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Abstract Bacteriophage Mu with its invertible G segment in G(−) orientation does not make plaques on Escherichia coli K-12, due to the absence of a suitable lipopolysaccharide receptor. Plaques formed by Mu G(−) were found, however, when the infected E. coli K-12 strain harbours a plasmid with the cloned DNA inversion function Gin which converts the infecting G(−) phage to G(+). Under overproducing conditions, where Gin expression is placed under the control of the tac promoter, the infectivity of Mu G(−) can be estimated as approximately 1% of that in the presence of the receptor. Furthermore, interaction of Mu G(−) with the E. coli K-12 cell wall leads to interference with the plating of a Mu G(+) variant which has the new phenotype Pen (penetration-negative).  相似文献   

Self-cycling fermentation (SCF), a cyclical, semi-continuous process that induces cell synchrony, was incorporated into a recombinant protein production scheme. Escherichia coli CY15050, a lac(-) mutant lysogenized with temperature-sensitive phage λ modified to over-express β-galactosidase, was used as a model system. The production scheme was divided into two de-coupled stages. The host cells were cultured under SCF operation in the first stage before being brought to a second stage where protein production was induced. In the first stage, the host strain demonstrated a stable cycling pattern immediately following the first cycle. This reproducible pattern was maintained over the course of the experiments and a significant degree of cell synchrony was obtained. By growing cells using SCF, productivity increased 50% and production time decreased by 40% compared to a batch culture under similar conditions. In addition, synchronized cultures induced from the end of a SCF cycle displayed shorter lysis times and a more complete culture-wide lysis than unsynchronized cultures. Finally, protein synthesis was influenced by the time at which the lytic phase was induced in the cell life cycle. For example, induction of a synchronized culture immediately prior to cell division resulted in the maximum protein productivity, suggesting protein production can be optimized with respect to the cell life cycle using SCF.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Qβ is a small RNA virus that infects Escherichia coli. The virus particle contains a few copies of the minor coat protein A1, a C‐terminally prolonged version of the coat protein, which is formed when ribosomes occasionally read‐through the leaky stop codon of the coat protein. The crystal structure of the read‐through domain from bacteriophage Qβ A1 protein was determined at a resolution of 1.8 Å. The domain consists of a heavily deformed five‐stranded β‐barrel on one side of the protein and a β‐hairpin and a three‐stranded β‐sheet on the other. Several short helices and well‐ordered loops are also present throughout the protein. The N‐terminal part of the read‐through domain contains a prominent polyproline type II helix. The overall fold of the domain is not similar to any published structure in the Protein Data Bank.  相似文献   

Drosomycin is a key effector molecule involved in Drosophila innate immunity against fungal infection. This peptide is composed of 44 residues stabilized by four disulfide bridges. As the first step towards the understanding of the molecular basis for its specific antifungal activity, rapid and efficient production of the wild-type peptide and its mutants is needed. Here, we report a pGEX system for high-level expression of recombinant Drosomycin. The fusion Drosomycin protein with a carrier of Glutathione S-transferase (GST) was initially purified by affinity chromatography followed by Enterokinase cleavage. The digested product was separated by gel filtration and reverse phase HPLC. Mass spectrometry and circular dichroism spectroscopy analysis revealed that the recombinant peptide has identical molecular weight and correct structural conformation to native Drosomycin. Classical inhibition assay showed clear antifungal activity against Neurospora crassa with the IC(50) of 1.0muM. Successful expression of the CSalphabeta-type antifungal peptide in E. coli offers a basis for further studying its functional surface by alanine scanning mutagenesis strategy. Also, our work should be helpful in developing this peptide to an antifungal drug.  相似文献   

The reversible redox chemistry of coenzyme Q serves a crucial function in respiratory electron transport. Biosynthesis of Q in Escherichia coli depends on the ubi genes. However, very little is known about UbiX, an enzyme thought to be involved in the decarboxylation step in Q biosynthesis in E. coli and Salmonella enterica. Here we characterize an E. coli ubiX gene deletion strain, LL1, to further elucidate E. coli ubiX function in Q biosynthesis. LLI produces very low levels of Q, grows slowly on succinate as the sole carbon source, accumulates 4-hydroxy-3-octaprenyl-benzoate, and has reduced UbiG O-methyltransferase activity. Expression of either E. coli ubiX or the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ortholog PAD1, rescues the deficient phenotypes of LL1, identifying PAD1 as an ortholog of ubiX. Our results suggest that both UbiX and UbiD are required for the decarboxylation of 4-hydroxy-3-octaprenyl-benzoate in E. coli coenzyme Q biosynthesis, especially during logarithmic growth.  相似文献   

The increasing interest in the structural arrangements and functional interdependencies of individual modules within large multidomain proteins requires the development of new methods allowing efficient production and purification of large human proteins. Heterologous expression in bacteria is still the most convenient and widely-used approach. However, most of the existing tools are not well suited to expression of cysteine-rich proteins in a native-like soluble form, and with the increasing protein size refolding may result in obtaining non-native conformations or improper disulfide bridging pattern. Here, we present an efficient method of expression and purification of muskelin, a large, multidomain, cysteine-rich eukaryotic protein involved in cell adhesion and regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics. Using a broad range of purification and solubility tags, expression strains and conditions we optimized the procedure to acquire a natively folded protein of crystallization-scale quantity and purity. The correct protein conformation and disulfide bonding were anticipated from the results of circular dichroism spectra and Ellman’s assay. Successful crystallization trials are a step towards muskelin crystal-structure determination, while the optimized expression and purification procedure can easily be applied to produce other eukaryotic proteins in the bacterial expression system.  相似文献   

The effects of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) on human hematopoiesis were evaluated in combination with two other regulatory cytokines, namely, recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and recombinant human interferon-alpha (rIFN-alpha). Combinations of TNF-alpha and TGF-beta 1 resulted in a synergistic suppression of colony formation by erythroid progenitor cells (BFU-E) and an additive suppression of granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) and multipotential (CFU-GEMM) progenitor cells. In addition, TGF-beta 1 synergized with rIFN-alpha to suppress CFU-GM formation, while the combined suppressive effects of both cytokines on CFU-GEMM and BFU-E were additive. When TGF-beta 1 was tested with TNF-alpha or IFN-alpha on granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-stimulated bone marrow cells in a 5-day proliferation assay, the antiproliferative effects of TGF-beta 1 and TNF-alpha were additive, while those with TGF-beta 1 and rIFN-alpha were synergistic. A similar pattern was seen in the suppression of the myeloblastic cell line KG-1 where TGF-beta 1 in combination with TNF-alpha resulted in an additive suppression while inhibition by TGF-beta 1 and IFN-alpha was synergistic. These results demonstrate for the first time the cooperative effects between TGF-beta and TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha in the suppression of hematopoietic cell growth, raising the possibility that TGF-beta might be used in concert with TNF-alpha or IFN-alpha in the treatment of various myeloproliferative disorders.  相似文献   

Many applications require cells to switch between discrete phenotypic states. Here, we harness the FimBE inversion switch to flip a promoter, allowing expression to be toggled between two genes oriented in opposite directions. The response characteristics of the switch are characterized using two-color cytometry. This switch is used to toggle between orthogonal chemosensory pathways by controlling the expression of CheW and CheW*, which interact with the Tar (aspartate) and Tsr* (serine) chemoreceptors, respectively. CheW* and Tsr* each contain a mutation at their protein-protein interface such that they interact with each other. The complete genetic program containing an arabinose-inducible FimE controlling CheW/CheW* (and constitutively expressed tar/tsr*) is transformed into an Escherichia coli strain lacking all native chemoreceptors. This program enables bacteria to swim toward serine or aspartate in the absence or in the presence of arabinose, respectively. Thus, the program functions as a multiplexer with arabinose as the selector. This demonstrates the ability of synthetic genetic circuits to connect to a natural signaling network to switch between phenotypes.  相似文献   

The system comprising bacteriophage (phage) lambda and the bacterium E. coli has long served as a paradigm for cell-fate determination. Following the simultaneous infection of the cell by a number of phages, one of two pathways is chosen: lytic (virulent) or lysogenic (dormant). We recently developed a method for fluorescently labeling individual phages, and were able to examine the post-infection decision in real-time under the microscope, at the level of individual phages and cells. Here, we describe the full procedure for performing the infection experiments described in our earlier work. This includes the creation of fluorescent phages, infection of the cells, imaging under the microscope and data analysis. The fluorescent phage is a "hybrid", co-expressing wild- type and YFP-fusion versions of the capsid gpD protein. A crude phage lysate is first obtained by inducing a lysogen of the gpD-EYFP (Enhanced Yellow Fluorescent Protein) phage, harboring a plasmid expressing wild type gpD. A series of purification steps are then performed, followed by DAPI-labeling and imaging under the microscope. This is done in order to verify the uniformity, DNA packaging efficiency, fluorescence signal and structural stability of the phage stock. The initial adsorption of phages to bacteria is performed on ice, then followed by a short incubation at 35°C to trigger viral DNA injection. The phage/bacteria mixture is then moved to the surface of a thin nutrient agar slab, covered with a coverslip and imaged under an epifluorescence microscope. The post-infection process is followed for 4 hr, at 10 min interval. Multiple stage positions are tracked such that ~100 cell infections can be traced in a single experiment. At each position and time point, images are acquired in the phase-contrast and red and green fluorescent channels. The phase-contrast image is used later for automated cell recognition while the fluorescent channels are used to characterize the infection outcome: production of new fluorescent phages (green) followed by cell lysis, or expression of lysogeny factors (red) followed by resumed cell growth and division. The acquired time-lapse movies are processed using a combination of manual and automated methods. Data analysis results in the identification of infection parameters for each infection event (e.g. number and positions of infecting phages) as well as infection outcome (lysis/lysogeny). Additional parameters can be extracted if desired.  相似文献   

An enzymatic resolution was carried out for the preparation of enriched beta-heterocyclic D-alanine derivatives using Escherichia coli aromatic L-amino acid transaminase. The excess of pyrazole, imidazole, or 1,2,4-triazole reacted with methyl-2-acetamidoacrylate in acetonitrile in the presence of potassium carbonate at 60 degrees C, directly leading to make the potassium salt of the corresponding N-acetyl-beta-heterocyclic alanine derivatives. After the acidic deprotection of the N-acetyl group, 10 mM of racemic pyrazolylalanine, triazolylalanine, and imidazolylalanine were resolved to D-pyrazolylalanine, D-triazolylalanine, and D-imidazolylalanine with 46% (85% ee), 42% (72% ee), and 48% (95% ee) conversion yield in 18 h, respectively, using E. coli aromatic L-amino acid transaminase (EC Although the three beta-heterocyclic L-alanine derivatives have similar molecular structures, they showed different reaction rates and enantioselectivities. The relative reactivities of the transaminase toward the beta-heterocyclic L-alanine derivatives could be explained by the relationship between the substrate binding energy (E, kcal/mol) to the enzyme active site and the distance (delta, A) from the nitrogen of alpha-amino group of the substrates to the C4' carbon of PLP-Lys258 Schiff base. As the ratio of the substrate binding energy (E) to the distance (delta) becomes indicative value of k(cat)/K(M) of the enzyme to the substrate, the relative reactivities of the beta-heterocyclic L-alanine derivatives were successfully correlated with E/delta, and the relationship was confirmed by our experiments.  相似文献   

This study involves partial characterisation of a lytic bacteriophage P.E1 against a multi drug-resistant clinical isolate of Escherichia coli, isolated from hospital sewage supply. The phage P.E1 has showed a narrow host range suitable for its use in phage therapy. Phage showed lytic activity up to 70°C and at alkaline conditions, but at higher acidic conditions its activity decreased. Latent period and burst size of P.E1 estimated from single-step growth curve was 40 min and 185 plaque-forming units per cell, respectively. The phage P.E1 reduced the growth of host bacteria during the initial 12?h of infection; however, the host bacteria developed resistance afterwards. During the 24-hour observation period, the bacteriophage could still reduce the growth of its host bacteria evident by lower optical density in the phage-treated samples compared with control. The phage genome was double-stranded DNA and larger than 12?kb in size. Further manipulations of genome and proteins may help to unveil the unique aspects of this phage, to use it in phage therapy against E. coli.  相似文献   

In bacteria, protein expression initiates with a formyl-methionine group. Addition of the antibiotic actinonin, a known peptide deformylase inhibitor, at the time of induction of protein expression results in the retention of the formyl group by the overexpressed protein. In addition, because deformylation is a prerequisite for removal of the initiating methionine, this post-translational processing step is also prevented by actinonin, and the N-formyl methionine residue is retained by proteins from which it is normally removed. We have demonstrated the applicability of this system for obtaining N-modified forms of several different proteins and use one of these modified molecules to show that the N-terminal amino group is not required for ClpXP degradation of proteins bearing an N-terminal recognition signal.  相似文献   

This article describes a novel bioreactor configuration for production optimization of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. Inducer addition and harvesting are controlled on-line based on indirect estimation of biomass concentration and specific growth rate from addition of NaOH to maintain constant pH. When either a predetermined biomass concentration is reached or the cultures have obtained, a constant specific growth rate inducer is introduced automatically. The induction period is ended by automatic harvesting of the cultures either at a predetermined biomass concentration or when substrate (in this study glucose) is depleted, detected as an increase of pH, or dissolved oxygen tension. During harvesting, metabolic activities are quenched within 3 min by cooling of the cell suspension. The system has been used to optimize expression of glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein of the ligand binding domain of mouse peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, GST-PPARalpha LBD. Total yield of GST-PPARalpha LBD was independent of the time of inducer addition as long as the length of induction period corresponded to at least 0.25 cell divisions while the yield of soluble GST-PPARalpha LBD, the only active form, increased with the length of induction period. Highest yields were obtained when the inducer was added at low cell concentration as soon as constant specific growth rate was detected, resulting in induction periods corresponding to 3.4 +/- 0.4 cell divisions. The specific growth rate remained almost constant for one cell division after inducer addition, whereafter it decreased. No decrease of specific growth rate was observed when inducer was added in the lag-phase, and no soluble protein was produced. These results suggest that solely soluble GST-PPARalpha LBD acts as a growth inhibitor and that GST-PPARalpha LBD is expressed predominantly as inclusion bodies immediately after inducer addition whereas the proportion expressed as soluble protein is increased after 1 h of induction. Compared to the procedures, which are generally used for protein expression in the laboratory, this system is less labor intensive, it automatically provides recording of biomass concentration and specific growth rate, and it allows direct comparisons between expression of different proteins and performance of different constructs since the induction period is linked to growth.  相似文献   

A flow cytometric method was developed for the assay of beta-galactosidase in single Escherichia coli cells. A new fluorogenic substrate for beta-galactosidase, C(12)FDG, contains a lipophilic group that allows the substrate to penetrate through cell membranes under normal conditions. When the substrate is hydrolyzed by intracellular beta-galactosidase, a green fluorescent product is formed and retained inside the cell. Consequently, the stained beta-galactosidase-positive cells exhibit fluorescence, which is detected by flow cytometry. This new assay was used to analyze the segregational instability caused by a reduction in specific growth rate of the plasmid-bearing cells in the T7 expression system. Induction results in a substantial accumulation of intracellular beta-galactosidase along with a rapid increase in the fraction of plasmid-free cells. Once the cells lose the plasmid, they no longer produce beta-galactosidase, which is reduced by at least half every generation; thus, after staining, the fluorescent, plasmid-bearing cells can be distinguished from the nonfluorescent, plasmid-free cells using flow cytometry. This article describes the feasibility of the flow cytometric assay for single E. coli cells and reports the optimal assay conditions. A direct relationship between beta-galactosidase activity and green fluorescence intensity was found, and the fractions of recombinant cells in batch cultures were analyzed after various levels of induction.  相似文献   

Mutational robustness has important evolutionary implications, yet the mechanisms leading to its emergence remain poorly understood. One possibility is selection acting on a correlated trait, as for instance thermostability (plastogenetic congruence). Here, we examine the correlation between mutational robustness and thermostability in experimental populations of the RNA bacteriophage Qβ. Thermostable viruses evolved after only six serial passages in the presence of heat shocks, and genome sequencing suggested that thermostability can be conferred by several alternative mutations. To test whether thermostable viruses have increased mutational robustness, we performed additional passages in the presence of nitrous acid. Whereas in control lines this treatment produced the expected reduction in growth rate caused by the accumulation of deleterious mutations, thermostable viruses showed no such reduction, indicating that they are more resistant to mutagenesis. Our results suggest that selection for thermostability can lead to the emergence of mutational robustness driven by plastogenetic congruence. As temperature is a widespread selective pressure in nature, the mechanism described here may be relevant to the evolution of mutational robustness.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli carrying a natural conjugative F-plasmid generates F-pili mating pairs, which is important for early biofilm formation. In this study, we investigated the effect of male-specific filamentous single stranded DNA bacteriophage (f1) and RNA bacteriophage (MS2) on the formation of biofilms by E. coli carrying a natural conjugative F-plasmid. We showed that the early biofilm formation was completely inhibited by addition of the f1 phage, but not the MS2 phage. This suggests that the tip of F-pili is the specific attachment site for mating pairs formation and the side of F-pili has a non-obligatory role during biofilm formation. The inhibitory effect of the f1 phage was dependent on the time of addition during the biofilm formation. No inhibitory effect was observed when the f1 phages were added to the mature biofilms. This resistant mechanism of the mature biofilms could be attributed to the biofilm-specific phenotypes representing that the F-pili mating pairs were already formed and then the curli production commenced during the biofilm maturation. The pre-formed mating pairs seemed to resist the f1 phages. Altogether, our results indicate a close relationship between the presence of conjugative plasmid and male-specific bacteriophages within sessile biofilm communities, as well as the possibility of using the male-specific bacteriophages to control biofilm formation.  相似文献   

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