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Because the cot-2 and inv loci of Neurospora crassa are closely linked, the invertase from the morphological mutant, cot-2, was examined. The cot-2 strains produce an invertase with altered heat sensitivity, Km, and ratio of heavy to light forms. The cellular localization of cot-2 invertase is different from that of the wild type. There were no observable changes in the energy of activation or the pH optimum of cot-2 invertase, and some of the differences detected were not apparent under culture conditions that promoted wild-type growth. Since recombination (about 5 percent) occurred between cot-2 and inv and culture conditions affected the enzyme characteristics, we suggest cot-2 determines, in part, the carbohydrate composition of the enzyme.  相似文献   

A simple method for the isolation of rat liver cells is described. The cells are shown, by an isotope dilution method, to maintain a constant rate of protein synthesis for 8 h of incubation. Antibodies to purified rat liver cytochrome oxidase were raised in rabbits and used to investigate the labeling of cytochrome oxidase in isolated rat liver cells and in vivo. The data demonstrate the occurrence of a precursor of the subunits of cytochrome oxidase that are synthesized in the cytoplasm. 1. Dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis of the immunoprecipitates from isolated rat liver cells that had been labeled with [35S]methionine for 1 h showed a single radioactive peak with a molecular weight of 50000. 2. Judged by the effects of cycloheximide and chloramphenicol the labeled protein is synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes. 3. After labeling for 1 h in vivo with [3H]leucine the labeled protein appears to be exclusively associated with the hepatic microsomal fraction. 4. Ouchterlony double-diffusion analysis demonstrated immunological relationship between the precipitates from microsomes and cytochrome oxidase. In addition to the precipitates derived from mitochondria and microsomes immunoprecipitates were also obtained from the cytosol in comparable amounts; these again were immunologically related. The occurrence of large amounts of precursor(s) (or degradation products) of cytochrome oxidase in rat liver fractions is interpreted in terms of a regulatory pool for amino acid homeostasis in the organism.  相似文献   

1. The cytochrome-alpha alpha 3-deficient mi-3 cytoplasmic mutant of Neurospora crassa synthesizes a mitochondrial translation product which crossreacts with antibodies specific to subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase. The immunoprecipitated polypeptide migrates more slowly during gel electrophoresis than the authentic 41 000-Mr subunit 1 of the wild-type enzyme. An apparent molecular weight of about 45 000 was estimated for the mutant product. 2. Radioactive labelling experiments in vivo show that the crossreacting material found in the mutant is relatively stable and does not form complexes with other subunits of the oxidase. 3. After induction of a functional cytochrome oxidase in the mutant cells with antimycin A, the 45 000-Mr polypeptide is converted to a 41 000-Mr component, which exhibits the same electrophoretic mobility as subunit 1 of the oxidase. Pulse-chase labelling kinetics reveal a typical precursor product relationship. 4. The converted polypeptide becomes assembled with other enzyme subunits to form a protein complex which has the immunological characteristics of cytochrome oxidase. A possible physiological role of the post-translational processing of the mitochondrially synthesized component is discussed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome aa3 and b deficiencies of the [poky] cytoplasmic mutant of Neurospora crassa are partially suppressed by mutant alleles of any one of six nuclear genes, namely sup-1, sup-3, sup-4, sup-5, sup-10 and sup-14. The suppressor-induced increases in the concentration of both cytochromes are detected in the mitochondria from exponentially growing [poky] cultures, and, thus, are clearly distinguishable from the age-dependent changes in the cytochrome system that occur in cultures that approach, or have reached, the stationary phase of growth. The relative amounts of mitochondrial cytochromes aa3 and b show a direct correlation with the relative efficiency of the various sup genes as suppressors of the slow-growth phenotype of [poky]. Since [poky] is defective in mitochondrial protein synthesis due to a lack of 30 S mitochondrial ribosomal subunits, it is proposed that the six suppressors promote the assembly of functional mitochondrial ribosomes.  相似文献   

With a high-resolving dodecyl sulfate electrophoretic system rat liver cytochrome c oxidase was separated into 13 different polypeptides. An antiserum against rat liver holocytochrome c oxidase immunoreacted with all 13 polypeptides, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence after transfer of the separated Coomassie blue-stained bands on nitrocellulose and coupling with FITC-protein A ("western blot"). Polypeptide-specific antisera reacted only with their corresponding polypeptides indicating that the various protein bands are represented by individual polypeptides. From total proteins of rat liver, kidney, heart, spleen and skeletal muscle mitochondria, only the cytochrome c oxidase polypeptides showed immunofluorescence with an antiserum against the rat liver holoenzyme. In contrast to the polypeptide from liver, polypeptide VIa from heart and skeletal muscle showed little or no reactivity, indicating a tissue-specificity of this polypeptide. Mitochondrial proteins from pig, bovine and blackbird heart were incubated with an antiserum against the rat liver holoenzyme. Immunoreaction was found with most cytochrome c oxidase polypeptides but not with polypeptide VIa. This result demonstrates less immunological relationship between tissue-specific polypeptides (VIa, VIIa and VIII) of the same species than between tissue-unspecific polypeptides of different species.  相似文献   

The reaction of Neurospora crassa cytochrome c oxidase with CO was studied by flash-photolysis and rapid-mixing experiments, leading to the determination of the association and dissociation rate constants (7 X 10(4) M-1 X s-1 and 0.02s-1 respectively). Pre-steady-state kinetic investigations of the catalytic properties of the enzyme showed that under proper conditions Neurospora cytochrome c oxidase can be 'pulsed', i.e. activated, like the mammalian enzyme. The 'pulsed' species is spectroscopically different from the 'resting' one, and the decay into the 'resting' state is fast (t1/2 approx. 3 min).  相似文献   

Summary A nuclear gene mutant of Neurospora crassa designated cyb-3 is deficient in cytochrome b and coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase. Nearly normal when grown at 25°C, the strain expresses a mutant phenotype at 38°C. Mitochondria from cybr-3 mycelium, which has undergone 3–4 mass doublings at the elevated temperature, possess 3-fold less cytochrome b, 2-fold more cytochrome, c, 5-fold less coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase activity, and require 3-fold less antimycin A per milligram of protein to inhibit NADH oxidation than do wild type mitochondria. The activity of coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase declines rather slowly in cultures of cyb-3 transferred to 38° C, and the in vitro thermostability of the enzyme is very similar in wild type and mutant mitochondria. Therefore, the mutation may decrease synthesis or impair integration into the membrane of cytochrome b and perhaps other proteins of the enzyme complex.Contribution No. 1294-j, Division of Biology, Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase was purified from Neurospora crassa by ammonium sulfate fractionation in the presence of bile salts. The enzyme preparations contained 10-13 nmol of heme a per mg of protein; no other hemoproteins could be detected. Dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis resolved the enzyme complex into seven major bands, representing seven polypeptide subunits. A procedure is described that allows the isolation of these enzyme subunits on a large scale starting from a single batch of oxidase preparation. It involves dissociation of the enzyme complex by dodecylsulfate and subsequent separation of the obtained polypeptides by chromatography in the presence of various dodecylsulfate concentrations. Purification of subunits 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 was achieved by column chromatography using molecular sieves (Sephadex G-100, Bio Gel P-60) and hydroxylapatite. For the purification of subunits 1 and 2 an electrophoretic separation on a preparative polyacrylamide gel was required. The advantages and disadvantages of the separation procedure of the enzyme polypeptides are discussed. As a special point of interest, the conservation of antigenic determinants of the polypeptide chains during the dodecylsulfate treatment is considered.  相似文献   

Role of heme in the synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase in Neurospora crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of heme in the synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase has been investigated in the mold Neurospora crassa. Iron-deficient cultures of the mold have low levels of cytochrome oxidase and delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the latter being the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway in this organism. Addition of iron to the iron-deficient cultures results in an immediate increase in the levels of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase followed by an increase in the rate of heme synthesis and cytochrome oxidase levels. The rate of precursor labeling of the mitochondrial subunits of cytochrome oxidase is decreased preferentially under conditions of iron deficiency and addition of iron corrects this picture. Exogenous hemin addition which prevents iron-mediated induction of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase also inhibits the increase in the activity of cytochrome oxidase and the enhanced precursor labeling of the mitochondrial subunits of cytochrome oxidase. Protein synthesis on mitoribosomes measured in vivo and in vitro is decreased under conditions of heme deficiency. Hemin addition in vitro to mitochondrial lysates prepared from heme-deficient mycelia restores a near normal rate of protein synthesis. It is concluded that heme is required for the optimal rate of translation on mitoribosomes.  相似文献   

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