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It is a tenet of ecological theory that two competing consumers cannot stably coexist on a single limiting resource in a homogeneous environment. Many mechanisms and processes have since been evoked and studied, empirically and theoretically, to explain species coexistence and the observed biological diversity. Facilitative interactions clearly have the potential to enhance coexistence. Yet, even though mutual facilitation between species of the same guild is widely documented empirically, the subject has received very little theoretical attention. Here, we study one form of intraguild mutualism in the simplest possibly community module of one resource and two consumers. We incorporate mutualism as enhanced consumption in the presence of the other consumers. We find that intraguild mutualism can (a) significantly enhance coexistence of consumers, (b) induce cyclic dynamics, and (c) give rise to a bi-stability (a ‘joint’ Allee effect) and potentially catastrophic collapse of both consumer species.  相似文献   

Juveniles of the Australian common imperial blue butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras, produce substrate-borne vibrational signals in the form of two kinds of pupal calls and three larval calls. Pupae stridulate in the presence of conspecific larvae, when attended by an ant guard, and as a reaction against perturbation. Using pupal pairs in which one member was experimentally muted, pupal calls were shown to be important in ant attraction and the maintenance of an ant guard. A pupa may use calls to regulate levels of its attendant ants and to signal its potential value in these mutualistic interactions. Therefore substrate-borne vibrations play a significant role in the communication between J. evagoras and its attendant ants and pupal calls appear to be more than just signals acting as a predator deterrent. Similarly, caterpillars make more sound when attended by Iridomyrmex anceps, suggesting that larval calls may be important in mediating ant symbioses. One larval call has the same mean dominant frequency, pulse rate, bandwidth and pulse length as the primary signal of a pupa, suggesting a similarity in function. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In lowland Amazonian rainforests, specific ants collect seeds of several plant species and cultivate them in arboreal carton nests, forming species-specific symbioses called ant-gardens (AGs). In this obligate mutualism, ants depend on the plants for nest stability and the plants depend on ant nests for substrate and nutrients. AG ants and plants are abundant, dominant members of lowland Amazonian ecosystems, but the cues ants use to recognize the seeds are poorly understood. To address the chemical basis of the ant-seed interaction, we surveyed seed chemistry in nine AG species and eight non-AG congeners. We detected seven phenolic and terpenoid volatiles common to seeds of all or most of the AG species, but a blend of the shared compounds was not attractive to the AG ant Camponotus femoratus. We also analyzed seeds of three AG species (Anthurium gracile, Codonanthe uleana, and Peperomia macrostachya) using behavior-guided fractionation. At least one chromatographic fraction of each seed extract elicited retrieval behavior in C. femoratus, but the active fractions of the three plant species differed in polarity and chemical composition, indicating that shared compounds alone did not explain seed-carrying behavior. We suggest that the various AG seed species must elicit seed-carrying with different chemical cues.  相似文献   

Two important questions about mutualisms are how the fitness costs and benefits to the mutualist partners are determined and how these mechanisms affect the evolutionary dynamics of the mutualism. We tackle these questions with a model of the legume-rhizobium symbiosis that regards the mutualism outcome as a result of biochemical negotiations between the plant and its nodules. We explore the fitness consequences of this mechanism to the plant and rhizobia and obtain four main results. First, negotiations permit the plant to differentially reward more-cooperative rhizobia--a phenomenon termed "plant sanctions"--but only when more-cooperative rhizobia also provide the plant with good outside options during negotiations with other nodules. Second, negotiations may result in seemingly paradoxical cases where the plant is worse off when it has a "choice" between two strains of rhizobia than when infected by either strain alone. Third, even when sanctions are effective, they are by themselves not sufficient to maintain cooperative rhizobia in a population: less cooperative strains always have an advantage at the population level. Finally, partner fidelity feedback, together with genetic correlations between a rhizobium strain's cooperativeness and the outside options it provides, can maintain cooperative rhizobia. Our results show how joint control over the outcome of a mutualism through the proximate mechanism of negotiation can affect the evolutionary dynamics of interspecific cooperation.  相似文献   

Effects of a belowground mutualism on an aboveground mutualism   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Studies of multitrophic interactions between below‐ and aboveground communities have generally focused on soil organisms and antagonists of plant shoots and leaves (herbivores). Despite the widespread occurrence of plant mutualists below‐ and aboveground which can occur on the same host plant, the potential for interactions between them has not been considered. Here we demonstrate that aboveground plant mutualists, insect pollinators, are strongly influenced by belowground plant mutualists, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of Chamerion angustifolium increased pollinator visitation and per cent seed set of this plant in the field by up to two times compared with non‐mycorrhizal plants. We propose that interactions between belowground and aboveground mutualisms are widespread and may play important functional roles in populations and communities.  相似文献   

Long-distance migration presents complex conservation challenges, and migratory species often experience shortfalls in conservation due to the difficulty of identifying important locations and resources throughout the annual cycle. In order to prioritize habitats for conservation of migratory wildlife, it is necessary to understand how habitat needs change throughout the annual cycle, as well as to identify key habitat sites and features that concentrate large numbers of individuals and species. Among long-distance migrants, sea ducks have particularly complex migratory patterns, which often include distinct post-breeding molt sites as well as breeding, staging and wintering locations. Using a large set of individual tracking data (n = 476 individuals) from five species of sea ducks in eastern North America, we evaluated multi-species habitat suitability and partitioning across the breeding, post-breeding migration and molt, wintering and pre-breeding migration seasons. During breeding, species generally occupied distinct habitat areas, with the highest levels of multi-species overlap occurring in the Barrenlands west of Hudson Bay. Species generally preferred flatter areas closer to lakes with lower maximum temperatures relative to average conditions, but varied in distance to shore, elevation and precipitation. During non-breeding, species overlapped extensively during winter but diverged during migration. All species preferred shallow-water, nearshore habitats with high productivity, but varied in their relationships to salinity, temperature and bottom slope. Sea ducks selected most strongly for preferred habitats during post-breeding migration, with high partitioning among species; however, both selection and partitioning were weaker during pre-breeding migration. The addition of tidal current velocity, aquatic vegetation presence and bottom substrate improved non-breeding habitat models where available. Our results highlight the utility of multi-species, annual-cycle habitat assessments in identifying key habitat features and periods of vulnerability in order to optimize conservation strategies for migratory wildlife.  相似文献   

Numerical models have suggested that the dynamics within mutualisms are not important for the maintenance of diversity. In this study it is demonstrated that the dynamics within mutualism can contribute to the maintenance of diversity within its participants, using a general model of frequency dependence between two mutualistically interacting guilds. Specifically, it is demonstrated that while mutualisms may exhibit positive feedback in density, there may be a negative feedback within a mutualism as a result of the change in composition within the interacting guild. Such a negative feedback results from an asymmetry in the delivery of benefit between participants of the mutualism that generates a negative interguild frequency dependence. This dynamic contributes to the maintenance of diversity within the interacting guilds. Conditions are identified for the maintenance of diversity and the maximization of benefit from mutualism within the context of the model. The utility of these conditions for testing hypotheses using data from the mutualistic interaction between plants and mycorrhizal fungi is then demonstrated.  相似文献   

Myrmecochorous plant seeds have nutrient rich appendages, elaiosomes, which induce some ant species to carry the seeds back to their nest where the elaiosome is consumed and the seed is discarded unharmed. The benefits to plants of dispersal of their seeds in this way have been well documented, but the benefits to the ants from consuming the elaiosomes have rarely been measured and are less clear. Ant benefits from myrmecochory were investigated in a laboratory experiment using the ant Myrmica ruginodis and seeds of Ulex species. To separate the effects of elaiosome consumption on the development of newly produced larvae versus existing larvae, ten ‘Queenright’ colonies containing a queen were compared to ten ‘Queenless’ colonies. Six measures of colony fitness over a complete annual cycle were taken: sexual production, larval weight and number, pupal weight and number, and worker survival. Queenless colonies fed with elaiosomes produced 100.0±29.3 (mean ± SE) of larvae compared to non-elaiosome fed colonies which produced 49.6±19.0; an increase of 102%. Larval weight increased in both Queenright and Queenless colonies. In colonies fed with elaiosomes, larvae weighed 1.02±0.1 mg, but in non-elaiosome fed colonies larvae weighed 0.69±0.1 mg; an increase of 48%. The food supplement provided by Ulex elaiosomes was trivial in energetic terms, under the conditions of an ample diet, suggesting that these effects might be due to the presence of essential nutrients. Chemical analysis of Ulex elaiosomes showed the presence of four essential fatty acids and four essential sterols for ants.  相似文献   

The cost of mutualism in a fly-fungus interaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The movement ability of individuals has become increasingly important to a variety of ecological questions. In this study, I investigate how plant structure and changes in body size through development affect the movement ability of a predaceous stinkbug, Podisus maculiventris, on three species of goldenrod (Solidago spp.) representing a wide range of surface complexities. I adapt existing techniques for quantifying movement in two dimensions to the study of movement on natural plant structures in three dimensions. These experiments indicate that plant structure and insect size are significant factors affecting the movement ability of P. maculiventris. Changes in movement ability due to factors of ontogeny and different habitat structures suggest that the scale of an individual’s ambit or ecological sphere of influence may vary within its lifespan. Considering the influence of ontogeny and habitat structure on movement ability may be useful to investigations of population dynamics, foraging behavior, and pest management. Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 23 March 2000  相似文献   

The floral heads (infructescences) of South African Protea L. represent a most unusual niche for fungi of the economically important genus Ophiostoma Syd. and P. Syd. emend. Z.W. de Beer et al. Current consensus holds that most members of Ophiostoma are vectored by tree-infesting bark beetles. However, it has recently been suggested that mites, phoretic on these bark beetles, may play a central role in the dispersal of Ophiostoma. No bark beetles are known from Protea. Therefore, identifying the vectors of Ophiostoma in Protea infructescences would independently evaluate the role of various arthropods in the dispersal of Ophiostoma. Infructescence-colonizing arthropods were tested for the presence of Ophiostoma DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and for reproductive propagules by isolation on agar plates. PCR tests revealed that few insects carried Ophiostoma DNA. In contrast, various mites (Proctolaelaps vandenbergi Ryke, two species of Tarsonemus Canestrini and Fonzago, and one Trichouropoda Berlese species) frequently carried Ophiostoma propagules. DNA sequence comparisons for 28S ribosomal DNA confirmed the presence of O. splendens G. J. Marais and M. J. Wingf., O. palmiculminatum Roets et al., and O. phasma Roets et al. on these mites. Two apparently undescribed species of Ophiostoma were also identified. Light and scanning electron microscopy revealed specialized structures in Trichouropoda and one Tarsonemus sp. that frequently contained Ophiostoma spores. The Trichouropoda sp. was able to complete its life cycle on a diet consisting solely of its identified phoretic Ophiostoma spp. This study provides compelling evidence that mites are the primary vectors of infructescence-associated Ophiostoma spp. in South Africa.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of Feracol?, a possum control paste bait containing 0.8% cholecalciferol, as a rodenticide has been assessed in cage and field trials. Caged rats were provided with toxic bait in choice and no-choice tests. Feracol? was readily eaten when presented as the sole food source or with other food, and was effective at killing rats in both situations. Wild-caught and laboratory rats (n =?35), comprising both ship (Rattus rattus) and Norway rats (R.?norvegicus), were presented with 30 g of Feracol? alone or with an equivalent toxic bait over 48 h. Thirty-four rats died in an average of 4.0 days. Having established that the paste, originally designed for possum control, is also an effective rodenticide for rat control, field trials were initiated with the paste delivered in the field in Philproof? and Striker? bait stations. Monitoring of rat numbers before and after application of toxic bait was undertaken at three trial sites, Lions Hut, Mangaone and Pakoakoa, in Te Urewera National Park in the North Island of New?Zealand. Rat population density was assessed using tracking tunnels. Philproof? bait stations containing 200 g of Feracol? were placed 50 m apart on grids at Lions Hut and monitoring was undertaken at one location per hectare using tracking tunnels. At Mangaone and Pakoakoa, two Striker? bait stations containing 18 g of Feracol? were sited at 25-m intervals on lines 150 m apart, and monitoring was undertaken with five lines of 10 tunnels at 50-m intervals. At Lions Hut, rat tracking decreased from 78% to 3% of tunnels tracked; at Mangaone the reduction was 51% to 0%; and at Pakoakoa from 36% to 0%. These trials demonstrate that Feracol? is effective at reducing both moderate and high concentrations of ship rats in the Philproof? and Striker? bait station delivery systems.  相似文献   

Multi-species models consider interactions, particularly predation, between and within species. Traditional harvest management strategies, such as maximum sustainable yield do not account for these interactions. The exploitation of a single species can be maximised, but this does not mean that the entire ecosystem is being harvested sustainably or at its economic maximum. I present a computational technique (evolutionary algorithms) that can simultaneously optimise harvest management strategies of many species and can easily be modified to allow for factors such as stock recovery, sustainable yields or maximum levels of economic sustainable exploitation. I demonstrate that in an ecologically sustainably managed system where a stock is recovering, maximum economic yield is identical to the maximisation of yield by mass. These findings may have important implications for long term conservation aims and long term profits by fishers.  相似文献   

Visual category learning by humans is observed within a paradigm of supervised learning. Mental representations for recognition are reconstructed from the observed data structures by fitting to them predicted classification data obtained from similarity-based models of recognition on the one hand and machine vision systems for image understanding on the other hand. These principles are illustrated with examples concerning the dynamics and the dependence on context of processes of category learning.  相似文献   

Juvenile Atlantic salmon or parr ( Salmo salar L.) maintain station at certain locations in flowing stream water. This position choice is assumed to involve the maximization of energy intake, based upon food availability which is usually directly related to water flow rate. Conversely energy expenditure, including station holding behaviour, foraging and defending preferred sites, is inversely related to water flow rate. Adaptations of parr to life in fast flows implies that station holding is energetically inexpensive at water speeds up to the maximum sustained holding speed, which is fish specific, thus the most important energetic consideration for parr is the ability to maximize food intake. Ten groups of three parr were each observed for 60 min within an artificial stream tank over a heterogeneous substratum. Individual position choice and behaviour were recorded continuously. For each location chosen by the parr the potential upstream line‐of‐sight (LOS), defined as the maximum distance upstream that the water surface would be visible, was calculated. At those sites where foraging behaviour was observed, the mean upstream potential LOS was significantly greater than at sites where other behaviours were observed and at 400 randomly generated sites within the tank. When foraging, parr usually take food from the stream drift and there is a significant time expenditure on food location, identification and catching. Results presented here would seem to confirm that to maximize time available to make these decisions, a fish would be expected to maximize the distance over which it can observe potential food particles.  相似文献   

The coevolution of interacting species can lead to codependent mutualists. Little is known about the effect of selection on partners within verses apart from the association. Here, we determined the effect of selection on bacteria (Xenorhabdus nematophila) both within and apart from its mutualistic partner (a nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae). In nature, the two species cooperatively infect and kill arthropods. We passaged the bacteria either together with (M+), or isolated from (M?), nematodes under two different selection regimes: random selection (S?) and selection for increased virulence against arthropod hosts (S+). We found that the isolated bacteria evolved greater virulence under selection for greater virulence (M?S+) than under random selection (M?S?). In addition, the response to selection in the isolated bacteria (M?S+) caused a breakdown of the mutualism following reintroduction to the nematode. Finally, selection for greater virulence did not alter the evolutionary trajectories of bacteria passaged within the mutualism (M+S+ = M+S?), indicating that selection for the maintenance of the mutualism was stronger than selection for increased virulence. The results show that selection on isolated mutualists can rapidly breakdown beneficial interactions between species, but that selection within a mutualism can supersede external selection, potentially generating codependence over time.  相似文献   

Mutualism-network studies assume that all interacting species are mutualistic partners and consider that all links are of one kind. However, the influence of different types of links, such as cheating links, on network organization remains unexplored. We studied two flower-visitation networks (Malpighiaceae and Bignoniaceae and their flower visitors), and divide the types of link into cheaters (i.e. robbers and thieves of flower rewards) and effective pollinators. We investigated if there were topological differences among networks with and without cheaters, especially with respect to nestedness and modularity. The Malpighiaceae network was nested, but not modular, and it was dominated by pollinators and had much fewer cheater species than Bignoniaceae network (28% versus 75%). The Bignoniaceae network was mainly a plant–cheater network, being modular because of the presence of pollen robbers and showing no nestedness. In the Malpighiaceae network, removal of cheaters had no major consequences for topology. In contrast, removal of cheaters broke down the modularity of the Bignoniaceae network. As cheaters are ubiquitous in all mutualisms, the results presented here show that they have a strong impact upon network topology.  相似文献   

Quarantine in a multi-species epidemic model with spatial dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motivation is provided for the development of infectious disease models that incorporate the movement of individuals over a range of spatial scales. A general model is formulated for a disease that can be transmitted between different species and multiple patches, and the behavior of the system is investigated in the case in which the spatial component consists of a ring of patches. The influence of various parameters on the spatial and temporal spread of the disease is studied numerically, with particular focus on the role of quarantine in the form of travel restriction.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(18):3925-3938.e6
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