentially with increasing [Ca(2+)], and, particularly, it became much faster at [Ca(2+)](C)>2 microM. Since the bulk [Ca(2+)](C) signals during stimulation with glucose are smaller than 2 microM, mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake could be not uniform, but to take place preferentially from high [Ca(2+)](C) microdomains formed near the mouth of the plasma membrane Ca(2+) channels. Measurements of mitochondrial NAD(P)H fluorescence in stimulated islets indicated that the [Ca(2+)](M) changes evidenced here activated mitochondrial dehydrogenases and therefore they may modulate the function of beta-cell mitochondria. Diazoxide, an activator of K(ATP), did not modify mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake.  相似文献   

When young suckle, they are rewarded intermittently with a let-down of milk that results from reflex secretion of the hormone oxytocin; without oxytocin, newly born young will die unless they are fostered. Oxytocin is made by magnocellular hypothalamic neurons, and is secreted from their nerve endings in the pituitary in response to action potentials (spikes) that are generated in the cell bodies and which are propagated down their axons to the nerve endings. Normally, oxytocin cells discharge asynchronously at 1–3 spikes/s, but during suckling, every 5 min or so, each discharges a brief, intense burst of spikes that release a pulse of oxytocin into the circulation. This reflex was the first, and is perhaps the best, example of a physiological role for peptide-mediated communication within the brain: it is coordinated by the release of oxytocin from the dendrites of oxytocin cells; it can be facilitated by injection of tiny amounts of oxytocin into the hypothalamus, and it can be blocked by injection of tiny amounts of oxytocin antagonist. Here we show how synchronized bursting can arise in a neuronal network model that incorporates basic observations of the physiology of oxytocin cells. In our model, bursting is an emergent behaviour of a complex system, involving both positive and negative feedbacks, between many sparsely connected cells. The oxytocin cells are regulated by independent afferent inputs, but they interact by local release of oxytocin and endocannabinoids. Oxytocin released from the dendrites of these cells has a positive-feedback effect, while endocannabinoids have an inhibitory effect by suppressing the afferent input to the cells.  相似文献   

Lubenov EV  Siapas AG 《Neuron》2008,58(1):118-131
The level of synchronization in distributed systems is often controlled by the strength of the interactions between individual elements. In brain circuits the connection strengths between neurons are modified under the influence of spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) rules. Here we show that when recurrent networks with conduction delays exhibit population bursts, STDP rules exert a strong decoupling force that desynchronizes activity. Conversely, when activity in the network is random, the same rules can have a coupling and synchronizing influence. The presence of these opposing forces promotes the self-organization of spontaneously active neuronal networks to a state at the border between randomness and synchrony. The decoupling force of STDP may be engaged by the synchronous bursts occurring in the hippocampus during slow-wave sleep, leading to the selective erasure of information from hippocampal circuits as memories are established in neocortical areas.  相似文献   

Voluntary movements in animals are often episodic, with abrupt onset and termination. Elevated neuronal excitation is required to drive the neuronal circuits underlying such movements; however, the mechanisms that sustain this increased excitation are largely unknown. In the medicinal leech, an identified cascade of excitation has been traced from mechanosensory neurons to the swim oscillator circuit. Although this cascade explains the initiation of excitatory drive (and hence swim initiation), it cannot account for the prolonged excitation (10–100 s) that underlies swim episodes. We present results of physiological and theoretical investigations into the mechanisms that maintain swimming activity in the leech. Although intrasegmental mechanisms can prolong stimulus-evoked excitation for more than one second, maintained excitation and sustained swimming activity requires chains of several ganglia. Experimental and modeling studies suggest that mutually excitatory intersegmental interactions can drive bouts of swimming activity in leeches. Our model neuronal circuits, which incorporated mutually excitatory neurons whose activity was limited by impulse adaptation, also replicated the following major experimental findings: (1) swimming can be initiated and terminated by a single neuron, (2) swim duration decreases with experimental reduction in nerve cord length, and (3) swim duration decreases as the interval between swim episodes is reduced.  相似文献   

Clock output pathways are central to convey timing information from the circadian clock to a diversity of physiological systems, ranging from cell-autonomous processes to behavior. While the molecular mechanisms that generate and sustain rhythmicity at the cellular level are well understood, it is unclear how this information is further structured to control specific behavioral outputs. Rhythmic release of pigment dispersing factor (PDF) has been proposed to propagate the time of day information from core pacemaker cells to downstream targets underlying rhythmic locomotor activity. Indeed, such circadian changes in PDF intensity represent the only known mechanism through which the PDF circuit could communicate with its output. Here we describe a novel circadian phenomenon involving extensive remodeling in the axonal terminals of the PDF circuit, which display higher complexity during the day and significantly lower complexity at nighttime, both under daily cycles and constant conditions. In support to its circadian nature, cycling is lost in bona fide clockless mutants. We propose this clock-controlled structural plasticity as a candidate mechanism contributing to the transmission of the information downstream of pacemaker cells.  相似文献   

A model for neuronal oscillations in the visual cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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