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The ability of marine invertebrate larvae to delay their metamorphosis in the absence of adequate environmental cues has been reported for numerous sedentary and sessile species. In the present study, the effect of various substrata and the presence of conspecific adults on the metamorphosis of a mobile species, the crab Chasmagnathus granulata, was evaluated. The duration of the megalopa stage in experiments with six different substrata and in the presence or absence of conspecific adults was compared in a laboratory study. In addition, the influence of natural substrata was compared with that of artificial substrata of similar grain size or texture. In a further experiment, the two most effective cues (natural mud and conspecific adults) were tested as single vs. combined factors. Natural mud and unidentified chemical cues from conspecific adults had the strongest accelerating effects on development duration to metamorphosis. With the exception of nylon threads (artificial filamentous substratum), none of the artificial substrata had a significant effect on the duration of the megalopa stage. Simultaneous exposure to natural mud and water containing chemical cues from conspecific adults accelerated metamorphosis more than each of these factors separately. Megalopae that were reared without a substratum (control) delayed their metamorphosis by 29% (about 3 days) compared with those in simultaneous contact with natural mud and rearing water of adult conspecifics. The results indicate that the metamorphosis of the megalopa of C. granulata is influenced by the presence or absence of environmental stimuli that are associated with the preferred adult habitat.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that metamorphosis of Ucides cordatus megalopae is triggered by substrata from the mangrove forest habitat, and, in particular, adult conspecific odours. Here we demonstrate that the gender of the odour-emitting crabs is insignificant for the metamorphic response in this species. We further investigate whether other estuarine crabs (Goniopsis cruentata, Uca spp., and Callinectes danae) also induce settlement and metamorphosis of U. cordatus megalopae. This is of special interest for population recovery in areas hit by lethargic crab disease (LCD), a fungus that selectively kills U. cordatus but not co-occurring species. Ucides megalopae were reared in four treatments with interspecific-conditioned seawater and tested against the effects of conspecific-conditioned seawater (positive control) and pure seawater (negative control). All megalopae in the positive control metamorphosed successfully, while only one (2%) moulted in the negative control, with a delay of 10 days compared with the latest metamorphosis in the former treatment. In seawater conditioned with U. maracoani and C. danae, which occur on sediment banks and in tidal creeks respectively, all larvae died before reaching the juvenile stage. In the treatments with odours of species that share the same mangrove forest microhabitat as U. cordatus, i.e. G. cruentata and a group of five fiddler crab species (mixed-odour treatment), 20 and 10% respectively of the megalopae moulted with a delay of up to 11 days. No specimens metamorphosed after day 39, but megalopae lived up to 93 days. Since only the conspecific- and coexisting-species treatments stimulated development, we hypothesize that Ucides megalopae are able to precisely identify species-habitat-specific settlement cues. This will be investigated in more detail in future studies, which will also test the effects of the odours of the five forest fiddler crab species separately. The impact of the interspecific odour treatments was much smaller than that of the conspecific odours, nevertheless elevated moulting rates of up to 18% relative to seawater may still significantly accelerate the repopulation of U. cordatus in areas lacking conspecifics, e.g. after massive crab mortalities or at first colonization.  相似文献   

Abstract. Water salinity is an intense physiological stress for amphibians. However, some species, such as Bufo calamita, breed in both brackish and freshwater environments. Because selection under environmentally stressful conditions can promote local adaptation of populations, we examined the existence of geographic variation in water salinity tolerance among B. calamita populations from either fresh or brackish water ponds in Southern Spain. Comparisons were made throughout various ontogenetic stages. A combination of field transplant and common garden experiments showed that water salinity decreased survival probability of individuals in all populations, prolonged their larval period, and reduced their mass at metamorphosis. However, significant population X salinity interactions indicated that the population native to brackish water (Saline) had a higher salinity tolerance than the freshwater populations, suggesting local adaptation. Saline individuals transplanted to freshwater environments showed similar survival probabilities, length of larval period, and mass at metamorphosis than those native to freshwater. This indicates that increased tolerance to osmotic stress does not imply a loss of performance in freshwater, at least during the larval and juvenile phases. Despite the adaptive process apparently undergone by Saline, all populations still shared the same upper limit of embryonic stress tolerance (around 10 g/l), defining a window of salinity range within which selection can act. Significant differences in embryonic and larval survival in brackish water among sibships for all populations suggest the existence of a genetic basis for the osmotic tolerance.  相似文献   

Numerous species of estuarine and freshwater-tolerant crabs show an “export strategy”, i.e. an early larval downstream transport towards coastal marine waters, later zoeal development at higher salinities, and a return of the last larval stage, the megalopa, into estuaries or rivers. The speed and extent of the upstream migration of the megalopa through strong salinity gradients may be constrained by increasing hypo-osmotic stress. In an experimental laboratory study with Armases roberti, a freshwater-inhabiting sesarmid crab from the Caribbean region, we studied in the megalopa stage (after zoeal rearing at 25‰) the tolerance of reduced salinities.In the first experiment, the larvae were exposed directly to various constant salinities (1-25‰). For the second experiment, they were transferred stepwise to strongly diluted media (within 6 days from 25‰ to ≤ 3‰), simulating differential scenarios of upstream migration into brackish or freshwater habitats.When postmoult megalopae were exposed directly to salinities ≤ 3‰, they all died within 24 h. A slightly higher salt concentration (5‰), however, allowed for considerable survival (46%) through metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab stage. In treatments with continuous exposure to 10-15‰, as well as in a control group (25‰), survival to metamorphosis was significantly higher (83-96%), and the average duration of development was shorter compared to 5‰ (12-13 vs. 16 days). In the second experiment, with stepwise salinity reductions, gradual acclimation to decreasing osmotic pressures permitted a successful development to metamorphosis at ≤ 3‰ and even in freshwater (< 0.2‰).This strong physiological adaptability enables the megalopa of A. roberti to cross during its upstream migration, within a short time (6 days), strong osmotic gradients, so that metamorphosis is possible also in freshwater habitats where the conspecific adult crabs live. The speed of migration appears to be limited by physiological constraints related to changes in the capability for osmoregulation occurring during the course of the moulting cycle.  相似文献   

The larvae of many marine invertebrate species are able to delay their settlement and metamorphosis in the absence of characteristic cues from the adult habitat. This phenomenon was experimentally studied in the megalopa stage of Sesarma curacaoense de Man, 1892, a semiterrestrial grapsid crab that lives in the shallow coastal mangrove habitats in the Caribbean region. Duration of the development and survival to metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab stage were compared between experimental treatments, where the water was conditioned with adult crabs (“adult-conditioned water,” ACW) and control groups reared in filtered seawater. In the experiments with larvae from two different females, development duration was significantly shorter and mortality lower in water conditioned with conspecific adults. In the two control groups, the effects of supply with an artificial substrate (nylon gauze) were tested. This comparison showed that the presence of substrate did not significantly influence the time to metamorphosis, but did reduce the mortality rate. In all later experiments, the megalopae were thus routinely provided with nylon gauze as a substrate. In each of the three subsequent replicate experiments conducted with larvae from different females, survival rate and development time to metamorphosis were compared between one control group and four treatments with ACW. The effectiveness of conspecific (S. curacaoense) adult odors as metamorphosis-stimulating cue was, in these experiments, compared with that of ACW from one congener (S. rectum) and two species belonging to different genera within the Grapsidae (Armases miersii, Chasmagnathus granulata). While the rate of survival showed inconsistent patterns among repeated experiments, the development was consistently fastest with conspecific ACW, followed by ACW from S. rectum, A. miersii and C. granulata. Only the conspecific and congeneric cues had statistically significant effects (i.e. shorter development than in the controls). These response patterns suggest that chemically similar factors (presumably pheromones) are produced by closely related species and, thus, their chemical structure may reflect phylogenetical relationships within a clade.  相似文献   

Salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus-P. jordani complex were tested for the ability to distinguish conspecific, sex-specific, and heterospecific chemical cues. Male and female P. glutinosus preferred substrates previously occupied by conspecifics over their own, but randomly chose between substrates marked by male or female conspecifics. This suggests that while these salamanders are able to distinguish between their own and conspecific substrate odours, they are unable to identify sex by means of substrate odours. Experiments using an olfactometer showed that male P. jordani, male and female P. glutinosus, and an electrophoretically distinct and non-hybridizing sympatric phenotype in the P. glutinosus complex (here called species A), all preferred female airborne odours over male airborne odours. This demonstrates that these salamanders can identify sex by means of airborne odours. Male P. glutinosus and species A both preferred conspecific female odours over heterospecific female odours in olfactometer experiments. These results suggest an important role for olfaction in the sexual and social behaviour of these salamanders, particularly as a pre-mating isolating mechanism.  相似文献   

The scent-marking behaviour of male and female rats in response to conspecific odours was investigated in two experiments. The results of the first experiment indicated that exposure to conspecific odours generally led to an increase in marking rates. However, no sex differences were found, and large differences in marking responses according to the sex of the odour donor were only found for dioestrous females. These results do not suggest that the primary function of scent-marking in this species is sexual. In the second experiment, odour sources differed not only in the sex of the donor, but also in their relative familiarity to the animal being tested. This experiment showed that males marked more in response to odours from familiar (non-related) females. Females did not differ significantly on measures of marking but did display greater interest in odours from unfamiliar males. The results are discussed in relation to possible functions of marking in this species.  相似文献   

BD Kearney  PG Byrne  RD Reina 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43427
Recent anthropogenic influences on freshwater habitats are forcing anuran populations to rapidly adapt to high magnitude changes in environmental conditions or face local extinction. We examined the effects of ecologically relevant elevated salinity levels on larval growth, metamorphosis and survival of three species of Australian anuran; the spotted marsh frog (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis), the painted burrowing frog (Neobatrachus sudelli) and the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea), in order to better understand the responses of these animals to environmental change. Elevated salinity (16% seawater) negatively impacted on the survival of L. tasmaniensis (35% survival) and N sudelli (0% survival), while reduced salinity had a negative impact on L. aurea. (16% seawater: 85% survival; 0.4% seawater: 35% survival). L. aurea tadpoles survived in salinities much higher than previously reported for this species, indicating the potential for inter-populations differences in salinity tolerance. In L. tasmaniensis and L. aurea, development to metamorphosis was fastest in low and high salinity treatments suggesting it is advantageous for tadpoles to invest energy in development in both highly favourable and developmentally challenging environments. We propose that this response might either maximise potential lifetime fecundity when tadpoles experience favourable environments, or, facilitate a more rapid escape from pond environments where there is a reduced probability of survival.  相似文献   

Olfaction is a common sensory mode of communication in much of the Vertebrata, although its use by adult frogs remains poorly studied. Being part of an open signalling system, odour cues can be exploited by 'eavesdropping' predators that hunt by smell, making association with odour a high-risk behaviour for prey. Here, we show that adult great barred frogs (Mixophes fasciolatus) are highly attracted to odour cues of conspecifics and those of sympatric striped marsh frogs (Limnodynastes peronii). This attraction decreased significantly with the addition of odours of a scent-hunting predator, the red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus), indicating that frogs perceived predation risks from associating with frog odours. Male frogs, however, maintained some attraction to unfamiliar conspecific scents even with predator odours present, suggesting that they perceived benefits of odour communication despite the risk. Our results indicate that adult frogs can identify species and individuals from their odours and assess the associated predation risk, revealing a complexity in olfactory communication previously unknown in adult anurans.  相似文献   

Survival of cercariae of Transversotrema patialense was enhanced in saline with an ionic concentration equivalent to 25 % sea water whilst infectivity was unchanged up to the maximum salinity tolerance of the fish experimental host (Brachydanio rerio). Adult survival in vitro increased little at ionic concentrations above 12.5% of that of sea water but fell sharply at lower concentrations. Survival in vitro was not enhanced by sterile conditions and only increased slightly with increasing age of worms. Adult parasites became water sensitive within 5 min of infection. However mechanically decaudated cercariae showed no water sensitivity. To survive on freshwater hosts the adult parasite must experience a degree of physiological isolation from its environment despite its apparent ectoparasitic microhabitat.  相似文献   

We exposed, in two successive spawning seasons, individually placed precocious male Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) and brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) parr to odour stimuli (ovarian fluid and urine mix) from ovulated conspecific or heterospecific anadromous females. Atlantic salmon parr had significantly higher plasma concentrations of the hormones 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20β-P), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and testosterone (T) after exposure to odours from conspecific females or from brown trout females compared to parr exposed to a control solution (0.9% NaCl). We did not observe any significant differences between the hormone levels in salmon parr exposed to the two female odours. The salmon parr exposed to conspecific odours had significantly higher volumes of strippable milt compared to the controls, but we did not find any significant differences when comparing the effect of the two female odours. Brown trout parr had significantly higher plasma 17,20β-P levels following exposure to heterospecific female odours compared to control males, but there was no significant difference between males exposed to the different female odours. We did not observe any significant differences in plasma levels of T and 11-KT and in milt volumes between exposed and control trout. Taken together, the results from both tested species indicate that the potency of heterospecific stimuli in stimulating increased plasma sex steroid hormone levels in male parr was as strong as stimuli from conspecific females. The results are discussed in connection to observed hybridisation between the two sympatric species.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):367-376
When presented with odours on cotton swabs, adult borad-headed skinks (Eumeces laticeps) of both sexes flicked their tongues at much higher rates to conspecific odour stimuli than to those of their most closely related congeners, E. fasciatus and E. inexpectatus, during 60-s exposures to cloacal odours from lizards of the opposite sex. A successive discrimination design was used in which each lizard responded to five different odour treatments in a random sequence. In addition to the three lizard odours, water was used as a measure of baseline tongue protrusion rates and a cologne was used as a pungency control. There were no significant differences among the four non-conspecific odour treatments in numbers of tongue flicks elicited, but the skinks emitted significantly greater numbers of tongue flicks to conspecific cloacal odours than to any of the other stimuli. It is hypothesized that E. laticeps produces a pheromone which may function for species identification. Although it is tempting to speculate that the pheromone may serve as a pre-mating mechanism for maintaining reproductive isolation from syntopic congeners, insufficient information is avialable to draw firm conclusions regarding such a function.  相似文献   

Water salinity represents an environmental stress for many species. Amphibians are particularly sensitive because they are generally poor osmoregulators, and most species are completely absent from brackish and saline environments. We experimentally examined the effect of different salinity levels on larvae of the toad Bufo calamita L., a species that occupies freshwater ponds but can also breed in brackish ponds. Two independent experiments are reported here. In both experiments, tadpoles under saline conditions (ranging between 85 and 200 mOsm) showed a slower developmental rate, metamorphosing between 4 and 9 d later than the controls. Bufo calamita tadpoles reared in brackish water increased their osmolality and solute concentration (mainly sodium and chloride), decreased their levels of glucose, and decreased the total protein content, all measured from whole-animal extracts. Although most larval anurans are strictly ammoniotelic until the completion of metamorphosis, a few species exposed to dehydrating environments have evolved the ability to use urea as an osmolyte during the larval phase. The data presented here reveal that although B. calamita seems to be yet another exception to the rule of larval strict ammoniotelism, the tadpoles are not able to use urea as an osmolyte and rely on sodium-chloride balance instead. Preliminary immunoassays of thyroid hormone content suggest a possible decrease in hormone levels induced in water salinity conditions that correlate with a decreased developmental rate.  相似文献   

Among microtine rodents, reaction to chemical cues from conspecifics is assumed to reflect social and spatial relationships. Generally, strong attraction of particular odours correlates with non‐aggressive behaviour and high spatial tolerance towards odour donors, whereas weak attraction correlates with greater levels of aggression and spatial segregation. In the present study, we examined whether winter odour preferences of the snow vole Chionomys nivalis, a rock‐dwelling microtine principally found at high‐mountainous regions, differ from that of other vole species, owing to their different social organization during overwintering periods. The social structure of C. nivalis over the winter period is relatively unusual among vole species in that they become nomadic and solitary. In odour choice trials under laboratory conditions, we found that both males and females avoided zones with conspecific odours of both sexes in comparison with unscented control zones or own odours. These results are consistent with the elevated levels of intraspecific aggression and spatial isolation of C. nivalis during overwintering periods. Furthermore, scent‐elicited self‐grooming increased when their own odour was offered against conspecific cues. This, in combination with an active avoidance of conspecific odours, might functionally contribute to minimize direct confrontations between solitary individuals, thereby reducing the risks of aggressive encounters during overwintering periods.  相似文献   

Arthropods use odours associated with the presence of their food, enemies and competitors when searching for patches. Responses to these odours therefore determine the spatial distribution of animals, and are decisive for the occurrence and strength of interactions among species. Therefore, a logical first step in studying food web interactions is the analysis of behaviour of individuals that are searching for patches of food. We followed this approach when studying interactions in an artificial food web occurring on greenhouse cucumber in the Netherlands. In an earlier paper we found that one of the predators of the food web, the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, used to control spider mites, discriminates between odours from plants with spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch, and plants with spider mites plus conspecific predators. The odours used for discrimination are produced by adult prey in response to the presence of predators, and probably serve as an alarm pheromone to warn related spider mites. Other predator species may also trigger production of this alarm pheromone, which P. persimilis could use in turn to avoid plants with heterospecific predators. We therefore studied the response of the latter to odours from plants with spider mites and 3 other predator species, i.e. the generalist predatory bug Orius laevigatus (Fieber), the polyphagous thrips Frankliniella occidentalis and the spider-mite predator Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor). Both olfactometer and greenhouse release experiments yielded no evidence that P. persimilis avoids plants with any of the 3 heterospecific predators. This suggests that these predators do not elicit production of alarm pheromones in spider mites, and we argue that this is caused by a lack of coevolutionary history. The consequences of the lack of avoidance of heterospecific predators for interactions in food webs and biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Invasive species are commonly thought to have broad tolerances that enable them to colonize new habitats, but this assumption has rarely been tested. In particular, the relative importance of acclimation (plasticity) and adaptation for invasion success are poorly understood. This study examined effects of short-term and developmental acclimation on adult salinity tolerance in the copepod Eurytemora affinis. This microcrustacean occurs in estuarine and salt marsh habitats but has invaded freshwater habitats within the past century. Effects of short-term acclimation were determined by comparing adult survival in response to acute versus gradual salinity change to low salinity (fresh water). Effects of developmental acclimation on adult tolerance were determined using a split-brood 4 x 2 factorial experimental design for one brackish-water population from Edgartown Great Pond, Massachusetts. Twenty full-sib clutches were split and reared at four salinities (fresh, 5, 10, and 27 practical salinity units [PSU]). On reaching adulthood, clutches from three of the salinity treatments (no survivors at fresh) were split into low- (fresh) and high- (40 PSU) salinity stress treatments, at which survival was measured for 24 h. Short-term acclimation of adults did not appear to have a long-term affect on low-salinity tolerance, given that gradual transfers to fresh water enhanced survival relative to acute transfers in the short term (after 7 h) but not over a longer period of 8 d. Developmental acclimation had contrasting effects on low- versus high-salinity tolerance. Namely, rearing salinity had a significant effect on tolerance of high-salinity (40 PSU) stress but no significant effect on tolerance of low-salinity (freshwater) stress. In addition, there was a significant effect of clutch on survival under freshwater conditions, indicating a genetic component to low-salinity tolerance but no significant clutch effect in response to high salinity. While developmental acclimation might enhance survival at higher salinities, the minimal effect of acclimation and significant effect of clutch on low-salinity tolerance suggest the importance of natural selection during freshwater invasion events.  相似文献   

The grapsid crab Sesarma curacaoense is believed to represent the closest saltwater relative to the ancestor which gave rise to an adaptive radiation of endemic freshwater and terrestrial species on the island of Jamaica. Living in mangrove swamps with variable salinity conditions and showing semiterrestrial behaviour, S. curacaoense exhibits ecological adaptations to non-marine conditions. In laboratory experiments, we studied the salinity tolerance during development from hatching to the end of the first juvenile stage. Successful development through metamorphosis occurred in the full salinity range tested (15-32 per thousand), although mortality was significantly enhanced and development delayed at 15 per thousand. In another series of experiments, we studied the ontogeny of the capability for osmoregulation, which is considered as the physiological basis of osmotic stress tolerance. Our results show that S. curacaoense is from hatching a fairly strong hyperosmoregulator in dilute media. This capability increased gradually from hatching throughout the larval and juvenile development. In seawater (32 per thousand) and at an enhanced salt concentration (44 per thousand), the zoeal stages remained hyperosmoconformers. The capability for hypoosmoregulation in concentrated media appeared first in the megalopa stage and increased thereafter. Adult crabs were observed to be strong hyper-hypo-osmoregulators in a salinity range from at least 1 per thousand to 44 per thousand. The unusually early appearance of strong regulatory capabilities, particularly in dilute media, is interpreted as a physiological preadaptation that should have facilitated the evolutionary process of adaptive radiation in non-marine environments on Jamaica.  相似文献   

1. Since avoiding predation can compromise animal fitness, prey are expected to respond to different predator species with an intensity appropriate to the level of risk. In fresh waters, the threat of predation is typically assessed by chemical cues, in particular by odours released by either injured/disturbed conspecifics (conspecific alarm odour) or predators (predator odours). Here, we used the most widely distributed crayfish in the world, the invasive North American Procambarus clarkii, to investigate the relative effectiveness of odours emitted by fish predators compared with conspecific alarm odour. We also tested whether P. clarkii is able to discriminate between fish predators of which it has ‘experience’ (either recent, via introduction to the same water body, or old, by sharing a native range), as well as between fish predators that pose low or high risk. 2. The study was carried out on introduced populations of P. clarkii from two sites, characterised by different fish assemblages: the Malewa River (a tributary of Lake Naivasha, Kenya) and Lake Trasimeno (Italy). Laboratory experiments consisted of three sequential phases (‘water’, ‘food’ and ‘smell’ phases) and five treatments. Treatments differed in the odour presented during the smell phase, i.e. no odour (plain water) and odours from either injured conspecifics or three fish species per site. Crayfish from the Malewa River population were confronted with the odours of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Tilapia zillii) (all introduced to Lake Naivasha but absent from the Malewa River), and those from the Lake Trasimeno population with the odours of the introduced largemouth bass and carp and the native chub (Squalius cephalus). Largemouth bass is the only predator that imposes a high risk to crayfish, and it also shares its native range with P. clarkii. We analysed the time spent by crayfish feeding, in locomotion and in adopting a raised or lowered posture. A reduction in the time spent feeding and in locomotion, and an increase in the time spent in the lowered posture were considered to indicate alarm. 3. Crayfish from both populations responded with a more pronounced reduction in feeding to conspecific alarm odour rather than to predator odours. Crayfish from the Malewa River reacted with the same intensity to the odours of the three fish species tested, whereas, in Lake Trasimeno, the odour of largemouth bass was significantly more threatening than the odours of the other two species. 4. Procambarus clarkii seems to perceive a general fish odour that alerts it to possible predation risk without the need of either a direct recent experience or via sharing a common native range. However, where they coexist with fish, crayfish become able to distinguish among species, adapting the intensity of their response to the effective risk. Our results confirm the relatively high learning capacity of P. clarkii reported in previous studies and suggest the existence of mechanisms that make predator recognition particularly efficient in this extraordinarily successful invader.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis is a developmental strategy used by only a small number of extant fishes and little is known about its phylogenetic development during the evolution history of this large group of vertebrates. The present report provides a putative evolutionary history of metamorphosis in the lamprey, an extant agnathan with direct descendancy from some of the oldest known vertebrates. The study reviews recent data on the role of the thyroid gland and its hormones in metamorphosis, summarizes some recent views on the evolution of the endostyle/follicular thyroid in lampreys, and provides new data on the content of two gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH-I and -III) in brain during goitrogen-stimulated, precocious metamorphosis. These new data support an earlier viewpoint of a relationship between thyroid and reproductive axes during metamorphosis. It is proposed that the earliest lampreys were paedomorphic larvae and they lived in a marine environment; as such, they resembled in many ways the larvae from which the ancient protochordates, Larvacea, are derived. The iodide-concentrating efficiency of the endostyle was a critical factor in the evolution of metamorphosis and this gland was replaced by a follicular thyroid, for postmetamorphic animals needed to store iodine following their invasion of freshwater. Larval growth and postmetamorphic reproduction in freshwater became fixtures in the lamprey life cycle; a non-parasitic adult life-history type appeared later. The presence among extant lampreys of two different adult life-history types, and examples of the lability of the timing of sexual maturation in some species, imply that there has been a complex interplay between the thyroid and reproductive axes during the evolution of metamorphosis in lampreys. This proposal is consistent with what we know of interplay of these axes in extant adult lampreys and with the long-held viewpoint that thyroid function and sexual maturation are an association with an ancient history.  相似文献   

Mice in wild populations of the two subspecies Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus may potentially compete for food. Because of the importance of olfaction in mice, we hypothesised that the presence of unfamiliar conspecific or heterosubspecific chemical cues could play a role in access to and use of food resources. We used an experimental design that tested this assumption with males from two strains, originated from wild populations of these subspecies, as subjects. Exploratory activity, latency of food approach, time and frequency on the food area, number of seeds eaten and foraging rate (number of seeds eaten/time on the food areax100) were compared for three different categories of odours (own, same strain and other strain odours) in both strains. In a foraging context, unfamiliar odours induced behavioural changes in male mice, especially an increase in exploratory activity from the more (same strain) to the less similar odour (different strain), and a reduction of time spent in the food area. Odour similarity related to genetic proximity in Mus and the cost-benefit ratio of an encounter are two possible explanations for the different processes involved in the treatment of odours in these two strains of mice.  相似文献   

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