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The present study was undertaken to set up an experimental system in which barriers to infection of a non-host plant related to the presence of the cell wall, at the level of recognition and/or the necessity of penetrating the cell wall, might be bypassed. Co-cultures betweenFrankia alni subsp.pommerii (strain ACN1 AG ) andBetula papyrifera protoplasts were established. Betula protoplasts remained viable after 2 weeks with no substantial cell wall regeneration. Suppression of the wall barrier was not sufficient to allowFrankia infection under the conditions tested. The non-infectivity ofFrankia on Betula protoplasts may also reflect difficulties inherent to thein vitro environment, which might not permit duplication of infection mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have used cDNA clones as probes on Southern blots to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms among sevenCeratopteris thalictroides accessions, threeC. richardii accessions, and one putative interspecific hybrid. We found that the stringency of post-hybridization washes was a critical parameter affecting the quality of our blots; even with homologous cDNA sequences low stringency conditions resulted in a smear of signal, but high stringency washes gave blots with distinct bands. Most probes showed hybridization with four or more genomic fragments. Similarities in the number and size of fragments between and within species indicated that (i)C. richardii shows limited polymorphism among accessions tested, (ii)C. thalictroides is highly polymorphic, and (iii) Hawaiian accessions ofC. thalictroides are divergent relative to their continental cohorts and among themselves. The putative interspecific hybrid did not group closely with either of these species.  相似文献   

Studies on the in vitro propagation of Alnus crispa, A. glutinosa, A. incana, A. japonica, A. rubra, A. sinuata and A. viridis indicated interspecific as well as intraspecific variations in their requirements for in vitro culture. The WPM and Blaydes media supported, respectively, growth of A. glutinosa and A. crispa but not that of both species, while the MS medium induced equal or significantly better growth than WPM and Blaydes media for both species. The optimum type and concentration of sugar to be used in the multiplication medium varied with species. Only A. glutinosa showed good growth on sucrose while glucose was optimum for all other species but at different concentrations. All species rooted in 3 weeks on half-strength MS medium including 1 M IBA. All clones of A. glutinosa and A. rubra rooted 100%, whereas easy-to-root and difficult-to-root clones were observed in the other species. In the rooting medium, glucose promoted rooting of the difficult-to-root clones better than sucrose. Survival following transfer to an artificial substrate was 100% for all species. Nodulation tests using pure cultures of two Frankia strains showed 100% nodulation on all Alnus clones.  相似文献   

A series of chloroplast and nuclear probes were used to examine restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) and three of its closest relatives. The four species fell into two pairs, withA. chinensis andA. deliciosa closely related but some distance away from the other two species,A. latifolia andA. eriantha. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the diploid species,A. chinensis, is a precursor ofA. deliciosa, which is hexaploid.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the phytohemagglutinin (PHA) locus were determined among 21 genotypes ofPhaseolus vulgaris, P. coccineus, P. acutifolius, P. lunatus, and threeVigna species, using five restriction enzymes and one double digestion, in order to provide molecular evidence for their genetic relatedness. The dissimilarity between genotypes was estimated from binary RFLP data. The dissimilarity was high among species (from 0.75 to 0.95), and of variable extent among genotypes of the same species (0.33–0.89). InP. vulgaris, two different DNA hybridization patterns were found, giving further evidence for two major gene pools in that species. The restriction patterns ofP. vulgaris var.aborigineus, the putative ancestral form ofP. vulgaris, exhibit clear homology toP. vulgaris genotypes. An undefined landrace from Taiwan could be identified as aP. vulgaris genotype. RFLP-based trees for the phytohemagglutinin genes of the species studied were computed with several distance matrix and parsimony methods.  相似文献   

为了解四川风铃草属植物的资源丰富度和遗传进化情况,该研究利用ISSR分子标记,探究了四川7种风铃草属植物的亲缘关系,为风铃草属植物的分子标记辅助鉴定、资源保护、花卉品种的开发与育种提供理论基础。结果表明:40条ISSR引物中有28条引物能够扩增出清晰的条带,扩增总条带数为164,其中有98.8%的扩增条带具有多态性,供试的7种风铃草属植物遗传相似性系数在0.421~0.945之间,其中钻裂风铃草与藏滇风铃草的遗传相似度最高为0.945,说明它们之间的亲缘关系很近。此外,ISSR分子标记聚类结果表明,7种风铃草属植物可以明显聚为4大类:西南风铃草、灰毛风铃草、灰岩风铃草为一类;紫斑风铃草与流石风铃草各成一类,这两种在形态上与其它各种风铃草差异较大;最后是钻裂风铃草与藏滇风铃草为一类。  相似文献   

Nodule samples from 90A. nepalensis individuals were collected at five sites in the Hengduan Mountains. PCR-RFLP analysis of IGS betweennifD andnifK genes was directly applied to unculturedFrankia strains in the nodules. Sizes of thenifD-nifK IGS amplicons and genetic distance between the RFLP patterns from these samples were noticeably different, indicating significant genetic variation in theFrankia population. There were some nodule samples, which produced more than one PCR fragment, and compound RFLP patterns, indicating thatFrankia strains with different PCR-RFLP patterns coexisted in the same host plant under natural conditions. Among the 29 restriction patterns obtained, 5 patterns were found in more than one population and occurred in the majority of samples, while each of the other 24 patterns were represented by only one or two samples and were endemic to a particular population. From the calculatedGst and UPGMA cluster analysis, genetic diversity ofFrankia strains was inferred to be related to climate and glaciation history in the Hengduan Mountains.  相似文献   

The genusWolffia was surveyed electrophoretically at 14 allozyme loci. A total of 133 clones representing 10 of the 11 recognized species was examined. Genetic identities among most pairs of species are zero, with non-zero values ranging from 0.14 to 0.40.Wolffia angusta and the newly describedW. neglecta show the highest similarity, and the former species has an identity of 0.14 withW. australiana. The next highest similarity (0.34) occurs betweenW. globosa of Southeast Asia andW. cylindracea of southern Africa, which until recently, had generally been viewed as members of the same species. Other species showing some common alleles are members of a complex involvingW. arrhiza, W. columbiana, W. cylindracea, andW. globosa. WithinW. arrhiza, plants from South Africa and Europe are easily distinguished electrophoretically because each contains unique alleles at two loci. Strains from other parts of Africa vary at these loci and are not totally distinct from either the plants from South Africa or from Europe. Species ofWolffia are much more divergent at allozyme loci than the majority of congeners of flowering plants. This suggests that the species are quite old and that the difficulties in distinguishing taxa morphologically are the result of reduction rather than lack of divergence due to recent speciation. Because of the lack of shared alleles between the majority of species pairs inWolffia, enzyme electrophoresis provides limited resolution of species relationships in the genus.  相似文献   

Forty-six accessions of grapevine (V. vinifera L.) were compared by restriction fragment length polmorphism (RFLP) analysis, and 111 informative or unique restriction fragments were found that revealed an important level of polymorphism. RFLP patterns were compared in two ways: by calculating electrophoretic similarity degree values further analyzed by principal component analysis and by studying the distribution of rare restriction fragments. Six taxonomic groups could be defined, which partially confirmed relationships derived from ampelographical data. Our data support the existence of ecogeographical groups.  相似文献   

The bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) and the northern red-backed vole (C. rutilus) are two closely related species where interspecific crosses result in fertile female but sterile male offspring. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fromC. rutilus has passed the species barrier and is found inC. glareolus from northern Fennoscandia. The present report shows that the genetic distance between the two species, calculated from enzyme data (Nei'sD), is 0.64. Isoelectric focusing of muscle proteins resolved around 55 bands, of which each species had 6 or 7 bands not present in the other species. Sequence divergence of mtDNA from the two species is 13.9%. A comparison between protein and mtDNA distances in other species pairs reveals a high correlation between the two measures, indicating that differences in mtDNA between taxa are not random when compared to divergence in protein-coding nuclear genes. The relationship between genetic divergence in proteins and that in mtDNA betweenClethrionomys glareolus andC. rutilus is similar to that found in other species pairs. It is also shown that despite large differences on the protein level it is still, in some cases, possible for species pairs to produce fertile hybrid females.This study was sponsored by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation, and the Nilsson-Ehle Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from threePhaseolus species were examined to estimate their relative genome sizes and to determine the level of interspecific variability and relatedness. Three restriction endonucleases that produced relatively simple profiles were identified and used to determine the genome size of the three species. Taking into account fragment stoichiometries, the average estimates across enzymes were 456, 324, and 400 kb, respectively, forP. vulgaris, P. coccineus, andP. acutifolius. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) differentiated the species when the mtDNAs were digested with seven endonucleases and hybridized with five cosmid clones covering ca. 200 kb of mtDNA sequences. Proportions of shared restriction fragments between every two species were computed as F-values and demonstrated thatP. vulgaris andP. coccineus are more related to each other than either is toP. acutifolius, and that the latter has a similar degree of relationship to the other two species.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were studied in fourteen accessions of CCDD genome allotetraploid wild rice species (Oryza latifolia, O. alta and O. grandiglumis). Fourteen nuclear RFLP markers previously mapped in AA genome-cultivated rice were used as probes. A phylogenetic tree, constructed by parsimony analysis based on RFLPs, grouped the accessions according to their geographic origin from Central or South America. Oryza alta, O. grandiglumis and one accession of O. latifolia grouped together as a subgroup, and our results suggested that the three taxa should be considered as populations of a single complex species. Duplicate loci, representing the two constituent genomes of the allotetraploid, were observed for most RFLP markers. By comparing RFLPs from the allotetraploids with those from a CC genome diploid wild species (O. officinalis), it was possible to detect RFLPs specific for both the CC and DD genomes of the allotetraploid. In inter-accession F2 populations, independent segregation of RFLP markers for CC and DD genomes was observed.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) were assessed among accessions within six peanut species of the Arachis section: tetraploid cultivated species, A. hypogaea; tetraploid wild species, A. monticola; and four diploid wild species, A. batizocoi,A. cardenasii, A. duranensis and A. glandulifera. While the two tetraploid species did not show polymorphism with 16 PstI-generated random genomic probes, two of seven seed cDNA probes detected polymorphisms. The RFLP variation detected by two seed cDNA probes appeared to be related to structural changes occurring within tetraploid species. The botanical var. fastigiata (Valencia market type) of A. hypogaea subspecies fastigiata was shown to be the most variable. Arachis monticola was found to be more closely related to A. hypogaea subspecies hypogaea than to subspecies fastigiata. Diploid species A. cardenasii, A. duranensis, and A. glandulifera showed considerable intraspecific genetic diversity, but A. batizocoi showed little polymorphism. The genetic distance between the cultivated peanut and wild diploid species was found to be closest for A. duranensis.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. R-01493  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the copy number of 21 genes in an allotetraploid and several diploid species of cotton by gel and dot blot hybridization with cloned cDNAs. The legumin A, legumin B, and all 18 unique Lea (late embryogenesis-abundant) cDNA sequences isolated from the AD allotetraploid Gossypium hirsutum are present in one copy in A, D, E, and F diploid species and in two copies in G. hirsutum. Gel blot analysis of DNAs digested with EcoRI or BamHI usually detects different sized fragments in A and D diploids. Conservation of these restriction fragment length polymorphisms in G. hirsutum allows most of these fragments to be assigned to their respective subgenomes. Furthermore, both subgenomes in G. hirsutum can be distinguished from those in the interfertile allotetraploid G. barbadense. These results show that physical mapping of both sets of chromosomes in an allotetraploid should be possible by segregation analysis.  相似文献   

Summary A 2.1-kb SStI fragment including the rp49 gene and the 3 end of the -serendipity gene has been cloned and sequenced in Drosophila pseudoobscura. rp49 maps at region 62 on the tip of chromosome II of this species. Both the coding and flanking regions have been aligned and compared with those of D. subobscura. There is no evidence for heterogeneity in the rate of silent substitution between the rp49 coding region and the rate of substitutions in flanking regions, the overall silent divergence per site being 0.19. Noncoding regions also differ between both species by different insertions/deletions, some of which are related to repeated sequences. The rp49 region of D. pseudoobscura shows a strong codon bias similar to those of D. subobscura and D. melanogaster. Comparison of the rates of silent (K S ) and nonsilent (K a ) substitutions of the rp49 gene and other genes completely sequenced in D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster confirms previous results indicating that rp49 is evolving slowly both at silent and nonsilent sites. According to the data for the rp49 region, D. pseudoobscura and D. subobscura lineages would have diverged some 9 Myr ago, if one assumes a divergence time of 30 Myr for the melanogaster and obscura groups.Offprint requests to: C. Segarra  相似文献   

Micropropagation of the Mediterranean species Viburnum tinus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In vitro propagation of the Mediterranean species Viburnum tinus L. was established from an outdoor-grown shrub. Two standard macrosalt formulations (Margara N30K and Murashige and Skoog), a range of benzyladenine and sucrose concentrations were tested for their effect on shoot multiplication. The cytokinin concentration was the most important factor affecting shoot multiplication. The highest shoot multiplication rate was obtained from single-node explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 4.4 M benzyladenine. Cytokinin concentration and an interaction of macrosalts and benzyladenine influenced shoot length on the multiplication stage: best shoot growth was observed on MS medium containing 1.1 M benzyladenine. In addition, sucrose concentrations of 87.6–146.0 mM gave the highest multiplication rates and improved shoot growth. Following a shoot ellongation stage, single shoots were rooted on media containing naphtaleneacetic acid (1.3–5.4 M). Although enhanced in vitro rooting was obtained on media containing 5.4 M naphtaleneacetic acid, reducing the auxin concentration to 1.3 M during the in vitro rooting stage improved acclimatisation frequency and further plant growth in a horticultural substrate.  相似文献   

Two alder species,Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. andAlnus incana (L) Moench, were inoculated with a Sp+ Frankia homogenate obtained fromA. incana root nodules. This inoculum formed effective nodules on the original host plant and ineffective nodules onA. glutinosa. Grafts between the two alder species were made to determine which part of the plant is involved in this phenomenon. The results obtained indicate that the compatibility between Alnus andFrankia is restricted to the root system.  相似文献   

D. Prat 《Plant and Soil》1989,113(1):31-38
In greenhouse experiments plants of eightAlnus species, from various parts of the world, and from different taxonomic sections, were inoculated with threeFrankia strains in order to show any possible interaction. Mixtures in equal parts of theseFrankia strains were also tried. The growth of inoculated plants was significantly higher than of the controls, with one of the three strains being superior. Mixtures of strains generally provided higher growth than the best individual strain. No interaction betweenFrankia strains andAlnus species was detected in the young plants 60 days after inoculation. Three clones ofAlnus glutinosa were inoculated with the same pure cultures ofFrankia, without producing any interaction. Inoculation time was studied in one clone and one progeny ofAlnus glutinosa. The best results were obtained with the earlier inoculation (at sowing for the progeny and at transfer to soil for thein vitro-propagated clone). The results are discussed in terms of nursery practice and field experiments for selection in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Homosporous ferns are generally considered polyploid due to high chromosome numbers, but genetically diploid since the expression of isozymes is generally controlled by a single locus. Gene silencing over evolutionary time is one means by which this apparent contradiction can be explained. A prediction of this hypothesis is that silenced gene sequences still reside in the genomes of homosporous ferns. We examined the genomes ofCeratopteris richardii andC. thalictroides for sequences which are similar to expressed gene sequences. Genomic DNA blots hybridized withC. richardii cDNA clones showed that the majority of these clones detected multiple fragments, suggesting that most gene-like sequences are duplicated inCeratopteris. Hybridization signal intensity often varied between fragments of the same size between accessions, sometimes dramatically, which indicates that not all sequences are equivalent, and may represent the products of silenced genes. Observed reciprocal differences in intensity could be due to reciprocally silenced genes. In addition, an unusual segregation pattern for one locus followed by one probe may indicate homeologous chromosome pairing and segregation.  相似文献   

Thelazia gulosa, Thelazia rhodesi and Thelazia skrjabini are nematodes transmitted by some species of Musca (Diptera: Muscidae) which cause ocular infestations in bovines. Differences in the rDNA of these species were determined by a PCR using different sets of relatively conserved oligonucleotide primers. PCR on the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) revealed differences in size in Thelazia species (437 bp for T. gulosa, 370 bp for T. rhodesi and 506 bp for T. skrjabini) while the DNA control of Musca spp. was not amplified. The ITS-1 amplicons of the three species were sequenced and then analysed. The GC contents ranged from 26 to 36% and the level of differences in the nucleotide sequences of ITS-1 was lower between T. skrjabini and T. gulosa (39%) than the latter and T. rhodesi (49–56%). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of ITS-1 amplicons was also carried out and the restriction profiles compared. Clear genetic differences among the three Thelazia examined were demonstrated by using the enzymes HpaII, CpoI and SspI. This PCR–RFLP for the delineation of T. gulosa, T. rhodesi and T. skrjabini offers prospects as a molecular epidemiological tool to study parasite transmission patterns and prevalence.  相似文献   

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