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When the washed red cells of heparinized human blood are exposed at 4°C. to methanol, ethanol, guaiacol, or resorcinol in hypolytic concentrations in isotonic NaCl, the prolytic loss of K at the end of 20 hours varies from about 25 per cent of the initial K content of the cells in the case of 3.1 M methanol to about 55 per cent of the initial K in the case of 0.04 M resorcinol. As in the case of the prolytic losses observed with other lysins, the K loss is rapid at first and then slows down so that what appears to be a new steady state is reached logarithmically. The K lost from the cells during the period of the prolytic loss is replaced by an approximately equivalent amount of Na, derived from the isotonic NaCl in which the cells are suspended. The Na which enters can be replaced by K by washing the cells in isotonic KCl, and this K can again be replaced by Na by washing the cells in isotonic NaCl. The remainder of the cell K., i.e. the K which was not lost during the period of the prolytic loss, is retained in the cell unaffected by these washing procedures. The capacity of red cells for undergoing disk-sphere transformations is scarcely affected by their having been exposed to hypolytic concentrations of methanol, ethanol, guaiacol, or resorcinol in isotonic NaCl, and their resistance to osmotic hemolysis and to lysis by saponin and digitonin is altered only in minor respects even when as much as 50 per cent of the cell K has been exchanged for Na. Some restriction to the movement of K between the cell and its environment is apparently modified irreversibly when the cell is exposed to hypolytic concentrations of lysins, and the modification is such that only a fraction of the cell K is affected, the fraction being a function of the lysin concentration, the duration of its action, and other factors. A modification of some part of the cell structure and of the properties dependent on its integrity is probably involved: K may be lost more readily from some cells than from others, from some parts of the cell more readily than from other parts, or the explanation may lie in changes in the extent to which Hb binds ions or in modifications of metabolic processes.  相似文献   

The prolytic loss of K., i.e. the loss of K which takes place from red cells exposed to hypolytic concentrations of lysins, has been measured in systems containing distearyl lecithin, sodium taurocholate, sodium tetradecyl sulfate, saponin, and digitonin, by means of the flame photometer. The lysins are added in various concentrations to washed red cells from heparinized human blood, and the K in the supernatant fluids is determined after various intervals of time and at various temperatures. The prolytic loss Kp is compared in every experiment with the loss Ks into standard systems containing isotonic NaCl alone, with no lysin. The losses Ks and Kp increase with time, so that new steady states are approached logarithmically. The values of Kp which correspond to the new steady states depend on the lysin used, being greatest with taurocholate and smallest with digitonin. The temperature coefficient of the loss is positive, and the extent and course of the losses have no apparent relation to the prolytic shape changes. In systems in which the loss of K is appreciable, it can be inhibited by the addition of plasma or of either cholesterol or serum albumin. Of these two substances, even when used in quantities which have an approximately equal effect in inhibiting hemolysis, serum albumin is much the more effective. Just as the prolytic loss of K occurs without the loss of any Hb, so in concentrations of lysin sufficient to produce hemolysis the loss of K, expressed as a percentage of the total red cell K, increases much more rapidly with lysin concentration than does the loss of Hb expressed as a percentage of the total Hb. The explanation of these relations depends on whether the loss of K is treated as being all-or-none in the case of the individual cell or as being the result of the loss of part of the K from all of the cells. This point has still to be decided.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurement of hemolysis, the volume of the intact cells, and the K lost from the intact cells of systems containing resorcinol, sodium taurocholate, and saponin shows that the volume increases may be conspicuously small while the K losses are large, and that the volume increases are un-equal for equal K losses produced by different lysins. In higher concentrations of the same lysins, the critical volume for hemolysis is a function of the nature of the lysin and of its concentration. It is impossible to say whether these observations are compatible with the current "dual mechanism" and "colloid osmotic" hypotheses of hemolysis, in which the swelling of the cell is supposed to result from the lysin having made it cation-permeable. The difficulty to be overcome is that the theory cannot be developed to describe volume changes in finite time unless we know what assumptions to make about the mobilities of K and Na, the forces driving them into and out of the cell, etc. The experimental results do not suggest, however, that any simple set of assumptions would be satisfactory. The conditions which regulate the upper limit of the swelling, i.e. the point at which a swelling phenomenon becomes a hemolytic phenomenon, are functions of the nature of the lysin and sometimes of its concentration. They require to be specified by an independent statement, over and above any statement which may be made about the rate at which swelling occurs in the system. The simplest view of the situation is that the conditions which regulate the critical volume and those which regulate the rate of swelling are both functions, as yet undefined, of the reaction which takes place between the lysin and the structural components of the red cell.  相似文献   

The quantity of a radioactive hemolysin, sodium dodecyl sulfonate-S35, taken up by red cells from concentrations too small to produce hemolysis varies with the lysin concentration, and does so in a way which can be described by an adsorption isotherm. Attempts to use color reactions or surface tension measurements to determine the quantity of digitonin, saponin, and the bile salts taken up by red cells from hypolytic concentrations have failed, principally because chromogenic, and also surface-active, substances are liberated from the cells when the lysin is added. Color reactions with the anthrone reagent show that digitonin and saponin are both taken up by or fixed to red cell ghosts; the extent of the uptake, however, is uncertain, again because of the liberation of chromogenic substances. Comparison of the results of the various methods which measure the apparent amount of lysin fixed, or utilized in reactions between lysins and red cells or ghosts show discrepancies between results given by direct methods (measurement of radioactivity or of color) and indirect methods (addition of a second population after lysis of a first, and dependence of the position of the asymptote of the time-dilution curve on the number of red cells). The discrepancies are traceable to the inhibitory effects of substances liberated from the red cells or ghosts. The ease with which a lysin, once taken up by red cells, can be detached by diluting the system determines the extent to which the hemolytic reaction is "progressive," but has no observed connection with the quantity taken up in the first place. There is now ample evidence that lysis in systems containing simple hemolysins is a process involving two stages in time and two phases, and that it is usually complicated by reactions between the hemolysin and liberated inhibitory material.  相似文献   

1. The anomalous course of the curves relating K loss to time in systems containing human red cells in isotonic NaCl, and particularly the high positions of the asymptotes to which the curves apparently proceed, are due to the population of red cells consisting of at least two components, one of which loses K more readily than the other. 2. Since large K-Na exchanges can occur between red cells and an isotonic suspension medium without there being large volume changes, a restatement of the "dual mechanism of hemolysis" hypothesis, which takes account of the cell's being slowly permeable to cations, is required. If some approximations of minor consequence are allowed, the hypothesis can be restated in a quantitatively satisfactory way. 3. The general features of K-Na exchanges, including prolytic exchanges are summarized.  相似文献   

Sodium erucate reacts progressively (i.e., once the reaction is started in a time which is so short that the lysin is in contact with the red cells for 30 seconds, it cannot be stopped even by being diluted 10-fold) with human red cells at pH 7. At the same time, systems containing the lysin and human red cells show a zone phenomenon, lysis occurring most readily in a certain concentration of lysin but more slowly in larger or smaller concentrations. Sodium erucate-I131 can be used to investigate both the zone phenomenon and the progressive character of the reaction. As regards the former, large concentrations of the lysin react relatively poorly with the red cell surfaces and the resistance of the red cells is relatively high. This may be due to the presence of an admixed inhibitor or to the development of an inhibitory state. The lysin is taken up and fixed by material in the red cell surface, so that the "internal phase" of lysin attached to the cell surfaces is so firmly fixed that a 10-fold dilution has no effect on it. It follows that lysis in these systems is progressive, as it is found to be.  相似文献   

In systems containing human red cells and sodium taurocholate as a lysin, or distearyl lecithin as a sphering agent, the prolytic loss of K at 25°C. is accompanied by a gain of Na by the cell, the gain being somewhat greater than the K loss. A small volume increase accompanies the exchange. The kinetics of the K loss and the Na gain are similar to those already described; i.e., the changes are rapid at first, and slow down so that after 12 to 20 hours it appears that a new steady state is being approached. Similar, but smaller, losses of K and gains of Na occur when the cells stand in isotonic NaCl at 25°C. without the addition of a lysin or sphering agent. On these and other experimental grounds, it is impossible to retain the idea that the mammalian red cell in general is impermeable to cations. The cells nevertheless seem to be in a steady state with respect to their environment, their ionic composition changing as the composition of the environment is changed. The possible processes by means of which one steady state can be exchanged for another—changes in the permeability of a surface membrane, changes in the velocity of an active ion transfer process dependent on red cell metabolism, and changes in the activity of the ions in the red cell interior as a result of changes in an orderly internal structure—are discussed.  相似文献   

The relations between lysin concentration, percentage hemolysis at the moment at which the lysin concentration is reduced by dilution, and the amount of hemolysis which follows the dilution as a result of the reaction being "progressive" point to there being an "internal" phase at the red cell surfaces, in which the lysin is less affected by the dilution than in the system as a whole. A second possibility, i.e. that the combination of lysin molecules with certain components of the cell surface has an ultimate effect on neighboring components which depend on the former for their stability cannot, however, be ruled out. In systems containing digitonin or sodium taurocholate, this internal phase, once formed, seems to be almost unaffected by the dilution of the system; i.e., these lysins are very firmly held at the cell surfaces. In systems containing saponin the lysin is less firmly attached, so that dilution of the system affects its concentration appreciably.  相似文献   

Inhibition of hemolysis by plasma has been studied in systems containing saponin, digitonin, and sodium lauryl sulfate, using the methods developed for the study of the kinetics of progressive reactions. The results are that the progressive nature of the hemolytic reaction in saponin systems becomes less when the inhibitor is added, that the addition of inhibitor to digitonin systems has no effect on the final result although the velocity of the progressive reaction is reduced, and that the effect of plasma in lauryl sulfate systems is intermediate between the effects in saponin systems and digitonin systems. A simple explanation is that the lysin is very strongly fixed, to form an internal phase, to the cell surfaces in digitonin systems, less strongly in laurate systems, and still less strongly in saponin systems. To answer the question as to whether, in a system in which some of the lysin forms as internal phase, the addition of an inhibitor results in a redistribution of the lysin between the internal phase and the bulk phase, sodium lauryl sulfate-S35 and sodium cetyl sulfate-S35 were prepared, and their distribution between the internal phase and the bulk phase was measured before and after the addition of plasma, the lysins being added to the cells either before or after the addition of the inhibitor. The results show that there is a large uptake of these lysins at the red cell surfaces when they are added first, and that the subsequent addition of plasma greatly reduces the quantity of lysin held in the internal phase. Further, if the inhibitor is added first and the lysin subsequently, the internal lysin phase is very incompletely formed. Serum albumin, used in place of plasma, gives essentially similar results.  相似文献   

Bacteriocin (hemolysin) of Streptococcus zymogenes   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
The sensitivity of Streptococcus faecalis (ATTC 8043) to S. zymogenes X-14 bacteriocin depends greatly on its physiological age. Sensitivity decreases from the mid-log phase on and is completely lost in the stationary phase. The sensitivity of erythrocytes to the hemolytic capacity of the bacteriocin showed considerable species variation. The order of increasing sensitivity was goose < sheep < dog < horse < human < rabbit. However, when red cell stromata were used as inhibitors of hemolysis in a standard system employing rabbit erythrocytes the order of increasing effectiveness was sheep < rabbit < human < horse < goose. When rabbit cells were used in varying concentrations with a constant hemolysin concentration, there was a lag of about 30 min, which for a given hemolysin preparation was constant for all red cell concentrations. Furthermore, the rate of hemolysis increased with increasing red cell concentration. If red cells are held constant and lysin varied, the time to reach half-maximal lysis varies directly with lysin but is not strictly proportional. Bacterial membranes were one to three orders of magnitude more effective than red cell stromata as inhibitors. The order of increasing effectiveness seems to be Escherichia coli < Bacillus megaterium < S. faecalis < Micrococcus lysodeikticus. In addition to membranes, a d-alanine containing glycerol teichoic acid, trypsin in high concentration, and deoxyribonuclease also inhibited hemolysis. Ribonuclease, d-alanine, l-alanine, dl-alanyl-dl-alanine, N-acetyl-d-alanine, N-acetyl-l-alanine did not inhibit hemolysis.  相似文献   

Cation loss and hemolysis of various mammalian red cells suspended in isotonic non-electrolyte media were investigated. Sucrose buffered with 10 mM Tris-Hepes, pH 7.4 was used as the non-permeable non-electrolyte. Mammals from which the red cells were derived include the human, guinea pig, rat, rabbit, newborn calf, newborn piglet and pig, all of which contain K as the predominant cation species (HK type) and the dog, cat, sheep and cow, all of which possess Na as the predominant cation species (LK type). Of HK cells, a rapid efflux of K takes place from humans, rats and guinea pigs. Of LK type cells, the dog and cat exhibit an augmented membrane permeability to Na. The governing factors which influence cation permeability are the change in pH, temperature, and ionic strength. In response to increase in pH, the red cells of humans, dogs and cats become more permeable to cations, whereas the red cells of rat and rabbit are unaffected. In response to increase in temperature, HK type cells exhibit augmented K efflux, while the Na loss from the dog and cat cells manifest a well-defined maximum at near 37 degrees C. In all cases, a small substitution of sucrose by an equal number of osmoles of salts results in a dramatic decrease in cation loss. By contrast, the red cells of the rabbit, newborn calf, adult cow, newborn piglet, adult pig and sheep display no discernible increase in ion-permeability under the conditions alluded to above. In some species including the newborn calf, dog, and cat, an extensive hemolysis occurs usually within an hour in isotonic buffered sucrose solution. The osmolarity of sucrose solution affects these cells differently in that as the osmolarity increases from 200--500 mM, hemolytic rates of the calf and dog reach a saturation near 300 mM sucrose, whereas the hemolytic rate of the cat decreases progressively. Common features pertaining to this hemolysis are (1) the intracellular alkalinization process; and (2) the diminution of the cell volume which take place prior to and onset of hemolysis. SITS, a potent anion transport inhibitor, completely protects the cells from hemolysis by inhibiting chloride flux and the concomitant rise in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Substances such as saponin, the bile salts, etc., which produce lysis of red cells also produce cytolysis of white cells from rabbit peritoneal exudates, the arbitrary criterion of their cytolytic effect being their ability to depress the O2 consumption of the leucocytes. The amount of cytolysis increases regularly as the amount of the added lysin is increased, and sufficiently large quantities of saponin, sodium taurocholate, sodium glycocholate, or sodium oleate are capable of virtually abolishing the O2 consumption altogether. At the same time, it can be shown that a lysin such as saponin is used up in combining with the white cells in much the same way as it is used up in combining with red cells, and the reduction in oxygen consumption appears to be roughly proportional to the amount so combined. The action of these lytic substances on white cells, in fact, is very similar to their action on red cells, due allowance being made for the fact that the cytolysis of the white cell is probably not an all-or-none process like hemolysis. White cell respiration is also depressed in hypotonic solutions, the respiration being virtually linear with the tonicity.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for measuring the accumulation of K at 37°C. by washed human red cells in glucose-containing systems in which the pH is kept constant, the K content of the cells being compared with that of the cells of systems which contain no added glucose but which are otherwise treated similarly. 2. In systems containing added glucose, the accumulation of K begins shortly after the cells have been warmed to 37°C., proceeds to a maximum which is reached after about 10 hours, and then falls exponentially. The maximum rate of accumulation is found during the first 3 hours. In systems which contain no added glucose, the K content of the cells appears to decrease exponentially with time for about 18 to 24 hours; thereafter the K content of the cells may decrease rapidly and the systems may show considerable hemolysis. Sometimes a small accumulation effect is observed during the first 2 to 3 hours; this may be the result of the washed cells not having been completely freed of glucose. 3. The accumulation process proceeds at its maximum rate at pH 7.4 to 7.6, which is also the pH at which the K loss from the red cells is at a minimum in systems containing no added glucose. 4. When red cells are stored at 4°C. for increasing lengths of time, the storage is accompanied by increasing K loss and the maximum rate of accumulation observed when the cells are warmed to 37°C. at first becomes greater. If the storage at 4°C. is continued for more than 3 to 4 days, the rate of the accumulation which occurs at 37°C decreases again, the accumulation mechanism showing progressive deterioration with time even at low temperatures. This deterioration has a counterpart in the progressive deterioration (deduced from the analysis of the curves relating K content and time) of the accumulation mechanism with time at 37°C. 5. The accumulation of K occurs at a maximum rate when the concentration of glucose in the system is between 50 and 200 mg./100 ml. Its temperature coefficient over the range 27–37°C. is 2.4. In the presence of glucose and at pH 7.6, accumulation of K takes place from isotonic mixtures of KCl and LiCl or of KCl and CsCl only a little less actively than from mixtures of KCl and NaCl; i.e., the accumulation of K under optimum conditions seems to be an active process which is at least partly independent of the excretion of Na.  相似文献   

1. Lysolipid was prepared by the action of snake venom on egg yolk, and a study was made of the factors affecting its hemolytic action upon rabbit erythrocytes. 2. Lysis proceeded very rapidly at first, then ceased within a few minutes at room temperature. A given amount of lysin appeared to hemolyze a fixed number of cells, under specified conditions. 3. The more dilute erythrocyte suspensions required relatively more lysin per cell, for 50 per cent hemolysis of the suspension. There may be an equilibrium between the lysin dissolved in the medium and that adsorbed on the cells. 4. The degree of hemolysis for varying lysin concentrations was measured, and the cells showed a typical distribution of resistance to hemolysis. 5. As the temperature was lowered lysis was more extensive. Adsorption of the lysin on the cell surface was apparently increased. 6. The resistance of the erythrocytes to lysis increased slightly as the pH was raised from 5.5 to 7.8. 7. Resistance to lysis was independent of the tonicity of the medium and of initial cell volume. The magnitude of the cell surface was probably the determining factor. 8. A marked shrinkage of the erythrocytes was observed in the presence of calcium ions and lysin, but not in the absence of the lysin. 9. Hemolytic resistance curves obtained by the Wilbrandt technique were of the "colloid-osmotic" type. However, there was no evidence of prolytic loss of potassium ions. 10. Hypotonic fragility of the cells was slightly increased in the presence of the lysin. The rate of penetration of thiourea was greatly increased.  相似文献   

Curves describing the loss of K from human red cells as a function of time can be interpreted in terms of an equation which treats the K content of the cell (varphi) as the result of an accumulation process occurring at a rate P and an outward diffusion process regulated by a constant a. The equation is useful for describing the observations and for exploring the mechanisms which may be responsible for the K losses, although it cannot be used for analyzing the experimental data in a strict sense in the absence of independent metabolic data because P and a may both be functions of time. The applicability of the equation is illustrated by its use in connection with experimental curves showing K loss as a function of time at 4 degrees , 25 degrees , and 37 degrees C. for systems containing human red cells in isotonic NaCl or NaCl-buffer. At 4 degrees C., the K loss follows an exponential curve approaching an asymptote in the neighborhood of varphi = 0.50 +/- 0.15. The corresponding value of P implies that the cells are able to accumulate about 0.6 per cent of their initial K per hour under these conditions. At 25 degrees C., the K loss starts exponentially but becomes roughly linear with time after 24 to 48 hours. The change of form is probably due to the appearance of autolysins in the system. Curves of a similar mixed or intermediate form may be obtained even at 4 degrees C. if the observations are sufficiently extended and if spontaneous hemolysis becomes appreciable. At 37 degrees C., the K loss is exponential for the first 24 to 36 hours, the curves approaching asymptotes which, translated into terms of P, indicate that the cells can accumulate about 7 +/- 3 per cent of their initial K per hour. After this time autolysis begins to affect the shape of the curves, the rate of K loss increasing rapidly. The effect of adding fluoride or iodoacetate is to lower the position of the asymptote to which the curves proceed; i.e., to decrease the accumulation rate P, to increase the diffusion constant a, or both. Cyanide has almost no effect. Hypotonicity has little effect on the rate of K loss at 37 degrees C.; at 4 degrees C., the rate of loss is somewhat less in hypotonic NaCl. The observation that the K loss in systems at 4 degrees C. and containing as much as 0.086 M NaF does not become complete, but proceeds exponentially towards an asymptote between varphi = 0.2 and 0.4, suggests that 20 to 40 per cent of the cell K is much less diffusible than the remainder at low temperatures and in the absence of lytic substances. A similar conclusion is suggested by the form of the curve for K loss into saline at 4 degrees C., an accumulation rate of 0.6 m. eq./litre of cells/hour at the end of 100 hours or more being improbably great for a system at such a low temperature and containing no added glucose.  相似文献   

A E Woolgar 《Cryobiology》1974,11(1):52-59
An investigation was made into the effects of the presence of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on changes in human red blood cells suspended in hypertonic solutions, on posthypertonic hemolysis, and on freezing at temperatures down to ?12 °C.PVP is very effective at reducing hemolysis when the red blood cells are frozen at temperatures down to ?12 °C. However, the membranes of the cells recovered on thawing have become very permeable to sodium and potassium ions and there is a much increased hemolysis if the cells are resuspended in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride.The presence of PVP does not affect the dehydration of the cells or the development of a change in membrane permeability when the cells are shrunken in hypertonic solutions at 0 °C. Neither does its presence in the hypertonic solution reduce the extent of posthypertonic hemolysis at 4 °C (as measured by the hemolysis on resuspension in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride), but it is more effective than sucrose at reducing hemolysis when present in the resuspension solution. It is concluded that the PVP is able to prevent swelling and hemolysis of cells which are very permeable to cations by opposing the colloid osmotic pressure due to the hemoglobin. However, this does not explain how PVP is able to protect cells against freezing damage at high cooling rates, and a mechanism by which it might do this is discussed.  相似文献   

By means of measurements from cinematograph films of the time taken for human red cells to lose hemoglobin while hemolyzing, it is shown that small concentrations of saponin bring about a relatively small permeability of the cell membrane to the pigment, whereas large concentrations so destroy the membrane that the theoretical time for loss of pigment through a completely permeable membrane (0.16 second) is very nearly attained. These results are in agreement with those obtained from electrical measurements, and the dependence of permeability on lysin concentration can be explained on the basis of what is known about the rate of transformation of lysin as it reacts with the cell envelope. When cells are hemolyzed by hypotonic solutions, on the other hand, the permeability of the membrane to pigment is nearly constant, irrespective of the tonicity used to bring about lysis.  相似文献   

Frog erythrocytes were incubated in iso- or hypotonic media containing 10 mmol/l Rb+ and 0.1 mmol/l ouabain and both Rb+ uptake and K+ loss were measured simultaneously. Rb+ uptake by frog red cells in iso- and hypotonic media was reduced by 30-60% in the presence of 0.01-0.1 mmol/l [(dihydroindenyl)oxy] alkanoic acid (DIOA) or 0.5-1.0 mmol/l furosemide. Furosemide inhibited K+ loss from frog erythrocytes incubated in hypotonic media but did not affect it in isotonic media. DIOA at a concentration of 0.05 mmol/l inhibited of K+ loss from frog erythrocytes in both iso- and hypotonic media. At the concentrations of 0.01 and 0.02 mmol/l DIOA significantly suppressed K+ loss in a K+-free chloride medium but not in a K+-free nitrate medium. The Cl(-)-dependent K+ loss was completely blocked at a concentration of 0.1 mmol/l DIOA and the concentration required for 50% inhibition of K-Cl cotransport was approximately 0.015 mmol/l. However, the inhibitory effect of DIOA on K-Cl cotransport was masked by an opposite stimulatory effect on K+ transport which was also observed in nitrate medium. Quinine in a concentration of 0.2-1.0 mmol/l was able to inhibit Rb+ uptake and K+ loss only in hypotonic media. In isotonic media, quinine produced a stimulation of Rb+ uptake and K+ loss. A three to five-fold activation of Rb+ uptake and K+ loss was consistently observed in frog erythrocytes treated with 0.05-0.2 mmol/l 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS). In contrast, another stilbene derivative 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (SITS) had no effect on K+ transport in the cells. Thus, of these drugs tested in the present study only DIOA at low concentrations may be considered as a selective blocker of the K-Cl cotransporter in the frog red blood cells.  相似文献   

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