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A human case of creeping eruption due to Gnathostoma nipponicum was confirmed indirectly by finding infective advanced third-stage larvae in leftover largemouth bass meat. This is the first report indicating that the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) serves as a source of G. nipponicum infection in humans.  相似文献   

Two human cases of gnathostomiasis from ingestion of raw native Japanese loaches, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, are reported. Seven early third-stage larval Gnathostoma nipponicum were recovered from 3,098 loaches in the same district in which 2 human patients had obtained and eaten raw loaches. Encapsulated G. nipponicum larvae were also recovered from loaches infected under laboratory conditions. All 6 weasels captured in the same district in which the naturally infected loaches were found and where the humans had become infected were infected with adult worms of the same species. This is the first report of M. anguillicaudatus serving as a second intermediate host of G. nipponicum.  相似文献   

We report 5 cases of ocular toxocariasis in Korean adults complaining of visual impairment along with floating or bubbling sensation. Fundoscopic examination revealed a retinal detachment along with exudate in 4 cases. They all showed typical reaction by ELISA and immunoblot against Toxocra excretory-secretory antigen. One case showed high level of anti-Toxocara IgE antibodies (34,000 Toxocara units/L) as well as increased level of serum total IgE antibodies and the specific IgE antibodies for 3 inhalant antigens, suggesting that high level of anti-Toxocara IgE antibodies was associated with an atopic status. Clinical manifestations were improved after the sequential use of steroids then mebendazole. We also suggest that ocular toxocariasis should be thoroughly investigated even when an evocative uniocular inflammatory lesion is encountered in peripheral retina without a systematic disease.  相似文献   

Even though the cetacean tapeworm Diphyllobothrium stemmacephalum occurs in both cold and warm waters, human infections and final host occurrences have been confined to temperate areas in and near Japan. We recently obtained a strobila of this cestode that was excreted from a harbor porpoise accidentally caught offshore of Hokkaido of northern Japan. Genetic analysis of 28S rDNA and cox1 genes confirmed that the cestode was D. stemmacephalum. Our finding sets the northernmost record of D. stemmacephalum in the western Pacific, suggesting that the risk of human infections by this parasite in northern Japan deserves further attention.  相似文献   

Basidiomes of homothallicArmillaria mellea complex were discovered in the forests of Hokkaido. Their monosporous isolates showed partial compatibility with North AmericanA. mellea s. str. haploid testers. The morphological characteristics of basidiomes differed from other temperateA. mellea s. str. in several aspects. Here, JapaneseA. mellea s. str. is reclassified asA. mellea subsp.nipponica and its basidiome morphologies and habitats are described.  相似文献   

Specific antigen of G. spinigerum which has been shown to be a protein with a relative mol. wt of 24,000 (24K) was prepared from the advanced third-stage larvae (L3) obtained from the livers of naturally infected eels. The L3 were ground and extracted with water. Purification procedures involved gel filtration, chromatofocussing and anion exchange column chromatographies, while characterization of the specific antigen was performed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and staining, Western blot analysis and isoelectric focussing. The specific antigen which has a pI of 8.5 was used as antigen in the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect specific antibody in four groups of individuals, namely five parasitologically diagnosed gnathostomiasis patients (group 1); 15 clinically diagnosed gnathostomiasis patients (group 2); 136 patients with other parasitic infections (group 3); and 25 normal healthy parasite-free controls. Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (positive and negative) of the assay were 100%.  相似文献   

A previous survey of Bacteroides isolates suggested that the ermB gene entered Bacteroides spp. recently. Previously, ermB had been found almost exclusively in gram-positive bacteria. In one Bacteroides strain, ermB was located on 100-kb conjugative transposon (CTn) CTnBST. To assess the possible origin of this CTn, we obtained the full DNA sequence of CTnBST and used this information to investigate its possible origins. Over one-half of CTnBST had high sequence identity to a putative CTn found in the genome of Bacteroides fragilis YCH46. This included the ends of the CTn and genes involved in integration, transfer, and excision. However, the region around the ermB gene contained genes that appeared to originate from gram-positive organisms. In particular, a 7-kb segment containing the ermB gene was 100% identical to an ermB region found in the genome of the gram-positive bacterium Arcanobacterium pyogenes. A screen of Bacteroides isolates whose DNA cross-hybridized with a CTnBST probe revealed that several isolates did not carry the 7-kb region, implying that the acquisition of this region may be more recent than the acquisition of the entire CTnBST element by Bacteroides spp. We have also identified other Bacteroides isolates that carry a slightly modified 7-kb region but have no other traces of CTnBST. Thus, it is possible that this 7-kb region could itself be part of a mobile element that has inserted in a Bacteroides CTn. Our results show that CTnBST is a hybrid element which has acquired a portion of its coding region from gram-positive bacteria but which may originally have come from Bacteroides spp. or some related species.  相似文献   

Combined histological and mycological study of tissue specimens established a proven diagnosis of cutaneous zygomycosis in four patients. All patients had been treated with wide spectrum antibiotics and one patient (liver transplantation) was in addition also treated with cyclosporine. All had acidosis and cutaneous breaks and four had also been treated with systemic corticosteroids. The infecting organisms were Absidia corymbifera (n=2), Rhizopus stolonifer (n=1) and Mucor circinelloides (n=1). Combined treatment with i.v. conventional and liposomal formulations of amphotericin B and surgical treatment lead to a favourable clinical and mycological cure in three patients (A. corymbifera and R. stolonifer infections). One lymphoma patient with suspected Rhizopus pusillus infection of the lungs (presence of hyphae in sputum and positive culture) had an unfavourable outcome. The patient had been treated with wide spectrum antibiotics, corticosteroids and showed severe neutropenia and acidosis. The clinical presentations are outlined, including the outcomes and predisposing factors and focus on the diagnostic procedures, treatment and preventive measures.  相似文献   

Examination of plants in areas as far apart as Malham Tarn, Yorkshire; Gower peninsula, Glamorgan; Salcombe, Devon; and Kew Gardens, London have revealed populations of aphids not previously recorded in Britain or only occasionally reported. The various species, including one new subspecies (Fimbriaphis fimbriata pernettyae subsp. nov.) have been cultured in laboratory and several produced morphs which hitherto have not been described. Full biometric data are included, together with a key to alate and apterous viviparae of British species of Lipaphis Mordvilko and of Fimbriaphis Richards.  相似文献   

Hog cholera (HC) viruses newly isolated in Japan in 1980 and 1981 were examined for pathogenicity and serological properties by the neutralization test with antisera against bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease (BVD . MD) and HC viruses. Five of 23 isolates examined were neutralized poorly by BVD . MD antibody, but well by HC antibody. On the contrary, 15 isolates were neutralized readily and two isolates moderately by BVD . MD antibody. The other one reacted poorly with either HC or BVD . MD antibodies. The isolate neutralized poorly by BVD . MD antibody was more highly pathogenic than those neutralized readily. It was concluded that the antigenic properties and pathogenicity of the HC viruses were not monotype , and that HC viruses varying in antigenicity and pathogenicity were present in the field.  相似文献   

Sera from four patients with parasitologically confirmed gnathostomiasis, 15 patients with presumptive gnathostomiasis, 64 patients with various parasitic infections and 19 healthy adults were studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis for their reactivities against somatic extract of Gnathostoma spinigerum third-stage larvae (L3). It was found that the L3 extract was highly complex consisting of more than 20 antigenic components, a few of which gave reactions with sera from the healthy controls. Extensive cross-reactions of the parasite's antigen with sera from patients with other parasitic infections occurred. A specific antigen of G. spinigerum with a mol. wt of 24,000 (24k) was found to react with all parasitologically proven patients, five of the presumptive patients, one of the patients with other parasitic infections and none of the healthy individuals. This 24k component of G. spinigerum is a potential diagnostic antigen for use in the immunodiagnosis of human gnathostomiasis.  相似文献   

Two genera new to China, Fibigia and Pachyneurum and 10 species found in China for the first time, Puccinellia kalininae, Stellaria pulvinata, Nanophyton mongolicum, Capsella orienalis, Pachyneurum grandiflorum, Fibigia spathulata, Craniospermum tuvinicum, Euphrasia schischkinii, E. syreitschikovii, Veronica schmakovii along with 3 species previously unknown in Xinjiang, Rorippa indica, Acalypha australis, and Phalaris canariensis, found in northwest Xinjiang are reported. In addition, the distribution of two species in China is corrected: Lepidium densiflorum is firstly reported for Nei Mongol while the occurrence of Draba sibirica in Gansu is not confirmed. Results of floristic studies by the Chinese–Russian Altai expedition during 2004–2007 are also summarized including 34 species and 1 subspecies revealed as new for China; 7 species confirmed to occur in China; one genus and 5 species not confirmed for China, as well as a number of new records for various provinces, mostly Xinjiang.  相似文献   

Reported cases of cyclical Cushing''s syndrome are rare. Of 14 successive patients with Cushing''s syndrome nine collected sequential urine samples for the estimation of cortisol:creatinine ratio. Five had cyclical Cushing''s syndrome while two had considerable variation in urinary cortisol excretion without a cyclical pattern being established. Two of the five patients with a cyclical syndrome had paradoxical responses to dexamethasone. In only one patient with a cyclical pattern did the cortisol:creatinine ratio fall after treatment with bromocriptine or cyproheptadine, or both. The high incidence of the cyclical form of Cushing''s syndrome has important clinical implications. A high index of suspicion of the syndrome is required in patients with symptoms or signs of Cushing''s syndrome but with normal cortisol values, in patients with fluctuating cortisol values, and in patients with anomalous responses to dexamethasone. Because of possible variations in steroidogenesis the results of drug studies in Cushing''s syndrome must be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

A new population of gelada baboons isolated from other known gelada populations living on the opposite side of the Rift Valley was found in 1989 in the Arsi region of Ethiopia (Mori &Belay, 1990). Subsequent observations were conducted on the new gelada population in three study periods of 16 to 55 days over three consecutive years, 1994–1996. When we compare this population with other well studied northern populations, densities were lower, band size was smaller and the ratio of juveniles to adult females was lower. Based onOhsawa andDunbar's (1984) criteria these results suggest that this population exploits the harshest environment among known gelada populations. This may be due to the severe effect of the dry season at low altitude in the study site. Band size was small in the study site. Association rates of units were low, and each unit behaved more independently than those of northern populations. Age-sex composition of units changed drastically between consecutive study periods, indicating unstable unit structure. Moreover, there seems to be a tendency in this population whereby several adult males easily invade and are incorporated into a unit but the unit is expected to thereafter divide. The phenomenon can be explained by two factors: (1) Each unit fed rather independently in this area, where units fed intensively on both plateau and the slope of the cliff; and (2) Males may be incorporated in a unit for defense against leopards. As the units were vary small in size and unstable as compared with the Semien gelada units, the traditional concept of a stable gelada unit formed by blood related females, does not seem to fit this population.  相似文献   

There have been no reports of infanticide in wild gelada baboons and it has been argued that infanticide is not necessary in geladas, since the birth interval of female gelada can be shortened after takeover of a unit by a new leader male without infanticide. However, we observed an instance of infanticide in a newly-found wild gelada population in the Arsi Region of Ethiopia. After a leader male of the unit was severely wounded by a leopard attack, he was quite weakened. The second male of the unit, a young adult male, became the leader of the unit three weeks later, but the former leader continued to stay in the unit as a second male. After a week, two other adult males joined the unit which, therefore, came to include four adult males. The infanticide took place nine days later. The perpetrator was one of the immigrant males and he showed great interest in the mother of the unweaned victim infant. Although the perpetrator copulated with her after the infanticide, the usurper was found to own all three adult females after two weeks following the infanticide; i.e. the perpetrator could not own any female. The wounded former leader showed conspicuous protective behavior towards the victim's mother and the dead infant. One possible explanation for the occurrence of infanticide in this population of geladas is as follows. Gelada males in this area may be able to join units more easily to form multi-male units but then have shorter tenure in the units. Facing the unstable condition of units, they may sometimes engage in infanticide to increase their breeding opportunities, even before becoming a leader.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been used in our teaching hospital clinical laboratory to assay approximately 13 000 specimens for serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) in 4 1/2 years. During that period we have found several unusual samples, five of which are discussed here. These samples are from separate patients with IgD myeloma, IgG heavy chain disease, a triple IgG(Kappa) monoclonal band, a rapidly changing abnormal/monoclonal band and a mixed type-11 cryoglobulinaemia. Albumin has been used to calibrate the 50-microm fused silica capillary, the quantity of the monoclonal bands being calculated by the software of either the Applied Biosystems 270A-HT or BioFocus instrument. We have found CE for the initial SPE to be a robust, labour-saving, cost effective technique, which is able to determine less than 1 g/l of monoclonal protein. However, because of the expense and time required for immunosubtraction, we prefer isoelectric focusing (IEF) for typing of paraproteins. The only samples which need care in handling are serum containing large amounts of cryoglobulin protein.  相似文献   

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