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A dual oscillator basis for mammalian circadian rhythms is suggested by the splitting of activity rhythms into two components in constant light and by the photoperiodic control of pineal melatonin secretion and phase-resetting effects of light. Because splitting and photoperiodism depend on incompatible environmental conditions, however, these literatures have remained distinct. The refinement of a procedure for splitting hamster rhythms in a 24-h light-dark:light-dark cycle has enabled the authors to assess the ability of each of two circadian oscillators to initiate melatonin secretion and to respond to light pulses with behavioral phase shifting and induction of Fos-immunoreactivity in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Hamsters exposed to a regimen of afternoon novel wheel running (NWR) split their circadian rhythms into two distinct components, dividing their activity between the latter half of the night and the afternoon dark period previously associated with NWR. Plasma melatonin concentrations were elevated during both activity bouts of split hamsters but were not elevated during the afternoon period in unsplit controls. Light pulses delivered during either the nighttime or afternoon activity bout caused that activity component to phase-delay on subsequent days and induced robust expression of Fos-immunoreactivity in the SCN. Light pulses during intervening periods of locomotor inactivity were ineffective. The authors propose that NWR splits the circadian pacemaker into two distinct oscillatory components separated by approximately 180 degrees, with each expressing a short subjective night.  相似文献   

Summary During development, the circadian rhythms of rodents become entrained to rhythmicity of the mother. Rhythms in behavior and in neuroendocrine function are regulated by a circadian pacemaker thought to be located within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Evidence indicates that this pacemaker begins to function and to be entrained by maternal rhythms before birth. Although the maternal rhythms which mediate prenatal entrainment of the fetal circadian pacemaker have not been identified, it is likely that they are regulated by the maternal SCN.The role of the maternal SCN in entrainment of the offspring was examined in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) by measuring the activity/rest rhythms of pups. Using the synchrony among the rhythms of pups within a litter as an indication that the pups had been entrained, the effect on entrainment of ablating the maternal SCN was determined. Lesions of the maternal SCN which were performed early in gestation (day 7) and which destroyed at least 75% of the SCN were found to disrupt the normal within litter synchrony among pups, indicating interference with the normal mechanism of entrainment.The effect of lesions on day 7 of gestation could mean that the maternal SCN is important for entrainment of the pups before birth, after birth, or during both of these times. To determine if the maternal SCN is specifically important for prenatal entrainment, lesions were performed two days before birth on day 14 of gestation. Lesions of the maternal SCN on day 14 were not as disruptive as were lesions on day 7. This suggests that the maternal SCN is important between days 7 and 14 of gestation and that the synchrony normally observed at weaning is already established, in part, on or before day 14 of gestation. This further suggests that an entrainable circadian pacemaker is present in the fetus only two weeks after fertilization.Abbreviations SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - L:D light:dark - LL constant light - r mean vector length - 2DG 2-deoxyglucose - NAT N-acetyltransferase  相似文献   

Summary Several properties of vertebrate circadian rhythms can be attributed to the behavior of an underlying pacemaker system which is composed of two separate but mutually interacting circadian oscillators. As originally formulated, the model for such a pacemaker system proposed that two oscillators or populations of oscillators have different properties, specifically in their responses to light (Pittendrigh 1974; Pittendrigh and Daan 1976b). We have tested the proposition that the right and left suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the golden hamster contribute in different ways to the regulation of circadian rhythmicity by measuring the wheel-running activity rhythms of hamsters with lesions to either the right or left SCN. Although effects of unilateral or other partial SCN lesions on pacemaker properties were observed, these effects were not different in hamsters receiving right- or left-side lesions. More specifically: (1) free-running period () in constant light was shorter in lesioned hamsters irrespective of the side lesioned (Fig. 3a), and the total amount of SCN destruction was found to correlate with (Fig. 4). (2) Phase-angle difference () of some lesioned hamsters (both right- and left-side) during entrainment to LD, 1410 was significantly more positive than that of controls (Fig. 3b). (3) The rate of phase-shift following a shift of the light/dark cycle was not different in hamsters with right- or left-side lesions (Fig. 3c). And (4) the simultaneous expression of different circadian periods, similar to splitting, was observed in hamsters with unilateral lesions (Fig. 5). It is concluded that the right and left SCN are similar in their contributions to the control of circadian rhythmicity and that there is as yet no evidence for the permanent loss of multioscillator properties resulting from the destruction of only one of the two SCN.Abbreviations SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei or nucleus - LD light/dark cycle - LL constant light - DD constant dark - circadian period - activity time - rest time - phase angle - phase-angle difference - SD standard deviation - SE standard error - ANOVA analysis of variance  相似文献   


To test the hypothesis that an oscillator located outside the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) controls the circadian rhythm of body temperature, we conducted a study with 14 blinded rats, 10 of which receiving a SCN lesion. Body temperature was automatically and continuously recorded for about one month by intraperitoneal radio transmitters. Food intake, drinking and locomotor activity were also recorded. Periodograms revealed that 3 rats with histologically verified total bilateral SCN lesions did not exhibit any circadian rhythmicity. The 7 other rats appeared to have partial lesions. They showed shortening of period and severe amplitude reduction in all functions. Thus, no support was found for the hypothesis of a separate circadian ‘temperature oscillator’ located outside the SCN. Nevertheless, after large partial lesions body temperature showed more persistency than some of the other behavioral rhythms.

Ultradian rhythms in temperature persisted after partial and total lesions. Other functions showed parallel ultradian rhythms. In intact rats the ultradian peaks were restricted predominantly to the subjective night. After total lesions these peaks became more or less homogeneously distributed in time but more heterogeneously after partial lesions. So the SCN plays a role in the temporal structure of ultradian rhythms but does not generate them. Non‐24‐hour actograms showed instabilities of period and phase of ultradian rhythms. Intact and lesioned rats were similar with respect to the mean (about 3.5 hrs) and standard deviation (about 1.5 hrs) of ultradian periods in temperature. These features indicate that a mechanism outside the SCN is underlying ultradian rhythmicity, capable of generating short‐term oscillations. Two approaches, homeostatic sleep‐wake relaxation oscillations and multiple circadian oscillators, are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined melatonin profiles of ruin lizards in different seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) under light:dark (LD) and concomitant responses when transferred to continuous darkness (DD) to determine the degree to which previously reported seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior are related to melatonin secretion. The amplitude of the melatonin rhythm and the amount of melatonin produced over 24 h varied with season. In spring, the amount of melatonin produced was greatest and the amplitude 4- 5 times that found in summer or autumn. The degree of self-sustainment of the melatonin rhythm when transferred to DD also varied with season. In DD, melatonin levels remained high but did not exhibit circadian variation in spring. In summer, the melatonin profile persisted virtually unchanged in DD, showing the existence of a circadian rhythm. Finally, in the fall there was no circadian variation in DD and levels remained low. These responses correspond closely to previously reported effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior where there is little or no effect of pinealectomy in spring or fall but a profound alteration of locomotor behavior in summer. These results suggest that the seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior in ruin lizards are related to a seasonally mediated change in the degree of self-sustainment of some component of the circadian pace-making system of which melatonin plays some role.  相似文献   

Summary ZRDCT-An mice are anophthalmic mutants with varying degrees of hypogenesis of the mediobasal hypothalamus and suprachias-matic nuclei. Statistical analysis of the wheelrunning activity patterns of these animals showed that most mice had circadian activity rhythms unentrained to the light-dark cycle. However, four of 22 animals had random or non-circadian activity patterns. Of these four mice, three had fewer than one third the typical number of cells in the suprachiasmatic nuclei. The absence of detectable circadian rhythms in mice with genetically produced hypogenesis of the suprachiasmatic nuclei is reminiscent of the effects of partial electrolytic lesions of the same tissue.Abbreviations SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei - LD light dark - DD dark-dark  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in physiological processes and behaviors were compared with hypothalamic circadian rhythms in norepinephrine (NE) metabolites, adrenergic transmitter receptors, cAMP, cGMP and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) arginine vasopressin (AVP) in a single population of rats under D:D conditions. Eating, drinking and locomotor activity were high during the subjective night (the time when lights were out in L:D) and low during the subjective day (the time when lights were on in L:D). Plasma corticosterone concentration rose at subjective dusk and remained high until subjective dawn. Binding to hypothalamic alpha 1- and beta-adrenergic receptors also peaked during the subjective night. Cyclic cGMP concentration was elevated throughout the 24-hr period except for a trough at dusk, whereas DHPG concentration peaked at dawn. Arginine vasopressin levels in the suprachiasmatic nucleus peaked in the middle of the day. No rhythm was found either in binding to the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor, or in MHPG or cAMP concentration. Behavioral and corticosterone rhythms, therefore, are parallel to rhythms in hypothalamic alpha 1- and beta-receptor binding and NE-release. Cyclic GMP falls only at dusk, suggesting the possibility that cGMP inhibits activity much of the day and that at dusk the inhibition of nocturnal activity is removed. SCN AVP, on the other hand, peaking at 1400 hr, may play a role in the pacemaking function of the SCN that drives these other rhythms.  相似文献   

Converging lines of evidence have firmly established that the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a light-entrainable circadian oscillator in mammals, critically important for the expression of behavioral and physiological circadian rhythms. Photic information essential for the daily phase resetting of the SCN circadian clock is conveyed directly to the SCN from retinal ganglion cells via the retinohypothalamic tract. The SCN also receives a dense serotonergic innervation arising from the mesencephalic raphe. The terminal fields of retinal and serotonergic afferents within the SCN are co-extensive, and serotonergic agonists can modify the response of the SCN circadian oscillator to light. However, the functional organization and subcellular localization of 5HT receptor subtypes in the SCN are just beginning to be clarified. This information is necessary to understand the role 5HT afferents play in modulating photic input to the SCN. In this paper, we review evidence suggesting that the serotonergic modulation of retinohypothalamic neurotransmission may be achieved via at least two different cellular mechanisms: 1) a postsynaptic mechanism mediated via 5HT1A or 5ht7 receptors located on SCN neurons; and 2) a presynaptic mechanism mediated via 5HT1B receptors located on retinal axon terminals in the SCN. Activation of either of these 5HT receptor mechanisms in the SCN by specific 5HT agonists inhibits the effects of light on circadian function. We hypothesize that 5HT modulation of photic input to the SCN may serve to set the gain of the SCN circadian system to light.  相似文献   

In mammals, it is well established that circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior, including the rhythmic secretion of hormones, are regulated by a brain clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. While SCN regulation of gonadal hormone secretion has been amply studied, the mechanisms whereby steroid hormones affect circadian functions are less well known. This is surprising considering substantial evidence that sex hormones affect many aspects of circadian responses, and that there are significant sex differences in rhythmicity. Our previous finding that "core" and "shell" regions of the SCN differ in their expression of clock genes prompted us to examine the possibility that steroid receptors are localized to a specific compartment of the brain clock, with the discovery that the androgen receptor (AR) is concentrated in the SCN core in male mice. In the present study, we compare AR expression in female and male mice using Western blots and immunochemistry. Both of these methods indicate that ARs are more highly expressed in males than in females; gonadectomy eliminates and androgen treatment restores these sex differences. At the behavioral level, gonadectomy produces a dramatic loss of the evening activity onset bout in males, but has no such effect in females. Treatment with testosterone, or with the non-aromatizable androgen dihydrotestosterone, restores male locomotor activity and eliminates sex differences in the behavioral response. The results indicate that androgenic hormones regulate circadian responses, and suggest an SCN site of action.  相似文献   

We previously reported the results of an experimental paradigm in which tetrodotoxin (TTX) was chronically infused by miniosmotic pump into the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) (Schwartz et al., 1987). Although TTX reversibly blocked photic entrainment and overt expression of the circadian drinking rhythm, the circadian pacemaker in the SCN continued to oscillate unperturbed by the toxin, and we concluded that Na(+)-dependent action potentials are not a part of the SCN pacemaker's internal timekeeping mechanism. In the research reported in the present paper, we used our paradigm to chronically infuse other agents, in order to evaluate the validity of this interpretation further. (1) Infusion of 50% procaine into the SCN of blinded rats resulted in a disorganized circadian drinking rhythm during the infusion, after which behavioral rhythmicity returned without apparent phase shift. In intact rats, procaine reduced the phase-resetting action of a reversed light-dark cycle imposed during the infusion. Thus, the effects of voltage-dependent Na+ channel blockade by a local anesthetic resemble those produced by TTX. (2) Infusion of high (20 mM) K+ or 100 microM veratridine into the SCN of blinded rats resulted in an apparent phase advance of the circadian drinking rhythm by over 4 hr. The phase-shifting effect of veratridine was blocked by simultaneous infusion of 1 microM TTX. Thus, membrane depolarization or direct activation of voltage-dependent Na+ channels can affect the pacemaker's oscillation. Our infusion paradigm can detect alterations of rhythm phase, and the lack of phase shift after TTX or procaine infusion is not an artifact of an insensitive method.  相似文献   

The geniculohypothalamic tract (GHT) is a projection from the intergeniculate leaflet to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The GHT exhibits neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactivity and appears to communicate photic information to the SCN. Microinjection of NPY into the SCN has been found to phase shift circadian rhythms of hamsters housed in constant light in a manner similar to the phase shifts produced by pulses of darkness or triazolam injections. In the present study, NPY was injected into the SCN of Syrian hamsters housed in constant darkness and was found to produce phase shifts similar to those seen in hamsters housed in constant light. Microinjections were not followed by wheel running during the subjective day (the time when NPY microinjections are followed by significant phase advances). These data suggest that NPY produces phase shifts by some mechanism other than by inducing wheel running or by inhibiting the response of SCN neurons to light and supports a role for NPY in nonphotic shifting of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Hainich EC  Pizzio GA  Golombek DA 《FEBS letters》2006,580(28-29):6665-6668
Circadian entrainment involves photic stimulation of the suprachiasmatic molecular oscillator, including activation of the ERK/MAP kinase, which is phosphorylated endogenously during the day and in response to light during the night. We aimed to disrupt the diurnal cycle of ERK phosphorylation by in vivo transfection of a constitutively active form of MEK, a MAPK kinase. This procedure did not affect normal circadian parameters, but completely inhibited light-induced phase advances. Therefore, circadian regulation of the ERK pathway is not essential for the normal mechanism of the biological clock, but it is fundamental as an interface with environmental entrainment by light.  相似文献   


Life for meta-organisms is based on a strong relationship between gut bacteria and body cells. This review summarizes to what extent the microbiota can influence host circadian rhythms via a literature review on the topic. The results show that microbiota can influence the host’s circadian gene expression through direct interactions via immunoreceptors and microbiota-derived metabolites, especially in peripheral tissues. Noteworthy metabolites that are only attributable to the microbiota are short-chain fatty acids and unconjugated bile acids. The microbiota also serves as a mediator for the interplay between the host’s diet and circadian rhythmicity. This work furthermore displays that the microbiota is subject to diurnal variations in terms of structure and function and that the host and the host’s diet influence these fluctuations. As most of these results originate in mouse models, we hope this work stimulates further research in human derived tissue to verify these conclusions.  相似文献   

Cholinergic stimuli are potent regulators of the circadian clock in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Using a brain slice model, we have found that the SCN clock is subject to muscarinic regulation, a sensitivity expressed only during the night of the clock's 24-h cycle. Pharmacological and signal transduction characteristics are compatible with a response mediated by an M1-like receptor. Molecular manipulation of muscarinic receptors will provide important insights as to the receptor subtype(s) regulating circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

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