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Gey Van Pittius NC  Gamieldien J  Hide W  Brown GD  Siezen RJ  Beyers AD 《Genome biology》2001,2(10):research0044.1-research004418


The genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv has five copies of a cluster of genes known as the ESAT-6 loci. These clusters contain members of the CFP-10 (lhp) and ESAT-6 (esat-6) gene families (encoding secreted T-cell antigens that lack detectable secretion signals) as well as genes encoding secreted, cell-wall-associated subtilisin-like serine proteases, putative ABC transporters, ATP-binding proteins and other membrane-associated proteins. These membrane-associated and energy-providing proteins may function to secrete members of the ESAT-6 and CFP-10 protein families, and the proteases may be involved in processing the secreted peptide.  相似文献   

The Actinobacteridae group of bacteria includes pathogens, plant commensals, endosymbionts as well as inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract. For various reasons, these microorganisms represent a growing area of interest with respect to genomics, molecular biology and genetics. This review will discuss the current knowledge on the molecular players that allow actinobacteria to contend with heat stress, with an emphasis on bifidobacteria. We describe the principal molecular chaperones involved in heat stress. Temporal expression of heat-shock genes based on functional genomics in members of the Actinobacteridae group is also discussed, as well as the emerging molecular mechanisms controlling the heat-stress response.  相似文献   

Galactose appears to be the physiological inducer of the chromosomal lac operon in Klebsiella aerogenes. Both lactose and galactose are poor inducers in strains having a functional galactose catabolism (gal) operon, but both are excellent inducers in gal mutants. Thus the slow growth of K. aerogenes on lactose reflects the rapid degradation of the inducer. Several pts mutations were characterized and shown to affect both inducer exclusion and permanent catabolite repression. The beta-galactosidase of pts mutants cannot be induced at all by lactose, and pts mutants appear to have a permanent and constitutive inducer exclusion phenotype. In addition, pts mutants show a reduced rate of glucose metabolism, leading to slower growth on glucose and a reduced degree of glucose-mediated permanent catabolite repression. The crr-type pseudorevertants of pts mutations relieve the constitutive inducer exclusion for lac but do not restore the full level of glucose-mediated permanent catabolite repression and only slightly weaken the glucose-mediated inducer exclusion. Except for weakening the glucose-mediated permanent catabolite repression, pts and crr mutations have no effect on expression of the histidine utilization (hut) operons.  相似文献   

An insertion of about 100 bases within the central part of the 23S rRNA genes was found to be a phylogenetic marker for the bacterial line of descent of Gram-positive bacteria with a high DNA G + C content. The insertion was present in 23S rRNA genes of 64 strains representing the major phylogenetic groups of Gram-positive bacteria with a high DNA G+C content, whereas it was not found in 23S rRNA genes of 55 (eu)bacteria representing Gram-positive bacteria with a low DNA G + C content and all other known (eu)bacterial phyla. The presence of the insertion could be easily demonstrated by comparative gel electrophoretic analysis of in vitro-amplified 23S rDNA fragments, which contained the insertion. The nucleotide sequences of the amplified fragments were determined and sequence similarities of at least 44% were found. The overall similarity values are lower than those of 16S and 23S rRNA sequences of the particular organism. Northern hybridization experiments indicated the presence of the insertion within the mature 23S rRNA of Corynebacterium glutamicum.  相似文献   

Hyaluronidases of Gram-positive bacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bacterial hyaluronidases, enzymes capable of breaking down hyaluronate, are produced by a number of pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria that initiate infections at the skin or mucosal surfaces. Since reports of the hyaluronidases first appeared, there have been numerous suggestions as to the role of the enzyme in the disease process. Unlike some of the other more well studied virulence factors, much of the information on the role of hyaluronidase is speculative, with little or no data to substantiate proposed roles. Over the last 5 years, a number of these enzymes from Gram-positive organisms have been cloned, and the nucleotide sequence determined. Phylogenetic analysis, using the deduced amino acid sequences of the Gram-positive hyaluronidases, suggests a relatedness among some of the enzymes. Molecular advances may lead to a more thorough understanding of the role of hyaluronidases in bacterial physiology and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

S Lévy  G Q Zeng  A Danchin 《Gene》1990,86(1):27-33
A series of isogenic strains harboring known deletions in the pts operon of Escherichia coli have been constructed by reverse genetics. Strains bearing deletions for the whole pts operon failed to grow on maltose or on carbon sources of the same class. In these strains the total cAMP synthesis was significantly lower than in a strain deleted only for the crr gene. This indicated that enzyme I or phosphorylated histidine-containing phosphotransferase protein in addition to its role in phosphorylating enzyme IIIGlc, is involved in adenylate cyclase (AC) activation or cAMP excretion. It was further shown that deletions in the pts operon do not affect synthesis of AC.  相似文献   

Membrane transitions in Gram-positive bacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

In Gram-positive bacteria proteins are displayed on the cell surface using sortase enzymes. These cysteine transpeptidases join proteins bearing an appropriate sorting signal to strategically positioned amino groups on the cell surface. Working alone, or in concert with other enzymes, sortases either attach proteins to the cross-bridge peptide of the cell wall or they link proteins together to form pili. Because surface proteins play a fundamental role in microbial physiology and are frequently virulence factors, sortase enzymes have been intensely studied since their discovery a little more than a decade ago. Based on their primary sequences and functions sortases can be partitioned into distinct families called class A to F enzymes. Most bacteria elaborate their surfaces using more than one type of sortase that function non-redundantly by recognizing unique sorting signals within their protein substrates. Here we review what is known about the functions of these enzymes and the molecular basis of catalysis. Particular emphasis is placed on 'pilin' specific class C sortases that construct structurally complex pili. Exciting new data have revealed that these enzymes are amazingly promiscuous in the substrates that they can employ and that there is a startling degree of diversity in their mechanism of action. We also review recent data that suggest that sortases are targeted to specific sites on the cell surface where they work with other sortases and accessory factors to properly function.  相似文献   

Bacteria tune the function of their ribosomes by methylating specific rRNA nucleotides. Nucleotide G745 in Escherichia coli 23S rRNA is methylated by the methyltransferase enzyme RrmA, whereas in Streptomyces fradiae, the neighbouring nucleotide G748 is methylated by the enzyme TlrB. Both nucleotides line the peptide exit channel of the ribosome at the binding site of macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin B antibiotics. Resistance to the macrolide tylosin, which is produced by S. fradiae, is conferred by methylation of G748. RrmA and TlrB are homologues (29% identical), and a database search against all presently available sequences revealed a further two dozen homologues from a wide variety of Bacteria. No homologues were found among the Archaea or Eukarya. The bacterial sequences adhere to the species phylogeny and segregate into two groups, in which the Gram-negative sequences align with RrmA and the Gram-positives with TlrB. Consistently, in more than 20 species tested, the distribution of methylation in the Gram-negative rRNAs (methylated at G745) and the Gram-positives (methylated at G748) perfectly matches the bacterial phylogeny. Cloning and expression of representative methyltransferase genes showed that this specificity of methylation is determined solely by the methyltransferase enzyme and is independent of the origin of the rRNA substrate. This is the first case in which the position of an RNA methylation defines a sharp division between the Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Given the specificities and distribution of these methyltransferases, we propose a change in the nomenclature of RrmA to RlmAI (rRNA large subunit methyltransferase) and of TlrB to RlmAII.  相似文献   

Almost one thousand 16S rRNA sequences of Gram-positive bacteria with a low DNA G + C content from public databases were analyzed using the ARB software package. A signature region was identified between positions 354 and 371 (E. coli numbering) for the Bacillus sub-branch of the Gram-positive bacteria with a low DNA G + C content, the former orders Bacillales and Lactobacillales. Three oligonucleotide probes, namely LGC354A, LGC354B, and LGC354C, were designed to target this diagnostic site. Their fluorescent derivatives were suitable for whole cell detection by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Hybridization conditions were adjusted for differentiation of target and related non-target reference species. When applying FISH to whole bacterial cells in a sample of activated sludge from a communal wastewater treatment plant, members of the Bacillus sub-branch were detected at levels from 0.01% of cells in samples fixed with paraformaldehyde to over 8 percent in the same samples fixed with ethanol and treated with lysozyme. The problems of quantitative in situ analysis of Gram-positive bacteria with a low DNA G + C content in biofilm flocs are discussed and recommendations made. Members of the Bacillus sub-branch were detected in different abundances in activated sludge samples from different wastewater plants.  相似文献   

This is a highlight on the article ‘Extracellular vesicle formation in Lactococcus lactis is stimulated by prophage-encoded holin-lysin system’ by Yue Liu, Eddy Smid and Tjakko Abee.  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential trace element for many organisms by serving important catalytic roles in the form of the 21st co-translationally inserted amino acid selenocysteine. It is mostly found in redox-active proteins in members of all three domains of life and analysis of the ever-increasing number of genome sequences has facilitated identification of the encoded selenoproteins. Available data from biochemical, sequence, and structure analyses indicate that Gram-positive bacteria synthesize and incorporate selenocysteine via the same pathway as enterobacteria. However, recent in vivo studies indicate that selenocysteine-decoding is much less stringent in Gram-positive bacteria than in Escherichia coli. For years, knowledge about the pathway of selenocysteine synthesis in Archaea and Eukarya was only fragmentary, but genetic and biochemical studies guided by analysis of genome sequences of Sec-encoding archaea has not only led to the characterization of the pathways but has also shown that they are principally identical. This review summarizes current knowledge about the metabolic pathways of Archaea and Gram-positive bacteria where selenium is involved, about the known selenoproteins, and about the respective pathways employed in selenoprotein synthesis.  相似文献   

Efflux-mediated drug resistance in Gram-positive bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gram-positive bacteria express numerous membrane transporters that promote the efflux of various drugs, including many antibiotics, from the cell to the outer medium. Drug transporters can be specific to a particular drug, or can have broad specificity, as in so-called multidrug transporters. This broad specificity can be a consequence of the hydrophobic nature of transported molecules, as suggested by recent structural studies of soluble multidrug-binding proteins. Although the functions of drug transporters may involve both the protection of bacteria from outside toxins and the transport of natural metabolites, their clinical importance lies largely in providing Gram-positive pathogens with resistance to macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones. A number of agents, discovered in recent years, that inhibit drug transporters can potentially be used to overcome efflux-associated antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

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