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The effect of operating parameters like pH, protein concentration, column geometry, and gas flow rate on the separation efficiency of proteolytic enzymes from crude human placental homogenate has been studied in a batch foam column. Purification has been found to be optimum at pH 8.0, close to the isoelectric pH, at which the surface adsorption of the protein on the foam bubbles is maximum. Both purification and recovery varied significantly with total protein concentration. Stable bubble formation was hindered at lower protein concentrations, while extraneous proteins rather than the protease were preferentially adsorbed at higher protein concentrations, decreasing the purification efficiency. Column diameter and column height should be optimized for any specific feed protein concentration and gas flow rate. However, the enrichment ratio was found to decrease with the increase in flow rate. The results indicate that foam fractionation is an effective separation process for recovering valuable biochemicals from biological materials.  相似文献   

Summary The myxomycete Physarum polycephalum has been reported to produce an extracellular ribonuclease. A quick procedure is described for the isolation and purification of the ribonuclease from the culture supernatant. It involves an initial concentration of the culture supernatant by slow freezing, followed by ammonium sulfate precipitation. The enzyme was adsorbed onto DEAE-cellulose and eluted with a sodium chloride gradient.  相似文献   

An anticoagulant protein was purified from the EDTA extract of human placental tissue. The purified protein had a molecular weight of 73,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. Because this protein had the ability to bind phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and cardiolipin in the presence of Ca2+, this protein was designated as calphobindin II (CPB-II). CPB-II prolonged the clotting time of normal plasma when coagulation was induced by tissue factor, cephalin and ellagic acid or recalcification, but did not affect thrombin-initiated fibrin formation. CPB-II also inhibited the activation of prothrombin by the complete prothrombinase complex or factor Xa-phospholipid-Ca2+ but not that by phospholipid-free factor Xa. In addition, CPB-II had an inhibitory activity against phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

1. Five alkaline ribonucleases (EC were purified about 140- to 1900-fold from human serum by phosphocellulose and DEAE-cellulose chromatographies and Sephadex G-75 filtration, with a total recovery of 22%. These were designated as RNAases 1-5. 2. Optimum activities were observed at pH 8.5-8.7 for RNAases 1-4, and at pH 7.5 for RNAase 5. The molecular weights of these enzymes were estimated by gel filtration as 45 000, 32 000, 20 000, 13 000 and 8500, respectively. 3. These RNAases were found to be heat-labile proteins but are markedly stabilized with bovine plasma albumin. The reaction was activated by Na+, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, and inhibited by Co2+, Fe2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. EDTA had little effect on the velocity of the reaction. Spermine caused 2- to 7-fold activation. 4. Among the substrates examined, these RNAases preferentially hydrolyzed pyrimidine bodies and except for RNAase 5 had a higher affinity for poly(C) than poly(U) as substrate. Each enzyme was free from other nucleolytic enzymes and hydrolyzed only RNA.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide from cow placenta (LPS-CP-2) has been isolated and purified by hot phenol-water extraction, enzyme hydrolysis, chloroform-petroleum ether method, ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Also, LPS-PS-2 was evaluated for antitumor activity against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC)-bearing Swiss albino mice. LPS-PS-2 caused significant (P<0.05) decrease in tumor volume, and viable cell count; and it prolonged the life span of EAC-tumor-bearing mice. Hematological profile indicates that LPS-CP-2 possessed protective action on the haemopoietic system. Further, administration of LPS-CP-2 reduced the tumor volume of both DLA and EAC cell lines in a dose-dependent way. The LPS-PS was found to be devoid of pyrogenic response in the rabbits. These results indicate that LPS-PS exhibited significant antitumor activity without pyrogenic response, suggesting its potential as antitumor agent.  相似文献   

Primary structure of an alkaline ribonuclease from bovine liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A pyrimidine base specific and most basic alkaline RNase named RNase BL4 was isolated from bovine liver as a protein showing a single band on slab gel-electrophoresis. The enzyme is most active at pH 7.5. The enzyme was immunologically distinguishable from the known bovine RNases such as pancreatic RNase (RNase A), seminal RNase, kidney non-secretory RNase (RNase K2), and brain RNase (RNase BRb). The primary structure of this pyrimidine base-specific RNase was determined to be less than EDRMYQRFLRQHVDPDETG- GNDSYCNLMMQRRKMTSHQCKRFNTFIHEDLWNIRSICSTTNIQCKNGQMNCHEGVVRV- TDCRETGSSRAPNCRYRAKASTRRVVIACEGNPEVPVHFDK. It consists of 119 amino acid residues, and is 5 amino acid residues shorter than RNase A. The sequence homology of RNase BL4 with RNase A is 46.2%, and optimal alignment of RNase A and RNase BL4 requires five deletions, one at the 24th position, two at the 75th and 76th positions, and two at the C-terminus in RNase BL4. The RNase BL4 was highly homologous with a porcine liver RNase (RNase PL3, 94.1% homology) studied by Hofsteenge et al. (personal communication from Hofsteenge, J., Matthies, R., and Stones, S.R.).  相似文献   

The purification and identification of calmodulin from human placenta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A protein which showed similarity to bovine brain calmodulin in electrophoretic mobilities on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of 40% glycerol (pH 8.6) and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (pH 7.2) was isolated from human placenta. Its final yield was approx. 4 mg per kg human placenta. The placenta protein was similar to bovine brain calmodulin in stimulating bovine brain calmodulin-deficient cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in the presence of calcium. However, its stimulating activity was eliminated by ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or trifluoperazine. In addition, there is a close resemblance in amino acid composition between the placental protein and bovine brain calmodulin. These results indicate that calmodulin is present in human placenta.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of thrombomodulin from human placenta   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Protein C, a plasma protein, is activated by thrombin to a protease (protein Ca) that functions as a physiological anticoagulant. We have isolated thrombomodulin, a cofactor required for the rapid activation of protein C, from human placenta. The purification to near homogeneity was achieved using a crude Triton-solubilized protein fraction from a placental particulate fraction as starting material. Chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose removed 95% of the protein and achieved a 3-fold purification. Thrombomodulin was then isolated by affinity chromatography on a column of thrombin-Sepharose wherein the thrombin had been previously inactivated with diisopropyl fluorophosphate. The final preparation was purified 7,900-fold over the membrane extract with a yield of 7%. We obtained 0.88 mg of thrombomodulin from 100 g of membrane extract derived from 5 kg of placenta. The protein was nearly homogeneous as judged by electrophoresis on 10% acrylamide sodium dodecyl sulfate gels in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol with an apparent Mr = 105,000. Western blot analysis without 2-mercaptoethanol gave an apparent Mr = 75,000. The protein stimulated the rate of protein C activation by thrombin 800-fold to 10 mol of Ca formed/min/mol of thrombin. Thrombin and thrombomodulin appear to form a 1:1 stoichiometric complex as judged from experiments where we measured the effect of varying the concentration of thrombomodulin with respect to thrombin and the converse, on rates of protein C activation. An antibody directed against rabbit lung thrombomodulin inhibited the human placenta protein by 66%, and the amino acid composition of the proteins from the two species was similar indicating that the proteins are closely related. The apparent Michaelis constant of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex for protein C is 9.8 microM. The protein C activation reaction requires calcium ions and is maximal at 1 mM Ca2+; higher concentrations inhibited the reaction. Coagulation factor Va and factor Va light chain both stimulate the activity of human thrombomodulin 2- to 3-fold.  相似文献   

Isolation and properties of polysomes from human placenta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Nucleotide pyrophosphatase [EC] was purified to homogeneity from human placenta using a monoclonal antibody affinity column. By sodium dodecylsulfate--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified enzyme showed a major band at a molecular size of 130 K. The enzyme was a glycoprotein with N-linked oligosaccharides consisting of both complex- and oligomannoside-types. Substrate specificity to hydrolyze phosphodiester and phosphosulfate linkages as well as other properties were similar to those of nucleotide pyrophosphatase and phosphodiesterase from other sources.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase from human placenta   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, one of two known cobalamin-dependent enzymes present in mammalian tissues, has been isolated from 2.5 kg of human placenta utilizing affinity chromatography on 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin-Sepharose as the major purification step. The enzyme gives a single band on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The Mr of the enzyme is 145,000 and it has two subunits of Mr = 72,000. Amino acid analysis reveals major differences from other human cobalamin-binding proteins. Based on x-ray fluorescence, the enzyme has 2 mol of cobalamin bound/mol of enzyme. In contrast to purified cobalamin transport proteins, most of the cobalamin bound to the enzyme is not released by boiling at low pH in the presence of KCN, or dialysis against 7.5 M guanidine containing 0.2 M dithiothreitol, or both, suggesting the possibility that cobalamin may be covalently attached to the purified enzyme. Both precipitating antibodies and antibodies that inhibit enzyme activity have been raised in a chicken.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of methionine synthetase from human placenta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cobalamin-dependent enzyme, methionine synthetase, has been purified approximately 1000-fold to apparent homogeneity from human placenta with a 19% recovery. The final two steps of the purification utilized two different affinity columns. The first was a N5-methyltetrahydrofolate-cystamine-agarose column, and the second was a S-adenosylhomocysteine-agarose column. The enzyme was eluted from the first affinity column by buffer containing reducing agent which released the folate and the enzyme while elution from the second affinity column was accomplished with buffer containing 0.5 M sodium chloride. Criteria for purity were the observations that single peaks of enzyme activity, protein, and cobalamin with an apparent molecular weight of 160,000 were obtained by gel filtration and that holomethionine synthetase contained 1 mol of cobalamin/mol of protein. Furthermore, analysis by high performance liquid chromatography using a molecular weight sizing column demonstrated a single peak of protein with a corresponding cobalamin peak. This single peak of protein was progressively converted to a second protein peak that was enzymatically inactive, and this conversion was associated with a directly proportional loss of enzyme activity and cobalamin from the first peak. Methionine synthetase appeared to have a molecular weight of 160,000 on unreduced sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis and subunits of Mr 90,000, 45,000, and 35,000 on reduced sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A method for isolating the microvessels of the human placental villi has been developed in order to culture perivascular cells. It consists of an initial selection of the villi by serial sieving. The villi retained by the 75 μm sieve were digested by collagenase-dispase. A Percoll gradient permitted the isolation of microvessels still surrounded by stromal fibres and cells. Another digestion by collagenase-dispase eliminated the contaminant elements and allowed, after a new Percoll gradient, microvessels with endothelium, basement membrane and a few perivascular cells to be obtained. Each step of the isolation of microvessels was monitored by light or electron microscopy. Our study confirms the isolation of microvessels embedded in their basement membrane and the preservation of endothelial and perivascular cells after digestion. This method, which has permitted the culture of placental endothelial cells and pericytes, appears of interest for studying microvascular angiogenesis and permeability.  相似文献   

Isolation of the hemopexin receptor from human placenta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A hemopexin receptor detected in detergent-solubilized placental membranes was purified from the human placenta, using hemopexin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The solubilized membranes exhibited binding sites of 2.77 pmol of hemopexin/mg of protein with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 6.6 X 10(-8) M. The purified receptor has a molecular weight of 80,000, determined on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. Immunoinhibition experiments using the antibody against the placental receptor revealed inhibition of binding of 125I-hemopexin to human leukemia K562 and HL 60 cells, thereby strongly supporting that the polypeptide isolated from the human placenta was the hemopexin receptor.  相似文献   

Two moieties of inhibin could be obtained by chromatography of partially purified preparations of inhibin from human placenta on Sephadex G-100, G-25 and ion exchange chromatography on diethylaminoethyl Sephadex A-50. The higher molecular weight moiety (14,000) designated as HPI-H appears to be similar to inhibin from human seminal plasma. While the lower molecular weight moiety (1500) designated as HPI-L appears to be similar to that of sheep testicular inhibin. The preparations from both human term placenta and human seminal plasma inhibited the binding of [125I] human follicle stimulating hormone to rat testicular receptors. This effect of inhibins could be neutralized by antisera raised against corresponding polypeptide. Further these antibodies could neutralize endogenous inhibin resulting in 2 to 3 fold increase in serum follicle stimulating harmone levels, which could then be reversed by exogenous administration of the isolated inhibin preparations.  相似文献   

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