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Linkage between structural and regulatory genes implies that a direct correlation should exist between the spatio-temporal distribution of their expression. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) were used as reporters to analyze simultaneously expression of lysine-epsilon-aminotransferase (LAT) and its corresponding genetic regulator, CcaR. The isogenic strain containing lat::gfp and ccaR::cfp in the chromosome produced cephamycin C at levels similar to wild type Streptomyces clavuligerus. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that expression of both LAT and CcaR in liquid culture was temporally dynamic and spatially heterogeneous in S. clavuligerus mycelia. During the early culture stage only a part of the mycelia began to express LAT and CcaR at low levels. As the culture aged, expression levels and the population of mycelia expressing LAT and CcaR increased and were followed late in the growth cycle by a reduction of the mycelia population expressing LAT and CcaR. The approach provides a precise simultaneous temporal-spatial expression profile and corroborates the regulatory linkage between ccaR and lat in S. clavuligerus.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of cephalosporin biosynthesis in Streptomyces clavuligerus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A kinetic model describing the cephalosporin biosynthesis in Streptomyces clavuligerus was developed. Using previously reported kinetic data of biosynthetic enzymes, we examined the kinetics of cephalosporin production. The predicted time profile of the specific production rate during a batch culture parallels that of experimental observation. Sensitivity analysis reveals that delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine (ACV) synthetase is the rate-limiting enzyme. The effect of amplifying ACV synthetase on the specific production rate was analyzed theoretically. Increasing ACV synthetase enhances the production rate initially until ACV synthetase enhances the production rate initially until deacetocycephalosporin C hydroxylase becomes rate-limiting. Such kinetic analysis can provide a rational basis for modifying the biosynthetic machinery of cephalosporin through gene cloning.  相似文献   

The argC gene of Streptomyces clavuligerus encoding N-acetylglutamyl-phosphate reductase (AGPR) has been cloned by complementation of argC mutants Streptomyces lividans 1674 and Escherichia coli XC33. The gene is contained in an open reading frame of 1,023 nucleotides which encodes a protein of 340 amino acids with a deduced molecular mass of 35,224 Da. The argC gene is linked to argE, as shown by complementation of argE mutants of E. coli. Expression of argC from cloned DNA fragments carrying the gene leads to high levels of AGPR in wild-type S. lividans and in the argC mutant S. lividans 1674. Formation of AGPR is repressed by addition of arginine to the culture medium. The protein encoded by the argC gene is very similar to the AGPRs of Streptomyces coelicolor, Bacillus subtilis, and E. coli and, to a lesser degree, to the homologous enzymes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Anabaena spp. A conserved PGCYPT domain present in all the AGPR sequences suggests that this may be the active center of the protein. Transformation of S. clavuligerus 328, an argC auxotroph deficient in clavulanic acid biosynthesis, with plasmid pULML30, carrying the cloned argC gene, restored both prototrophy and antibiotic production.  相似文献   

In Streptomyces clavuligerus, three groups of genes are known to be involved in the biosynthesis of the clavam metabolites. Since antibiotic biosynthetic genes are invariably clustered on the chromosome in prokaryotes, chromosome walking was undertaken in an attempt to show that the three groups of clavam genes would resolve into a single super-cluster when analyzed at larger scale. However, no evidence of linkage between the three groups was obtained. Furthermore, Southern analysis of macro-restriction fragments of genomic DNA separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis also indicated that the three groups of genes are not linked. Despite the structural and biosynthetic relatedness of the clavam metabolites, our results suggest that the genes involved in their production lie in three unlinked gene clusters. We believe that this represents the first instance in bacteria of genes involved in the biosynthesis of a single family of antibiotics sharing a common biosynthetic pathway and yet residing in three separate locations on the chromosome.  相似文献   

A Streptomyces clavuligerus gene (designated pcbR) which is located immediately downstream from the gene encoding isopenicillin N synthase in the cephamycin gene cluster was characterized. Nucleotide sequence analysis and database searching of PcbR identified a significant similarity between PcbR and proteins belonging to the family of high-molecular-weight group B penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). Eight of nine boxes (motifs) conserved within this family of proteins are present in the PcbR protein sequence in the same order and with approximately the same spacing between them. When a mutant disrupted in pcbR was constructed by gene replacement, the resulting pcbR mutant exhibited a significant decrease in its resistance to benzylpenicillin and cephalosporins, indicating that pcbR is involved in beta-lactam resistance in this organism. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of S. clavuligerus cell membranes using PcbR-specific antibodies suggested that PcbR is a membrane protein. PcbR was also present in cell membranes when expressed in Escherichia coli and was able to bind radioactive penicillin in a PBP assay, suggesting that PcbR is a PBP. When genomic DNAs from several actinomycetes were probed with pcbR, hybridization was observed to some but not all beta-lactam-producing actinomycetes.  相似文献   

Summary Streptomyces clavuligerus produced simultaneously cephamycin C and clavulanic acid in defined medium in long-term fermentations and in resting-cell cultures. Biosynthesis of cephamycin by phosphate-limited resting cells was dissociated from clavulanic acid formation by removing either glycerol or sulphate from the culture medium. In absence of glycerol no clavulanic acid was formed but cephamycin production occurred, whereas in absence of sulphate no cephamycin was synthesized but clavulanic biosynthesis took place. Sulphate, sulphite and thiosulphate were excellent sulphur sources for cephamycin biosynthesis while l-methionine and l-cysteine were poor precursors of this antibiotic. Increasing concentrations of sulphate also stimulated clavulanic acid formation. The biosynthesis of clavulanic acid was much more sensitive to phosphate (10–100 mM) regulation than that of cephamycin. Therefore, the formation of both metabolites was pertially dissociated at 25 mM phosphate. By contrast, nitrogen regulation by ammonium salts or glutamic acid strongly reduced the biosynthesis of both cephamycin and clavulanic acid.  相似文献   

Liu  Yang  Li  Meng  Mu  Huiyan  Song  Shuting  Zhang  Ying  Chen  Kun  He  Xihong  Wang  Haikuan  Dai  Yujie  Lu  Fuping  Yan  Zhongli  Zhang  Huitu 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2017,101(20):7589-7602
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Ficellomycin is a peptide-like antibiotic which exhibits potent in vitro activity against Penicillium oxalicum and Staphylococcus aureus, even against...  相似文献   

The clinically used beta-lactamase inhibitor clavulanic acid is produced by fermentation of Streptomyces clavuligerus. The orf6 gene of the clavulanic acid biosynthetic gene cluster in S. clavuligerus encodes a protein that shows sequence homology to ornithine acetyltransferase (OAT), the fifth enzyme of the arginine biosynthetic pathway. Orf6 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli (at approximately 15% of total soluble protein by SDS/PAGE analysis) indicating it was not toxic to the host cells. The recombinant protein was purified (to > 95% purity) by a one-step technique. Like other OATs it was synthesized as a precursor protein which underwent autocatalytic internal cleavage in E. coli to generate alpha and beta subunits. Cleavage was shown to occur between the alanine and threonine residues in a KGXGMXXPX--(M/L)AT (M/L)L motif conserved within all identified OAT sequences. Gel filtration and native electrophoresis analyses implied that the ORF6 protein was an alpha2beta2 heterotetramer and direct evidence for this came from mass spectrometric analyses. Although anomalous migration of the beta subunit was observed by standard SDS/PAGE analysis, which indicated the presence of two bands (as previously observed for other OATs), mass spectrometric analyses did not reveal any evidence for post-translational modification of the beta subunit. Extended denaturation with SDS before PAGE resulted in observation of a single major beta subunit band. Purified ORF6 was able to catalyse the reversible transfer of an acetyl group from N-acetylornithine to glutamate, but not the formation of N-acetylglutamate from glutamate and acetyl-coenzyme A, nor (detectably) the hydrolysis of N-acetylornithine. Mass spectrometry also revealed the reaction proceeds via acetylation of the beta subunit.  相似文献   

The argR gene of Streptomyces clavuligerus has been located in the upstream region of argG . It encodes a protein of 160 amino acids with a deduced M r of 17 117 for the monomer. Transformants containing the amplified argR gene showed lower activity (50%) of the biosynthetic ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTC) activity and higher levels (380%) of the catabolic ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) activity than control strains. Amplification of an arginine (ARG) box-containing sequence results in a 2- to 2.5-fold derepression of ornithine acetyltransferase and OTC, suggesting that the repressor is titrated out. Footprinting experiments using the pure homologous arginine repressor (AhrC) of B. subtilis showed a protected 38 nt region (ARG box) in the coding strand upstream of argC . The protected region contained two tandemly repeated imperfect palindromic 18-nt ARG boxes. The repressor–operator interaction was confirmed by band-shift experiments of the DNA fragment containing the protected region. By computer analysis of the Streptomyces sequences available in the databases, a consensus ARG box has been deduced for the genus Streptomyces . This is the first example of a clear regulation of an amino acid biosynthetic pathway in Streptomyces species, challenging the belief that actinomycetes do not have a well-developed regulatory system of these pathways.  相似文献   

Cephalosporin production by Streptomyces clavuligerus was reduced sharply by 60 mM phosphate added to a chemically-defined medium. All the four synthetases in the pathway examined, i.e., ACV synthetase, cyclase, epimerase and expandase, were repressed by phosphate, with ACV synthetase being the main repression target and expandase the next. ACV synthetase activity was inhibited by phosphate to a lesser extent than expandase and cyclase, and this inhibition could be reversed by adding Fe2+. Fe2+ itself was inhibitory to ACV synthetase action.  相似文献   

The pcbC gene, which encodes isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS), was subcloned from Streptomyces clavuligerus into Escherichia coli by using the pT7 series of plasmid vectors. The polymerase chain reaction was used to introduce an NdeI site at the translation initiation codon of pcbC, allowing the gene to be inserted behind an E. coli type of ribosome binding site. This construction directed high-level expression of IPNS, but the IPNS was in an inactive form in inclusion bodies. Active IPNS was recovered by solubilizing and renaturing the protein.  相似文献   

The pcbC gene, which encodes isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS), was subcloned from Streptomyces clavuligerus into Escherichia coli by using the pT7 series of plasmid vectors. The polymerase chain reaction was used to introduce an NdeI site at the translation initiation codon of pcbC, allowing the gene to be inserted behind an E. coli type of ribosome binding site. This construction directed high-level expression of IPNS, but the IPNS was in an inactive form in inclusion bodies. Active IPNS was recovered by solubilizing and renaturing the protein.  相似文献   

We report the identification and characterization of the ste (Streptomyces eps) gene cluster of Streptomyces sp. 139 required for exopolysaccharide (EPS) biosynthesis. This report is the first genetic work on polysaccharide production in Streptomyces. To investigate the gene cluster involved in exopolysaccharide 139A biosynthesis, degenerate primers were designed to polymerase chain reaction amplify an internal fragment of the priming glycosyltransferase gene that catalyzes the first step in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis. Screening of a genomic library of Streptomyces sp. 139 with this polymerase chain reaction product as probe allowed the isolation of a ste gene cluster containing 22 open reading frames similar to polysaccharide biosynthesis genes of other bacterial species. Involvement of the ste gene cluster in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis was confirmed by disrupting the priming glycosyltransferase gene in Streptomyces sp. 139 to generate non-exopolysaccharide-producing mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Streptomyces clavuligerus produces cephamycin C while growing on chemically defined basal medium. Cephamycin C production takes place during the exponential growth phase and is accompanied by vigorous activity of the cephamycin C synthetase system and of expandase. An excessive amount of glycerol decreases cephamycin C production. Its negative effect appears to be greatest when it is added in the first phase of fermentation either alone or in the presence of starch. Starch excess also reduces cephamycin C production, but its effect is slight compared with glycerol. Glycerol hinders cephamycin C production by the repression of the cephamycin C synthetase system and particularly expandase biosynthesis. Starch and glycerol inhibit neither cephamycin C synthetase nor expandase activities. However, the phosphorylated intermediates of the glycolytic pathway, glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 1,6-phosphate, strongly inhibit expandase activity.  相似文献   

张铮  张丽  张杰  马宏初  孙树涛  钟瑾 《微生物学报》2015,55(11):1402-1408
摘要:【目的】利用半体外生物合成方法获得棒状链霉菌中的隐性羊毛硫肽,为放线菌中羊毛硫肽资源的挖掘提供借鉴。【方法】利用nisin修饰系统,在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中对隐性羊毛硫肽的核心肽进行体内修饰。修饰后产物经亲和层析和高效液相色谱(HPLC)纯化后,体外酶切反应切除前导肽,利用MALDITOFMS检测核心肽的脱水情况,并结合二级质谱解析其成环结构。【结果】获得了新的羊毛硫肽CLA 124,其核心肽脱去了4分子水,并形成2个硫醚键和一个二硫键。【结论】半体外生物合成方法可用于放线菌来源隐性羊毛硫肽的资源挖掘。  相似文献   

Gene clusters for the biosynthesis of kanamycin (Km) and gentamicin (Gm) were isolated from the genomic libraries of Streptomyces kanamyceticus and Micromonospora echinospora, respectively. The sequencing of the 47 kb-region of S. kanamyceticus genomic DNA revealed 40 putative open reading frames (ORFs) encoding Km biosynthetic proteins, regulatory proteins, and resistance and transport proteins. Similarly, the sequencing of 32.6 kb genomic DNA of M. echinospora revealed a Gm biosynthetic gene cluster flanked by resistant genes. Biosynthetic pathways for the formation of Km were proposed by the comparative study of biosynthetic genes. Out of 12 putative Km biosynthetic genes, kanA was expressed in Escherichia coli and determined its function as a 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase. Furthermore, the acetylations of aminoglycoside-aminocyclitols (AmAcs) by Km acetyltransferase (KanM) were also demonstrated. The acetylated derivatives completely lost their antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis. The comparative genetic studies of Gm, Km, tobramycin (Tm), and butirosin (Bn) reveal their similar biosynthetic routes and provide a framework for the further biosynthetic studies.  相似文献   

Tetzlaff CN  You Z  Cane DE  Takamatsu S  Omura S  Ikeda H 《Biochemistry》2006,45(19):6179-6186
Streptomyces avermitilis, an industrial organism responsible for the production of the anthelminthic avermectins, harbors a 13.4 kb gene cluster containing 13 unidirectionally transcribed open reading frames corresponding to the apparent biosynthetic operon for the sesquiterpene antibiotic pentalenolactone. The advanced intermediate pentalenolactone F, along with the shunt metabolite pentalenic acid, could be isolated from cultures of S. avermitilis, thereby establishing that the pentalenolactone biosynthetic pathway is functional in S. avermitilis. Deletion of the entire 13.4 kb cluster from S. avermitilis abolished formation of pentalenolactone metabolites, while transfer of the intact cluster to the pentalenolactone nonproducer Streptomyces lividans 1326 resulted in production of pentalenic acid. Direct evidence for the biochemical function of the individual biosynthetic genes came from expression of the ptlA gene (SAV2998) in Escherichia coli. Assay of the resultant protein established that PtlA is a pentalenene synthase, catalyzing the cyclization of farnesyl diphosphate to pentalenene, the parent hydrocarbon of the pentalenolactone family of metabolites. The most upstream gene in the cluster, gap1 (SAV2990), was shown to correspond to the pentalenolactone resistance gene, based on expression in E. coli and demonstration that the resulting glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, the normal target of pentalenolactone, was insensitive to the antibiotic. Furthermore, a second GAPDH isozyme (gap2, SAV6296) has been expressed in E. coli and shown to be inactivated by pentalenolactone.  相似文献   

Clavulanic acid is a potent inhibitor of beta-lactamase enzymes and is of demonstrated value in the treatment of infections by beta-lactam-resistant bacteria. Previously, it was thought that eight contiguous genes within the genome of the producing strain Streptomyces clavuligerus were sufficient for clavulanic acid biosynthesis, because they allowed production of the antibiotic in a heterologous host (K. A. Aidoo, A. S. Paradkar, D. C. Alexander, and S. E. Jensen, p. 219-236, In V. P. Gullo et al., ed., Development in industrial microbiology series, 1993). In contrast, we report the identification of three new genes, orf10 (cyp), orf11 (fd), and orf12, that are required for clavulanic acid biosynthesis as indicated by gene replacement and trans-complementation analysis in S. clavuligerus. These genes are contained within a 3.4-kb DNA fragment located directly downstream of orf9 (cad) in the clavulanic acid cluster. While the orf10 (cyp) and orf11 (fd) proteins show homologies to other known CYP-150 cytochrome P-450 and [3Fe-4S] ferredoxin enzymes and may be responsible for an oxidative reaction late in the pathway, the protein encoded by orf12 shows no significant similarity to any known protein. The results of this study extend the biosynthetic gene cluster for clavulanic acid and attest to the importance of analyzing biosynthetic genes in the context of their natural host. Potential functional roles for these proteins are proposed.  相似文献   

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