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Fifty Borrelia isolates from ticks and rodents from several geographic regions of the southern United States were analyzed by genomic macrorestriction analysis. Significant genetic diversity was observed among them. These isolates segregated into 4 major clusters and 10 subclusters, which are correlated with the genospecies distribution. Nineteen pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) types were recognized among the isolates. The genospecies Borrelia andersonii and Borrelia bissettii consisted of 5 and 2 subclusters, respectively. Two subclusters comprised the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (s. s.) strains. These results indicated that PFGE is a suitable molecular typing method for B. burgdorferi at both the genospecies and strain levels. Seventeen representative isolates from different PFGE groups were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequence analysis of flaB. Twenty-three AluI, 3 CelII, and 11 DdeI RFLP patterns were found among strains from the B. burgdorferi sensu lato (s. l.) complex and the relapsing fever borreliae complex. Three genospecies in the B. burgdorferi s. l. complex and 1 species in the relapsing fever borreliae complex were recognized. Phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide sequences of flaB indicated that all the Borrelia strains analyzed here could be divided into 2 parts, i.e., B. burgdorferi s. l. complex and the relapsing fever borreliae complex. The flaB appears to be a useful target gene to screen and identify strains from both B. burgdorferi s. l. and relapsing fever borreliae complexes.  相似文献   

 Variation within ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes of 19 isolates of Pisolithus from different geographic origins and hosts was examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coupled with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The primers utilized amplify rDNA regions in a wide range of fungi. One amplified region includes the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), which has a low degree of conservation. The ITS amplification products (640–750 bp) were digested with a variety of restriction endonucleases. Cluster analysis based on the restriction fragments grouped the isolates into three distinct groups: group I contained isolates collected in the northern hemisphere, except Pt 1, group II contained those collected in Brazil and group III contained isolate Pt 1. Additional analysis of other rDNA regions, IGS, 17 S and 25 S rDNA, resulted in similar groups. The data suggest that the taxonomy and systematics of this ectomycorrhizal fungus should be revised. Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   

The most common biological control agents (BCAs) of the genus Trichoderma have been reported to be strains of Trichoderma virens, T. harzianum, and T. viride. Since Trichoderma BCAs use different mechanisms of biocontrol, it is very important to explore the synergistic effects expressed by different genotypes for their practical use in agriculture. Characterization of 16 biocontrol strains, previously identified as "Trichoderma harzianum" Rifai and one biocontrol strain recognized as T. viride, was carried out using several molecular techniques. A certain degree of polymorphism was detected in hybridizations using a probe of mitochondrial DNA. Sequencing of internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) revealed three different ITS lengths and four different sequence types. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS1 sequences, including type strains of different species, clustered the 17 biocontrol strains into four groups: T. harzianum-T. inhamatum complex, T. longibrachiatum, T. asperellum, and T. atroviride-T. koningii complex. ITS2 sequences were also useful for locating the biocontrol strains in T. atroviride within the complex T. atroviride-T. koningii. None of the biocontrol strains studied corresponded to biotypes Th2 or Th4 of T. harzianum, which cause mushroom green mold. Correlation between different genotypes and potential biocontrol activity was studied under dual culturing of 17 BCAs in the presence of the phytopathogenic fungi Phoma betae, Rosellinia necatrix, Botrytis cinerea, and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in three different media.  相似文献   

Investigations of a free-range broiler flock during the rearing period and at the slaughterhouse by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of the flagellin (flaA) gene (flaA typing) have shown that poultry carcasses are contaminated by Campylobacter spp. strains which were previously present in the poultry faces. Moreover, the investigation of the previous and the following batches in the processing plant using flaA typing have shown that cross-contamination between batches coming from different flocks occurs and is also a risk factor for the presence of Campylobacter spp. on poultry carcasses.  相似文献   

Two thermophilic cyanobacterial strains, Ts and Bs, collected from Asian geothermal springs were identified morphologically and phylogenetically as Synechococcus in the order Chroococcales and were isolated into axenic cultures. In addition to the high similarities between their full 16S rRNA gene sequences, both strains also shared similar pigment profiles and fatty acid compositions but with varied ratios. Strain Ts had elevated levels of photoprotective pigments such as carotenoid and scytonemin even after prolonged culture under identical laboratory conditions, whereas strain Bs produced more chlorophyll a per unit cell volume, perhaps resulting from UV adaptation in the natural habitats. In addition, strain Ts had more content than strain Bs in terms of the total fatty acids and the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. Neither isolate was able to fix nitrogen, and they had zero susceptibility to ampicillin and streptomycin.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis spp. are cyst forming apicomplexan parasites that infect many vertebrates including birds. Sarcocystis spp. infection was investigated in tissue samples (pectoral muscles, heart, and brain) of 47 dead seabirds collected from the coastline of Santa Catarina State SC – Brazil, between August 2019 and March 2020. A portion of each tissue was fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histopathologic analysis while DNA was extracted from another portion and screened using nested-PCR targeting ITS1. Based on molecular analysis, Sarcocystis spp. were identified in 15/47 (31.9%) seabirds of five species, kelp gull (Larus dominicanus), manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus), neotropic cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), brown booby (Sula leucogaster) and great skua (Stercorarius skua). Microscopically visible sarcocysts were observed only in the pectoral muscle of four seabirds 8.5% (4/47), while in one brown booby, sarcocysts were seen in both pectoral and cardiac muscles. Two types of sarcocysts, thin walled (≤1 μm) and thick-walled (≥ 2 μm) were identified. Based on ITS1 sequence comparison, S. halieti, S. falcatula and three not yet described Sarcocystis spp. were detected. Phylogenetically, S. falcatula isolates were classified as two distinct clusters. This is the first confirmation of S. halieti in seabird's species in South America and S. falcatula in birds of the order Charadriiformes. Further molecular studies are needed to understand the epidemiology of the Sarcocystis spp. infection and its impact on the health of seabirds.  相似文献   

Putative Pseudomonas spp. isolated predominantly from raw and processed milk were characterized by automated ribotyping and by biochemical reactions. Isolates were biochemically profiled using the Biolog system and API 20 NE and by determining the production of proteases, lipases, and lecithinases for each isolate. Isolates grouped into five coherent clusters, predominated by the species P. putida (cluster A), P. fluorescens (cluster B), P. fragi (as identified by Biolog) or P. fluorescens (as identified by API 20 NE) (cluster C), P. fragi (as identified by Biolog) or P. putida (as identified by API 20 NE) (cluster D), and P. fluorescens (cluster E). Isolates within each cluster also displayed similar enzyme activities. Isolates in clusters A, C, and D were generally negative for all three enzyme activities; isolates in cluster B were predominantly positive for all three enzyme activities; and isolates in cluster E were negative for lecithinase but predominantly positive for protease and lipase activities. Thus, only isolates from clusters B and E produced enzyme activities associated with dairy product flavor defects. Thirty-eight ribogroups were differentiated among the 70 isolates. Ribotyping was highly discriminatory for dairy Pseudomonas isolates, with a Simpson's index of discrimination of 0.955. Isolates of the same ribotype were never classified into different clusters, and ribotypes within a given cluster generally showed similar ribotype patterns; thus, specific ribotype fragments may be useful markers for tracking the sources of pseudomonads in dairy production systems. Our results suggest that ribogroups are generally homogeneous with respect to nomenspecies and biovars, confirming the identification potential of ribotyping for Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   

Forty isolates of Pasteurella multocida from healthy (17 isolates) and diseased (23 isolates) rabbits were assayed for the presence of plasmids in seeking to determine whether any correlation exists between the presence of plasmids and health status, sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, capsular and somatic type, and the anatomic site of isolation. Six isolates were found harboring plasmids. A similar ladder pattern ranging from 18 to 3 megadalton (Mda) were found in three isolates recovered from diseased rabbits. One band of molecular weight 6.6 Mda was shared by four of five (4/5) isolates from the diseased rabbits. No correlation was found between the presence of the common plasmids and serotype, resistance to antimicrobial agents, and anatomic sites from which the bacteria were cultured. Random amplification polymorphic DNA was applied to subtype all the isolates of P. multocida. Two single primers were tested for their abilities to generate individual fingerprints by using PCR. Primer 1 grouped the isolates into 7 profiles, and primer 2 grouped them into 15. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) results show the presence of a wide heterogeneity within P. multocida isolates. Therefore RAPD-PCR is an efficient technique to detect the DNA polymorphism and could be used to discriminate P. multocida of rabbit isolates together with serologic typing.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of class 3 integrons from Delftia spp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Xu H  Davies J  Miao V 《Journal of bacteriology》2007,189(17):6276-6283
Two environmental strains, Delftia acidovorans C17 and Delftia tsuruhatensis A90, were found to carry class 3 integrons, which have seldom been reported and then only from pathogens in which they are associated with antibiotic resistance genes. The Delftia integrons comprised a highly conserved class 3 integrase gene, upstream and oppositely oriented from a set of three or four gene cassettes that encoded unidentified functions. The A90 integron had one more gene cassette than the C17 integron, but the two were otherwise the same; furthermore, they were located within regions of sequence identity in both strains and linked to chromosomal genes. A screen of other Delftia and related strains did not reveal the presence of additional class 3 integrons. The observations suggest that these integrons were horizontally transferred to Delftia as part of a larger region and reside as chromosomal elements that probably predate transposon dissemination, as has been proposed for certain class 1 integrons.  相似文献   

Profiles of dissolved O(2) and methane with increasing depth were generated for Lake Washington sediment, which suggested the zone of methane oxidation is limited to the top 0.8 cm of the sediment. Methane oxidation potentials were measured for 0.5-cm layers down to 1.5 cm and found to be relatively constant at 270 to 350 micromol/liter of sediment/h. Approximately 65% of the methane was oxidized to cell material or metabolites, a signature suggestive of type I methanotrophs. Eleven methanotroph strains were isolated from the lake sediment and analyzed. Five of these strains classed as type I, while six were classed as type II strains by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Southern hybridization analysis with oligonucleotide probes detected, on average, one to two copies of pmoA and one to three copies of 16S rRNA genes. Only one restriction length polymorphism pattern was shown for pmoA genes in each isolate, and in cases where, sequencing was done, the pmoA copies were found to be almost identical. PCR primers were developed for mmoX which amplified 1.2-kb regions from all six strains that tested positive for cytoplasmic soluble methane mono-oxygenase (sMMO) activity. Phylogenetic analysis of the translated PCR products with published mmoX sequences showed that MmoX falls into two distinct clusters, one containing the orthologs from type I strains and another containing the orthologs from type II strains. The presence of sMMO-containing Methylomonas strains in a pristine freshwater lake environment suggests that these methanotrophs are more widespread than has been previously thought.  相似文献   



Bovine Tuberculosis (BTB) is a widespread and endemic disease of cattle in Ethiopia. Information relating to genotypic characteristics of Mycobacterium bovis strains affecting the cattle population in Ethiopia is limited. We carried out molecular characterization of M. bovis strains isolated from BTB infected cattle using the spoligotyping technique. The relationship between distribution of spoligotypes and recorded variables was also investigated. A new approach that can numerically reflect the degree of genetic polymorphism in a M. bovis population was also developed. The study was conducted from July 2006 to January 2007 in cattle slaughtered at five representative abattoirs in Ethiopia.


Forty-five M. bovis isolates were obtained from 406 pathologic tissue specimens collected from 337 carcasses with lesions compatible with BTB. Twelve spoligotypes were identified from 34 distinct strains; with SB1176 as a dominant spoligotype (41.2% of the isolates) followed by SB0133 (14.7%). Comparison of spoligotypes with an M. bovis global database http://www.mbovis.org revealed six new spoligotypes which were subsequently registered in the database with international identification codes of SB1517, SB1518, SB1519, SB1520, SB1521 and SB1522. The majority of strains were obtained from cattle slaughtered at Addis Ababa abattoir. On the basis of the Spoligotype Evolutionary Index, SEI (a numeric expression approach to make standardized comparison of spoligotype evolution), M. bovis isolates from Ethiopia were relatively more heterogeneous (SEI = 3.2) compared to isolates from other countries. This might be attributed to extensive livestock movement linked to trading or seasonal migration, high degree of livestock mingling, and also diversities of the country's agricultural and livestock ecosystems, in addition to lack of disease control measures that led to high infection prevalence. Multiple spoligotype infection was recorded in nine (50%) of infected carcasses and this may indicate the prevailing high degree of super infection.


This study provided molecular evidence for the widespread distribution of M. bovis in the cattle population in Ethiopia. It also demonstrated a relatively high degree of genetic polymorphism of the isolates. Further molecular investigation of M. bovis strains in humans and other domestic animals is recommended in order to elucidate the zoonotic importance as well as reservoirs and pattern of transmission among various hosts.  相似文献   

Monoxenous parasites may easily infect animals in captivity, and nematodes belonging to the genus Trichuris are commonly reported in zoological gardens worldwide. Infections in captive animals should be accurately monitored and the characterization of pathogens is highly advisable, as a tool to infer possible routes of intra- and interspecific transmission pathways and to assess the related zoonotic potential. Whipworms are usually identified on the basis of few morphological features of adults males and eggs and by an host-affiliation criterion. Given the strong morphological convergence of adaptive traits and the possible occurrence of hybridization and/or cross-infections events, the use of molecular methods is of great utility.Here, we analysed two partial mitochondrial loci, the cytochrome c oxidase I and the cytochrome b regions, in Trichuris spp. infecting four animal species hosted in the Bioparco Zoological Garden of Rome. Results from molecular systematics, compared to previous data, suggested that the five Trichuris taxa recovered were well separated, showing a significant degree of host affiliation (herbivorous, primates/swine and rodents/canids). The screw horn antelopes and the camels were infected with two variants of Trichuris ovis; Trichuris sp. similar to those observed in rodents from South America was infecting the Patagonian maras. Moreover, Trichuris from the ring-tailed lemur showed a great similarity to Trichuris infecting the Japanese macaque previously analysed from the same zoological garden, and clustering together with Trichuris trichiura, posing a potential zoonotic threat for visitors and workers.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading genes nidA and nidB that encode the alpha and beta subunits of the aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase have been cloned and sequenced from Mycobacterium vanbaalenii PYR-1 [Khan et al., Appl. Environ Microbiol. 67 (2001) 3577-3585]. In this study, the presence of nidA and nidB in 12 other Mycobacterium or Rhodococcus strains was investigated. Initially, all strains were screened for their ability to degrade PAHs by a spray plate method, and for the presence of the dioxygenase Rieske center region by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Only Mycobacterium sp. PAH 2.135 (RJGII-135), M. flavescens PYR-GCK (ATCC 700033), M. gilvum BB1 (DSM 9487) and M. frederiksbergense FAn9T (DSM 44346), all previously known PAH degraders, were positive in both tests. From the three positive strains, complete open reading frames of the nidA and nidB genes were amplified by PCR, using primers designed according to the known nidA and nidB sequences from PYR-1, cloned in the pBAD/Thio-TOPO vector and sequenced. The sequences showed >98% identity with the M. vanbaalenii PYR-1 nidA and nidB genes. Southern DNA-DNA hybridization using nidA and nidB probes from PYR-1 revealed that there is more than one copy of nidA and nidB genes in the strains PYR-1, BB1, PYR-GCK and FAn9T. However, only one copy of each gene was observed in PAH2.135.  相似文献   

The relationships between 30 strains of Metarhizium were investigated by isoenzyme analysis, PCR-RAPDs, and protease production. The strains included representatives of M. anisopliae, M. flavoviride var. flavoviride and M. flavoviride var. minus. Thirteen isolates conforming to M. flavoviride from acridoid hosts and pathogenic to locusts and grasshoppers were shown to be a single, distinctive genotype with a pan-tropical distribution. In addition, the separation of M. flavoviride var. minus as a host specific taxon distinct from European isolates of M. flavoviride was also supported. The possibility of coevolution within some insect pathogenic populations is discussed.  相似文献   



Aeromonas species are common inhabitants of aquatic environments giving rise to infections in both fish and humans. Identification of aeromonads to the species level is problematic and complex due to their phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Aeromonas hydrophila or Aeromonas sp were genetically re-identified using a combination of previously published methods targeting GCAT, 16S rDNA and rpoD genes. Characterization based on the genus specific GCAT-PCR showed that 94 (96%) of the 98 strains belonged to the genus Aeromonas. Considering the patterns obtained for the 94 isolates with the 16S rDNA-RFLP identification method, 3 clusters were recognised, i.e. A. caviae (61%), A. hydrophila (17%) and an unknown group (22%) with atypical RFLP restriction patterns. However, the phylogenetic tree constructed with the obtained rpoD sequences showed that 47 strains (50%) clustered with the sequence of the type strain of A. aquariorum, 18 (19%) with A. caviae, 16 (17%) with A. hydrophila, 12 (13%) with A. veronii and one strain (1%) with the type strain of A. trota. PCR investigation revealed the presence of 10 virulence genes in the 94 isolates as: lip (91%), exu (87%), ela (86%), alt (79%), ser (77%), fla (74%), aer (72%), act (43%), aexT (24%) and ast (23%).


This study emphasizes the importance of using more than one method for the correct identification of Aeromonas strains. The sequences of the rpoD gene enabled the unambiguous identication of the 94 Aeromonas isolates in accordance with results of other recent studies. Aeromonas aquariorum showed to be the most prevalent species (50%) containing an important subset of virulence genes lip/alt/ser/fla/aer. Different combinations of the virulence genes present in the isolates indicate their probable role in the pathogenesis of Aeromonas infections.  相似文献   

In recent years, molecular typing methods have been used in epidemiologic studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in various areas of the world. However, there have been few data on this issue in Turkey. We describe the molecular characterization of 56 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates recovered from individual patients in Izmir and the surrounding area by three different molecular methods. Isolated M. tuberculosis strains were characterized by IS6110 RFLP, spoligotyping and major genetic group designation. In total, 51 RFLP and 35 spoligopatterns were identified. Fourteen (25%) isolates were indicated as low copy number. Based on three genotypic characterization methods together, five clusters with two isolates each were identified. Most of the isolates (98.2%) were assigned as genetic groups 2 or 3. Only one isolate was identified as Beijing family strain (principal genetic group 1). The shared international clades were found to be Beijing-family, var T1 (ST 37), LAM (Latin-American-Mediterranean) 7 (ST 41), LAM 9 (ST 42), Haarlem 1 (ST 47), Haarlem 3 (ST 50) and T1 (ST 53). In this study, IS6110 RFLP, spoligotyping and major genetic group designation were found to be useful methods for molecular epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

Cats are important in the epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii because felids are the only definitive hosts that can excrete environmentally resistant oocysts. Fresh samples of brain from 103 Spanish cats with antibodies to T. gondii were analyzed for T. gondii DNA using nested-PCR; 47 (45.5%) were found to be positive. Further characterization of DNA from 46 cats using RFLP-PCR at the 3' and 5' ends of the SAG2 locus revealed that 12 (26%) isolates were Type I and 34 (74%) were Type II; no Type III were found, and the 47th sample could not be classified to its genetic type. In addition, T. gondii was also isolated by bioassay in mice from 42 of 103 seropositive cats. This is the first report of T. gondii characterization from cats in Spain.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2023,127(3):938-948
In Northwestern Patagonia (Chile), three species of Morchella from undisturbed environments have been identified to date: Morchella tridentina, Morchella andinensis and Morchella aysenina, all belonging to the Elata clade and associated mainly with Nothofagus forests. In this study, the search for Morchella specimens was extended to disturbed environments in Central-Southern Chile, to further explore Morchella species diversity in the country, which is still very limited. The Morchella specimens were identified through multilocus sequences analysis, and the mycelial cultures were characterized, establishing comparisons with specimens from undisturbed environments. To the best of our knowledge, these results reveal for the first time in Chile the presence of the species Morchella eximia and Morchella importuna, and in the case of the last one also the first record in South America. These species were found associated almost exclusively with harvested or burned coniferous plantations. The in vitro mycelial characterization revealed certain inter- and intra-specific patterns of the morphology, such as pigmentation, mycelium type, and development and formation of sclerotia, which varied according to growth media and incubation temperature. The growth rates (mm/day) and mycelial biomass (mg) were significantly influenced by the temperature (p < 0.05), with maximum rates (>10 mm/day) and biomass (approx. 20 mg) between 20 and 24 °C, while a significant growth reduction (70–90%) was observed at 28 °C, mainly in the species from undisturbed environments. Potato-dextrose (PDA) medium stimulated the greatest mycelial density and sclerotia formation in most of the isolates, mainly in M. eximia (UDEC-LAF 236 isolate) which recorded the best mycelial growth performance. Among isolates, UDEC-LAF 236 also showed the best performance in sclerotia production (>350 sclerotia/dish) in 10 days of growth. This study contributes to the knowledge of the diversity of Morchella species in Chile by broadening the species range to those from disturbed environments. It also provides molecular and morphological characterization of the in vitro cultures of different Morchella species. The report on M. eximia and M. importuna, species known as cultivable, adapted to local climatic and edaphic conditions could represent the first step to developing artificial Morchella cultivation methods in Chile.  相似文献   

This study describes the genotypic characteristics of a collection of 100 multidrug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli strains recovered from cattle and the farm environment in Ireland in 2007. The most prevalent antimicrobial resistance identified was to streptomycin (100%), followed by tetracycline (99%), sulfonamides (98%), ampicillin (82%), and neomycin (62%). Resistance was mediated predominantly by strA-strB (92%), tetA (67%), sul2 (90%), bla(TEM) (79%), and aphA1 (63%) gene markers, respectively. Twenty-seven isolates harbored a class 1 integrase (intI1), while qacEΔ1 and sul1 markers were identified in 25 and 26 isolates, respectively. The variable regions of these integrons contained aminoglycoside, trimethoprim, and β-lactam resistance determinants (aadA12, aadB-aadA1, bla(OXA-30)-aadA1, dfrA1-aadA1, dfrA7). Class 2 integrons were identified less frequently (4%) and contained the gene cassette array dfrA1-sat1-aadA1. Resistance to ampicillin, neomycin, streptomycin, sulfonamide, and tetracycline was associated with transferable high-molecular-weight plasmids, as demonstrated by conjugation assays. A panel of virulence markers was screened for by PCR, and genes identified included vt1, K5 in 2 isolates, papC in 10 isolates, and PAI IV(536) in 37 isolates. MDR commensal E. coli isolates from Irish cattle displayed considerable diversity with respect to the genes identified. Our findings highlight the importance of the commensal microflora of food-producing animals as a reservoir of transferable MDR.  相似文献   

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