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Glycolipid-phospholipid vesicles containing phosphatidate and phosphatidylethanolamine were found to undergo proton-induced fusion upon acidification of the suspending medium from pH 7.4 to pH 6.5 or lower, as determined by an assay for lipid intermixing based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Lectinmediated contact between the vesicles was required for fusion. Incorporation of phosphatidylcholine in the vesicles inhibited proton-induced fusion. Vesicles in which phosphatidate was replaced by phosphatidylserine underwent fusion only when pH was reduced below 4.5, while no significant fusion occured (pH ? 3.5) when the anionic phospholipid was phosphatidylinositol. It is suggested that partial protonation of the polar headgroup of phosphatidate and phosphatidylserine, respectively, causes a sufficient reduction in the polarity and hydration of the vesicle surface to trigger fusion at sites of intermembrane contact.  相似文献   

The relative kinetics of intermixing and release of liposome aqueous contents during Ca2+-induced membrane fusion has been investigated. Fusion was monitored by the Tb-dipicolinic acid (DPA) fluorescence assay. Release was followed by the relief of self-quenching of carboxyfluorescein or by Tb fluorescence, with essentially identical results. Fusion of large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) made of phosphatidylserine (PS) in 100 mM NaCl (pH 7.4) at 25°C was initially non-leaky, whereas the fusion of small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) was accompanied by partial release of contents. After several rounds of fusion, the internal aqueous space of the vesicles collapsed. The rate of intermixing of lipids, measured by a resonance energy transfer assay, and the rate of coalescence of aqueous contents during fusion were similar over a range of Ca2+ concentrations. Most of the aqueous contents were retained after the fusion of SUV (PS) in 5 mM NaCl and 1 mM Ca2+. LUV made of a 1:1 mixture of Bacillus subtilis cardiolipin and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine went through about two rounds of fusion in the presence of Ca2+ at 10°C, with complete retention of contents. Similar results were obtained with vesicles composed of phosphatidate/PS/phosphatidylethanolamine/cholesterol (1:2:3:2) in the presence of Ca2+ and synexin at 25°C. These results emphasize the diversity of the relative kinetics of fusion and release in different phospholipid vesicle systems under various ionic conditions, and indicate that the initial events in the fusion of LUV are in general, non-leaky.  相似文献   

Calcium ion-induced fusion events in suspensions of large unilamellar phosphatidylserine (PS) liposomes were monitored by fluorescence methods. Mixing of vesicle contents was studied by measuring the increase in terbium emission intensity due to formation of a complex between Tb3+ ions and dipicolinic acid trapped in the liposomes. Lipid redistribution was determined with the aid of the resonance transfer of excitaton energy using dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine labelled with the donor N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl) or the acceptor tetramethylrhodamine at the free amino group. The two methods yielded significantly different results. While recombination of contents could not be detected at Ca2+ concentrations below 2.5 mM the threshold concentration for lipid mixing was 1 mM. For saturating Ca2+ concentrations (>5 mM Ca2+) initial rates were higher by almost an order of magnitude for lipid mixing than for recombination of liposome contents. These observations indicate that the observation of rapid lipid mixing phenomena does not allow one to draw conclusions as to the fate of the enclosed volumes.  相似文献   

We have examined the early events in Ca2+-induced fusion of large (0.2 μm diameter) unilamellar cardiolipin/phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine vesicles by quick-freezing freeze-fracture electron microscopy, eliminating the necessity of using glycerol as a cryoprotectant. Freeze-fracture replicas of vesicle suspensions frozen after 1–2 s of stimulation revealed that the majority of vesicles had already undergone membrane fusion, as evidenced by dumbbell-shaped structures and large vesicles. In the absence of glycerol, lipidic particles or the hexagonal HII phase, which have been proposed to be intermediate structures in membrane fusion, were not observed at the sites of fusion. Lipidic particles were evident in less than 5% of the cardiolipin/phosphatidylcholine vesicles after long-term incubation with Ca2+, and the addition of glycerol produced more vesicles displaying the particles. We have also shown that rapid fusion occurred within seconds of Ca2+ addition by the time-course of fluorescence emission produced by the intermixing of aqueous contents of two separate vesicle populations. These studies therefore have produced no evidence that lipidic particles are necessary intermediates for membrane fusion. On the contrary, they indicate that lipidic particles are structures obtained at equilibrium long after fusion has occurred and they become particularly prevalent in the presence of glycerol.  相似文献   

The activity of phospholipase C/sphingomyelinase HR2 (PlcHR2) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was characterized on a variety of substrates. The enzyme was assayed on liposomes (large unilamellar vesicles) composed of PC:SM:Ch:X (1:1:1:1; mol ratio) where X could be PE, PS, PG, or CL. Activity was measured directly as disappearance of substrate after TLC lipid separation. Previous studies had suggested that PlcHR2 was active only on PC or SM. However we found that, of the various phospholipids tested, only PS was not a substrate for PlcHR2. All others were degraded, in an order of preference PC > SM > CL > PE > PG. PlcHR2 activity was sensitive to the overall lipid composition of the bilayer, including non-substrate lipids.  相似文献   

PlcHR2 is the paradigm member of a novel phospholipase C/phosphatase superfamily, with members in a variety of bacterial species. This paper describes the phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase activities of PlcHR2 when the substrate is in the form of large unilamellar vesicles, and the subsequent effects of lipid hydrolysis on vesicle and bilayer stability, including vesicle fusion. PlcHR2 cleaves phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin at equal rates, but is inactive on phospholipids that lack choline head groups. Calcium in the millimolar range does not modify in any significant way the hydrolytic activity of PlcHR2 on choline-containing phospholipids. The catalytic activity of the enzyme induces vesicle fusion, as demonstrated by the concomitant observation of intervesicular total lipid mixing, inner monolayer-lipid mixing, and aqueous contents mixing. No release of vesicular contents is detected under these conditions. The presence of phosphatidylserine in the vesicle composition does not modify significantly PlcHR2-induced liposome aggregation, as long as Ca2+ is present, but completely abolishes fusion, even in the presence of the cation. Each of the various enzyme-induced phenomena have their characteristic latency periods, that increase in the order lipid hydrolysis < vesicle aggregation < total lipid mixing < inner lipid mixing < contents mixing. Concomitant measurements of the threshold diacylglyceride + ceramide concentrations in the bilayer show that late events, e.g. lipid mixing, require a higher concentration of PlcHR2 products than early ones, e.g. aggregation. When the above results are examined in the context of the membrane effects of other phospholipid phosphocholine hydrolases it can be concluded that aggregation is necessary, but not sufficient for membrane fusion to occur, that diacylglycerol is far more fusogenic than ceramide, and that vesicle membrane permeabilization occurs independently from vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion is a protein catalyzed biophysical reaction that involves the simultaneous intermixing of two phospholipid bilayers and of the aqueous compartments bound by their respective bilayers. In the case of enveloped virus fusogens, short hydrophobic or amphipathic fusion peptides that are components of the larger fusion complex are essential for the membrane merger event. The process of cell–cell membrane fusion and syncytium formation induced by the nonenveloped fusogenic orthoreoviruses is driven by the Fusion-Associated Small Transmembrane (FAST) proteins, which are similarly dependent on the action of fusion peptides. In this article, we describe some simple methods for the biophysical characterization of viral membrane fusion peptides. Liposomes serve as an ideal model system for characterizing peptide–membrane interactions because their size, shape and composition can be readily manipulated. We present details of fluorescence assays used to elucidate the kinetics of membrane fusion as well as complimentary assays used to characterize peptide-induced liposome binding and aggregation.  相似文献   

RTA3 is an α-helical, amphipathic peptide with broad-spectrum activity against Gram-negative bacteria and low mammalian cell toxicity. RTA3 contains a cysteine residue, replacement of which with an alanine or serine (RTA3-C15S) virtually abolishes antimicrobial activity. Much of the activity of RTA3 can be recovered in RTA3-C15L, indicating that the C15 residue functions largely as a bulky hydrophobic side chain promoting target cell membrane interactions. The poorly active RTA3-C15S is a useful variant for assessing the mechanistic aspects of RTA3 activity. Binding and membrane perturbation in vesicles containing different proportions of negative surface charge are analyzed in terms of amino acid-specific free energy contributions to interfacial binding, which likely underlie variations in antimicrobial activity amongst RTA3 variants. Comparison with published free energy scales indicates that the reduced electrostatic contribution to binding to membranes having reduced negative surface charge can be compensated in RTA3 (but not RTA3-C15S) by a slightly deeper insertion of the C-terminus of the peptide to maximize hydrophobic contributions to binding. Analysis of inner membrane (IM)- and outer membrane (OM)-selective permeabilization of Escherichiacoli demonstrates a broad similarity between peptide effects on vesicles with low negative surface charge (20% negatively charged lipids), E.coli membrane perturbation, and antimicrobial activity, supporting a role for membrane perturbation in the killing mechanism of RTA3. The results demonstrate that large variations in antimicrobial activity on subtle changes in amino acid sequence in helical amphipathic peptides can be rationalized in terms of the thermodynamics of peptide binding to membranes, allowing a more systematic understanding of antimicrobial activity in these peptides.  相似文献   

Atif SM  Hasan I  Ahmad N  Khan U  Owais M 《FEBS letters》2006,580(9):2183-2190
The membrane-membrane fusion during fertilization of oocyte by spermatozoa is believed to be mainly mediated by so called "fusion proteins". In the present study we have tried to demonstrate that beside the proteins, lipid components of membrane may play an important role in fusion of oocyte with spermatozoa. Conventional membrane-membrane fusion assays were used as means to demonstrate fusogenic potential of human sperm membrane lipids. The liposomes (spermatosomes) made of the lipids isolated from sperm membrane were found to undergo strong membrane-membrane fusion as evident from fluorescence dequenching and resonance energy transfer assays. Furthermore, the fusion of these liposomes with living cells (J774 A.1 macrophage cell line) was demonstrated to result in an effective transfer of a water-soluble fluorescent probe (calcein) to cytosol of the target cell. Lastly, the liposomes were demonstrated to behave like efficient vehicles for the in vivo cytosolic delivery of the antigens to target cells resulting in elicitation of antigen specific CD8(+) T cell responses.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that undergo frequent fusion and fission. The large GTPase optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) is identified as a core component of inner membrane (IM) fusion. OPA1 exists as the membrane-anchored L-OPA1 and the proteolytically cleavage soluble S-OPA1. Recently, we showed that OPA1 and mitochondria-localized lipid cardiolipin (CL) cooperate in heterotypic IM fusion [Ban et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 19 (2017) 856–863]. We reconstituted an in vitro membrane fusion reaction using purified human L-OPA1 and S-OPA1 expressed in silkworm and found that L-OPA1 on one side of the membrane and CL on the other side were sufficient for mitochondrial fusion. L-OPA1 is the major fusion-prone factor in heterotypic fusion. However, the role of S-OPA1 remains unknown as S-OPA1 promoted L-OPA1-dependent heterotypic membrane fusion and homotypic CL-containing membrane fusion, but S-OPA1 alone was not sufficient for heterotypic membrane fusion. L-OPA1- and CL-mediated heterotypic mitochondrial fusion was confirmed in living cells, but tafazzin (Taz1), the causal gene product of Barth syndrome, was not essential for mitochondrial fusion. Taz1-dependent CL maturation might have other roles in the remodeling of mitochondrial DNA nucleoids.  相似文献   

Lipopeptides derived from protein kinase C (PKC) pseudosubstrates have the ability to cross the plasma membrane in cells and modulate the activity of PKC in the cytoplasm. Myristoylation or palmitoylation appears to promote translocation across membranes, as the non-acylated peptides are membrane impermeant. We have investigated, by fluorescence spectroscopy, how myristoylation modulates the interaction of the PKC pseudosubstrate peptide KSIYRRGARRWRKL with lipid vesicles and translocation across the lipid bilayer. Our results indicate that myristoylated peptides are intimately associated with lipid vesicles and are not peripherally bound. When visualized under a microscope, myristoylation does appear to facilitate translocation across the lipid bilayer in multilamellar lipid vesicles. Translocation does not involve large-scale destabilization of the bilayer structure. Myristoylation promotes translocation into the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer even when the non-acylated peptide has only weak affinity for membranes and is also only peripherally associated with lipid vesicles.  相似文献   

The C2 domain is a targeting domain that responds to intracellular Ca2+ signals in classical protein kinases (PKCs) and mediates the translocation of its host protein to membranes. Recent studies have revealed a new motif in the C2 domain, named the lysine-rich cluster, that interacts with acidic phospholipids. The purpose of this work was to characterize the molecular mechanism by which PtdIns(4,5)P2 specifically interacts with this motif. Using a combination of isothermal titration calorimetry, fluorescence resonance energy transfer and time-lapse confocal microscopy, we show here that Ca2+ specifically binds to the Ca2+-binding region, facilitating PtdIns(4,5)P2 access to the lysine-rich cluster. The magnitude of PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding is greater than in the case of other polyphosphate phosphatidylinositols. Very importantly, the residues involved in PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding are essential for the plasma membrane localization of PKCα when RBL-2H3 cells are stimulated through their IgE receptors. Additionally, CFP-PH and CFP-C1 domains were used as bioprobes to demonstrate the co-existence of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and diacylglycerol in the plasma membrane, and it was shown that although a fraction of PtdIns(4,5)P2 is hydrolyzed to generate diacylglycerol and IP3, an important amount still remains in the membrane where it is available to activate PKCα. These findings entail revision of the currently accepted model of PKCα recruitment to the membrane and its activation.  相似文献   

The mutual interactions between lipids in bilayers are reviewed, including mixtures of phospholipids, and mixtures of phospholipids and cholesterol (Chol). Binary mixtures and ternary mixtures are considered, with special emphasis on membranes containing Chol, an ordered phospholipid, and a disordered phospholipid. Typically the ordered phospholipid is a sphingomyelin (SM) or a long-chain saturated phosphatidylcholine (PC), both of which have high phase transitions temperatures; the disordered phospholipid is 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) or dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC). The unlike nearest-neighbor interaction free energies (ωAB) between lipids (including Chol), obtained by an variety of unrelated methods, are typically in the range of 0-400 cal/mol in absolute value. Most are positive, meaning that the interaction is unfavorable, but some are negative, meaning it is favorable. It is of special interest that favorable interactions occur mainly between ordered phospholipids and Chol. The interpretation of domain formation in complex mixtures of Chol and phospholipids in terms of phase separation or condensed complexes is discussed in the light of the values of lipid mutual interactions.  相似文献   

We use fluorescence microscopy to directly observe liquid phases in giant unilamellar vesicles. We find that a long list of ternary mixtures of high melting temperature (saturated) lipids, low melting temperature (usually unsaturated) lipids, and cholesterol produce liquid domains. For one model mixture in particular, DPPC/DOPC/Chol, we have mapped phase boundaries for the full ternary system. For this mixture we observe two coexisting liquid phases over a wide range of lipid composition and temperature, with one phase rich in the unsaturated lipid and the other rich in the saturated lipid and cholesterol. We find a simple relationship between chain melting temperature and miscibility transition temperature that holds for both phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin lipids. We experimentally cross miscibility boundaries both by changing temperature and by the depletion of cholesterol with beta-cyclodextrin. Liquid domains in vesicles exhibit interesting behavior: they collide and coalesce, can finger into stripes, and can bulge out of the vesicle. To date, we have not observed macroscopic separation of liquid phases in only binary lipid mixtures.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that two synthetic antimicrobial peptides with alternating α- and β-amino acid residues, designated simply as α/β-peptide I and α/β-peptide II, had toxicity toward bacteria and affected the morphology of bacterial membranes in a manner that correlated with their effects on liposomes with lipid composition similar to those of the bacteria. In the present study we account for the weak effects of α/β-peptide I on liposomes or bacteria whose membranes are enriched in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and why such membranes are particularly susceptible to damage by α/β-peptide II. The α/β-peptide II has marked effects on unilamellar vesicles enriched in PE causing vesicle aggregation and loss of their internal aqueous contents. The molecular basis of these effects is the ability of α/β-peptide II to induce phase segregation of anionic and zwitterionic lipids as shown by fluorescence and differential scanning calorimetry. This phase separation could result in the formation of defects through which polar materials could pass across the membrane as well as form a PE-rich membrane domain that would not be a stable bilayer. α/β-Peptide II is more effective in this regard because, unlike α/β-peptide I, it has a string of two or three adjacent cationic residues that can interact with anionic lipids. Although α/β-peptide I can destroy membrane barriers by converting lamellar to non-lamellar structures, it does so only weakly with unilamellar vesicles or with bacteria because it is not as efficient in the aggregation of these membranes leading to the bilayer-bilayer contacts required for this phase conversion. This study provides further understanding of why α/β-peptide II is more toxic to micro-organisms with a high PE content in their membrane as well as for the lack of toxicity of α/β-peptide I with these cells, emphasizing the potential importance of the lipid composition of the cell surface in determining selective toxicity of anti-microbial agents.  相似文献   

Sterol structure influences liquid ordered domains in membranes, and the dependence of biological functions on sterol structure can help identify processes dependent on ordered domains. In this study we compared the effect of sterol structure on ordered domain formation in symmetric vesicles composed of mixtures of sphingomyelin, 1, 2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) and cholesterol, and in asymmetric vesicles in which sphingomyelin was introduced into the outer leaflet of vesicles composed of DOPC and cholesterol. In most cases, sterol behavior was similar in symmetric and asymmetric vesicles, with ordered domains most strongly stabilized by 7-dehydrocholesterol (7DHC) and cholesterol, stabilized to a moderate degree by lanosterol, epicholesterol and desmosterol, and very little if at all by 4-cholesten-3-one. However, in asymmetric vesicles desmosterol stabilized ordered domain almost as well as cholesterol, and to a much greater degree than epicholesterol, so that the ability to support ordered domains decreased in the order 7-DHC > cholesterol > desmosterol > lanosterol > epicholesterol > 4-cholesten-3-one. This contrasts with values for intermediate stabilizing sterols in symmetric vesicles in which the ranking was cholesterol > lanosterol ~ desmosterol ~ epicholesterol or prior studies in which the ranking was cholesterol ~ epicholesterol > lanosterol ~ desmosterol. The reasons for these differences are discussed. Based on these results, we re-evaluated our prior studies in cells and conclude that endocytosis levels and bacterial uptake are even more closely correlated with the ability of sterols to form ordered domains than previously thought, and do not necessarily require that a sterol have a 3β-OH group.  相似文献   

Sterols impart significant changes to the biophysical properties of lipid bilayers. In this regard the impact of cholesterol on membrane organization and dynamics is particularly well documented and serves for comparison with other sterols. However, the factors underlying the molecular evolution of cholesterol remain enigmatic. To this end, cholesterol attenuates membrane perturbation by the so-called antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), produced ubiquitously by eukaryotic cells to combat bacterial infections by compromising the permeability barrier function of the microbial target membranes. In the present study, we addressed the effects of cholesterol, ergosterol, and lanosterol on the membrane association of two structurally and functionally diverse AMPs viz. LL-37(F27W) and temporin L (TemL) using fluorescence spectroscopy. Interestingly, sterol concentration dependent effects on the membrane association of these peptides were observed. At XSterol = 0.5 cholesterol was most effective in reducing the membrane intercalation of both LL-37(F27W) and TemL, the corresponding efficiencies of the three sterols decreasing as cholesterol > lanosterol ≥ ergosterol, and cholesterol > lanosterol > ergosterol. It is conceivable that part of the selection pressure for the chemical evolution of cholesterol may have derived from the ability to protect the AMP-secreting host cell from the membrane damaging action of the antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

We have identified a membrane-active region in the HCV NS5A protein by performing an exhaustive study of membrane rupture induced by a NS5A-derived peptide library on model membranes having different phospholipid compositions. We report the identification in NS5A of a highly membranotropic region located at the suggested membrane association domain of the protein. We report the binding and interaction with model membranes of two peptides patterned after this segment, peptides 1A and 1B, derived from the strains 1a_H77 and 1b_HC-4J respectively. We show that they insert into phospholipid membranes, interact with them, and are located in a shallow position in the membrane. The NS5A region where this segment resides might have an essential role in the membrane replication and/or assembly of the viral particle through the modulation of the replication complex, and consequently, directly implicated in the HCV life cycle.  相似文献   

Pursuing the molecular mechanisms of the concentration dependent cytotoxic and hemolytic effects of the human antimicrobial peptide LL-37 on cells, we investigated the interactions of this peptide with lipids using different model membranes, together with fluorescence spectroscopy for the Trp-containing mutant LL-37(F27W). Minimum concentrations inhibiting bacterial growth and lipid interactions assessed by dynamic light scattering and monolayer penetration revealed the mutant to retain the characteristics of native LL-37. Although both LL-37 and the mutant intercalated effectively into zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine membranes the presence of acidic phospholipids caused augmented membrane binding. Interestingly, strongly attenuated intercalation of LL-37 into membranes containing both cholesterol and sphingomyelin (both at X = 0.3) was observed. Accordingly, the distinction between target and host cells by LL-37 is likely to derive from i) acidic phospholipids causing enhanced association with the former cells as well as ii) from attenuated interactions with the outer surface of the plasma membrane of the peptide secreting host, imposed by its high content of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. Our results further suggest that LL-37 may exert its antimicrobial effects by compromising the membrane barrier properties of the target microbes by a mechanism involving cytotoxic oligomers, similarly to other peptides forming amyloid-like fibers in the presence of acidic phospholipids.  相似文献   

While a significant fraction of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is membrane associated in lysosomes, mitochondria, and the outer surface of cancer cells, the mechanisms of interaction have remained elusive, with no conclusive demonstration of a protein receptor. Hsp70 contains two Trps, W90 and W580, in its N-terminal nucleotide binding domain (NBD), and the C-terminal substrate binding domain (SBD), respectively. Our fluorescence spectroscopy study using Hsp70 and its W90F and W580F mutants, and Hsp70-?SBD and Hsp70-?NBD constructs, revealed that binding to liposomes depends on their lipid composition and involves both NBD and SBD.  相似文献   

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