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中国科学院动物研究所陈大元教授8月24日在北京宣布,世界首例体细胞克隆亚洲黄羊日前在山东顺利降生。这是世界上第一次"用"山羊克降出亚洲黄羊。亚洲黄羊,又叫南江黄羊,是我国畜牧科技人员经过40年精心选育成功、国内惟一通过国家鉴  相似文献   

1964年12月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟西部赛汉塔拉地区,从黄羊(Procapra gutturosa Pall. )体内采到两种寄生性蝇蛆,经鉴定为狂蝇总科的二国内新纪录种。 黄羊咽蝇 Pharyngomyia dzerenae Grunin,1950 咽蝇属(Pharyngomyia)为狂蝇科(Oestridae)中的一个属,该届在我国过去未见记录。黄羊咽蝇首  相似文献   

昔日茫茫草原的消失和无度的猎捕使得内蒙古黄羊满山遍野的景象不得存在,黄羊分布区越来越向北退缩,黄羊越来越难见到。雪上加霜的是,国境线上筑起了铁丝网,进一步阻挡了黄羊的脚步。从祖先那里流传下来的冬季向南、夏季向北的路就这样被隔断了。望着对面的土地,那声声呼唤让黄羊们不顾自身的危险,奋力冲向围栏,想要跨越过去。在它们的眼里,是不存在国境和国界的。可是,铁丝网太高,也太尖了,这样的场面屡屡发生;黄羊们冲过来。又倒下去,一些黄羊被活活挂死在了国境线的铁丝网上。  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原黄羊体况的初步评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对呼伦贝尔草原地区黄羊肾脏重量和肾脏中心脂肪指数的变化进行了研究。初步评价了不同年龄-性别组黄羊以及不同季节黄羊体况的差异。发现:黄羊左肾重量大于右肾,不同年龄-性别组黄羊间肾重存在极显的差异(P<0.01),并且肾重与体重呈显的正相关性(P<0.01);黄羊肾重存在季节性差异,春季肾重大于秋、冬二季;KMFI值在不同的年龄-性别组间也呈明显的差异性(P<0.01),KMFI值亦与体重吴正相关性(P<0.01);不同的季节,黄羊KMFI值差异明显(P<0.01)。黄羊秋季体况最好,而冬末春初则较差。  相似文献   

本文报道了新疆昆仑山黄羊岭—木孜塔格地区下二叠统黄羊岭群的分布、层序划分及对比;首次对黄羊岭群所含?类进行了研究和描述。共描述早三叠世?类15属26种,其中4个新种,1个新亚种,2个未定种。 黄羊岭群下亚群和华南的栖霞组大致可以对比,黄羊岭群上亚群和华南茅口组大致可以对比。黄羊岭群的早二叠世?类,属典型的特提斯海暖水?类,生物地理分区上属特提斯大区的华夏-特提斯区。  相似文献   

黄羊是內蒙古自治区的一項宝貴的动物资源,也为我国主要的毛皮兽之一。它的經济价值极大,皮革能加工成大衣、茄克、皮袄、馬鞍(?)和零星的用具;肉味美而无一般羊肉的羶味,可鲜食和制成肉松及肉干,是草原牧民冬季的主要肉食来源;它的角能制成各种細纤的工艺品。此外,黄羊在全国物资交流大会上还曾經以第三类物资的面貌出現而受到各地人民的欢迎,同时,腿肉和肋肌还更是广銷国外的肉品,所以解放以来,黄羊对提供人民肉食、毛皮的需要方面起着重大的作用。  相似文献   

您知道内蒙古草原上的"一片白云"指的是什么吗?那是美丽的野生黄羊。由于它臀部呈白色,当成百上千只黄羊聚集在一起时,远远望去就像天边的一片白云。黄羊虽然叫羊,但它不是狭义上的羊科动物,而是广义上的羊类动物。它属于羚羊亚科原羚属,中文名蒙古原羚,是国家二级保护野生动物。黄羊的体形纤瘦,跳跃的高度可达2.5米;它也善于奔跑,最高时速可达90千米,所谓"黄羊窜一窜,马跑一身汗",用来形容它奔跑时的速度再恰当不过了。  相似文献   

记得1991年初,记者曾来到气温在零下30度的边境口岸城市满洲里,同新巴尔虎右旗环境保护局达赉湖自然保护区管理处主任那顺进行了交谈。 “请您介绍一下这里的黄羊资源的历史状况。” “我在这里生活工作了30多个春秋。我们旗北界苏联,西邻蒙古,面积2.4万平方公里,人口3.4万。这里水草丰美,克鲁伦河流经西旗,注入呼伦湖,优良的生态环境非常适合黄羊的栖息繁衍。五六十年代,这里黄羊遍野,距满洲里5公里的路上,每天可遇五六批集群黄羊,一群多达数百只。有人说当时乘车黄羊挡道路难行是一点也不过分的。”  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原黄羊冬季食性的研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
高中信  金昆 《兽类学报》1995,15(3):203-208
本文采用粪便显微组织学分析技术,分析了呼伦贝尔草原黄羊与放牧绵羊冬季采食植物的种类组成和比例,探讨了黄羊与放牧家羊冬季对食物资源利用的关系。研究表明,黄羊与放牧家羊冬季采食的植物均以禾本科、豆科等草本植物为主,二者在冬季对食物资源利用的重叠性较大,相似性系数PS=0.789。  相似文献   

目的旨在建立鼻腔宽敞的大型动物变应性鼻炎模型,初步探讨其实用性。方法①南江黄羊4只行鼻部解剖,记录鼻腔解剖学参数。②南江黄羊12只,8只为模型组,15%甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯(TDI)橄榄油溶液滴鼻致敏,4只为对照组,使用橄榄油液。记录建模过程中黄羊症状体征评分,建模完成后测定黄羊鼻腔灌洗液组胺含量并行鼻黏膜组织病理学检查。③将建模成功的黄羊随机分为A组(布地奈德治疗组)和B组(生理盐水对照组),记录治疗前后症状体征评分变化,评价该模型对药物治疗的反应。结果①黄羊鼻腔宽敞,鼻腔解剖结构与人类极其相似。②TDI致敏后,与对照组相比,模型组8只黄羊均出现典型变应性鼻炎症状体征,鼻腔灌洗液中组胺含量明显增高,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01);组织病理学检查见黄羊鼻黏膜下组织水肿,血管扩张,固有层内散在或灶性以嗜酸性粒细胞为主的炎症细胞浸润。③布地奈德治疗组症状体征评分下降,与对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论成功建立大型动物变应性鼻炎模型,不但可用于研究药物疗效,还可用于判定新的物理和手术治疗安全性及有效性。  相似文献   

世界黄羊分布的历史变迁及种群数量变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
世界黄羊分布的历史变迁及种群数量变化金山昆高中信关东明包新康(东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,哈尔滨150040)白力军王克为(内蒙古自治区林业厅,呼和浩特010010)VariationsofDistributionandPopulationQuan...  相似文献   

Three Beauties of the Gobi National Conservation Park was established in south central Mongolia in 1994. We performed a biological assessment of the parks wildlife and other biological/ecological resources from 1995-to assist in conservation management initiatives. Ground and aerial surveys collected data on 130 vertebrate species, several of which are listed as threatened or endangered globally or in Mongolia. We analyzed group structures and estimated population sizes for goitred gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa), ibex (Capra sibirica), and argali (Ovis ammon). We report on 20 species previously not reported in the park, including 17 birds, 2 mammals, and 1 reptile. The park is rich in diversity and abundance of raptors, and we observed 29 species of raptors. Several vertebrates appear to be faring better in the park than in other regions of Mongolia or the world. Under a new protected areas law (1994), the Mongolian Protected Areas Bureau is required to establish management zones within the park. Data from this study should be used to facilitate this process.  相似文献   

The mountain gazelle (Gazella gazelle), Dorcas gazelle (Gazella Dorcas) and acacia gazelle (Gazella arabica acacia) were historically abundant in the southern Levant, and more specifically in Israel. Anthropogenic and natural changes have caused a rapid decline in gazelle populations, raising concerns about their conservation status and future survival. The genetic profile of 111 wild gazelles from Israel was determined based on three regions of mitochondrial DNA (control region, Cytochrome b and 12S ribosomal RNA) and nine nuclear microsatellite markers. Genetic analysis of the mountain gazelle population, the largest known population of this rare species, revealed adequate diversity levels and gene flow between subpopulations. Nevertheless, ongoing habitat degradation and other human effects, such as poaching, suggest the need for drastic measures to prevent species extinction. Dorcas gazelles in Israel displayed inbreeding within subpopulations while still maintaining considerable genetic diversity overall. This stable population, represented by a distinctive genetic profile, is fragmented and isolated from its relatives in neighboring localities. Based on the genetic profile of a newly sampled subpopulation in Israel, we provide an alternative hypothesis for the historic dispersal of Dorcas gazelle, from the Southern Levant to northern Africa. The small acacia gazelle population was closest to gazelles from the Farasan Islands of Saudi Arabia, based on mitochondrial markers. The two populations did not share haplotypes, suggesting that these two populations may be the last remnant wild gazelles of this species worldwide. Only a dozen acacia gazelles survive in Israel, and urgent steps are needed to ensure the survival of this genetically distinctive lineage. The genetic assessments of our study recognize new conservation priorities for each gazelle species in the Southern Levant.  相似文献   

人类活动对普氏原羚分布的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
根据卫星遥感(TM)影像与野外——GPS(全球定位系统)定位的实地考察资料,结合数字化的地形图、植被图与土地利用图、交通图,利用地理信息系统软件——生态信息系统(EIS)建立了地理信息系统模型,采用生境评价方法HEP就人类活动对青海湖地区普氏原羚生境的影响进行了分析。影响普氏原羚生境适合度的因素主要为基质类型、坡度、水源远近、植被类型与人类活动。当不考虑人类活动影响时,普氏原羚活动区的面积为7955km 2,最佳生境为典型草原,其次为灌丛沙地,折合适宜生境面积4664km 2。由于交通、居民点、农业用地等土地利用的影响,普氏原羚仅分布在草地沙地边缘,其适宜分布区迅速减小,生境的适合度等级出现明显变化,最适生境缺损,折合最适生境面积511km 2。只占原来适合生境面积11% 。典型草原围栏与人为放牧影响,普氏原羚实际分布区面积只有350km 2,讨论了普氏原羚的保护对策。  相似文献   

蒙原羚是欧亚大陆温带草原生态系统中的特有物种和数量最多的有蹄类动物。2010年11月—2011年1月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区开展了蒙原羚冬季采食生境选择研究。结果表明:蒙原羚冬季选择利用雪深<6cm,地上生物量>50g.m-2,距围栏1000~2000m,植被高度>20cm,植被盖度>40%,隐蔽条件(可视距离)3000~4000m,到居民点距离>2000m,距家畜>2000m,坡度<20°,中上坡位,针茅(Stipa spp.)和羊草(Aneurolepidium chinnenses)等植被类型的生境采食;生境因子综合影响蒙原羚的冬季采食生境选择,依照贡献值的大小依次为到围栏距离、地上生物量、雪深和隐蔽条件。逐步判别分析表明,由这4个变量构成的判别方程在对蒙原羚采食样方进行区分时,正确判别率为82.1%。因此,建立合理的围栏管理制度、提高可利用食物量等是蒙原羚保护的关键。  相似文献   

The Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata) is a threatened species and distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China (Qinghai Province, Tibet Autonomous Region and the adjacent Gansu Province, Sichuan Province, and Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region). Small peripheral populations of Tibetan gazelle were once found in northern Sikkim and Ladakh, but now these are close to extinction. To describe the evolutionary history and to assess the genetic diversity within this monotypic species and population structure among different geographic locations in China, we sequenced mitochondrial DNA from the control region (CR) and cytochrome (cyt) b gene for 46 individuals from 12 geographic localities in Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, and Sichuan. A total of 25 CR haplotypes and 16 cyt b haplotypes were identified from these gazelle samples. CR haplotype diversity (0.98+/-0.01) and nucleotide diversity (0.08+/-0.009) were both high. Phylogenetic trees indicate that the Tibetan gazelle in China can be divided into three main clades: Tibet, Sichuan (SCH) and Qinghai-Arjin Shan-Kekexili (QH-ARJ-KKXL). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and network analysis consistently support this geographic structure in both datasets. Significant differentiation between populations argues for the presence of management units (MUs). Such differentiation may reflect a geographic separation resulting from the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Mismatch distribution analysis implies that Tibetan gazelle has undergone complex population changes. We suggest that the present population structure has resulted from habitat fragmentation during the recent glacial period on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and population expansion from glacial refugia after the glacial period. It is likely that the present populations of Tibetan gazelle exhibit a pattern reminiscent of several bottlenecks and expansions in the recent past.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of Saudi gazelle (2n = 47 female, 2n = 50/51 male) are presented for the first time. The three karyotypes shown here vary in the numbers of metacentric chromosomes, but the cause of this variation is not yet known. Although Saudi gazelle are often regarded as a subspecies of Dorcas gazelle, the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Saudi gazelle are too different from Dorcas gazelle (2n = 30 female, 2n = 31 male) for them to be considered a subspecies. It is also unlikely that these species would interbreed. In view of the present findings, the taxonomic status of this highly endangered gazelle needs to be resolved as soon as possible.  相似文献   

The dorcas gazelle Gazella dorcas was very common and widespread in Tunisia. Nowadays, only some small isolated populations still survive in the desert areas of the southern part of the country. Factors affecting the distribution of this species in Tunisia have never been investigated despite the importance of such investigations for elaborating long-term conservation plans for the remaining wild populations. Using data on gazelle occurrence and on a set of habitat and human variables collected in south-eastern Tunisia, we aimed to identify the factors affecting gazelle distribution in this area. In particular, we investigated the relevance of habitat versus human factors for gazelle occurrence probability. As predicted, we found that human variables were the most relevant factors shaping the distribution patterns of gazelles in the studied area. Gazelles tended to avoid areas where agricultural development has occurred but did not seem to be disturbed by livestock. Overall, our results suggest that the occurrence probability of dorcas gazelle in southern Tunisia was mainly dependent on human presence and land use, rather than habitat characteristics. The recent intensification of agriculture in the more remote areas of southern Tunisia may thus constitute a serious threat to the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)是我国的特有种,青海湖地区是其唯一的分布区,青海湖国家级自然保护区对普氏原羚的有效保护、社区发展与保护之间矛盾的协调,对于生物多样性保护具有重要意义。了解青海湖国家级自然保护区周边社区对普氏原羚的保护态度、意愿及其影响因素,可以为自然保护区开展生物多样性保护工作,维持当地生态和平发展提供保障。基于问卷调查法对自然保护区周边社区的牧民和居民进行了调查,研究表明:(1)受访者认为草场质量退化(n=92,65.25%)和草场围栏设置(n=80,56.74%)是威胁普氏原羚的主要因素;在以保护普氏原羚和给予生态补偿为前提下,牧民拆除围栏的意愿有所提高(由20.78%分别提高至34.21%和40.79%);(2)管理部门的宣教活动(79.43%)、手机(31.91%)和电视(28.37%)等媒体报道是受访者了解野生动物保护相关政策法规的主要渠道,可以增进受访者对政策法规的了解,积极影响受访者对普氏原羚的认知(P < 0.01)、保护态度(P < 0.01)和保护意愿(P < 0.01);(3)受访者一致认为自然保护区的严格管理与保护(牧民94.81%,居民96.87%)、当地牧民对普氏原羚的包容与保护(牧民97.40%,居民87.50%)是普氏原羚能够在自然保护区周边生存的主要原因;(4)受访者对普氏原羚的保护态度和意愿均较高,且愿意参与宣传教育(92.91%)和社区共管(87.94%)工作;(5)除了受访者的文化程度、年龄、宗教信仰和家庭年收入的影响,对政策法规的了解及拆除围栏认同度是影响受访者对普氏原羚保护态度和意愿的关键因素(P < 0.01)。因此,建议自然保护区以国家公园建设为契机,加强协调保护与发展的科学研究,深入开展宣传教育,增进社区对自然保护区生物多样性的认识,提升社区共管参与度。  相似文献   

生境评价对物种保护具有重要意义。鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)是新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类野生动物自然保护区的代表性物种, 开展其生境适宜性评价可以为该物种的保护和管理提供科学依据。作者基于2005-2019年采用样线法在保护区开展野外调查所获鹅喉羚的分布点数据, 利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型筛选环境变量, 评估鹅喉羚在矿业开发前(2005年)、矿业开发顶峰时(2011年)和矿区生态修复后(2019年) 3个时期的生境质量; 采用质心转移和景观格局指数分析近15年鹅喉羚的生境空间格局变化特征。结果表明模型预测结果准确性较高, 3个时期鹅喉羚的潜在适宜生境面积波动较大, Jackknife检验结果表明在任一时期水源点对鹅喉羚生境选择的影响均最大。矿业开发前鹅喉羚适宜生境分布于保护区中部, 主要特征为面积大、生境斑块集中、破碎化程度低; 矿业开发顶峰时鹅喉羚的适宜生境面积较矿业开发前减少2.39%, 尤其是保护区南部大面积适宜生境丧失, 质心转移和景观格局指数分析结果显示适宜生境向保护区北部转移, 生境斑块离散破碎程度高; 实施矿区生态修复后鹅喉羚的适宜生境面积较矿业开发顶峰时增加了3.50%, 因矿业开发丧失的生境重新成为鹅喉羚的适宜生境。与2005年以前相比, 2019年鹅喉羚生境斑块仍离散化严重, 部分适宜生境因新修建的高速公路和铁路而重新丧失。基于以上研究结果, 我们从保护水源、控制交通建设、修复矿区和加强野生动物通道监测等4个方面对鹅喉羚种群保护管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

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