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Estimated energy expenditures for men during Arctic manhauling expeditions were 29-33 MJ day-1, higher than those documented for other hard-working groups and exceeding predicted energy costs for such activities. Although physiological effects from generalised cooling were unlikely, cold exposure of the face could have influenced exercise metabolism via autonomic stimulation. This hypothesis was examined by measuring oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, respiratory exchange ratio (R) and cardiovascular changes during rest and exercise, with and without exposure of the face to air at--20 degrees C. Measurements were made in five subjects during 15 min of rest followed by continuous exercise on a cycle ergometer consisting of 15-min periods at 75, 100, 125 and 150 W external work. The cold air caused a profound fall in facial temperatures and small falls in mean skin and rectal temperatures (P less than 0.001). These changes were associated with a small increase in the mean oxygen consumption over all levels of rest and exercise (0.86 l min-1 vs 0.82 l min-1, P less than 0.001) and a corresponding increase in mean energy expenditure (294 W vs 283 W, P less than 0.05). Cold air also caused an increase in mean resting R values (1.00 vs 0.88, P less than 0.01) but a decrease in the mean R value for all levels of exercise (0.85 vs 0.91, P less than 0.05). Pulse rates were unchanged but systolic and diastolic blood pressures were relatively elevated throughout the cold face experiments (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

Effects of rapid cooling on articular cartilage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Guan J  Urban JP  Li ZH  Ferguson DJ  Gong CY  Cui ZF 《Cryobiology》2006,52(3):430-439
In order to improve the technique and protocols of cryopreservation of articular cartilage, a study was carried out to assess the effects of rapid cooling on the intact articular cartilage. Cartilage slices with a thickness ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mm taken from bovine metacarpal-phalangeal joints were subjected to rapid cooling by immersing them in liquid nitrogen with and without treatment of the VS55 cryoprotective agent (CPA). The ultrastructure, chondrocyte viability, swelling property, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content were then examined before and after cryopreservation to give qualitative and quantitative evaluation on the functional state of both chondrocytes and extracellular matrix. The transmission electron microscopy study demonstrated that damage to chondrocytes without CPA was far more pronounced than those with VS55 protection while the structure of the extracellular matrix altered little in either group. The cell viability assay showed that although the exposure to VS55 led to about 36% chondrocytes losing membrane integrity, the VS55 could provide protection to chondrocytes during rapid cooling and thawing, with approximately 51% of the cells having survived rapid cooling compared to fewer than 5% in the absence of CPA. There were no significant differences in degrees of swelling or the GAG contents of cartilage slices after cryopreservation indicating rapid freezing caused little damage to the matrix. Future research activities include searching improved CPA formulation, optimising the treatment protocol and investigating the long-term effects of rapid cooling on articular cartilage.  相似文献   

The steady-state sensitivity of resistance pneumotachographs is proportional to viscosity. Dynamic characteristics of pneumotachographs, pressure transducers, and mass spectrometers are also viscosity dependent. We derive linear equations to approximate the viscosities of O2, N2, CO2, H2O, He, N2O, and Ar for temperatures between 20 and 40 degrees C by using published viscosity data and a nonlinear extrapolation equation. We verify the accuracy of the extrapolation equation by comparison with published data. Our linear equations for pure gas viscosities yield standard errors less than 0.35 microP. We also compare a nonlinear equation for calculating the viscosities of mixtures of gases with published measured viscosities of dry air, humid air, and He-O2 and N2-CO2 mixtures. The maximum difference between published and calculated values is 1.3% for 10% CO2 in N2. All other differences are less than 0.38%. For saturated humid air at 35 degrees C, a linear concentration-weighted combination of viscosities differs from our nonlinear equation by 4.9, 2.1, and 1.7% at barometric pressures of 32, 83, and 100 kPa, respectively. By use of our method, the viscosity of normal respiratory gases can be calculated to within 1% of measured values.  相似文献   

通过室内模拟和塑料大棚试验,研究了普通尿素和矿物改性包膜尿素对土壤pH值及大棚内有害气体浓度变化的影响.结果表明,在室内模拟试验条件下,两种氮肥施用初期均导致土壤pH值上升,并于1周后达到最大值,上升幅度超过50%,随后开始下降,至第5周回到初始水平.大棚内施用两种氮肥均使棚内NH3、NO2和O3浓度增加,其中施用普通尿素处理的NH3、NO2日均挥发量均大于矿物改性包膜尿素;施用普通尿素处理使大棚内土壤的NH3、棚内NO2和O3的最高浓度达到42.36、41.95和86.00 μg·m-3·d-1,3种气体浓度均达到了有害气体伤害植物的临界阈值;NH3、NO2挥发强度受棚温和光照强度的影响,O3浓度随光照强度变化而改变.  相似文献   

The inhibitory action of compressed hydrocarbon gases on the growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated quantitatively by microcalorimetry. Both the 50% inhibitory pressure (IP(50)) and the minimum inhibitory pressure (MIP), which are regarded as indices of the toxicity of hydrocarbon gases, were determined from growth thermograms. Based on these values, the inhibitory potency of the hydrocarbon gases increased in the order methane < ethane < propane < i-butane < n-butane. The toxicity of these hydrocarbon gases correlated to their hydrophobicity, suggesting that hydrocarbon gases interact with some hydrophobic regions of the cell membrane. In support of this, we found that UV absorbing materials at 260 nm were released from yeast cells exposed to compressed hydrocarbon gases. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy indicated that morphological changes occurred in these cells.  相似文献   

G J Morris  J Farrant 《Cryobiology》1973,10(2):119-125
The increase in thermal shock hemolysis in hypertonic sodium chloride with increasing cooling rate was confirmed. Thermal shock damage was also induced by hypertonic solutions of sucrose but it decreased with increasing cooling rate. The effect of cooling rate on thermal shock hemolysis appears to be due to the time that the cells are in the hypertonic solutions. The extent of the stress of the temperature reduction was independent of the cooling rate. In hypertonic sodium chloride susceptibility to thermal shock damage increased with increasing time of exposure at +25 °C (0–5 min) before decreasing with time (5–50 min). In contrast, with hypertonic sucrose, thermal shock damage increased gradually with time of exposure. The protective effects of sucrose on thermal shock hemolysis at a given osmolality can be explained by the different solution properties (e.g., ionic strength) of hypertonic sodium chloride and sucrose. These results suggest that the role of thermal shock damage during slow freezing should be reexamined.  相似文献   

The effects of phrenic nerve cooling at 0 degrees C on the nerve and diaphragmatic function were evaluated in dogs. Eleven dogs, anesthetized and mechanically ventilated, were studied. Left diaphragmatic function was assessed by recording the transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi) generated during electrical stimulation of the left phrenic nerve at different frequencies (0.5, 30, and 100 Hz). Phrenic nerve stimulations were achieved either directly by electrodes placed around the phrenic nerve above its pericardial course or by intramuscular electrodes placed close to the phrenic nerve endings. Electrical activity of the hemidiaphragm (Edi) was recorded and phrenic nerve conduction time (PNCT) was measured during direct phrenic stimulation. A transpericardial cooling of the nerve, at 0 degrees C, on a length of 1 cm, was performed during 30 min (group A, n = 7) or 5 min (group B, n = 4). After the cooling period, phrenic and diaphragmatic functions were assessed hourly for 4 h (H1-H4). Cooling the phrenic nerve produced a complete phrenic nerve conduction block in all dogs, 100 +/- 10 s after the onset of cold exposure. Conduction recovery time was longer in group A (11 +/- 7 min) than in group B (2 +/- 0.5 min) and PNCT remained increased throughout the study in group A. Furthermore, in group A, Pdi and Edi during direct phrenic stimulation were markedly depressed from H1 to H4. No change in these parameters was noted until H3 during intramuscular stimulation, time at which a significant decrease occurred. By contrast, Pdi and Edi from direct and intramuscular stimulations remained unchanged throughout the study in group B.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A study was performed to investigate the changes that occur in the median frequency of the myoelectric signal during local ischemia or reduction of intramuscular temperature produced by surface cooling. Data was obtained from experiments which involved the first dorsal interosseous muscle of 10 female and 16 male subjects. These subjects were asked to perform isometric constant-force abduction contractions of the index finger at 20% and 80% of maximal voluntary contraction level. The initial median frequency (IMF) of the myoelectric signal during the first 0.5 s of contraction was calculated. Results showed a significant reduction of the IMF in contractions performed under ischemic conditions; upon release, the IMF recovered quickly. At 80% maximal voluntary level of contraction, a greater decrease of the IMF was recorded. Similar results were demonstrated during reduction of intramuscular temperature with gradual recovery of the IMF after cooling. These results demonstrate that the median frequency of the myoelectric signal displays behavior similar to that reported for conduction velocity and this is consistent with the notion that accumulation of metabolic byproducts in muscle tissue causes a decrease in the conduction velocity of the muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Studies in cats have shown that, in addition to respiratory neuron groups in the dorsomedial (DRG) and ventrolateral (VRG) medulla, neural structures in the most ventral medullary regions are important for the maintenance of respiratory rhythm. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a similar superficially located ventral region was present in the dog and to assess the role of each of the other regions in the canine medulla important in the control of breathing, in 20 anesthetized, vagotomized, and artificially ventilated dogs, a cryoprobe was used to cool selected regions of the medulla to 15-20 degrees C. Respiratory output was determined from phrenic nerve or diaphragm electrical activity. Cooling in or near the nucleus of the solitary tract altered timing and produced little change in the amplitude or rate of rise of inspiratory activity; lengthening of inspiratory time was the most common timing effect observed. Cooling in ventrolateral regions affected the amplitude and rate of rise of respiratory activity. Depression of neural tidal volume and apnea could be produced by unilateral cooling in two ventrolateral regions: 1) near the nucleus ambiguus and nucleus para-ambiguus and 2) just beneath the ventral medullary surface. These findings indicate that in the dog dorsomedial neural structures influence respiratory timing, whereas more ventral structures are important to respiratory drive.  相似文献   

This mini-review summarizes current ideas of how hyperbaric gases (>1-10 atmospheres absolute) affect neuronal mechanisms of excitability through molecular interaction with membrane components. The dynamic nature of the lipid bilayer, its resident proteins, and the underlying cytoskeleton make each respective nanostructure a potential target for modulation by hyperbaric gases. Depending on the composition of the gas mixture, the relative concentrations of O(2) and inert gas, and total barometric pressure, the net effect of a particular gas on the cell membrane will be determined by the gas' 1) lipid solubility, 2) ability to oxidize lipids and proteins (O(2)), and 3) capacity, in the compressed state, to generate localized shear and strain forces between various nanostructures. A change in the properties of any one membrane component is anticipated to change conductance of membrane-spanning ion channels and thus neuronal function.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of environmental cooling on force production in the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Ten men (mean +/- SD: age = 21.4 +/- 2.2 years, height = 168.5 +/- 35.9 cm, body mass = 78.0 +/- 6.4 kg) participated in this study. Each subject completed 2 sets of 10 maximal effort repetitions on a Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer at 3.14 rad x s(-1). Between sets, subjects sat in environmental temperatures of 20, 15, 10, or 5 degrees C for 40 minutes. A significant decrease (p 相似文献   

Effects of helium group gases and nitrous oxide on HeLa cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The helium group gases and nitrous oxide at superatomospheric pressures depress multiplication of HeLa cells in monolayer cultures. The effectiveness of these gases in eliciting the pressure-dependent response follows the order N2O, Xe > Kr > Ar > > Ne and He. The response correlates with lipid solubility of the gases. Depression of growth by 4.2 atm Xe is reversible after exposure for one and two days. Cultures exposed to 7.2 atm Xe show irreversible damage including cytoplasmic vacuolization. Cell attachment is strongly inhibited by Xe; 36% of the cell inoculum were not attached after 24 hours. Affinity for hydrophobic sites in the cell is suggested as determining the order of effectiveness of the gases in evoking the response.  相似文献   

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