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The effect of endogenous and exogenous secretin on fasting plasma insulin and glucose concentrations in peripheral venous blood was studied. In 10 non-diabetic subjects intragastric instillation of 300 ml 0.1 mol/l hydrochloric acid increased the plasma secretin concentration significantly. This increment did not influence insulin or glucose concentration. Control experiments with intragastric instillation of 300 ml of isotonic saline did not influence the plasma concentration of secretin, insulin or glucose. In four other non-diabetic persons no significant changes were found in plasma insulin or glucose concentration during an i.v. infusion of pure natural porcine secretin in doses of 0.1, 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 clinical units/kg/h. The results suggest that secretin is without effect on insulin secretion in the fasting normal subject.  相似文献   

The effect of highly purified gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) on immunoreactive insulin (IRI) secretion in the conscious fasted dog was investigated. Significant increases in IRI release were observed with intravenous administration of three different doses of GIP. These were accompanied by depression in fasting serum-glucose levels. Preliminary studies were undertaken to determine whether this insulinotropic action of GIP could be attributed to a particular segment of the GIP molecule. GIP fragments produced by cleavage with cyanogen bromide and trypsin showed no significant stimulation of IRI release. The possibility that GIP might itself enhance glucose uptake or potentiate insulin-induced glucose uptake was studied with the rat hemidiaphragm preparation. No such effect was observed. In the light of this and other recent work, it is concluded that GIP is a strong candidate for an active principle in the enteroinsular axis.  相似文献   

A sensitive, specific and reproducible radioimmunoassay for secretin is described. Antibodies were readily produced against low microgram quantities of synthetic secretin. The secretin antibodies did not cross-react with the structurally similar G.I.P., V.I.P., or glucagon. Synthetic secretin was iodinated using Chloramine "T" and purified by a two-state procedure incorporating gel filtration and radient elution from a cation exchange column. Plasma samples were found to produce variable interference in the assay necessitating the incorporation of secretin-free "blands" for each patient's plasma. Production of secretin-free plasma was by incubation of plasma samples at 37 degrees C for 96 hours. The sensitivity of the assay was 12.5-25 pg/ml. Normal fasting secretin levels were 21 +/- S.E. 7 pg/ml. A mean rise in plasma secretin to 220 pg/ml was observed after intraduodenal acidification.  相似文献   

Effects of intravenous (IV) infusion of secretin during IV infusion of glucose were examined in normal men. Secretin was administered according to three schedules: with each schedule a comparable priming dose was delivered in the first minute, but this was followed by a maintained (120 min) infusion of secretin at a relatively high rate, or by maintained infusion at one-third that rate, or by brief (15 min) infusion at the lower rate. The lower infusion rate produced increments in secretin in the blood within the range attainable during endogenous secretion. By comparison with effects of glucose alone each secretin infusion enhanced the increments of immunoreactive insulin in the blood. Enhancement of the early release (0-5 min) of insulin was similar with each type of secretin infusion, but the integrated changes in insulin levels through the total infusion period were related to the total doses of secretin. With each dose of secretin glucose tolerance was improved but the three mean glucose curves observed during infusions of secretin were not distinguishable from one another in spite of widely different integrated insulin responses. Secretin did not modify suppression of immunoreactive glucagon or free fatty acids in the blood during hyperglycemia. The results suggest that the effect of continuous administration of secretin on glucose tolerance is not simply related to its integrated insulinotropic action. It is suggested that the effect may be highly dependent on enhancement of insulin secretion early in the response to glycemia, or that it may be due to effects of secretin on glucose production or disposal which are not mediated by insulin.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue performs complex metabolic and endocrine functions. This review will focus on the recent literature on the biology and actions of three adipocyte hormones involved in the control of energy homeostasis and insulin action, leptin, acylation-stimulating protein, and adiponectin, and mechanisms regulating their production. Results from studies of individuals with absolute leptin deficiency (or receptor defects), and more recently partial leptin deficiency, reveal leptin's critical role in the normal regulation of appetite and body adiposity in humans. The primary biological role of leptin appears to be adaptation to low energy intake rather than a brake on overconsumption and obesity. Leptin production is mainly regulated by insulin-induced changes of adipocyte metabolism. Consumption of fat and fructose, which do not initiate insulin secretion, results in lower circulating leptin levels, a consequence which may lead to overeating and weight gain in individuals or populations consuming diets high in energy derived from these macronutrients. Acylation-stimulating protein acts as a paracrine signal to increase the efficiency of triacylglycerol synthesis in adipocytes, an action that results in more rapid postprandial lipid clearance. Genetic knockout of acylation-stimulating protein leads to reduced body fat, obesity resistance and improved insulin sensitivity in mice. The primary regulator of acylation-stimulating protein production appears to be circulating dietary lipid packaged as chylomicrons. Adiponectin increases insulin sensitivity, perhaps by increasing tissue fat oxidation resulting in reduced circulating fatty acid levels and reduced intramyocellular or liver triglyceride content. Adiponectin and leptin together normalize insulin action in severely insulin-resistant animals that have very low levels of adiponectin and leptin due to lipoatrophy. Leptin also improves insulin resistance and reduces hyperlipidemia in lipoatrophic humans. Adiponectin production is stimulated by agonists of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma; an action may contribute to the insulin-sensitizing effects of this class of compounds. The production of all three hormones is influenced by nutritional status. These adipocyte hormones, the pathways controlling their production, and their receptors represent promising targets for managing obesity, hyperlipidemia, and insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in conscious dogs in which the effect of intravenous somatostatin on immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide (IR-GIP) release was investigated. In addition, the inhibitory action of somatostatin on the insulin response to pure porcine GIP was assessed. Intravenous administration of somatostatin resulted in a delayed IR-GIP and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) response to oral glucose. Somatostatin also delayed the IR-GIP response to the ingestion of fat. In both types of experiments, initial depression of IRI levels was followed by a sharp rise in IRI release. Intravenous infusion of somatostatin produced 80% inhibition of the IRI response to pure porcine GIP. It was concluded that somatostatin inhibits the physiological release of IR-GIP and the insulinotropic action of exogenous porcine GIP.  相似文献   

Syntheses by conventional procedures of the three analogs corresponding to the porcine secretin sequence crossed at position 6 by the N-terminal hexapeptide sequences of VIP, GIP, and glucagon are described, viz., Ala4,Val5-, Tyr1,Ala2,Glu3-, and Gln3-secretin (VIP-SN, GIP-SN, and GLU-SN). The analog Phe1,Phe2,Trp3,Lys4-secretin (SOMA-SN), designed on the basis of the surprising homology of the sequence portions 10–13 of somatostatin and 5–8 of secretin, was also prepared. Finally, the synthesis of Nα-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionyl-β-alanyl-secretin (DATA-SN), a tracer suitable for secretin radioimmunoassay and as an N-terminus modified secretin analog, is reported. The analogs are compared, in terms of their biological and immunological properties in different assay systems, with pure synthetic secretin.  相似文献   

The present state of chemistry, structure-activity relationship and cellular mode of action of gastrointestinal polypeptide hormones (gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin-pancreozymin, caerulein and bombesin) are reviewed. Possible structure of polypeptide receptors and the mechanism of peptide--receptor interaction are described, and the role of acetylcholine and histamine in secretion discussed. The present data support the hormonal-receptor significance of cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) in the cellular regulation of secretion.  相似文献   

Summary This presentation is confined to a discussion of the binding of insulin to specific insulin receptors on isolated preparations of purified plasma membranes from rodent livers. The system has been studied extensively and has yielded a large amount of quantitative data. This study was a collaborative effort between my laboratory and the Section on Diabetes of the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolic, and Digestive Diseases. The studies were begun by Pierre Freychet, Jesse Roth, and myself. The work on the obese mouse was initiated by Ronald Kahn and has been continued recently with Andrew Soll. When these experiments were begun, we hoped that, by using highly purified plasma membranes and a biologically active labeled hormone, [125I]-monoiodoinsulin, we could accurately quantitative receptor binding isotherms, or receptor concentration and affinity, to such a degree that we could determine whether receptors were involved in the pathophysiology of insulin-resistant states. As the work progressed, and we realized that such quantitation was possible, we began to think of the insulin and insulin-receptor interaction as a general model for the interaction of a message from the external environment and a cell surface, which creates a change in cell behavior. Because the plasma membrane separates the external environment of a cell from the internal environment, there seemed to be good reason to believe that plasma membranes would be highly specialized for receiving many diverse types of messages. The most important finding of this work, if we may generalize from the insulin receptor, is that the specialization of the plasma membrane for receiving messages from the external environment involves control mechanisms which can alter the concentration of plasma membrane receptor. The response of a cell to an external message is therefore not uniquely determined by the concentration of the message, but also by the concentration of the receptor which, in the case of the insulin receptor, can be varied by metabolic and hormonal factors. Presented in the Symposium on Cell Membranes at the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, June 1973.  相似文献   

Insulinotropic gut-derived hormones (incretins) play a significant role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis in healthy subjects and are responsible for 50-70% of insulin response to a meal. The main mediators of the incretin effect are glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). However, in patients with type 2 diabetes the effect of incretins action is to a large extent impaired, which seems to explain disturbed secretional activity of beta cells in pancreatic islets. Detailed analysis of incretin defect proved that GIP secretion remains within physiological limits, whereas GLP-1 secretion is significantly decreased. Nevertheless, GLP-1 insulinotropic effect is preserved and GIP effect is significantly impaired. In consequence, substitutional GLP-1 administration aiming at the reduction of its deficiency, seems to be logical therapeutic management, because despite a physiologically retained quantity response from GIP, resistance to this peptide is frequently found. Therefore, particularly promising are the results of clinical studies with the use of GLP-1 analogues , GLP-1 receptors activation, as well as the inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP IV), the enzyme responsible for incretin proteolysis, which restores the proper function of the intestinal-pancreatic axis in subjects with type 2 diabetes and creates new possibilities of a glycaemia reducing therapy and improvement in quality of life in this group of patients.  相似文献   

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