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K Dybvig  A Woodard 《Plasmid》1992,28(3):262-266
Mycoplasmas (class Mollicutes) are wall-less prokaryotes phylogenetically related to gram-positive bacteria. This study describes the construction of recA mutants of the mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii. An internal fragment of the recA gene from A. laidlawii was cloned into a plasmid that does not replicate in this organism. When this plasmid construct was used to transform A. laidlawii, it inserted into the chromosome, disrupting the recA gene. The phenotype of the resulting recA mutant was compared to that of wild-type cells and to that of a strain that has a naturally occurring ochre mutation in its recA gene. As found in other bacterial systems, loss of RecA activity resulted in cells deficient in DNA repair.  相似文献   

An intein-mediated approach was developed for expression and affinity purification of a protein that is lethal to Escherichia coli. The protein, I-TevI, is an intron-encoded endonuclease. The approach involved the insertional inactivation of I-TevI with a controllable mini-intein placed in front of a cysteine required for splicing (an I-TevI::intein fusion). The purification was facilitated by a chitin-binding domain inserted into the mini-intein. Affinity purification of the I-TevI::intein fusion precursor on a chitin column was followed by pH-controllable splicing to restore the structure and function of I-TevI. To study the impact of the insertion context on I-TevI inactivation, the chimeric intein was inserted independently in front of seven cysteines of I-TevI. One of the seven intein integrants yielded I-TevI of high activity. This technique is, in principle, generalizable to the expression and purification of other cytotoxic proteins and is amenable to scale-up.  相似文献   

Lyme disease spirochetes (LDS) have phenotypic characteristics of both treponemes and borreliae. To ascertain whether one or more species of LDS exist, as well as their taxonomic status, we determined the DNA base (G + C) content for three strains of LDS, the DNA relatedness of ten strains isolated in the United States or Europe, and the DNA relatedness of LDS to other spirochetes. The G + C content of the three LDS strains was 28.1-29.0 mol%, most similar to those of Borellia hermsii (30.6 mol %) and Treponema hyodysenteriae (25.6 mol %) among the other spirochetes tested. DNA hybridization studies of nine LDS strains to a reference strain isolated from human blood revealed divergence (unpaired bases) within related nucleotide sequences of only 0.0-1.0 percent, indicating the strains were one species. Similarly, relatedness values of seven strains to the reference strain were high: 58-98 percent (mean, 71 percent) in 50 degrees C reactions and 50-93 percent (mean, 69 percent) in 65 degrees C reactions. Labeled DNA from B. hermsii was 30-40 percent related to three Lyme disease spirochete strains in 50 degrees C reactions and 8-10 percent related in 65 degrees C reactions. In contrast, DNA from the reference LDS strain showed relatedness of only 1 percent to DNAs of two leptospires and only 16 percent to DNA from T. hyodysenteriae. We conclude that LDS are a single species, genetically unlike treponemes or leptospires, which belong in the genus Borrelia.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas (class Mollicutes) are wall-less prokaryotes phylogenetically related to gram-positive bacteria. This study describes the construction of recA mutants of the mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii. An internal fragment of the recA gene from A. laidlawii was cloned into a plasmid that does not replicate in this organism. When this plasmid construct was used to transform A. laidlawii, it inserted into the chromosome, disrupting the recA gene. The pheno-type of the resulting recA mutant was compared to that of wild-type cells and to that of a strain that has a naturally occurring ochre mutation in its recA gene. As found in other bacterial systems, loss of RecA activity resulted in cells deficient in DNA repair.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were produced by microinjection of a humanA-globin gene construct containing site 2 of the locus control region and theA-globin gene with its 3 enhancer sequence. One transgenic mouse line 95HS2en91) displayed an altered phenotype when the insertion event of this transgenic line was homozygous. These animals lack the normal pigmentation seen in their hemizygous and non-transgenic littermates, thus appearing white with unpigmented eyes. In addition, their eyes are underdeveloped, consistent with the phenotype associated with mutations at themicrophthalmia (mi) locus. Backcrosses of transgenic mice withmi mutant mice result in phenotypes showing a lack of complementation, demonstrating that the site of transgene insertion is allelic withmi. Electron microscopic analysis of hair follicles and culturing of melanocytes from the skin of transgenic animals reveals an absence of cutaneous melanocytes in homozygotes and aberrant growth and morphology of the melanocytes isolated from hemizygous animals. The results presented here summarize the effects of this new allele of themi locus.  相似文献   

P13 is a chromosomally encoded 13-kDa integral outer membrane protein of the Lyme disease agent, Borrelia burgdorferi. The aim of this study was to investigate the function of the P13 protein. Here, we inactivated the p13 gene by targeted mutagenesis and investigated the porin activities of outer membrane proteins by using lipid bilayer experiments. Channel-forming activity was lost in the p13 mutant compared to wild-type B. burgdorferi, indicating that P13 may function as a porin. We purified native P13 to homogeneity by fast performance liquid chromatography and demonstrated that pure P13 has channel-forming activity with a single-channel conductance in 1 M KCl of 3.5 nS, the same as the porin activity that was lost in the p13 mutant. Further characterization of the channel formed by P13 suggested that it is cation selective and voltage independent. In addition, no major physiological effects of the inactivated p13 gene could be detected under normal growth conditions. The inactivation of p13 is the first reported inactivation of a gene encoding an integral outer membrane protein in B. burgdorferi. Here, we describe both genetic and biophysical experiments indicating that P13 in B. burgdorferi is an outer membrane protein with porin activity.  相似文献   

P66 is a chromosomally encoded 66-kDa integral outer membrane protein of the Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi exhibiting channel-forming activity. Herein, we inactivated and subsequently complemented the p66 gene in the B31-A (WT) strain. The P66 protein was also inactivated in two other channel-forming protein mutant strains, P13-18 (Deltap13) and Deltabba01, and then compared with the channel-forming activities of wild-type and various p66 mutant strains. We further investigated the ion-selectivity of native, purified P66. In conclusion, we show that the porin activity of P66 is eliminated by insertional inactivation and that this activity can be rescued by gene complementation.  相似文献   

胸膜肺炎放线杆菌是引起猪传染性胸膜肺炎(APP)的呼吸道病原菌,其分泌的Apx毒素是最重要的毒力因子之一。为构建APP突变弱毒菌株,在apxIC基因下游XhoI酶切位点处插入氯霉素抗性基因(Chlr)制备转移载体,通过电转化导入APP血清10型参考菌株(D13039)进行同源重组,筛选获得apxIC基因插入突变菌株D13039C-Chlr。该突变菌株特性鉴定结果表明其溶血活性完全丧失,可正常增殖和分泌ApxI毒素,连续10次传代后基因组中插入的Chlr基因可稳定遗传,利用5个剂量(2×108CFU~2×106CFU)对每组3只小鼠腹腔攻毒结果显示突变菌株毒力较母源菌株降低至少100倍以上,将突变菌株作为弱毒活疫苗经滴鼻途径免疫仔猪后利用APP血清1型(4074)和血清10型(D13039)菌株攻毒进行免疫原性鉴定,结果显示血清1型攻毒后非免疫组4头仔猪全部死亡而免疫组4头中死亡2头,非免疫组肺损伤指数(34.4)显著高于免疫组(17.5),血清10型攻毒后非免疫组肺损伤指数(17.5)也高于免疫组(10.5),同时鼻拭子和肺组织样品的细菌重分离数及PCR检测阳性数非免疫组也明显高于免疫组,表明突变菌株作为弱毒活疫苗对仔猪具有一定的交叉免疫保护力。该突变菌株的构建为鉴定ApxI毒素活性及研制具有交叉保护活性的APP弱毒活疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Whether inner-shell ionizations of DNA atoms, called core ionizations, are critical events for cell inactivation by ionizing radiations such as 100 keV electrons and gamma rays has been investigated. The number of core ionizations in DNA atoms per gray of the two types of radiations is calculated from various Monte Carlo track simulations. The probability that a core ionization leads to cell inactivation is deduced from experimental values of the RBEs of ultrasoft X rays. The contribution to V79 cell inactivation solely due to the core ionizations in DNA is found to be 75 +/- 27% for energetic electrons and gamma rays. This surprisingly large contribution strongly suggests the presence of new mechanisms associated with critical lesions for cell inactivation.  相似文献   

Thiobacillus ferroxidans ATCC 19859 undergoes rapid phenotypic switching between a wild-type state characterized by the ability to oxidize ferrous iron (FeII) and reduced sulfur compounds and a mutant state where it has lost the capacity to oxidize FeII but retains the ability to oxidize sulfur. The mutant has also gained the capacity to swarm. It is proposed that loss of FeII oxidation is due to the reversible transposition of the insertion sequence IST1 into resB encoding a putative cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein. Downstream from resB and co-transcribed with it is resC, encoding another putative cytochrome biogenesis protein. IST1 insertional inactivation of resB could result in the loss of activity of its target c-type cytochrome(s). This putative target cytochrome(s) is proposed to be essential for FeII oxidation but not for sulfur oxidation. Curiously, resB and resC pertain to the proposed system II cytochrome biogenesis pathway whereas gamma Proteobacteria, of which T. ferrooxidans is a member, normally use system I. This could represent an example of lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

【目的】铜绿假单胞菌是一种重要的条件致病菌,临床上常引起难治性和顽固性感染,随着各种抗生素的广泛使用,该菌对多种抗生素呈现耐药性,研究其耐药性机理有着重要意义。【方法】以一株临床分离株Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA68作为出发菌株,应用人工Mu转座技术构建突变文库并从中筛选得到一株对链霉素抗性明显增强的菌株M122,并对突变株M122进行测序分析及表型检测。通过Southern杂交实验证实转座子是否为单拷贝插入,对突变株M122的基因表达谱与野生型PA68菌株进行对比分析。【结果】确定了Mu转座子在M122基因组上为单拷贝插入,插入位点为基因PA0058的第214 bp处。对M122进行表型检测,发现其对多种氨基糖苷类抗生素的耐药性均得到增强,通过转入携带完整基因PA0058的表达质粒可以使突变株M122的耐药性有所降低,利用同源重组的方法,在模式菌株P.aeruginosa PAK中进行PA0058基因敲除,得到的敲除株具有链霉素耐药性升高的表型。基因PA0058的缺失引起多种基因表达水平改变,尤其是katB、ahpC、ahpF等抗氧化酶基因转录表达显著增高。【结论】首次发现铜绿假单胞菌PA0058基因的插入失活提高了细菌对氨基糖苷类抗生素的耐药性,且导致突变株M122中抗氧化酶基因转录表达水平的上调。  相似文献   

The versatility of insertional inactivation of β-galactosidase activity for subcloning and sequencing has been enhanced by combining a chemically synthesized oligonucleotide which specifies nine 6-bp-cutter restriction sites including BglII, XhoI, NruI, ClaI, SacI and EcoRV in various configurations with existing polylinkers to create a set of highly versatile cloning sites. These improved polylinkers have been inserted into plasmids (the pICs) for routine cloning of double-stranded DNA, and into chimeric phage/plasmids (the pICEMs) for biological production of single stranded DNA. The most versatile Polylinker specifies 17 restriction sites in the β-galactosidase α-complementing gene fragment. One of the new polylinkers was inserted into M 13 DNA to produce a vector (M13mIC7) with nine cloning sites.  相似文献   

一株来自大棚温室甜椒根际的绿针假单胞菌Pseudomonas chlororaphis G-05,可分泌抗生物质吩嗪-1-羧酸,并具有抑制辣椒疫霉的生物防治功效。【目的】为了系统研究该菌株的生物防治功能及抗生物质合成与分泌机制。【方法】首先通过生化法和16S rDNA同源比对法对该菌株进行系统分类的初步鉴定,再根据基因的同源性从G-05基因组DNA中克隆长1.4 kb的gacS基因的部分保守区段,采用抗庆大霉素基因(gentamycin resistance cassette, aacC1)插入失活的策略构建了该基因突变株G-05S。【结果】在King’ s B(KMB)或PPM培养基中,突变株G-05S合成吩嗪-1-羧酸的能力受到明显抑制。然而,突变株G-05S分泌的吲哚乙酸与野生株相比无显著差异。互补实验表明,gacS基因的表达可以使突变株G-05S的吩嗪-1-羧酸的合成恢复到野生株水平。【结论】由此推测,GacS(Global activator sensor )对不同次生代谢物的调控具有特异性。  相似文献   

Summary A plasmid integration technique was developed for insertional inactivation of chromosomal Listeria monocytogenes genes. A Listeria-Escherichia coli shuttle vector (pLSV1) was constructed which carried the temperature-sensitive gram-positive replication origin from plasmid pTV32(Ts). An internal fragment of the listeriolysin gene (IisA) was cloned into pLSV1 to create pLSV2. In L. monocytogenes pLSV2 transformants, plasmid pLSV2 integrated into the L. monocytogenes chromosome at a frequency of 2 × 10–3 via lisA homology and these cells could be selected at 42° C using a plasmid-encoded erythromycin resistance. Plasmid integration resulted in disruption of the lisA gene, production of a truncated, immunologically cross-reactive listeriolysin protein and loss of the hemolytic phenotype. An improved Listeria protoplast transformation method is also described which facilitates genetic manipulation of Listeria species.  相似文献   

Sequencing of the Moraxella sp. CK-1 autolysin (cell wall hydrolases) gene showed the presence of an open reading frame which encodes a polypeptide of 273 amino acids with a molecular mass of 33,316 Da. A presumed ribosomal binding site, a possible –10 and –35 region, and rho-dependent terminators were found. The C-terminal region of the mature protein showed considerable homology with the Thermus sp. serine proteinase. Enzyme assay suggests that the recombinant autolysin has amidase or endopeptidase activity. Analysis of the peptidoglycan fragments, following the treatment with the autolysin, indicates that this protein is an N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase. Insertional inactivation of the autolysin of Moraxella sp. CK-1 chromosome led to a decrease in cell wall hydrolytic activity, clumping of the cells, and color change. No lytic band present in inactivated magA mutant by renaturing SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Evolution of the linear DNA replicons of the Borrelia spirochetes.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Members of the spirochete genus Borrelia carry numerous linear DNA replicons with covalently closed hairpin telomeres. The genome of one member of this genus, B. burgdorferi B31, has now been completely characterized and contains a linear chromosome, twelve linear plasmids and nine circular extra-chromosomal elements. The phylogenetic position of the Borrelia spirochetes strongly suggests that a progenitor with circular replicons acquired the ability to replicate linear DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Origin inactivation in bacterial DNA replication control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Initiation of DNA replication is a highly regulated process in all organisms. Proteins that are required to recruit DNA polymerase - initiator proteins - are often used to regulate the timing or frequency of initiation in the cell cycle by limiting either their own synthesis or availability. Studies of the Escherichia coli chromosome and of bacterial plasmids with iterated initiator binding sites (iterons) have revealed that, in addition to initiator limitation, replication origin inactivation is used to prevent replication that is untimely or excessive. Our recent studies of plasmid P1 revealed that this additional mode of control becomes a requirement when initiator availability is limited only by autoregulation. Thus, although initiator limitation appears to be a well-conserved and central mode of replication control, optimal replication might require additional control mechanisms. This review gives examples of how the multiple mechanisms can act synergistically, antagonistically or be partially redundant to guarantee low frequency events. The lessons learned are likely to help understand many other regulatory systems in the bacterial cell.  相似文献   

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