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The temporal variation in egg production of the planktonic copepodsCalanus helgolandicus, Temora longicornis and Pseudocalanuselongatus was studied during two different spring bloom periodsin 1989 and 1990 by weekly sampling at two permanent stationsin coastal waters off Plymouth (SW England). Copepod egg productionwas estimated in situ by incubating individual adult femalesin filtered seawater for 24 h (72 h until hatching for P.elongatus)at the field surface temperature. The relationship between copepodegg production rates and: (i) chlorophyll a concentration (totaland >10 µm size fraction), (ii) temperature and (iii)initial copepod gut pigment content was investigated. The springbloom periods were very different in both years, with the occurrenceof a Phaeocystis sp. bloom in 1990, which negatively affectedthe feeding and fecundity of copepods. Egg production ratesin spring 1989 were significantly correlated with chlorophylla concentration (particularly with the >10 µm fraction),field temperature and copepod gut pigment contents. In spring1990, egg production rates were also correlated with copepodgut pigment contents, but no significant correlations were obtainedwith temperature or with chlorophyll a concentration, as a consequenceof the lower egg production rates obtained during the Phaeocystissp. dominance period. These results show that food availabilityis the factor which mainly affects the fecundity of neriticcopepods in short time periods.  相似文献   

The morphology of the spermatozoon of Physa acuta (Draparnaud,1801) was examined using TEM. It was found to be of the modified-type,sharing characteristic features of other basommatophoran species.However, differences were noted in some cases, for example,in P. acuta the nucleus was torpedo-shaped with two helicalkeels, the midpiece possessed a maximum of three glycogen helices,the end piece was long and tapered and the total length of thespermatozoon was 365 µm. No identical spermatozoa havebeen found in other basommatophoran gastropods studied so far.If spermatozoon morphology is unique for individual specieswithin the genus Physa, it may provide a useful taxonomic toolin helping to clarify the uncertainty that surrounds the systematicsof this genus. (Received 26 February 1990; accepted 28 June 1990)  相似文献   

The conical snail Cochlicella acuta was sampled over a 3-yearperiod in a pasture-cereal rotation and a nearby roadside wastelandat Hardwicke Bay, South Australia. The life cycle of C. acuta was primarily biennial in the agriculturalfields, with offspring being produced in large numbers in thepasture phase but not the cereal phase of the rotation. Thebreeding season lasted from autumn to spring. Snails were mostabundant in spring and summer, especially near the edges offields. During summer, snails aggregated on robust weeds suchas Reseda lutea. Many snails were killed by burning pasturesin autumn, prior to sowing crops. Snails were more abundantand smaller in size in the roadside wasteland than in the agriculturalfields. Strategies for the control of C. acuta in pasture-cereal rotationsare discussed. (Received 9 April 1990; accepted 10 August 1990)  相似文献   

The Atlantic and Mediterranean flabellinid Flabellina affinis(Gmelin, 1791) (Opisthobranchia, Nudi-branchia, Aeolidoidea)is examined morphologically, anatomically and histologicallywith special emphasis on characters which have been widely neglectedin recent literature (e.g. the histological structure of theoral glands, typhlosole). The study provides detailed data aboutall organ systems which are compared to existing data of otherauthors. The species described as Flabellina affinis by Bergh(1875; 1886) is considered not to be conspecific with the Flabellinaaffinis examined in this and other studies. Furthermore, Flabellinaaffinis is compared to other Mediterranean species, especiallyF. ischitana (Hirano & Thompson, 1990). F. ischitana differsfrom F. affinis mainly by the structure of the genital system.The phylogenetic trees presented for the genus by Gosliner &Kuzirian (1990) and Gosliner & Willan (1991) are discussed. (Received 5 August 1996; accepted 9 June 1997)  相似文献   

An account is given of Doto, Armina and Madrella species collectedon diving and dredging expeditions to the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian,Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas during the period 1973–1988,supplemented by material collected around Naples (southern Italy)and Banyuls (French Côte Vermeille). In all, 5 speciesof Doto, 3 of Armina and 1 of Madrella were investigated, yielding5 new records for the eastern Mediterranean Sea and one speciesnew to science, Armina tricuspidata from the Tyrrhenian Sea.The common arminid on the American coast from North Carolinato Texas is not A. tigrina as claimed by Abbott(1954) and byEyster (1981), but is a new species, for which we propose thename Armina abbotti. Consideration of world-wide records of Madrella leads to theconclusion that the senior Madrella sanguinea Angas, 1864, embracesM. ferruginosa Alder & Hancock, 1864, M. aurantiace Vayssière,1903 and M. granularis Baba, 1949 (but not the Japanese M. gloriosaBaba, 1949, which is probably distinct). *T.E. Thompson died in a car accident 1 January 1990. (Received 2 May 1989; accepted 4 November 1989)  相似文献   

The effects of a range of constant temperatures on gametogenesiswere investigated in two freshwater snail species which occursympatrically in the Umsin-dusi River, Natal, South Africa,Physa acuta (invasive) and Bulinus tropicus (endemic). Bothwere shown to be simultaneous hermaphrodites with slight protandry.An increase in temperature accelerated the process of gametogenesisbut P. acuta responded more rapidly to these changes than B.tropicus. This, coupled with the greater fecundity and shorterincubation period of P. acuta, gives it a reproductive advantageover the endemic species, providing a possible explanation forthe invasive's success in rapidly repopulating disturbed riverinehabitats. (Received 16 November 1990; accepted 1 May 1991)  相似文献   

A new species of Oxychilus Fitzinger from the Ligurian Apennines(Italy) is described. The new species is particularly characterizedby its penial complex which has a very slender proximal peniswith variable inner sculpture and a widened distal penis. Theproximal penis inner structure consists of a series of longitudinalpleats which may often be crenulated, undulated or fragmentedto form rows of papillae, providing new evidence to supportthe opinion that this is not a valid diagnostic character forseparating Oxychilus into the nominal subgenus and OrtiziusForcart. Consequently Ortizius is herein proposed as a juniorsynonym of Oxychilus s. str. (Received 5 July 1990; accepted 4 March 1991)  相似文献   

The presence of a ‘tertiary’ apertural ‘notch’has been recorded in some species of Gemmula (subfamily Turrinae)and in Aforia circinata (Turriculinae). Studies of a large seriesof the new species Gemmula lordhoweensis confirms the presenceof the notch in adult females. The presence of the notch maybe connected with the processes of fertilization or oviposition. (Received 23 March 1990; accepted 25 June 1990)  相似文献   

The early development up to the end of gastrulation of the marineprosobranch Nassarius (Hinia) reticula-tus (Linnaeus) has beenexamined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Thesynchrony of the cleavage divisions ends with the formationof the second quartet. The somatoblast 2d and the mesen-toblast4d appear earlier than the other micromeres of their quartets.From the 16- to the 32-cell stage the turret cells have an outgrowth.At the end of cleavage, Nassarius shows a typical sterroblastula.During gastrulation, the epibolic encirclement of the yolk macromeresby the micromeres is produced by an active flattening of themicromere cap and at the end of gastrulation the blastoporeis completely closed. The nuclei of the four yolk macromeresmigrate from the animal cell regions towards the vegetativepole. The development of Nassarius reticulatus is very similarto that of the related species llyanassa obsoleta (Say). (Received 19 December 1990; accepted 18 August 1991)  相似文献   

Surfacing and water-leaving behaviour (quitting) of aquaticpulmonate snails was investigated in the laboratory. Regressioncoefficients of surfacing rate per hour for 16 snails in 200cm3 of water were 1.28 for L. peregra, 1.35 for B. glabrata(albino form), 0.47 for B. glabrata (pigmented form) and 0.17for B. jousseaumei. Disturbance, snail size and conditioningof the water were relatively unimportant factors; water volumeadjusted by depth was also unimportant up to 50 mm depth. Importantfactors controlling surfacing appeared to be population density,time of year, temperature, water volume adjusted by perimeterand dissolved oxygen concentration. The response to the latterwas not clear and both B. glabrata and L. peregra orientatedalmost as well to a nitrogen/water interface as to an air/waterinterface. Water-quitting regressed on volume, which had beenadjusted by perimeter variation, revealed a curvilinear relationshipfor B. glabrata, with maximum quitting at 1 snail per 7cm3 (1snail per 14cm of climbable perimeter). L. peregra showed anegative exponential curve, with maximum quitting at 1 snailper 3 cm3 of water (1 snail per 8 cm of climbable perimeter).These data could be relevant to design and management of irrigationchannels where bilharzia might occur. (Received 28 November 1990; accepted 22 October 1991)  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450 is not self-sufficient for the catalysis ofmonooxygenase reaction but requires NADPH and NADPH-cytochromeP-450 (c) reductase. The activity of NADPH-cyto-chrome P-450reductase was strongly enhanced by wounding and aging in Jerusalemartichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) tuber tissues. This stimulationwas correlated with the synthesis of the enzyme protein basedon i) quantitation of the reductase protein by Western blotting,ii) incorporation of [35S]methionine into the immunoprecipitableenzyme and iii) an increase in translatable mRNA for the reductasein a cell free system. (Received April 9, 1990; Accepted September 12, 1990)  相似文献   

The aeolid nudibranch genus Phyllodesmium (Mollusca: Gastropoda)is reviewed, three new species are described and further informationon the biology, anatomy and distribution on the eight previouslyknown species is reported. The genus Ennoia Bergh, 1896 is considereda synonym of Phyllodesmium and the type species Ennoia briareusredescribed. The genus Phyllodesmium is unique amongst the aeolidsin feeding on octocoral cnidarians. This has led to the evolutionof nudibranch- zooxanthellae symbioses, zooanthellae being obtainedfrom the octocoral prey. The adaptations developed throughoutthe genus are described and possible relationships between thespecies proposed. (Received 6 January 1990; accepted 20 May 1990)  相似文献   

Anomalocardia brasiliana is a venerid clam which lives slightlyburrowed in sandy mud of shallow water environments throughoutthe Caribbean region. A 42-month study in a mangrove lagoonshows that the population is characterised by a variable recruitmentpattern on a year-round basis but with infrequent success. TheGompertz function gives a good estimation of growth. The weight-sizerelationship shows alternative isometric and subdeterminantallometric growth periods. A short life and variable demographicstructure seem to be characteristics of lagoon as well as oftropical populations. (Received 5 February 1990; accepted 26 July 1990)  相似文献   

广东蚋属二新种记述(双翅目:蚋科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安继尧  郝宝善 《昆虫学报》1998,41(2):187-193
Five speices of Simuliidae, Simulium (Eusimulium) aureohirtum Brunetti,1911, S. (Simulium ) quinquestriatum (Shiraki, 1935) S.(Gomphostilbia ) pingxiangense An & Hao, 1990, S.(S.) shangchuanense sp. Nov. , S.(S.) spoonatum sp. Nov. were collected from Shangchuan Island, Guangdong Province, China. Both adult and pupal stages of the new species are described in this paper. All the specimens are kept in the Medical Entomological Specimen Building, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing.  相似文献   

中国隧蜂属研究及新种新亚种记述(膜翅目:隧蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮.  尤阿吴燕如 《昆虫学报》1997,40(2):202-206
中国隧蜂属Halictuss.sir.的研究是根据Pesenko的分类系统撰写的[1,2]。有关中国隧蜂属的第1篇报道是Morawitz[3]记述由俄罗斯N.M.Przewalsky1877年采自天山的Halictusquadricinctus及H.resurgens(名为H.sexcinctussensuMorawitz),1890年Morawitz又增加两种[4],即H.tetrazonicus(部分应为H.tsintouensis)及H.rubicundus,该两种是G.N.Potanin于1886年采自甘肃(标签上误写为蒙古“Mongolei”,详见Pesenko中国及蒙古隧蜂属的讨论[5])。Strand也记述了中国的种类[6,7],其1909年的文章中记述了中国西部(“Jarkand”…  相似文献   

Deoxygibberellin C (DGC), a C/D ring-rearranged isomer of GA20,was shown to inhibit the conversion of [2,3-3H2]GA9 to [2-3H]GA4by gibberellin 3ß-hydroxylase from immature seedsof Phaseolus vulgahs. Deoxygibberellin C inhibited the promotionof growth by exogenously applied GA20 of rice (Oryza sativaL.) seedlings. Evidence is also presented that DGC is a competitiveinhibitor of the 3ß-hydroxylase from P. vulgaris.However, DGC only weakly inhibited the conversion catalyzedby the 3ß-hydroxylase from Cucurbita maxima at highconcentrations, and it did not inhibit the promotion of growthby exogenously applied GA9 of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings.These results suggest that the 3ß-hydroxylases fromP. vulgaris and C. maxima have different structural requirementswith respect to their substrates. 16-Deoxo-DGC also inhibitedcatalysis of the same conversion by 3ß-hydroxylasefrom P. vulgaris, and it slightly inhibited the conversion catalyzedby the enzyme from C. maxima. Application of 16-deoxo-DGC causedthe promotion of the growth of seedlings of both rice and cucumber. 3 Present address: Genetic Engineering Center, Korea Instituteof Science and Technology, Daejeon 305–606, Korea 4 Present address: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, UtsunomiyaUniversity, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi, 321 Japan (Received September 25, 1990; Accepted December 17, 1990)  相似文献   

The feeding preferences of two molluscan predators, Nucellacrassilabrum and Concholepas concholepas, from southern Chilewere studied by means of laboratory and field experiments. Bothpredators preferred Semimytilus algosus to Perumytilus purpuratus.Small C. concholepas selected mussels less than 5 mm, similarsized N. crassilabrum preferred individuals of 5-10 mm. LargerC. concholepas did not consume mussels above 10 mm whereas largeN. crassilabrum preferred the 15-20 mm size but also took musselsup to 30 mm. Individuals rarely consumed more than one musselin a 7 day period. Both predators consumed the barnacle Chthamalusscabrosus, larger items being taken more frequently than smallerones. Field experiments confirmed laboratory results, but barnacleconsumption was 30% higher in the field. Although considerabledietary overlap is evident between these two predators, thereare clear differences in their selection of prey species andsizes. This might provide a mechanism for reducing competitionwhich may result from changes in prey abundance. (Received 17 July 1990; accepted 28 August 1990)  相似文献   

Lipids were analyzed in thirteen species of brown algae collectedat the seashore near Tokyo, Japan. Diacylglycerylhydroxymethyltrimethyl-ß-alanine(DGTA), a recently identified betaine lipid, was found as amajor lipid component in eight species of brown algae examined,namely, Ishige okamurai, Dictyota dichotoma, Pachydictyon coriaceum,Padina arborescens, Hizikia fusiformis, Sargassum horneri, S.ringgoldianum and S. thunbergii. However, phosphatidylcholine(PC) was not detected in any of these algae except I. okamurai.By contrast, PC was found as a major lipid component in fiveother species, namely, Colpomenia sinuosa, Endarachne binghamiae,Scytosiphon lomentarius, Eisenia bicyclis, Undaria pinnatifida.These algae in turn did not contain detectable amounts of DGTA.The fatty acid composition of four selected species, S. lomentarius,U. pinnatifida, D. dichotoma and H. fusiformis, was also studied.The fatty acid components of DGTA in D. dichotoma and H. fusiformiswere similar to those of PC in U. pinnatifida, the major componentsbeing 16:0, 18:2 and 20:46 (also 16:1 in D. dichotoma). (Received December 14, 1990; Accepted April 10, 1991)  相似文献   

可用于黑刺粉虱快速鉴定的SCAR分子标记技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
刘循  万方浩  张桂芬 《昆虫学报》2009,52(8):895-900
针对粉虱类害虫难以准确快速地进行形态鉴别的问题, 以局部发生的黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance)为对象, 采用特征序列扩增区域 (SCAR) 标记法, 研究其快速分子检测技术。利用SCAR标记技术获得了长度为987 bp的黑刺粉虱特异性片段 (GenBank登录号为FJ613323), 根据此片段的碱基序列设计黑刺粉虱特异性引物1对(AS-F518/AS-R938), 其扩增片段为421 bp。种特异性检验结果显示, 该对引物只对黑刺粉虱的基因组具有扩增能力, 对同域发生的桔绿粉虱 Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead)以及其他种类的粉虱如烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) B型、Q型、ZHJ-1型和ZHJ-2型, 温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)以及螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus disperses (Russell)等的基因组不具有扩增效果。该引物不仅对成虫具有良好的扩增效能, 对卵、2龄若虫和拟蛹等亦具有同样的扩增能力, 其最低检出限为1/1 920头成虫。该技术体系的建立在茶树和柑桔苗木调运的害虫检疫和监测/检测中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Three species in the Littorina saxatilis complex (the ovoviviparousL. saxatilis and the two oviparous species L. arcana and L.nigrolineata) were screened for the products of up to 22 lociusing gel elec-trophoresis. Analysis of allele frequencies andderived genetic distances showed that, with rare exceptionsin L. saxatilis and L. arcana, conspecific populations clusteredtogether. Sympatric pairs of populations showed significantdifferentiation at many polymorphic loci. The results confirmedthe biological reality of the three taxa, and did not suggestthe existence of any previously unrecognized species. The speciesare genetically closely related to each other, with Nei geneticdistances ranging from 0.035 to 0.083. (Received 24 October 1989; accepted 18 April 1990)  相似文献   

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