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In tallgrass prairie, plant species interactions regulated by their associated mycorrhizal fungi may be important forces that influence species coexistence and community structure; however, the mechanisms and magnitude of these interactions remain unknown. The objective of this study was to determine how interspecific competition, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and their interactions influence plant community structure. We conducted a factorial experiment, which incorporated manipulations of abundance of dominant competitors, Andropogon gerardii and Sorghastrum nutans, and suppression of mycorrhizal symbiosis using the fungicide benomyl under two fire regimes (annual and 4-year burn intervals). Removal of the two dominant C4 grass species altered the community structure, increased plant species richness, diversity, and evenness, and increased abundance of subdominant graminoid and forb species. Suppression of mycorrhizal fungi resulted in smaller shifts in community structure, although plant species richness and diversity increased. Responses of individual plant species were associated with their degree of mycorrhizal responsiveness: highly mycorrhizal responsive species decreased in abundance and less mycorrhizal responsive species increased in abundance. The combination of dominant-grass removal and mycorrhizal suppression treatments interacted to increase synergistically the abundance of several species, indicating that both processes influence species interactions and community organization in tallgrass prairie. These results provide evidence that mycorrhizal fungi affect plant communities indirectly by influencing the pattern and strength of plant competitive interactions. Burning strongly influenced the outcome of these interactions, which suggests that plant species diversity in tallgrass prairie is influenced by a complex array of interacting processes, including both competition and mycorrhizal symbiosis. Received: 7 April 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are ubiquitous and ecologically important in many grasslands. Differences in species responses to mycorrhizal colonization can have a significant influence on plant community structure. The growth responses of 36 species of warm- and cool-season tallgrass prairie grasses and 59 tallgrass prairie forbs to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization were assessed in greenhouse studies to examine the extent of interspecific variation in host-plant benefit from the symbiosis and patterns of mycorrhizal dependence among host plant life history (e.g., annual, perennial) and taxonomic (e.g., grass, forb, legume, nonlegume) groups and phenological guilds. There was a strong and significant relationship between phenology of prairie grasses and mycorrhizal responsiveness, however this relationship was less apparent in forbs. Perennial warm-season C(4) grasses and forbs generally benefited significantly from the mycorrhizal symbiosis, whereas biomass production of the cool-season C(3) grasses was not affected. The root systems of the cool-season grasses were also less highly colonized by the AM fungi, as compared to the warm-season grasses or forbs. Unlike the native perennials, annuals were generally not responsive to mycorrhizal colonization and were lower in percentage root colonization than the perennial species. Plant growth responsiveness and AM root colonization were positively correlated for the nonleguminous species, with this relationship being strongest for the cool-season grasses. In contrast, root colonization of prairie legumes showed a significant, but negative, relationship to mycorrhizal growth responsiveness.  相似文献   

Complex relationships occur among plants, mycorrhizal fungi, and herbivores. By altering plant nutrient status, mycorrhizas may alter herbivory or plant tolerance to herbivory via compensatory regrowth. We examined these interactions by assessing grasshopper preference and plant growth and fungal colonization responses to herbivory under mycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal conditions within tallgrass prairie microcosms. Mycorrhizal symbiosis increased plant regrowth following defoliation, and some strongly mycotrophic plant species showed overcompensation in response to herbivory when they were mycorrhizal. Although grasshoppers spent more time on mycorrhizal plants, herbivory intensity did not differ between mycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal plants. Aboveground herbivory by grasshoppers significantly increased mycorrhizal fungal colonization of plant roots. Thus mycorrhizas may greatly benefit plants subjected to herbivory by stimulating compensatory growth, and herbivores, in turn, may increase the development of the symbiosis. Our results also indicate strong interspecific differences among tallgrass prairie plant species in their responses to the interaction of aboveground herbivores and mycorrhizal symbionts.  相似文献   

Summary A factorial field experiment was designed to test the effects of small mammals and above- and below-ground invertebrates on plant species richness and composition in native tallgrass prairie at Konza Prairie Research Natural Area, northeast Kansas. Over a 4-year period, Microtus ochrogaster densities were maintained by live-trapping in fenced plots, and invertebrate levels were reduced using the pesticides carbaryl for above-ground invertebrates and an organophosphate (isofenphos) for belowground invertebrates. ANOVA according to a split-plot design of plant species biomass data harvested in 1984 and 1986 revealed few significant effects of either small mammal densities or pesticide application. Of 54 species harvested from both sample dates, only 10 were significantly affected by either treatment. Analysis of species richness according to 8 life-form classes provided a clearer pattern of response than did biomass either by species or life-form class. For example, numbers of C4 grasses were reduced by increasing small mammal densities, whereas numbers of C4 annual forbs were lowest when above-ground herbivory was reduced. While consumers have been shown to have strong effects on successional communities, the few significant results observed in this study suggests that the manipulated levels of small mammals and insects had few effects on a mature tallgrass prairie.Deceased May, 1986  相似文献   

Questions: Most modern fire‐prone landscapes have experienced disruptions of their historic fire regimes. Are the primary tallgrass prairies of the Flint Hills reflective of a history of continuous fire occurrence? Did fire frequency, severity, size and seasonality change in connection with changes in land use? Has fire occurrence been related to drought conditions? Location: Edges of Cross Timbers forest stands at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve (TGPP) in the Flint Hills of Osage County, Oklahoma, USA. Methods: Cross‐sections of 76 Quercus stellata were collected from Cross Timbers stands at or near the grassland edge in the TGPP. Dendrochronological methods were used to identify years of formation for tree rings and fire scars. Superposed epoch analysis was used to evaluate the effect of drought conditions on fire occurrence. Results: Fires were recorded in 46.6% of the years between 1729 and 2005. In 41 cross‐sections at one site, the mean fire interval between 1759 and 2003 was 2.59 years, with fire interval decreasing from a mean fire interval of 3.76 years in the early part of the record to 2.13 years in modern times. No extended periods without fire were recorded in the study area. Drought conditions had no significant effect on fire occurrence. Conclusions: In contrast with many fire‐prone landscapes worldwide, the prairies of the Flint Hills have experienced no recent fire suppression or exclusion. Changes in fire frequency mark transitions in land use, primarily from being traditionally used by Native Americans to being managed for cattle production.  相似文献   

In grasslands, fire management and fertilization are established drivers of plant community change, but associated soil fungal responses are less well defined. We predicted that soil fungal communities would change seasonally, that decades of fire cessation and nitrogen (N) fertilization would alter fungal distributions, and that plant and fungal community change would be correlated. Surface soils were sampled monthly for 1 y from a 30-y fire by fertilization experiment to evaluate fungal community dynamics and assess correlation with plant community heterogeneity. ITS gene community composition was seasonally stable, excepting increased arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal summer abundance in the burned, fertilized treatment. Long-term treatments affected soil fungal and plant communities, with correlated heterogeneity patterns. Despite woody encroachment in the fire cessation treatment, soil fungal communities did not resemble those of forests. This study provides evidence supporting the strength of feedbacks between fungal and plant community change in response to long-term grassland fire and N management changes.  相似文献   

Annually burned tallgrass prairie is purported to be a nitrogen-limited system, especially when compared to unburned prairie. To test the hypothesis that legumes, potential nitrogen-fixers, would increase in relative abundance in annually burned sites, we assessed their density and biomass for two seasons on upland and lowland soils in annually burned and unburned watersheds. Total legume density was significantly higher in burned (8.0 ± 1.0 [SE] stems/m2) than in unburned watersheds (3.0 ± 0.3 stems/m2). Species with higher (P < 0.05) densities in burned than in unburned prairie included Amorpha canescens, Dalea candida, Dalea purpurea, Lespedeza violacea, Psoralea tenuiflora, and Schrankia nuttallii. Desmodium illinoense was the only legume that responded negatively to annual fire. Total legume biomass did not differ between burned (11.3 ± 1.3 g/m2) and unburned prairie (10.5 ± 0.9 g/m2). Biomass productions of Dalea candida and Psoralea tenuiflora were higher (P < 0.05) in burned than in unburned sites, but biomasses of other legumes were similar between burn treatments. Average individual stem masses of Amorpha canescens and Baptisia bracteata were significantly greater in unburned than in burned prairie. Legumes were affected differentially by topographic location. Total legume density was higher (P < 0.05) on lowland soils (6.6 ± 1.0 stems/m2) than on upland soils (4.3 ± 0.5 stems/m2). However, total legume biomass was not different between lowland soils (12.0 ± 1.2 g/m2) and upland soils (9.9 ± 1.0 g/m2). Densities and biomasses of Amorpha canescens, Desmodium illinoense, and Lespedeza capitata were higher on lowland sites than on upland sites, whereas densities and biomasses of Baptisia bracteata and Dalea purpurea were higher on upland than on lowland soils. Most legume species are either fire tolerant or exhibit a positive response to fire and their persistence in annually burned prairie suggests that they may play an important role in the nitrogen budget of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Tallgrass prairie vegetation, persisting as numerous small relics scattered across central North America, exhibits a complex pattern of community structure and composition. We sampled vegetation from 11 prairie preserves in Iowa and eastern Nebraska spanning three physiographic regions and a wide variety of upland habitats. Numerical classification and partitioned ordination revealed a complex pattern of both local and geographical variation in the vegetation. The primary coenocline is a complex topographic-moisture gradient. Secondary factors influencing the vegetation include subsoil permeability, chorological differences, and local peculiarities of stand history and dynamics. Local patterns of interaction between the primary and secondary environmental factors vary among Quaternary landscapes resulting in regional vegetation complexity.Nomenclature follows Gleason (1952) except for the grasses which follow Pohl (1966).Supported by the National Science Foundation (No. GU 2795 and GU 3373), The Nature Conservancy, and the Iowa State Advisory Board for Preserves. We thank T. L. Roberts, S. Taylor, and S. Lundquist for help with field work, and R. K. Peet, A. T. Harrison, and J. K. White for advice, comments, and criticisms.  相似文献   

Baer SG  Blair JM  Collins SL  Knapp AK 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):617-629
Availability and heterogeneity of resources have a strong influence on plant community structure in undisturbed systems, as well as those recovering from disturbance. Less is known about the role of resource availability and heterogeneity in restored communities, although restoration provides a valuable opportunity to test our understanding of factors that influence plant community assembly. We altered soil nitrogen (N) availability and soil depth during a prairie restoration to determine if the availability and/or heterogeneity of soil resources influenced plant community composition in restored grassland communities. Plant community responses to three levels of N availability (ambient, enriched by fertilization, and reduced by carbon amendment) and two levels of soil depth (deep and shallow) were evaluated. In addition, we evaluated plant community responses to four whole plot heterogeneity treatments created from the six possible combinations of soil N availability and soil depth. The soil depth treatment had little influence on community structure during the first 3 years of restoration. Total diversity and richness declined over time under annual N enrichment, whereas diversity was maintained and richness increased over time in soil with reduced N availability. Non-native species establishment was lowest in reduced-N soil in the initial year, but their presence was negligible in all of the soil N treatments by the second year of restoration. Panicum virgatum, a native perennial C4 grass, was the dominant species in all soil N treatments by year three, but the magnitude of its dominance was lowest in the reduced-N soil and highest in enriched-N soil. Consequently, the relative cover of P. virgatum was strongly correlated with community dominance and inversely related to diversity. The differential growth response of P. virgatum to soil N availability led to a higher degree of community similarity to native prairie in the reduced-N treatment than in the enriched-N treatment. There were no differences in plant community structure among the four whole plot-level heterogeneity treatments, which all exhibited the same degree of similarity to native prairie. Diversity and community heterogeneity in the whole-plot treatments appeared to be regulated by the dominant species effect on light availability, rather than soil N heterogeneity per se. Our results indicate that a strong differential response of a dominant species to resource availability in a restored community can regulate community structure, diversity, and similarity to the native (or target) community, but the importance of resource heterogeneity in restoring diversity may be dampened in systems where a dominant species can successfully establish across a range of resource availability.  相似文献   

Global surface temperature is predicted to increase by 1.4–5.8°C by the end of this century. However, the impacts of this projected warming on soil C balance and the C budget of terrestrial ecosystems are not clear. One major source of uncertainty stems from warming effects on soil microbes, which exert a dominant influence on the net C balance of terrestrial ecosystems by controlling organic matter decomposition and plant nutrient availability. We, therefore, conducted an experiment in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem at the Great Plain Apiaries (near Norman, OK) to study soil microbial responses to temperature elevation of about 2°C through artificial heating in clipped and unclipped field plots. While warming did not induce significant changes in net N mineralization, soil microbial biomass and respiration rate, it tended to reduce extractable inorganic N during the second and third warming years, likely through increasing plant uptake. In addition, microbial substrate utilization patterns and the profiles of microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) showed that warming caused a shift in the soil microbial community structure in unclipped subplots, leading to the relative dominance of fungi as evidenced by the increased ratio of fungal to bacterial PLFAs. However, no warming effect on soil microbial community structure was found in clipped subplots where a similar scale of temperature increase occurred. Clipping also significantly reduced soil microbial biomass and respiration rate in both warmed and unwarmed plots. These results indicated that warming‐led enhancement of plant growth rather than the temperature increase itself may primarily regulate soil microbial response. Our observations show that warming may increase the relative contribution of fungi to the soil microbial community, suggesting that shifts in the microbial community structure may constitute a major mechanism underlying warming acclimatization of soil respiration.  相似文献   

Interplant nutrient transfer may be an important ecological process in grasslands, and may significantly influence plant neighborhood interactions. We investigated the potential for phosphorus transfer between the dominant grass Andropogon gerardii and several neighboring plant species in tallgrass prairie via a field 32PO4 labelling experiment. The mean amount of 32P received from donor shoots differed significantly among neighboring species and decreased with increasing distance from the donor. In general, forbs and cool-season C3 grasses received more labelled 32P than warm-season C4 grasses. Phosphorus transfer occurred over distances up to 0.5 m. The effects of species and distance on movement of phosphorus changed with increasing time after labelling. The relative mass of receiver and donor shoots did not affect amounts of 32P transfer. A benomyl fungicide treatment, applied to suppress mycorrhizal activity, likely did not affect existing vegetative hyphae and did not affect the amount of 32P transferred. These studies demonstrate that: (1) phosphorus is transferred among neighboring species in tallgrass prairie plant communities, (2) phosphorus may be transferred over significantly greater distances than reported in other grasslands, and (3) there is differential transfer among co-occurring species. Hypothesized mechanisms accounting for these patterns in tallgrass prairie include mycorrhizal hyphal interconnections and/or extensive and differential root and rhizosphere overlap among neighboring species.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AMs) are a unique example of symbiosis between two eukaryotes, soil fungi and plants. This association induces important physiological changes in each partner that lead to reciprocal benefits, mainly in nutrient supply. The symbiosis results from modifications in plant and fungal cell organization caused by specific changes in gene expression. Recently, much effort has gone into studying these gene expression patterns to identify a wider spectrum of genes involved. We aim in this review to describe AM symbiosis in terms of current knowledge on plant and fungal gene expression profiles.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Nutrient uptake in mycorrhizal symbiosis   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44  
The role of mycorrhizal fungi in acquisition of mineral nutrients by host plants is examined for three groups of mycorrhizas. These are; the ectomycorrhizas (ECM), the ericoid mycorrhizas (EM), and the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM). Mycorrhizal infection may affect the mineral nutrition of the host plant directly by enhancing plant growth through nutrient acquisition by the fungus, or indirectly by modifying transpiration rates and the composition of rhizosphere microflora. A capacity for the external hyphae to take up and deliver nutrients to the plant has been demonstrated for the following nutrients and mycorrhizas; P (VAM, EM, ECM), NH4 + (VAM, EM, ECM), NO3 - (ECM), K (VAM, ECM), Ca (VAM, EM), SO4 2- (VAM), Cu (VAM), Zn (VAM) and Fe (EM). In experimental chambers, the external hyphae of VAM can deliver up to 80% of plant P, 25% of plant N, 10% of plant K, 25% of plant Zn and 60% of plant Cu. Knowledge of the role of mycorrhiza in the uptake of nutrients other than P and N is limited because definitive studies are few, especially for the ECM. Although further quantification is required, it is feasible that the external hyphae may provide a significant delivery system for N, K, Cu and Zn in addition to P in many soils. Proposals that ECM and VAM fungi contribute substantially to the Mg, B and Fe nutrition of the host plant have not been substantiated. ECM and EM fungi produce ectoenzymes which provide host plants with the potential to access organic N and P forms that are normally unavailable to VAM fungi or to non mycorrhizal roots. The relative contribution of these nutrient sources requires quantification in the field. Further basic research, including the quantification of nutrient uptake and transport by fungal hyphae in soil and regulation at the fungal-plant interface, is essential to support the selection and utilization of mycorrhizal fungi on a commercial scale.  相似文献   

Climate variability is a major structuring factor in grassland ecosystems, yet there is great uncertainty in how changes in precipitation affect grazing herbivores. We determined how interannual variation in the timing and magnitude of precipitation affected the weight gain of free-roaming bison in their first and second year. Bison weights were analyzed for 14 years for Konza Prairie, Kansas, and 12 years for Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma. Greater late-summer precipitation increased bison weight gain. For every 100 mm precipitation, weight gain increased 6.4–15.3 kg depending on age classes and site. In contrast, greater midsummer precipitation decreased weight gain. For every additional 100 mm precipitation, weight decreased 9.7–17.3 kg depending on age class and site. The decreased weight gain of bison with greater midsummer precipitation was associated with increased grass stem production during the period for each of three dominant grasses at Konza Prairie. Although greater stem production increases the quantity of aboveground biomass, it should decrease the overall nutritional quality of biomass to grazers, which would reduce weight gain. With offsetting effects of mid- and late-summer precipitation on weight gain, these results show that predicting the effects of climate change on grazers must incorporate both the timing and magnitude of changes in precipitation and their effects on both the quantity and quality of biomass.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   No other group of North American birds has declined as precipitously and over so large an area as has the grassland assemblage. In the Flint Hills of Kansas, the largest extant region of tallgrass prairie, annual spring burning of rangeland has largely replaced traditional regimes and natural patterns with longer intervals between burns. I examined effects of burning and low-intensity cattle grazing on abundances of seven bird species at Konza Prairie Research Natural Area in June 2002 and 2003. Every species was affected by fire, with Upland Sandpipers ( Bartramia longicauda ) more abundant, and six species—Grasshopper Sparrow ( Ammodramus savannarum ), Henslow's Sparrow ( A. henslowii ), Dickcissel ( Spiza americana ), Eastern Meadowlark ( Sturnella magna ), Brown-headed Cowbird ( Molothrus ater ), and Bell's Vireo ( Vireo bellii )—either less abundant or absent at sites in the breeding season following a fire. These results demonstrate that annual burning limits the potential of much of the Flint Hills prairie to harbor high breeding densities of many grassland birds. On the other hand, I found a trade-off between immediate and longer-term effects of burning for several grass-dependent species. Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow's Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks, although more numerous in areas that were not burned the preceding spring, were less abundant at sites burned every 4 yrs than those burned at shorter intervals. In contrast, shrub-dependent Bell's Vireos were more abundant at sites burned every 4 yrs. Upland Sandpipers, Grasshopper Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks were more abundant in grazed areas. Use of alternatives to annual burning could increase habitat heterogeneity by transforming the Flint Hills into a mosaic of regularly, but asynchronously, burned pastures that would better meet the diverse habitat needs of the region's grassland birds.  相似文献   

A three season study was conducted to determine the effect of added composted yard waste, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and fertilizer on plant cover, standing crop biomass, species composition, AM fungal infectivity and spore density in coarse taconite iron ore tailing plots seeded with a mixture of native prairie grasses. Plant cover and biomass, percent seeded species, mycorrhizal infectivity and spore density were greatly increased by additions of composted yard waste. After three seasons, total plant cover was also greater in plots with added fertilizer. Third season plant cover was also greater in plots amended with the higher rate (44.8 Mg ha–1) of compost than the moderate rate (22.4 Mg ha-1). Field inoculation with AM fungi also increased plant cover during the second season and infectivity during the first two seasons. Seeded native species, consisting mostly of the cover species Elymus canadensis, dominated plot vegetation during the second and third seasons. Dispersal of AM fungal propagules into nonmycorrhizal plots occurred rapidly and increased infectivity in compost-amended plots during the third season. In plots with less than 10% plant cover, AM fungal infectivity of inoculated plots was greatly reduced after the second season. The high level of plant cover and the trend of increasing proportion of mycorrhizal-dependent warm-season grasses, along with increases in infectivity, forecast the establishment of a sustainable native grass community that will meet reclamation goals.  相似文献   

Two abundant tallgrass prairie forb species, Ambrosia psilostachya and Vernonia baldwinii, are commonly found intact in patches where the grasses have been selectively grazed by bison. Microclimatic patterns and physiological responses of these forbs were measured in grazed and ungrazed patches. These experiments demonstrated that bison herbivory indirectly enhanced water availability and productivity of forbs growing in grazed patches. This was due primarily to the reduction in transpiring grass leaf area in grazed patches and an increase in light availability. In grazed patches, incident light at forb mid-canopy height was 53% greater than ungrazed sites at midseason and soil temperatures were always warmer (e.g., 10°C at 5 cm), perhaps enabling forbs to initiate growth earlier in the spring. Enhanced leaf xylem pressure potential and stomatal conductance in plants in grazed areas were most evident when water availability was low (i.e., late in the growing season and over short-term dry periods characteristic of the tallgrass prairie environment). Relative to individuals in ungrazed areas, end-of-season biomass of A. psilostachya was 40% greater and reproductive biomass and head number of V. baldwinii was 45% and 40% greater, respectively, in plants in grazed patches. A favorable growing environment maintained in grazed patches during periods of water limitation enhances carbon gain in forbs leading to increased biomass and potential fitness.  相似文献   

Controls of nitrogen limitation in tallgrass prairie   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The relationship between fire frequency and N limitation to foliage production in tallgrass prairie was studied with a series of fire and N addition experiments. Results indicated that fire history affected the magnitude of the vegetation response to fire and to N additions. Sites not burned for over 15 years averaged only a 9% increase in foliage biomass in response to N enrichment. In contrast, foliage production increased an average of 68% in response to N additions on annually burned sites, while infrequently burned sites, burned in the year of the study, averaged a 45% increase. These findings are consistent with reports indicating that reduced plant growth on unburned prairie is due to shading and lower soil temperatures, while foliage production on frequently burned areas is constrained by N availability. Infrequent burning of unfertilized prairie therefore results in a maximum production response in the year of burning relative to either annually burned or long-term unburned sites.Foliage biomass of tallgrass prairie is dominated by C4 grasses; however, forb species exhibited stronger production responses to nitrogen additions than did the grasses. After four years of annual N additions, forb biomass exceeded that of grass biomass on unburned plots, and grasses exhibited a negative response to fertilizer, probably due to competition from the forbs. The dominant C4 grasses may out-compete forbs under frequent fire conditions not only because they are better adapted to direct effects of burning, but because they can grow better under low available N regimes created by frequent fire.  相似文献   

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