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为揭示城镇化进程中生境破碎化对鸟类多样性及分布格局的影响, 本研究于2017-2019年每年的4-8月使用样线法对贵州花溪大学城26块破碎化林地(面积介于0.3-290.4 ha)中的鸟类群落进行了10次调查。共记录到鸟类78种, 隶属于11目37科。其中, 东洋界物种数占56.4%, 古北界物种数占32.1%, 广布种占11.5%; 有中国特有种1种。剔除高空飞行、非森林鸟类及偶然出现物种后, 不同斑块中的鸟类物种数介于12-55之间, 平均每个斑块有23.2 ± 10.5种。线性回归分析显示, 鸟类物种丰富度与林地斑块的面积有显著相关性, 斑块面积越小, 鸟类物种丰富度越低; 斑块隔离度对物种丰富度没有显著影响。基于物种多度分布矩阵的WNODF (weighted nestedness metric based on overlap and decreasing fill)嵌套分析显示, 不同斑块中鸟类群落呈现出反嵌套结构。小斑块中鸟类物种丰富度较低可能与植物丰富度较低、食物资源稀缺和繁育条件不足有关, 但短距离的隔离对鸟类迁入或扩散影响有限。环境过滤效应、种间竞争或优先效应可能导致不同斑块间存在较大的物种组成差异, 从而导致反嵌套格局。因此, 本研究建议在城市规划建设中应注重维持栖息地的完整性, 对不同面积大小的破碎化斑块都应加以保护。  相似文献   

园林鸟类群落的岛屿性格局   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
岛屿群落由于受岛屿栖息地特征结构的影响而产生一系列特殊的格局。通过对杭州市园林鸟类群落的研究,分析了园林鸟类群落的物种数、组成和多度与园林岛屿性状的关系,从而确定了园林鸟类群落存在如下与园林的岛屿性状有关的格局:(1)在物种数方面,在相同的取样面积下,园林的物种数随园林面积的增大而减少;(2 )在群落组成上,园林鸟类群落呈现出不完全的嵌套格局,分布于物种数较少的园林中的物种多数也分布在物种数较多的园林中;(3)在物种多度方面,园林鸟类的总密度随面积的增大而减少,园林鸟类多度的均匀度随着面积的增大而提高。群落的岛屿性格局反映了栖息地的岛屿化对群落的影响,总称之为群落的岛屿效应。通过比较全年、繁殖季节、越冬季节和迁徙季节群落岛屿性格局的显著性,分析群落的稳定性与群落岛屿效应之间的关系,认为两者之间没有必然的联系,相对非稳定的群落也可导致显著岛屿效应  相似文献   

栖息地破碎化与鸟类生存   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
邓文洪 《生态学报》2009,29(6):3181-3187
栖息地破碎化给野生动物带来的不良后果是全球生态学家和保护生物学家共同关心的问题.自从提出栖息地破碎化是导致生物多样性丧失的关键因素之一的论点后,近20年来,栖息地破碎化研究一直是生态学和保护生物学最活跃的前沿研究领域之一.栖息地破碎化是一动态过程,可在多尺度上发生并蕴涵着复杂的空间模式变化.栖息地破碎化对鸟类的生态学效应主要体现在面积效应、隔离效应和边缘效应等.这些效应影响着鸟类的分布、基因交流、种群动态、扩散行为、种间关系和生活史特征等,最终影响着鸟类的生存.介绍和总结了栖息地破碎化过程、研究的理论依据及栖息地破碎化对鸟类生存产生的诸多影响.  相似文献   

小岛屿效应描述了种-面积关系的一种特殊现象,是当前生物地理学和生物多样性研究理论框架的重要组成部分。随着气候变暖,山顶物种的生存受到威胁,然而以山顶生境岛屿为载体对小岛屿效应的研究还十分缺乏。该研究以太行山脉中段19个面积0.06–801.58km2的山顶生境岛屿为研究区,在2019–2021年的夏秋季对藓类进行调查。共记录到藓类131种,隶属于23科68属。采用6种种-面积关系回归模型,分别检测了所有藓和6个常见藓科是否存在小岛屿效应。根据小岛屿效应形成机制的生境多样性假说、灭亡假说和营养补给假说,选择了岛屿高度、温度年变化范围和单位面积净初级生产力作为变量,对小岛屿效应的驱动因素进行分析。在各类群组中,使用多元线性回归和变差分解分别评估上述3个变量对物种丰富度变化的线性影响。首先使用5个面积最小的岛屿进行分析,计算出3个变量对物种丰富度变化的贡献,然后以迭代的方式逐次加入面积更大的1个岛屿,并再次进行变差分解分析。最后使用广义线性回归分析了3个变量对物种丰富度变化的贡献在迭代过程中的变化趋势。结果显示,所有藓和6个常见藓科均存在小岛屿效应,其面积阈值分布在0....  相似文献   

温带次生林的岛屿化对鸟类物种多样性及密度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邓文洪  高玮 《生物多样性》2005,13(3):204-212
由于自然事件的影响和人类活动的干扰,越来越多的大片森林破碎成彼此孤立、面积不一的森林岛屿,这种变化无疑会对某些动物的分布模式及行为特征产生影响。于2000和2001年的春夏季,在吉林省左家自然保护区及土门岭地区,采用点样法对18块森林岛屿(面积范围:4.3–76.9hm2)中的鸟类物种多样性及密度进行了调查。主要目的是检测森林岛屿的面积效应是否对鸟类物种多样性及密度产生影响,同时分析经典的岛屿生物地理理论是否可以解释破碎化后的森林岛屿面积与物种的关系。结果表明,鸟类物种多样性在年间没有显著变化,但鸟类的密度在不同年间变化较大。不同面积森林岛屿中的鸟类物种多样性有所差异,所包含的鸟类物种数从12种到43种不等。尽管有些面积较大的斑块所包含的物种数较少,但鸟类物种数的总体趋势是随着斑块面积的增大而增多。不同鸟类对森林岛屿面积的反应并不相同,灰椋鸟(Sturnuscineraceus)、红尾伯劳(Laniuscristatus)、灰头鹀(Embrizaspodocephala)等在面积较小的斑块中密度较大,而山鹡鸰(Dendronanthusindicus)、树鹨(Anthushodg-soni)、灰背鸫(Turdushortulorum)等几乎不分布于小面积斑块之中。森林岛屿中鸟类物种随着面积变化的变异方式符合经典的岛屿生物地理理论的基本模式,但Z值和C值差异较大  相似文献   

鸟类群落研究进展   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
崔鹏  邓文洪 《动物学杂志》2007,42(4):149-158
鸟类群落的研究一直是鸟类生态学研究的重要领域,研究内容主要集中在以下几个方面:群落的组成结构、集团结构、生态位与种间关系、动态与演替、群落与栖息地关系以及城市化对鸟类群落影响。群落的组成与结构、动态与演替以及群落与栖息地关系的研究是过去20年间的研究热点,但有关城市化对鸟类群落影响的研究还比较少。本文在总结国内外鸟类群落生态学研究的基础上,重点讨论了目前的研究热点和今后的发展趋势,以期促进我国鸟类群落生态学的研究。  相似文献   

研究城市化过程中城市公园鸟类的影响因素与保护对策,对城市鸟类的保护和城市公园的建设具有重要的意义。为了解长沙市区城市公园的面积大小、人为干扰强度、生境类型对繁殖期鸟类物种多样性及群落特征的影响,于2011—2013年的每年5月上旬和6月上旬,采用固定样线法对长沙市区的岳麓山公园、橘子洲公园、烈士公园、南郊公园、湖南省森林植物园共5个城市公园的鸟类种类、数量及生境进行了调查,共记录到6283只鸟类,隶属10目、31科、74种,其中有2种鸟类为国家二级重点保护野生动物。对各城市公园面积与每公顷的鸟类物种数进行回归分析的结果显示:随着城市公园面积的增大,鸟类物种密度减少,这可能是小面积公园的边际效应导致单位面积内鸟类物种数增多。城市公园的人为干扰强度、生境稳定性、食物可获得性对繁殖期城市公园鸟类种类与数量有较大的影响。最后对长沙市区城市公园的建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

城市化是生物多样性快速丧失的主要原因之一。鸟类作为城市生态系统的重要组成部分, 其生物多样性格局和物种保护已成为城市生态学研究的热点。为揭示城市化过程中城区和郊区破碎化林地中鸟类群落的多样性差异和嵌套格局, 本研究于2021年春、夏季鸟类繁殖期采用样线法对海口和三亚市的城区、郊区共13个林地斑块中的鸟类群落进行调查。使用NODF (nestedness metric based on overlap and decreasing fill)和WNODF (weighted nestedness metric based on overlap and decreasing fill)方法进行嵌套格局分析。研究发现: (1)共记录到林鸟100种, 隶属于11目39科, 其中三亚郊区的鸟类丰富度最高, 共8目29科68种。记录到国家重点保护鸟类共18种, 其中两城市郊区的国家重点保护鸟类物种数均多于城区, 海口郊区还记录到国家I级重点保护鸟类黄胸鹀(Emberiza aureola)。(2)鸟类群落多度、物种丰富度、Pielou均匀度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在不同区域中均存在差异。海口城区的鸟类群落多度显著高于海口郊区(P < 0.05), 三亚郊区的鸟类群落物种丰富度、Pielou均匀度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均显著高于三亚城区和海口郊区(P < 0.05)。(3)嵌套分析结果表明, 海口和三亚市的城区、郊区林地鸟类群落均呈现反嵌套分布格局。线性回归分析显示, 三亚市城区和郊区的斑块面积与鸟类物种丰富度呈显著正相关, 而物种丰富度与斑块距最近大面积林地的距离之间无显著相关性。研究表明, 两城市鸟类群落多样性都表现出郊区高于城区的特点, 少数优势种(如白头鹎 Pycnonotus sinensis)占据了城市中的主要生态位。受城市化的影响, 海口郊区与城区鸟类群落有同质化的趋势。鸟类在城区和郊区斑块间的高流动性、种间竞争和斑块中资源的可利用性等因素可能导致斑块间鸟类群落的反嵌套分布格局。我们建议应加强城区和郊区鸟类的保护, 减少对林地的破坏, 提高城市鸟类多样性。  相似文献   

温州沿海小型海岛植物丰富度和β多样性及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2012-2015年调查了温州沿海20个小型无居民海岛的植物组成,共记录到维管束植物366种,隶属于95科244属,其中草本植物226种木本植物140种。拟合了5个种-面积关系模型,采用赤池信息量AIC对模型进行选择,发现种-面积-生境类型关系模型SAH_nR权重系数最大,为40.26%,两种断点回归种-面积关系模型BR-SAR权重系数分别仅为6.94%和0.43%,表明基于这20个海岛拟合的种-面积关系不存在小岛屿效应。岛屿植物物种丰富度主要受面积A影响,离大陆距离,I_m对丰富度无显著作用;偏相关分析表明除A外,周长/面积比PAR和岛屿生境多样性指数H_d显著影响了植物丰富度,其逐步回归方程分别为:植物总丰富度S=76.714+1.696A-0.046PAR,R~2=0.839;木本植物丰富度S_(-woody)=6.525+0.455A+24.544H_d,R~2=0.697;草本植物丰富度S_(-herbaceous)=66.899+1.285A-0.04PAR-23.434H_d,R~2=0.865。偏最小二乘回归PLS分析中岛屿空间特征参数对岛屿物种相似性指数重要性排序为:I_m(0.61)I_i(0.56)PAR(0.49)A(0.20)岸线长度Per(0.14)生境类型H(0.072)岛屿高程E(0.065)岛屿形状指数SI(0.05)。由此可见,近岸的小型海岛植物丰富度并不总是由岛屿面积来决定;隔离度对岛屿植物β多样性影响较大。  相似文献   

植物物种多样性与岛屿面积的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙雀  卢剑波  张凤凤  徐高福 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2195-2202
由于水库蓄水导致千岛湖原有生境的破碎化和岛屿化.研究选取了50个岛屿,共设立样方70个.调查这些岛屿上乔木和灌木的种类及数量,选择9种曲线拟合岛屿面积与物种多样性指数之间的数学关系.结果发现:乔木、灌木和木本物种数与岛屿面积关系拟合较好的是对数函数、幂函数和S型曲线,其中对数函数为最优模型;乔木、木本Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与岛屿面积关系拟合较好的是S型曲线和逆函数,灌木Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与岛屿面积关系拟合不显著,乔木和木本Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与较小岛屿(y小于1 hm2)面积拟合呈S形曲线和逆函数,而灌木Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与较大岛屿(y大于1 hm2)面积拟合呈S形曲线和逆函数;均匀度、优势度指数与面积拟合关系不显著. 在岛屿面积较小时,物种多样性指数随着面积的增加而迅速增加,但在面积增加到一定限度时,物种多样性指数增加的速率就逐渐变缓.植物物种数增加速率的转折点约为4 hm2,乔木、木本Shannon-Wiener多样性指数增加速率的转折点约为1 hm2,对面积小于的1 hm2的岛屿进行拟合时发现,乔木、木本Shannon-Wiener多样性指数增加速率的转折点在0.15~0.2 hm2之间.  相似文献   

Temporal dynamics of insect communities in terrestrial habitat fragments have been rarely studied. Here it was tested whether immigration, extinction, and turnover of butterfly species change with area and isolation of 31 calcareous grasslands. The area ranged from 0.03 to 5.14 ha, the isolation index from 2,100 to 86,000 (edge-to-edge distance 55–1,894 m). In both study years (1996, 2000), the total number of individuals (16,466, 15,101) and species (60, 54) sampled across all sites were similar and number of species increased with area in both years indicating an equilibrium. Rates of extinction (38% for habitat specialists vs. 20% for generalists) and turnover (51% vs. 35%) were higher, and rates of immigration (11% vs. 30%) were lower for habitat specialists than for generalists. Extinction and turnover rates decreased with increasing fragment size for both specialist (n =25 species) and generalist (n =36) butterflies, but specialists showed a significantly steeper decrease with increasing fragment size than generalists. Immigration rates increased with area. As a result, species number of habitat specialists declined in small habitats but not in large habitats between 1996 and 2000. No significant impact of habitat isolation on the butterfly community was found. The data suggest that large habitat fragments are of special importance for the conservation of the specialized, most endangered butterfly species. Habitat isolation appears to be less important, as butterflies can cope with the habitat mosaic in our study region.Due to an error in the citation line, this revised PDF (published in December 2003) deviates from the printed version, and is the correct and authoritative version of the paper.  相似文献   

Local numbers of ground beetle species of heathland appeared to be significantly associated with size of total area, whereas such relationships were not found for the total number of ground beetle species and eurytopic ground beetle species. Presence of species with low chances of immigration was highly associated with area. This is accordance with the area per se hypothesis for islands as far as extinction rates are concerned. The habitat diversity hypothesis and the random sampling hypothesis are of less importance for explaining this phenomenon. The importance of dispersal for presence and survival in fragmented habitats could be demonstrated. This result supports the founding hypothesis, under which founding of new populations is considered the main effect of dispersal. The frequency of heathland species with low powers of dispersal in habitats smaller than 10 ha was 76% lower on average than in areas larger than 100 ha. For heathland species with high powers of dispersal this frequency was only 22% lower on average. The period of isolation of the habitats studied, 26–113 years, appeared to be too long to persist for many populations of heathland species with low powers of dispersal.  相似文献   

Urophysa henryi (Oliv.) Ulbr., endemic to China with small populations, is known as a medicinal plant. In this study, ISSR markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure throughout its entire distribution areas. Twelve primers revealed high genetic diversity at the species level (PPB = 95.6%; H = 0.3441; I = 0.5111), as well as high level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.659, p < 0.001; GST = 0.677) and restricted gene flow (Nm = 0.239) among populations. According to the UPGMA and PCoA analysis, the 9 populations were clustered into three main groups, which were roughly in accordance with their geographical regions. In addition, a significant correlation between the genetic difference and geographic distances among populations was detected from the IBD analysis (r = 0.516, p = 0.003). These results indicated that the habitat heterogeneity and physical barriers play important roles in the modern distribution pattern and population divergence of U. henryi. However, human activities have posed serious threat to its living environment and continued survival. It is necessary to adopt some measures to restrict anthropogenic disturbances and preserve the existing populations.  相似文献   

N. A. O'Connor 《Oecologia》1991,85(4):504-512
Summary Woody debris is a major structural component of south-eastern Australian lowland streams, and the decayed wood substrates provide a structurally complex habitat for macroinvertebrate colonization. I tested for the presence of a species richness-habitat complexity relationship for macroinvertebrate species inhabiting the surfaces of decayed submerged logs (snags) in a lowland stream in northern Victoria. The species-habitat complexity relationship is defined as the increase in species richness due to increased structural complexity of a habitat when area is held constant. The response of macroinvertebrates to seven treatments of artificial and natural substrates of differing levels and types of structural complexity were examined using cluster analyses and MANOVAs. These analyses revealed a significant species-habitat complexity relationship. In addition, a comparison of species evenness between simple and complex habitats supported the hypothesis that more complex habitats contained more species because they possessed more resources. Analysis of species richness, though informative, masked the complexity of species responses revealed by multivariate analyses of species abundances. These analyses showed that different species groups selected different microhabitats on snags, particularly in response to the level of sediment deposition, which was greater on more structurally complex snags. In comparison with the benthos, snags were significantly richer in species abundances, possibly related to low levels of dissolved oxygen in benthic habitats.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated the changes in the spatial patterns of plant and animal communities with respect to habitat fragmentation.Insular communities tend to exhibit some special patterns in connection with the characteristics of island habitats.In this paper,the relationships between richness,assemblage,and abundance of bird communities with respect to island features were analyzed in 20 urban woodlots in Hangzhou,China.Field investigations of bird communities,using the line transect method,were conducted from January to December,1997.Each woodlot was surveyed 16 times during the year.Results indicated that bird richness was higher,per unit area,in the smaller woodlots than the larger ones,and overall bird density decreased with the increase in the size of woodlot.However,the evenness of species abundance increased with the area,and small woodlots were usually dominated by higher density species and large woodlots by medium density species.Most species occurring in the small woodlots also occurred in larger woodlots.Also,bird communities among urban woodlots showed a nestedness pattern in assemblage.These patterns implied that the main impacts of woodland habitat fragmentation are:(1) species are constricted and thus species number will increase at a given sample size;(2) as surface area decreases,the proportion of forest edge species as to interior species will increase;(3)community abundance will therefore increase per unit area but most individuals will be from a few dominant species;and (4) overall species diversity will decrease at a habitat level as well as at a region level.These patterns of community in response to the island features were therefore summarized as "island effects in community".The underlying processes of such observations were also examined in this paper.Woodlot area,edge ratio,isolation,and habitat nestedness were considered as the important factors forming the island effects in community.High heterogeneity between habitats usually contributed most to the maintenance of regional biodiversity,especially in urban woodlots.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated the changes in the spatial patterns of plant and animal communities with respect to habitat fragmentation. Insular communities tend to exhibit some special patterns in connection with the characteristics of island habitats. In this paper, the relationships between richness, assemblage, and abundance of bird communities with respect to island features were analyzed in 20 urban woodlots in Hangzhou, China. Field investigations of bird communities, using the line transect method, were conducted from January to December, 1997. Each woodlot was surveyed 16 times during the year. Results indicated that bird richness was higher, per unit area, in the smaller woodlots than the larger ones, and overall bird density decreased with the increase in the size of woodlot. However, the evenness of species abundance increased with the area, and small woodlots were usually dominated by higher density species and large woodlots by medium density species. Most species occurring in the small woodlots also occurred in larger woodlots. Also, bird communities among urban woodlots showed a nestedness pattern in assemblage. These patterns implied that the main impacts of woodland habitat fragmentation are: (1) species are constricted and thus species number will increase at a given sample size; (2) as surface area decreases, the proportion of forest edge species as to interior species will increase; (3) community abundance will therefore increase per unit area but most individuals will be from a few dominant species; and (4) overall species diversity will decrease at a habitat level as well as at a region level. These patterns of community in response to the island features were therefore summarized as “island effects in community”. The underlying processes of such observations were also examined in this paper. Woodlot area, edge ratio, isolation, and habitat nestedness were considered as the important factors forming the island effects in community. High heterogeneity between habitats usually contributed most to the maintenance of regional biodiversity, especially in urban woodlots. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(4): 657–663 [译自: 生态学报, 2005, 25(4): 657–663]  相似文献   

云南巍山鸟道雄关2003年度鸟类环志研究简报   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2003年9月17日至10月22日,在云南省巍山县鸟道雄关开展了秋季鸟类环志研究工作,累计环志鸟类5603只,计103种,分别隶属于10目20科。  相似文献   

广州地区鸟类资源本底调查及其整体特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市化的迅速发展对生态环境和生物多样性产生重要影响。广州作为大都市,对其动物资源的本底调查和研究,可为了解和掌握城市化进程对生物多样性的影响提供重要依据。2005年4月至2006年12月,应用固定样带法对广州地区鸟类资源进行了6次大规模调查。结果如下:(1)共记录到鸟类251种,隶属于18目54科,占全国鸟类物种数(1331种)的18.86%。其中,国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物1种、Ⅱ级重点保护动物22种,新记录到鸟类116种;(2)从居留类型看,留鸟123种,冬候鸟88种,夏候鸟37种,旅鸟38种,迷鸟8种;(3)在4个调查区中,森林区鸟类物种数最多,为164种,且Shannon指数最高,为3.395;沿海湿地区最低,物种数为105种,Shannon指数为2.407;城市区和农田灌丛区物种数分别为116种和147种,Shannon指数分别为3.008和3.250;(4)季节上,3月物种数最多,有130种,6月最少,有90种,9月和12月分别是102种和126种。12月物种多样性指数最低,只有2.424,其他月份差异不大,在3.550~3.650之间。结果表明:(1)广州地区鸟类资源丰富,综合各类调查数据估计,广州地区的鸟类种数可达300种左右;(2)大规模的长期性系统调查对掌握和认识区域性生物多样性本底资源尤为重要,而该类调查的缺乏应引起足够的重视;(3)广州地区鸟类在不同区域和时间上表现出明显的差异性,说明城市化影响已开始显现;(4)广州是候鸟的重要分布区,在候鸟的保护上具有重要地位。  相似文献   

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