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We investigated the potential for using diatoms to monitor and assess nutrient enrichment in coastal plain streams using weighted-averaging inference models and diatom trophic indices. Samples were collected from low-gradient, clay- to sand-bottom streams in New Jersey (NJ), USA, using artificial substrates (diatometers). Multivariate analysis showed that conductivity was overall the most important explanatory variable. Total phosphorus (TP) explained a significant proportion of the variation in diatom species composition. There was statistical justification for development of inference models for TP but not for total nitrogen (TN). We developed and tested models for inferring TP using weighted-averaging (WA) and weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression and calibration techniques. We also created a diatom TP index by rescaling the inferred TP values. WA-PLS provided the best model (n = 38), which showed moderate predictive ability (r boot2 = 0.43; RMSEPboot = 0.30 log10 μg l−1 TP); it performed best at lower TP concentrations and tended to underestimate values above 100 μg l−1. The TP index performed well; it assigned the majority of the index scores to the correct nutrient category. TP models and indices developed for the Coastal Plain had lower predictive ability than those developed for northern NJ and streams in other comparable geographic regions of the US. This lower performance can be attributed primarily to a data gap in the TP gradient in the calibration dataset (lack of sites with TP concentrations between 240 and 560 μg l−1), and a smaller number of samples. We conclude that diatom-based TP inference models and artificial substrate sampling are useful for assessing and monitoring nutrient enrichment in coastal plain streams. Given the worldwide distribution of streams similar to those in this study, these tools should be widely applicable. Handling editor: D. Ryder  相似文献   

We studied the trophic development of the past 30–100 years in eight moderately deep Dutch lakes based on their sedimentary fossil diatom assemblages. The dominant diatoms indicating meso- to eutrophic conditions were Aulacoseira subarctica, Cyclotella ocellata, C. cyclopuncta, C. meneghiniana, Puncticulata bodanica, Aulacoseira granulata, Cyclostephanos dubius, C. invisitatus, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, S. medius, and S. parvus. Ordination of diatom data separated the lakes into four groups according to their total phosphorus concentrations (TP), water supply, water management, and origin. The first group consists of dike-breach lakes, which were in stable eutrophic to hypertrophic conditions throughout the past century with diatom-inferred TP (DI-TP) concentrations of between 70 and 300 μg l−1. The main factors influencing these dike-breach lakes are river management, ground water supply of riverine origin, and local land use. The second group are artificial lakes of fluctuating oligo- to mesotrophic conditions and DI-TP concentrations of 10–30 μg l−1. Only one of the artificial lakes showed a DI-TP increase due to changes in catchment agricultural practice. A third group includes an artificial moat and an inland dike-breach lake with DI-TP concentrations of 50–100 μg l−1. The fourth group contains an individual dike-breach lake with stable mesotrophic conditions of 50 μg l−1 throughout the past century. Rather than showing a regional pattern, the studied lakes behave very individualistically with regard to their trophic history, reflecting changes in the local hydrology and in their nutrient sources.  相似文献   

Ciliate and bacterial densities and their link with eutrophication were studied in fourteen shallow lakes in northwest Spain. Total phosphorus (TP) in these lakes varied between 30 μg l−1 and 925 μg l−1 and chlorophyll a concentration (chla) between 0.5 μg l−1 and 107 μg l−1. Bacterial abundance ranged from 1 × 106 to 14 × 106 cells ml−1, while ciliate abundance ranged from 0.6 cells ml−1 to 229 cells ml−1. Lakes were classified into three trophic types from their TP and chla concentrations. Bacterial abundance was significantly correlated with trophic type, as well as with TP and with chla separately, whereas ciliate abundance was only correlated with chla. No significant relationship could be established between bacterial and ciliate abundance across the trophic gradient. A general pattern was observed in the ratios of bacterial abundance to TP and chla concentrations, of decreasing ratios with increases in the nutrient loading. This pattern was not found for ciliates. The dominant zooplankton group in 13 of the 14 lakes studied was Rotifera, which accounted for a mean of 71% of total zooplankton abundance (41% of zooplankton biomass). The positive correlation between bacteria and ciliates with this group, and the absence of any relationship with Cladocera suggest that top down control by cladocerans was weaker in our lakes than previously shown in northern European shallow lakes. Rotifers could be important predators of bacteria in the high-nutrient lakes of our study. Higher slopes of regressions on bacterial abundance towards the hypertrophic range indicate that top-down control was weaker in our lakes than in northern European shallow lakes.  相似文献   

1. We compared the baseline phosphorus (P) concentrations inferred by diatom‐P transfer functions and export coefficient models at 62 lakes in Great Britain to assess whether the techniques produce similar estimates of historical nutrient status. 2. There was a strong linear relationship between the two sets of values over the whole total P (TP) gradient (2–200 μg TP L?1). However, a systematic bias was observed with the diatom model producing the higher values in 46 lakes (of which values differed by more than 10 μg TP L?1 in 21). The export coefficient model gave the higher values in 10 lakes (of which the values differed by more than 10 μg TP L?1 in only 4). 3. The difference between baseline and present‐day TP concentrations was calculated to compare the extent of eutrophication inferred by the two sets of model output. There was generally poor agreement between the amounts of change estimated by the two approaches. The discrepancy in both the baseline values and the degree of change inferred by the models was greatest in the shallow and more productive sites. 4. Both approaches were applied to two lakes in the English Lake District where long‐term P data exist, to assess how well the models track measured P concentrations since approximately 1850. There was good agreement between the pre‐enrichment TP concentrations generated by the models. The diatom model paralleled the steeper rise in maximum soluble reactive P (SRP) more closely than the gradual increase in annual mean TP in both lakes. The export coefficient model produced a closer fit to observed annual mean TP concentrations for both sites, tracking the changes in total external nutrient loading. 5. A combined approach is recommended, with the diatom model employed to reflect the nature and timing of the in‐lake response to changes in nutrient loading, and the export coefficient model used to establish the origins and extent of changes in the external load and to assess potential reduction in loading under different management scenarios. 6. However, caution must be exercised when applying these models to shallow lakes where the export coefficient model TP estimate will not include internal P loading from lake sediments and where the diatom TP inferences may over‐estimate TP concentrations because of the high abundance of benthic taxa, many of which are poor indicators of trophic state.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify reference conditions (nutrient status and diatom assemblages) as required by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for stratified, carbonate-rich lowland lakes with a large watershed area (watershed area to lake volume ratio (WV) > 1.5 km2 10−6 m−3) and a retention time (RT) from 0.1 to 10 years (Central Baltic Lake-Type 1, German Lake-Type 10) in European ecoregion 14. Diatoms, pollen and geochemistry were analysed from sediment cores of six lakes from northern Germany representing different subtypes of Lake-Type 10 (varying WV and RT) and covering the past 290–1,750 years. Historic total phosphorus levels were inferred using diatom-based transfer functions selected from a merged European data set and from optimised data sets identified with the moving-window approach. Pollen and geochemical proxies were used to identify occurrence and intensity of anthropogenic catchment usage. Lake trophic state reference conditions and associated diatom assemblages were identified for three of the six study lakes. In contrast, according to fossil pollen assemblages, two lakes were already strongly impacted by intensive catchment usage when the oldest investigated sediments were laid down. Thus, reference conditions of these already eutrophic lakes could not be identified. Similarly, the lowermost samples of a core from the sixth lake showed signs of impact, and it remains unclear whether the identified dystrophic conditions occurred naturally or if they were due to the drainage of wetlands in Medieval times. Lakes with a relatively small WV (1.5–5.0 km2 10−6 m−3) and RT > 1 year were naturally oligotrophic to low mesotrophic and a typical, representative diatom assemblage was identified. In contrast, typical reference conditions or diatom assemblages for lakes with higher WV (5–18.6 km2 10−6 m−3) and RT < 1 year could not be identified as chemical precipitation and upstream lakes (nutrient sinks or sources) additionally influenced natural nutrient levels. Therefore, the reference situation of both trophic state and diatom assemblages in a lake may be strongly influenced by other modifying, limnological processes in addition to WV and RT. Overall, this study helps to implement the WFD by identifying reference conditions and by discussing the level of differentiation of lake types required to set reference conditions. Guest editors: K. Buczkó, J. Korponai, J. Padisák & S. W. Starratt Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water  相似文献   

1. Measurements of total phosphorus (TP) concentrations since 1975 and a 50‐year time series of phytoplankton biovolume and species composition from Lake Mondsee (Austria) were combined with palaeolimnological information on diatom composition and reconstructed TP‐levels to describe the response of phytoplankton communities to changing nutrient conditions. 2. Four phases were identified in the long‐term record. Phase I was the pre‐eutrophication period characterised by TP‐levels of about 6 μg L?1 and diatom dominance. Phase II began in 1966 with an increase in TP concentration followed by the invasion of Planktothrix rubescens in 1968, characterising mesotrophic conditions. Phase III, from 1976 to 1979, had the highest annual mean TP concentrations (up to 36 μg L?1) and phytoplankton biovolumes (3.57 mm3 L?1), although reductions in external nutrient loading started in 1974. Phases II and III saw an expansion of species characteristic of higher nutrient levels as reflected in the diatom stratigraphy. Oligotrophication (phase IV) began in 1980 when annual average TP concentration, Secchi depth and algal biovolume began to decline, accompanied by increasing concentrations of soluble reactive silica. 3. The period from 1981 to 1986 was characterised by asynchronous trends. Annual mean and maximum total phytoplankton biovolume initially continued to increase after TP concentration began to decline. Reductions in phytoplankton biovolume were delayed by about 5 years. Several phytoplankton species differed in the timing of their responses to changing nutrient conditions. For example, while P. rubescens declined concomitantly with the decline in TP concentration, other species indicative of higher phosphorus concentrations, such as Tabellaria flocculosa var. asterionelloides, tended to increase further. 4. These data therefore do not support the hypotheses that a reduction in TP concentration is accompanied by (i) an immediate decline in total phytoplankton biovolume and (ii) persistence of the species composition characterising the phytoplankton community before nutrient reduction.  相似文献   

Eutrophication is one of the major problems for surface water quality in Norway, particularly in the lowlands near settlements and agricultural areas. Here, we present a new index based on non-diatomaceous benthic algae (Periphyton index of trophic status, PIT) which is developed on a dataset of >500 samples from >350 sites from the Norwegian mainland and can be used to describe trophic status at a river site. PIT indicator values for benthic algae taxa are derived from water total phosphorus concentrations and range from 1.87 for Stigonema hormoides to 68.91 for Tribonema sp. PIT site values range from 3.42 to 44.45 and cover a range from oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions. The relationship between the PIT and the total phosphorus concentration has one major threshold at 10 μg/l TP, with a slow increase below and a steep increase above 10 μg/l. We conclude that benthic algae species composition at nutrient poor sites reacts only slightly to small increases in phosphorus concentration, while it is most sensible to eutrophication in the range between 10 and 30 μg TP/l. For the genus Oedogonium, we found a significant positive correlation between filament width and TP concentration, making Oedogonium an easy to use eutrophication indicator.  相似文献   

The Florida Everglades is a mosaic of short and long-hydroperiod marshes that differ in the depth, duration, and timing of inundation. Algae are important primary producers in widespread Everglades’ periphyton mats, but relationships of algal production and community structure to hydrologic variability are poorly understood. We quantified differences in algal biomass and community structure between periphyton mats in 5 short and 6 long-hydroperiod marshes in Everglades National Park (ENP) in October 2000. We related differences to water depth and total phosphorus (TP) concentration in the water, periphyton and soils. Long and short-hydroperiod marshes differed in water depth (73 cm vs. 13 cm), periphyton TP concentrations (172μg g−1 vs. 107 μg g−1, respectively) and soil TP (284 μg g−1 vs. 145 μg g−1). Periphyton was abundant in both marshes, with short-hydroperiod sites having greater biomass than long-hydroperiod sites (2936 vs. 575 grams ash-free dry mass m−2). A total of 156 algal taxa were identified and separated into diatom (68 species from 21 genera) and “soft algae” (88 non-diatom species from 47 genera) categories for further analyses. Although diatom total abundance was greater in long-hydroperiod mats, diatom species richness was significantly greater in short- hydroperiod periphyton mats (62 vs. 47 diatom taxa). Soft algal species richness was greater in long-hydroperiod sites (81 vs. 67 soft algae taxa). Relative abundances of individual taxa were significantly different among the two site types, with soft algal distributions being driven by water depth, and diatom distributions by water depth and TP concentration in the water and periphyton. Periphyton communities differ between short and long-hydroperiod marshes, but because they share many taxa, alterations in hydroperiod could rapidly promote the alternate community. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Water quality of the shallow, mesotrophic, and macrophyte-dominated Lake Kaljasjärvi has been monitored at three to four year intervals since 1978. During the monitoring period, surface-water total phosphorus (TP) concentrations have typically varied between 20 and 25 g P l–1. However, elevated total phosphorus concentrations were measured in 1987, 1991, and 1999. Diatom-based reconstruction of the historical lake-water TP concentrations was therefore employed to study the recent development of the lake. However, the diatom-TP model did not predict the high measured phosphorus concentrations despite the changes observable in diatom assemblages. In addition, the ratio of sedimentary diatom remains to chrysophycean stomatocysts declined towards the top of the sediment core, indicating decreasing trophy rather than eutrophication. Analysis of sedimentary pigments and phosphorus fractions, used to examine further the changes, also produced results that contradicted the simple eutrophication hypothesis. In particular, the proportion of chlorophyll derivatives instead of carotenoids increased and there was a rise in the concentration of refractory instead of NaOH-extracted phosphorus. These features appear to be related to the extensive littoral areas of the lake since enhanced littoral production can explain both the observed changes in sediment chemistry and the low diatom-inferred TP (DI-TP). Littoral primary producers are suggested to have benefited from the increased phosphorus inputs to the lake, transferring some of the phosphorus to the detrital pool and contributing to the increased pigment concentrations of sedimentary organic matter. High proportions of non-planktonic diatoms in the samples lower DI-TP because periphytic taxa are assigned low TP optima in the inference models used. Abundant aquatic macrophytes may also have made the lake resistant to eutrophication by assimilating nutrients, providing refuge for zooplankton, and having an allelopathic effect on phytoplankton. Since 1980, however, the sedimentary diatom assemblages also indicate increasingly eutrophic conditions. Additional loading from numerous cottages during the last 20 years seems to have caused observable changes in the phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

The Dutch Wadden Sea: a changed ecosystem   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
Since 1600 the surface area of the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased considerably by successive reclamations of saltmarshes. In 1932 the Zuiderzee (3200 km2) was closed off from the Wadden Sea causing in the remaining part an increase in tidal range and current velocities. In 1969 the Lauwerszee (91 km2) was closed off and turned into a freshwater lake as well. Man's use of the Wadden Sea changed simultaneously. Dredging in harbours and shipping routes, and extraction of sand and shells became common practice. Extraction of sand increased manifold between 1960 and 1985. These activities did contribute to the turbidity of the Wadden Sea water. Discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds into the western Wadden Sea increased also manifold since 1950, causing an increase in phytoplankton production, duration of phytoplankton blooms, and intertidal macrozoobenthic biomass. Loads of metals and organochlorine contaminants entering the Wadden Sea were hard to estimate. Fisheries changed drastically since the 1930's. Fishing for ‘Zuiderzee’ herring came to an end shortly after closing off the Zuiderzee. The anchovy fishery ceased in the 1960’, that for flounder in 1983. Undersized brown shrimps were fished until 1971. Selective shrimptrawls and sorting devices with flushing seawater were introduced to reduce mortality among young flatfish and shrimps. Oysters became extinct in the 1960's due to over-exploitation of the natural beds. Production of mussels increased more than ten times between 1950 and 1961 due to ‘culturing’, catches of cockles increased slowly between 1955 and 1984. Whelks were fished until 1970. The most important changes in the biotic system of the Wadden Sea, increased production of microalgae and intertidal macrozoobenthos, can be attributed to increased nutrient loads. Eutrophication provided ample food supply for mussels which are harvested mainly by man and eider duck, and may have caused also increased growth in juvenile plaice. Increased turbidity may have impaired life conditions for adult dab, and have presented also recovery of sublittoral eelgrass beds after their disappearance in the 1930's due to the ‘wasting disease’. Increased turbidity in the Wadden Sea is probably caused by closing off the Zuiderzee (1932), a significant increase of dredge spoil disposal near Hoek van Holland between 1970 and 1983, and a more than 10-fold increase of mussel culturing in the Wadden Sea since 1950. Stocks of several bird species breeding in the Wadden Sea area suffered great losses in the early 1960's due to a pesticide accident. Most of the breeding populations have recovered. PCB's caused a reproduction failure among harbour seals in the 1970's. Since 1980 official Dutch policy aims at multiple use of the Wadden Sea, with emphasis on protection and restoration of the natural environment. The 3rd Water Management Plan (1989) aims at a development of the Wadden Sea ecosystem towards the situation of ca. 1930, i.e. without undoing present sea dikes and reclaimed polders. Management of the Dutch Wadden Sea will therefore have to focus mainly on reduction of eutrophication, pollution and turbidity. Some management options are discussed.  相似文献   

Bennion  Helen 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):391-410
Shallow ponds in southeast England are often eutrophic with high phosphorus concentrations. The aim of this study was to develop a diatom-phosphorus transfer function to enable past phosphorus levels in such waters to be inferred from the sediment record. A water chemistry survey of 123 randomly chosen, shallow, artificial ponds in southeast England was carried out. Principal components analysis (PCA) revealed that phosphorus was an important environmental variable. A subset of 31 sites was selected along a total phosphorus (TP) gradient (winter TP range 7–1123 µg 1-1), in order to explore the relationship between the surface-sediment diatom assemblages and the contemporary water chemistry using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Annual mean TP was the most significant variable in explaining the variance in the diatom species data.Weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration techniques were used to generate a transfer function, enabling annual mean TP (range 25–646 µg 1-1) to be inferred from the diatom species TP optima of 102 common taxa in the dataset (r 2 = 0.79; RMSE = 0.161; RMSE(boot) = 0.279; n = 30). The model was applied to fossil diatom assemblages in a sediment core from Marsworth Reservoir, Hertfordshire, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), with currently high TP levels of 476 µg 1-1, to reconstruct past epilimnetic annual mean TP concentrations.The study shows that artificial, shallow waters can be suitable for palaeolimnological research and that it is possible to reliably infer lake water TP using the WA technique, across a large range of phosphorus concentrations. This method has the potential to provide limnologists, conservationists and water quality managers with an estimate of pre-enrichment phosphorus concentrations and an indication of the onset and development of eutrophication at a site. This information is essential for lake management strategies and restoration programmes.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of phosphorus concentration (1, 4 and 10 mg l−1) and temperature (15 and 25°C) on chlorophyll a (chl a) contents and cell size/volume of green alga Scenedesmus obliquus and blue green alga Microcystis aeruginosa. Long-term field data from Lake Taihu, a large, shallow eutrophic lake between Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, China, was also used to evaluate the effect of temperature on the model between chl a and total phosphorus (TP). The chl a content of both algae increased with an increase in phosphorus concentration and temperature. Temperatures showed a significantly different effect on chl a content of S. obliquus at a phosphorus concentration of 10 mg l−1, whereas there was no significant difference at the two lower phosphorus levels. For M. aeruginosa, temperatures presented significantly different effects on the chl a contents at three phosphorus concentrations. Chl a content of neither alga presented an interaction between the nutrient and the temperature. Long-term field data from Lake Taihu also indicated that the addition of temperature to the model increased predictability of chl a by TP. The length/diameter and volume of both algae were greater at the lower temperature and phosphorus concentration. Moderate negative correlations were observed between algal size, volume, and chl a content. Our results suggest that phosphorus concentration and temperature could change chl a contents and size in species-specific algal cells and that temperature should be considered when building the model of TP and chl a concentration.  相似文献   

The importance of aquatic vegetation to the ecologi-cal restoration has been recognized commonly bylimnolo-gists and lake managements[1—4].As to the ecologicalrestoration in eutrophicated lakes,it is of great signifi-cance to knowthe dynamic process of the ecosystemevo-lution in a macrophyte-dominated lake under the humanimpacts in historical period,to make it clear whether thecommunitystructure and ecological function would be af-fected bythe extension of the vegetation growth,tofind asolutionto remain ste...  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations, benthic algal biomass, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH were measured in 70 or more streams during spring and summer in the Illinois River Watershed (IRW), which crosses the Oklahoma and Arkansas (USA) border, to determine whether injury to streams occurred and if that injury was related to spreading poultry waste on fields. Definitions of injury were based on Oklahoma water quality regulations and scientific literature. Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations were each independently related to poultry house density (PHD) in watersheds and percent urban land use in watersheds. In addition, phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations were unusually high compared to regions with similar geology and hydrology. Molar N:P ratios were high and indicated that phosphorus was the most likely limiting nutrient. Phosphorus concentrations, as well as PHD and urban land use, were related to algal biomass during spring, but were less related during summer. A threshold response in cover of stream bottoms by nuisance filamentous green algae (NFGA: Cladophora, Rhizoclonium, and Oedogonium) during spring was observed at 27 μg TP l−1 using regression tree analysis. Great increases in average NFGA cover (from 4 to 36% cover) occurred with relatively small increases in TP concentration at the 27 μg TP l−1 threshold. Average concentrations of DO, variability in DO, and pH during spring were positively related to TP, chlorophyll a, and NFGA cover. Minimum DO during spring and early morning DO during summer were negatively related to TP concentration. Spring pH and summer DO frequently violated water quality requirements for protecting biodiversity that were established by the state of Oklahoma. We conclude that poultry house operations as well as urban activities, independently and interactively, pollute IRW streams with phosphorus, which resulted in injury to aesthetic condition and the potential for injury of biodiversity.  相似文献   

1. In the absence of historical water chemistry data, predictive biological indicator groups preserved in lake sediments can be employed to reconstruct the history of lake eutrophication. Diatoms are well established in this role, but to augment diatom‐based inferences of nutrient status we investigate the potential use of chironomid midges (Insecta: Chironomidae). 2. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of modern chironomid assemblages in surface sediments from 44 lakes in the English Midlands and Wales, U.K., shows that five environmental variables (total phosphorus (TP), bottom dissolved oxygen, maximum lake depth, Secchi depth and surface water temperature) make a statistically significant (P < 0.05) contribution to explaining the variance in the chironomid data, of which TP makes the largest contribution (29%). 3. The relationship is used to develop a series of weighted averaging (WA) and partial least squares (PLS), (WA‐PLS) models to infer log10TP. The models are evaluated by leave‐one‐out (jack‐knifing) cross‐validation. The simplest minimal adequate model is provided by WA with unweighted inverse deshrinking of root mean square error of prediction (RMSEPjack=0.34 and r2jack=0.60). 4. Using this model, the trophic history of Betton Pool, Shropshire, U.K., is reconstructed from the mid‐19th century to the present day and the results from the chironomid‐TP model are compared with inferences from a diatom‐TP model ( 13 ). Both reconstructions suggest that there was a gradual rise in TP since 1850 AD until about 1974, followed by a more pronounced and rapid increase that has continued until the present. Inferred TP values from the WA chironomid inference model agree with diatom‐inferred values. 5. The study demonstrates that fossil chironomid assemblages can be used to investigate quantitatively the trophic history of lakes.  相似文献   

1. A weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration model for diatoms and total phosphorus (TP) was developed from a dataset of 45 surface‐sediment samples from Swedish lakes. Jack‐knifed error statistics were comparable with those for similar diatom–TP datasets: r2jack=0.47, root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP)=0.24 log10μg TP L–1 and mean bias=–0.002 log10 μg TP L–1 for the simple WA model; r2jack=0.36, RMSEP=0.27 log10 μg TP L–1 and mean bias=0.017 log10 μg TP L–1 for WA with tolerance downweighting. 2. The model was used to estimate TP concentrations for the Ekoln basin of Lake Mälaren using a 210Pb‐dated sediment core record. Highly eutrophic conditions developed in the basin in the 1960s as a result of nutrient inputs from cultivated land and the city of Uppsala. A reduction in the supply of phosphorus from sewage outlets in the late 1960s resulted in less eutrophic conditions. 3. The model results indicated levels of 50–60 μg TP L–1 prior to 1900. The rapid eutrophication of the lake basin after the 1950s and the subsequent recovery were evident from the diatom data. 4. Diatom‐inferred TP (DI–TP) values were validated by comparison with monitored data for the period 1966–95. The diatom model tended to underestimate TP at high levels (> 80 μg L–1) but overestimate at lower concentrations. 5. A good agreement was observed between the trends in TP concentration and the DI–TP concentration and the timing of the maximum was well reflected by the diatom‐based reconstruction. A significant correlation (r2=0.69, P < 0.01) was found between DI–TP and measured TP at this site.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Mona Lake, a small eutrophic lake located in western Michigan (USA) to address the temporal and spatial variability of external and internal phosphorus loading. External P load varied among subbasins, which was mostly related to discharge, but also to land use. Black Creek, which drains lands with natural cover and agriculture, accounted for the majority of flow, and total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) load, to Mona Lake. However, the relative contribution of SRP load was greater in Little Black Creek, which flows through a mostly urbanized subbasin, than in Black Creek. The relative importance of internal loading was strongly related to season, as internal TP loads contributed only ∼9% of the overall P load in April 2005, but ∼68–82% of the overall P load in the summer and early fall seasons. Internal TP and SRP loading was greater under anaerobic than aerobic conditions. Mean anaerobic TP release rates ranged from 0.80 to 15.56 mg P m−2 d−1, varying with site and season. Spatial variability in both internal phosphorus loading and sediment P concentration was also evident. By taking into account the spatial and temporal variability of different loading sources, management practices can be targeted to optimize nutrient source control strategies.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of planktonic, sediment-associated and epiphytic diatoms among 58 sites in Biscayne Bay, Florida was examined in order to identify diatom taxa indicative of different salinity and water quality conditions, geographic locations and habitat types. Assessments were made in contrasting wet and dry seasons in order to develop robust assessment models for salinity and water quality for this region. We found that diatom assemblages differed between nearshore and offshore locations, especially during the wet season when salinity and nutrient gradients were steepest. In the dry season, habitat structure was primary determinant of diatom assemblage composition. Among a suite of physicochemical variables, water depth and sediment total phosphorus (STP) were most strongly associated with diatom assemblage composition in the dry season, while salinity and water total phosphorus (TP) were more important in the wet season. We used indicator species analysis (ISA) to identify taxa that were most abundant and frequent at nearshore and offshore locations, in planktonic, epiphytic and benthic habitats and in contrasting salinity and water quality regimes. Because surface water concentrations of salts, total phosphorus, nitrogen (TN) and organic carbon (TOC) are partly controlled by water management in this region, diatom-based models were produced to infer these variables in modern and retrospective assessments of management-driven changes. Weighted averaging (WA) and weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regressions produced reliable estimates of salinity, TP, TN and TOC from diatoms (r2 = 0.92, 0.77, 0.77 and 0.71, respectively). Because of their sensitivity to salinity, nutrient and TOC concentrations diatom assemblages should be useful in developing protective nutrient criteria for estuaries and coastal waters of Florida.  相似文献   

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