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Recombinant DNA molecules were constructed from the plasmid pIL203 and the EcoRI-fragment of N3 plasmid containing EcoRII endonuclease and methylase genes and also a gene for resistance to sulfanilamide. The pIL203 plasmid, used as a vector, consisted of the Bam HI-EcoRI-fragment of the plasmid pBR322 conferring resistance to ampicillin and the Bam HI-EcoRI-fragment of lambda phage containing promoters, a thermosensitive mutation in the cI gene and a suppressible amber mutation in the cro gene. Ampicillin-sulfanilamide-resistant clones were selected and tested for their restriction and modification phenotype. The recombinant plasmid DNA, isolated from ApRSuR-resistant clones, which restricted and modified phage lambda imm21 with EcoRII specificity, had the EcoRI-fragment with EcoRII genes in a single orientation. The recombinant plasmid pSK323 was transferred into E. coli strains with su-, su1, su2 or su3 phenotypes. The synthesis of products of EcoRII genes by these strains grown at 37 degrees C is increased by 10--50-fold.  相似文献   

Summary N and I group plasmids, which increase methylmethane sulfonate (MMS) mutagenesis in lexA + strains of E. coli WP2 may be divided into two classes: those restoring part of the mutability of lexA - strains (class I) and those leaving lexA - strains non-mutable (class II). Almost complete restoration of MMS mutability is obtained by class I plasmids in a partially suppressed lexA rnm strain, while class II plasmids cause far fewer MMS revertants in this strain than in lexA +. A pair of class I and II plasmids in lexA - shows a synergistic effect on mutability. These two classes do not coincide with plasmid division into incompatibility groups.  相似文献   

Nonconjugative Thiobacillus ferrooxidans plasmids were mobilized at high frequencies among Escherichia coli strains by the IncP plasmid RP4 and at low frequencies by the IncN plasmid R46, but not by the IncW plasmid pSa. The mobilization region of a nonconjugative T. ferrooxidans plasmid was located on a 5.3-kilobase T. ferrooxidans DNA fragment.  相似文献   

Clarke and Carbon's collection of 2000 Escherichia coli strains which harbor ColE1 plasmids carrying small random segments of the E. coli chromosome was screened for the correction of mutational defects in penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs): ponA (PBP-1a), ponB (PBP-1b), dacB (PBP-4), and pfv (PBP-5). We found plasmids carrying chromosomal segments containing ponA+-aroB+ (pLC29-47), ponB+-tonA+ (pLC4-43, pLC4-44, and pLC19-19), and argG+-dacB+ (pLC10-46 and pLC18-38). Characters of these plasmids were analyzed. Two other plasmids (pLC26-6 and pLC4-14) previously found to correct ftsI mutation (Y. Nishimura, Y. Takeda, A. Nishimura, H. Suzuki, M. Inouye, and Y. Hirota (1977)Plasmid1, 67–77) were also investigated further. Restriction maps of chromosomal DNAs carried by pLC29-47, pLC4-44, pLC19-19, pLC18-38, pLC26-6, and pLC4-14 were constructed. The regions of ponB-tonA on pLC4-44 and pLC19-19, and of leuA-ftsI-murE and F on pLC26-6 were located on the restriction maps. Although both pLC26-6 and pLC4-14 corrected a thermosensitive mutation, ftsI, which causes a defect in cell division due to abnormal PBP-3, only pLC26-6 led to restoration of PBP-3 production by an ftsI mutant, while pLC4-14 did not. Restriction and heteroduplex analyses of pLC26-6 and pLC4-14 have shown the absence of nucleotide sequence homology between them. The plasmids, pLC29-47 carrying ponA+ and pLC4-43, pLC4-44, and pLC19-19 carrying ponB+ led the host cell to overproduce the respective PBP.  相似文献   

Nonconjugative Thiobacillus ferrooxidans plasmids were mobilized at high frequencies among Escherichia coli strains by the IncP plasmid RP4 and at low frequencies by the IncN plasmid R46, but not by the IncW plasmid pSa. The mobilization region of a nonconjugative T. ferrooxidans plasmid was located on a 5.3-kilobase T. ferrooxidans DNA fragment.  相似文献   

Plasmids conferring tellurite resistance were transferred at low temperature (27 degrees C) from Escherichia coli strains isolated from chicken carcasses at the time of slaughter and after storage. They belonged to group IncH, as evidenced by their large molecular weight and incompatibility with plasmid pIP233. E. coli strains contaminating chickens meat can thus represent a source of IncH plasmids in the food chain of humans.  相似文献   

Synthetic ColE1 plasmids carrying genes for cell division in Escherichia coli.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Clarke and Carbon's collection of 2000 E. coli strains, which harbor ColE1 plasmids carrying small random segments of the E. coli chromosome, was screened for the correction of thermosensitive defects in the processes of cell division and in the synthesis of murein-lipoprotein. The genetic defects examined in this screening were those in partition of daughter nuclei (par), cleavage of cells (fts), determination of a cell shape (rod), and synthesis of murein-lipoprotein (lpo). We found plasmids carrying E. coli chromosomal segments containing ftsB+, ftsE+,ftsI+,ftsM+, and parA+. However, none was found to transfer ftsA+, ftsC+, ftsF+, ftsG+, ftsJ+, ftsK+, ftsL+, parB+, rod+, and lpo+. One of the donor strains transferring a gene that corrected thermosensitive cell cleavage in the ftsI? mutant overproduced the penicillin-binding protein 3 by ca. 10-fold.  相似文献   

A fragment of Escherichia coli chromosome containing the intact threonine operon or its distinct genes has been cloned on the pBR322 plasmid. This fragment has been mapped using some restriction endonucleases. Cloning results in an increased level of appropriate enzyme activity in cells containing hybrid plasmids. Those carrying the complete threonine operon are capable of accumulating threonine up to 5 g/l in culture medium during 48 h. When multi-copy plasmids are used for gene cloning, interpretation of experiments aimed at transformation of auxotrophic bacterial strains, might be complicated. For example, transformation of appropriate threonine auxotrophs by a hybrid plasmid carrying mutation in the threonine gene, might result in prototrophic phenotype. It is possible that the great amount of mutant enzyme molecules compensated their low activity. On the contrary, the presence of a gene within the plasmid, as shown by restriction and biochemical analysis, did not always ensure the growth on a minimal medium of auxotrophs transformed by this plasmid.  相似文献   

CloDF13 copy mutants that have their resolution site (crl) deleted accumulate as multimeric plasmid molecules in their host cells and are lost from severalEscherichia coli stains within 60 generations. Here we demonstrate that CloDF13cop3crl mutants are stably maintained in theE.coli strain G668, although the plasmid copy number is not affected. Furthermore, we show that the stable maintenance of those plasmids is achieved even in the presence of multimeric molecules. Therefore, we conclude that a complete monomerization of multimeric molecules appears not to be a prerequisite for accurate partition of the plasmid molecules over daughter cells. The G668 strain may be applied as host for the stabilization of resolution-negative, unstable CloDF13 or related replicons.  相似文献   

In 1978, 1,021 Escherichia coli strains were isolated from 105 field broilers (F) and 1,058 strains from 106 broilers in a zootechnical experiment station (Z), and their drug-resistance patterns and the presence of conjugative R plasmids were compared. The resistance markers examined were tetracycline (TC), chloramphenicol (CM), streptomycin (SM), sulfonamides (SA), kanamycin (KM), and ampicillin (APC). The populations of individuals that excreted resistant strains were 100% in F and 58% in Z. Frequencies of isolation of drug-resistant strains among the total isolates were 93% in F and 36% in Z, indicating that the resistant strains are a rather high proportion of the intestinal flora in F but are slightly less prevalent in Z. The resistance pattern to (TC.SM.SA.KM) was seen at the highest frequency in both groups. Conjugative R plasmids were demonstrated more frequently in field broilers (F). The results reflect the wide use of antibiotics in the livestock industry, resulting in the appearance of drug-resistant strains mostly due to the presence of R plasmids.  相似文献   

We have studied the interaction of bacteriophages Mu and lambda after their simultaneous induction and the influence of lambda on Mu-dependent mobilization of the E. coli chromosome by the RP4 plasmid. Heterolysogenic E. coli strains carrying Mu-lambda-Mu structures were constructed (Faelen et al. 1975). The Mu and lambda prophages are linked in such structures, and the functions of some lambda genes are disturbed depending on the integration site. A study of the inhibition of Mu growth by lambda after their simultaneous induction was performed and the region of the lambda genome (R-H) which contains the gene(s) responsible for the inhibitory effect of lambda on Mu was identified. The efficiency of Mu-dependent mobilization of the bacterial chromosome by RP4 is shown to be an order of magnitude lower in strains with unlinked Mu and lambda and an order of magnitude higher in strains with some permutations of the lambda prophage than in the control Mu-monolysogenic E. coli strain. Thus the effect of Mu on mobilization depends on the localization of the lambda prophage and on the functioning of its genome within a Mu-lambda-Mu structure. It is presumed that the mobilization of the bacterial chromosome is stimulated by effective replication of the Mu genome starting from the ori site (origin of replication) of the lambda prophage within the Mu-lambda-Mu structure. We propose a model to explain the interaction of Mu and lambda in E. coli strains carrying Mu-lambda-Mu structures.  相似文献   

Plasmids conferring tellurite resistance were transferred at low temperature (27 degrees C) from Escherichia coli strains isolated from chicken carcasses at the time of slaughter and after storage. They belonged to group IncH, as evidenced by their large molecular weight and incompatibility with plasmid pIP233. E. coli strains contaminating chickens meat can thus represent a source of IncH plasmids in the food chain of humans.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli (ETEC) may produce a heat-labile enterotoxin (LT), a heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) or both enterotoxins. Certain serogroups are represented more frequently than others in ETEC isolated from humans. The transfer of three plasmids encoding enterotoxin production (Ent) to 22 non-toxigenic E. coli strains of many different O:H serotypes was studied. The Ent plasmids encoded ST (TP276), or LT (TP277), or ST + LT (TP214), and all carried antibiotic-resistance determinants. Twenty-one recipient strains acquired TP214, 18 acquired TP277 and 14 acquired TP276. Strains of those serotypes to which ETEC in diarrhoeal studies commonly belong neither acquired nor maintained Ent plasmids with a higher frequency than strains of those serotypes to which ETEC rarely belong. The recipient strains, with one exception, all expressed ST, or LT, or ST and LT, when they had acquired the appropriate plasmid; a non-motile strain belonging to O serogroup 88 expressed LT but failed to express ST when it acquired TP214 or TP277.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli recombinant strains bearing the thr operon have been previously selected for threonine production and phenotypically classified according to antibiotic resistance properties (Nudel et al. 1987).Further analysis of those strains permitted the isolation and restriction mapping of two different plasmids of 13 kb and 18.6 kb. The smaller one, which expressed tetracycline resistance gave better results on threonine accumulation but it was rather unstable when grown without antibiotic pressure. Therefore, other hosts were transformed with those plasmids to improve stability.A threonine-auxotrophic strain was a better host for plasmid maintenance and expression of thr operon. Host influence in plasmid-mediated threonine production was studied in terms of specific yields (the ratios of threonine accumulated to biomass values) and of plasmid maintenance (percent of AprTcr clones after cultivation in non selective media).We also determined that semisynthetic media of defined composition were better than rich media for threonine expression, due to feed-back controls exerted by undesired catabolites accumulated in complex media.  相似文献   

Wild-type Escherichia coli are resistant to genetic transformation by purified linear DNA, probably in part because of exonuclease activity. We demonstrate that E. coli containing a recD mutation could be easily transformed by linearized plasmids containing a selectable marker. The marker was transferred to the chromosome by homologous recombination, whereas plasmid markers not in the region of homology were lost.  相似文献   

K. P. SCOTT AND H.J. FLINT. 1995. Strains of Escherichia coli originally isolated from the rumen of sheep were shown to be capable of exchanging a 60kb plasmid, conferring resistance to tetracycline and ampicillin, at low frequencies (below 10-6 per recipient) under anaerobic conditions in the presence of (a) autoclaved and clarified rumen fluid, (b) raw clarified rumen fluid, or (c) whole rumen fluid. Under anaerobic conditions the two rumen strains showed no inhibition of growth rate when 50 mmol 1-1 volatile fatty acids were added to LB medium at pH 7, although significant inhibition resulted with 100 mmol 1-1 VFA. The two rumen strains, and four strains from the pig gut, showed less inhibition of anaerobic growth by volatile fatty acids than did three laboratory strains examined for comparison. These findings indicate that plasmid transfer between certain E. coli strains can occur under conditions that closely simulate an anaerobic gut environment.  相似文献   

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