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鉴于遗传密码子的简并性能够将基因遗传信息的容量提升,同义密码子使用偏嗜性得以在生物体的基因组中广泛存在。虽然同义密码子之间碱基的变化并不能导致氨基酸种类的改变,在研究mRNA半衰期、编码多肽翻译效率及肽链空间构象正确折叠的准确性和翻译等这一系列过程中发现,同义密码子使用的偏嗜性在某种程度上通过精微调控翻译机制体现其遗传学功能。同义密码子指导tRNA在翻译过程中识别核糖体的速率变化是由氨基酸的特定顺序决定,并且在新生多肽链合成时,蛋白质共翻译转运机制同时调节其空间构象的正确折叠从而保证蛋白的正常生物学功能。某些同义密码子使用偏嗜性与特定蛋白结构的形成具有显著相关性,密码子使用偏嗜性一旦改变将可能导致新生多肽空间构象出现错误折叠。结合近些年来国内外在此领域的研究成果,阐述同义密码子使用偏嗜性如何发挥精微调控翻译的生物学功能与作用。  相似文献   

mRNA的序列、结构以及翻译速率与蛋白质结构的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
mRNA所包含的核苷酸序列通过三联体密码子决定了蛋白质的氨基酸序列。但是, 由于对氨基酸同义密码使用频率上的差异, 密码子与反密码子相互作用效率上的不同, 以及密码子上下文关系和mRNA 不同区域二级结构上的差异, 造成了核糖体对mRNA 不同区域翻译速度上的差异, 加之共翻译折叠的作用, 使得mRNA 的序列和结构影响着蛋白质空间结构的形成。  相似文献   

自然界中,同义密码子的存在使得众多氨基酸能够同时被多种密码子编码合成。随着研究的深入,同义密码子使用偏嗜性发挥出的生物学功能已经渗透到了基因复制、转录、翻译以及化学修饰等生命活动过程中。基于同义密码子使用偏嗜性的生物学特性,陆续发现密码子对(codon pair)和密码子共现(codon co-occurrence)同样在使用模式上存在明显的偏嗜性。在基因表达的过程中,针对编码序列的密码子优化能够显著提升基因的表达水平,这在生物工程领域对于蛋白表达有着重要的生物学意义。此外,同义密码子使用模式在调控基因转录、化学修饰以及翻译过程中间接控制着细胞内生命活动的有序性。而这些与同义密码子使用模式有着千丝万缕联系的生命过程主要是受精微翻译选择压力来调控运行的。本文中,我们结合当前同义密码子使用模式介导的精微翻译选择压力,简述密码子使用模式如何从转录、化学修饰以及翻译等方面来影响基因表达及蛋白产物生物学功能。这将为今后生物工程学领域如何优化蛋白高效表达以及深入研究重要生物学活动中基因表达调控提供可参考的思路与理念。  相似文献   

扫描模型和遗漏扫描模型是真核生物mRNA翻译起始的两种主要机制,但其仍存在某些例外情况,如对具有多顺反子结构的mRNA,选择性翻译起始的发生机制目前仍不清楚.本研究基于GFP蛋白开放表达框(ORF)构建了一系列重组表达载体,用以转录在移码翻译顺序及同一翻译顺序下,AUG起始密码子处于不同序列背景,以及间隔不同距离的多顺反子结构mRNA.通过转染人Bel 7402细胞系,研究了这些多顺反子结构mRNA的翻译起始模式.结果表明,在移码翻译顺序下,多顺反子mRNA可翻译出对应的不同蛋白质,而在同一翻译顺序下,GFP蛋白表达框中的多个AUG密码子,仅有首位起始密码子可发挥作用,提示核糖体在从首位起始密码子开始翻译的同时,可能会有部分核糖体继续向下扫描并识别下游的起始密码子,而这种选择性的翻译起始效率,主要取决于密码子所处的序列背景及间隔距离等因素.  相似文献   

随着基因组学和转录组学在不同生物体遗传和细胞生物学领域的广泛应用,同义密码子使用的偏嗜性逐渐被接受,并且在研究生物进化与生物表型之间的深层联系时,同义密码子使用模式受到相关领域研究人员的重视。信使RNA(messenger RNA,mRNA)最终表达出具有正常生物活性的蛋白产物是生命活动的重要环节。被称为“第二遗传密码”的同义密码子使用模式,可以通过精微调控翻译选择压力等分子机制,从转录调控、翻译调控及代谢活动等水平表达其承载的遗传信息。研究表明,mRNA半衰期的长短对mRNA活性以及转录和翻译过程有显著的影响。因此,系统地归纳同义密码子使用模式在基因转录、翻译调控及翻译后修饰等生命活动中所扮演的角色,将有助于全方位审视生物体如何巧妙利用密码子使用模式所产生的遗传效应来精准合成不同种类蛋白质,并以此保障生长或分化的特定基因表达程序顺利执行、维持正常的生命周期。  相似文献   

mRNA所包含的核苷酸序列通过三联体密码子决定了蛋白质的氨基酸序列,但是,由于对氨基酸同义密码使用频率上的差异,密码子与反密码子相互作用效率上的不同,以及密码子上下文关系和mRNA不同区域二级结构上的差异,造成了核糖体对mRNA不同区域翻译速度上的差异,加之共翻译折叠的作用,使得mRNA的序列和结构影响着蛋白质空间结构的形成。  相似文献   

扫描模型和遗漏扫描模型是真核生物m RNA翻译起始的两种主要机制,但其仍存在某些例外情况,如对具有多顺反子结构的m RNA,选择性翻译起始的发生机制目前仍不清楚.本研究基于GFP蛋白开放表达框(ORF)构建了一系列重组表达载体,用以转录在移码翻译顺序及同一翻译顺序下,AUG起始密码子处于不同序列背景,以及间隔不同距离的多顺反子结构m RNA.通过转染人Bel-7402细胞系,研究了这些多顺反子结构m RNA的翻译起始模式.结果表明,在移码翻译顺序下,多顺反子m RNA可翻译出对应的不同蛋白质,而在同一翻译顺序下,GFP蛋白表达框中的多个AUG密码子,仅有首位起始密码子可发挥作用,提示核糖体在从首位起始密码子开始翻译的同时,可能会有部分核糖体继续向下扫描并识别下游的起始密码子,而这种选择性的翻译起始效率,主要取决于密码子所处的序列背景及间隔距离等因素.  相似文献   

同义突变由于不改变编码蛋白质的氨基酸序列,常被认为是"沉默"突变.实际上,同义密码子的选择在进化尺度上是受到限制的,从而致使同义密码子的使用频率存在差异,称为密码子偏好性.密码子偏好性在转录、转录后加工、mRNA稳定性、翻译起始、延伸、蛋白折叠等方面都起着精细调节的作用.因此,同义突变在很多情况下可导致癌症等各类疾病的发生.本综述在分子机制层面简述了近年来关于密码子偏好性对翻译和转录过程调节作用的进展,以及对于基础研究及医学方面的意义.  相似文献   

目前,有关同义密码子使用偏性对蛋白质折叠的影响研究中,样本蛋白均来源于不同的物种。考虑到同义密码子使用偏性的物种差异性,选取枯草杆菌的核蛋白为研究对象。首先,将每条核蛋白按二级结构截取为α螺旋片段、β折叠片段和无规卷曲(α-β混合)片段,并计算其蛋白质折叠速率。然后,整理每个片段相应的核酸序列信息,计算其同义密码子使用度。在此基础上,分析枯草芽孢杆菌核蛋白的同义密码子使用偏性与蛋白质折叠速率的相关性。发现对于不同二级结构的肽链片段,都有部分密码子的使用偏性与其对应的肽链折叠速率显著相关。进一步分析发现,与肽链片段折叠速率显著相关的密码子绝大部分为枯草杆菌全序列或核蛋白序列的每一组同义密码子中使用度最高的密码子。结果表明,在蛋白质的折叠过程中,枯草芽孢杆菌的同义密码子使用偏性起着重要作用。  相似文献   

统计分析了人的 119种蛋白质和大肠杆菌的 92种蛋白质密码子翻译速率和蛋白质二级结构的关系。据m 密码子片段在不同二级结构中的频数分布 ,我们发现人和大肠杆菌中翻译速率与蛋白质二级结构之间有一定关系 :高翻译速率时倾向编码α螺旋、不倾向编码线团 (coil) ;低翻译速率时倾向编码线团、不倾向编码α螺旋 ;β折叠结构则随翻译速率表现出明显的振荡。同时 ,密码子的使用在不同片段内一般也是不均匀的 :在α螺旋片段内 ,结构尾部偏向使用高翻译速率密码子 ;中部倾向使用中翻译速率密码子 ;而头部使用的密码子翻译速率偏低。这样的倾向性不大可能归结为随机起伏的影响。  相似文献   

Synonymous codons encode the same amino acid, but differ in other biophysical properties. The evolutionary selection of codons whose properties are optimal for a cell generates the phenomenon of codon bias. Although recent studies have shown strong effects of codon usage changes on protein expression levels and cellular physiology, no translational control mechanism is known that links codon usage to protein expression levels. Here, we demonstrate a novel translational control mechanism that responds to the speed of ribosome movement immediately after the start codon. High initiation rates are only possible if start codons are liberated sufficiently fast, thus accounting for the observation that fast codons are overrepresented in highly expressed proteins. In contrast, slow codons lead to slow liberation of the start codon by initiating ribosomes, thereby interfering with efficient translation initiation. Codon usage thus evolved as a means to optimise translation on individual mRNAs, as well as global optimisation of ribosome availability.  相似文献   

The rate of translational elongation is non-uniform. mRNA secondary structure, codon usage and mRNA associated proteins may alter ribosome movement on the messagefor review see 1. However, it''s now widely accepted that synonymous codon usage is the primary cause of non-uniform translational elongation rates1. Synonymous codons are not used with identical frequency. A bias exists in the use of synonymous codons with some codons used more frequently than others2. Codon bias is organism as well as tissue specific2,3. Moreover, frequency of codon usage is directly proportional to the concentrations of cognate tRNAs4. Thus, a frequently used codon will have higher multitude of corresponding tRNAs, which further implies that a frequent codon will be translated faster than an infrequent one. Thus, regions on mRNA enriched in rare codons (potential pause sites) will as a rule slow down ribosome movement on the message and cause accumulation of nascent peptides of the respective sizes5-8. These pause sites can have functional impact on the protein expression, mRNA stability and protein foldingfor review see 9. Indeed, it was shown that alleviation of such pause sites can alter ribosome movement on mRNA and subsequently may affect the efficiency of co-translational (in vivo) protein folding1,7,10,11. To understand the process of protein folding in vivo, in the cell, that is ultimately coupled to the process of protein synthesis it is essential to gain comprehensive insights into the impact of codon usage/tRNA content on the movement of ribosomes along mRNA during translational elongation.Here we describe a simple technique that can be used to locate major translation pause sites for a given mRNA translated in various cell-free systems6-8. This procedure is based on isolation of nascent polypeptides accumulating on ribosomes during in vitro translation of a target mRNA. The rationale is that at low-frequency codons, the increase in the residence time of the ribosomes results in increased amounts of nascent peptides of the corresponding sizes. In vitro transcribed mRNA is used for in vitro translational reactions in the presence of radioactively labeled amino acids to allow the detection of the nascent chains. In order to isolate ribosome bound nascent polypeptide complexes the translation reaction is layered on top of 30% glycerol solution followed by centrifugation. Nascent polypeptides in polysomal pellet are further treated with ribonuclease A and resolved by SDS PAGE. This technique can be potentially used for any protein and allows analysis of ribosome movement along mRNA and the detection of the major pause sites. Additionally, this protocol can be adapted to study factors and conditions that can alter ribosome movement and thus potentially can also alter the function/conformation of the protein.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage is less biased at the start of Escherichia coli genes than elsewhere. The rate of synonymous substitution between E.coli and Salmonella typhimurium is substantially reduced near the start of the gene, which suggests the presence of an additional selection pressure which competes with the selection for codons which are most rapidly translated. Possible competing sources of selection are the presence of secondary ribosome binding sites downstream from the start codon, the avoidance of mRNA secondary structure near the start of the gene and the use of sub-optimal codons to regulate gene expression. We provide evidence against the last of these possibilities. We also show that there is a decrease in the frequency of A, and an increase in the frequency of G along the E.coli genes at all three codon positions. We argue that these results are most consistent with selection to avoid mRNA secondary structure.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon replacement can change protein structure and function, indicating that protein structure depends on DNA sequence. During heterologous protein expression, low expression or formation of insoluble aggregates may be attributable to differences in synonymous codon usage between expression and natural hosts. This discordance may be particularly important during translation of the domain boundaries (link/end segments) that separate elements of higher ordered structure. Within such regions, ribosomal progression slows as the ribosome encounters clusters of infrequently used codons that preferentially encode a subset of amino acids. To replicate the modulation of such localized translation rates during heterologous expression, we used known relationships between codon usage frequencies and secondary protein structure to develop an algorithm ("codon harmonization") for identifying regions of slowly translated mRNA that are putatively associated with link/end segments. It then recommends synonymous replacement codons having usage frequencies in the heterologous expression host that are less than or equal to the usage frequencies of native codons in the native expression host. For protein regions other than these putative link/end segments, it recommends synonymous substitutions with codons having usage frequencies matched as nearly as possible to the native expression system. Previous application of this algorithm facilitated E. coli expression, manufacture and testing of two Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidates. Here we describe the algorithm in detail and apply it to E. coli expression of three additional P. falciparum proteins. Expression of the "recoded" genes exceeded that of the native genes by 4- to 1,000-fold, representing levels suitable for vaccine manufacture. The proteins were soluble and reacted with a variety of functional conformation-specific mAbs suggesting that they were folded properly and had assumed native conformation. Codon harmonization may further provide a general strategy for improving the expression of soluble functional proteins during heterologous expression in hosts other than E. coli.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are neutral at the protein level, therefore natural selection at the protein level should have no effect on their frequencies. Synonymous codons, however, differ in their capacity to reduce the effects of errors: after mutation, certain codons keep on coding for the same amino acid or for amino acids with similar properties, while other synonymous codons produce very different amino acids. Therefore, the impact of errors on a coding sequence (genetic robustness) can be measured by analysing its codon usage. I analyse the codon usage of sequenced nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes and I show that there is an extensive variation in genetic robustness at the DNA sequence level, both among genomes and among genes of the same genome. I also show theoretically that robustness can be adaptive, that is natural selection may lead to a preference for codons that reduce the impact of errors. If selection occurs only among the mutants of a codon (e.g. among the progeny before the adult phase), however, the codons that are more sensitive to the effects of mutations may increase in frequency because they manage to get rid more easily of deleterious mutations. I also suggest other possible explanations for the evolution of genetic robustness at the codon level.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are unevenly distributed among genes, a phenomenon termed codon usage bias. Understanding the patterns of codon bias and the forces shaping them is a major step towards elucidating the adaptive advantage codon choice can confer at the level of individual genes and organisms. Here, we perform a large-scale analysis to assess codon usage bias pattern of pyrimidine-ending codons in highly expressed genes in prokaryotes. We find a bias pattern linked to the degeneracy of the encoded amino acid. Specifically, we show that codon-pairs that encode two- and three-fold degenerate amino acids are biased towards the C-ending codon while codons encoding four-fold degenerate amino acids are biased towards the U-ending codon. This codon usage pattern is widespread in prokaryotes, and its strength is correlated with translational selection both within and between organisms. We show that this bias is associated with an improved correspondence with the tRNA pool, avoidance of mis-incorporation errors during translation and moderate stability of codon-anticodon interaction, all consistent with more efficient translation.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are not used with equal frequencies in most genomes. Codon usage has been proposed to play a role in regulating translation kinetics and co‐translational protein folding. The relationship between codon usage and protein structures and the in vivo role of codon usage in eukaryotic protein folding is not clear. Here, we show that there is a strong codon usage bias in the filamentous fungus Neurospora. Importantly, we found genome‐wide correlations between codon choices and predicted protein secondary structures: Nonoptimal codons are preferentially used in intrinsically disordered regions, and more optimal codons are used in structured domains. The functional importance of such correlations in vivo was confirmed by structure‐based codon manipulation of codons in the Neurospora circadian clock gene frequency (frq). The codon optimization of the predicted disordered, but not well‐structured regions of FRQ impairs clock function and altered FRQ structures. Furthermore, the correlations between codon usage and protein disorder tendency are conserved in other eukaryotes. Together, these results suggest that codon choices and protein structures co‐evolve to ensure proper protein folding in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Rao Y  Wu G  Wang Z  Chai X  Nie Q  Zhang X 《DNA research》2011,18(6):499-512
Synonymous codons are used with different frequencies both among species and among genes within the same genome and are controlled by neutral processes (such as mutation and drift) as well as by selection. Up to now, a systematic examination of the codon usage for the chicken genome has not been performed. Here, we carried out a whole genome analysis of the chicken genome by the use of the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) method and identified 11 putative optimal codons, all of them ending with uracil (U), which is significantly departing from the pattern observed in other eukaryotes. Optimal codons in the chicken genome are most likely the ones corresponding to highly expressed transfer RNA (tRNAs) or tRNA gene copy numbers in the cell. Codon bias, measured as the frequency of optimal codons (Fop), is negatively correlated with the G + C content, recombination rate, but positively correlated with gene expression, protein length, gene length and intron length. The positive correlation between codon bias and protein, gene and intron length is quite different from other multi-cellular organism, as this trend has been only found in unicellular organisms. Our data displayed that regional G + C content explains a large proportion of the variance of codon bias in chicken. Stepwise selection model analyses indicate that G + C content of coding sequence is the most important factor for codon bias. It appears that variation in the G + C content of CDSs accounts for over 60% of the variation of codon bias. This study suggests that both mutation bias and selection contribute to codon bias. However, mutation bias is the driving force of the codon usage in the Gallus gallus genome. Our data also provide evidence that the negative correlation between codon bias and recombination rates in G. gallus is determined mostly by recombination-dependent mutational patterns.  相似文献   

SK Behura  DW Severson 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43111


Codon bias is a phenomenon of non-uniform usage of codons whereas codon context generally refers to sequential pair of codons in a gene. Although genome sequencing of multiple species of dipteran and hymenopteran insects have been completed only a few of these species have been analyzed for codon usage bias.

Methods and Principal Findings

Here, we use bioinformatics approaches to analyze codon usage bias and codon context patterns in a genome-wide manner among 15 dipteran and 7 hymenopteran insect species. Results show that GAA is the most frequent codon in the dipteran species whereas GAG is the most frequent codon in the hymenopteran species. Data reveals that codons ending with C or G are frequently used in the dipteran genomes whereas codons ending with A or T are frequently used in the hymenopteran genomes. Synonymous codon usage orders (SCUO) vary within genomes in a pattern that seems to be distinct for each species. Based on comparison of 30 one-to-one orthologous genes among 17 species, the fruit fly Drosophila willistoni shows the least codon usage bias whereas the honey bee (Apis mellifera) shows the highest bias. Analysis of codon context patterns of these insects shows that specific codons are frequently used as the 3′- and 5′-context of start and stop codons, respectively.


Codon bias pattern is distinct between dipteran and hymenopteran insects. While codon bias is favored by high GC content of dipteran genomes, high AT content of genes favors biased usage of synonymous codons in the hymenopteran insects. Also, codon context patterns vary among these species largely according to their phylogeny.  相似文献   

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