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为探究生态恢复方式对苔藓植物的影响,研究了自然弃耕和退耕还林等生态恢复方式对重庆市中梁山喀斯特地区不同生境类型下苔藓植物物种组成特征的影响。结果表明,研究区有苔藓植物15科26属41种,其中藓类39种,苔类2种,美灰藓(Eurohypnum leptothollum)为主要优势物种;研究区石生藓类植物占比较大,生活型以平铺型和丛集型为主,各生境物种多样性及相似性指数整体偏低,但相比弃耕杂草地、灌木林和经济型林地,竹林和马尾松林中苔藓植物具有更高的物种多样性;冗余分析表明,郁闭度和光照强度是影响苔藓植物分布的关键环境因子,乔木林为苔藓植物的生长提供了更适宜的生境。因此,相比于自然恢复和经济性林地等恢复方式,退耕还林是喀斯特退化生境更为理想的生态恢复方式。  相似文献   

基于野外调查、采集标本和查阅文献,对木林子国家级自然保护区苔藓植物物种及区系特点进行研究。结果显示:该保护区苔藓植物共有64科121属292种,其中,苔类28科38属88种,藓类36科83属204种。该保护区共有湖北新记录科2科、新记录属9属、新记录种73种。该保护区苔藓植物区系成分多样,有11个区系类型,以温带成分为主(占30.89%)、东亚成分次之(占18.92%)。相比清凉峰、大巴山、十万大山和佛坪4个国家级自然保护区,木林子呈现出科多种少的特点,物种分化程度更高。木林子保护区与清凉峰的苔藓植物组成相似度最高,与佛坪相似度最低。该研究结果从苔藓植物多样性的角度佐证了清江流域物种分化程度较高的观点,为丰富木林子国家级自然保护区苔藓植物和湖北省苔藓植物提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

苔藓植物是生物多样性的重要组成部分, 包括角苔植物、苔类植物和藓类植物三大类群, 其物种数量仅次于被子植物, 是高等植物的第二大类群。我国是世界苔藓植物多样性最丰富的国家。自2017年以来, 我国苔藓学者在世界范围发现了10个新属, 40个新种, 建立了新的地钱纲分类系统; 更新了我国苔藓植物物种名录, 完成了数本分类学专著, 并在苔藓系统发育基因组、苔藓植物多样性与环境关系、苔藓植物多样性保护等领域取得了可喜的进展。对未来的研究, 我们提出5点建议: (1)加强对重要生态系统、国家公园和关键类群的物种多样性调查; (2)加快基于基因组的苔藓植物多样性研究; (3)加强苔藓植物保护研究; (4)加强西北地区苔藓植物多样性研究人才的培养; (5)进一步加强国际合作, 努力构建“一带一路”国家苔藓植物多样性平台。  相似文献   

亚洲新生代藓类植物化石非常稀少,漳浦琥珀是目前已知的我国低纬度地区唯一含苔藓植物化石的新生代琥珀矿床。漳浦琥珀源自中中新世气候适宜期(~14-17 Ma)的龙脑香树脂,温暖潮湿的热带季雨林气候和广泛分布的龙脑香科植物,为藓类植物的生长、多样性演化和三维立体保存提供了条件。本研究共报道了漳浦县中中新世藓类植物化石3个属种,包括:白发藓属Leucobryum Hampe、牛舌藓属Anomodon Hook.et Taylor和扁枝藓属Homalia(Brid.)B.S.G.。首次利用三维X射线断层扫描技术(Micro-CT)研究了白发藓属化石,发现其与现生种短枝白发藓Leucobryum humillimum Cardot非常相似,因此将其命名为短枝白发藓(相似种)Leucobryum cf.humillimum。此外,当前牛舌藓属Anomodon和扁枝藓属Homalia化石是东亚地区的首例记录。漳浦琥珀中的藓类植物化石揭示了中中新世时期苔藓植物的多样性,丰富了东亚低纬度地区新生代苔藓植物的化石记录。  相似文献   

在世界范围内, 目前被描述的苔藓超过20,000种, 因而, 苔藓植物成为多样性仅次于被子植物的第二大高等植物类群。西双版纳是世界生物多样性保护的关键和热点地区, 然而, 关于该地区苔藓植物多样性的认识却非常有限。为此, 本文结合野外调查和文献收集的方法, 编制了西双版纳苔藓植物名录, 并对其多样性和受威胁状况进行了初步分析。本次调查共采集苔藓植物标本307份, 最终有效鉴定37科70属101种, 其中有5种新记录种。综合野外调查与文献资料, 西双版纳地区共有苔藓植物82科233属661种(含种下分类单元), 占云南省苔藓植物种数的34.7%, 占全国的20.5%。其中苔类30科54属200种、角苔类3科7属12种、藓类49科172属449种, 包括9个东亚特有属、1个中国特有属和26个中国特有种。不同区域尺度、不同时期的红色名录中对西双版纳地区苔藓植物受威胁状况评估结果不同。西双版纳地区苔藓植物物种多样性存在被低估的可能, 随着未来调查区域的扩大和深入, 可能会有更多的苔藓物种被发现。本研究为进一步深入研究该地区苔藓植物区系、保护及利用提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

广东内伶仃岛自然保护区的苔藓植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道广东内伶仃岛自然保护区的苔藓植物共19 科、34 属、61 种, 其中藓类13 科、26属、50 种, 苔类6 科、8 属、11 种。全缘疣鳞苔( Cololejeunea schwabei) 等3 种苔类和拟阔叶小石藓( Weisia platyphylloides) 等10 种藓类为广东省新记录。分析了保护区内的苔藓植物区系特点, 并与车八岭、黑石顶、鼎湖山及南岭自然保护区的苔藓植物区系进行了比较。研究表明, 内伶仃岛的苔藓植物区系由于受地理位置及地形特征的影响而具有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

中国与北美苔藓植物区系关系的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关于中国和北美间苔藓植物区系关系的研究是在20世纪90年代开始的。研究表明中国和北美苔类和藓类的种间关系疏远,这一事实说明两个大陆在第三纪后期分离后,由于地质、地理、气候等因素的差异致使苔藓植物区系成分也产生明显分异。虽然它们在科、属方面差异较小,但两个大陆已各自形成地区特有的苔类和藓类的属。已知的中国特有及东亚特有的苔类属有5个,藓类属有22个;而已知北美地区特有的苔类属有4个、藓类属有5个。北美东部和西部形成于不同地质时期,在苔藓植物方面与中国共同分布的科、属和种存在一定差异。从神农架藓类植物研究表明,从共同分布的种来看,北美东部与中国比北美西部与中国的相似性系数高约6%。从两地区间苔类和藓类植物的雌雄同株或雌雄异株及孢子直径大小而论,这两个因素似乎并不是影响苔藓植物在两大地区间分布的主要原因,但对苔藓植物的分布仍然十分重要。本文作者认为结合中国和北美的地史、地理条件及苔藓植物自身的特点,可以认为白令海峡不是阻碍中国和北美苔藓植物交流的绝对自然屏障;中国和北美苔藓植物区系关系目前的状况,是长期多次交流融合和分异的结果。  相似文献   

广东黑石顶森林苔藓群落特征初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对5个面积为2500m2的样地中树附生和地面苔藓植物的定量调查,初步研究了广东黑石顶森林中苔藓植物多样性特征。本次调查共发现苔藓植物50种,包括30种苔类和20种藓类。样地中树附生苔藓植物40种,地面苔藓植物24种,前者远高于后者。各样地中地面苔藓植物的种类为8-13种,盖度0.59%-1.12%,坡度及小生境的多样性对地面苔藓植物物种多样性及盖度均有很大影响;树附生苔藓植物12-20种,盖度0.63%-1.63%。结果显示30a的次生林中苔藓植物的物种丰富度及盖度均可恢复到与成熟阔叶林接近的水平。相似性分析表明,成熟阔叶林内苔藓植物种类组成与针阔叶混交林及30a的次生阔叶林差异不明显,但前者的苔藓植物群落结构与后者的差异较大。  相似文献   

以贵州大学喀斯特山地校园为对象,调查其苔藓植物物种多样性及其生境特征,探讨苔藓植物生长与环境的关系。结果表明,研究区域内苔藓植物共12科27属51种。优势科是丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和灰藓科(Hypnaceae);主要生活型为丛集型、交织型和垫型;不同功能区域的苔藓植物生物多样性从高到低依次为行政办公区、休闲游憩区、教学科研区、体育运动区、宿舍休息区;不同生境物种丰富度从高到低依次是疏林草坪、林下、草坪环境、灌丛花池、道路;人为干扰程度与光照、湿度是影响苔藓植物多样性组成的重要因子。研究区域内苔藓植物多样性较低,多为土生藓类。在苔藓生长的微生境中,人为干扰低、空气湿度大的林地、疏林草坪更利于苔藓生长。  相似文献   

佛坪国家自然保护区地面生苔藓植物物种多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对秦岭南坡佛坪国家自然保护区地面生苔藓植物的调查,采用相似性系数、重要值、多样性指数对其进行物种多样性的研究。结果表明:29个样地内地面生苔藓植物共33科69属189种,包括苔类植物7科8属15种和藓类植物26科61属174种,其中青藓科是最优势的科。落叶阔叶栎(Quercus)林下地面生苔藓植物的物种多样性最高,其次是落叶阔叶桦(Betula)林带、竹林、针叶林和沟谷岩石,杜鹃(Rhododendron)灌丛带的最低。落叶阔叶栎林带和落叶阔叶桦林带的种相似性最高,杜鹃灌丛与其它植被带的种相似性都很低。研究表明秦岭南坡的佛坪国家自然保护区内,低山地区的落叶阔叶栎林带是该地区苔藓植物多样性的分布中心,是物种多样性保护的关键地带;亚高山地区杜鹃灌丛带的苔藓植物物种多样性虽然不高,但种类明显不同于别的地带,所以也应是苔藓植物多样性保护值得注意的地带。  相似文献   

The bryophytes comprise three phyla of embryophytes that are well established to occupy the first nodes among extant lineages in the land-plant tree of life. The three bryophyte groups (hornworts, liverworts, mosses) may not form a monophyletic clade, but they share life history features including dominant free-living gametophytes and matrotrophic monosporangiate sporophytes. Because of their unique vegetative and reproductive innovations and their critical position in embryophyte phylogeny, studies of bryophytes are crucial to understanding the evolution of land plant morphology and genomes. This review focuses on phylogenetic relationships within each of the three divisions of bryophytes and relates morphological diversity to new insights about those relationships. Most previous work has been on the mosses, but progress on understanding the phylogeny of hornworts and liverworts is advancing at a rapid pace. Multilocus multigenome studies have been successful at resolving deep relationships within the mosses and liverworts, whereas single-gene analyses have advanced understanding of hornwort evolution.  相似文献   

As the oldest extant lineages of land plants, bryophytes provide a living laboratory in which to evaluate morphological adaptations associated with early land existence. In this paper we examine reproductive and structural innovations in the gametophyte and sporophyte generations of hornworts, liverworts, mosses and basal pteridophytes. Reproductive features relating to spermatogenesis and the architecture of motile male gametes are overviewed and evaluated from an evolutionary perspective. Phylogenetic analyses of a data set derived from spermatogenesis and one derived from comprehensive morphogenetic data are compared with a molecular analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial small subunit rDNA sequences. Although relatively small because of a reliance on water for sexual reproduction, gametophytes of bryophytes are the most elaborate of those produced by any land plant. Phenotypic variability in gametophytic habit ranges from leafy to thalloid forms with the greatest diversity exhibited by hepatics. Appendages, including leaves, slime papillae and hairs, predominate in liverworts and mosses, while hornwort gametophytes are strictly thalloid with no organized external structures. Internalization of reproductive and vegetative structures within mucilage-filled spaces is an adaptive strategy exhibited by hornworts. The formative stages of gametangial development are similar in the three bryophyte groups, with the exception that in mosses apical growth is intercalated into early organogenesis, a feature echoed in moss sporophyte ontogeny. A monosporangiate, unbranched sporophyte typifies bryophytes, but developmental and structural innovations suggest the three bryophyte groups diverged prior to elaboration of this generation. Sporophyte morphogenesis in hornworts involves non-synchronized sporogenesis and the continued elongation of the single sporangium, features unique among archegoniates. In hepatics, elongation of the sporophyte seta and archegoniophore is rapid and requires instantaneous wall expandability and hydrostatic support. Unicellular, spiralled elaters and capsule dehiscence through the formation of four regular valves are autapomorphies of liverworts. Sporophytic sophistications in the moss clade include conducting tissue, stomata, an assimilative layer and an elaborate peristome for extended spore dispersal. Characters such as stomata and conducting cells that are shared among sporophvtes of mosses, hornworts and pteridophytes are interpreted as parallelisms and not homologies. Our phylogenetic analysis of three different data sets is the most comprehensive to date and points to a single phylogenetic solution for the evolution of basal embryophytes. Hornworts are supported as the earliest divergent embryophyte clade with a moss/liverwort clade sister to tracheophytes. Among pteridophytes, lycophytes are monophyletic and an assemblage containing ferns, Equisetum and psilophytes is sister to seed plants. Congruence between morphological and molecular hypotheses indicates that these data sets are tracking the same phylogenetic signal and reinforces our phylogenetic conclusions. It appears that total evidence approaches are valuable in resolving ancient radiations such as those characterizing the evolution of early embryophytes. More information on land plant phylogeny can be found at: http: //www.science.siu.edu/ landplants/index.html.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNA sequences and cladistic analysis were used to infer a phylogeny for eight bryophyte taxa. Portions of the cytoplasmic large (26S-like) and small (18S-like) subunit ribosomal RNA genes were sequenced for three marchantioid liverworts (Asterella, Conocephalum, and Riccia), three mosses (Atrichum, Fissidens, and Plagiomnium), and two hornworts (Phaeoceros and Notothylas). Cladistic analysis of these data suggests that the hornworts are the sister group to the mosses, the mosses and hornworts form a clade that is sister to the tracheophytes, and the liverworts form a clade sister to the other land plants. These results differ from previous cladistic analyses based on morphology, ultrastructure, and biochemistry, wherein the mosses alone are sister group to the tracheophytes. We conclude that cladistic analysis of molecular data can provide an independent data set for the study of bryophyte phylogeny, but the differences between the molecular and morphological results are a topic for further investigation.  相似文献   

The evolutionary potential of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts) has been debated for decades. Fossil record and biogeographical distribution patterns suggest very slow morphological evolution and the retainment of several ancient traits since the split with vascular plants some 450 million years ago. Many have argued that bryophytes may evolve as rapidly as higher plants on the molecular level, but this hypothesis has not been tested so far. Here, it is shown that mosses have experienced significantly lower rates of molecular evolution than higher plants within 18S rDNA (nuclear), rbcL (chloroplast) and nad5 (mitochondrial) genes. Mosses are on an average evolving 2-3 times slower than ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms; and also green algae seem to be evolving faster than nonvascular plants. These results support the observation of a general correlation between morphological and molecular evolutionary rates in plants and also show that mosses are 'evolutionary sphinxes' regarding both morphological and molecular evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

An investigation of terrestrial bryophyte species diversity and community structure along an altitudinal gradient from 2,001 to 4,221 m a.s.l. in Gongga Mountain in Sichuan, China was carried out in June 2010. Factors which might affect bryophyte species composition and diversity, including climate, elevation, slope, depth of litter, vegetation type, soil pH and soil Eh, were examined to understand the altitudinal feature of bryophyte distribution. A total of 14 representative elevations were chosen along an altitudinal gradient, with study sites at each elevation chosen according to habitat type (forests, grasslands) and accessibility. At each elevation, three 100 m × 2 m transects that are 50 m apart were set along the contour line, and three 50 cm × 50 cm quadrats were set along each transect at an interval of 30 m. Species diversity, cover, biomass, and thickness of terrestrial bryophytes were examined. A total of 165 species, including 42 liverworts and 123 mosses, are recorded in Gongga mountain. Ground bryophyte species richness does not show any clear elevation trend. The terrestrial bryophyte cover increases with elevation. The terrestrial bryophyte biomass and thickness display a clear humped relationship with the elevation, with the maximum around 3,758 m. At this altitude, biomass is 700.3 g m−2 and the maximum thickness is 8 cm. Bryophyte distribution is primarily associated with the depth of litter, the air temperature and the precipitation. Further studies are necessary to include other epiphytes types and vascular vegetation in a larger altitudinal range.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):182-189

The first bryophyte survey results from Colombian Amazonia are presented. Bryophyte species, differentiated into mosses and liverworts, and further into four life-form classes, were sampled in 0.1-ha plots. These plots were distributed over four landscape units in the middle Caquetá area: floodplains, swamps, terra firme forests and white-sand areas. The total numbers of bryophyte species in the units were 50, 45, 45 and 32, respectively. The plots in floodplains and swamps were richer in moss species than the terra firme and white-sand plots, suggesting that coexistence of many moss species is favoured by high humidity. Moss species with fan life-forms preferred floodplains. On the other hand, liverwort species richness was highest in white-sand plots, which suggests that light incidence controls liverwort species-richness, perhaps more than humidity. All plots from the floodplain of the Caquetá River differed remarkably in species composition (of both mosses and liverworts) from the other landscape units. This may be due to the unique properties of this varzea system where, during yearly flooding events, soil, dead logs and stems are covered with a fresh layer of nutrient-rich fine silt, enhancing the surface for colonization and improving the conditions for productive bryophyte growth compared with elsewhere in the middle Caquetá area.  相似文献   

藻苔纲Takakiopsida,一个独特的苔藓植物类群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
藻苔属Takakia在建立之初被认为是原始的苔类植物。这一神秘类群的出现引起了苔藓学家的兴趣,发表了一系列相关的论文。但是随着其孢子体的发现,它的系统位置引起了争论。本文详细分析了藻苔属植物的形态性状特征,参考了大量其他学科的研究成果,认为它既不能归于类,也不能归于苔类。就其系统位置而言,应该成为一独立的纲——藻苔纲。  相似文献   

The bryophyte flora of Liguria region is compared with data available for other Italian regions. Comparisons were made in terms of biogeographical coherence, floristic similarity, and the number of scientific studies for each region. The aim was to provide a provisional evaluation based on bibliographic data, but with useful insights for an objective assessment of the state of knowledge and for the continuation of the study of hornworts, liverworts, and mosses in the Liguria.  相似文献   

Bryophytes are widespread in terrestrial ecosystems but little is known about their influence on vascular species. Water‐soluble leachates (0%, 1%, 5%, 10% concentration) derived from 18 species of bryophytes (mosses 11 species; liverworts 7 species) were tested on the germination and seedling growth of Lactuca sativa and two common trees Melicytus ramiflorus (Violaceae) and Fuchsia excorticata (Onagraceae) in southern New Zealand forests. Bryophyte water soluble extracts (BWSE) have minor impact on seed germination of Lactuca, stimulatory effects on radical growth at low (1%) concentrations and inhibitory effects at higher concentrations (5–10%). For Melicytus the BWSE had variable effects, with evidence of strong stimulatory (Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme) and inhibitory (Lepidozia concinna) effects on germination, but generally inhibited radical growth. BWSE at all test concentrations consistently inhibit both germination and seedling radicle growth in Fuchsia. The toxicity effect of water‐soluble leachates varies significantly between bryophyte species but not consistently between mosses and liverworts. Bryophyte species exhibiting strongest inhibition effects under control conditions were associated with significantly reduced densities of broadleaved tree seedlings in forest ecosystems. Our results demonstrate that some bryophyte species via allelopathic interactions can inhibit seedling establishment and growth of forest trees. This mechanism provides an additional factor constraining the spatial distribution of the regeneration niche in forest communities.  相似文献   

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