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New hexactinellid sponges were collected from 2589 m depth on the Carlsberg Ridge in the Indian Ocean during deep-sea dredging. All fragments belong to a new genus and species, Indiellagen. n.ridgenensissp. n., a representative of the family Aulocalycidae described here. The peculiar features of this sponge, not described earlier for other Aulocalycidae, are: longitudinal strands present in several layers and epirhyses channelization.  相似文献   

A new bembrid,Bembras adenensis, is described on the basis of specimens collected from the Gulf of Aden, western Indian Ocean. This species is easily distinguished fromB. japonica, the only known congener of the genus, by the following combination of characters: larger orbital diameter, longer head length, pectoral-fin with a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, 3 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 19 pectoral-fin rays, and 15 anal-fin rays (vs. smaller orbital diameter, shorter head length, pectoral-fin with several small spots forming irregular bands, 2 gill rakers on upper gill arch, usually 17 pectoral-fin rays, and 14 anal-fin rays inB. japonica).  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Two new waspfish (Tetrarogidae) species, Ablabys pauciporus sp. nov. and A. gymnothorax sp. nov., are described on the basis of three specimens from the Great Barrier...  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Cirrhimuraena (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae), Cirrhimuraena indica sp. nov., is described based on eight specimens collected from the Paradip (Odisha) and Petuaghat harbours (West Bengal) along the Bay of Bengal. The species is distinct in having the upper jaw fringed with 16–17 cirri before posterior nostril and 4–5 in between the anterior and posterior nostrils on the side; dorsal fin originates above the level of gill opening, predorsal length is 9.3–10.9 in total length; the head is relatively large, the length is 9.3–9.8 in total length; no infraorbital pores are observed between the nostrils; teeth are numerous, small, conical and in bands on each jaw; pores are present before the gill opening 10–11 and before anus 47–48; pectoral-fin length is 2.4–2.8 in head length; predorsal vertebrae are 8–10, pre-anal vertebrae 43–47 and total vertebrae 164–169. In the maximum likelihood tree analysis for COI gene, the new species belongs to the same clade as the other congener of Cirrhimuraena chinensis and is separated from the species morphologically and genetically.  相似文献   

Synopsis A recent (1979) expedition to the Chagos Archipelago resulted in the collection of about 40 new taxa of fishes. A new genus,Trimmatom, and two new species,T. nanus andT. offucius, are described here. The new genus is characterized by having all pelvic-fin rays simple (unbranched), a scaleless body, no head pores, a wide gill opening extending anteroventrally to below the eye, and hypurals 1 and 2 fused to the complex formed by the fusion of the ural centrum and hypurals 3 and 4.T. nanuss andT. offucius are differentiated on the basis of fin ray counts and colour pattern.T. nanus is the smallest vertebrate yet to be described. Mature females with ovaries full of eggs are 8–10 mm in standard length.  相似文献   

New for the science three trematode species are described--Aporocotyle nototheniae sp. nov., Prosorchis saicevi sp. nov., Pseudocardicola emmelichthy sp. nov.--from commercial fishes of the Indian Ocean. New genus Pseudocardicola gen. nov. and new subfamily Pseudocardicolinae subfam. nov. are substantiated for Pseudocardicola emmelichthy species. The differential diagnoses for all three trematode species are given.  相似文献   

To estimate the original prey size of well-digested prey (fish, cephalopod and crustacean) of large pelagic fish predators representing 17 species in eight families (Scombridae, Xiphiidae, Istiophoridae, Carangidae, Coryphaenidae, Alepisauridae, Sphyraenidae and Carcharhinidae), we presented regression equations relating the length and weight of the prey to lengths of diagnostic hard part structures recovered from stomach contents. Stomach samples were collected in the western Indian Ocean between 2000 and 2008 from predators caught by three fishing gears: longline, purse seine and troll lines. In addition, fresh specimens were collected from trawls nets carried out during scientific cruises at depths ranging from the surface to 500 m. Parameters of the least-square regression equations were estimated between different diagnostic hard parts and the length and the weight of the prey. These relationships are useful for estimating the reconstructed weight of the diet of top predators and for estimating the predator size-prey size ratios. This work is the first reference on such relationships for the forage fauna of the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

A new mullid fish, Parupeneus procerigena, is described on the basis of 13 specimens (118.9–198.4 mm SL) from depths of 92–148 m off the Saya de Malha Bank in the western Indian Ocean. This species resembles P. chrysopleuron and P. heptacanthus in color pattern without black stripes or spots, but it differs from them in having more gill rakers, two scales in lachrymal region, deeper body, deeper cheek, and longer distance between nostrils. Received: April 4, 2000 / Revised: July 27, 2000 / Accepted: August 27, 2000  相似文献   

A new species of deep‐living dragonet Callionymus omanensis from Oman is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected in a trawl from 500 m depth off the coast of Oman. The new species is characterized within the subgenus Bathycallionymus by having a small branchial opening; head short (3·9 in proportion to standard length); eye large (2·4 in proportion to head length); preopercular spine with a long, upcurved main tip, with a small antrorse barb and a larger antrorse spine, and with a strong antrorse spine laterally at the preopercular‐spine base, ventral margin smooth; first dorsal fin slightly higher than second dorsal fin (male); second dorsal fin distally straight; 17 pectoral fin rays; distal end of caudal fin slightly pointed, with two median unbranched rays bearing short filaments; first dorsal fin with basal black spot reaching from first to fourth membranes, third membrane with an ocellated distal black blotch; second dorsal fin with vertical dark grey bars; distal three‐fourths of anal fin black; upper half of caudal fin with oblique dark grey bars; pelvic fin dark grey, second ray basally with a black blotch. The new species is compared with similar species. Revised keys to callionymid species of the western Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, as well as species of the subgenus Bathycallionymus, are presented.  相似文献   

Coastal ascidians collected over two centuries from Suez to Mozambique have been successively deposited in the MNHN and are now described and figured. Some of them were already known from the Indian Ocean, others are common to the Pacific, and some others are new species. Even though the present taxonomic work notably increases our knowledge of the tropical eastern African coast, it comprises so many miscellaneous collections from such distant points that it can only begin to suggest the diversity of ascidians there. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 135 , 65–120.  相似文献   

Two new species of mesobenthic green eyes of the genus Chlorophthalmus—Ch. mascarensis sp. n. and Ch. vityazi sp. n.—are described for the first time. The specimens were collected at submarine rises of the Maskaren Ridge and continental slope of Madagascar, respectively. The differences between the new species and other species of the genus Chlorophthalmus are analyzed.  相似文献   

A new lacazelline brachiopod species is described from reef caves in the outer reef slope zone off Addu and South Male atolls in the Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean. Based on anatomical features of the soft parts, shell morphology and shell microstructure the new taxon is assigned to the genus Ospreyella Lüter and Wörheide 2003 in the subfamily Lacazellinae of the family Thecideidae. This new species, here named O. maldiviana and representing the first occurrence of the genus in the Indian Ocean, is compared with the type species O. depressa Luter from Osprey Reef, Coral Sea, Australia. Comparisons are made between Ospreyella (now two species) and the other extant lacazelline genera Lacazella Munier‐Chalmas (three species) and Pajaudina Logan (one species).  相似文献   

Cryptonemia specimens collected in Bermuda over the past two decades were analysed using gene sequences encoding the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the large subunit of RuBisCO as genetic markers to elucidate their phylogenetic positions. They were additionally subjected to morphological assessment and compared with historical collections from the islands. Six species are presently found in the flora including C. bermudensis comb. nov., based on Halymenia bermudensis, and the following five new species: C. abyssalis, C. antricola, C. atrocostalis, C. lacunicola and C. perparva. Of the eight species known in the western Atlantic flora prior to this study, none is found in Bermuda. Specimens reported in the islands in the 1900s attributed to C. crenulata and C. luxurians are representative of the new species, C. antricola and C. atrocostalis, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper deals with three species of the genus Anisomysiscollected from the South West coast of Australia of which A.gracilis and A. robustispina are new to science and A. bipanocularais reported for the first time from the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Zygnemopsis (Skuja) Trans. 1934 (Z. benghalensis sp. nov.; Z. pseudolahaulensis sp. nov., and Z. scrobiculata sp. nov.) are described from West Bengal, India.  相似文献   

Two new species of the Neotropical genus Cranichis are described: Cranichis carlos-parrae Szlach. & Kolan. and Cranichis zarucchii Szlach. & Kolan. Both species are known exclusively from the Colombian Andes, where they were found growing in montane forests and paramo above 2,550 m of elevation. Each species is described and illustrated, and the habitat and distribution data are provided. A distribution map of the new species is presented. A dichotomous key for identification Colombian species of Cranichis is provided.  相似文献   

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