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A rapid clonal propagation system has been developed for the medicinally important herb Centella asiatica (L) Urban by shoot tip (2–3 cm long) culture. The shoot tips isolated from mature plants were inoculated on MS medium incorporated with BA alone or in combination with NAA and Kn. The optimum number of shoots (3.38) with optimum number of leaves per shoot (4.25) were attained on MS medium supplemented with 4.0 mg l?1 BA and 0.1 mg l?1 NAA. On transferring the microshoots on full strength MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of IBA (1.0-3.0 mg l?1) and NAA (0.5-2.0 mg l?1), profuse rooting (46.8 per shoot) was obtained in MS basal medium with 2.0 mg l?1 IBA with root length of 19.7 cm. Well rooted plantlets were acclimatized successfully by adjusting the temperature and humidity for 3–4 weeks after transfer to pots filled with sterilized vermiculite soil: sand (1:1)mixture. This micropropgation protocol could be useful for raising a stock of genetically homogenous material for field cultivation within a very short period.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol has been developed for rapid in vitro propagation of Eclipta alba L. (Asteraceae) through axillary bud multiplication. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with BA (10 M) was found to be most effective in breaking bud dormancy. An average number of 23 ± 0.57 shoots per explant was recorded after 30 days. Culture of node segments on fresh medium with lower concentration of BA (2 M) enhanced the multiplication rate. A maximum of 79 ± 1.90 mean number of shoots were obtained after three subcultures without any decline in multiplication rate. The regenerated microshoots showed the most efficient rooting on half strength MS medium augmented with 0.5 M IBA. Plantlets went through a hardening phase prior to ex vitro transfer and established in earthen pots containing garden soil; survival of about 90%. The established plants were uniform and exhibited morphological characters identical to mother plants.  相似文献   

A procedure for the stimulation of axillary bud developmentfrom young shoots of maize, their subculture to root-inducingmedia and transfer as rooted plants to soil is described. Axillarybud development was enhanced by the addition of kinetin andauxin to the culture medium. Root initiation on explanted axillarybuds, while successful with some cultivars, was variable. Anumber of mature plants with normal tassels and ears were producedfrom the lowermost buds of an original stem explant. Buds fromhigher positions on the explant exhibited different potentialitieswith some, those normally from cob producing nodes, producingshort-stalked plants with terminal female influorescences. Agradient of bud potentiality along the stem appears to be establishedextremely early after each is initiated. Zea mays., corn, maize, shoot tip culture, clone, vegetative propagation  相似文献   

红瑞木的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵青华 《植物学通报》2008,25(2):220-220
红瑞木(Comus albaL.)山茱萸科(Cornaceae)梾木属(Comus L.),落叶灌木。叶对生。椭圆形,聚伞花序。顶生。具有较高观赏价值和园林绿化价值。 选取红瑞木当年生的嫩枝段为外植体。用自来水冲洗30分钟,在无菌条件下先用70%乙醇表面消毒20秒。再用0.1%HgCl2溶液(加2-3滴吐温)处N8分钟。  相似文献   

以优良单株‘纳雍-1’的单芽茎段为外植体,建立了铁核桃(Juglanssigillata)离体培养与快速繁殖的体系。结果表明,附加6-BA1.0mg·L-1 +活·IgK(AC)3.0g·L-1的DKw培养基适宜铁核桃腋芽诱导;适宜铁核桃芽增殖的培养基为DKW+6-BA1.0mg·L-1 +IBA0.02mg·L-1,40d后增殖系数可达7.33;试管苗的茎尖和茎段均可用于增殖培养;一步生根法(低浓度的生长素IBA持续诱导)不利于铁核桃试管苗嫩茎生根;采用二步生根法,生根率最高可达71.73%,其中,不同IBA浓度、暗培养时间、蔗糖浓度和AC含量对试管苗嫩茎生根影响显著,铁核桃试管苗在附]sulBA5,0mg·L-1的1/4DKW培养基中暗培养12d,再转移到不含IBA的1/4DKW培养基(附加AC 3g-L-1和蔗糖20g·L-1)中生根效果最好;生根试管苗采用珍珠岩和营养土两步炼苗,60d后成活率达到87.50%。  相似文献   

天女木兰的离体培养和快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1植物名称天女木兰(Magnolia sieboldii),又名天女花、小花木兰、山牡丹. 2材料类别种子. 3培养条件种胚萌发培养基:(1)B5 6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1(单位下同) NAA 0.05.继代繁殖培养基:(2)B5 TDZ 0.3 NAA 0.03 VC(抗坏血酸)500.0或AC(活性炭)500.0;(3)B5 6-BA 2.0 NAA 0.2 VC 500.0或AC 500.0.继代苗生根培养基:(4)1/2B5 NAA0.5 AC 1000.0 VB(维生素B)20.0.愈伤组织诱导培养基:(5)B5 6-BA 2.0 2,4-D 0.5 VC 500.0.以上培养基均附加3.0%蔗糖、0.6%琼脂,pH 5.8~6.0,121~124℃下灭菌20 min.光照度1000 lx左右,光照14~16 h·d-1,培养温度白天(23±2)℃,夜间20℃.  相似文献   

探讨用植物组织培养技术进行中芦荟的快速繁殖,为工厂化育苗提供技术依据。用中芦荟幼苗茎尖为外植体进行离体培养,采用单因素试验设计,以MS为基本培养基,进行6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)及吲哚丁酸(IBA)不同浓度用量的配比试验,结果表明,最适宜该品种各阶段快速繁殖的激素配方分别为:(1)丛生芽诱导:MS 6-BA3.0mg/L IBA0.4mg/L;(2)丛生芽继代增殖:MS 6-BA2.0mg/L IBA0.3mg/L;(3)生根诱导:1/2MS IBA0.4mg/L。另移栽试验表明:采用河沙:菌包:腐质土=2:2:1的基质栽植,成活率可达100%。  相似文献   

1 植物名称彩云竹芋[Calathea picturata(Linden)K.Koch & Linden]. 2 材料类别幼嫩茎段. 3 培养条件启动培养基:(1)1/2MS+腺嘌呤1.0mg·L-1(单位下同)+6-BA 3.0+NAA 0.05;增殖继代培养基:(2)I/2MS+腺嘌呤1.0+6-BA 2.0+NAA0.5;生根培养基:(3)1/2MS+NAA 0.3.  相似文献   

马哈利樱桃茎尖培养与快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1植物名称马哈利樱桃(Cerasus mahaleb)又称圆叶樱桃. 2材料类别茎尖. 3培养条件以MS为基本培养基.(1)起始培养基:MS 6-BA 0.2~0.5 mg·L-1(单位下同) 3%蔗糖;(2)增殖培养基:MS 6-BA 2.0 IAA 0.5 GA30.5 3%白砂糖;(3)生根培养基:1/2MS IAA2.0(或IBA 0.6) 2%白砂糖.以上培养基均加琼脂0.6%,pH 5.8,121℃、0.11MPa下灭菌25 min.培养温度23~27℃/15~18℃,光照12 h·d-1,光照度2 500 lx.  相似文献   

以莲(Nelumbo nucifera)授粉后18天的莲子胚芽为外植体,通过初代培养、继代培养和炼苗移栽,建立了莲离体快速繁殖体系。结果表明,将胚芽外植体诱导出无菌苗的最适初代培养基为MS固体培养基添加0.5 mg·L–1 6-BA、0.5 mg·L–1NAA、30 g·L–1蔗糖、0.5 g·L–1活性炭和0.8 g...  相似文献   

以柠檬香蜂草带腋芽幼嫩茎段为外植体,MS为基本培养基,对其进行离体快繁研究。结果表明,在Ms+6-BA1.0mgCL+IBA0.5mg/L培养基上诱导产生不定芽的效果最好;在MS+6.BA0.5mg/L+IBAO.1mg/L分化培养基上分化率达3~4倍;在1/2MS+IBA0.2mg/L生根培养基中正常发根,且根系粗壮。  相似文献   

白檀离体快繁技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以白檀(Symplocos paniculata)幼嫩茎段为实验材料, 通过对启动培养、增殖、生根培养及移栽的影响因子进行研究, 初步建立了白檀的组织培养体系。结果表明: 白檀外植体最适灭菌方案为0.1%升汞3分钟, 无菌苗获得率达81%; 最适初代启动培养基为1/2MS+30 g∙L-1蔗糖+8 g∙L-1琼脂, 出芽率达86.83%; 增殖最适培养基为1/2MS+1.0 mg∙L-1 6-BA+0.02 mg∙L-1 IBA+30 g∙L-1蔗糖+8 g∙L-1琼脂, 增殖系数达3.57; 最适生根培养基为WPM+0.5 mg∙L-1 IBA+0.5 mg∙L-1 NAA+20 g∙L-1蔗糖+2 g∙L-1 AC+8 g∙L-1琼脂, 生根率达93%; 炼苗后, 移入园土:草炭土=1:1 (v/v)的基质中, 成活率达83%。  相似文献   

西藏地区银白杨的组织培养和快速繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 植物名称 银白杨 (Populusalba)。2 材料类别 优良单株休眠枝水插萌动芽。3 培养条件 芽萌动培养基 :( 1 )MS KT 1 .0mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) IBA 0 .2 ;( 2 )MS KT 0 .5 IBA 0 .1。诱导丛生芽培养基 :( 3)MS 6 BA0 .3 NAA 0 .  相似文献   

大豆茎尖离体培养再生植株   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 植物名称 大豆 (Glycinemax)品种中黄 4号、早熟 1 8和中品 661。2 材料类别 茎尖。3 培养条件 生芽培养基 :( 1 )MS 6 BA 3mg·L- 1 (单位下同 )。不定芽伸长培养基 :( 2 ) 1 /2MS 6 BA 0 .1 ;( 3)MS GA30 .5。生根培养基 :( 4 ) 1 /2MS NAA 0 .1。以上培养基均含蔗糖 3%、琼脂0 .8% ,pH 5 .8;培养室温度 ( 2 6± 2 )℃ ;光照时间每天 1 6h ,光照度 1 60 0~ 2 0 0 0lx。4 生长与分化情况4.1 靶组织区的制备 取大豆种子 ,以 70 %酒精处理 1min ,1 %次氯酸钠消毒 1 5min后 ,用无…  相似文献   

土人参茎尖培养和植株再生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 植物名称 土人参 (Talinumpaniculatum)。2 材料类别 实生苗之茎尖 ,种子取自本校花圃。3 培养条件 种子萌发培养基 :( 1 ) 1 /2MS +0 .7%琼脂 + 2 %蔗糖。丛生芽诱导培养基 :( 2 )MS + 6 BA 0 .5mg·L- 1 (单位下同 ) ;( 3)MS +NAA0 .5 + 6 BA 2 .0 ;( 4 )MS +NAA 0 .5 +KT 2 .0 ;( 5 )MS+NAA 0 .5 + 6 BA 3.0。丛生芽增殖培养基 :( 6)MS + 6 BA 2 .0 ;( 7)MS +NAA 0 .0 5 + 6 BA 3.0。生根培养基 :( 8) 1 /2MS +NAA 2 .0。上述 ( 2 )~ ( 8)培养基均附加 30 g·L- 1 蔗糖、7g·L- 1 琼脂 ,pH 5 .8。培养室温…  相似文献   

The influence of plant growth substances, medium and potting mixture on protocorm development, differentiation, growth and establishment of Zygopetalum intermedium was assessed. Embryo from mature green but unripe capsule cultured on half strength Murashige and Skoog medium containing 1.5 g l?1 AC with 0.25 mg l?1 PBZ and 0.1 mg l?1 of NAA swollen in 59.7 days, followed by formation of globular bodies in 64 days and protocorm development in 70.7 days. Nitsch medium in combination with 0.5 mg l?1 of BAP and 0.25 mg l?1 of Triacontanol resulted in shoot and root differentiation and maximum plant growth in vitro. Plantlets with 4–5 well-developed leaves with roots pre hardened in medium supplemented with 0.25 mg l?1 each of PBZ and Triacontanol transferred to community pots filled with potting mixture of coco peat and tree fern (1:1) resulted in 72.3% survival ex vitro.  相似文献   

A simple in vitro protocol has been developed for large scale multiplication of plants from various explants of Pimpinella anisum L., a medicinally important plant belonging to family Apiaceae. Browning of cultures was observed during the maintenance. Frequent subculture at an interval of about 15–17 days was essential for obtaining embryogenic callus cultures and preventing browning of cultures. High frequency of multiple shoot formation was achieved from callus cultures derived from shoot apices, root and stem explants, and also from seed-derived calli. Somatic embryogenesis was observed in callus cultures derived from seeds and shoot apices. Complete plants developed from these embryoids. Direct regeneration of plantlets from shoot apices was also observed. Roots formation occurred in all the cultures. The requirement for exogenous auxin and cytokinin for differentiation was found to be varying in different tissues.  相似文献   

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