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The P2X1 receptor belongs to a family of oligomeric ATP-gated ion channels with intracellular N and C termini and two transmembrane segments separating a large extracellular domain. Here, we describe a naturally occurring dominant negative P2X1 mutant. This mutant lacks one leucine within a stretch of four leucine residues in its second transmembrane domain (TM2) (amino acids 351-354). Confocal microscopy revealed proper plasma membrane localization of the mutant in stably transfected HEK293 cells. Nevertheless, voltage-clamped HEK293 cells expressing mutated P2X1 channels failed to develop an ATP or ADP-induced current. Furthermore, when co-expressed with the wild type receptor in Xenopus oocytes, the mutated protein exhibited a dose-dependent dominant negative effect on the normal ATP or ADP-induced P2X1 channel activity. These data indicate that deletion of a single apolar amino acid residue at the inner border of the P2X1 TM2 generates a nonfunctional channel. The inactive and dominant negative form of the P2X1 receptor may constitute a new tool for the study of the physiological role of this channel in native cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor beta gene (TRbeta) cause resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). Genetic analyses indicate that phenotypic manifestation of RTH is due to the dominant negative action of mutant TRbeta. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the dominant negative action of mutants and how the same mutation results in marked variability of resistance in different tissues in vivo are not clear. Here we used a knock-in mouse (TRbetaPV mouse) that faithfully reproduces human RTH to address these questions. We demonstrated directly that TRbeta1 protein was approximately 3-fold higher than TRalpha1 in the liver of TRbeta(+/+) mice but was not detectable in the heart of wild-type and TRbetaPV mice. The abundance of PV in the liver of TRbeta(PV/PV) was more than TRbeta(PV/+) mice but not detectable in the heart. TRalpha1 in the liver was approximately 6-fold higher than that in the heart of wild-type and TRbetaPV mice. Using TR isoforms and PV-specific antibodies in gel shift assays, we found that in vivo, PV competed not only with TR isoforms for binding to thyroid hormone response elements (TRE) but also competed with TR for the retinoid X receptors in binding to TRE. These competitions led to the inhibition of the thyroid hormone (T(3))-positive regulated genes in the liver. In the heart, however, PV was significantly lower and thus could not effectively compete with TRalpha1 for binding to TRE, resulting in activation of the T(3)-target genes by higher levels of circulating thyroid hormones. These results indicate that in vivo, differential expression of TR isoforms in tissues dictates the dominant negative activity of mutant beta receptor, thereby resulting in variable phenotypic expression in RTH.  相似文献   

The family of G-protein-linked receptors includes many important pharmacological targets, of which the beta-adrenergic receptor is one of the best characterized. A better understanding of those factors that determine whether a ligand functions as an antagonist or as an agonist would facilitate the development of pharmaceutical agents that act at these receptors. Site-directed mutagenesis of the hamster beta 2-adrenergic receptor has implicated the conserved Asp113 residue in the third hydrophobic domain of the receptor in the interaction with cationic amine agonists and antagonists (Strader, C. D., Sigal, I. S., Candelore, M. R., Rands, E., Hill, W. S., and Dixon, R. A. F. (1988) J. Biol. Chem, 263, 10267-10271). We now report that substitution of Asp113 with a glutamic acid residue results in a mutant beta-adrenergic receptor which recognizes several known beta-adrenergic antagonists as partial agonists. This partial agonist activity requires the presence of a carboxylate side chain on the amino acid residue at position 113 and is not observed when an asparagine residue is substituted at this position. These observations support the existence of overlapping binding sites for agonists and antagonists on the beta-adrenergic receptor and demonstrate that genetic engineering of receptors can complement structure-activity studies of ligands in defining the molecular interactions involved in receptor activation.  相似文献   

Abstract— 3,3′,5-Triiodothyronine (T3) inhibited L-[14C]leucine uptake into synaptosomes. Inhibition was competitive with a Ki of 3.1 × 10?5m . Hofstee plot revealed an inverted hyperbolic curve suggestive of a two carrier or carrier plus diffusion mediated system for amino acid uptake. Both the carrier mediated and diffusional components were inhibited by thyroid analogues. l -Thyroxine and analogues inhibited the incorporation of l -[14C] leucine into cerebral synaptosome protein. At 50 μm , the triiodo-compounds were more inhibitory than tetraiodo->3,5-triiodo-l -thyronine >3,3′,5-triiodothyropro-pionic> l -thyroxine >3,5-diiodo-l -tyrosine. Thyroid analogue inhibition was not seen in liver or brain mitochondrial protein synthesis. 3,3′,5-Triiodothyronine had no effect on respiratory control or 2,4-DNP stimulated synaptosome respiration supported by malate plus pyruvate. Ouabain did not inhibit [14C]leucine uptake into adult synaptosomes. There was synergistic inhibition of synaptosome protein synthesis by thyroid analogues in the presence of 0.2 mm -ouabain. 3,3′,5-Triiodothyronine had no effect on synaptosome fraction ATPase or Na-K ATPase. Addition of T3 induced further inhibition of synaptosome protein synthesis in the presence of either chloramphenicol (100μm ) or cycloheximide (50μg/ml). [14C]Glycine uptake and incorporation into synaptosome protein was inhibited by 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine. There was no inhibition of [14C]proline uptake or incorporation. The above evidence and kinetic data strongly favor a selective competitive block in amino acid transport at the synaptosome membrane leading to a decreased rate of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In the presence of its ligand, thyroid hormone receptor (T3R) binds specifically to DNA sequences near a number of genes and induces their expression. We show that in the absence of the hormone, a T3R binding site acts in cis to decrease expression from such genes. The endogenous T3 receptors in rat pituitary cell lines are sufficient to mediate this effect, as shown by comparisons of basal levels of expression directed by transiently transfected plasmids containing the rat growth hormone promoter with wild-type or point-mutated T3 response elements (T3RE). The magnitude of the negative effect is increased by increasing the strength of the T3RE or by raising intracellular levels of T3R by appropriate transfections. T3REs exert a similar negative effect on the herpes virus thymidine kinase (TK) promoter; this effect is dependent on expression of functional T3 aporeceptor (apoT3R). Analysis of a set of T3REs of increasing strength inserted upstream of the TK promoter showed a strong correlation between the level of induced expression in the presence of hormone and the level of repressed expression in the absence of hormone. These results show that, unlike other members of the nuclear hormone receptor family, T3R binds to specific DNA sequences in the absence of hormone and exerts a negative effect on expression of linked genes. The apparent affinity of apoT3R and hormone-bound T3R for a T3RE was assessed by using varying amounts of T3R expression vector in a transfection dose response assay.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tapasin influences the quantity and quality of MHC/peptide complexes at the cell surface; however, little is understood about the structural features that underlie its effects. Because tapasin, MHC class I, and TAP are transmembrane proteins, the tapasin transmembrane/cytoplasmic region has the potential to affect interactions at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In this study, we have assessed the influence of a conserved lysine at position 408, which lies in the tapasin transmembrane/cytoplasmic domain. We found that substitutions at position K408 in tapasin affected the expression of MHC class I molecules at the cell surface, and down-regulated tapasin stabilization of TAP. In addition to affecting TAP interaction with tapasin, the substitution of alanine, but not tryptophan, for the lysine at tapasin position 408 increased the amount of tapasin found in association with the open, peptide-free form of the HLA-B8 H chain. Tapasin K408A was also associated with more folded, beta(2)-microglobulin-assembled HLA-B8 molecules than wild-type tapasin. Consistent with our observation of a large pool of tapasin K408A-associated HLA-B8 molecules, the rate at which HLA-B8 migrated from the endoplasmic reticulum was slower in tapasin K408A-expressing cells than in wild-type tapasin-expressing cells. Thus, the alanine substitution at position 408 in tapasin may interfere with the stable acquisition by MHC class I molecules of peptides that are sufficiently optimal to allow MHC class I release from tapasin.  相似文献   

E Amaya  T J Musci  M W Kirschner 《Cell》1991,66(2):257-270
Peptide growth factors may play a role in patterning of the early embryo, particularly in the induction of mesoderm. We have explored the role of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in early Xenopus development by expressing a dominant negative mutant form of the FGF receptor. Using a functional assay in frog oocytes, we found that a truncated form of the receptor effectively abolished wild-type receptor function. Explants from embryos expressing this dominant negative mutant failed to induce mesoderm in response to FGF. In whole embryos the mutant receptor caused specific defects in gastrulation and in posterior development, and overexpression of a wild-type receptor could rescue these developmental defects. These results demonstrate that the FGF signaling pathway plays an important role in early embryogenesis, particularly in the formation of the posterior and lateral mesoderm.  相似文献   

The avian erythroblastosis virus v-erbA oncogene is imprecisely derived from a cellular gene (c-erbA) encoding a thyroid hormone receptor: the v-erbA protein has sustained both small terminal deletions and internal amino acid sequence changes relative to c-erbA. We report here that one of these missense differences between v- and c-erbA proteins, located in a zinc finger DNA binding domain, has dramatic effects on the biological activities of the encoded protein. Back mutation of the viral coding sequence to resemble c-erbA at this site severely impairs erythroid transformation and produces subtle changes in DNA binding by the encoded protein, suggesting that differences in DNA binding by the viral and cellular proteins may be involved in the activation of v-erbA as an oncogene.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) elicits a variety of biological activities mainly mediated by the GH receptor (GHR), a transmembrane protein that, based on in vitro studies, seemed to function as a homodimer. To test this hypothesis directly, we investigated patients displaying the classic features of Laron syndrome (familial GH resistance characterized by severe dwarfism and metabolic dysfunction), except for the presence of normal binding activity of the plasma GH-binding protein, a molecule that derives from the exoplasmic-coding domain of the GHR gene. In two unrelated families, the same GHR mutation was identified, resulting in the substitution of a highly conserved aspartate residue by histidine at position 152 (D152H) of the exoplasmic domain, within the postulated interface sequence involved in homodimerization. The recombinant mutated receptor protein was correctly expressed at the plasma membrane. It displayed subnormal GH-binding activity, a finding in agreement with the X-ray crystal structure data inferring this aspartate residue outside the GH-binding domain. However, mAb-based studies suggested the critical role of aspartate 152 in the proper folding of the interface area. We show that a recombinant soluble form of the mutant receptor is unable to dimerize, the D152H substitution also preventing the formation of heterodimers of wild-type and mutant molecules. These results provide in vivo evidence that monomeric receptors are inactive and that receptor dimerization is involved in the primary signalling of the GH-associated growth-promoting and metabolic actions.  相似文献   

RNA-dependent RNA polymerases contain a highly conserved region of amino acids with a core segment composed of the amino acids YGDD which have been hypothesized to be at or near the catalytic active site of the molecule. Six mutations in this conserved YGDD region of the poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase were made by using oligonucleotide site-directed DNA mutagenesis of the poliovirus cDNA to substitute A, C, M, P, S, or V for the amino acid G. The mutant polymerase genes were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified RNA polymerases were tested for in vitro enzyme activity. Two of the mutant RNA polymerases (those in which the glycine residue was replaced with alanine or serine) exhibited in vitro enzymatic activity ranging from 5 to 20% of wild-type activity, while the remaining mutant RNA polymerases were inactive. Alterations in the in vitro reaction conditions by modification of temperature, metal ion concentration, or pH resulted in no significant differences in the activities of the mutant RNA polymerases relative to that of the wild-type enzyme. An antipeptide antibody directed against the wild-type core amino acid segment containing the YGDD region of the poliovirus polymerase reacted with the wild-type recombinant RNA polymerase and to a limited extent with the two enzymatically active mutant polymerases; the antipeptide antibody did not react with the mutant RNA polymerases which did not have in vitro enzyme activity. These results are discussed in the context of secondary-structure predictions for the core segment containing the conserved YGDD amino acids in the poliovirus RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

TNP-470, the first anti-angiogenic small molecule to enter clinical trials, targets methionine aminopeptidase-2 (MetAP-2), a metalloprotease that cleaves the N-terminal methionine of proteins. Previously, biochemical binding, in vivo yeast studies, and structural studies of human methionine aminopeptidase-2 bound to TNP-470 and its analogs fumagillin and ovalicin revealed that these compounds exhibit specificity for MetAP-2 over its family member MetAP-1. To further elucidate the nature of this specificity, we developed a yeast-based screen for human MetAP-2 mutations that confer ovalicin resistance. Of the three resistant alleles, A362T appeared in the majority of clones and was found to be the most resistant to the ovalicin class of inhibitors. Alignment of human MetAP-2 with human MetAP-1, which is naturally ovalicin-resistant, revealed that the analogous residue in MetAP-1 is also a threonine. Mutation of this residue to alanine resulted in an ovalicin-sensitive MetAP-1 allele, demonstrating that an alanine at this position is critical for inhibition by ovalicin. These results provide a molecular explanation for the specificity exhibited by this class of anti-angiogenic agents for MetAP-2 over MetAP-1 and may prove useful in the development of additional MetAP-2-specific therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Id1, a helix-loop-helix (HLH) protein which lacks a DNA binding domain, has been shown to negatively regulate other members of the HLH family by direct protein-protein interactions, both in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we report the results of site-directed mutagenesis experiments aimed at defining the regions of Id1 which are important for its activity. We have found that the HLH domain of Id1 is necessary and nearly sufficient for its activity. In addition, we show that two amino acid residues at the amino terminus of the Id1 loop are critical for its activity, perhaps by specifying the correct dimerization partners. In this regard, replacing the first four amino acids of the loops of the basic HLH proteins E12 and E47 with the corresponding amino acids of Id1 confers Id1 dimerization specificity. These studies point to the loop region as an important structural and functional element of the Id subfamily of HLH proteins.  相似文献   

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