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Porcine cardiac myosin monomers in equilibrium with filaments under physiological conditions were observed to have two conformations, extended and folded forms, upon electron microscopy and gel filtration HPLC. The conformational state was independent of ATP and the phosphorylation of regulatory light chain. The folded monomers of cardiac myosin were mainly in an open conformation with only one bend in the tail, and may not trap the hydrolysis products of ATP, as assessed by single turnover experiments. These properties are similar to those of the folded monomers of rabbit skeletal myosin [Katoh, T., Konishi, K., and Yazawa, M. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 11436-11439]. The conformational states of skeletal and cardiac myosin monomers were not affected by pH between 7.0 and 8.5. Although significant disassembly of filaments and thus an increase in the monomer concentration were observed with an increase in pH. The results indicate that the pH-dependent change in filament assembly is due to a shift of equilibrium between the filaments and extended monomers toward filament disassembly. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of these myosin monomers decreased with a decrease in the salt concentration below approximately 0.1 M, suggestive of the formation of a closed conformation similar to the conformation of 10S smooth myosin. The results suggest that the conformational change from the extended to the folded form is a common property of various myosin IIs.  相似文献   

Low angle X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded from crab leg muscle in living resting state and in rigor (glycerol-extracted). Both resting and rigor patterns showed a series of layer-lines arising from a helical arrangement of actin subunits in the thin filaments. In the resting state, the crossover repeat of the long-pitch actin helices was 36.6 nm, and the symmetry of the genetic actin helix was an intermediate between 2612 and 2813. When the muscle went into rigor, the crossover repeat changed to 38.3 nm and the helical symmetry to 2813.In the living resting pattern, six other reflections were observed on the meridian and in the near-meridional region. These were indexed as orders of 2 × 38.2 nm and could be assigned to troponin molecules; the spacings and the intensity distributions of these reflections could be explained by the model proposed by Ohtsuki (1974) for the arrangement of troponin molecules in the thin filaments.The muscle in rigor gave meridional and near-meridional reflections at orders of 2 × 38.3 nm. These were identified as the same series of reflections as was assigned to troponin in the living resting pattern, but were more intense and could be seen up to higher orders. We consider that the myosin heads attached to the thin filament at regular intervals along its axis also contribute to these reflections in the rigor pattern.  相似文献   

Titin, the giant protein of striated muscle, provides a continuous link between the Z-disk and the M-line of a sarcomere. The elastic I-band section of titin comprises two main structural elements, stretches of immunoglobulin-like domains and a unique sequence, the PEVK segment. Both elements contribute to the extensibility and passive force development of nonactivated muscle. Extensibility of the titin segments in skeletal muscle has been determined by immunofluorescence/immunoelectron microscopy of sarcomeres stained with sequence-assigned titin antibodies. The force developed upon stretch of titin has been measured on isolated molecules or recombinant titin fragments with the help of optical tweezers and the atomic force microscope. Force has also been measured in single isolated myofibrils. The force-extension relation of titin could be readily fitted with models of biopolymer elasticity. For physiologically relevant extensions, the elasticity of the titin segments was largely explainable by an entropic-spring mechanism. The modelling explains why during stretch of titin, the Ig-domain regions (with folded modules) extend before the PEVK domain. In cardiac muscle, I-band titin is expressed in different isoforms, termed N2-A and N2-B. The N2-A isoform resembles that of skeletal muscle, whereas N2-B titin is shorter and is distinguished by cardiac-specific Ig-motifs and nonmodular sequences within the central I-band section. Examination of N2-B titin extensibility revealed that this isoform extends by recruiting three distinct elastic elements: poly-Ig regions and the PEVK domain at lower stretch and, in addition, a unique 572-residue sequence insertion at higher physiological stretch. Extension of all three elements allows cardiac titin to stretch fully reversibly at physiological sarcomere lengths, without the need to unfold individual Ig domains. However, unfolding of a very small number of Ig domains remains a possibility.  相似文献   

In many tissues, actin monomers polymerize into actin (thin) filaments of precise lengths. Although the exact mechanisms involved remain unresolved, it is proposed that "molecular rulers" dictate the lengths of the actin filaments. The giant nebulin molecule is a prime candidate for specifying thin filament lengths in striated muscle, but this idea has never been proven. To test this hypothesis, we used RNA interference technology in rat cardiac myocytes. Live cell imaging and triple staining revealed a dramatic elongation of the preexisting thin filaments from their pointed ends upon nebulin knockdown, demonstrating its role in length maintenance; the barbed ends were unaffected. When the thin filaments were depolymerized with latrunculin B, myocytes with decreased nebulin levels reassembled them to unrestricted lengths, demonstrating its importance in length specification. Finally, knockdown of nebulin in skeletal myotubes revealed its involvement in myofibrillogenesis. These data are consistent with nebulin functioning as a thin filament ruler and provide insight into mechanisms dictating macromolecular assembly.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique by which muscle thin filaments are reconstituted from the recombinant troponin components and the native thin filaments. By this technique, the reconstituted troponin complex is exchanged into the native thin filaments in the presence of 20% glycerol and 0.3 M KCl at pH 6.2. More than 90% of endogenous troponin complex was replaced with the recombinant troponin complex. Structural integrity and Ca2+ sensitivity of the reconstituted thin filament prepared by this technique was confirmed by X-ray fiber diffraction measurements and the thin filament-activated myosin subfragment 1 ATPase measurements, respectively.  相似文献   

Z A Podlubnaia 《Biofizika》1999,44(4):700-707
In this review the data of the last 20 years on the mechanisms of force generation in vertebrate striated muscles, its regulation and energy supplying have been presented. Special attention has been given to the contribution of thick filaments and their individual proteins in these mechanisms.  相似文献   

Striated muscle contraction in most animals is regulated at least in part by the troponin-tropomyosin (Tn-Tm) switch on the thin (actin-containing) filaments. The only group that has been suggested to lack actin-linked regulation is the mollusks, where contraction is regulated through the myosin heads on the thick filaments. However, molluscan gene sequence data suggest the presence of troponin (Tn) components, consistent with actin-linked regulation, and some biochemical and immunological data also support this idea. The presence of actin-linked (in addition to myosin-linked) regulation in mollusks would simplify our general picture of muscle regulation by extending actin-linked regulation to this phylum as well. We have investigated this question structurally by determining the effect of Ca2+ on the position of Tm in native thin filaments from scallop striated adductor muscle. Three-dimensional reconstructions of negatively stained filaments were determined by electron microscopy and single-particle image analysis. At low Ca2+, Tm appeared to occupy the “blocking” position, on the outer domain of actin, identified in earlier studies of regulated thin filaments in the low-Ca2+ state. In this position, Tm would sterically block myosin binding, switching off filament activity. At high Ca2+, Tm appeared to move toward a position on the inner domain, similar to that induced by Ca2+ in regulated thin filaments. This Ca2+-induced movement of Tm is consistent with the hypothesis that scallop thin filaments are Ca2+ regulated.  相似文献   

Most current textbooks of cell biology and histology use the steric blocking model to describe the protein mechanism by which vertebrate striated muscle contraction is regulated. Evidence accumulated in the past decade, however, reveals the regulation of muscle contraction to be far more complex than this model predicts.  相似文献   

When Ca2+ binds to troponin C (TnC), all 26 troponin-tropomyosin (Tn-Tm) complexes of a regulatory strand change in concert from the inactive to the active configuration. To see if the complexes respond similarly when they are activated by rigor crossbridges in the absence of Ca2+, we determined the slope (ns) of the bell-shaped pS/tension (pS = -log [MgATP], where S = MgATP2-) relationship between pS 5, where the tension is maximal, and pS 2.3, where fibers are fully relaxed. In control skinned rabbit psoas fibers the ns value is greater than 4; it progressively decreases with TnC extraction. This decrease in ns with TnC extraction is analogous to the decrease in the slope (Hill coefficient) of the pCa/tension (pCa = -log [Ca2+]) relationship with extraction. Complete TnC extraction reduces the maximum substrate-induced tension by only 25%; in contrast, it reduces the maximum Ca2+ induced tension to zero. The effects of TnC extraction on the slope of the pS/tension curve are explained by the assumptions that (1) extracted Tn-Tm complexes no longer change in concert with their neighbors but change independently of them, and (2) co-operative signals cannot cross extracted Tn-Tm complexes. The ns value, therefore, like the nH, is a direct function of the number of contiguous, intact, Tn-Tm complexes in a stretch of a regulatory strand. To describe qualitatively the bi-phasic pS/tension relationship, the mono-phasic pCa/tension relationship, and the effects of TnC extraction on them, we introduce a version of the concerted-transition formalism which includes two activating ligands, Ca2+ and rigor crossbridges.  相似文献   

A 35 kDa protein present in vertebrate smooth muscle and capable of binding to purified actin does not appear to be a constituent of smooth-muscle thin filaments in vivo; instead, it is more likely to be a component easily solubilized from particulate material which then spuriously interacts with actin.  相似文献   

Regulation of skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction is associated with structural changes of the thin filament-based proteins, troponin consisting of three subunits (TnC, TnI, and TnT), tropomyosin, and actin, triggered by Ca2+-binding to TnC. Knowledge of in situ structures of these proteins is indispensable for elucidating the molecular mechanism of this Ca2+-sensitive regulation. Here, the in situ structure of TnC within the thin filaments was investigated with neutron scattering, combined with selective deuteration and the contrast matching technique. Deuterated TnC (dTnC) was first prepared, this dTnC was then reconstituted into the native thin filaments, and finally neutron scattering patterns of these reconstituted thin filaments containing dTnC were measured under the condition where non-deuterated components were rendered "invisible" to neutrons. The obtained scattering curves arising only from dTnC showed distinct difference in the absence and presence of Ca2+. These curves were analyzed by model calculations using the Monte Carlo method, in which inter-dTnC interference was explicitly taken into consideration. The model calculation showed that in situ radius of gyration of TnC was 23 A (99% confidence limits between 22 A and 23 A) and 24 A (99% confidence limits between 23 A and 25 A) in the absence and presence of Ca2+, respectively, indicating that TnC within the thin filaments assumes a conformation consistent with the extended dumbbell structure, which is different from the structures found in the crystals of various Tn complexes. Elongation of TnC by binding of Ca2+ was also suggested. Furthermore, the radial position of TnC within the thin filament was estimated to be 53 A (99% confidence limits between 49 A and 57 A) and 49 A (99% confidence limits between 44 A and 53 A) in the absence and presence of Ca2+, respectively, suggesting that this radial movement of TnC by 4A is associated with large conformational changes of the entire Tn molecule by binding of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Titin is a giant muscle protein with a molecular weight in the megaDalton range and a contour length of more than 1 microm. Its size and location within the sarcomere structure determine its important role in the mechanism of muscle elasticity. According to the current consensus, elasticity stems directly from more than one type of spring-like behaviour of the I-band portion of the molecule. Starting from slack length, extension of the sarcomere first causes straightening of the molecule. Further extension then induces local unfolding of a unique sequence, the PEVK region, which is named due to the preponderance of these amino-acid residues. High speeds of extension and/or high forces are likely to lead to unfolding of the beta-sandwich domains from which the molecule is mainly constructed. A release of tension leads to refolding and recoiling of the polypeptide. Here, we review the literature and present new experimental material related to the role of titin in muscle elasticity. In particular, we analyse the possible influence of the arrangement and environment of titin within the sarcomere structure on its extensible behaviour. We suggest that, due to the limited conformational space, elongation and compression of the molecule within the sarcomere occur in a more ordered way or with higher viscosity and higher forces than are observed in solution studies of the isolated protein.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and negative staining techniques have been used to show that the proteolytic removal of 13 amino acids from the N-terminus of essential light chain 1 and 19 amino acids from the N-terminus of the regulatory light chain of rabbit skeletal and cardiac muscle myosins destroys Ca(2+)-induced reversible movement of subfragment-2 (S2) with heads (S1) away from the backbone of synthetic myosin filaments observed for control assemblies of the myosin under near physiological conditions. This is the direct demonstration of the contribution of the S2 movement to the Ca(2+)-sensitive structural behavior of rabbit cardiac and skeletal myosin filaments and of the necessity of intact light chains for this movement. In muscle, such a mobility might play an important role in proper functioning of the myosin filaments. The impairment of the Ca(2+)-dependent structural behavior of S2 with S1 on the surface of the synthetic myosin filaments observed by us may be of direct relevance to some cardiomyopathies, which are accompanied by proteolytic breakdown or dissociation of myosin light chains.  相似文献   

1. 1. Immunochemical studies have shown that the major forms of troponin T present in fast skeletal, slow skeletal and cardiac muscles are different proteins.
2. 2. Similar studies indicate that the major form of troponin C present in fast skeletal muscles differs from troponin C present in slow skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. The forms of troponin C present in slow skeletal and cardiac muscles are immunochemically very similar.
3. 3. The antibodies to the polymorphic forms of troponin T and troponin C are specific for the muscle type, except in the case of the slow skeletal and cardiac muscle forms of troponin C.
4. 4. By the immunoperoxidase technique, it has been shown that the fast skeletal muscle troponin T is localized in type II cells and slow skeletal muscle troponin T in type I cells.
5. 5. Fast skeletal muscle troponin C is present in type II cells and a different troponin C, identified by its reaction with the antibody against cardiac troponin C, is present in type I cells.
6. 6. It is concluded that in normal adult skeletal muscle, fast muscle forms of troponin I, troponin T and troponin C are present together as a homocomplex in type II cells and the slow muscle forms exist as an analagous homocomplex in type I cells.

The ATPase activity of acto-myosin subfragment 1 (S1) at low ratios of S1 to actin in the presence of tropomyosin is dependent on the tropomyosin source and ionic conditions. Whereas skeletal muscle tropomyosin causes a 60% inhibitory effect at all ionic strengths, the effect of smooth muscle tropomyosin was found to be dependent on the ionic strength. At low ionic strength (20 mM) smooth muscle tropomyosin inhibits the ATPase activity by 60%, while at high ionic strength (120 mM) it potentiates the ATPase activity three- to five-fold. Therefore, the difference in the effect of smooth muscle and skeletal muscle tropomyosin on the acto-S1 ATPase activity was due to a greater fraction of the tropomyosin-actin complex being turned on in the absence of S1 with smooth muscle tropomyosin than with skeletal muscle tropomyosin. Using well-oriented gels of actin and of reconstituted specimens from vertebrate smooth muscle thin filament proteins suitable for X-ray diffraction, we localized the position of tropomyosin on actin under different levels of acto-S1 ATPase activity. By analysing the equatorial X-ray pattern of the oriented specimens in combination with solution scattering experiments, we conclude that tropomyosin is located at a binding radius of about 3.5 nm on the f-actin helix under all conditions studied. Furthermore, we find no evidence that the azimuthal position of tropomyosin is different for smooth muscle tropomyosin at various ionic strengths, or vertebrate tropomyosin, since the second actin layer-line intensity (at 17.9 nm axial and 4.3 nm radial spacing), which was shown in skeletal muscle to be a sensitive measure of this parameter, remains strong and unchanged. Differences in the ATPase activity are not necessarily correlated with different positions of tropomyosin on f-actin. The same conclusion is drawn from our observations that, although the regulatory protein caldesmon inhibits the ATPase activity in native and reconstituted vertebrate smooth muscle thin filaments at a molar ratio of actin/tropomyosin/caldesmon of 28:7:1, the second actin layer-line remains strong. Only adding caldesmon in excess reduces the intensity of the second actin layer-line, from which the binding radius of caldesmon can be estimated to be about 4 nm. The lack of predominant meridional reflections in oriented specimens, with caldesmon present, suggests that caldesmon does not project away from the thin filament as troponin molecules in vertebrate striated muscle in agreement with electron micrographs of smooth muscle thin filaments. In freshly prepared native smooth muscle thin filaments we observed a Ca(2+)-sensitive reversible bundling effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In striated muscles contraction is regulated by the thin filament-based proteins, troponin consisting of three subunits (TnC, TnI, and TnT), and tropomyosin. Knowledge of in situ structures of these proteins is indispensable for elucidating this Ca(2+)-sensitive regulatory mechanism. We employed neutron scattering to investigate the structure of TnC within the thin filament, and found that TnC assumes extended dumbbell-like structures and moves toward the filament axis by binding of Ca(2+). Here, in order to obtain more detailed in situ structural information of TnC, neutron fiber diffraction measurements were performed. Sols of native thin filaments and the thin filaments containing deuterated TnC were prepared in (2)H(2)O. The oriented samples were obtained by placing these sols sealed in quartz capillaries with a diameter of 3 mm in a magnetic field of 18 Tesla. Neutron fiber diffraction patterns were obtained from these oriented samples in the absence and presence of Ca(2+). The patterns obtained showed strong equatorial diffraction due to the thin filaments, 59 A and 51 A layer-lines due to actin, and meridional reflections due to Tn-complex. Analysis of the meridional reflections due to Tn-complex with aid of model calculation showed that the angle between the thin filament axis and the long axis of TnC was estimated to be 67(+/-7) degrees and 49(+/-17) degrees , in the absence and presence of Ca(2+), respectively, suggesting that TnC, which assumes orientations rather perpendicular to the filament axis in the absence of Ca(2+), tilts toward the filament axis and the orientational and positional disorder increases by binding Ca(2+). It also showed that the relative position of the TnC moved by about 22 A by binding Ca(2+), and this apparent movement was concomitant with the movements of other Tn-subunits. This implies that by binding Ca(2+), significant structural rearrangements of Tn-subunits occur.  相似文献   

Evidence that nebulin is a protein-ruler in muscle thin filaments   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Partial amino acid sequence was obtained from the massive myofibrillar protein nebulin. This consists of repeating motifs of about 35 residues and super-repeats of 7 x 35 = 245 residues. The repeat-motifs are likely to be largely alpha-helical and to interact with both actin and tropomyosin in thin filaments. Nebulin from different species was found to vary in size in proportion to filament length. The data are consistent with the proposal that nebulin acts as a protein-ruler to regulate precise thin filament assembly.  相似文献   

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