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The effect of cocultivation of eukaryotic HeLa cells and Mycoplasma hominis mycoplasma on the resistance of the latter to fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin) was examined. It was shown that cocultivation of the M. homonisand HeLa cells during 24 h with subsequent addition of ciprofloxacin resulted in an increase of the micoplasma resistance to this antimicrobial agent. In the M. hominis cells cultivated in the presence of HeLa cells and the increasing concentration of ciprofloxacin mutations in the parC gene were observed only at low concentrations of the antimicrobial agent, while mutations in the gyrA gene were never detected. A gradual elevation of ciprofloxacin concentration up to 10 g/ml resulted in the reversion of the parC mutations in mycoplasmas. Mycoplasma cells resistant to high flouroquinolone concentrations and isolated after cocultivation with the HeLa cells were characterized by the wild-type genotype in respect of the gyrA and parC genes. It was shown that infection of HeLa cells resulted in the appearance of genome rearrangements in M. hominis cells.  相似文献   

The role of transport activity of Acholeplasma laidlawii plasmatic membrane in the development of resistance to ciprofloxacin was investigated. It was shown that ethidium bromide used as fluoroquinolone analogue in plasmatic membrane efflux pump was accumulated in ciprofloxacin-resistant cells in much less amount. It was estimated that ethidium bromide efflux depended on temperature, glucose and transmembrane electro-chemical proton potential. Inhibitors of efflux systems--reserpine and verapamil enhanced the ethidium bromide accumulation much more intensively in ciprofloxacin resistant cells. The results of investigation allowed to consider the existence of active efflux system for toxic agents in acholeplasma; in the case of ciprofloxacin-resistant strain these systems are inducible.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene encoding lysyl-tRNA synthetase ( lysS ) in Mycoplasma hominis was cloned and sequenced. The gene was found to have an open reading frame of 1466 bp encoding a polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 57 kDa. The amino acid sequence showed 44.3% and 43.7% identity to the Escherichia coli lysyl-tRNA synthetases, encoded by lysS and lysU . Only one lysyl-tRNA synthetase encoding gene was found in M. hominis . The G+C content of the gene was found to be 28.6%, which is significantly lower than in other prokaryotes. The gene was located 4 kb upstream of the M. hominis PG21 rRNA B operon.  相似文献   

目的 分析抚顺地区泌尿生殖道解脲支原体和人型支原体感染情况及药敏情况。方法 采用支原体培养、鉴定、药敏一体化试剂盒对710名患者进行解脲支原体(Uu)和人型支原体(Mh)检测和其对9种抗菌药物的药敏试验。结果 710名患者中共检出支原体感染者200名,阳性率为28.17%。其中Uu 140名(19.71%),Mh 12名(1.69%),Uu+Mh混合感染48名(6.76%)。药敏结果表明,支原体对强力霉素、美满霉素和克拉霉素敏感率高,分别为95.71%,98.57%和91.42%。结论 抚顺地区支原体感染发病率较高,以单纯Uu感染为主,美满霉素是治疗支原体感染的首选药物。  相似文献   

The set of the laboratory strain M. hominis H-34 mutants resistant to fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin-Cfl, lomefloxacin-Lfl, ofloxacin-Ofl) was obtained by selection in broth medium. The mutation was found in the quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of A subunit of topoisomerase IV gene (parC) and new mutations were found in QRDR of genes encoding the A subunit of DNA gyrase (gyrA) in M. hominis mutants resistant to various concentrations of the Cfl, Lfl and Ofl. After multistep selection of the obtained mutants at constant concentrations of Cfl additional mutation Ser83 to Trp was revealed. No mutations in parE and gyrB were found. Mutations in parC for laboratory strain M. hominis H34 appeared at lower antibiotic concentrations than in gyrA. All mutations in gyr A were associated with mutations in parC. This confirms the previous data that topoisomerase IV is the primary target of Cfl and Ofl and suggests that it is the primary target of Lfl. Some M. hominis mutants selected at Ofl without any substitution in QRDRs were shown to be insensitive to Cfl and of Lfl. Studies of cross-resistance of the selected M. hominis mutants showed that their resistance to various fluoroquinolone concentrations could not depend on any mutations in QRDR of topoisomerase IV and DNA gyrase genes and suggests involvement of other unknown molecular mechanisms specific for Mycoplasmas.  相似文献   

The localization of FtsZ protein in M. hominis cells was studied by immunoelectron microscopy with polyclonal antibodies to this protein. Cell polymorphism typical for mycoplasmas was seen on electron microscopic pictures. Among the diversity of cell shapes, we distinguished dumbbell-shaped dividing cells and cells connected with each other by membrane tubules (former constrictions). The label was predominantly observed in the constriction area of dividing M. hominis cells and on thin membrane tubules. A septum and the gold labeling of this structure have not been described before in mycoplasma cells. For the first time, in some rounded and oval cells, colloidal gold particles labeled the entire plasma membrane, probably marking a submembranous contractile ring (Z ring). These observations confirm the implication of FtsZ protein in M. hominis cytokinesis. In some cells, the spiral-like distribution of gold particles was observed. Most likely, FtsZ protofilaments in M. hominis cells form spiral structures similar to Z spirals in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Their presence in mycoplasma cells may be considered to be an important argument in favor of Z ring assembly through the reorganization of Z spirals. FtsZ as a bacterial cytoskeleton protein binding with membrane directly or through intermediates may be engaged in maintenance of M. hominis cell shape.  相似文献   

Background: Fluoroquinolone resistance in nontyphoidal Salmonella is a situation of serious and international concern, particularly in S. Typhimurium DT104B multiresistant strains. Although known to be multifactorial, fluoroquinolone resistance is still far from a complete understanding.

Methods: Subproteome changes between an experimentally selected fluoroquinolone-resistant strain (Se6-M) and its parent strain (Se6), and also in Se6-M under ciprofloxacin (CIP) stress, were evaluated in order to give new insights into the mechanisms involved. Proteomes were compared at the intracellular and membrane levels by a 2-DE~LC-MS/MS and a shotgun LC-MS/MS approach, respectively.

Results: In total, 35 differentially abundant proteins were identified when comparing Se6 with Se6-M (25 more abundant in Se6 and 10 more abundant in Se6-M) and 82 were identified between Se6-M and Se6-M+CIP (51 more abundant in Se6-M and 31 more abundant under ciprofloxacin stress).

Conclusion: Several proteins with known and possible roles in quinolone resistance were identified which provide important information about mechanism-related differential protein expression, supporting the current knowledge and also leading to new testable hypotheses on the mechanism of action of fluoroquinolone drugs.  相似文献   

We recently reported that most Trichomonas vaginalis isolates cultured in vitro are infected by Mycoplasma hominis. In this work, we have characterized some aspects of the relationships between the two microorganisms. PCR, cultivation, and immunological methods revealed that the number of M. hominis organisms carried by T. vaginalis in culture varied from isolate to isolate, suggesting a specific multiplicity of infection. Moreover, infected T. vaginalis isolates were able to pass bacteria not only to M. hominis-free protozoa, but also to human-derived epithelial cells. The in vitro transmission of the bacterium from T. vaginalis to both uninfected parasite isolates and human epithelial cells suggests a role for T. vaginalis as a carrier of the M. hominis infection in vivo.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma contaminants of animal and human cell cultures were rapidly detected and identified by an indirect immunofluorescent technique. Cells suspected of being contaminated by mycoplasmas were grown as monolayers on chamber slides in a culture medium selected to promote mycoplasmal growth. Before fixation by acetone, the monolayers were subjected to a hypotonic treatment to cause swelling of the mycoplasmas. Detection and identification were then performed by indirect immunofluorescence using rabbit antisera to various mycoplasma species. The correlation between results obtained by the standard isolation procedure and those obtained by this method was very close.  相似文献   

Size and structure of the Mycoplasma hominis H39 chromosome   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

Improved methods for studying the growth of Mycoplasma hominis (ATCC 14027) have been developed, involving modified growth conditions and preparation of the organisms under minimally distorting conditions. Cells so prepared from batch cultures show relatively uniform exponential growth and appear to be dividing by binary fission; but pleomorphic forms appear upon further incubation. Similar behavior was demonstrated by another laboratory-adapted strain and by three clinical isolates, and therefore seems characteristic of the species. The pleomorphic populations contain small forms having diameters within the 100- to 250-nm size range reported for "elementary bodies." Such forms were isolated from this strain of M. hominis by sequential filtration using gravity alone, after cell aggregates were dispersed by Pronase treatment. Of the small bodies which traversed membranes of 220-nm pore size, a negligible number grew in liquid or on solid media, suggesting that these were not essential reproductive units in a life cycle, but involution forms due to growth in an altered environment.  相似文献   

Of the 130 clinical isolates of Mycoplasma hominis from patients with nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (UGT), approximately 10% contained the tet(M) gene after the course of treatment with tetracyclines. This gene was found in nine (25%) of the 36 Ureaplasma urealyticum clinical isolates. The nucleotide sequence of 13 tet(M) genes in TcR clinical isolates of M. hominis and five genes in U. urealyticum TcR clinical isolates was determined. A comparison of nucleotide sequences of eight tetM genes of different origin and tet(M) genes of Gardnerella vaginalis and M. hominis and U. urealyticum clinical isolates showed that the mosaic structure of the tet(M) gene is completely identical in 11 of 13 M. hominis TcR isolates but belongs to an unidentified allele different from those described earlier, Another new allelic variant of tet(M) was found in two isolates. In three of five TcR clinical isolates of U. urealyticum, a tet(M) gene, whose mosaic structure was identical to that of tet(M) reported previously for ureaplasmas, and also two new allelic variants, which have not been described so far, were found.  相似文献   

Of the 130 clinical isolates of Mycoplasma hominisfrom patients with nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (UGT), approximately 10% contained the tet(M) gene after the course of treatment with tetracyclines. This gene was found in nine (25%) of the 36 Ureaplasma urealyticum clinical isolates. The nucleotide sequence of 13 tet(M) genes in TcR clinical isolates ofM. hominis and five genes in U. urealyticum TcR clinical isolates was determined. A comparison of nucleotide sequences of eight tetM genes of different origin and tet(M) genes ofGardnerella vaginalis and M. hominis and U. urealyticumclinical isolates showed that the mosaic structure of thetet(M) gene is completely identical in 11 of 13 M. hominis TcRisolates but belongs to an unidentified allele different from those described earlier. Another new allelic variant oftet(M) was found in two isolates. In three of five TcR clinical isolates of U. urealyticum, a tet(M) gene, whose mosaic structure was identical to that of tet(M) reported previously for ureaplasmas, and also two new allelic variants, which have not been described so far, were found.  相似文献   

Role of arginine deiminase in growth of Mycoplasma hominis.   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Arginine has been considered as the major energy source of nonglycolytic arginine-utilizing mycoplasmata. When three strains of Mycoplasma arginini, and one strain each of Mycoplasma arthritidis, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma gallinarum, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma hominis were grown in the medium with high arginine concentration (34 mM) compared with low arginine (4 mM), both the protein content of the organisms and the specific activity of arginine deiminase increased. M. fermentans, the one arginine-utilizing species included in the survey which is also glycolytic, showed an increase in protein content but no increase in specific activity of the enzyme. The glycolytic non-arginine-utilizing M. gallisepticum did not show an increase in either parameter. The Km for arginine deiminase from crude cell extracts was 1.66 X 10(-4)M. The enzyme demonstrated a hyperbolic activation curve subject to substrate inhibition and was not affected by the presence of L-histidine. When mycoplasmic protein and arginine deiminase were determined for M. hominis under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, aerobically grown cells exhibited no detectable enzymatic increases until late in log phase. Higher levels of arginine deiminase were observed earlier in the anaerobic growth cycle. The rate of 14CO2 evolution from [guanido-14C]arginine was not altered in arginine-supplemented cells compared with cells grown in low arginine. In addition, CO2 production did not parallel increased arginine deiminase activity. These observations argue that arginine is used only as an alternate energy source in these organisms.  相似文献   

The Mycoplasma hominis vaa gene encodes a highly variable surface antigen involved in adhesion to host cells. We studied 15 clinical isolates of Mycoplasma hominis with three types of the vaa gene. These vaa versions determine various forms of Vaa protein, which are characterized by different quantity and structure of homologous replaceable cassettes. Each cassette contains heptad repeats and sites for adherence. The differences on single nucleotides were observed in the primary sequences of the homologous modules of the vaa gene. A high frequency of nucleotide replacements in V module of the vaa gene (first and/or second position in codon) was determined. This region with various clusters of direct and indirect repeats of nucleotide sequences is incorporated into the area of the vaa gene. Amino-acid sequences corresponding to the hyper-variable region of the vaa gene are associated with the sections of coiled-coils and loops of Vaa. These bacterial regions involved in interaction with the host cell membranes could yield useful indications for more insights into the mechanism of mycoplasma persistence in humans.  相似文献   

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