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The aim of these experiments was to see whether antisera of the Lyb series could be used to identify B cells capable of responding differentially in T-dependent and T-independent systems. The antisera tested were against the alloantigens Lyb 1.1,2.1,3,4.1,5.2, and LyM 1. A polyvalent sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Ig) antibody acted as a positive control for the identification of B cells. As a first step, all spleen B cells were treated to remove this surface Ig by a capping procedure. They were then washed, reacted with a mouse alloantiserum, and allowed to form rosettes with sheep erythrocytes to which a sheep anti-mouse IgG had been coupled. Rosetted fractions were prepared on a Percoll density gradient. After removal of erythrocytes by osmotic shock, the cells were tested for their capacity to respond to antigenic stimulation. To allow accurate estimation of functional potential, two B-cell cloning assays were used. To enumerate T-dependent B cells, the Klinman splenic microfocus assay was employed using haptenated KLH4 as antigen. To study T-independent cells, a limiting-dilution liquid microculture method employing hapten-polymerized flagellin as antigen was used. The results showed that none of the Lyb antigens clearly demarcated T-dependent from T-independent B cells. Rosetted fractions consisting of Lyb 1.1-, 2.1-, 3-, or 4.1-positive cells responded well in both assays. Fractions enriched for LyM 1-positive cells behaved like unfractionated spleen cells. Only the Lyb 5.2-rosetted fraction showed any discordance between the two assays, the fraction being enriched for cells responding in the T-dependent system and slightly depleted of cells responding in the T-independent system. Taken as a whole, the results suggest that these alloantigens will not serve as useful markers to characterize T-dependent and T-independent B-cell subsets. In fact, the experiments cast further doubt on whether such a distinction is valid.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure for simultaneous immunohistochemical localization of three different neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, or neurotransmitter enzymes within one and the same tissue section and present a number of examples of its application within the brain and periphery. Primary antibodies from three different species were bound to three different neurochemical substances within the same section and were then reacted with three appropriate species-specific antisera conjugated with fluorescein, rhodamine/Texas red, or biotin. The biotinylated secondary antiserum was subsequently reacted with diethylaminocoumarin (DAMC) conjugated to avidin. This combination resulted in green, red, and blue fluorescent labeling of each antigen, respectively. Each fluorescent marker was viewed and photographed discretely using appropriate excitation and suppression filter combinations. The method is well suited for analyzing instances of multiple coexistence at both the level of the cell soma and within terminal regions. More broadly, the feasibility of three-color immunofluorescence histochemistry extends the range with which antigen localization can be used to investigate the morphological bases of relationships and interactions between immunohistochemically characterized neuronal elements.  相似文献   

We have studied the homing properties of B lymphocytes by using 51Cr-labeled lymphoid cells obtained from athymic, nu/nu mice, and animals made T-lymphocyte deficient by thymectomy and lethal irradiation followed by reconstitution with syngeneic bone marrow. Comparison was made to the patterns of distribution observed when cell preparations containing normal numbers of T and B lymphocytes were migrated. A small but significant percentage of labeled lymphocytes from lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer's Patches, and bone marrow of T-cell-deficient animals was shown to be lymph node seeking. Secondary transfers of lymph node cells from primary recipients caused enrichment of this lymph node-seeking population. Treatment of T-lymphocyte-deficient lymphoid cell preparations with neuraminidase reduced the percentages of cells homing to the lymph nodes. The data showed that B lymphocytes exhibit unique homing properties when injected into normal recipients. In addition, direct comparison of the homing patterns of B lymphocytes prepared from spleen and lymph nodes of athymic mice revealed differences suggesting that these lymphoid organs contained unique mixtures of at least two different kinds of B cell. The evidence supports the notion that the B-lymphocyte populations contain at least two subpopulations, one of which possesses the ability to home to lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Mouse B-cell line was established by culturing anti-Thy-1 antibody and complement-treated splenic B cells with the conditioned medium of concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cell-culture supernatant. At the eighth week of culture, it was revealed that 100% of the long-term-cultured cells had both cytoplasmic and surface immunoglobulin. These cells were then maintained in the conditioned medium together with T-cell-depleted splenic and then splenic adherent feeder cells. Flow cytometric studies of the B-cell line showed that they had surface mu, delta, and kappa but no gamma, lambda, Lyt-1, or Lyt-2. The growth of the B-cell line was dependent on the factor(s) derived from concanavalin A-stimulated conditioned medium. It was found that IL-2 was the major factor supporting the B-cell growth. The B-cell line did not secrete immunoglobulin spontaneously, but it could differentiate into antibody-forming cells through the stimulation of bacterial lipopolysaccharides. The technique for obtaining mouse B-cell lines are reproducible in our laboratory and one of those lines has been propagated and maintained for 16 months to the present.  相似文献   

Thymic blood and lymphatic vessels in humans and laboratory animals have been investigated in morphological studies. However, occasionally a clear distinction between blood vessels and lymphatic vessels cannot be made from morphological characteristics of the vasculature. To visualize thymic lymphatics in normal adult BALB/c mice, we used antibodies against specific markers of lymphatic endothelial cells. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor–3 (VEGFR–3) was detected throughout the thymus, i.e., the capsule, cortex, and medulla. Most thymic lymphatics were present in capillaries of ~20 μm in caliber. The plexuses of lymphatic capillaries were occasionally detectable. Lymphatic vessels were frequently adjacent to CD31–positive blood vessels, and some lymphatic vessels were seen in the immediate vicinity of or within the perivascular spaces around postcapillary venules. The identity of VEGFR–3–positive vessels as lymphatics was further confirmed by staining with additional markers: LYVE–1, Prox–1, neuropilin–2, and secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine (SLC). The distributions of LYVE–1 were similar to those of VEGFR–3. Most lymphatic vessels were also identified by Prox–1. Neuropilin–2 was restricted to lymphatic vessels in the thymus. The most abundant expression of SLC in the thymus was in medullar epithelial cells; SLC was also expressed in lymphatic vessels and blood vessels. Thus, lymphatic endothelium in mouse thymus was characterized by positive staining with antibodies to VEGFR–3, LYVE–1, Prox–1, neuropilin–2, or SLC, but not with an antibody to CD31. Our results suggest the presence of lymphatic capillary networks throughout the thymus.  相似文献   

Mouse B-cell line, established by culturing anti-Thy-1 and complement-treated splenic B cells with concanavalin A-stimulated conditioned medium, expressed immunoglobulins and Ia antigens on its surface. The long-term-cultured B-cell line was split in two and maintained with or without 3300 R X-irradiated T-cell-depleted syngeneic splenic adherent cells (SAC). Interestingly, the B-cell line cultured without SAC lost its Ia antigen but not its Ig expression, whereas the cell line with SAC maintained both Ia and Ig expression. The ability to express Ia antigens was restored by culturing them only in the presence of Ia-positive feeder cells. Neither recombinant interferon-gamma or lectin-stimulated conditioned medium nor cell-free culture supernatant SAC had the ability to restore Ia antigen expression on the B-cell line. Incubation of Ia-negative B-cell line with phorbol esters restored the Ia expression. It is suggested that the expression of Ia antigen on B lymphocytes was controlled differently from that on macrophage lineage. The B-cell line expressing Ia antigens acts as stimulator cells for alloantigen-activated T lymphocytes and as antigen-presenting cells on the KLH-specific Ia-restricted proliferative T-cell clone in the presence of a specific antigen.  相似文献   

Nine monoclonal antibodies to rabbit T cells and B subpopulations have been generated from three separate fusions of spleen cells from mice immunized with fractionated populations of rabbit lymphocytes. These monoclonal antibodies, as well as a previously described rabbit T cell monoclonal antibody, 9AE10, have been analyzed by immunofluorescence staining on frozen tissue sections of rabbit thymus, spleen, and appendix. This screening method permits rapid identification of the lymphocyte subdomains in each tissue which is not possible by other screening methods. Each monoclonal antibody selected has a unique tissue staining pattern. Flow cytometric analysis of these monoclonal antibodies, using indirect immunofluorescence techniques on thymocytes, splenocytes, and PBL, revealed varying percentages of positive cells and individual mean fluorescence intensities indicating different epitope densities for each antigen. These monoclonal antibodies are now being used to characterize normal lymphocyte function and the role of specific lymphocyte subpopulations in experimental disease models in the rabbit.  相似文献   

Abstract. Continuous (repeated) labelling studies in mouse epidermis indicate that nearly all cells are labelled after about 100 hr. Percentage labelled mitoses studies ([3H]TdR at 15.00 and 03.00 hours) have a first peak that does not reach 100% and has a half-width of about 10 hr. Small second and third peaks can be detected at about 90 and 180 hr, respectively. The changes with time in the number of labelled cells show a difference dependent on the time of day of [3H]TdR administration. Both curves show an early doubling in labelled cells which then decline, forming a peak of labelled cells. A second peak occurs at about 120 hr. This is followed by a progressive decline with no further peaks until values of about 1% labelling are obtained at 340 hr.
These experiments have been investigated mathematically. A computer programme has been devized that permits all three types of experiments to be analysed simultaneously. More importantly, it can analyse situations with a heterogeneity in cell cycle parameters in all proliferative subpopulations.
Various models for epidermal cell replacement have been considered. The data as a whole can best be explained if the basal layer contains at least two distinct subpopulations of cells and an exponentially decaying post-mitotic population with a half-life of about 30 hr. The proliferative sub-populations must be characterized by near integer differences in the length of cycle, the precursor (stem) compartment having the longer cycle. An inverse relationship is required for the length of S, i.e. the shortest time for the stem cells.
A full range of cell kinetic parameters can be calculated and are tabulated for the most appropriate model system which is one involving three transit proliferating subpopulations.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence staining techniques, using antibodies against tubulin molecules, have been successfully used with somatic tissue culture cells. Their application to gametogenesis, however, has been more difficult, largely due to the presence of many different cell types in such a preparation. We have circumvented this problem by counterstaining with dilute hematoxylin, a biological stain that shows excellent cellular morphology without affecting the fluorescence of the antibody. We can then photograph the same field, using either ultraviolet light or conventional bright-field microscopy. Using this approach, we have examined the entire progression of murine spermatogenesis, from spermatogonial cells through mature spermatozoa. This technique has been especially valuable in the visualization of the manchette, and has allowed a reassessment of the staging of spermatid development. In the future, the antibody/hematoxylin double-staining approach will allow a more informative examination of the effects of tubulin-active mitotic poisons on mammalian germline cells.  相似文献   

A new method of dual-color immunofluorescence is presented for analysis of surface antigen distribution among heterogeneous cell suspensions. It involves flow cytometric analysis of cells stained with a biotinylated first monoclonal antibody and/or with an unlabeled second monoclonal antibody. After addition of streptavidin-phycoerythrin and/or fluoresceinated goat antimouse immunoglobulin antibody, single-cell fluorescence intensities are measured and biparametric graphic representations are obtained, allowing one to determine the percentage of cells stained by each of the monoclonal antibodies or both. The validity of the method was assessed on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by using three sets of two monoclonal antibodies: CD8 and CD5, CD3 and CD4, CD11 and HLA-DR. The results showed that dual staining did not induce significant quenching or competition between pairs of antibodies. The procedure is simple and sensitive. It requires only minute amounts of monoclonal antibodies. It is readily applicable to the screening of hybridoma supernatants and to the characterization of new antibodies to cell surface antigens with respect to well-defined markers.  相似文献   

Trophectoderm of the preimplantation mouse blastocyst is composed of two cell subpopulations relative to their proximity to the inner cell mass. The polar trophectoderm overlying the inner cell mass proliferates to form the ectoplacental cone, and the mural trophectoderm endoreplicates and gives rise to giant cells. We examined specific differences in the two trophectoderm cell populations using a lectin (Dolichos biflorus) to detect cell surface characteristics and a simple sugar (D-Gal) to detect differences in incorporation. During the first day of delayed implantation, the mural trophectoderm presented twice as many lectin binding sites as did the polar trophectoderm. The mural trophectoderm of both nondelaying and delayed implantation blastocysts showed a greater rate of incorporation of the tritiated sugar by presenting more reduced silver grains in radioautograms. These results indicate that the mural trophectoderm and polar trophectoderm are two distinct cell types in the periimplantation blastocyst.  相似文献   

Summary A sialomucin from the mouse submandibular gland was localized in the gland by indirect immunofluorescence. Fluorescence was localized over the acinar cells and, to a lesser extent, in the lumen of the ducts. The mucin antiserum did not show cross-reactivity with cells from the sublingual gland or with other mucous-producing cells from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts of the mouse, or with salivary gland tissue of the rat. The sialomucin lacks both sulphate andl-fucose. Localization of a mucin with such a composition, within acinar cells of the mouse submandibular gland, is consistent with previous observations from histochemistry and autoradiography.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling of mouse embryonic stem cell subpopulations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We previously demonstrated that mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells show a wide variation in the expression of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM1) and that the level of expression is positively correlated with the pluripotency of ES cells. We also found that PECAM1-positive ES cells could be divided into two subpopulations according to the expression of stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)-1. ES cells that showed both PECAM1 and SSEA-1 predominantly differentiated into epiblast after the blastocyst stage. In the present study, we performed pairwise oligo microarray analysis to characterize gene expression profiles in PECAM1-positive and -negative subpopulations of ES cells. The microarray analysis identified 2034 genes with a more than 2-fold difference in expression levels between the PECAM1-positive and -negative cells. Of these genes, 803 were more highly expressed in PECAM1-positive cells and 1231 were more highly expressed in PECAM1-negative cells. As expected, genes known to function in ES cells, such as Pou5f1(Oct3/4)and Nanog, were found to be upregulated in PECAM1-positive cells. We also isolated 23 previously uncharacterized genes. A comparison of gene expression profiles in PECAM1-positive cells that were either positive or negative for SSEA-1 expression identified only 53 genes that showed a more than 2-fold greater difference in expression levels between these subpopulations. However, many genes that are under epigenetic regulation, such as globins, Igf2, Igf2r, andH19, showed differential expression. Our results suggest that in addition to differences in gene expression profiles, epigenetic status was altered in the three cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

The natural killer activity and phenotypic properties of six different subpopulations of normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained by four-color immunofluorescence cell sorting were examined. Phycoerythrin-conjugated CD16 and CD56 were used simultaneously to identify (CD16 + CD56+) NK cells. The cells most effective in mediating NK cytolysis against K562 target cells were CD3-(16 + 56+)57 -8+. Although most of the K562 killing was found in the CD3-(16 + 56 +) groups of cells, a substantial degree of NK activity was detected in the CD3+(16 + 56 +) subpopulations of some individuals. The level of expression of CD57 and CD8 was significantly higher on CD3+(16 + 56 +) than on CD3-(16 + 56 +) cells.  相似文献   

Rabbit anti-mouse brain-associated θ (BAθ) serum has been shown to be cytotoxic to mouse T cells. After suitable absorption this serum can also be used for indirect immunofluorescence. The good correlation between the results of immunofluorescent and cytotoxic tests, and the effect of thymus deprivation, suggests that this serum is a convenient means of specifically visualizing mouse T cells.  相似文献   

Dual-parameter scatter-flow immunofluorescence analysis of Bacillus spores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a commercial flow cytometer (Cyto-fluorograf), narrow-forward-angle (NFA) light-scatter signals were detected for spore preparations of Bacillus anthracis Vollum, B. anthracis Sterne, B. cereus NCTC 8035, and B. subtilis var niger. In the flow immunofluorescence (FIF) analysis of spores stained with fluorescein-conjugated hyperimmune antibody to B. anthracis Vollum spores, fluorescence histograms could be acquired by selecting on NFA scatter. Fluorescence data selected on ninety degree scatter were rather noisier. Fluorescence analysis by dual parameter NFA scatter-FIF techniques was shown to have several advantages over the subtraction FIF method reported earlier. The implication from FIF analysis of spore suspensions and corresponding cell-free supernatants that the peak in the fluorescence histogram was caused by signals from fluorescing spores, was confirmed by use of the cell sorter and subsequent microscopy of the sorted samples. Although a proportion of spore aggregates was present in samples sorted from the right-hand tail of the fluorescence histogram, it was demonstrated that the majority of the observed distribution of fluorescence was not due to the formation of aggregates but was rather an expression of variation in the degree of staining of individual spores.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) comprise at least two populations of cells with divergent states of pluripotency. Here, we show that epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) also comprise two distinct cell populations that can be distinguished by the expression of a specific Oct4-GFP marker. These two subpopulations, Oct4-GFP positive and negative EpiSCs, are capable of converting into each other in?vitro. Oct4-GFP positive and negative EpiSCs are distinct from ESCs with respect to global gene expression pattern, epigenetic profile, and Oct4 enhancer utilization. Oct4-GFP negative cells share features with cells of the late mouse epiblast and cannot form chimeras. However, Oct4-GFP positive EpiSCs, which only represent a minor EpiSC fraction, resemble cells of the early epiblast and can readily contribute to chimeras. Our findings suggest that the rare ability of EpiSCs to contribute to chimeras is due to the presence of the minor EpiSC fraction representing the early epiblast.  相似文献   

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